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[F01|R10 Artisan] The Evening Star | Open.

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# Let's. Get. This. Bread!


ATP Member Bonus: +5 LD on Salvage, +2 XP/Craft
Athena's Lens: +1 CD
Ambition: +1 XP/Craft
Loot Die: +3 LD

ID: 133574 | CD: 8 (7, +1) | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 133575 | CD: 6 (5, +1) | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 133576 | CD: 4 (3, +1) | LD: 24 (16, +8) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 133577 | CD: 2 (1, +1) | Fail
ID: 133578 | CD: 13 (12, +1) | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 133579 | CD: 8 (7, +1) | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 133580 | CD: 13 (12, +1) | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 133581 | CD: 11 (10, +1) | Success! (Rare)

Result: +57 (33, +16 +8) XP, -7 T2 Materials, [T2E1] Uncommon Crafted Trinket (3), [T2E2] Rare Crafted Trinket (1), [T2E3] Perfect Crafted Trinket (2)

Edited by NIGHT
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One quick trip and back later, and NIGHT was all ready to set herself to work. She started with the rhinestone first, ensuring its edges were cut well, in a resemblance to the image. Then after would be the phoenix -- it took her several tries to get the shape of the creature right, the gaps between its tail features made it difficult to replicate with just a glance. It would be outlined with a soft metal, with a reinforced base, from the looks of it.

A tinier bead for the eye -- she'd picked off one of the black jewel's edges and refashioned it into the socket, before swapping gemstones altogether, starting to carve out tiny round crystals to embed the metal bird with. When the artisan was done, she wrapped it up in a prim and proper paper packet, setting it down on the counter. A jewelry piece for one @Arabelle, message sent and everything.

Great! Now that her work was done... it was time for some tea.


Item Name: Insignia of Retribution II
Profession: Artisan
Rank: 7
Roll ID: 133580
Roll Result:  13 (12, +1)
Item Type: Jewelry
Tier: 2
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: [x2] Recovery | Accuracy
Description: [reference] "May this savage song reach the hearts of those who have wronged you." A brooch depicting a bejeweled phoenix carrying an egg made of black rhinestone. When equipped, it grants accuracy and an energy regeneration buff.
Post Link:  http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18303-f01-r7-artisan-the-evening-star-open/?do=findComment&comment=593569

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Well, that was fast. When the crafter informed her that it would take a bit longer, Arabelle figured... around a week or so. Or if she was unlucky again, five months. But only a day after her visit, she woke up from her nap to the pleasant chime of a received message. 

Not wasting any time, she paid the shop another visit.

"It looks beautiful," Arabelle commented, unwrapping the item and turning it over in her gloved hands. Though it wasn't really needed, the packaging was a nice cute touch. Pinning it onto her light armor, the small purple-haired girl turned to the artisan with a smile. "Thanks for this. I'll come back here if I need anything more. See you around!"

With one of the two equipment pieces she needed for her new build, Arabelle exited the shop.



  • Insignia of Retribution II


Edited by Arabelle
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> Starting conversation with @NIGHT.


Hey, you’re an artisan right?

but ive never told you about it wtf

Don’t underestimate my ability for research.


Are you taking commissions?


Perfect. I need you to craft me three items.
I’ll pay you.

okay shoot

> [Attachments Sent (3)]
Can you do that?

theyre very specific for something im getting by text
but yeah they work


uh wait


don’t you already have that?
the necklace i mean

I actually already have them all.
Well, not so much the spice bottle. I misplaced it the other day.
Must’ve fallen out of my pocket when I wasn’t looking.


So I’m here to resecure what I have.
I hope that’s alright. I can hand what I’ve got off to you so
you can take a better look at them.

stop by any time
id tell you where i live but

No need.

what are you, a stalker?

See you soon. :)

Attachments (3):


Item Name: Bien S'en Tirer
Profession: Artisan
Rank: - - -
Roll ID: - - -
Roll Result: - - -
Item Type: Jewelry
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Loot Die (3)
Description: A collection of beads, feathers and a sewn cloth charm hooked onto a leather strap. It’s colorful, yet clutterfully serene at the same time.
Post Link: - - -

Item Name: Wall Bubble Terrarium
Profession: Artisan
Rank: - - -
Roll ID: - - -
Roll Result: - - -
Item Type: Sculpture
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Loot Die (3)
Description: Attachable to walls, this furniture piece serves as a brilliant mossy decor, and a well-designed farm to grow tiny herbs in. Most of it is made of glass, so handle it with care.
Post Link: - - -

Item Name: Seasoning Bottle
Profession: Artisan
Rank: - - -
Roll ID: - - -
Roll Result: - - -
Item Type: Trinket
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Ambition
Description: A tiny glass bottle, made in the shape of an octagon. It’s small enough to store crushed herbs and seeds into it. On the underside of its cap, a small portioner is available to gauge pinches from dashes.
Post Link: - - -

Edited by Bistro
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When the door opened, NIGHT knew who it was, and shot her informant a grim look. Bistro, on the other hand, leaned against the railings of the stairs, looking back at her from above with a smile. "Right, my items?"

"They're on the counter, stalker." The artisan sipped her tea, reviewing her journal's notes, trying not to smirk.

"Got it. Thank you~"

She watched as the woman saunter quickly down the stairs, picking up two paper packets and one cardboard box, returning them to her inventory. "Couldn't get a better wrapping for this one, huh?" The broker chided, as she tapped on the terrarium set. NIGHT exhaled, as her client chuckled, before rushing back up the stairs again, her soft fluffy slippers tapping on wood.

"You need better shoes, Bistro."

"Can't believe the best shot you've got for me are my bunny slippers," she replied, sounding exasperated. Then, a laugh from above her, as her welcome bells chimed again. "Thanks for the quick fix. Be seeing you around."

And with that, the door shut. Peace and serenity returned to the Evening Star once more, and NIGHT basked in it, letting out a tense breath she'd been holding onto.


Bistro: + Bien Sén Tirer, Wall Bubble Terrarium, Seasoning Bottle


Item Name: Bien S'en Tirer
Profession: Artisan
Rank: 6
Roll ID:  132304
Roll Result: 13 (12, +1)
Item Type: Jewelry
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Loot Die (3)
Description: A collection of beads, feathers and a sewn cloth charm hooked onto a leather strap. It’s colorful, yet clutterfully serene at the same time.
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18303-f01-r6-artisan-the-evening-star-open/?do=findComment&comment=591252

Item Name: Wall Bubble Terrarium
Profession: Artisan
Rank: 6
Roll ID: 132924
Roll Result: 13 (12, +1)
Item Type: Sculpture
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Loot Die (3)
Description: Attachable to walls, this furniture piece serves as a brilliant mossy decor, and a well-designed farm to grow tiny herbs in. Most of it is made of glass, so handle it with care.
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18303-f01-r6-artisan-the-evening-star-open/?do=findComment&comment=592614

Item Name: Seasoning Bottle
Profession: Artisan
Rank: 7
Roll ID: 132930
Roll Result: 13 (12, +1)
Item Type: Trinket
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Ambition
Description: A tiny glass bottle, made in the shape of an octagon. It’s small enough to store crushed herbs and seeds into it. On the underside of its cap, a small portioner is available to gauge pinches from dashes.
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18303-f01-r6-artisan-the-evening-star-open/?do=findComment&comment=592614

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# replenishing my t1 stock uwu)


ATP Member Bonus: +5 LD on Salvage, +2 XP/Craft
Athena's Lens: +1 CD
Ambition: +1 XP/Craft
Loot Die: +3 LD

ID: 133883 | CD: 6 (5, +1) | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 133884 | CD: 8 (7, +1) | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 133885 | CD: 2 (1, +1) | Fail
ID: 133886 | CD: 12 (11, +1) | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 133887 | CD: 5 (4, +1) | LD: 24 (16, +8) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 133888 | CD: 9 (8, +1) | Success! (Rare)
ID: 133889 | CD: 10 (9, +1) | Success! (Rare)
ID: 133890 | CD: 12 (11, +1) | Success! (Perfect)

Result: +59 (35, +16 +8) XP, -7 T1 Materials, [T1E1] Uncommon Crafted Trinket (2), [T1E2] Rare Crafted Trinket (2), [T1E3] Perfect Crafted Trinket (2)

Edited by NIGHT
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  • 2 weeks later...

Wandering about the city in Floor 1, having experienced little of it in his short time after the dreaded announcement Raidou finds himself lost in darkened alleyways.

Just ask for directions

You can do this

Get directions, admit it your lost

Raidou tries a few door, handles shaking with a quivering hand at the thoughts of the speaking to come from his actions.

One handle turns, opening with a mixed feeling of relief and dread as a bell rings on entry.

"I-im sorr-ry to intrude, I'm a b-bit lost." the voice chopped to pieces and but a whisper as they fall to the floor in fragments.



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Another visitor? NIGHT looked upwards, silent. There was a worry in his voice as he stammered. The tinkling of her tea set gave away her presence, but the shopkeeper didn't move just yet. One long sip of her tea, wondering if there was more for the player to say, before she set her cup down, hollering with a "Yo!".

"Where're you looking to go?" And for the record, who walks into a shop looking for directions?

The woman shuffled out from her sofa seat, hands tucked into her pockets, a curious look on her face. She eyed the man's red garb up and down, standing at the base of her shop's stairs, arms folded.


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"N-NEVERM-MIND" Raidou pivots to start an expeditious retreat. A glint of blue, a small silver flash causes him to turn his attention back. Laden softly on a slip of paper of rich hue, a pair of small framed glasses peak his interest. Pulling the cracked lens pair from his face, and looking through the hairline "Mari..." he whispers before he takes a deep breath and about-faces toward the woman who just shattered his soul. Puffing his chest and gritting his teeth he bends in two "H-How m-much for the g-glasses miss?" now bowing in her direction his sight to the floor.


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She'd expected him to hightail it out of there and run, the moment he turned his back and yelled. The artisan raised a brow instead, though, when he glanced back and whispered something.

Did he just say...? No, I must be imagining things now...

"The glasses? 550col," NIGHT folded her arms, picking up the spectacles she'd crafted on a whim the other day. The visitor was practically a shaking, nervous wreck, now that she'd seen him up close. Narrowing her eyes, she picked it off the shelf and held it towards him by its temple tip, tilting her head. "It's standard rate here, but, why don't you put them on first and see if they fit?"

Seriously, with how much he's shaking-- who is this again?


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With each word cutting deep like daggers, the shopkeep elaborated in a muffle until the words began to pierce through the veil.

"550 col" 

          "Standard rate"

                    "See if they fit..."

Raidou swallowed hard at the thought of moving any closer to her. Turning with a wide reach and a shaking outstretched hand, contact...

His fingers wrapped around what little piece he could grasp and he pulled them to his face with fervor. "These are perfect..." Raidou's words flowed easily at this moment owing to the distraction.

Dropping a bag of coin into her grasp before she could retract "T-thanks!" through a pair of glinting light and fire orange eyes he stared at her but a moment. Raidou got the hell out of there leaving a bag of coin behind in his wake.

[Bought: -550 Col]



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Wrapping up a quest on the first floor, this particular blonde took a more scenic route back. In tow with her familiar, the gray capped figure found a small store covered in green from all the plants outside and inside the place. Entering the shore, the blonde greets with a small "Ojamashimasu!", to make her presence known before going stepping forward and taking a look at the price list. After a few moments she opens her HUD and fills several item order forms then sends them to the shop owner alongside 9x T3 Materials and 2500 Col. "How fast do you think you can have these done?" asked the blonde with a smile, removing her cape and turning towards NIGHT.


Item Name: ≪Ryukyu Furin#(Roll ID)
Profession: Artisan
Rank: - - -
Roll ID: - - -
Roll Result: - - -
Item Type: Trinket
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Ambition
Description: A small ryukyu glass wind chime with the word "Ambition" written in japanese on the hanging paper (pic.)
Post Link: - - -

Item Name: ≪Setoyaki Furin#(Roll ID)
Profession: Artisan
Rank: - - -
Roll ID: - - -
Roll Result: - - -
Item Type: Trinket
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Ambition
Description: A Seto ware style ceramic wind chime with the word "Ambition" written in japanese on the hanging paper. (pic.)
Post Link: - - -

Item Name: ≪Memory Fragment#(Roll ID)
Profession: Artisan
Rank: - - -
Roll ID: - - -
Roll Result: - - -
Item Type: Trinket
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Recovery | Recovery | Taunt
Description: A thin bracelet with a blue crystal as its centerpiece. It lightly glows when any of its enchantments proc.
Post Link: - - -

Item Name: ≪Memory Fragments#(Roll ID)
Profession: Artisan
Rank: - - -
Roll ID: - - -
Roll Result: - - -
Item Type: Trinket
Tier: 2
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Recovery | Recovery | Taunt
Description: A thin bracelet with a pair of blue and yellow crystals as its centerpiece. They blue one glows when Recovery procs. and the other when Taunt procs.
Post Link: - - -

Item Name: ≪Firm Resolve#(Roll ID)
Profession: Artisan
Rank: - - -
Roll ID: - - -
Roll Result: - - -
Item Type: Trinket
Tier: 3
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Recovery | Recovery | Accuracy
Description: A pair of crimson red earrings that slightly glow when the recovery enchantment procs.
Post Link: - - -

TL Note: jap. 'Ojamashimasu!' - "Thank you for having me!"

Edited by Ariel - The Crowned Lion
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It was funny how quickly she and her kitten perked up at the entrance of her newest client. Ariel, right? The lady set down a number of items on the counter as NIGHT scurried over to look over them, placing down her tea somewhat carelessly in the mini-lounge. She mouthed the words as she read the scrawlings, before picking up the pouch of materials, giving Ariel a gesture to wait for a moment, then setting herself in her workshop.

Then, it became... scary, how quickly the items were churned out. Two were crafted with all-purpose kits, sure, but the three she'd been tasked to construct on the fly came as second nature to her. With wide eyes, she stepped out from the back room, setting down the five trinkets onto the wooden surface, a ragged but brilliant smile on her face. "Too fast for my tastes," she joked, pulling in the col pouch to her side.


ATP Member Bonus: +5 LD on Salvage, +2 XP/Craft
Athena's Lens: +1 CD
Ambition: +1 XP/Craft

ID: 134691 | CD: 7 (6, +1) | Success! (T1 Uncommon)
ID: 134692 | CD: 11 (10, +1) | Success! (T1 Rare)
ID: 134693 | CD: 12 (11, +1) | Success! (T1 Perfect)
ID: 134697 | CD: 13 (12, +1) | Success! (T3 Perfect)
ID: 134698 | CD: 9 (8, +1) | Success! (T1 Rare)
ID: 134699 | CD: 11 (10, +1) | Success! (T1 Rare)
ID: 134700 | CD: 13 (12, +1) | Success! (T1 Perfect)
ID: 134701 | CD: 6 (5, +1) | Success! (T1 Uncommon)

Result: +69 (45, +16 +8) XP, -7 T1 Materials, -1 T3 Material, [T1E1] Uncommon Crafted Trinket (2), [T1E2] Rare Crafted Trinket (3), [T1E3] Perfect Crafted Trinket (2), [T3E3] Perfect Crafted Trinket (1)

@Ariel - The Crowned Lion


Item Name: ≪Ryukyu Furin#133890≫
Profession: Artisan
Rank: 7
Roll ID:  133890
Roll Result:  12 (11, +1)
Item Type: Trinket
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Ambition
Description: A small ryukyu glass wind chime with the word "Ambition" written in japanese on the hanging paper (pic.)
Post Link:  http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18303-f01-r7-artisan-the-evening-star-open/?do=findComment&comment=593840

Item Name: ≪Setoyaki Furin#134693≫
Profession: Artisan
Rank: 7
Roll ID:  134693
Roll Result:  12 (11, +1)
Item Type: Trinket
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Ambition
Description: A Seto ware style ceramic wind chime with the word "Ambition" written in japanese on the hanging paper. (pic.)
Post Link:  http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18303-f01-r7-artisan-the-evening-star-open/?do=findComment&comment=595052

Item Name: ≪Memory Fragment#134700≫
Profession: Artisan
Rank: 7
Roll ID:  134700
Roll Result:  13 (12, +1)
Item Type: Trinket
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Recovery | Recovery | Taunt
Description: A thin bracelet with a blue crystal as its centerpiece. It lightly glows when any of its enchantments proc.
Post Link:  http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18303-f01-r7-artisan-the-evening-star-open/?do=findComment&comment=595052

Item Name: ≪Memory Fragments# 133578≫
Profession: Artisan
Rank: 7
Roll ID:  133578
Roll Result:  13 (12, + 1)
Item Type: Trinket
Tier: 2
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Recovery | Recovery | Taunt
Description: A thin bracelet with a pair of blue and yellow crystals as its centerpiece. They blue one glows when Recovery procs. and the other when Taunt procs.
Post Link:  http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18303-f01-r7-artisan-the-evening-star-open/?do=findComment&comment=593569

Item Name: ≪Firm Resolve# 134697≫
Profession: Artisan
Rank: 7
Roll ID:  134697
Roll Result:  13 (12, + 1)
Item Type: Trinket
Tier: 3
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Recovery | Recovery | Accuracy
Description: A pair of crimson red earrings that slightly glow when the recovery enchantment procs.
Post Link:  http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18303-f01-r7-artisan-the-evening-star-open/?do=findComment&comment=595052

Edited by NIGHT
nice @ exp
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As she watched Night get to work on her order, the blonde took a seat on the nearby sofas and poured herself some tea. She took a minute to let her surroundings settle in as she genuinely enjoyed the moment. The tea blend was delicious and she made a mental note to tell the craftswoman as well. Gazing around without any focus in particular, the blonde ticked some items on her mental preparation items checklist. She still had to acquire half of it but these five would help reduce the number.

She didn't get to finish her team when came back with the blonde's desired wares. "Perfect for mine." she added with a smile, picking up the wind chimes and admiring the artistry while slightly shaking one to hear the sound it produced. "They're perfect! These would put some artisans from my homeland to shame." she added, before picking up the rest of the items and materializing another coin pouch.(2500 Col)

"I like people that work fast, here's a little extra service. See you around!" With a backhand wave, she left the shop and went on her own business.

1 hour ago, NIGHT said:

Item Name: ≪Ryukyu Furin#133890≫
Profession: Artisan
Rank: 7
Roll ID:  133890
Roll Result:  12 (11, +1)
Item Type: Trinket
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Ambition
Description: A small ryukyu glass wind chime with the word "Ambition" written in japanese on the hanging paper (pic.)
Post Link:  http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18303-f01-r7-artisan-the-evening-star-open/?do=findComment&comment=593840

Item Name: ≪Setoyaki Furin#134693≫
Profession: Artisan
Rank: 7
Roll ID:  134693
Roll Result:  12 (11, +1)
Item Type: Trinket
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Ambition
Description: A Seto ware style ceramic wind chime with the word "Ambition" written in japanese on the hanging paper. (pic.)
Post Link:  http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18303-f01-r7-artisan-the-evening-star-open/?do=findComment&comment=595052

Item Name: ≪Memory Fragment#134700≫
Profession: Artisan
Rank: 7
Roll ID:  134700
Roll Result:  13 (12, +1)
Item Type: Trinket
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Recovery | Recovery | Taunt
Description: A thin bracelet with a blue crystal as its centerpiece. It lightly glows when any of its enchantments proc.
Post Link:  http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18303-f01-r7-artisan-the-evening-star-open/?do=findComment&comment=595052

Item Name: ≪Memory Fragments# 133578≫
Profession: Artisan
Rank: 7
Roll ID:  133578
Roll Result:  13 (12, + 1)
Item Type: Trinket
Tier: 2
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Recovery | Recovery | Taunt
Description: A thin bracelet with a pair of blue and yellow crystals as its centerpiece. They blue one glows when Recovery procs. and the other when Taunt procs.
Post Link:  http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18303-f01-r7-artisan-the-evening-star-open/?do=findComment&comment=593569

Item Name: ≪Firm Resolve# 134697≫
Profession: Artisan
Rank: 7
Roll ID:  134697
Roll Result:  13 (12, + 1)
Item Type: Trinket
Tier: 3
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Recovery | Recovery | Accuracy
Description: A pair of crimson red earrings that slightly glow when the recovery enchantment procs.
Post Link:  http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18303-f01-r7-artisan-the-evening-star-open/?do=findComment&comment=595052


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Cordelia had just exited Oscar's shop after getting a few buffs for her next quest, making a beeline for NIGHT's shop right after she exited the door. She did say that she would be stopping by, it just so happened that she was also in need of gear to be made. She had kept her earrings for a while, and at this point, she felt like she wouldn't really need them anymore, especially now that she can stock up on buffs so easily.

The platinum haired player peeked her head through the door and hummed, spotting a familiar player. "Hey there!" She chirped happily, bounding over to NIGHT with a grin. "I told you I'd stop by, and it just so happens that I need an item to be crafted as well!" She winked, nudging NIGHT with her elbow, popping open her menu before sending the order form to her. 


Item Name: Mauve Kanzashi
Profession: Artisan
Rank: - - -
Roll ID: - - -
Roll Result: - - -

Item Type: Jewelry
Tier: 2
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: 1 EVA, 2 REC
Description: A hair ornament adorned with a pale violet ribbon that keeps the user's hair up.
Post Link: - - -

-700 Col

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A tinkling of bells, and a hop and a skip over came Cordelia, presenting herself as the artisan's next client. NIGHT gave her a wave as she entered, barely able to set down her tea before she was ribbed, almost chuckling and losing her grip on the cup at the contact. "H-hey!" The woman protested, more out of friendliness than retaliation.

One glance at the order form. "I barely remembered that," she confessed, "But I'll get on your request shortly."

Disappearing into the back room, it was a snap to produce the item as requested, bagged up in a paper sleeve once again. Though, NIGHT looked a little worse for wear when she came through the doorway. Setting the equipment down on the counter surface, she added, "I was clumsier this time... But this one should do. Hope it finds you well!"


ATP Member Bonus: +5 LD on Salvage, +2 XP/Craft
Athena's Lens: +1 CD
Ambition: +1 XP/Craft

ID: 134859 | CD: 9 (8, +1) | Success! (T2 Rare)
ID: 134860 | CD: 9 (8, +1) | Success! (T2 Rare)
ID: 134861 | CD: 6 (5, +1) | Success! (T2 Uncommon)
ID: 134862 | CD: 12 (11, +1) | Success! (T2 Perfect)
ID: 134863 | CD: 10 (9, +1) | Success! (T2 Rare)
ID: 134864 | CD: 3 (2, +1) | LD: 16 (11, +5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 134865 | CD: 7 (6, +1) | Success! (T2 Uncommon)
ID: 134866 | CD: 10 (9, +1) | Success! (T2 Rare)

Result: +60 (36, +16 +8) XP, -7 T2 Materials, [T2E1] Uncommon Crafted Trinket (2), [T2E2] Rare Crafted Trinket (4), [T2E3] Perfect Crafted Trinket (1)



Item Name: Mauve Kanzashi
Profession: Artisan
Rank: 7 
Roll ID: 134862
Roll Result: 12 (11, +1)
Item Type: Jewelry
Tier: 2
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: 1 EVA, 2 REC
Description: A hair ornament adorned with a pale violet ribbon that keeps the user's hair up.
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18303-f01-r7-artisan-the-evening-star-open/?do=findComment&comment=595276

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Cordelia blinked. "Oh wow, that was fast!" She exclaimed, a hand hovering over her lips before she smiled gratefully at NIGHT. "Well, I can say that I'll definitely be coming here for this kind of stuff now!" She said happily, collecting her item.

"Seriously, you do awesome work, thanks. See you later, ring me up if you ever want to do a quest again," she said with a broad smile, turning her heel to leave, just as she raised her hand to give the artisan a backhand wave. Man, she was happy. Why? She didn't know. It seemed so strange to be this happy, but was she hating it? Of course not!

[+Mauve Kanzashi]

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  • 4 weeks later...


"Right. Best get this done then."


ATP Member Bonus: +5 LD on Salvage, +2 XP/Craft
Athena's Lens: +1 CD
Ambition: +1 XP/Craft

ID: 136329 | CD: 6 (5, +1) | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 136330 | CD: 10 (9, +1) | Success! (Rare)
ID: 136331 | CD: 4 (3, +1) | LD: 25 (20, +5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 136332 | CD: 3 (2, +1) | LD: 6 (1, +5) | Salvage (Fail)
ID: 136333 | CD: 2 (1, +1) | LD: 13 (8, +5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 136334 | CD: 7 (6, +1) | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 136335 | CD: 10 (9, +1) | Success! (Rare)
ID: 136336 | CD: 7 (6, +1) | Success! (Uncommon)

NIGHT quaffed a bottle of Bottled Chilling Breeze. The liquid feels like it burns her throat, and she regrets the taste.
> Crafting attempts reset due to use of Crafter's Respite.

ID: 136337 | CD: 7 (6, +1) | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 136338 | CD: 7 (6, +1) | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 136339 | CD: 12 (11, +1) | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 136340 | CD: 4 (3, +1) | LD: 12 (7, +5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 136341 | CD: 10 (9, +1) | Success! (Rare)
ID: 136342 | CD: 2 (1, +1) | LD: 7 (2, +5) | Salvage (Fail)
ID: 136343 | CD: 10 (9, +1) | Success! (Rare)
ID: 136344 | CD: 10 (9, +1) | Success! (Rare)

Result: +108 (60, +32 +16) XP, -13 T1 Materials, [T1E1] Uncommon Crafted Trinket (2), [T1E2] Rare Crafted Trinket (4), [T1E3] Perfect Crafted Trinket (1)

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Once more, it seems.


ATP Member Bonus: +5 LD on Salvage, +2 XP/Craft
Athena's Lens: +1 CD
Ambition: +1 XP/Craft

ID: 136393 | CD: 8 (7, +1) | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 136394 | CD: 10 (9, +1) | Success! (Rare)
ID: 136395 | CD: 9 (8, +1) | Success! (Rare)
ID: 136396 | CD: 4 (3, +1) | LD: 7 (2, +5) | Salvage (Fail)
ID: 136397 | CD: 3 (2, +1) | LD: 13 (8, +5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 136398 | CD: 12 (11, +1) | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 136399 | CD: 10 (9, +1) | Success! (Rare)
ID: 136400 | CD: 11 (10, +1) | Success! (Rare)

NIGHT quaffed a bottle of Bottled Chilling Breeze. The liquid feels like it burns her throat, and she regrets the taste.
> Crafting attempts reset due to use of Crafter's Respite.

ID: 136401 | CD: 4 (3, +1) | LD: 14 (9, +5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 136402 | CD: 3 (2, +1) | LD: 21 (16, +5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 136403 | CD: 8 (7, +1) | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 136404 | CD: 7 (6, +1) | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 136405 | CD: 8 (7, +1) | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 136406 | CD: 3 (2, +1) | LD: 20 (15, +5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 136407 | CD: 6 (5, +1) | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 136408 | CD: 8 (7, +1) | Success! (Uncommon)

Result: +104 (56, +32 +16) XP, -12 T1 Materials, [T1E1] Uncommon Crafted Trinket (6), [T1E2] Rare Crafted Trinket (4), [T1E3] Perfect Crafted Trinket (1)

Edited by NIGHT
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There's more to be done...? Seriously... How rusty have I gotten...?

Ugh... I wish I could stay home more often, then...


ATP Member Bonus: +5 LD on Salvage, +2 XP/Craft
Athena's Lens: +1 CD
Ambition: +1 XP/Craft

ID: 136431 | CD: 9 (8, +1) | Success! (Rare)
ID: 136432 | CD: 10 (9, +1) | Success! (Rare)
ID: 136433 | CD: 9 (8, +1) | Success! (Rare)
ID: 136434 | CD: 6 (5, +1) | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 136435 | CD: 11 (10, +1) | Success! (Rare)
ID: 136436 | CD: 2 (1, +1) | Fail
ID: 136437 | CD: 8 (7, +1) | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 136438 | CD: 2 (1, +1) | Fail

NIGHT quaffed a bottle of Bottled Chilling Breeze. The liquid feels like it burns her throat, and she regrets the taste.
> Crafting attempts reset due to use of Crafter's Respite.

ID: 136439 | CD: 8 (7, +1) | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 136440 | CD: 6 (5, +1) | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 136441 | CD: 8 (7, +1) | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 136442 | CD: 4 (3, +1) | LD: 7 (2,+5) | Salvage (Fail)
ID: 136443 | CD: 3 (2, +1) | LD: 15 (10,+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 136444 | CD: 3 (2, +1) | LD: 10 (5,+5) | Salvage (Fail)
ID: 136445 | CD: 13 (12, +1) | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 136446 | CD: 8 (7, +1) | Success! (Uncommon)

Result: +102 (54, +32 +16) XP, -15 T1 Materials, [T1E1] Uncommon Crafted Trinket (6), [T1E2] Rare Crafted Trinket (4), [T1E3] Perfect Crafted Trinket (1)

Edited by NIGHT
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