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[F02 - PP] ...Like Banging Your Head Against a Wall <<Breaking the Unbreakable>>

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Hey, Noct could walk! Well...sorta...more like limp. Slowly. But hey, it was progress. Koga continued to allow Noct to lean on him anyways though. Too much effort might re-injure the foot, after all.
"We are good," Noct informed the others.
"I mean, if you say so. I didn't know healing would be this quick though. I should keep that in mind for the future. Ah, our food--!" And there NIGHT goes...off to the food...never to be seen again...until Koga and Noct catch up at least. Koga shook his head in amusement as he and Noct started to slowly limp after the girl. Yuki, mercifully, didn't stay too far ahead of them, always making sure to stay in sight of everybody. Good guy, that Yukiro. It almost made Koga feel bad for what he was going to do.

Eventually the quartet made it to the restaurant, sat down, and had their meals. Fronted by Koga of course, it was a great time all around. Or so some say. Others say that when Yukiro tried to leave, Koga once again tied him to a chair and forced the man to stay and eat more, forcing the two ladies to watch in horror...but...that's all just urban legend anyways.

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>> Martial Arts Skill

+5 SP (3 Thread, 1 Quest Reward, 1 December Bonus)
+300 Col
>> PTSD related to Hot Pots


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