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[F01|R10 Artisan] The Evening Star | Open.

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Nora searched all over the place for an opened Artisan shop, and she has finally found one! To her surprise, it was Night's shop, and Night is now a R10 Artisan. She's very happy for her and not sure if she remembers her since it has been so long. It felt kind of surreal stepping into the shop again after all this time and the shop looks completely different now. But now is not the time for chitchat, she's here for a purchase. Seeing no one at the counter, Nora quickly fill out the request form and left it at the main desk. Hopefully, she could get her item soon.

  • Item Name: Blessing
  • Item Type: [trinket  ]
  • Item Tier: [  2 |]
  • Item Quality: [ Select: Perfect ]
  • Enhancements: [Ambition x3 ]
  • Description: [  leave creation direction
    to the artisan ]
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certainly, it couldn't be, given it'd been years since she'd seen said player. night blinked twice, before looking to nyanko, who was absent-mindedly staring elsewhere -- a signal that he had nothing to do with the request. night knew she couldn't question him for results.

so she tucked the page away, slipped into the backrooms for a spell, and came out with a small trinket as per written. wrapped in a small paper envelope, she wrapped it again with the request form, and then left the set there on the counter, meeting her familiar's dutiful eyes.

at the last moment, she faltered, and decided not to ask him to be vigilant for their supposed customer. whoever this nora was -- it must've been someone else by the same name.

to @Nora:

blessing. | [#208039] | TIER 1 TRINKET | AMBITION
[desc.]: tiny cloth omamori. tucked in it is a paper, a wish for good fortune in crafting attempts.


Edited by NIGHT
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Nora received a message through her mail, it looks like her order is now completed and ready for pick up! This is so exciting! She had hoped that she could receive her trinket soon, but she never anticipated that it could be this fast! It looks like everything went smoothly. She quickly send the payment through the banking system and hurry up to the shop for pick up. When she arrives at the shop, she noticed a paper bag with her name written with black ink on the table. She take a look and sure enough, it is her trinket! She smiled at the small cat sitting beside the table. "Please convey my thanks to your master, this will help me out a lot. She has a lovely store and the decoration looks wonderful. I hope to see her again soon." With that, she left the store with her trinket.

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When Nora was the in the shop earlier, she took a quick glance at what else was available in the shop, but she did not have time to look at them carefully. There might be something else that she need, but she wasn't too sure of it yet. A day later, Nora returns to the shop and examine the catalogue more closely, and sure enough, there really is something that she need. She approaches the cat by the table again. "I would like to purchase this item for 500 col, is it alright for me to pay for it now? Thanks."

crystal. | TIER 1 TRINKET | LD III
[desc.]: a blue crystal. scraps of a larger crafting component.
[ids.]: #205219, #205218, #205217, #205216, #205224, #205223


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  • 5 months later...

Shadow passes over the worn wooden threshold to the toll of tiny bells and the swish of fine cloth.  Darkness cast by the late afternoon sun contrasted against a shock of white hair capping a curiously searching pair of golden eyes.  Ren spotted the shop during a casual stroll in the city's east end, drawn to enter by some of the fine workmanship in its display.  

"Ah.  You must be the owner then, yes?"  A gentle chuckle matched the caretaker's purring as he gently nuzzled the feline custodian beneath its chin.  His former roommate's cat had taught him a few things.  At least here his allergies no longer irritated his already study-swollen eyes.  An array of whiskers probed his hand to be followed by tentative sniffs.  Purring meant acceptance, or perhaps just tolerance?  Either was a win with these creatures.

Having passed the guardian's challenge Ren's swiveled his gaze to the selective assortment of works on display.  Mindful that he had few coins to his name, he tried to focus first and foremost on their functions.  Several finely-crafted music boxes caught his attention, tempting him to try each of them out and sample their distinctive tunes.  An appreciative smile perched itself upon his lips as he listened.  

"Magnificent.  These must have taken quite some time and effort."  Something in the chords of the final tune struck a memory within and made his choice for him.  She would have loved this one.  Then he caught the title engraved upon the thin metal cover plate: Monster.  Fine tension flicked across his brow, bleeding away with a quiet sigh and slumping shoulders.  It was still too soon.

A glint of light from the slightly swaying chandelier shone off something else on a nearby shelf, flickering in his peripheral vision.

"Is that... amber?"  Flecks of something within the resin material caught his eye, synchronizing with the very memory he'd just experienced.  Here was the very medium of memory at his fingertips, calling to something deep within.

"I'll take them both, please."


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  • 3 weeks later...

"Hello, my little friend.  Still here alone are you?"  Ren gently nuzzled Nyanku's chin with his finger tip, setting his purring engine into overdrive.  "I brought you a little something extra today, though I hope the shop owner doesn't mind.  A friend of mine fancies herself a decent cook.  She is, actually, but I rarely admit it to her.  Turns out that she had a little extra tuna special leftover last night."  Summoning the minor meal from his inventory, Ren set the black porcelain bowl on the counter with its miniature fish portion neatly set and decorated at the centre.  

While the feline shop guardian set to work inspecting his offering, the knight changed focus to the business that brought him here in the first place.  A small piece of amber wrapped in cloth and first purchased within these very walls was set upon the counter along with a request in what he hoped was the proper form. Instructions were provided in fanciful script in the envelope and letter set next to the small package.  A few finger strokes transferred the requisite material.

"With my thanks," he added, petting Nyanku gently a few times, then departing a quietly as he came.

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Edited by Rencesvals
(Note: Just realized I had done this wrong.  Revised accordingly.)
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admittedly, her attendance was delayed. but nyanko's memory (see, she knew he was the most efficient of their unit) meant that pending orders would not go unforgotten, and with a nip of her sleeve as she passed by the counter, night knew she had to get to work as soon as possible.

the name was unfamiliar, and the presence of a shard implied a player who knew what they were doing, or at least had gotten used to the newer system. a quick modification of one of her older pin templates, and it was ready for a paper wrapping and collection notice.


Lark & Nightingale Pin | [#208036] | TIER 1 TRINKET | ACC III, EVA
[desc.]: Twin birds circling one another in a Yin and Yang pattern, one in platinum and the other black tungsten, each in profile and set with a tiny amber eye.  Both figures clearly hold special meaning to the individual who commissioned the work.

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[16/07/23] | #e

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Whistling as he entered, Freyd barely bothered to look up.  His mind was elsewhere; likely several elsewheres all at once.  Things were on the move and there was little time to dally while he put his plans into effect.  A swift foray through Cintamani was likely to also be required.  He'd get on to that later.  For now, a couple of basics were needed and NIGHT's shop was reliably well-stocked.

"Two," he muttered, holding up the correct and matching number of fingers.  Persi indicated the point of interest by sniffing at the lone remaining bits of amber still on display.  Goods gathered and paid for, the pair just as quickly gone.


[desc.]: a chunk of amber. scraps of a larger crafting component.
[ids.]: #205237, #205228

Cost: 6 materials

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Rushing into the door, nearly at a sprint, Freyd scrawled an order onto a slip and slid it across the counter with payment.  "For a few friends, for the raid.  I hope you can spare the time."  Sparing himself a few moments to catch his breath, he spent it doing double duty to review his list of outstanding goods still to be obtained by various means.  As the beating of his pulse faded from his ears, he also paused to better absorb the details of the place.  Koga had been right about NIGHT's insular nature.  Part of him felt compelled to probe why.  A newer part suggested it was better left alone.  No consensus was reached by the time he left the shop, a few moments later.


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Vanessa had been looking into a quest for a few days now, preparing to capture an ally of her own. It had been advised to her to search for an artisan shop to increase one’s chances at success so she stood before The Evening Star. Opening the door and making her way inside, her presence would be alerted to those inside as the bell tinkled. She made her way down the path towards the store’s counter, keeping her eyes peeled for any good deals in the display cases. Luckily for her, one of them caught her eye – a small crystal trinket with exactly the enhancements she needed for her quest. Looking around for the staff, she would eventually spot a cute black cat with a bell next to it. Approaching, she would gently pet it, “Sorry kitty, hopefully the noise doesn’t bother you.” With her other hand, she run the bell, hoping to grab somebody’s attention. Whenever the staff would arrive, she would eagerly point towards the crystal in the display case, “I would like to purchase this trinket, please!

-500 Col for the following item:

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                      Krysta had been needing to have a fitting item for herself, but for the time being, with the coming battle being an imminent, looming threat, she would need an item that would benefit her for the raid, as well as other battles in the near future. She needed to be ready for what Aincrad had in store for her. There was much to do and time was of the essence, so she was now here in the first floor, searching for an artisan who could assist her in this endeavor.

                  She would find herself entering the Evening Star once again, but rather than making a purchase from stock, she would have a custom order in mind... She would look for the shopkeeper, Night, and bring to her an order form that she would proceed to explain, along with a material that she would need to complete the process. "I am in need of some special equipment, its quality out of the ordinary. This order form should have the enhancements I will need, I should be fine with whatever may hold such stats. The shard is for the necessary fusion process." She explained. "Under normal circumstances, I would pay in advance, though I am uncertain what the price would be for a custom order to this degree." She added.


-Given 1 Demonic Shard to @NIGHT for item fusion

[Side note: Krysta did not specify name or description, the filling in the name/description is simply the end result that she'll end up getting, whether it is purposefully made or just a random result from the system is up to you]

Custom Order:

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[31/07/23] | #e

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Edited by NIGHT
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all orders.. for demonic equipment. if night didn't know they had a floor boss raid coming, she would've wondered what the boom in upgrades was about.

instead, she took the slips of papers out of nyanko's mouth, and started working on freyd's order before moving onto the tiara. what she couldn't stuff into a neatly-folded paper package, she made sure to get a box from bistro's messy cabinets, covered it in packaging before piling in decorative tissue, sitting the tiara nicely at the gift box's heart when she was done.

then came the emails, and night spared no expense to send a nice, elaborative:

night: d

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"Dangit."  Freyd knew it the moment he looked at the results: he'd messed up.  Pinching the bridge of his nose, he knew the only answer was to place another order and hope that NIGHT would just indulge and dismiss it as a facet of a manic nature.  Cost wasn't really the issue.  Well, it was, but the investment in his fellows mattered more than economics.  He could always incur another assault on Aincrad's poor mob population if necessary.  Now really wasn't the time to get stingy.

"My sincere apologies, NIGHT.  In a rush to prepare for the raid, I seem to have placed my order incorrectly.  I'm sure you've been swamped, but if you could spare just a little more time, these are for the benefit of others."  Blushing even as his face sought to retreat deeper into his cowl.  Scribbling with greater care and consideration, Freyd collected his previous orders and left another script:

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                     -Krysta would receive the box containing the item she needed, and then open it up to reveal...a Tiara. Perhaps, given the track record of Krysta herself, as well as how others saw her, not to mention the truth of her identity and how even the Cardinal knew, she should have expected this to be the resulting item.
                It was a lovely tiara, though.

      Krysta placed a sack full of the necessary col for the purchase, then equipped the tiara. It was a perfect fit, and it seemed to suit Krysta surprisingly well. Perhaps the fantasy aspects of the game might be able to hide the truth of her identity, for her equipment sure wasn't going to do so anytime soon. Nevertheless, she now needed to seek out other shops, to finish preparations for the coming battle. She had a duty to return to, so she would fight. She would fight for the players of Aincrad, and through this, she would also fight for her own people, for she had a duty to them and they were surely hoping for her return one day...


-paid 1400 col to NIGHT

+Aurora Lux(2 EVA, 2 REC)

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out of spite, night took her own, slow pace with the crafts, in the fact that she'd forgot about it until she was getting ready for bed after having received the order in the morning, and then promptly shuffling downstairs to the chagrin of a sleeping nyanko to finish it. 

the work was done fast – because night wanted to get to bed. but no expense was spared in the items' modifications, though she did wonder if there should've been a drinking game taken into account of the number of shards sent her way.

it was only when she was sinking into slumber that she remembered aincrad didn't have alcohol.

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Slinking quietly into the shop, Freyd crept stealthily over to the counter to collect his bounty, desperately hoping that the system wouldn't consider him a thief for just sneaking.  More importantly, if NIGHT thought him there to burgle, she would have flayed him alive with her eyes alone.  Really, he just didn't want to wake her or the cat sitting on the counter.  "This gets a lot harder when you're refunded the hiding skill," he muttered under his breath, Persi glaring at his sudden added clumsiness.

"Shouldn't we leave a note or something?  Some kind of tip or thanks for prompt service?"  The mongoose sat staring at him like he was an idiot.  "Right.  Leaving would be the best gift of all.  Good thinking, Persi.  Let's go."  Tapping to dispatch each packet to his inventory, Freyd left as unobtrusively as he had entered, grateful for the help.  Something told him these would make a big difference on the field.

Freyd collects:

Aquamarine | [#214317-1] | TIER 4 TRINKET | ACC III, EVA I
[desc.]: A small turquoise gemstone symbolizing courage and serenity.

Sapphire | [#214317-2] | TIER 4 TRINKET | ACC III, EVA I
[desc.]: A small deep blue gemstone symbolizing wisdom, creativity and focus.

Emerald | [#214317-3] | TIER 4 TRINKET | ACC III, EVA I
[desc.]: A small green gemstone symbolizing unity, compassion and unconditional love.

Fragment of Possibilities +4 | [#214438] | TIER 4 TRINKET | REC II, ACC I, EVA I
[desc.]: A small brass symbol in Celtic style with the shape of an X within a circle, connected to bits of broken chain.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Shifting her bags to one arm, she looked about the empty shop. No one else was here. She slowly approached the counter, where a black cat was yawning and kneading its paws quite harmlessly on the stack of papers. Order forms and a bell. The owner seemed to have changed the manner she ran her shop. Turning her attention back to the feline, Mishiro held out her hand for it to sniff.

The cat inched forward, decided the new customer was friendly, and rubbed its head against her fingers. “Hi, sweetie,” she said, her voice lowered to a whisper, “If I give you this, can you go and retrieve those earrings for me?”

BUYING: dioscuri [#210452-2]
500 col sent.

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The last stop on her journey to  get herself geared for her first time leaving the safe zone. The Artisan made jewelry and trinkets for users to augment their skills further. A similar craft to making cosplays when it requires more than clothes.

So she walked in and approached the artisan who owned the store. “He-Hello-?” Mirei would start to talk until she was interrupted by a cute black cat. It rubbed it’s head against her hand as she reached to hand her drawing of the items she wanted made. “Oh, hi there cutie.” The girl would say giving Nyanko some pets while she waited on the Artisan to make the items she needed.

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