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[F01|R10 Artisan] The Evening Star | Open.

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"Better get some practice in, then. While I'm burning candlelight."


ATP Member Bonus: +5 LD on Salvage, +2 XP/Craft
Athena's Lens: +1 CD
Ambition: +1 XP/Craft

ID: 136608 | CD: 2 (1, +1) | Fail
ID: 136609 | CD: 5 (4, +1) | LD: 25 (20, +5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 136610 | CD: 8 (7, +1) | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 136611 | CD: 9 (8, +1) | Success! (Rare)
ID: 136612 | CD: 8 (7, +1) | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 136613 | CD: 10 (9, +1) | Success! (Rare)
ID: 136614 | CD: 5 (4, +1) | LD: 20 (15, +5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 136615 | CD: 3 (2, +1) | LD: 7 (2, +5) | Salvage (Fail)

Result: +47 (23, +16 +8) XP, -6 T1 Materials, [T1E1] Uncommon Crafted Trinket (2), [T1E2] Rare Crafted Trinket (2)

Edited by NIGHT
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Cordelia tapped her gloved hand against the walls of the shop as she came in once again. With all of the stat changes she was going to make for tier three, she was going to need some new items!

"Hey, NIGHT," she greeted, lifting her hand to give the now familiar player a friendly wave. "I'm going to need a new item," she chuckled, scratching her neck with a sheepish expression. "Sorry it's so soon. I know you just made one for me just a few weeks ago. I promise that I'll repay you with some more of my ramen stuff," she exclaimed as she dropped off another order form. "Just get back to me when you do finish it, okay?"



Item Name: Empress' Kanzashi
Profession: Artisan
Rank: - - -
Roll ID: - - -
Roll Result: - - -

Item Type: Jewelry
Tier: 2
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: +3 ACC
Description: A simple hair ornament adorned with a pale violet ribbon that keeps the user's hair up.
Post Link: - - -


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...? Doesn't look like things are going well in the workshop today.


Athena's Lens: +1 CD
Ambition: +1 XP/Craft

ID: 137749 | CD: 10 (9, +1) | Success! (Rare)
ID: 137750 | CD: 10 (9, +1) | Success! (Rare)
ID: 137751 | CD: 10 (9, +1) | Success! (Rare)
ID: 137752 | CD: 9 (8, +1) | Success! (Rare)
ID: 137753 | CD: 7 (6, +1) | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 137754 | CD: 8 (7, +1) | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 137755 | CD: 8 (7, +1) | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 137756 | CD: 9 (8, +1) | Success! (Rare)

Result: +42 (34, +8) XP, -8 T2 Materials, [T2E1] Uncommon Crafted Trinket (3), [T2E2] Rare Crafted Trinket (5)

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Athena's Lens: +1 CD
Ambition: +1 XP/Craft

ID: 138130 | CD: 9 (8, +1) | Success! (Rare)
ID: 138131 | CD: 13 (12, +1) | Success! (Perfect)

Result: +15 (13, +2) XP, -2 T2 Materials, [T2E2] Rare Crafted Trinket (1), [T2E3] Empress' Kanzashi

And... done.

NIGHT leaned back in her chair, exhaling in a huff. The woman's lips were pursed as she examined the item over, carefully ensuring its detail and quality. Her hands and luck had not been with her for most of her recent crafts, and so it became a relief to see a finished perfect piece now moreso than ever. As she slowly regathered her nerves to take action, she grabbed a piece of packaging paper from its stack, folding the jewelry piece up into it before sending her friend a message.



To: Cordelia

sorry it took a while; your item's ready for pickup


Item Name: Empress' Kanzashi
Profession: Artisan
Rank: 7
Roll ID: 138131
Roll Result: 13 (12, +1)
Item Type: Jewelry
Tier: 2
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: +3 ACC
Description: A simple hair ornament adorned with a pale violet ribbon that keeps the user's hair up.
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18303-f01-r7-artisan-the-evening-star-open/?do=findComment&comment=599610

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Cordelia popped her head into the artisan's shop before she broke into a grin. "Ah, NIGHT! Thank you so much!" She exclaimed, giving the girl a brief double thumbs-up before she collected the wrapped piece of jewelry that she had ordered. "Right, here's the money that I owe you," she mumbled, fishing through her inventory before sending the amount needed to the player. "Thanks again. This is totally going to help me in the future boss fight!" She said excitedly, transfering the item into her inventory. 

"Anyway, it was good seeing you. Come by my shop soon," Cordelia said,  giving the girl a brief bow before rushing out of the shop in a hurry.

-850 Col
+Empress' Kanzashi

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Can't hurt to give crafting another shot.


Athena's Lens: +1 CD
Ambition: +1 XP/Craft

ID: 140186 | CD: 12 (11, +1) | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 140187 | CD: 8 (7, +1) | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 140188 | CD: 8 (7, +1) | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 140189 | CD: 9 (8, +1) | Success! (Rare)

ID: 140190 | CD: 7 (6, +1) | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 140191 | CD: 8 (7, +1) | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 140192 | CD: 9 (8, +1) | Success! (Rare)
ID: 140193 | CD: 5 (4, +1) | LD: 15 | Salvage (Success)

Result: +40 (32, +8) XP, -7 T3 Materials, [T3E1] Uncommon Crafted Trinket (4), [T3E2] Rare Crafted Trinket (2), [T3E3] Perfect Crafted Trinket (1)

Edited by NIGHT
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06:56pm | F1

After both of his artisans went out of business, one committed suicide the other captured by Hestia and the APF, the brunette had to find a replacement shop for his orders. Although it wasn't hard to find shops that would sell goods to player killers, greed of the green players be thanked, it was very hard to find a reliable source of perfect custom made items at a reasonable price point. So after some time of searching around by himself, Aereth managed to pick up some rumours about a pretty decent artisan on the first floor.

"Greetings. I hope it isn't too late to place an order here. I need a perfect T1 Prosperity necklace. Doesn't have to be pretty. And I'd like to pay with money if that's possible..."


Item Name: Greed Necklace
Profession: Artisan
Rank: - - -
Roll ID: - - -
Roll Result: - - -

Item Type: Jewelry
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: +3 Prosperity
Description: A simple silver necklace.
Post Link: - - -


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Athena's Lens: +1 CD
Ambition: +1 XP/Craft

Hard Working: +2 XP/craft, +1 crafting attempt/day.
Sweet Dog: +1 XP/Craft

ID: 141349 | CD: 3 (2, +1) | LD: 6 | Salvage (Fail)
-- Ranked Up --
ID: 141348 | CD: 4 (3, +1) | LD: 20 | Salvage (Success)
ID: 141344 | CD: 6 (5, +1) | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 141343 | CD: 5 (4, +1) | LD: 2 | Salvage (Fail)
ID: 141342 | CD: 13 (12, +1) | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 141341 | CD: 5 (4, +1) | LD: 1 | Salvage (Fail)
ID: 141340 | CD: 3 (2, +1) | LD: 7 | Salvage (Fail)
ID: 141339 | CD: 12 (11, +1) | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 141338 | CD: 3 (2, +1) | LD: 16 | Salvage (Success)
ID: 141337 | CD: 3 (2, +1) | LD: 10 | Salvage (Fail)

Result: +73 (33, +20 +10 +10) XP, -8 T1 Materials, [T1E1] Uncommon Crafted Trinket (1), [T1E3] Perfect Crafted Trinket (2)


With the doldrums of her daily life now starting to see a change for the unusual, it shouldn't have come as a surprise for NIGHT to see that, out of all things, a player with an orange indicator had managed to snake their way into her store.

It shocked her anyway. She hadn't a phantom of an idea of how he'd managed to, especially given the size and notoriety of the Town of Beginnings. Was the player foolhardy, or should she note down his presence in the city at all impressive?

"It's no issue," NIGHT lied, moreso focused on her ability to craft as of recent. Her works had been less than ideal, having taken her more time to craft as compared to her usual rate, and she could only imagine her blame lying upon someone other than herself. "Col's fine. I'll let you know as soon as I get it done."

One day was all it took; even as she'd scramble through some preparation work, she'd managed to complete the order in due time. Strange. Perhaps her luck was turning upwards, but NIGHT wouldn't get her hopes up. Folding the jewelry piece into a paper packet, she sent the man a message, before setting the parcel on the counter, heading into the backroom to enjoy a chilled cup of tea.



Item Name: Greed Necklace
Profession: Artisan
Rank: 7
Roll ID: 141339
Roll Result: 12 (11, +1)
Item Type: Jewelry
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: +3 Prosperity
Description: A simple silver necklace.
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18303-f01-r7-artisan-the-evening-star-open/?do=findComment&comment=602823

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"That was fast..." the brunette thought as a message notification poped up in his HUD.

It seemed like the rumors were indeed correct. This artisan was pretty solid in regards to speed. He sheathed his katana and ported back to floor one, immediately activating his stealth skill to enter the town unnoticed...

"Thanks. That was really fast." the brunette said flatly before inspecting the item he had ordered. His inventory poped up and he ckecked for the correct enhancements before switching over to the finace tab and transfering the necessary amount of money. "Good work. I 'might' be coming again here..."

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Titan had been in the Town of Beginning for quite some time but had slowly begun feeling as though he was getting ready for bigger and better on the higher floors. He heard murmurs of a shop where he could purchase trinkets and decided to follow his curiosities into what was apparently called The Evening Star. His eyes immediately spotted both trinkets in the window and read the little description that one would give a boost to accuracy and the other to loot dice and lord did he need the help when gathering. He remembered Shield's kind words, saying that a triple accuracy trinket is what he would need to. The man had enough material and col to buy it but he wasn't sure what he should use the money on. Perhaps for now, Col would be easier to come by and he should go with that.

After his decision, he went over to the counter with a smile on his face. " Excuse me, i'd like to buy both Tier 1 trinkets, please? I think they'll do me some good. The Eye of Horus Enamel Pin and the Liquid Luck Pendant. " He brought up his inventory with 1,000 Col and waited for the exchange to happen. He had been over the moon, knowing that his would buff him up tremendously in material gathering and in fights. 



  • [T1E3] Eye of Horus Enamel Pin (1)
    "TRINKET: While most enamel pins are golden, this one's has been painted in black. A circular and triangular base have been overlaid on each other, encapsulating the Eye of Horus within. The markings where the Egyptian pattern stands out are laced with gold."
    -- [ Accuracy III | +3 ACC ]
  • [T1E3] Liquid Luck Pendant (1)
    "TRINKET: A small glass bottle half-filled with blue liquid with golden sparkles, corked shut. It's made to be hung by a golden chain."
    -- [ Loot Die III | +3 LD ]


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With the ringing of the bell, NIGHT's eyes went to the door. A visitor? She'd been noticing an uptick in them as of late. Fair enough, she concluded, thankful that she'd paid the Stygian a visit at all. Rising, she'd been prepared to take on a custom order as per usual; however, this time her customer wanted nothing more than some of her hand-me-downs she'd returned to display.

It'd be a lie to say that NIGHT didn't feel just a little bit proud.

"They've been some of my personal effects," she explained, picking them up from the shelves. As she strode over to the counter, she'd accepted the player's trade, setting her accessories into the barter window and initiating her confirmation. "Bet my own life on those items. I hope you'll find them well too. You a newbie?"

Her question was genuine, but she probably already knew the answer. No veteran player she was familiar with in their right mind would leave town without some accuracy. "Let me know if you need anything else in the future. Shop's always here."



+1,000col | Trade accepted. Passing Eye of Horus Enamel Pin and Liquid Luck Pendant over to Titan.

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Time to burn some materials again.


Athena's Lens: +1 CD
Ambition: +1 XP/Craft

Hard Working: +2 XP/craft, +1 crafting attempt/day.

ID: 142423 | CD: 6 (5, +1) | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 142422 | CD: 2 (1, +1) | Fail
ID: 142421 | CD: 7 (6, +1) | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 142420 | CD: 8 (7, +1) | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 142418 | CD: 2 (1, +1) | Fail
ID: 142416 | CD: 10 (9, +1) | Success! (Rare)
ID: 142414 | CD: 5 (4, +1) | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 142412 | CD: 13 (12, +1) | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 142410 | CD: 11 (10, +1) | Success! (Rare)
ID: 142408 | CD: 2 (1, +1) | Fail

Result: +63 (33, +20 +10) XP, -10 T1 Materials, [T1E1] Uncommon Crafted Trinket (4), [T1E2] Perfect Crafted Trinket (2), [T1E3] Perfect Crafted Trinket (1)

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“ Thanks. Yeah, I’m sure they going to carry me through leveling fairly nicely. I don’t know how I had been doing it without additional armor or weapons except what’s given to you in the first quests. ” The man let out a small chuckle. “ Yeah, I’m a newbie. Titan. Kinda just, found the fire to climb Aincrad’s floors.  Kinda rough in the beginning trying to get out of the funk but here I am. ” Ending his words with a smile, dedicated in doing what he had to do to move forward.

“ I’ll definitely be back once I get to tier two. Figure it’ll be helpful in getting better gear with each tier I move up on. I’ll see you around later and I’ll guard these with my life. ” With that, he turned on his heel and head out the door committing the other’s face to his memory as a friendly player he’d met on his way to the frontlines.

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Shye walked into the player shop a bit nervously. This was the first time she had done something like this, so it was natural to feel a bit scared...right? She met up with the shop's owner and artisan, grabbing one of the slips that allowed players to commission custom items with combat benefits. She read up a little about items and stuff like that from the info broker so she knew what she was doing and didn't look like an absolute idiot in front of another real person.

"H-Hello? She said, not sounding entirely sure of herself. "I need items to help me start off in leveling up... I had them written on a piece of paper so I could remember them, just let me copy it on to this here.." And with that, the knew player started to write out her custom items.



Item Name: Gaea Foundation
Profession: Artisan
Rank: - - -
Roll ID: - - -
Roll Result: - - -
Item Type: Trinket
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Expertise, Recovery
Description: A small tote that carries a bundle of cosmetic supplies for Chelsea's needs. The case can hold tons of different make up and cosmetics and can be strapped to her belt for any time use!
Post Link: - - -

Item Name: Butterfly Headphones
Profession: Artisan
Rank: - - -
Roll ID: - - -
Roll Result: - - -
Item Type: Trinket
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: LD 3
Description: A pair of black and white headphones with a marking of a butterfly on the right ear piece. Just a like a pair that she owns in real life, this headset can increase her luck drastically.
Post Link: - - -


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Guess we're all waiting. Aren't we?


Athena's Lens: +1 CD
Ambition: +1 XP/Craft

Hard Working: +2 XP/craft, +1 crafting attempt/day.

ID: 143426 | CD: 10 (9, +1) | Success! (Rare)
ID: 143425 | CD: 8 (7, +1) | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 143424 | CD: 6 (5, +1) | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 143423 | CD: 6 (5, +1) | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 143422 | CD: 6 (5, +1) | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 143421 | CD: 2 (1, +1) | Fail
ID: 143420 | CD: 5 (4, +1) | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 143419 | CD: 11 (10, +1) | Success! (Rare)
ID: 143418 | CD: 9 (8, +1) | Success! (Rare)
ID: 143417 | CD: 6 (5, +1) | Success! (Uncommon)

Result: +64 (34, +20 +10) XP, -10 T1 Materials, [T1E1] Uncommon Crafted Trinket (6), [T1E2] Rare Crafted Trinket (3)

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He remembered the merchant's shop when he had simply been window shopping and still, both trinkets he received truly still saved his life constantly through his time in Aincrad. He'd return with a bunch of random items and opened the door to head to the front. " You alright Night? " He remembered her name and that she was an incredible identifier. " I was wondering, I have a couple of things I think you could use but wanted to see if you wanted a deal?  I have one tier one perfect shield I wanted to see if you wanted to identify. I'd trade you one tier one rare weapon and 5 rare consumables for the price it costs to identify my shield but you need to accompany me to do the Warg quest on the second floor? That way you can also see your trinkets in action again. What do you say? " He hoped she'd agree to the peculiar dear. " It's a win-win and i'll continue to come to you for all my merchant needs. "


  • ( 1 ) Unidentified Tier One Perfect Shield
    ( 1 ) Unidentified Tier One Rare Weapon
    ( 5 ) Unidentified Tier One Rare Consumables


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... Was this a bribe?

"...Hey, Titan," NIGHT began, looking over the set of items on the counter, head down and hunched over in vapid disbelief. "Did you, maybe, come to the wrong store...? Uh... Merchant's that way..."

The artisan finally raised her head, pointing out towards the streets of Aincrad diagonally, in the vague direction of Ceres' shop. She folded her arms, light amusement dancing upon her face as she turned towards the fresh adventurer. "Actually, if you're going, could you maybe take some of the gear I've got too...? I mean, it'll make us even in the end, if you're looking to pay me for heading out on a quest with you. ...Though, I hope you knew that wasn't necessary in the first place. I'd like to think it an obligation for players like us to keep you new warriors safe."


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He stopped right in his tracks. " Wait, what? You're not a Merchant. I feel duped. " His face fleshed red in the process. " Yeah, I can do that no problem. " He pulled up his friends list. " Here, i'm going to add you so I can let you know when i'm planning on doing the other quest. " and added NIGHT into his friend list. " Give me whatever you had and I can run it over to Ceres. I just want this shield identified in case it's better than my uncommon tier 1 armor. "  He then waited to see what Night was going to grab before planning on seeing the MERCHANT on the first floor. 

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NIGHT accepted the friend request with a nod and a tap on the confirmation box that appeared. Opening up her own menus, she navigated over to the trade window, raising a brow to her new companion. "If... you're sure. Merchants usually don't appreciate being swamped with stuff, so if there's any heat from..."

A pause, before she shook her head. "Uh, nevermind. I think Ceres isn't the type to do that." The name rolled uncomfortably off her tongue as she'd said it, her feelings on her friend still waxing and waning in depths of uncertainty. Pulling a number of items from her own stores, she'd confirmed her part of the deal, sliding a hand into her pants' pocket as she did so.



Trading over the following items.
[T2E2] Unidentified Armor (5) ||  [143002] [143007] |  [143010] [143033] [143034] 
[T2E2] Unidentified Weapon (2) ||  [143011] [143049] 
[T2E3] Unidentified Armor (5) ||  [143036] [143057] x2 |  [143059] x2
[T2E3] Unidentified Weapon (8) ||  [143000] [143023] x3 |  [143035] x3 |  [143061] 

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The experience going up in increments does nothing but unsettle NIGHT.


Athena's Lens: +1 CD
Ambition: +1 XP/Craft

Hard Working: +2 XP/craft, +1 crafting attempt/day.

ID: 143812 | CD: 6 (5, +1) | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 143811 | CD: 2 (1, +1) | Fail
ID: 143810 | CD: 12 (11, +1) | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 143809 | CD: 10 (9, +1) | Success! (Rare)
ID: 143808 | CD: 5 (4, +1) | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 143807 | CD: 7 (6, +1) | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 143806 | CD: 6 (5, +1) | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 143805 | CD: 5 (4, +1) | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 143804 | CD: 7 (6, +1) | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 143803 | CD: 6 (5, +1) | Success! (Uncommon)

Result: +65 (35, +20 +10) XP, -10 T1 Materials, [T1E1] Uncommon Crafted Trinket (7), [T1E2] Rare Crafted Trinket (1), [T1E3] Perfect Crafted Trinket (1)

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