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[F01|R10 Artisan] The Evening Star | Open.

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It was probably luck, NIGHT concluded, as she went over the trinkets she had made. Uncommons, lined up in a row. Well, at least they'd make for good decor, right?

... Eh, maybe not. She set them aside, now stacking her less-than-ideal crafts in a wooden plate. A discard pile of sorts, she concluded, but there was no harm in keeping a handful around just for a bit. At least her kitten was enjoying them. She watched as Nyanko pawed at the stack, having taken residence on her table for the moment, as she cleaned up Athena's Lens with a cloth.


ATP Member Bonus: +5 LD on Salvage, +2 XP/Craft
Athena's Lens: +1 CD
Ambition: +1 XP/Craft
Loot Die: +3 LD

ID: 131669 | CD: 6 (5, +1) | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 131670 | CD: 9 (8, +1) | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 131671 | CD: 6 (5, +1) | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 131672 | CD: 5 (4, +1) | LD: 10 (2, +5 +3) | Salvage (Fail)
ID: 131673 | CD: 4 (3, +1) | LD: 19 (11, +5 +3) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 131674 | CD: 11 (10, +1) | Success! (Rare)
ID: 131675 | CD: 8 (7, +1) | Success! (Uncommon)

Result: +42 (21, +14 +7) XP, -6 T1 Materials, [T1E1] Uncommon Crafted Trinket (4), [T1E2] Rare Crafted Trinket (1)

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There was something she took solace in. It was how likely she was able to create an item that actually stood up. NIGHT dwelled in appreciating this, as she pieced together the last item, setting it aside with the others she'd made that day. Today must've been the best performance she'd seen from herself so far, and she was more than proud of that.

Closing her notebook, she'd place two pieces into the wooden bowl she had set up earlier, and then left the other three spread out on her desk, closer to the wall. Then, it was time for clean up again.


ATP Member Bonus: +5 LD on Salvage, +2 XP/Craft
Athena's Lens: +1 CD
Ambition: +1 XP/Craft
Loot Die: +3 LD

ID: 131885 | CD: 12 (11, +1) | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 131886 | CD: 4 (3, +1) | LD: 25 (17, +8) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 131887 | CD: 5 (4, +1) | LD: 26 (18, +8) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 131888 | CD: 12 (11, +1) | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 131889 | CD: 9 (8, +1) | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 131890 | CD: 12 (11, +1) | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 131891 | CD: 11 (10, +1) | Success! (Rare)

Result: +57 (36, +14 +7) XP, -5 TI Materials, [T1E1] Uncommon Crafted Trinket (1), [T1E2] Rare Crafted Trinket (1), [T1E3] Perfect Crafted Trinket (3)

Edited by NIGHT
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She changed her prices. It was probably for the better, seeing as how she felt more reliable in churning out quality crafts, and having a better pool of materials to work with now. Humming a little tune, she wiped away at Athena's Lens further, eager to have it clean at all times, just to show that she cared for the tool. On her desk sat a variety of crafts, and a scatter of materials to the side, the last remnants of blue light starting to fade away. All in all, she would count today as a success, when she had at least one perfect on the table.


ATP Member Bonus: +5 LD on Salvage, +2 XP/Craft
Athena's Lens: +1 CD
Ambition: +1 XP/Craft
Loot Die: +3 LD

ID: 131991 | CD: 6 (5, +1) | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 131992 | CD: 2 (1, +1) | Fail
ID: 131993 | CD: 6 (5, +1) | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 131994 | CD: 11 (10, +1) | Success! (Rare)
ID: 131995 | CD: 5 (4, +1) | LD: 11 (3, +8) | Salvage (Success) 
ID: 131996 | CD: 12 (11, +1) | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 131997 | CD: 10 (9, +1) | Success! (Rare)

Result: +48 (27, +14 +7) XP, -6 TI Materials  [T1E1] Uncommon Crafted Trinket (2), [T1E2] Rare Crafted Trinket (2), [T1E3] Perfect Crafted Trinket (1)

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Now was her second stop. She needed a few good things to help her out, and well, she was willing to pay for them. She needed something with some luck, a little trinket would do perfectly, but she also needed something to help with her accuracy, and well, she had a bracelet in mind. She just had to find the artisan who could do it, so when she walked into the shop, she smiled as she looked around and nodded her head. She didn't see the shop owner, so she grabbed two of the forms and filled them both out, finding the shop owners name, she still managed to send the materials over to help the artisan make them.

Ordering two items for 20 T1 Materials (12 price and 8 for tip):


Item Name: Lucky Dice
Profession: Artisan
Rank: - - -
Roll ID: - - -
Roll Result: - - -

Item Type: Trinket
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: +3 LD
Description: A simple dice, only each side has the number three engraved into it.
Post Link: - - -

Item Name: Hawk Bracelet
Profession: Artisan
Rank: - - -
Roll ID: - - -
Roll Result: - - -

Item Type: Bracelet
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: +3 ACC
Description: A simple silver chain, but the clasp seems to be shaped to look like a Hawk.
Post Link: - - -


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If the player hadn't noticed the shop owner, that's because they were chilling by the stairs, hidden away in their little, lovely alcove. "Hey," she called out, with a smirk and a cup of tea in her hands. NIGHT set down the drink, after taking another sip of it, shuffling over to the request forms. Taking a glance, the woman nodded, going into the backroom for a second.

Two flashes of light were visible from the door way, and the sound of sizzling fire, but nothing was out of the ordinary in the artisan's procedures. Stepping outside, she slid the items down the counter, wrapped up nicely in colorful paper packaging. "Enjoy, and good luck!"



Item Name: Lucky Dice
Profession: Artisan
Rank: 6
Roll ID:  131346
Roll Result:  13 (13, +1)
Item Type: Trinket
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: +3 LD
Description: A simple dice, only each side has the number three engraved into it.
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18303-f01-r6-artisan-the-evening-star-open/?do=findComment&comment=589887

Item Name: Hawk Bracelet
Profession: Artisan
Rank: 6
Roll ID:  131885
Roll Result:  12 (11, +1)
Item Type: Bracelet
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: +3 ACC
Description: A simple silver chain, but the clasp seems to be shaped to look like a Hawk.
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18303-f01-r6-artisan-the-evening-star-open/?do=findComment&comment=590561

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She nearly jumped out of she skin when she heard the greeting from the owner. She hadn't noticed her at all, and that probably wasn't a good thing at all. But, she was friendly at least. "Heya." The woman looked at the two requests after taking another drink of whatever drink she was holding before she went into a back room. Unsure on if she should wait or not, Neph just started to look at all of the decorations that the owner had laid out. Soon enough though, NIGHT was back and giving her the two items already. "Thank you!" She smiled before she turned to leave the shop with a smile on her face.



Item Name: Lucky Dice
Profession: Artisan
Rank: 6
Roll ID:  131346
Roll Result:  13 (13, +1)
Item Type: Trinket
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: +3 LD
Description: A simple dice, only each side has the number three engraved into it.
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18303-f01-r6-artisan-the-evening-star-open/?do=findComment&comment=589887

Item Name: Hawk Bracelet
Profession: Artisan
Rank: 6
Roll ID:  131885
Roll Result:  12 (11, +1)
Item Type: Bracelet
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: +3 ACC
Description: A simple silver chain, but the clasp seems to be shaped to look like a Hawk.
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18303-f01-r6-artisan-the-evening-star-open/?do=findComment&comment=590561


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It was good etiquette in crafting to salvage as much as was possible when a plan had gone awry. After the two she'd managed to save earlier, she hissed as a loose hand cut through the leather she was working with, making it too fragile and and fragmented to work with anymore. As it scattered into pieces, NIGHT could only sigh, ready to hang her head in frustration.

Nyanko put a paw to her hand, curiously batting at the light. The artisan blinked, and then giggled, watching the cat look upon the particles in awe. A gentle pat and a smooch to his forehead was enough to keep her spirits high enough to complete today's work.


ATP Member Bonus: +5 LD on Salvage, +2 XP/Craft
Athena's Lens: +1 CD
Ambition: +1 XP/Craft
Loot Die: +3 LD

ID: 132062 | CD: 11 (10, +1) | Success! (Rare)
ID: 132063 | CD: 5 (4, +1) | LD: 11 (3, +8) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 132064 | CD: 5 (4, +1) | LD: 15 (7, +8) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 132065 | CD: 12 (11, +1) | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 132066 | CD: 2 (1, +1) | Fail
ID: 132067 | CD: 11 (10, +1) | Success! (Rare)
ID: 132068 | CD: 3 (2, +1) | LD: 27 (19, +8) | Salvage (Success)

Result: +46 (25, +14 +7) XP, -4 TI Materials, [T1E2] Rare Crafted Trinket (2), [T1E3] Perfect Crafted Trinket (1)

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It didn't take long before Basuke came running down the streets to look for his two friends. With him being out of the running for two whole years, it'd take forever to catch up if he didn't start from somewhere! He skid over to NIGHT's shop first, taking note of the lovely exterior before barging in, sounding the chime.

"Yo! Are you in?" He shouted, forgetting his language for a moment. "It's Basuke!" The boy clambered down the stairs, noticing the request sheet at the counter. Well, if she wasn't here, at least she'd take his request, right? He scribbled down the words with the best English he could muster, and set about the scrawled paper to the side, leaning against the counter wondering where the woman was.


> Sending 6 T1 Materials to NIGHT.

Item Name: Tri-Hexagon Metal Pin | (3 hexxagon metal pin)
Profession: Artisan
Rank: 6
Roll ID: - - -
Roll Result: - - -

Item Type: Trinket
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Accuracy x3
Description: Three hexagons beveled linked up one on top of the other, polished a dull silver by steel. Indentations of reflective metal go down the edges of the one in the center. | (A drawing of three hexagons. Some of the sides are bent out of shape or have lost connections.)
Post Link: - - -

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"Of course I'm in," NIGHT replied, rising and walking over to the counter with the tea cup still in her hand. She examined the request form Basuke had set down, going over it in earnest and confusion. "I mean, I've never seen this before... but I can try."

Behind the counter, past an open door way, NIGHT took her cup and the paper in there. A sizzle and pop later and the artisan exited the cramped, sepia room, with an empty cup and two paper squares in hand. "This one," she picked out one of them, "was the one you requested, and this other one is on the house." She tossed both of them over to the boy with an arm's throw. "Here's hoping that nothing unfortunate happens to you anymore!"



Item Name: Tri-Hexagon Metal Pin
Profession: Artisan
Rank: 6
Roll ID:  131888
Roll Result:  12 (11, +1)
Item Type: Trinket
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Accuracy, Accuracy, Accuracy
Description: Three hexagons beveled linked up one on top of the other, polished a dull silver by steel. Indentations of reflective metal go down the edges of the one in the center. Some of the lines of the hexagon are purposefully leaning inwards, forming an odder geometric shape.
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Item Name: Wooden Omamori
Profession: Artisan
Rank: 6
Roll ID: 131559
Roll Result: 13 (12, +1)
Item Type: Trinket
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Loot Die, Loot Die, Loot Die
Description: A wooden talisman, often found at Shinto shrines. Where there would be japanese characters on it to mark some good luck, there is instead an etching of Aincrad itself.
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18303-f01-r6-artisan-the-evening-star-open/?do=findComment&comment=590149

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Basuke fumbled with the squares as he swerved and dived to catch them, letting out a "Woah!" when he thought he was about to fall. Thankfully, the two items he'd received appeared to be fine; unwrinkled, even. He unpackaged them both on the spot, intending to wear the pin and examine the extra, to find that it was a wooden charm for good luck. "Hey, I remember a thing like this!"

He stashed it in his pocket, with a big grin on his face. "Thank you so much! This means a lot to me!" And kicking off the wooden flooring, he busted through the door, a little more gentler this time. "See you next time!"


+ Tri-Hexagon Metal Pin, Wooden Omamori

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So this is how it was going to be from now on. A streak of somewhat mediocre crafts, then a boon -- a burst of luck from somewhere. As she shuffled along with another wooden plate of perfect crafts, she set them down in the backroom, ready to be picked up and moulded given time and essence.

A peep came from the doorway. "Yeah, I'm just done, Nyanko." Further meows prompted her to move faster, tidying up her desk and sweeping up the mishaps. "Yes, yes," she chuckled, heading over to the kitten's food bowl.

It was empty only on the centre, full of kibble on the perimeter. NIGHT picked it up, shaking it with a giggle, before setting it back down, watching her cat devour the food in earnest. Cats can be so silly sometimes.


ATP Member Bonus: +5 LD on Salvage, +2 XP/Craft
Athena's Lens: +1 CD
Ambition: +1 XP/Craft
Loot Die: +3 LD

ID: 132156 | CD: 7 (6, +1) | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 132157 | CD: 12 (11, +1) | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 132158 | CD: 8 (7, +1) | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 132159 | CD: 12 (11, +1) | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 132160 | CD: 4 (3, +1) | LD: 10 (2, +8) | Salvage (Fail)
ID: 132161 | CD: 13 (12, +1) | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 132162 | CD: 4 (3, +1) | LD: 13 (5, +8) | Salvage (Success)

Result: +55 (34, +14 +7) XP, -6 TI Materials, [T1E1] Uncommon Crafted Trinket (2), [T1E3] Perfect Crafted Trinket (3)

Edited by NIGHT
# there was an extra roll and im so sorry, it was accident u~u);;;
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NIGHT hissed, waving the blue lights away. She sighed, hunched over her desk, her fingers running through her hair as she pushed the locks back. Maybe she shouldn't have gone to the festival. It sure was making her more than upset, and it showed in her work.

Nyanko jumped onto her lap, meeping and mewing for her attention. At least she had him to comfort her. She played with the kitten further, lightly letting him try to catch and bite her fingers, watching all the while. Eventually, when the cat was too tired to play, he curled up on her lap. NIGHT sat up straight, stretching, ready to try again.

"Thanks, Nyanko."


ATP Member Bonus: +5 LD on Salvage, +2 XP/Craft
Athena's Lens: +1 CD
Ambition: +1 XP/Craft
Loot Die: +3 LD

ID: 132300 | CD: 4 (3, +1) | LD: 22 (14, +8) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 132301 | CD: 2 (1, +1) | Fail
ID: 132302 | CD: 12 (11, +1) | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 132303 | CD: 4 (3, +1) | LD: 9 (1, +8) | Salvage (Fail)
ID: 132304 | CD: 13 (12, +1) | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 132305 | CD: 6 (5, +1) | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 132306 | CD: 5 (4, +1) | LD: 10 (2, +8) | Salvage (Fail)

Result: +47 (26, +14 +7) XP, -6 TI Materials, [T1E1] Uncommon Crafted Trinket (1), [T1E3] Perfect Crafted Trinket (2)

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  • 2 weeks later...


Lucky day today. NIGHT was finally back in the dead of the night, humming to herself while checking the alley. She would've gone to sleep, but she was feeling a little more awake than usual. It was mildly distressing, if she was being honest.

Accompanied by her own thoughts, NIGHT sat down at her crafting table, eager to use up the last of her materials for now, just to take her mind off of things. As she worked, Nyanko, having hopped out of the bag, trotted off to the bedroom. With a leap, he jumped, onto the bed, curling up in the center of it all to rest.


ATP Member Bonus: +5 LD on Salvage, +2 XP/Craft
Athena's Lens: +1 CD
Ambition: +1 XP/Craft
Loot Die: +3 LD

ID: 132923 | CD: 7 (6, +1) | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 132924 | CD: 13 (12, +1) | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 132925 | CD: 3 (2, +1) | LD: 17 (9, +8) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 132926 | CD: 7 (6, +1) | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 132927 | CD: 3 (2, +1) | LD: 20 (12, +8) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 132928 | CD: 11 (10, +1) | Success! (Rare)
ID: 132929 | CD: 4 (3, +1) | LD: 20 (12, +8) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 132930 | CD: 13 (12, +1) | Success! (Perfect)

Result: +57 (33, +16 +8) XP, -5 TI Materials, [T1E1] Uncommon Crafted Trinket (2), [T1E2] Rare Crafted Trinket (1), [T1E3] Perfect Crafted Trinket (2)

Edited by NIGHT
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Their second stop was to get weapons, armour and accessories for everyone, having just left Best Kept Secrets, the 4 man party were about to wander around on the snowy day in search of stores that would have what they needed, as they walked by the street, a curious store sat in the side alley, a odd location to be sure.

“Hey… I think there’s a store over there,” Rei pointed, his curiosity piqued,

“Now that is definitely shady,” Yuta stated with narrowed eyes, even so, they followed Rei into the alley, as they got closer, they gradually saw the several trinkets on display along with the Owner’s profession and rank,

“This seems like a good place to start, the first thing we’re going to need is some accuracy buffs,” Rei noted, gently pushing open the door and entering, the group in general began to take a look around after nodding to the owner in greeting,

Kenji peered over at one of the decorations on display, named Breath of the Fields, it was a somewhat simple decoration of a glass cylinder and some leafy contents, but the simplicity evoked a simple peaceful emotion.

Takumi and Yuta quickly walked over to the strange ceramic cat,

“Hey, Rei, don’t you have one like this at home?” Yuta wondered if he remembered correctly, it’s been a long time since they were at his house in the real world after all,

“Hm?” Rei looked up from the custom order form, “Ah, yeah, it’s meant to bring good luck,” he nodded, finishing up the form, he handed it over to the Owner and made the transaction using 6 [T1] Materials.

“Is that alright?” he looked over at the Owner more closely, seeing her scarf made him realise what he should get next at the Tailors.


Item Name: Ice Star Chain

Profession: Artisan

Rank: 7

Roll ID: - - -

Roll Result: - - -

Item Type: Trinket

Tier: 1

Quality: Perfect

Enhancements: Accuracy x3

Description: A dark blue string with a silvery snowflake at the end, with a central blue gem decoration, made to add to the hilt or pommel of a weapon

Post Link: - - -


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Curious. She'd expected it to be a slow day today. One customer would've been enough but as she looked up from her notebook, she realized there were four players in her abode. Four.

She wasn't going to complain, though. NIGHT watched the party wander around her store, taking note of her prized possessions on display. Friends, kind of like the ones she'd expected to run into when she first started out as an adventurer. Maybe, she realized, players in a pack like these were more rare these days, as the influx of adventurers started to die down with the waning interest and heightened danger.

No matter. Someone she'd thought to be the leader issued her a request form, and she examined it with a nod, taking the paper and her tea cup to the back room. A crackle, fizz, and a pop later, NIGHT strolled out behind the counter, setting a paper package on the wooden surface, blowing away the steam from her drink.

"More than alright." She scanned over the crowd. "Y'guys take care of each other now."



Item Name: Ice Star Chain
Profession: Artisan
Rank: 6
Roll ID: 132161
Roll Result: 13 (12, +1)
Item Type: Trinket
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Accuracy x3
Description: A dark blue string with a silvery snowflake at the end, with a central blue gem decoration, made to add to the hilt or pommel of a weapon.
Post Link: - http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18303-f01-r6-artisan-the-evening-star-open/?do=findComment&comment=590995

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“Huh, that was quick,” Rei smiled, was it that easy to make an item? Was it because it was technically still a game? Well, thoughts for later when they get the quest.

He gently takes the trinket and quickly attaches it to his icy curved sword at his side, laughing slightly at her comment at the end, “Of course, thanks for the good work,”

“Who was the one who led us into the spider caves then, huh?” Yuta levelling a accusatory stare at Rei,

“NO! Shut up! We’re not talking about that!” Takumi cried out, eagerly clamping his hands over their mouths,

“S-sorry about that…” Kenji awkwardly laughs as the group begins to leave, just as their outside, Rei manages to budge just enough room to speak,

“Hey, that was for a quest, and it’s not my fault you guys dropped the glow stone,”

The group leaves in a animated fashion, chatting about the nightmare fuel some of them suffered from the last quest.


1 x [T1] [Perfect] [Accessory] Ice Star Chain [Accuracy x3] Obtained.

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Okay, she had her new dagger ordered, now it was time for her to go and get something that was going to help with her accuracy. Her familiar was going to be trained to be a fighter, so she was getting all of the things that she needed that was going to work with that. Once she walked into the Evening Star, she wrote down her order quickly on a request form before sending the payment to the shops owner. Making sure that everything was filled out right, she left soon enough, leaving her new order in her wake. Soon, she was going to be able to meet her goals. @NIGHT


Paying  550 Col for:

Item Name: Black Snake
Profession: Artisan
Rank: - - -
Roll ID: - - -
Roll Result: - - -

Item Type: Jewelry
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Accuracy // Accuracy // Accuracy
Description: A black bracelet that wraps around her upper arm. It is in the shape of a coiling snake. [Reference]
Post Link: - - -


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It was nice how these shops were all built so close together; upon exiting the Crusty Bahrnacle, Arabelle didn't need to walk too far to find the new artisan shop down the alley. Pretty, pleasant place. Its interior was friendlier than what she had been expecting with its location. "Hello," she greeted. The shop owner looked familiar (she had spotted her during the Halloween event boss), but she couldn't place a name to her. Straight to business, then. She already had her order written on a slip of paper. 

"I need an item custom made," she explained as she slid the paper over to the artisan. Arabelle... did not have the best experience with artisans. The first didn't craft her item and never refunded her. The second did finish her requested item... but they only did so after months. As a show of goodwill though -- and hoping to god this artisan was different -- she traded over the Col in advance. "Stuck an image of the old one in there, too. I can't use it anymore, but I guess I got too attached. Nothing too far from it, please."


Item Name: Insignia of Retribution II
Profession: Artisan
Rank: - - -
Roll ID: - - -
Roll Result: - - -

Item Type: Jewelry
Tier: 2
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: [x2] Recovery | Accuracy
Description: [reference] "May this savage song reach the hearts of those who have wronged you." A brooch depicting a bejeweled phoenix carrying an egg made of black rhinestone. When equipped, it grants accuracy and an energy regeneration buff.
Post Link: - - -

850 Col -- sent to NIGHT


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Talk about silent. NIGHT didn't even hear the bell jingle when the woman came in. One quick form filled, and they were out. How eccentric. They didn't even say hello or goodbye.

Well, it was probably for the best. As the shopkeep scanned the form, she raised a brow at the odd choice of accessory before getting to work, a cup of tea in her hands as she went through the door at the back of the counterspace. All it took was a prepared material and a bit of adjustment work with some tweezers, then some indenting, paintwork before glazing and polishing.

When NIGHT set the piece down into its paper packaging, she couldn't help but feel an ominous vibe from her recent creation. One message sent, and she left the package at her counter. She was about to head back into her room with a fresh cup of tea, but this time she'd heard someone else step in. For a moment she was frozen, worried her most recent client was here to pick up her order already.

Instead, it was -- well, an interesting person, so to say. There was something in her bones that also warned her about this stranger, but they appeared... extremely courteous. At least NIGHT had to give them the time of day. With a nod, she examined the request over, flipping the paper in her hands over curiously. The depiction was unique; the woman could safely say the work would need a bit of time to develop, with how intricate it was.

"I'll have it for you in a bit. Err--" Tier 2? She couldn't just wing it this time, then. NIGHT would need brand new materials... which meant paying a friend a visit. "-- Right. Make that in a little longer than a bit. I'll send a message out to you when I have it with me."



Item Name: Black Snake
Profession: Artisan
Rank: 6
Roll ID:  132302
Roll Result:  12 (11, +1)
Item Type: Jewelry
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Accuracy // Accuracy // Accuracy
Description: A black bracelet that wraps around her upper arm. It is in the shape of a coiling snake. [Reference]
Post Link:  http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18303-f01-r6-artisan-the-evening-star-open/?do=findComment&comment=591252

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Ding. Lethia looked at her messages and she smiled, Well, that was fast. She turned around and started to walk back to the other shop when she saw that someone else had just walked out. Walking in then, she saw the artisan who made her bracelet. Queue the sickening smile that was still somehow...sweet? "That certainly was fast, thank you so much." She walked over to the counter where she saw the neatly wrapped package as she opened it and looked at the bracelet before sliding it on and up her arm, it fit perfectly. She looked at NIGHT again, "It's perfect, thank you again." With that, she made sure to grab the packaging so that she could store the bracelet there when it wasn't on and she left.



Item Name: Black Snake
Profession: Artisan
Rank: 6
Roll ID:  132302
Roll Result:  12 (11, +1)
Item Type: Jewelry
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Accuracy // Accuracy // Accuracy
Description: A black bracelet that wraps around her upper arm. It is in the shape of a coiling snake. [Reference]
Post Link:  http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18303-f01-r6-artisan-the-evening-star-open/?do=findComment&comment=591252


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