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[F01|R10 Artisan] The Evening Star | Open.

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... Humming, Vince finds himself in front of an interesting shop after wandering the town a bit. Looking up and down the street, he makes a mental note of the location. Huh. Strange choice in location. Regardless of how he felt - he has no right to judge other's choices - Vince pushed open the door as the bells greeted him. Much like the exterior, the interior itself was quite pleasant on the eyes. Almost homely, one might say~! 

This will most likely be my go-to. Good business is conducted in a good location, I would know that better than anyone else~

Giving a lackadaisical wave towards the apparent shop keep, Vince would begin to browse her wares. More importantly, anything to appease the gods of RNG because apparently they seemed to be quite angry with him during his first quest. Nope. Nope. Nope. Oh! Interesting! Nope. Nope. Nope- there it is!

If it wasn't for the fact he was locked in a death game with so many people, he'd be more appreciative of the fact that there are ways to mechanically influence one's luck with drops. Nonetheless, as a gambler, he is still appreciative of the fact. Strange star necklace acquired~ Boop. Boop. Purchase! It was nice knowing you money!

He watches a copy of the necklace disappear into his inventory, and his money draining in response. Welp. My job is done here. The gambler turns towards the exit and saunters on out with a single line.

"Have a good day!"




500 Col


[T1E3] Wayfinder (1)
> Craft IDs: #145248
"TRINKET: A star-shaped charm made up of various translucent teal-coloured petals, framed with silver and held together with taut strings. At its center is a stylized metal heart, and at one of the petals' ends is a loop tied with a knot, so that the charm is capable of being hung or locked around another object. The item calls back to a foreign myth, representing an unbreakable connection between holders of these charms."
-- [ Loot Die III | +3 LD. ]


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Wayfinders sure are selling out like crazy...


Athena's Lens: +1 CD
Ambition: +1 XP/Craft

Hard Working: +2 XP/craft, +1 crafting attempt/day.

ID: 148271 | CD: 4 (3+1) | LD: 11 | Salvage (Success)
ID: 148269 | CD: 11 (10+1) | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 148268 | CD: 4 (3+1) | LD: 4 | Salvage (Fail)
ID: 148267 | CD: 9 (8+1) | Success! (Rare)
ID: 148266 | CD: 11 (10+1) | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 148265 | CD: 1 | Fail
ID: 148264 | CD: 11 (10+1) | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 148263 | CD: 9 (8+1) | Success! (Rare)
ID: 148262 | CD: 11 (10+1) | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 148261 | CD: 7 (6+1) | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 148260 | CD: 1 | Fail

Result: +84XP (51, +11+22), -10 Tier 1 Materials, Uncommon Crafted Trinket (1), Rare Crafted Trinket (2), Perfect Crafted Trinket (4)

!!! Disclaimer: Discarding Roll ID #1248270. Reason: Unstated purpose.

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Shop shop shop," Xin muttered under her breath as she strolled down the street of a shaded street, the sole showering of sunlight falling on the doorstep of The Evening Star. "Shop?" She walked up to the door, examining the exterior thoroughly. Xin pumped her fist triumphantly. "Shop! Alright, found another one!" She pushed through the door and was greeted by the jingling of bells. Aside from that, the interior of the store was tame.

"Hello~," Xin said aloud. She crept about amid the shelves, looking at the items that were on display. She eventually found what she'd been looking for. "I'll take one of these, oh and actually that too. Thank you very much!"



500 col (Edit: +500 col)


[T1E3] Wayfinder (1)
> Craft ID: #148262
"TRINKET: A star-shaped charm made up of various translucent teal-coloured petals, framed with silver and held together with taut strings. At its center is a stylized metal heart, and at one of the petals' ends is a loop tied with a knot, so that the charm is capable of being hung or locked around another object. The item calls back to a foreign myth, representing an unbreakable connection between holders of these charms."
-- [ Loot Die III | +3 LD. ]


[T1E3] Gold Rings 
> Craft ID: #144329
"TRINKET: A set of donut-shaped rings, too thick to be worn on someone's fingers. They're golden and shiny, but plain. Fits well into one's pocket. Try not to drop them."
-- [ Evasion III | +3 EVA. ]


Edited by Xin
Purchased additional item
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...? And when was I so low on Gold Rings...?


Athena's Lens: +1 CD
Ambition: +1 XP/Craft

Hard Working: +2 XP/craft, +1 crafting attempt/day.

ID: 150584 | CD: 12 (11+1) | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 150583 | CD: 10 (9+1) | Success! (Rare)
ID: 150582 | CD: 10 (9+1) | Success! (Rare)
ID: 150581 | CD: 12 (11+1) | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 150580 | CD: 3 (2+1) | LD: 2 | Salvage (Fail)
ID: 150579 | CD: 8 (7+1) | Success! (Rare)
ID: 150578 | CD: 1 | Fail
ID: 150577 | CD: 10 (9+1) | Success! (Rare)
ID: 150576 | CD: 6 (5+1) | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 150575 | CD: 10 (9+1) | Success! (Rare)
ID: 150574 | CD: 9 (8+1) | Success! (Rare)

Result: +85XP (52, +11+22), -11 Tier 1 Materials, Uncommon Crafted Trinket (1), Rare Crafted Trinket (6), Perfect Crafted Trinket (2)

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... Mason just rubs his eyes, having recently woke up from his nap at a tree. He distinctly remembered planning to do that one cooking quest, so he figured he might as well look for a shop to improve his odds at gathering. I'll probably find a shop while wandering, it'll be fine...


Honestly, it really did look like some hobo came walking into The Evening Star. The messy hair. Dirty outfit. Hell, even the leaf that's still stuck in his hair is a pretty good sign of what this idiot is like. Nonetheless, the not-a-hobo yawns as he begins to browse the shop's wares. Neat little place, honestly, but he's way too tired to actually appreciate it... Then he ends up at the wayfinder. And he stares at it. Mmm... What was I here for again? The pop up shows the effects of the item. Right. He just scratches the side of his head as he presses that button, then the other button, then the button that says "Yes, I would love to trade my money away." 

Neat. Now he has a Wayfinder thingy. Mason yawns again as he leaves the shop behind, giving a little two finger wave to the shopkeeper. Now to pass out at a tree again...



500 Col


[T1E3] Wayfinder (1)
> Craft ID: #148264
"TRINKET: A star-shaped charm made up of various translucent teal-coloured petals, framed with silver and held together with taut strings. At its center is a stylized metal heart, and at one of the petals' ends is a loop tied with a knot, so that the charm is capable of being hung or locked around another object. The item calls back to a foreign myth, representing an unbreakable connection between holders of these charms."
-- [ Loot Die III | +3 LD. ]


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Arabelle arrived at NIGHT's shop wearing the impression of a girl who'd simply stopped by on a morning stroll. "Good morning." A polite inclination of her head accompanied her greeting. Twiddling a small order slip covered in scribbles and concept sketches made by another hand behind her back, she found herself drawn to the crafts ordered on lines of wooden shelves before she could even reach the counter. 


If only she had a better eye for these vanities. 

Checking one's attributes, the small purple-haired girl was delighted to find that it had exactly what she needed. "I was planning on making a custom order, but—" she turned to the shopkeeper and crumpled her order slip behind her back "—these are lovely. I'll take the [Wayfinder] in stock instead."

After the transaction and the necessary pleasantries, Arabelle left the shop curiously weighing the small charm clutched delicately in both hands.


Buying from stock:

[T1E3] Wayfinder
> #148266
"TRINKET: A star-shaped charm made up of various translucent teal-coloured petals, framed with silver and held together with taut strings. At its center is a stylized metal heart, and at one of the petals' ends is a loop tied with a knot, so that the charm is capable of being hung or locked around another object. The item calls back to a foreign myth, representing an unbreakable connection between holders of these charms."
-- [ Loot Die III | +3 LD. ]

500 col -- sent to @NIGHT.


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-- Okay, something's up. Everyone keeps picking up the Wayfinders, for some reason...


Athena's Lens: +1 CD
Ambition: +1 XP/Craft

Hard Working: +2 XP/craft, +1 crafting attempt/day.

ID: 150882 | CD: 11 (10+1) | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 150881 | CD: 4 (3+1) | LD: 11 | Salvage (Success)
ID: 150880 | CD: 4 (3+1) | LD: 1 | Salvage (Fail)
ID: 150879 | CD: 6 (5+1) | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 150878 | CD: 8 (7+1) | Success! (Rare)
ID: 150877 | CD: 7 (6+1) | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 150876 | CD: 13 (12+1) | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 150875 | CD: 3 (2+1) | LD: 12 | Salvage (Success)
ID: 150874 | CD: 12 (11+1) | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 150873 | CD: 9 (8+1) | Success! (Rare)
ID: 150872 | CD: 6 (5+1) | Success! (Uncommon)

Result: +82XP (49, +11+22), -9 Tier 1 Materials, Uncommon Crafted Trinket (3), Rare Crafted Trinket (2), Perfect Crafted Trinket (3)

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Akio walked through the streets looking for an artisan he could visit. 'How come, with the thousands of players in this world, including everyone who doesn't like taking risks, there are only a few people who have any crafting profession? Let alone who are any good?' He sighed and slumped his shoulders. What made it worse was that he wanted to find shopkeepers who were ok with keeping secrets. People he could trust, at least that much. He paused when he noticed a single shop in the street which had sunlight beaming down on it. The only one with light on it in fact. "...Well, won't hurt I guess." So he went ahead and walked inside.

Inside the store he found it a little cramped. There were several shelves holding what looked like beautiful pieces of artwork, a colored sheet underneath it to declare it's quality. As he looked it eventually dawned on him that the shopkeeper was staring at him. He nearly jumped, and nearly reached up to pull his hood up by instinct, but it was already up by default. He ran up to the counter. "Uh hi there. I was hoping you could make something for me? Something with, this on it? Maybe a pin? Or a pretty trinket like those? Oh, and can it have two accuracy on it ma'am?"



Item Name: Strange Sigil
Profession: Artisan
Rank: - - -
Roll ID: - - -
Roll Result: - - -

Item Type: Trinket
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: 3 Accuracy



A simple copper trinket with a strange symbol etched into it. For those who know what it is, it is
the sigil of a real life assassin who'd been becoming a little popular as of late.



Post Link: - - -

Handing over 5 tier 1 mats

Edited by Iron_Lion
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Athena's Lens: +1 CD
Ambition: +1 XP/Craft

Hard Working: +2 XP/craft, +1 crafting attempt/day.

ID: 151365 | CD: 12 (11+1) | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 151364 | CD: 9 (8+1) | Success! (Rare)
ID: 151363 | CD: 9 (8+1) | Success! (Rare)
ID: 151362 | CD: 8 (7+1) | Success! (Rare)
ID: 151361 | CD: 7 (6+1) | Success! (Uncommon)

Result: +41XP (26, +5+10), -5 Tier 1 Materials, Uncommon Crafted Trinket (1), Rare Crafted Trinket (3), Perfect Crafted Trinket (1)


Some kid this was, but at least they were trying to be polite as much as they were eager. Her gaze had bored into the player's orange crystal more so than his face. A young child, marked for truancy? NIGHT could only hope the boy hadn't actually slain anyone just yet.

She reviewed the form with curiosity, questions forming at the symbol he'd proposed. A nod, hand taking her payment from the boy in a fluid motion. "Ten minutes tops," she reassured, turning around to pick up a few more ores from her material shelves for insurance on her crafts. The artisan vanished behind to the back room with a quick set of steps, and moments later reappeared with the proposed trinket in hand.

Ceremonial wrapping, as always. This time her paper choice was baby blue with white polka dots. NIGHT set the metal charm upon the counter top, before sliding it over to her customer.

"I hope you're staying safe out there." Hesitation, NIGHT watching the kid's movements carefully. "Maybe-- try not to let anyone see with that crystal of yours for a while."



Item Name: Strange Sigil
Profession: Artisan
Rank: 9 
Roll ID: 151365
Roll Result: 11+1
Item Type: Trinket
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Accuracy III
Description: [ref] A simple copper charm with a strange symbol etched into it. For those who know what it is, it is
the sigil of a real life assassin who'd been becoming a little popular as of late.
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18303-f01-r9-artisan-the-evening-star-open/?do=findComment&comment=609847

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Akio heard her state that his project would take a grand total of ten minutes. A bright smile appeared on the lower features of his face and he gave a solid nod. "Alright! I can wait that long no problem!" He definitely could since he could wander the shop and look at the different trinkets she had in stock. He had already seen their designs, and was now interested in the different enhancements they had. Soon enough she returned with his item and he ran right back over. She gave him the wrapped item. He resisted the urge to tear the paper off like one would on Christmas, and instead neatly unfolded it to see the trinket. His eyes gleamed under the hood and he didn't hesitate to put it on. 'You'll always be with me, mother.' He looked back at the woman. "Thank you very much for this ma'am! I really really appreciate this!" He was about to leave when she warned him to stay safe. He turned back to her just as she gave her suggestion not to show off his cursor for a bit. He looked up at it before responding... Something about her voice, the concern she showed. He pulled back his hood enough to look her in the eyes, showing off his grey eyes and his silver hair. He gave an uneasy and understanding smile. "Haven't obtain the hide skill just yet, but. I'll do everything in my power, I promise... See you later!" And with that, he departed.

[Items Lost: 5 t1 MAT]
[Item Gained: Strange Sigil]

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Athena's Lens: +1 CD
Ambition: +1 XP/Craft

Hard Working: +2 XP/craft, +1 crafting attempt/day.

ID: 151567 | CD: 13 (12+1) | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 151566 | CD: 10 (9+1) | Success! (Rare)
ID: 151565 | CD: 1 | Fail

Result: +23XP (14, +3+6), -3 Tier 1 Materials, Rare Crafted Sculpture (1), Perfect Crafted Sculpture (1)

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The message came out of nowhere.

Honestly, NIGHT had even forgotten about coming into contact with such a player in the first place, and it'd taken her a good 5 minutes or so to recall who Ariel was. In that time, she'd busied herself with preparing for the proposed crafts, only to realize after further reading into the mail, that no details had been provided with regards to her order.

Hmm. This was... odd. Dealer's choice, then? Very well, NIGHT would do her best to live up to expectations. With a flip through her notebook, she'd eyed a couple of designs, wondering what would best fit her crafts for the day.


Athena's Lens: +1 CD
Ambition: +1 XP/Craft

Hard Working: +2 XP/craft, +1 crafting attempt/day.

Tier 3 Jewelry
ID: 151726 | CD: 11 (10+1) | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 151725 | CD: 3 (2+1) | LD: 16 | Salvage (Success)

Tier 1 Jewelry
ID: 151731 | CD: 13 (12+1) | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 151730 | CD: 8 (7+1) | Success! (Rare)
ID: 151729 | CD: 6 (5+1) | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 151728 | CD: 4 (3+1) | LD: 10 | Salvage (Fail)
ID: 151727 | CD: 10 (9+1) | Success! (Rare)

Tier 1 Trinket
ID: 151735 | CD: 4 (3+1) | LD: 15 | Salvage (Success)
ID: 151734 | CD: 5 (4+1) | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 151733 | CD: 8 (7+1) | Success! (Rare)
ID: 151732 | CD: 1 | Fail

Crafter's Respite | Dragon's Breath | [150856-2] | Obtainment >>

Tier 1 Trinket
ID: 151748 | CD: 4 (3+1) | LD: 16 | Salvage (Success)
ID: 151747 | CD: 3 (2+1) | LD: 6 | Salvage (Fail)
ID: 151746 | CD: 10 (9+1) | Success! (Rare)
ID: 151745 | CD: 8 (7+1) | Success! (Rare)
ID: 151744 | CD: 6 (5+1) | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 151743 | CD: 4 (3+1) | LD: 7 | Salvage (Fail)
ID: 151742 | CD: 9 (8+1) | Success! (Rare)
ID: 151741 | CD: 7 (6+1) | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 151740 | CD: 1 | Fail
ID: 151739 | CD: 8 (7+1) | Success! (Rare)
ID: 151738 | CD: 5 (4+1) | Success! (Uncommon)

Result: +146XP (80, +22+44), -1 Tier 3 Material, -18 Tier 1 Materials, [T1] Uncommon Crafted Jewelry (5), [T1] Rare Crafted Jewelry (7), [T1] Perfect Crafted Jewelry (1), [T3] Perfect Crafted Jewelry (1)

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[31/5/20] | #js


Athena's Lens: +1 CD
Ambition: +1 XP/Craft

Hard Working: +2 XP/craft, +1 crafting attempt/day.

Tier 1 Trinket
ID: 151829 | CD: 11 (10+1) | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 151828 | CD: 5 (4+1) | Success! (Uncommon)

Result: +17XP (11, +2+4), -2 Tier 1 Materials, Uncommon Crafted Trinket (1), Perfect Crafted Trinket (1)

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[6/6/20] | #js


Athena's Lens: +1 CD
Ambition: +1 XP/Craft

Hard Working: +2 XP/craft, +1 crafting attempt/day.

Tier 1 Trinket
ID: 152467 | CD: 12 (11+1) | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 152466 | CD: 4 (3+1) | LD: 10 | Salvage (Fail)
ID: 152434 | CD: 13 (12+1) | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 152433 | CD: 4 (3+1) | LD: 15 | Salvage (Success)

Result: +32XP (20, +4+8), -3 Tier 1 Materials, Perfect Crafted Trinket (2)

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Walking into the Artisan's store, Yuu observed the variety of enhanced trinkets, looking for the one she needed specifically. A luck boosting item would be a major boon to her later when she decided to do the quests that required more luck based mechanics. When she finally found what she needed, the "Wayfinder" she took it up off its shelf and approached the dark-haired woman behind the counter. Looking at the price on the item, she opened her menu, scrolling down to her Col and setting the sack down in front of Night. "This is all I need. Have a good day."


Buying item Wayfinder ID#148269 for 500 col.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Though she wasn’t in urgent need of the enhancement, it should be around time she had one of these stashed in her inventory. Taking one of the two Koban Coins from the shelf, Arabelle presented it at the counter and gave it another curious once-over. “A cat… and a goat? It’s a bit of an unusual combination for someone who doesn’t get the reference.” Her free hand made a few quick taps on her menu and a trade screen opened between her and the shopkeeper. “Well, whatever you got the inspiration from must be interesting. Thanks for keeping trinkets like these in stock…”

Specify amount. Send col. She bade the artisan goodbye and went on with the rest of her day.


Purchasing from stock:

[T1E3] Koban Coin
> 144675
"TRINKET: An oval gold coin, modeled after a form of ancient currency. There is a simple engraving of a cat on one side, and a depiction of a goat on another. Where there is blank space between the art, horizontal lines go down in neat rows to fill in the gaps."
-- [ Prosperity III | +3 to (HP*3) multiplier when receiving col from killing enemies. ]

500 col -- sent to @NIGHT


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[3/7/20] | #js


Athena's Lens: +1 CD
Ambition: +1 XP/Craft

Hard Working: +2 XP/craft, +1 crafting attempt/day.

Tier 1 Trinket
ID: 157097 | CD: 13 (12+1) | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 157096 | CD: 7 (6+1) | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 157095 | CD: 13 (12+1) | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 157094 | CD: 5 (4+1) | Success! (Uncommon)

Result: +34XP (22, +4+8), -4 Tier 1 Materials, Uncommon Crafted Trinket (2), Perfect Crafted Trinket (2)

[3/7/20]-1 | #js


Athena's Lens: +1 CD
Ambition: +1 XP/Craft

Hard Working: +2 XP/craft, +1 crafting attempt/day.

Tier 1 Trinket
ID: 157157 | CD: 11 (10+1) | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 157156 | CD: 8 (7+1) | Success! (Rare)
ID: 157155 | CD: 3 (2+1) | LD: 7 | Salvage (Fail)
ID: 157154 | CD: 7 (6+1) | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 157153 | CD: 1 | Fail
ID: 157152 | CD: 10 (9+1) | Success! (Rare)

Result: +42XP (24, +6+12), -6 Tier 1 Materials, Uncommon Crafted Trinket (1), Rare Crafted Trinket (2), Perfect Crafted Trinket (1)

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He wandered into the Artisan shop that Lessa had recommended absently, uncertain of who or what to expect. She hadn't given him the name of the proprietor, only that she "was a friend" and certainly had the items he'd need. Her endorsement was enough for him. Alkor sorted through his inventory and checked his col, then headed toward the counter. 

"Hi," he greeted, albeit uncertainly. "I'm looking for some trinkets, one for Accuracy and one to help me when I'm searching for things. I should have plenty of Col to cover them..."


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When NIGHT had noticed him approach, she'd nearly spat out her drink.


No, wait, he had a name -- Alkor. That was it, yeah. How he'd managed to find her shop was anyone's guess, but if he was here looking for trinkets, then she was here to provide. NIGHT set her porcelain down on the low table, the player hiding away in her little nook in the shop's corner, before rising and shuffling over to one of the shelves by the walls. She figured she'd still have to adhere to some degree of professionalism. Two key picks of the wares on display and a hop over to the other side of the shop's counter, the trinkets were quickly slid into paper packets and presented for her customer to see.

"1,000col total. Good to see you're still in one piece, Bruce."


Trading to @Alkor the following:

  • [T1E3] Wayfinder (1)
    -- [ Loot Die III | +3 LD. ]
    "TRINKET: A star-shaped charm made up of various translucent teal-coloured petals, framed with silver and held together with taut strings. At its center is a stylized metal heart, and at one of the petals' ends is a loop tied with a knot, so that the charm is capable of being hung or locked around another object. The item calls back to a foreign myth, representing an unbreakable connection between holders of these charms."
    Craft ID: #150874
  • [T1E3] Eye of Horus Enamel Pin (1)
    -- [ Accuracy III | +3 ACC. ]
    "TRINKET: While most enamel pins are golden, this one's has been painted in black. A circular and triangular base have been overlaid on each other, encapsulating the Eye of Horus within. The markings where the Egyptian pattern stands out are laced with gold."
    Craft IDs: #144991
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They'd fought that strange, flaming beast together in the forest, but beyond that they never spoke again. Their meeting had been riddled with issues revolving around another Player and how Alkor had dealt with her harshly, but there was a shaky understanding between them when they parted ways.

One portion of that understanding was that Alkor had a remarkable Batman complex. Had, he hoped, as he sought to put it behind him as he moved forward and grew. Of course, the joke was no less amusing now, and he felt the warmth in his cheeks as he recognized the woman behind the counter.

Did Lessa know about this? Nah... she probably didn't. Still.

"1000 Col, even," Alkor stated as he transferred the funds to the trade window and duly sent them to the proprietor. "Thanks. Glad you're doing well, too."

1000 Col sent to NIGHT


Edited by Alkor
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