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Player ID: [ Vandrin ]

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Username [ Vandrin ] 
Real name [ Tetsuya, Shoji ] 
Ethnicity [ Hāfu (Caucasian/Japanese) ]
City [ Yokohama, Japan ]
Age [ 20 > 22 ]
Gender [ M ] 
Height [ 5'10" ]

The Rotten Apple in The Orchard 
Shoji Tetsuya was one of four kids born to Kaneshiro Tetsuya and Ginny Philbin, a Japanese man and an American woman respectively, who were all born and raised in Yokohama, Japan. His first sister, Erika, the most successful of them all, and probably his least favorite of his siblings. Being the first born, she was spoiled.. even after moving out, so she always believed she was perfect. At least, thats how Shoji felt about her, when in reality she would always do what she could for her parents and younger siblings.. he just didn't see that. His second sister, Ami, who was only two years older than Shoji, was a bit more bearable to him Focused a lot in school on her degree, but really struggled to land the perfect job she wanted. Was always quiet, but made sure to take care of her younger brother. Shoji loathed being babied though, or that's what he saw "care" as. After Shoji, his parents had another boy, four years younger than him named Luke, who they named after his Mother's father who had passed away earlier that year.  Even though some of Shoji's thoughts about his sisters was a bit much and made up in his mind, one thing he was sure of was the bit of neglect his parents showed him and his younger brother. His two older sisters were perfect in their parents eyes; smart, beautiful, could do nothing wrong. Shoji longed for that love and attention his sisters received, so he turned to causing problems to get some sort of attention from them. Shoji cared for Luke, however, and gave him all the attention he needed. Growing up, Luke continued to see Shoji as a role model, and the two became the best of friends. 

School Days Image result for shiro voltron young
Just like his sisters before him, Shoji went to the same elementary, middle, and high schools in Yokohama. As a kid, he never was a fan of school or learning... in fact, this carried with him into his middle and high school years as well. He would always tell his friends that, as soon as he was old enough, he would drop out.. Drop out to do what, he didn't know, but he knew that school was not fo him and he would figure it out after that. Despite, Shoji's grades were still pretty average, and he always made sure to do whatever work he needed to do to pass. The bad attitude that Shoji had carried into high school, and got him into plenty of fights. However, the one that that kept Shoji from completely dropping out were his sports. Shoji became quite the athlete in high school, baseball being his go to.  With the agreement that Shoji would need to keep out of trouble and keep his grades average to be able to stay on the team, he dropped the childish dream of dropping out of school at 18. His years as an athlete gained him quite the popularity with his fellow classmates, replacing the love he longed from his parents with the respect he got from his peers.

Troubled Waters
Life for Shoji took a turn for the worse in his final year of high school when his younger brother became very sick. What seemed like something curable at first slowly became a fatal disease, and before the year was up, Shoji's little brother, and first best friend, had passed away. The loss of Luke sent Shoji into a downwards spiral, dropping out of high school, losing the baseball scholarship he had earned, and cutting off most ties with his family. The mere 17 year old did not know how to deal with life with the loss of one of the only people who looked up to him. By the age of 18, Shoji's life had gotten even worse. Turning to a life of petty crime on the streets, experimenting with drugs and alcohol, and rolling with the wrong people. Just one wrong turn and Shoji felt he was locked into a life that he would never escape. That 'escape' came to him in a way he was not expecting or wanting; 2 years in prison. Shoji took the time during his sentence to grieve his brother's death, and to truly think about the man he had turned into. He was disappointed in himself, that he let the years of neglect from his parents and death of his brother cause him to go into such a downward spiral. 2 years later, when Shoji was finally released, he truly came out a changed man.

A New Shoji
Just as expected upon his release from prison, Shoji's parents wanted nothing to do with him. They felt he had done the family wrong in the wake of their son's death, and became a disgrace to their name. With nowhere else to go, and expecting the same denial, Shoiji went to his sisters for help. To his surprise, his sisters were a bit more understanding of his dilemma, disappointed of course, but accepted him back into their lives to help get him back on his feet. From that day forward, Shoji vowed to right the wrong he caused. He finished high school and began his university years, and tried relentlessly to fix his relationship with his family. He also went to therapy and tried to find other outlets to keep his mind busy. One of these outlets was in the form of video games. 

A Horrible Way to End a Perfect Birthday
For the next year, Shoji continued to room with his oldest sister while he went to the university. He ended up finding a part time job to help pay for his classes, give his sister some money for lodging, and a little bit extra here and there to add to his video game collection. Shoji also continued to casually play baseball in his spare time to help keep in shape and keep busy. On November 6th, 2022, Shoji's 20nd birthday, his sisters surprised him with a new video game and the hardware to play it. The game was called, Sword Art Online, and was the first that used full-dive technology, which would allow the player to become completely submersed in the game. After a night of celebration with his sisters, Shoji decided to boot up the game, taking on the persona of Vandrin. With this new life he could live in Aincrad, he hoped he could truly put his past self behind him and put his best foot forward and show this world, and eventually the real world, the new Shoji. Little did Shoji know that he would now be spending the next two years trapped in the virtual world of Sword Art Online. 


BtlFace_47.thumb.jpg.dd70082392ee1dfe72f4a4946f5dea2e.jpgCharismatic ... Both in his old life and new, Vandrinhas always been known to have a way with words. The old Vandrin has talked his way out of plenty of situation that would normally land him in a lot of trouble, as well as also trying to be one of the more popular ones in his group of friends. Even after his life hit rock bottom, Vandrin believed his charisma was one of his top features. 

Thankful ... Vandrin was given a second chance at life, and he is truly thankful of that. Also, because of his sisters' kindness in light of his own horrible mistakes, with hardly any questions asked.  His thankfulness has spread to all aspects of his life, believing he should be more thankful for things, and never take anything for granted. Especially towards anyone who shows any amount of care towards Vandrin. 

Respectful .... Going hand in hand with how thankful he had become, Vandrin has grown to show more respect to those around him. Even his parents, who refused to let back into their lives,  still receive respect from him as the ones who brought him into this world. However, given his checkered past, Vandrin never asks for the same amount of respect in return, but is very thankful and loyal to those who do.


Insecure ... Vandrin is very insecure about the man he once was. He will avoid speaking about his past in conversation and, if backed into a corner about it, will most likely lie about his upbringing. Under the hard shell that Vandrin put up over the years is just a man wanting to be accepted and loved. 

Afraid of Failing ... After spending years on the wrong side of life, Vandrin finally feels as though he has taken a step in the right direction. However, every morning for him brings a certain dread that he will fail himself and his family and fall back into the dark place he had pulled himself from. Where sometimes this keeps him moving forward in the right direction, it also causes Vandrin to avoid situations that he feels may trigger that old sense of him. 

Denial ... Vandrin feels that this new life in Aincrad can be his true escape from the Vandrin he once was, and truly take on the persona of Vandrin. Being in a completely new world with new faces, Vandrin feels he can erase his own past and live life the way he should have from the start. Vandrin refuses to reveal his true name, hoping that living as Vandrin could be a restart to life. He refuses to believe the notion that being in denial of his past could be rough on his mental health. 






Edited by Vandrin
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Skill Points: 2/12443167818_Vandrin.thumb.png.294e11b656f2ead9a49180a32b46b629.png





Weapon skills:
» 2H Assault Spear (5 SP)
   [x] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

Armor skills:
» Heavy Armor (5 SP)
   [x] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

Col: [ 3360 ]

»T1: [ 18 ]
»T2: [ 0 ]
»T3: [ 0 ]

» Little Slugger [ 2H Assault Spear]


Item Type:  2H Assault Spear
Tier: 1
Quality: Rare
Enhancements: [DMG][DMG]
"DPS Package"

» Starter Armor (Vanity)
» Basic Healing Potions (40 HP) x 4
» Starter Healing Potions (50 HP) x 3

» Uncommon Healing Potions (40 HP) x 5
» Damage Potion (+1 DMG) x 1
» Over Health Potion (+50 Temp HP) x 1

Edited by Vandrin
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