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[F01 Event - OP] The Best Kind of Halloween Party

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Yukiro: HP 80 | EN 8 | DMG 5 | EVA 3 | MIT 18 | REG 1

Yukiro wanted to simply rush in and start to hack away at the zombies, but he had to be cautious. He wasn't sure how powerful they might be. It would be best to single out one and test it so I can start to decide how to fight this...
Some of the zombies were wearing bits of armor. Maybe he'd want a boost of sorts... Yukiro headed to the concession stand and ordered a Funnel cake (flinching a bit at the cost). According to the food stand's chart, this should allow him to cleave through their armor better. 
-1000 col
Yukiro ate the funnel cake as quickly as he could, wanting to jump into the fray. The somewhat simple combat others were using involved using a sword skill then avoiding damage to prepare for another.A hit and run tactic, of sorts. It seemed effective.
Yukiro. He.slowly and carefully moved to a place where not much could get to way. A zombie began targeting him, stumbling only slightly faster than he though it would on it's path towards him.
"So it begins."

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Zombie | HP: 50 | MIT: 10 | DMG: 15 on a hit, 20 on a 9 or 10.
SPECIAL: If the Zombie would be killed by a weapon or defensive ability, and the LD is equal to or higher than 15, the Zombie is instead reduced to 1HP. This ability is ignored if the attack that reduced it 0 was a critical hit or the weapon/armor used has the holy or holy blessing enhancement.
ID# 125800
BD: 3 (2+1) MD: 1 (2-3)
Yukiro: HP 80/80 | EN 6/8 (-2)
Zombie: HP 50/50 

Yukiro carefully watched the zombie as it slowly shambled towards him. He wasn't sure how strong to assume it was, but considering it was some sort of event creature, it was safe to say it would be stronger than anything he'd faced thus far. Mostly because he hadn't yet fought anything that powerful yet. Mostly boars.
He cautiously approached the corpse, making sure to glance around to make sure nothing was going to jump out at him. Finally getting tired of waiting, he leaned forward and activated his sword art, making a wide, sweeping swing at it as he lunged towards it. The zombie teetered away from the swipe, causing the attack to miss it just barely. Seemingly in response to the attack, it swung its arm in a wide arc at Yukiro. Was it trying to attack him? If so, it's attempt was a little sad. But I can't be sure. It may surprise me yet. Don't get cocky.

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Zombie | HP: 50 | MIT: 10 | DMG: 15 on a hit, 20 on a 9 or 10.
SPECIAL: If the Zombie would be killed by a weapon or defensive ability, and the LD is equal to or higher than 15, the Zombie is instead reduced to 1HP. This ability is ignored if the attack that reduced it 0 was a critical hit or the weapon/armor used has the holy or holy blessing enhancement.
ID# 125802
BD: 8 (+1) MD: 1 (2-3)
Yukiro: HP 80/80 | EN 6/8 (-1) 
Zombie: HP 49/50 (-1)

Yukiro eyed the rotting corpse, simultaneously pondering how to fight the more unpredictable enemy and thinking about the other important details. 
This thing smells bad. Its reach isn't very far. Why is it missing half it's face? Right, rotting corpse. Will it take much damage? It should, right?
Yup. Important details. Nothing he can simply pass off as pointless information.
He had been dodging and weaving away from the zombie. Its attacks didn't seem like a massive deal. Yukiro was less sure about its defenses. He could recall the popular culture zombies; they seemed resistant to any form of death and worse, they were almost unkillable by means of hacking them apart. 
Taking a large, heavy swing at the zombie, Yukiro struck true, his sword cutting through the undead's fleshy midsection. Glancing at his foe's HP bar, he was surprised to see it had gone down.
Only by the tiniest amount. It barely took any damage at all. 
This was going to take a while.

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Zombie | HP: 50 | MIT: 10 | DMG: 15 on a hit, 20 on a 9 or 10.
SPECIAL: If the Zombie would be killed by a weapon or defensive ability, and the LD is equal to or higher than 15, the Zombie is instead reduced to 1HP. This ability is ignored if the attack that reduced it 0 was a critical hit or the weapon/armor used has the holy or holy blessing enhancement.
ID# 125892 
BD: 10 (10 + 1) MD: 1 (2-3)
Yukiro: HP 80/80 | EN 6/8 (-1)
Zombie: HP 48/50 (-1)

Was this really all he was fighting? Yukiro easily backed away from the zombie as it attacked. He was almost disappointed by the ease with which he could face this opponent. Wasn't this supposed to be an event? Was it supposed to be harder than this? Was there a boss that was yet to come? He couldn't decide. He stepped towards the zombie and cut it through the neck. Still barely any damage. It was difficult to keep himself in check enough to control his attacking. As far as he was concerned this was going to be an overly easy event, combat wise. But the slowness in actually killing the zombies was going to get to him, make him slip up, make some mistakes. He could feel it. Perhaps he could use that sword he'd made before...? Would that help? Probably. It's bleed would make it's overall damage higher than his Cross of Regret. No choice. He'd switch weapons.

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Zombie | HP: 50 | MIT: 10 | DMG: 15 on a hit, 20 on a 9 or 10.
SPECIAL: If the Zombie would be killed by a weapon or defensive ability, and the LD is equal to or higher than 15, the Zombie is instead reduced to 1HP. This ability is ignored if the attack that reduced it 0 was a critical hit or the weapon/armor used has the holy or holy blessing enhancement.
 ID# 125917
LD: 7 MD: 2 (5-3)
Yukiro: HP 80/80 | EN 7/8 (+1)
Zombie: HP 48/50 

Yukiro didn't like to admit defeat. It made him feel weak. But being weak was better than being unable to actually kill anything. He knew he would have to retreat to get the weapon from his shop. As much as he hated doing it, it may have been his only chance at success. He hopped backward, away from the zombie and turned to run out of the circus tent. The zombie, however, had other plans. It made a stumbling lunge at Yukiro, who only barely managed to react in time; twisting away and evading the attack. The zombie began to stumble towards him again. Clearly this wasn't going to be easy. 
"Stupid undead," Yukiro muttered, "I'll get back to you later. Be patient." 
He made a few more attempts to get past the zombie but continued to fail. It was just barely fast enough to impede his movement. It was getting on his nerves. Yukiro decided that he was going to have to either draw it to where it couldn't block his escape or fight till it was dead. He'd rather leave and return with a better weapon, but he would fight if he had to.

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ID# 125997 | LD: 10 MD: 1 (1-3)
Yukiro: HP 80/80 | EN 8/8 (+1)
Zombie: HP 48/50 

Yukiro slowly lead the zombie to one side of the corner. By doing this, he was finally managing to create an opening through which he could get past the zombie. The undead made a lunge (more of a lurch) towards Yukiro. He raised his sword to a horizontal position and turned the flat of his blade to the zombie's hands, letting them skirt along the side of the blade. In that motion Yukiro lightly stepped around the zombie and to the other side of it, moving to a position where he now blocked the zombie's path out of the corner. He wasn't quite out of the woods yet though. He was still targeted by the undead. If he turned to run, he might be targeted for a special attack. Perhaps he should take his time in getting away from the zombie. Though perhaps the chance might not come again. Maybe he should take it. 

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ID# 126055 | CD: 19 (18+1)
Successfully ran away

Yukiro decided to bet on the fact that the zombie wouldn't have an attack that would chase him down. He backed away from the mob a little faster than it followed him, not as a means of escape but as a way to observe the enemy just a little while longer. The zombie showed no signs of doing anything out of the ordinary. Not wasting any more time, Yukiro turned and dashed away from the zombie and out of the circus tent. He tore down the main road. He couldn't waste any time-- the event wasn't going to last forever. He ran until he came across a familiar alleyway. He turned and ran all the way to the end of the narrow path. At the end he found a door with hanging sign that read 'Lucky Armament'; his shop. Going in as quickly as he could, he grabbed one of the swords he had sill not put up for sale and added it to his inventory. He turned and left the shop, planning on equipping it once he got where he was going. 
Back to it.

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