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Epic Neko Journal!

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(The ears and tail he has are purely cosmetic)

Username: OmegaNeko
Real name: Ryan Ornati
Age: 17
Gender: Male 
Height: 5'5"

About: History/personality

Ryan, mostly known as OmegaNeko or Riley online is a quite charismatic and playful guy who puts the "role play" in rpgs. He tends to get carried away when acting in character which makes him quite a handful to consistently hang around as a friend. As such, he has a lot of acquaintances, but not too many actual friends. It doesn't bog him down much though since that's just more people to hang out with. He is genuinely nice and doesn't really have ill intentions towards people, just he can be a little spiteful when pushed too much. He had a habit of playing as female characters in normal rpgs, so he got a bit of a feminine side to himself which he tends to let out in his characters and real life.

Growing up, Ryan lived a somewhat privledged life where not too much pressure was ever put on him. He has a younger brother whom he annoys to no end with his antics, and his 3 older siblings all moved out a while ago. It's been quite the sizeable family for him and as such, his parents sort of checked out in trying to make Ryan succeed. They still taught him well, but the freedom Ryan had led him to what he has become today. He played a lot of video games and watched plenty of anime, just like most of his friends, so it was inevitable that when SAO came out Ryan would one way or another get it. Even in an actual life-and-death situation, Ryan is still his cheery self, sticking to his usual character.


Enthusiastic: Ryan's energy and enthusiasm can very easily lighten up a situation. Of course this might not always be at the best times, but he can always make the gloomiest of cases at least somewhat nice. It's not even something he has to force out of himself, it's just how he is.

Patient: Ryan's patience knows almost no bounds when it comes to waiting for just about anything. Since he spends a lot of his time roleplaying and writing, he has to deal with quite a lot. His little brother pushes him too, so it just builds up his endurance even further.

Kindhearted: Part of Ryan's characters when he roleplays typically is being a nice person. He was never one for the playing the villain since most things tend to fill him with a sense of guilt if he's just mean for no reason. Sometimes it can get the better of him, but Ryan is a nice guy.
Reference: http://darkworldrpg.com/character-flaws/
Lax: Ryan tends to not take most things seriously even when they really should be. Take SAO for an example, he still sticks to being cheery and roleplaying despite the dire circumstance. He is just too cheerful to really let serious topics affect him, so it comes off as him not caring usually.

Playful: Ryan is very playful, mostly because of a few characters he roleplays as. He loves to tease his friends and make jokes, cutting into actual moments that have no need for it. It tends to get annoying fast, hence his overall lack of friends.

Dependent: Ryan tends to be very dependent on others to get through each day, both in actual life and online. He gets lonely fast, his roleplay and writings don't mean anything to him if he has no one to share them with. Same goes for playing games and watching anime, he usually has a buddy with him to get him through.

Profession: (Leave blank until the Earning a Living quest has been completed.)





Weapon skills:
» Level 1 2H Curved Swords

»Set B "DPS Package"

Sparrow Blade (Rare 2H Curved Sword) [+1 Damage, +1 Accuracy]

Iron Boots (Vanity armor

(3) Starter Healing Potions (Heals 50 HP)

2,500 Col and (10) Tier 1 materials

None yet

Relationships (optional)

Also none yet

Story Thus Far (optional)

Edited by OmegaNeko
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