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[F1 - R5 Appraiser] Pandora's Wares | OPEN.

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An lit up like it was Christmas Day.

Senpai was here again!

The elated teenage girl didn't even realize the depressing fact that Arabelle was literally the only customer she'd been getting these past few months. Not when she was smiling so nicely and thanking her. "U-um!" A blush rose to her cheeks. She looked at the unique reroll ticket, almost disbelieving, then her red eyes shone with excitement. Enhancing a weapon Senpai used every day... it was her honor! "You're welcome. Anything to pay you back for that Halloween event... and everything after that. I, um, still want to do more for that, you know? So I'll do my best!

And then reality came crashing down on her.

Arabelle brought her attention to a large object at her feet: an entire sack of unidentifieds. The amateur merchant's jaw dropped. She looked at the ticket dangling from the purple-haired girl's fingers, then to the pile of equipment and consumables. Motivation, An decided firmly. She wanted to re-identify that weapon by the end of this night.

"Okay," she agreed and opened a trade window. 

The next few hours were spent rushing about her shop: first buying the needed items from the game's general stock window, then junk selling unidentifieds and a few performer crystals (why was Arabelle even selling these crafts? they looked perfectly fine to her), and then finally identifying as much as her daily limit allowed. She was too absorbed in her task and in having a mini-celebration over an unexpected rank up that she didn't even notice Arabelle had ducked out of her shop until she went looking for her. 

An sent a PM and awkwardly waited by the counter.

"H-hey, I must have missed your going out," she greeted when Arabelle returned.

"Aaanywho, here is your purchase from the general stock--" she placed the [Dimensional Backpack] on the counter with the [Silver Key] already tucked inside "--and the col from the junk sale--" she opened a trade window between them, recalculated the col, then sent the correct amount "--and four of the things you wanted identified--" three coats and a potion were placed on the counter, beside the backpack if Arabelle hadn't already picked it up by then "--and finally!" An fished out the [Easter Bunny's Favor] from her inventory. "Let's do your re-identification!"

She consumed the reroll ticket and after a moment's wait, a window popped up between the pair, flashing the results. An skimmed through its contents with stars shining in her eyes.

"Oooh, they both look good~. Which one do you want?"



Using [Easter Bunny's Favor] to re-identify one slot of Accuracy on

  • Amaterasu -- T2 Demonic Two-Handed Battle Axe -- Cursed | Fallen | [x2] Accuracy -- [reference] "Burn everything you pretended to love, then burn the ashes." A massive pitch-black war scythe manifested from one girl's wish for destruction. Malignance flows from it in waves and when its power is called forth, both weapon and wielder are temporarily engulfed in black flames. [>>]

ID: 139684 | LD: 4 [blight]
Result: Cursed | Fallen | Blight | Accuracy


T2 Perfect Light Armor [#139362]
ID: 139673 | LD: 8 [light momentum]
ID: 139674 | LD: 5 [recovery]
ID: 139675 | LD: 12 [mitigation]
Result: Mitigation | Recovery | Light Momentum

T2 Perfect Light Armor [#139364-1]
ID: 139676 | LD: 2 [recovery]
ID: 139677 | LD: 7 [light momentum]
ID: 139678 | LD: 19 [loot die]
Result: Recovery | Light Momentum | Loot Die

T2 Perfect Light Armor [#139364-2]
ID: 139679 | LD: 14 [mitigation]
ID: 139680 | LD: 7 [light momentum]
ID: 139681 | LD: 18 [loot die]
Result: Mitigation | Light Momentum | Loot Die

T2 Perfect Consumable [#139364-1]
ID: 139682 | LD: 9 (damage)
Result: [x3] Damage

(1,200 * 3) + 600 = 4,200 col -- sent to Banker

+20 EXP


  • [x1] Dimensional Backpack
  • [x1] Silver Key

5,000 + 500 = 5,500 col -- sent to Banker

+6 EXP




Name: Amaterasu
Item Type: Two-Handed Battle Axe
Tier: 2
Quality: Demonic
Enhancements: Cursed | Fallen | Blight | Accuracy
Description: [reference] "Burn everything you pretended to love, then burn the ashes." A massive pitch-black war scythe manifested from one girl's wish for destruction. Malignance flows from it in waves and when its power is called forth, both weapon and wielder are temporarily engulfed in black flames.
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18519-f1-r3-merchant-pandoras-wares/?do=findComment&comment=601209


Name: Fur-Lined Coat II
Your Profession: Merchant
Your Rank: 2
Roll ID: 139673 | 139674 | 139675
Roll Result: 8 | 5 | 12
Item Type: Light Armor
Tier: 2
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Mitigation | Recovery | Light Momentum
Description: A pale brown coat. Soft white fur lines its cuffs and collar.
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18519-f1-r3-merchant-pandoras-wares/?do=findComment&comment=601209

Name: Strength [#139364-1]
Your Profession: Merchant
Your Rank: 2
Roll ID: 139682
Roll Result: 9
Item Type: Potion
Tier: 2
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: [x3] Damage
Description: A small flask containing a bitter red liquid. Perfect for getting those big phat DMG numbers. Chug, chug, chug!
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18519-f1-r3-merchant-pandoras-wares/?do=findComment&comment=601209

T2 Perfect Light Armor [#139364-1] -- 139676 | 139677 | 139678 -- Recovery | Light Momentum | Loot Die

T2 Perfect Light Armor [#139364-2] -- 139679 | 139680 | 139681 -- Mitigation | Light Momentum | Loot Die


16,350 * 0.9 =  14,715 -- sent

+35 EXP


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She'd gone out and paid Oscar's shop a visit after she tried and failed to make conversation with the busy Andromeda. Maybe dumping all of those things on her made for too much pressure. Oopsie. So she left the merchant girl to her own devices, only returning when An sent her a message.

"You didn't miss me too much, I hope?"

In response, An plopped Arabelle's requested general stock items on the table. "Okay, so—" And a trade window opened, displaying the col from her junk sale with the merchant's share already subtracted. Hardly a moment after Arabelle pressed 'Accept', the merchant was heaving up three sets of light armor and a potion and then sliding them over to her side. Fully identified. 

Uncharacteristically overwhelmed, she looked up at the silver-haired girl who was now excitedly holding up her reroll ticket.

Was— was An actually good at her job?

"Go ahead."

Arabelle swept the identifieds closer to her and examined them in turn as the merchant did her weapon's re-identification. A pleasant chime sounded and both girls' attention snapped to the pop-up window. Blight or Paralytic Venom. Could be better, but she had no other choice than to accept what she received with a smile. "I'll take Blight. Hey, maybe I'll even ask some tips from you. You're the one with a full DoT weapon."

The selection window disappeared with a flash and the pulsating darkness emanating from the weapon on the table seemed to grow in intensity. Arabelle took Amaterasu in her hand, took a few steps back, and formless black flames encased her almost as if in an embrace as she carefully slid into a stance.

She hadn't gotten the enhancement she wanted but she felt as if she were breathing in the power radiating from the newly-enhanced weapon. 

Alright, time for some housekeeping matters.

Arabelle went back to the counter.

"That was lovely, thank you. Now..." She took a furry coat and the potion, and slid both into her inventory. The [Dimensional Backpack] followed suit. "I'll hand these two back to you for junk selling. Oh! And two more from my inventory." She withdrew said items and gave them to the merchant as she spoke. "I've been looking to replace that coat for a long while now and your latest identification did the trick, and the crystal was supposed to be with the previous batch. Guess I left that one over. And hey..."

Arabelle held up the merchant's automatically generated shop catalog.

"Did you rank up while I wasn't looking?"



Amaterasu, Fur-lined Coat II, Strength [#139364-1]


  • [x5] Golden Key -- A single-use item that grants +2 LD when opening a Treasure Chest.

1,100 * 5 = 5,500 col -- sent



[x2] T2 Perfect Equipment

  • T2 Perfect Light Armor [#139364-1] -- 139676 | 139677 | 139678 -- Recovery | Light Momentum | Loot Die
  • T2 Perfect Light Armor [#139364-2] -- 139679 | 139680 | 139681 -- Mitigation | Light Momentum | Loot Die

[x1] T1 Uncommon Equipment

  • Leather Coat -- T1 Uncommon Light Armor -- Light Momentum -- [>>]

[x1] T1 Perfect Consumable

  • Für Elise: Altered -- Misperception -- [reference] A different interpretation of a classical piece. Recorded on a rectangular blue crystal with a black phoenix etched to one of its sides. ~~ [#134638]


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She could only watch in awe as Arabelle picked up the black scythe like it was nothing.

Senpai asking tips from her?

"Y-yes!" After a brief pause, An nodded her head enthusiastically. "I'll try my best for you, Senpai."

She brought the second batch's first unidentified consumable to her counter and began the process. Apparently, they'd spent a long enough time that it was now way past midnight. An's daily identifications had refreshed, and while Arabelle was still here, she didn't delay on her work. "Oh..." After some navigating, she tapped a button and her profession stats displayed on a menu window. What she found brought a wide smile to her face. "I-I did!" Eeeeeee— Harriette, I never thought you'd make it. "And thanks so much! I wouldn't have leveled up without your visiting me. Now how about an upgrade on those Silver Keys~."

An had mostly been kidding but Arabelle went and bought from her new stock anyway.

She continued in the same feverish rush she had half an hour ago. The formless blob that was the first unidentified consumable turned into a jar of candy that somehow buffed MIT, and the rest turned into regular consumables.

"And, junk sale done! If that's all..." An was interrupted by her own yawn. She blushed and traded everything to Arabelle before she could embarrass herself any further. "Please come again soon."

As fun as that was, she really needed to sleep.

...Maybe even here would do.



[1] T2 Perfect Consumable [#139364-2]
ID: 139777 | BD: 10 | CD: 12 | LD: 7 [mitigation +feast]
Result: [x3] Mitigation -- Feast

[2] T2 Perfect Consumable [#139547]
ID: 139778 | LD: 11 [accuracy]
Result: [x2] Accuracy

[3] T2 Rare Consumable [#139380]
ID: 139779 | LD: 20 [protein]
Result: [x2] Protein

[4] T2 Uncommon Consumable [#134495]
ID: 139780 | LD: 7 [damage]
Result: [x1] Damage

[5] T2 Uncommon Consumable [#139544]
ID: 139781 | LD: 5 [loot die]
Result: [x1] Loot Die

(600 * 2) + 400 + (240 * 2) = 2,080 col -- sent to Banker

+25 EXP


  • [x5] Golden Key

1,000 * 5 = 5,000 col -- sent to Banker

+15 EXP




Name: Fortitude++ (x6!) [#139364-2]
Your Profession: Merchant
Your Rank: 3
Roll ID: 139777
Roll Result: BD: 10 | CD: 12 | LD: 7
Item Type: Feast
Tier: 2
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: [x3] Mitigation
Description: A jar of gobstoppers. Enough to feed six!
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18519-f1-r3-merchant-pandoras-wares/?do=findComment&comment=601320

Name: Precision+ [#139547]
Your Profession: Merchant
Your Rank: 3
Roll ID: 139778
Roll Result: 11
Item Type: Snack
Tier: 2
Quality: Rare
Enhancements: [x2] Accuracy
Description: Lemon-flavored candy.
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18519-f1-r3-merchant-pandoras-wares/?do=findComment&comment=601320

Name: POWERRR!!+ [#139380]
Your Profession: Merchant
Your Rank: 3
Roll ID: 139779
Roll Result: 20
Item Type: Meal
Tier: 2
Quality: Rare
Enhancements: [x2] Protein
Description: A large pack of beef jerky.
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18519-f1-r3-merchant-pandoras-wares/?do=findComment&comment=601320

Name: Strength [#134495]
Your Profession: Merchant
Your Rank: 3
Roll ID: 139780
Roll Result: 7
Item Type: Potion
Tier: 2
Quality: Uncommon
Enhancements: [x1] Damage
Description: A small flask containing a bitter red liquid. Perfect for getting those big phat DMG numbers. Chug, chug, chug!
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18519-f1-r3-merchant-pandoras-wares/?do=findComment&comment=601320

Name: Fortune [#139544]
Your Profession: Merchant
Your Rank: 3
Roll ID: 139781
Roll Result: 5
Item Type: Snack
Tier: 2
Quality: Uncommon
Enhancements: [x1] Loot Die
Description: A fortune cookie. Crack it open for a prediction LD buff!
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18519-f1-r3-merchant-pandoras-wares/?do=findComment&comment=601320


1,800 * 0.9 = 1,620 col -- sent

+4 EXP


Edited by Andromeda
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An's innocent joys were always a pleasure to witness.

Really, at Rank 3, the excitement from gaining shop EXP must have died down a little at that point. But no— maybe it was just typical An, who held three Demonics with unique enhancements but still hummed in a small celebration whenever she identified a unique. So Arabelle chose to stay and watch, making small conversation as the merchant girl used her refreshed daily identifications to finish Arabelle's pile.

"Thank you very much! Now you should get some sleep, An." She accepted all five consumables with a smile. "This has been fun. I'll be sure to come back after tomorrow's— today's grind."

Arabelle bade the sleepy girl goodbye and made her way to the teleporter.




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NIGHT would take time to recover. Setting her focus on the current event might help. Too bad when she'd check her stores, she could only fit so much into her pockets at any one time.

Time to pay a merchant a visit.

Not that one, though. Instead, there was a quaint little shop somewhere else in town that she'd only managed to pay a visit to twice. On her third, she came in with a request for a Dimensional Backpack, and a large sack of items she'd managed to gather from her past attempts at crafting.

"Messy," she stated. "I know. ...Sorry. Please take your time, though."

With that, NIGHT left as quickly as she came, muttering a prayer of thanks to the shopkeeper for dealing with her crimes.



Purchasing Dimensional Backpack (1). Sending 5,100 col to Andromeda.

Junk-selling the following:

ID: 134691 | Crafting | CD: 7 (6, +1) | Tier 1 Uncommon Trinket |  >>
ID: 134701 | Crafting | CD: 6 (5, +1) | Tier 1 Uncommon Trinket |  >>

ID: 134692 | Crafting | CD: 11 (10, +1) | Tier 1 Rare Trinket |  >>
ID: 134698 | Crafting | CD: 9 (8, +1) | Tier 1 Rare Trinket |  >>
ID: 134699 | Crafting | CD: 11 (10, +1) | Tier 1 Rare Trinket |  >>

ID: 133574 | Crafting | CD: 8 (7, +1) | Tier 2 Uncommon Trinket |  >>
ID: 133575 | Crafting | CD: 6 (5, +1) | Tier 2 Uncommon Trinket |  >>
ID: 133579 | Crafting | CD: 8 (7, +1) | Tier 2 Uncommon Trinket |  >>
ID: 134861 | Crafting | CD: 6 (5, +1) | Tier 2 Uncommon Trinket |  >>
ID: 134865 | Crafting | CD: 7 (6, +1) | Tier 2 Uncommon Trinket |  >>
ID: 137753 | Crafting | CD: 7 (6, +1) | Tier 2 Uncommon Trinket |  >>
ID: 137754 | Crafting | CD: 8 (7, +1) | Tier 2 Uncommon Trinket |  >>
ID: 137755 | Crafting | CD: 8 (7, +1) | Tier 2 Uncommon Trinket |  >>

ID: 134863 | Crafting | CD: 10 (9, +1) | Tier 2 Rare Trinket |  >>
ID: 133581 | Crafting | CD: 11 (10, +1) | Tier 2 Rare Trinket |  >>
ID: 134859 | Crafting | CD: 9 (8, +1) | Tier 2 Rare Trinket |  >>
ID: 134860 | Crafting | CD: 9 (8, +1) | Tier 2 Rare Trinket |  >>
ID: 134866 | Crafting | CD: 10 (9, +1) | Tier 2 Rare Trinket |  >>
ID: 137749 | Crafting | CD: 10 (9, +1) | Tier 2 Rare Trinket |  >>
ID: 137750 | Crafting | CD: 10 (9, +1) | Tier 2 Rare Trinket |  >>
ID: 137751 | Crafting | CD: 10 (9, +1) | Tier 2 Rare Trinket |  >>
ID: 137752 | Crafting | CD: 9 (8, +1) | Tier 2 Rare Trinket |  >>
ID: 137756 | Crafting | CD: 9 (8, +1) | Tier 2 Rare Trinket | >>

ID: 140187 | Crafting | CD: 8 (7, +1) | Tier 3 Uncommon Trinket |  >>
ID: 140188 | Crafting | CD: 8 (7, +1) | Tier 3 Uncommon Trinket |  >>
ID: 140190 | Crafting | CD: 7 (6, +1) | Tier 3 Uncommon Trinket |  >>
ID: 140191 | Crafting | CD: 8 (7, +1) | Tier 3 Uncommon Trinket |  >>

ID: 140192 | Crafting | CD: 9 (8, +1) | Tier 3 Rare Trinket |  >>
ID: 140189 | Crafting | CD: 9 (8, +1) | Tier 3 Rare Trinket |  >>

Tier 1 | Uncommon (2), Rare (3)
Tier 2 | Uncommon (8), Rare (10)
Tier 3 | Uncommon (4), Rare (2)

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The merchant girl sat bolt upright in her seat as soon as she heard a customer coming in... and it was not Arabelle.


"Hello, good to see you again," An greeted, smiling brightly. It would've been better to call the girl by her name, but she couldn't recall ever hearing it from her. She waved her hands in front of her, her sunny mood hardly dented by the entire sack of goodies to be junk sold her customer sheepishly presented to her. "It's alright. I'll get to it immediately."

It took a little while, but she finished before closing hours. When the girl returned, An would have her requested Dimensional Backpack and the col from the junk sale prepared.

She gave a small bow after the transaction window closed.

"Thank you and please come again."



  • [x1] Dimensional Backpack

5,000 col -- sent to Banker

+3 EXP



12,400 * 0.9 =  11,160 col -- sent [i pressed 'enter' before i could link the post lmao oop-]

+29 EXP


Edited by Andromeda
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Return she did. NIGHT stepped through the door, sack half-filled in hand. In her shambling haze she'd forgotten to announce her presence, stepping up to the counter and setting her items down unceremoniously. It'd taken her a moment before she realized she had to speak, and she blinked, trying to bring herself back to the present.

"Uh." A pause. "... Identification for these." She rested a hand upon the sack, trying to focus on its texture to help. "Might... take a few days. If they're not uniques, you can sell them. 'Save the consumables. There's a note inside for them... I think."

"Ah, and..." Her hand reached out into her pocket, pulling out two separate items of no remarkable value and sliding them onto the counter. "Junksell. ... Thanks."



Identifying the following:
Roll ID(s): [140211] x2 | [140321] | [140328] | [140418]
Item Type: 1-Handed Straight Sword
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect

Roll ID(s): [140211] | [140321] | [140416]
Item Type: Light Armor
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect

Roll ID(s): [140328] | [140418]
Item Type: Trinket
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect

Roll ID(s): [140418] x2
Item Type: Consumable
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect

10,300 = 10 * 1,030 | Tier 1 Perfect Equipment Identifications
     740 =    2 *    370 | Tier 1 Perfect Consumable Identifications

Total: 11,040col
Notes: Looking for Uniques on Equipment. Damage, Loot Die, Prosperity or Protein on Consumables. Junksell if otherwise.
#hmu on discord for those item names/descs!

- - -
Junkselling the following:

ID: 140360 | Combat | LD: 8 (2,+6) | CD: 1 | Tier 1 Uncommon Unidentified Consumable |  >>
ID: 140186 | Crafting | CD: 12 (11, +1) | Tier 3 Perfect Crafted Trinket |  >>

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A pause.

Both players stared down at the jumble of items marked for identification on the counter.

Wait, was that another sack—

"Oh!" An jumped, the girl's voice abruptly pulling her out of her own thoughts. She cast her gaze down at the items the other had laid out separate from the pile. "I— um, yes! I was just trying to remember. It should take..." Looking down once again, she internally scrambled to collect her thoughts enough for a quick estimate. And a day added, just in case. "Five days with my current rank. Ah, but you can come along and check progress whenever you want, too." 

She dipped her head in a small appreciative bow. 

"Thank you for coming to my shop."

When her only customer for the day had left, An sorted the pile into... smaller piles based on item type. She picked up the first sword, muttering repeatedly under her breath, "Uniques for equipment, regular identifications for consumables..."



[1] T1 Perfect One-Handed Straight Sword [#140211-1]
ID: 140821 | BD: 4
ID: 140822 | BD: 6
ID: 140823 | BD: 7
**Marked for junk selling.

[2] T1 Perfect One-Handed Straight Sword [#140211-2]
ID: 140824 | BD: 8
ID: 140825 | BD: 3
ID: 140826 | BD: 5
**Marked for junk selling.

[3] T1 Perfect One-Handed Straight Sword [#140321]
ID: 140827 | BD: 1
ID: 140828 | BD: 2
ID: 140829 | BD: 2
**Marked for junk selling.

[4] T1 Perfect One-Handed Straight Sword [#140328]
ID: 140830 | BD: 5
ID: 140831 | BD: 5
ID: 140832 | BD: 8
**Marked for junk selling.

[5] T1 Perfect One-Handed Straight Sword [#140418]
ID: 140833 | BD: 3
ID: 140834 | BD: 5
ID: 140835 | BD: 8
**Marked for junk selling.

[6] T1 Perfect Light Armor [#140211]
ID: 140836 | BD: 5
ID: 140837 | BD: 4
ID: 140838 | BD: 6 ~ [note: did an oopsie with this roll's post link]
**Marked for junk selling.

640 * 6 = 3,840 col -- sent to Banker

+30 EXP


Edited by Andromeda
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Five days. Where had she gotten that idea? It was two—no, three more than she actually needed! On the night her latest customer was scheduled to claim the items, An placed down the result of her identifications on her counter... result in its singular form. She opened a half-finished novel on her lap, trying and failing to read past the first sentence on a bookmarked page as she waited in nervous anticipation. It wasn't misplaced; following everything the player said in her note, An found that out of the twelve items she was given for identification, only one made the cut.

Do you hear that? That's the sound of her dignity as a merchant dropping—

"Oh, hi!" 

The girl snapped the book shut and transferred it back to her inventory at the arrival of her customer. She slid the vial forward and chewed on her lip, trying to find the right words for: 'hi, I basically failed eleven of the twelve identifications you gave me but that's fine because I junk sold them like you said, but also: one of the consumables dropped to Rare so you're getting even less than expected.' 

"...So I basically failed eleven of the twelve identifications, but that's fine because I junk sold them like you said. The other consumable..." She blushed, and red eyes quickly found something to focus on other than what was probably her customer's very disappointed face. Her voice dropped to almost an embarrassed whisper, but remained clear in the silence of her shop. "Got downgraded to Rare when I identified it. So I got... less... from that one's junk sale."

Speech: 100.

Then An remembered something she'd previously been repeating over and over in her head before the other player came and she grasped at it because it was literally her only hope of making this meeting a little better for her customer. "Right. You traded over... 3,300 col extra for the identifications. I-I think you were paying the price for Demonics, but all of them were Perfects, so." She traded the excess col first, then also sent the other player's share of the junk sale. 

When all was said and done, the merchant said her usual lines.

"Thanks for using my services...?" Her voice dragged, making it sound more like a question, and An internally berated herself and spoke louder the next time. "I'm sorry if it wasn't to your liking. I-I'll be sure to do better next time! I actually gained a lot of EXP from everything, so my chances should certainly receive an upgrade soon..."

Despite herself An managed a smile as she dipped her head into a bow.

"Thank you for coming to Pandora's Wares and please come by again soon."



[1] T1 Perfect Light Armor [#140321]
ID: 141004 | BD: 1
ID: 141005 | BD: 6
ID: 141006 | BD: 2
**Marked for junk selling.

[2] T1 Perfect Light Armor [#140416]
ID: 141007 | BD: 1
ID: 141008 | BD: 4
ID: 141009 | BD: 3
**Marked for junk selling.

[3] T1 Perfect Trinket [#140328]
ID: 141010 | BD: 5
ID: 141011 | BD: 9
ID: 141012 | BD: 5
**Marked for junk selling.

[4] T1 Perfect Trinket [#140418]
ID: 141013 | BD: 3
ID: 141014 | BD: 5
ID: 141015 | BD: 4
**Marked for junk selling.

[5] T1 Perfect Consumable [#140418-1]
ID: 141016 | LD: 13 [accuracy or evasion]
**Marked for junk selling. LD results downgraded quality to 'Rare.'

[6] T1 Perfect Consumable [#140418-2]
ID: 141017 | LD: 8 [damage]
Result: [x3] Damage

(640 * 4) + (320 * 2) = 3,200 col -- sent to Banker

+30 EXP



Sending back excess col from payment:

10,300 - (10 * 700) = 3,300 col -- sent.


Name: Strength++ [#140418-2]
Your Profession: Merchant
Your Rank: 3
Roll ID: 141017
Roll Result: 8
Item Type: Potion
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: [x3] Damage
Description: A small flask containing a bitter red liquid. Perfect for getting those big phat DMG numbers. Chug, chug, chug!
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18519-f1-r3-merchant-pandoras-wares/?do=findComment&comment=602512

Junk sale:

5,400 * 0.9 = 4,860 col 

+13 EXP


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Arabelle had the col to spare and an abundance of unidentified loot in her inventory, so she paid a visit to her favorite shop once night fell.

Pushing the door open, the small bell on the wooden frame rang to announce her arrival, and the casually dressed girl walked in to find An with another customer. So Pandora's was seeing more foot traffic now? She felt a little proud for her cute amateur merchant. Arabelle would give a dismissive wave if the two were to look over — don't mind me~ — and stayed well out of the counter's sight, keeping herself entertained with the bits and bobbles scattered about the interior in a disarray.

"NIGHT the artisan. Right?" she spoke up as the other customer passed her on the way out. Arabelle offered the crafter a small, polite smile. "Good to see you here. Your item's been very useful to me."

With pleasantries out of the way, she glided over to the counter to attend to her own business. "Identifications," she began. Her inventory window opened at a gesture of her gloved hand and one by one, unidentified items from today's visit to the [Garden] physically manifested before the merchant and she sorted them into groups according to the pricing. "Is now a bad time though? I noticed you had another customer. I've ordered something from her shop once, actually. Is she a regular of yours?"

Arabelle conversed as she traded the required col over.

"It's a lot more than the previous," she admitted, folding her hands behind her back. "My only request is to prioritize the consumables and send me a message as soon as they're done. The other items can be placed on lower priority if you have anything else to handle. I'm just a little... sick of eating five hotdogs in one sitting."


For identification:


Roll ID(s): [#139954]
Item Type: Weapon
Tier: 2
Quality: Perfect

Roll ID(s): [#139954]
Item Type: Light Armor
Tier: 2
Quality: Perfect

Roll ID(s): [#139950] [#140906]
Item Type: Trinket
Tier: 2
Quality: Perfect


Roll ID(s): [#140575] [#140905]
Item Type: Consumable
Tier: 2
Quality: Perfect


Roll ID(s):  [#140577] [#140904] [#140909]
Item Type: Weapon
Tier: 2
Quality: Rare

Roll ID(s): [#139955]
Item Type: Light Armor
Tier: 2
Quality: Rare

Roll ID(s): [#139951] [#140576] [#140651] [#140905]
Item Type: Trinket
Tier: 2
Quality: Rare


Roll ID(s): [#140904] [#140909]
Item Type: Consumable
Tier: 2
Quality: Rare


Roll ID(s): [#140577]
Item Type: Consumable
Tier: 2
Quality: Uncommon

(1,270 * 4) + (660 * 2) + (860 * 8) + (450 * 2) + 280 = 14,460 col


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NIGHT seemed less distant on the day of the pickup. It was mostly due to her insistence of pushing herself back to reality, airing up the fog left stuck in her mind. Plus, a few days had passed since she went on that venting spree; the weight of her brooding should've started to lift from her shoulders by now.

As she stepped through the door, she was welcomed by the shop keeper. Was that anxiety? The player took notice of the store owner's lip-chewing, as she approached the counter, trying to refocus on the present yet again, worried to hear the worst. Her eyes rested on the vial that was pushed forward, as she picked it up and examined it over.

A lovely glass, its rounded surface catching the light as she'd turned it over in her hands. She'd really taken a liking to potions like these. And it was marked for damage? Even if it seemed like the only thing offered to her, it was more than what she'd bargained for.

NIGHT hadn't much of a reaction to the offered news. A tilt of her head, a glance back up to her conversationalist's face, and a nod. "... That's it? ... I was expecting to hear that the equipment had gotten itself missing, something to that extent. It's fine." She thumbed the cap of the bottle in her hand, feeling its form run against her palm. "No harm in losing the attempts. The col's not so much of an issue for me at the minute."

She'd said that, but at the back of her mind, she knew she had a 200,000 col debt to pay off. The sizable amount hadn't registered with NIGHT yet though, so away the thought went.

The extra col was a surprise ("Oh. ... Sorry for the trouble..."), but the amount she'd gotten back from the junk sale was not. "You're still gaining EXP then," NIGHT pointed out briefly, as she began to turn towards the door, an arm resting on the counter. "Got it. That's all I needed to hear. I'll be back some time, then."

A promise without a deadline. Though, NIGHT still very much preferred to use her services without the thought of having dismantled the figures behind them, so soon wasn't an incorrect estimate by a long shot.

She passed by a familiar player on the way out, who'd called to her for a moment. NIGHT returned the girl a nod, pausing as she searched for a name in her head. "Arabelle." The woman had recalled tensing upon first sight when Arabelle had visited her store. Her personal wariness still remained upon sight of the player, though it eased slightly at the smile sent her way. She wasn't fussed in returning one back though, instead humming her acknowledgement from the update of her crafted item. "Good to hear, then. You know where to find me if you need anything else."

And with that, NIGHT took her leave proper, stepping out the door and back onto the streets outside.


+ Strength++

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"Arabelle, hi!"

An couldn't put into words just how much of a relief a familiar face was after seeing the stoic girl from earlier. The unnamed customer had given her reassurances, but the lack of... expressions? expressiveness? never failed to put her on a nervous edge. She put on a winning smile as Arabelle drew closer to her counter but her uplifted mood slowly, surely, dropped as her latest customer proceeded to materialize item after item with one magic word to tie it all together.


~PTSD flashbacks intensify.~

"Ah, um, yeah— I mean no, kind of?" The merchant almost slapped a palm to her face at that jumbled mess of a response. Pull yourself together, Harriette! "I just finished her order. She's gone here... twice, so maybe...?" An made a mental note to visit the unnamed girl's shop out of curiosity — a note she was sure to forget in a days' time. "A-anyway. I'd love to do your identifications! Tomorrow though, I'm a little... spent. And what is this about hotdogs?"

They conversed a little more and bade each other goodbye.

The next night, An identified all of Arabelle's consumables during shop hours.



[1] T2 Perfect Consumable [#140575]
ID: 141245 | LD: 17 [hp recovery]
Result: [x3] HP Recovery

[2] T2 Perfect Consumable [#140905]
ID: 141246 | LD: 10 [mitigation]
Result: [x3] Mitigation

[3] T2 Rare Consumable [#140904]
ID: 141248 | LD: 15 [hp recovery]
Result: [x2] HP Recovery

[4] T2 Rare Consumable [#140909]
ID: 141249 | LD: 10 [mitigation]
Result: [x2] Mitigation

[5] T2 Uncommon Consumable [#140577]
ID: 141251 | LD: 15 [hp recovery]
Result: [x1] HP Recovery

[6] T2 Perfect Weapon [#139954]
ID: 141252 | BD: 6
ID: 141253 | BD: 8
ID: 141254 | BD: 3
**Marked for junk selling.

(600 * 2) + (400 * 2) + 240 + 1,200 = 3,440 col -- sent to Banker.

+30 EXP


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Yesss!! Though she was alone in her shop, An instinctively slapped a hand over her mouth to muffle her delighted giggle. The reason for her excitement was written across an identification window hovering just above an exquisitely crafted brooch on her counter. [Paralytic Immunity] on the second slot. After eleven straight failures on her other customer's pile, she'd finally gotten an enhancement that was exactly, or maybe even more than what Arabelle had asked for. Her pride as a merchant, officially restored!

An was on a roll today; she identified the rest of the items and though none ever matched up to the brooch, she still wore the same smile as she took to the PMs to inform Arabelle of her success.

As you requested, I'm 
sending what I got from my identifications today
What should I do with them, Senpai? :0

Also, the best one looks like

She packed away her tools and seated herself, drumming her fingers on the surface of the counter as she waited with eager anticipation.

You wonderful merchant, you.
Paralytic Immunity is a good enhancement!
Perhaps even the one of the best out of all the uniques you can get on a trinket; the enhancement it counters is a very common status effect.
Keep the snowflake and junk sell the rest, please.
I could do without the Loot Die, but here's the treat: this Easter event? It gives reroll tickets as a reward. I'll buy three of those then I'll come over and get that re-identified.
Thank you for your service. <3



[1] T2 Perfect Light Armor [#139954]
ID: 141427 | LD: 8
ID: 141428 | LD: 13
ID: 141429 | LD: 7
**Marked for junk selling.

[2] T2 Perfect Trinket [#139950]
ID: 141430 | LD: 18 [accuracy]
ID: 141431 | BD: 10 | CD: 12 | LD: 7 [paralytic immunity]
ID: 141432 | LD: 11 [loot die]
Result: [x1] Accuracy | [x1] Loot Die | Paralytic Immunity

[3] T2 Perfect Trinket [#140906]
ID: 141435 | BD: 4
ID: 141436 | BD: 1
ID: 141437 | BD: 1
**Marked for junk selling.

[4] T2 Rare Weapon [#140577]
ID: 141438 | BD: 9
ID: 141439 | BD: 5
**Marked for junk selling.

[5] T2 Rare Weapon [#140904]
ID: 141440 | BD: 9
ID: 141441 | BD: 7
**Marked for junk selling.

[6] T2 Rare Weapon [#140909]
ID: 141442 | BD: 5
ID: 141443 | BD: 1
**Marked for junk selling.

(1,200 * 3) + (800 * 3) = 6,000 col -- sent to Banker.

+30 EXP


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Hinatao was always down for a trip to a shop that could get her some cool stuff, even if it did mean getting rid of some of her hard earned money. Today she found herself standing at the entrance to a shop, waiting for those who ran it to run along. She didn’t think anyone was coming soon so she just went inside and saw some friends that she expected to be coming along any time now. She was wearing a jacket and had all the items inventory which were easy to see just how much of a noob she was. “Hi, I want to buy three teleport crystals,” she said to whoever was running this place and handed over 2550 col.

3 x 850 = -2550

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Alec shuddered as he walked through the Town of Beginnings, he had so many bad memories of the years he’d spent here trying to figure anything out equipping items much less opening his inventory but he was looking for a Merchant and sometimes newer Merchants set up shop here to attract new customers so that’s where he found himself when he stumbled upon the unassuming looking store front called Pandora’s Wares. The oversized man let himself into the shop and quickly noticed the musty smell of the building. As he approached the counter he brought a smile to cover his perpetual scowl and cheerily greeted the Merchant. “Good evening. My name’s Alec and I have some items I’d like identified if you have some time.” The large man began in his deep baritone rumble. “I have some Consumables I’d like ID’d. The rest of the items ou can either Sell for Junk or keep for your own Identification” Alec offered with a smile. “I have 3,360 Col for the Consumables. I’m hoping for Potions or if we’re really lucky some Crystals.” Alec continued. “The rest like I said feel free to Junk Sell or keep to help your progression. If I owe you any extra Col please let me know. I’m not really worried about the cost.” Alec ended with a smile as he placed the Col upon the counter..





Roll ID(s): ID: 120496

Item Type: Consumable
Tier: 2
Quality: Perfect



Roll ID(s): ID: 121196A, ID: 121196B, 122096a / 122316b / 122316c / 122498s

Item Type: Consumable
Tier: 2
Quality: Rare





[4] T2 Rare Weapon (120603B, ID: 121020B, 122498b / 122563a)

[6] T2 Rare Armor/Shield (122090 / 122096b / 122228) / 122300 / 122642, 120538)

[9] T2 Rare Trinkets [ID: 120704, ID: 120712, ID: 120843, ID: 121178, ID: 121241, ID: 121242, 122089 / 122225 / 122489]

[3] T2 Uncommon Consumable (121240, 122095 / 122563b)

ID: 119410a
Tier: 1
Type:  Weapon

Quality: Rare


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To: Arabelle
Hello! :D
Your identifications and col are ready for pick-up!

Today was a busy day! An grinned at a new customer, a soft-spoken girl with unusual eyes, and bought the teleport crystals she requested from her general stock window. But... three? Well, it wouldn't hurt to make extra sure. "Here's everything you purchased." She sent it via transaction window and bowed. "Thank you and please come again!"

The bell on the door frame rang as someone else stepped into the building and she looked up, fully expecting to see Arabelle turning the corner. Instead, it was a burly man she didn't recognize who brought her consumables for identification and equipment for junk sale. An gave her usual smile as she greeted him. "I'll junk sell these when I'm done identifying the consumables," she decided, gesturing to the marked equipment. "And with my current rank, I should have it all done in two days. Please come back to claim everything by then. Thank you for coming to my shop."

The merchant had used up all but one of her identifications, so she marked the consumables and equipment appropriately before setting them aside in an empty corner. Returning to her counter, she started with the first consumable.





[1] T2 Rare Light Armor [#139955]
ID: 141624 | BD: 9
ID: 141626 | BD: 1
**Marked for junk selling.

[2] T2 Rare Trinket [#139951]
ID: 141628 | BD: 5
ID: 141629 | BD: 7
**Marked for junk selling.

[3] T2 Rare Trinket [#140576]
ID: 141630 | BD: 3
ID: 141631 | BD: 8
**Marked for junk selling.

[4] T2 Rare Trinket [#140651]
ID: 141632 | BD: 6
ID: 141633 | BD: 4
**Marked for junk selling.

[5] T2 Rare Trinket [#140905]
ID: 141634 | BD: 7
ID: 141635 | BD: 2
**Marked for junk selling.



[6] T2 Perfect Consumable [#120496]
ID: 141636 | LD: 7 [mitigation]
Result: [x3] Mitigation

(800 * 5) + 600 = 4,600 col -- sent to Banker.

+30 EXP


  • [x3] Teleport Crystal

800 * 3 = 2,400 col -- sent to Banker.

+9 EXP




Name: Life++ [#140575]
Your Profession: Merchant
Your Rank: 3
Roll ID: 141245
Roll Result: 17
Item Type: Potion
Tier: 2
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: [x3] HP Recovery
Description: [reference] A round glass vial. Despite appearances, the red concoction within tastes like honey. In fact, it might even be a little too sweet!
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18519-f1-r3-merchant-pandoras-wares/?do=findComment&amp;comment=602757

Name: Fortitude++ [#140905]
Your Profession: Merchant
Your Rank: 3
Roll ID: 141246
Roll Result: 10
Item Type: Dessert
Tier: 2
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: [x3] Mitigation
Description: A... gobstopper. You are what you eat.
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18519-f1-r3-merchant-pandoras-wares/?do=findComment&amp;comment=602757

Name: Life+ [#140904]
Your Profession: Merchant
Your Rank: 3
Roll ID: 141248
Roll Result: 15
Item Type: Potion
Tier: 2
Quality: Rare
Enhancements: [x2] HP Recovery
Description: [reference] A round glass vial. Despite appearances, the red concoction within tastes like honey. In fact, it might even be a little too sweet!
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18519-f1-r3-merchant-pandoras-wares/?do=findComment&amp;comment=602757

Name: Fortitude+ [#140909]
Your Profession: Merchant
Your Rank: 3
Roll ID: 141249
Roll Result: 10
Item Type: Dessert
Tier: 2
Quality: Rare
Enhancements: [x2] Mitigation
Description: A... gobstopper. You are what you eat.
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18519-f1-r3-merchant-pandoras-wares/?do=findComment&amp;comment=602757

Name: Life [#140577]
Your Profession: Merchant
Your Rank: 3
Roll ID: 141251
Roll Result: 15
Item Type: Potion
Tier: 2
Quality: Uncommon
Enhancements: [x1] HP Recovery
Description: [reference] A round glass vial. Despite appearances, the red concoction within tastes like honey. In fact, it might even be a little too sweet!
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18519-f1-r3-merchant-pandoras-wares/?do=findComment&amp;comment=602757


6,250 * 0.9 = 5,625 col -- sent.

+11 EXP


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Arabelle took each of the vials (and... jawbreakers?) in turn, tapping an option which displayed their enhancements on a floating window. [Mitigation], [HP Recovery], another [Mitigation]... the list went on. "Exactly what I needed. You're doing better by the day, An," the girl praised. She transferred her new consumables to her inventory and looked down at the trinket that had the merchant PMing her in an excited rush yesterday. "I decided not to bring a reroll ticket in, actually. I've been thinking... and the only way I could see this item being useful to me is if it were a [Demonic] with three slots of [Accuracy] along with the unique." She regarded the item in question with an appraising eye.

A delicate two-toned snowflake, small enough to fit on her palm.


She pursed her lips in thought. "It isn't very useful to me now, but I'm sure it will be with a little more effort. So I want to have it around for when the opportunity arises. An," she paused, self-editing the words of her addtional request, "can you keep it in your inventory for me? I can't upgrade it to a [Demonic] now, so I'll hold off on using reroll tickets. If you find it useful by the time you reach T2, you can equip it. Just be careful. Would you be alright with that?"


She had other business to take care of. Materializing her latest haul on An's counter, she traded over the necessary amount and smiled sweetly. "And the usual. Consumables first, okay? And unless you get a unique or a combination of enhancements I'll send to you later, junk sell them."



Life++ [#140575], Fortitude++ [#140905], Life+ [#140904], Fortitude+ [#140909], Life [#140577]


For identification:


Roll ID(s): [#141159] [#141306]
Item Type: Weapon
Tier: 2
Quality: Perfect

Roll ID(s): [#141159]
Item Type: Light Armor
Tier: 2
Quality: Perfect

Roll ID(s): [#141303] [#141306]
Item Type: Trinket
Tier: 2
Quality: Perfect


Roll ID(s): [#141158]
Item Type: Consumable
Tier: 2
Quality: Perfect


Roll ID(s): [#141133] [#141134] [#141160] [#141301] [#141302]
Item Type: Light Armor
Tier: 2
Quality: Rare

Roll ID(s): [#141146] [#141158] [#141160] [#141283] [#141284] [#141285] [#141287]
Item Type: Trinket
Tier: 2
Quality: Rare


Roll ID(s): [#141133] [#141302]
Item Type: Consumable
Tier: 2
Quality: Rare


Roll ID(s): [#141132]
Item Type: Consumable
Tier: 2
Quality: Uncommon

(1,270 * 5) + 660 + (860 * 7) + (450 * 2) + 280 = 14,210 col -- sent to Andromeda.


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The merchant girl positively glowed with all the compliments Arabelle was giving her way, and she was only more elated to find out that the girl was willing to put that much trust in her. Taking care of a unique item that might be useful when another event like this came by? And moreso, one that would probably be vital to her senpai's build?! An would never dare place it in unecessary danger by using it for herself; she was going to keep it in the very bottom of her inventory and check on it everyday!

"Th-that's fine!" she exclaimed, cheeks flushed a bright red. She took the item back, cradling it in her palm like a precious artifact. "As for your orders, I'll get to them tomorrow. Thanks for coming by!"


The next night, she identified Arabelle's consumables first after she received a PM from the girl. A favor. She was in a rush for another MIT consumable, and An was more than happy to oblige. The merchant finished identifying all four, prepared them for pick-up, and moved on to her other customer's items. She'd given him a two days' time period, she would make it in time.





[1] T2 Perfect Consumable [#141158]
ID: 142042 | LD: 10 [mitigation]
Result: [x3] Mitigation

[2] T2 Rare Consumable [#141133]
ID: 142043 | LD: 16 [hp recovery]
Result: [x2] HP Recovery

[3] T2 Rare Consumable [#141302]
ID: 142048 | LD: 19 [protein]
Result: [x2] Protein

[4] T2 Uncommon Consumable [#141132]
ID: 142049 | LD: 6 [loot die]
Result: [x1] Loot Die



[5] T2 Rare Consumable [#121196-a]
ID: 142050 | LD: 6 [loot die]
Result: [x2] Loot Die

[6] T2 Rare Consumable [#121196-b]
ID: 142051 | LD: 14 [accuracy]
Result: [x2] Accuracy

600 + (400 * 4) + 240 = 2,440 col -- sent to Banker.

+30 EXP



Name: Fortitude++ [#141158]
Your Profession: Merchant
Your Rank: 3
Roll ID: 142042
Roll Result: 10
Item Type: Dessert
Tier: 2
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: [x3] Mitigation
Description: A... gobstopper. You are what you eat.
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18519-f1-r3-merchant-pandoras-wares/?do=findComment&amp;comment=603311

Name: Life+ [#141133]
Your Profession: Merchant
Your Rank: 3
Roll ID: 142043
Roll Result: 16
Item Type: Potion
Tier: 2
Quality: Rare
Enhancements: [x2] HP Recovery
Description: [reference] A round glass vial. Despite appearances, the red concoction within tastes like honey. In fact, it might even be a little too sweet!
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18519-f1-r3-merchant-pandoras-wares/?do=findComment&amp;comment=603311

Name: POWERRR!!+ [#141302]
Your Profession: Merchant
Your Rank: 3
Roll ID: 142048
Roll Result: 19
Item Type: Meal
Tier: 2
Quality: Rare
Enhancements: [x2] Protein
Description: A large pack of beef jerky.
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18519-f1-r3-merchant-pandoras-wares/?do=findComment&amp;comment=603311

Name: Fortune [#141132]
Your Profession: Merchant
Your Rank: 3
Roll ID: 142049
Roll Result: 6
Item Type: Snack
Tier: 2
Quality: Uncommon
Enhancements: [x1] Loot Die
Description: A fortune cookie. Crack it open for a prediction buff!
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18519-f1-r3-merchant-pandoras-wares/?do=findComment&amp;comment=603311



Edited by Andromeda
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Now should be good, right?

You can pick up all the consumables now
Looking forward to seeing you, Senpai! :0

Arabelle cracked a smile at the merchant girl's usual cheery tone — she could practically hear her voice over the messages. Today, she was entering An's shop without anything for her to identify; the girl was busy enough as is and she really hadn't gone on that trip with Mishiro yet.

"Hi~," she greeted. An had already spoken to her about the enhancements she had gotten on her consumables, and really, it was the only reason why she was going out of her usual schedule now. An extra Mitigation and HP Recovery sounded very useful. "Take your time on the rest, An. For permanent equipment, I'm not in any particular rush."



Fortitude++ [#141158], Life+ [#141133], POWERRR!!+ [#141302], Fortune [#141132]


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[1] T2 Rare Consumable [#122096-a]
ID: 142425 | LD: 9 [damage]
Result: [x2] Damage

[2] T2 Rare Consumable [#122316-b]
ID: 142426 | LD: 2 [antidote]
Result: [x2] Antidote

[3] T2 Rare Consumable [#122316-c]
ID: 142427 | LD: 20 [over-health]
Result: [x2] Over-health

[4] T2 Rare Consumable [#122498]
ID: 142428 | LD: 18 [over-health]
Result: [x2] Over-health



[5] T2 Perfect Weapon [#141159]
ID: 142429 | BD: 7
ID: 142430 | BD: 6
ID: 142431 | BD: 2
**Marked for junk selling.

[6] T2 Perfect Weapon [#141306]
ID: 142432 | BD: 5
ID: 142433 | BD: 4
ID: 142434 | BD: 7
**Marked for junk selling.

(400 * 4) + (1,200 * 2) = 4,000 col -- sent to Banker

+30 EXP


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