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[F01|R10 Artisan] The Evening Star | Open.

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[08/02/22] #js #e

'The Fierceness of What?'

Sometimes NIGHT never knew what was going through players' heads as they submitted items for creation. But a ring was standard fare to create, and so it was handled with relative ease. Wrapped in translucent paper, a simple jingle in an inbox was enough notification. Then, her attention was on the rest of a new series of trinkets she'd been considering the make of.

Three more boxes joined their commissioned cousin, though were separated for display when the artisan stepped onto the floor of her store. She wondered if there were more players selling these music sheets anywhere, quietly, as the lights went out on the store, NIGHT ready to retire home for the eve.


AMBITION | Silver Crescent Hairpin | +1XP/Craft
HARDWORKING | Extended Workshop | +2XP/Craft, +1 crafting attempt/day.
ATHENA'S LENS | Challenge of Olympus | +1 CD
PROFESSION FAMILIAR | Nyanko~!! :3c | +2 crafting attempt/day.

> Crafter's Respite | Dragon's Breath | Extracting (49) from here: [link]
> Total Crafting Attempts: 14

Tier 1 Trinket

ID: 203391 | CD: 6 (5+1) | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 203390 | CD: 12 (11+1) | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 203389 | CD: 10 (9+1) | Success! (Rare)
ID: 203388 | CD: 5 (4+1) | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 203387 | CD: 6 (5+1) | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 203386 | CD: 3 (2+1) | LD: 4 | Salvage (Fail)
ID: 203385 | CD: 6 (5+1) | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 203384 | CD: 12 (11+1) | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 203383 | CD: 8 (7+1) | Success! (Rare)
ID: 203382 | CD: 12 (11+1) | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 203381 | CD: 10 (9+1) | Success! (Rare)
ID: 203380 | CD: 1 | Fail
ID: 203379 | CD: 12 (11+1) | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 203378 | CD: 1 | Fail

Result: +105XP (63, +14+28), -14 Materials, Uncommon Trinket (4), Rare Trinket (3), Perfect Trinket (4)



The Fierceness of Grass| Trinket | #203379 | LOOT DIE III
An intricately carved jade ring covered with finely detailed blades of grass, marred by the passing of infinite sharpness, organized around the tiny, but powerful form of natural mark in the stone that carried a striking resemblance to a panther.


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"Many thanks," Freyd whispered with unexpected humility upon arrival to collect his parcel.  "And my appreciation for completing the work so quickly.  I know that it's... unusual.  That's just the way with memories, isn't it?"  No further details were provided, but the odd man carried an uncharacteristic sense of peace and joy as he tenderly lifted the package and stepped lightly towards the exit.   

He paused upon reaching the door, the knob twisted open and leaf slightly ajar.  Words hung unspoken as his cowl twisted in serpentine fashion back towards the counter, but hesitation snared them into the night, and him with it.  Now was not the time.


Freyd retrieves The Fierceness of Grass

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  • 2 weeks later...

It had been long since Cleo wished for a reminder of home, of what life was like before. A spur-of-the-moment decision led the player to The Evening Star, having eavesdropped heard of the famed artisanry from a party of passerby's earlier in the day.


The variety of odds and ends on display caught Cleo's attention, and she casually strolled across the shop floor, boots thumping with each step. The player didn't know what she was browsing for or if she was even looking to make a purchase, as it was equally likely that nothing in stock could provide the comfort so desperately craved.


As luck would have it, a peculiar music box provoked her curiosity. It wasn't dissimilar to the ones in her Mother's collection in the cabinets of the dining room, in the real world, of course. It was enough to invoke a passing smile. "Excuse me? I want to purchase this, please."

 music box. | TIER 1 PERFECT TRINKET; 500 col | #203379 | [•] | infinity.


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  • 3 weeks later...

| 08/03/22

| item fusions.
| total: 16 perfects.


| 26/6/21 | [link]

rare+rare = perfects

  1. ID205221 | > ITEM FUSION | 196318 x 196316
  2. ID205220 | > ITEM FUSION | 196323 x 196320
  3. ID205219 | > ITEM FUSION | 196326 x 196325
  4. ID205218 | > ITEM FUSION | 196331 x 196330
  5. ID205217 | > ITEM FUSION | 196337 x 196332
  6. ID205216 | > ITEM FUSION | 196342 x 196340

unc+unc = rare

ID205229 | > ITEM FUSION | 196335 x 196333

| 27/6/21 | [link]

rare+rare = perfects

  1. ID205224 | > ITEM FUSION | 196480 x 196479
  2. ID205223 | > ITEM FUSION | 196499 x 196491
  3. ID205222 | > ITEM FUSION | 196503 x 196501
  4. ID205238 | > ITEM FUSION | 205231 x 205230
  5. ID205237 | > ITEM FUSION | 205233 x 205232

unc+unc = rare

ID205233 | > ITEM FUSION | 196481 x 196476
ID205232 | > ITEM FUSION | 196485 x 196482
ID205231 | > ITEM FUSION | 196495 x 196486
ID205230 | > ITEM FUSION | 196500 x 196497

| 30/1/22 | [link]

rare+rare = perfects

  1. ID205227 | > ITEM FUSION | 203095 x 203094
  2. ID205226 | > ITEM FUSION | 203087 x 203092
  3. ID205225 | > ITEM FUSION | 203084 x 196478*

* from 27/6/21

unc+unc = rare

ID205234 | > ITEM FUSION | 203089 x 203085
ID205239 | > ITEM FUSION | 205229* x 205234

* from 26/6/21

| 8/2/22 | [link]

rare+rare = perfects

  1. ID205228 | > ITEM FUSION | 203389 x 203383
  2. ID205240 | > ITEM FUSION | 205236 x 205235

unc+unc = rare

ID205236 | > ITEM FUSION | 203391 x 203385
ID205235 | > ITEM FUSION | 203388 x 203387

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A knock on the shop door, followed moments later by a twisting of the knob and poking of a cowled head just inside the frame.


Freyd wandered cautiously into the shop, wary that other patrons might be around and not wishing to touch on sensitive subject matter with open ears nearby, or else half-expecting to be jumped by some woman in a white, hooded outfit.  He still wasn't sure what was going on there, and hadn't had a chance to follow up, but his visit wasn't about that.

"I saw you and Koga leaving Baldur's place in a hurry, back at the tournament. Something looked to have rattled you.  I... we haven't shared many experiences together, but...erm... look," he said, pausing as if to rally his thoughts, "I just wanted to check in and make sure that you were okay." 

"Oh, uh..."  he glanced around quickly, looking for some pretext that might otherwise legitimize what could turn out to be just another awkward visit.  "And I guess I'll take one of these, as well."  Grabbing the first thing he could reach, Freyd simply thrust it on the open counter, looking sheepishly out of place.  Empathy wasn't really his thing, but he was trying.


Purchases (500 col):

Crafting ID: 185467
A golden arrow-head with a pin fastened to it. It's modern and minimalistic.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If her latest combat encounters were anything to go by, Cleo was in desperate need of an accuracy boost. One would think her to be blind given the amount of impossible-to-miss attacks that she had—somehow—ended up missing. With this in mind, the Player thought to pay a visit to an Artisanry on the first floor, the very same she'd bought a little music box from not long ago, to soothe her apparant lack of awareness.

Entering the shop, she carefully closed the door so as to not make too much of a rucus and perused the shelves in search of such an item. A pair of glasses were the obvious choice, though there appeared to be no such thing for sale. One curious trinket had the stats that she required, however; a curious golden arrow-head brooch, simpe enough to pin to a blouse or a coat. "Perfect."

"I'd like to purchase this, please."


Purchases (500 col):

Crafting ID: 185468
A golden arrow-head with a pin fastened to it. It's modern and minimalistic.

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| 28/03/22


AMBITION | Silver Crescent Hairpin | +1XP/Craft
HARDWORKING | Extended Workshop | +2XP/Craft, +1 crafting attempt/day.
ATHENA'S LENS | Challenge of Olympus | +1 CD
PROFESSION FAMILIAR | Nyanko~!! :3c | +2 crafting attempt/day.

> Total Crafting Attempts: 14

ID: 207465 | CD: 6 (5+1) | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 207466 | CD: 3 (2+1) | LD: 7 (2+5) | Salvage (Fail)
ID: 207467 | CD: 10 (9+1) | Success! (Rare)
ID: 207468 | CD: 12 (11+1) | Success! (Perfect)

Result: +34XP (18, +8+8), -4 Materials, Uncommon Trinket (1), Rare Trinket (1), Perfect Trinket (1)

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Grave eased open the door, the little bell tinkling ahead of him as he finished playing with the beam of light that danced along the front doorstep of the shop hidden in the alley. For being placed out of the way, it had a beautiful exterior that begged to be admired.

"Greetings!" he called into the shop as he shut the door behind him. "I caught word that I'd find an artisan here. This is the Evening Star, correct?" he asked to the abyss behind the counter. He swept his eyes across the room to spot the storekeeper sitting at a round table. "Oh, my apologies, I expected you to be at the counter." He turned to face her. "If it's not too much trouble, I'd like to make a request for an accessory?" He asked. He flicked open the menu, accessed his funds and retrieved 1400 Col, which materialized into a neat little bag in his palm. "I'm looking for a circlet that goes around the back of my head. Evasion and accuracy, the best quality you can produce. Will 1400 suffice?"



Item Name: Scrapper's Circlet
Profession: Artisan | Rank 10
Roll ID & Result: - - -
Item Type: Jewelry
Item Tier: 4
Item Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: EVA | EVA | ACC
Description: A dark iron circlet that wraps around the back of the head and loops over the ears. Amethysts decorate its surface. The enchanted gems enhance the wearer's perception and reflexes.
Post Link: - - -


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Once more gracing The Evening Star with her presence, Cleo wandered into the Artisan's shop. This time, she required an item which could supplement her desires to earn Col—a lot of it—to keep her off of the streets and food in her stomach, and, perhaps, to aid her in purchasing a home of her own. Having seen Nari's abode, she couldn't help but feel envious of the woman and her gargantuan estate, which had enough rooms to be legally labelled a maze. That said, she cared little about any grand hall or fancy courtyard; a simple apartment with a bedroom and a living space suited her needs just fine.

Thankfully, one such item was in stock, and she hurried to the counter to purchase it. "Just this, please."


Purchases (500 col):

Chromium Shard | TIER 1 PERFECT TRINKET | PROSPERITY III | #195881
A shard of metal with its edges rounded. Keep it in your pocket for good luck.


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| 04/04/22 | 6/7 | reserved for other commissions.


t1 trinket.

ID: 208044 | CD: 12 (11+1) | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 208043 | CD: 9 (8+1) | Success! (Rare)
ID: 208042 | CD: 3 (2+1) | LD: 18 | Salvage (Success)
ID: 208041 | CD: 3 (2+1) | LD: 12 | Salvage (Success)
ID: 208040 | CD: 6 (5+1) | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 208039 | CD: 12 (11+1) | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 208038 | CD: 7 (6+1) | Success! (Rare)
ID: 208037 | CD: 12 (11+1) | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 208036 | CD: 11 (10+1) | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 208035 | CD: 4 (3+1) | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 208034 | CD: 1 | Fail
ID: 208033 | CD: 10 (9+1) | Success! (Rare)
ID: 208032 | CD: 10 (9+1) | Success! (Rare)
ID: 208031 | CD: 7 (6+1) | Success! (Rare)

Result: +96XP (68, +28), -12 Materials
Uncommon Trinket (2), Rare Trinket (5), Perfect Trinket (4)

item fusion.

unc (2) -> rare (1)
 | #208045

rare (5+1 = 6)
rare (6) -> perf (3)
| #208046

perf (3+4 = 7)

RESULT: Perfect Trinket (7)


  • 208044 -> scrapper's circlet.
  • 208039 
  • 208037
  • 208036
  • 208046-1
  • 208046-2
  • 208046-3


Edited by NIGHT
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the two visitors surprised her, first more than the other -- rarely was she aware of anyone calling out in enthusiasm when entering a shop any more. col was exchanged at an acceptable rate. night only broke her focus on the crafts once her stock got bought, and sealed the circlet when it was done. paper wrapping, the usual packaging.

a few blinks through some menus and she sent a message out to the customer.

night: ready for pick up

when she strode back to her round table, she'd only then noticed her tea gotten cold. a sigh, a search for a heat stone of some kind through her inventory, and the player dropped it into her cup, waiting for the day's shift to end.


scrapper's circlet. | [#208044] | TIER 1 PERFECT TRINKET | EVA II, ACC I
a dark iron circlet that wraps around the back of the head and loops over the ears. amethysts decorate its surface. the enchanted gems enhance the wearer's perception and reflexes.

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Grave looked up from the notepad that laid in his lap so he could take note of his material and item stock before he got back into the swing of business. The chime in his ear tore his attention away from his motonous task and he brought up the message from NIGHT. With a smile, he stood up from the floor of his shop and whistled with two fingers. Hikari leapt onto his shoulders and curled around his neck like a scarf. He headed for the teleporter to take a trip down to the Town of Beginnings.

The Evening Star's bell twinkled as he stepped in once more. "I've come to pick up the circlet," he announced gently, this time looking to the table rather than the counter. "I trust my payment was sufficient?" he asked as he took the paper-wrapped trinket and peeled it back to take a look inside. It was stunning. He almost put it on right then and there, but he wanted to see his whole outfit come together, so he'd wait until he was home.


- Received <<Scrapper's Circlet>> ID: 208044

- Sent 1400 Col


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  • 1 month later...

“I’m just getting to visit all the wonderful little shops and stores today! This is an exquisite place – I mean, it’s not quite like that shop I just came from, down the way. It was all velvety and fancy and royally. This place is much more inviting.” Zenshu glanced at the individual caring for the shopfront, beaming a bright smile as he glanced over the available items. His eyes wandered across a single piece, one that he knew would likely benefit him the most – especially after his recent endeavours.

“Oh, such exquisite pieces too! I’m definitely taking one of these! It’ll fit perfectly with my outfit. Plus, the benefits. Oh, will these materials suffice…I noticed it said I can pay in col or materials…and well, right now I don’t really have a ton of col, especially after the other store, I imagine I won’t have much left…and well, it’s what I have.” His words seemed to leave him for a moment under the others gaze, and he felt himself shiver in response. “Well, thanks for everything! I’ll definitely come back here one day, and who knows – maybe sooner than later I’ll be a regular! But for now, I need to go find some blacksmith and deal with that…which I’m sure will go just fine. Right? What could possibly go wrong with that…? Well, good day for now!”


Arrowhead Brooch | TIER 1 TRINKET | ACCURACY III
[desc.]: A golden arrow-head with a pin fastened to it. It's modern and minimalistic.
[ids.]: #185467

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  • 4 months later...

With his new armor equipped and the big royal looking sword at his side Kana made his way through the quieter parts of town. He felt ready to start his adventure, but at the same Time he knew, there was something missing. Opening his character sheet, he glanced over the equipped items and realized, he hadn't picked up any trinkets or rings. He knew there probably was a quest line, that would reward him with something useful, but why wait, when he could just spend some of the money he had earned over the time that had passed since he got caught in the game.

Thinking about that, he shuddered and his face grimaced, but he shook his head and got rid of the thought. Looking up to the blue sky, his mind quickly switched into daydream mode, and he walked around without noticing the world around him, thinking about all that lay ahead of him. Some time must have passed, as the sun was nearly sinking behind the houses when he noticed a blue building in front of him, windows nearly hidden by plants and a shield behind the doors window, reading open.
he didn't know, why he entered, or what kind of shop it might have been, but he entered none the less, and was pleasantly surprised, when he saw the cosy interior.

Looking around to see if there was a shop keeper, he noticed the woman sitting at a round table, scribbling something into a book and gave her a smile and a nod before greeting her fully. "Sorry, nearly forgot to introduce myself. I'm Kanaoki, and it seems you carry exactly what I'm searching. Are you okay with me having a look at these trinkets over there? He finished and the woman agreed.

Looking over the Items in stock, he found a multitude of nice looking items that would benefit him, but he only had one slot to equip them, so he had to decide. Would he want a ring to boost his evasion stat, decreasing the chance to get hit? Or maybe a brooch making his attacks miss less often? Both of them seemed like really good items, but he had just bought heavy armor and he was sure it could take most hits monsters of his level could land. Plus his weapon already increased his accuracy, and he had heard there was a cap on those enhancements, so he wouldn't be able to get the most of this item until he got another weapon. So neither of those items was a good fit for now, but he noticed one more item that was for sale. There were blue crystals, and when he looked at them, he saw they would increase his chance to get nice loot from mobs and farming alike. 

Kana picked up one of those and turned back to the woman, asking for the price and paying her the requested amount of col before equipping the trinket and leaving the Store

Bought for 500 col
crystal. | TIER 1 TRINKET | LD III
[desc.]: a blue crystal. scraps of a larger crafting component.
[ids.]: #205221

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  • 2 weeks later...

Kylissia had been needing to get more items before setting out, and she'd heard of just the place to do so. There was an Artisan shop within the starting city, but since it was within one of the shadier locales of the settlement, Kylissia decided it was best to equip her new armor before going in.

Once she reached the shop and entered it, she would look around to see what was around or if anyone was there. There wasn't anyone at the counter, maybe the shopkeeper was busy? Kylissia would continue to look around for the time being, eventually finding an amber and a crystal, both having some helpful enhancements.

It was then that she noticed the shopkeeper. Based on said shopkeeper's current activity, she seemed to be a quiet and reserved sort of person at first glance. Kylissia was looking at two of the items just before spotting the young woman, and thus she asked Kylissia if there was anything she was looking for.

Kylissia put on a gentle, warm smile. "Yes, actually. I'm looking for something that can benefit me outside the safe zone...and these two trinkets you have here should do the trick." She answered. "I have enough col to pay for one, but I'll have to supply materials instead for the other. Is that alright with you?" She asked.

Once the trade was complete, Kylissia would leave the shop and begin making her way to the safe zone's exit. The time had come to get out there at long last.

-Purchasing the following:

[desc.]: a chunk of amber. scraps of a larger crafting component.
[ids.]: #205222

crystal. | TIER 1 TRINKET | LD III
[desc.]: a blue crystal. scraps of a larger crafting component.
[ids.]: #205220

-Paid 500 Col and 5 Materials to @NIGHT

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  • 4 weeks later...

Krysta was going to need more combat oriented items to place in her accessory slot for equipment, and for that, she would need to seek out an Artisan. There were so very few that were open, and none that were open had what Krysta needed...that is, except for one location, over in the Town of Beginnings, within a more...shady district of the town, one that Krysta used to avoid for the longest time, for particular reasons.

But perhaps there were reasons for someone to set up in such an area of the town. Regardless, Krysta would find the shop, enter, and find within, something she would be needing for her journey. It was the last of its kind within the stock, so it was best to take this opportunity now while she still could, to buy it before it was gone.


[desc.]: A set of donut-shaped rings, too thick to be worn on someone's fingers. They're golden and shiny, but plain. Fits well into one's pocket. Try not to drop them.
[ids.]: #150584

-Cost of 500 Col paid to @NIGHT

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  • 1 month later...

Familiar. Far too familiar. Memories came flashing back as Nari wandered into a shop that she had spent too much time in previously. Although the memories weren't bad, she could feel a bit of pain at them - like the memories of a lost loved one. Putting aside her feelings, she forced on a smile that she hoped was friendly, before walking up to the counter. She already knew the piece she wanted wasn't in stock, but hoped it was something that could be made. "Hey, Night. I was hoping to order you-I mean make an order. For a bracelet. If possible. Looking for something energy-restoring, and maybe a small evasion boost. Hoping to make it look like...err, well...a fox...kind of. But like...a leather bracelet shaped like a fox..."

Item Name: Twin-Fox Bracelet
Item Type: Jewellery
Item Tier: 4
Item Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Recovery [2] | Evasion [1]
Description: A leather bound bracelet that covers the wrist and top of the hand in a similar fashion to a fingerless glove. The palm remains open, so as not to impede the wearer in any form. Engraved and coloured into the leather atop the hand is a white fox with glowing purple eyes.

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| 23/12/22 | 6/6 | reserved for other commissions.


t4 jewelry.

ID: 210437 | CD: 10 (9+1) | Success! (Rare)ID: 210438 | CD: 8 (7+1) | Success! (Rare)
ID: 210439 | CD: 9 (8+1) | Success! (Rare)
ID: 210440 | CD: 9 (8+1) | Success! (Rare)
ID: 210441 | CD: 5 (4+1) | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 210442 | CD: 6 (5+1) | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 210443 | CD: 7 (6+1) | Success! (Rare)
ID: 210444 | CD: 11 (10+1) | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 210445 | CD: 9 (8+1) | Success! (Rare)
ID: 210446 | CD: 7 (6+1) | Success! (Rare)
ID: 210447 | CD: 6 (5+1) | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 210448 | CD: 9 (8+1) | Success! (Rare)
ID: 210449 | CD: 4 (3+1) | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 210450 | CD: 11 (10+1) | Success! (Perfect)

Result: +68XP, -14 Materials
Uncommon Jewelry (4), Rare Jewelry (8), Perfect Jewelry (2)

item fusion.

unc (4) -> rare (2)
 | #208045

rare (8+4 = 12)
rare (12) -> perf (6)
| #208046

perf (2+6 = 8)

RESULT: Perfect Trinket (8)


  • 210444 -> penance re-eval.
  • 210450 -> twin-fox bracelet.
  • 210452-1
  • 210452-2
  • 210452-3
  • 210452-4
  • 210452-5
  • 210452-6


Edited by NIGHT
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nyanko didn't hesitate to bop the counter's bell at the sight of who came in. so the store owner, initially missing, was summoned for the order. and the artisan, quiet, couldn't bring herself to meet nari's eyes. a nod, after receiving the details, and a short promise. "come back in the evening. it'll be done by then."

night returned to the backroom, and nyanko did beep their customer goodbye. upon return at the estimated time, the bracelet would've been packaged in coloured paper -- as was the store's standard -- but what wasn't was nyanko personally carrying it to nari at the doorstep, the package in his mouth seeming almost too big for his size.

delivering to @Nari-Lanreth.

Twin-Fox Bracelet | [#210450] | TIER 4 JEWELRY | REC II, EVA I
[desc.]: A leather bound bracelet that covers the wrist and top of the hand in a similar fashion to a fingerless glove. The palm remains open, so as not to impede the wearer in any form. Engraved and coloured into the leather atop the hand is a white fox with glowing purple eyes.

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Nari was surprised to find the package delivered personally - to her outside of the shop itself. A sign that she knew the meaning behind, although it certainly wasn't what she was hoping for. Shaking off the despair of it all, she knelt down to gently take the package from the small feline, before rubbing it between its ears. Softly, she spoke to the cat, unsure if anyone else would hear. "Take good care of her for me, she's not anywhere near as strong as she portrays. She's going to need you in the days to come, yeah?"

Package in hand, Nari left the store behind - hoping that the feline would do what was requested of it, and knowing that there was no more she could consider about it. She had what she desired now, and that was all that she could consider.

Picking Up

Twin-Fox Bracelet | [#210450] | TIER 4 JEWELRY | REC II, EVA I
[desc.]: A leather bound bracelet that covers the wrist and top of the hand in a similar fashion to a fingerless glove. The palm remains open, so as not to impede the wearer in any form. Engraved and coloured into the leather atop the hand is a white fox with glowing purple eyes.

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