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[F1 - R5 Appraiser] Pandora's Wares | OPEN.

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[1] T2 Perfect Light Armor [#141159]
ID: 142694 | BD: 10
ID: 142695 | BD: 6
ID: 142696 | BD: 4
**Marked for junk selling.

[2] T2 Perfect Trinket [#141303]
ID: 142697 | BD: 4
ID: 142698 | BD: 4
ID: 142699 | BD: 6
**Marked for junk selling.

[3] T2 Perfect Trinket [#141306]
ID: 142700 | BD: 3
ID: 142701 | BD: 8
ID: 142702 | BD: 7
**Marked for junk selling.

[4] T2 Rare Light Armor [#141133]
ID: 142703 | BD: 9
ID: 142704 | BD: 9
**Marked for junk selling.

[5] T2 Rare Light Armor [#141134]
ID: 142705 | BD: 2
ID: 142706 | BD: 5
**Marked for junk selling.

[6] T2 Rare Light Armor [#141160]
ID: 142707 | BD: 6
ID: 142708 | BD: 10 | CD: 5
**Marked for junk selling.

(1,200 * 3) + (800 * 3) = 6,000 col -- sent to Banker.

+30 EXP


Edited by Andromeda
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Nearing the end of the event she didn't bother to participate in. Wonder how everyone is doing?





[1] T2 Rare Light Armor [#141301]
ID: 142894 | BD: 2
ID: 142895 | BD: 7
**Marked for junk selling.

[2] T2 Rare Light Armor [#141302]
ID: 142896 | BD: 10 | CD: 11 | LD: 8 [paralytic immunity]
ID: 142898 | BD: 10 | CD: 1 | LD: 10 [savvy]
Result: Paralytic Immunity | Savvy

[3] T2 Rare Trinket [#141146]
ID: 142899 | BD: 9
ID: 142900 | BD: 6
**Marked for junk selling.

[4] T2 Rare Trinket [#141158]
ID: 142901 | BD: 4
ID: 142902 | BD: 10 | CD: 2
**Marked for junk selling.

[5] T2 Rare Trinket [#141160]
ID: 142903 | BD: 3
ID: 142904 | BD: 3
**Marked for junk selling.

[6] T2 Rare Trinket [#141283]
ID: 142905 | BD: 7
ID: 142906 | BD: 7
**Marked for junk selling.

800 * 6 = 4,800 col -- sent to Banker.

+30 EXP


Edited by Andromeda
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An did not take two days on those identifications. First, she'd done the dumb thing and prioritized Senpai's orders — which should have come after her new customer's — and it consumed almost an entire day of identification attempts. The consumables had been useful to her, apparently, and she still felt her cheeks warm at the friendly message sent her way as soon as her favorite customer finished collecting her Easter eggs all thanks to An's quick work, but now dreadful reality came crushing down on her once again. 

(Oh, and second: she'd lost them, i.e. completely forgotten where she'd placed them. She had no idea how, but at least they all returned safely to her possession after she'd overturned the entirety of her messy shop.)

If he'd visited in two days like she said he should, she would have politely dismissed him with a well-formed excuse about also being busy with the event and told him to return after she sent a message over, just barely holding together her nice shopkeeper composure with all the guilt welling underneath. Actually how many days has it been? Weren't all the things he asked her to take a look at also consumables? Maybe they were as urgent like Arabelle's were?

Stupid, stupid, stupid—

"O-oh, hello!" An would greet as the burly man re-entered her shop. She presented all of his consumables along with the col from the junk sale on an open transaction window and gave a small bow. "Once again, I'm really sorry for the extended wait and thank you very much for your patience. Here's everything you requested."

Then she straightened, still wearing a sheepish smile.

"Thank you again for coming to Pandora's Wares."





[1] T2 Rare Trinket [#141284]
ID: 143196 | BD: 2
ID: 143197 | BD: 5
**Marked for junk selling.

[2] T2 Rare Trinket [#141285]
ID: 143198 | BD: 10 | CD: 3
ID: 143200 | BD: 3
**Marked for junk selling.

[3] T2 Rare Trinket [#141287]
ID: 143201 | BD: 10 | CD: 4
ID: 143202 | BD: 3
**Marked for junk selling.

(800 * 3) = 2,400 col -- sent to Banker.

+15 EXP





Name: Fortitude++ [#120496]
Your Profession: Merchant
Your Rank: 3
Roll ID: 141636
Roll Result: 7
Item Type: Dessert
Tier: 2
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: [x3] Mitigation
Description: A... gobstopper. You are what you eat.
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18519-f1-r3-merchant-pandoras-wares/?do=findComment&comment=603107

Name: Fortune+ [#121196-a]
Your Profession: Merchant
Your Rank: 3
Roll ID: 142050
Roll Result: 6
Item Type: Snack
Tier: 2
Quality: Rare
Enhancements: [x2] Loot Die
Description: A fortune cookie. Crack it open for a prediction buff!
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18519-f1-r3-merchant-pandoras-wares/?do=findComment&comment=603311

Name: Precision+ [#121196-b]
Your Profession: Merchant
Your Rank: 3
Roll ID: 142051
Roll Result: 14
Item Type: Snack
Tier: 2
Quality: Rare
Enhancements: [x2] Accuracy
Description: Lemon-flavored candy.
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18519-f1-r3-merchant-pandoras-wares/?do=findComment&comment=603311

Name: Strength+ [#122096-a]
Your Profession: Merchant
Your Rank: 3
Roll ID: 142425
Roll Result: 9
Item Type: Potion
Tier: 2
Quality: Rare
Enhancements: [x2] Damage
Description: A small flask containing a bitter red liquid. Perfect for getting those big phat DMG numbers. Chug, chug, chug!
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18519-f1-r3-merchant-pandoras-wares/?do=findComment&comment=603586

Name: Resilience+ [#122316-b]
Your Profession: Merchant
Your Rank: 3
Roll ID: 142426
Roll Result: 2
Item Type: Salve
Tier: 2
Quality: Rare
Enhancements: [x2] Antidote
Description: Tired of keeping track of status effects? With your local merchant's Resilience series™, you wouldn't have to worry about them at all! ...for a time. Pandora's Wares isn't accountable for any injuries sustained after the salve's effect wears off.
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18519-f1-r3-merchant-pandoras-wares/?do=findComment&comment=603586

Name: Guts+ [#122316-c]
Your Profession: Merchant
Your Rank: 3
Roll ID: 142427
Roll Result: 20
Item Type: Meal
Tier: 2
Quality: Rare
Enhancements: [x2] Over-health
Description: If you can endure a Grand Big Mac, you can certainly do the same in battle!
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18519-f1-r3-merchant-pandoras-wares/?do=findComment&comment=603586

Name: Guts+ [#122498]
Your Profession: Merchant
Your Rank: 3
Roll ID: 142428
Roll Result: 18
Item Type: Meal
Tier: 2
Quality: Rare
Enhancements: [x2] Over-health
Description: If you can endure a Grand Big Mac, you can certainly do the same in battle!
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18519-f1-r3-merchant-pandoras-wares/?do=findComment&comment=603586

Junk Sale:

10,150 * 0.9 = 9,135 col -- sent

+23 EXP





Name: Speedy Rainbow Sprinters [#141302]
Your Profession: Merchant
Your Rank: 3
Roll ID: 142896 | 142898 
Roll Result: 8 (BD: 10 | CD: 11) | 10
Item Type: Light Armor
Tier: 2
Quality: Rare
Enhancements: Savvy | Paralytic Immunity
Description: Can't stop, won't stop!
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18519-f1-r3-merchant-pandoras-wares/?do=findComment&comment=603950

Junk Sale:

9,250 * 0.9 = 8,325 col -- sent

+16 EXP


Edited by Andromeda
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Alec heard a chime informing him he had a message. The large man cheeked it and saw it was an automated message informing him his items he had dropped off at the Merchant’s shop were ready. Alec nodded to himself and headed straight there. He really hoped he had some Health Potions or even Crystals headed his way. He had had one or two rough runs lately and even with his Battle Healing and Humphrey it had been touch and go. As the heavily muscled man entered the shop Pandora’s Wares he softened his perpetual scowl so as not to seem upset with the Merchant and brought a faint smile to his face. As the diminutive shop keeper began hastily apologizing the large man held up a hand and his features softened even further. “No need to apologize Miss.” Alec said in his deep baritone rumble. “I understand completely. Thank you very much.” Alec finished with a smile as he collected his new items and the Col from the Junk Sale before letting himself out of the shop.

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This time, the pile was so big that both merchant and customer could barely make rhyme or reason of the incomplete data structures of varying size and shape on Pandora's counter. Dear god, that thing was sturdy — to have gone through this much use and abuse over the almost month-long duration of the event without even a single dent on its surface.

"So—" First things first: the shoes. What on earth were those? Arabelle had received a notif of another Paralytic Immunity enhancement, but she hadn't exactly believed An's words when the merchant described how horrendous they were. The pair held all the colors of the rainbow, radiated it, so that it stuck out like a god-awful sore thumb in the earthen interior of the very sheepish merchant's shop. "...it looks like something a festive little bunny would hold," she concluded. "Same deal as last time, you keep it in your inventory? Maybe we can sell it sometime, split the cash between us. Oh, don't you have... ah, um, a 'storage' here?"

She gestured to stacks of crates littered about the shop which should have loads more capacity than what a regular low-leveled player would actually have in their inventory.

"Well, I'll send something over if you need it. If you ever find yourself needing a break between your identifications, take it. I'm not in any rush now."


For identification:


Roll ID(s): [#141685] [#141711] [#141739] [#141741] [#141804] [#141805] [#141806]
Item Type: Weapon
Tier: 2
Quality: Perfect

Roll ID(s): [#141711] [#141739] [#141804] [#141805]
Item Type: Trinket
Tier: 2
Quality: Perfect

Roll ID(s): [#141685] [#141741]
Item Type: Light Armor
Tier: 2
Quality: Perfect


Roll ID(s): [#141690]
Item Type: Consumable
Tier: 2
Quality: Perfect


Roll ID(s): [#141713] [#141755]
Item Type: Weapon
Tier: 2
Quality: Rare

Roll ID(s): [#141714] [#141740]
Item Type: Trinket
Tier: 2
Quality: Rare


Roll ID(s): [#141686] [#141687] [#141712] [#141713] [#141755] [#141803] [#141808-1] [#141808-2]
Item Type: Consumable
Tier: 2
Quality: Uncommon

(1,270 * 13) + 660 + (860 * 4) + (280 * 8) = 22,190 col


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Her new customer was... nice. His assurances at least put the anxious merchant at ease and she relaxed a little, seeing him off with a small wave.

And then in marched Arabelle.

Right, the Easter event was still up and running. An brought out the obnoxiously colorful pair of shoes and her favorite regular customer appraised them with a nod. She brought up the idea of having An store it, which she agreed to without much thought. "I know right? Ahahahaha... wait, bunnies?" She didn't receive any more of an explanation, just the usual transaction of unidentifieds and col. With a wave of her hand, one item manifested and then another and another... and another. Pretty soon, they could hardly see an inch of the counter's surface beneath.

She gulped.

"I-I—yeah!! Will do, Senpai!"

The newly ranked up merchant was seeing a long, long night ahead of her.



[4] T2 Perfect Weapon [#141685]
ID: 143235 | BD: 4
ID: 143236 | BD: 5

ID: 143237 | BD: 2
**Marked for junk selling.

[5] T2 Perfect Weapon [#141711]
ID: 143239 | BD: 9
ID: 143241 | BD: 4

ID: 143244 | BD: 6
**Marked for junk selling.

[6] T2 Perfect Weapon [#141739]
ID: 143248 | BD: 7
ID: 143249 | BD: 8
ID: 143250 | BD: 1
**Marked for junk selling.

[7] T2 Perfect Weapon [#141741]
ID: 143251 | BD: 8
ID: 143253 | BD: 8
ID: 143254 | BD: 2
**Marked for junk selling.

[8] T2 Perfect Weapon [#141804]
ID: 143255 | LD: 5 [taunt]
ID: 143256 | LD: 20 [damage]

ID: 143257 | BD: 10 | CD: 12 | LD: 10 [burn]
Result: Damage | Burn | Taunt

1,200 * 5 = 6,000 col -- sent to Banker.

+25 EXP


Edited by Andromeda
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Long night, you said? Okay. Well, along came NIGHT, indeed. With not one, not two, not even three bags of items.

The total was four.

Four. Four large bundles of unidentified goodies, the sizes of which, if it had taken the delicate shopkeeper by surprise, wouldn't come as a shock to NIGHT. Each of them were summoned onto the counter, fading in with a shimmering of white light and a gentle jingle of bells, contrasting the dreary mood their owner was fraught with, having to haul them out of her inventory. Even NIGHT suspected the order might be a bit much to process all at once, so pushing aside two bags to meet the store owner's face eye-to-eye, she reiterated with a steeled gaze, her desperate exasperation made obvious even to an untrained eye.

"Please, take your time with these. Ideally, check the consumables first -- a-and this bag right here is for junk-selling, so feel free to get rid of its contents as soon as possible."

She gave the personnel a deep bow, hands firm by her side, head lowered so much that NIGHT had to take a few steps back, just so she wouldn't bump into the counter. "I'm sincerely sorry about the hassle. And-- really, I do mean it, please, take as long as you'd like with these!"



Identifying the following:
Roll ID(s):  [142484] |  [142499] [142515] [142517] x2 |  [142544] [142554] x3 |  [142615] x2 |  [142625] |  [142627] |  [142628] x2 |  [142639] |  [142773] 
Item Type: 2-Handed Straight Sword
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect

Roll ID(s):  [142499] [142517] [142545] x2 |  [142557] x2 |  [142597] [142606] x2 |  [142615] [142628] [142647] x2 |  [142773] [142800] x2 
Item Type: Light Armor
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect

Roll ID(s):  [142516] |  [142518] [142545] x2 |  [142557] x2 |  [142605] [142606] x2 |  [142617] [142622] [142646] [142647] x2 |  [142799] [142800] x2 
Item Type: Consumable
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect

23,100 = (17+16) * 700 | Tier 1 Perfect Equipment Identifications
  6,290 =        17 *    370 | Tier 1 Perfect Consumable Identifications

Total: 29,390
Notes: Looking for Uniques on Equipment. Damage, Protein, (Loot Die/Prosperity), (Accuracy/Evasion) on Consumables. Junksell if otherwise.
#hmu on discord for those item names/descs!

- - -
Junkselling the following:

ID: 141334 | Crafting | CD: 6 (5,+1) | Tier 1 Uncommon Crafted Trinket |  >>
ID: 142410 | Crafting | CD: 11 (10, +1) | Tier 1 Rare Crafted Trinket |  >>
ID: 142416 | Crafting | CD: 10 (9, +1) | Tier 1 Rare Crafted Trinket |  >>
ID: 142420 | Crafting | CD: 8 (7,+1) | Tier 1 Uncommon Crafted Trinket |  >>
ID: 142421 | Crafting | CD: 7 (6,+1) | Tier 1 Uncommon Crafted Trinket |  >>
ID: 142423 | Crafting | CD: 6 (5,+1) | Tier 1 Uncommon Crafted Trinket |  >>

ID: 142486 | Combat | LD: 14 (7,+7) | CD: 6 | Tier 1 Uncommon Unidentified Consumable |  >>
ID: 142532 | Combat | LD: 11 (4, +7) | CD: 8 | Tier 1 Uncommon Unidentified Consumable |  >>
ID: 142535 | Combat | LD: 12 (5,+7) | CD: 7 | Tier 1 Uncommon Unidentified Consumable |  >>
ID: 142536 | Combat | LD: 12 (5,+7) | CD: 7 | Tier 1 Uncommon Unidentified Consumable |  >>
ID: 142551 | Combat | LD: 13 (6,+7) | CD: 8 | Tier 1 Uncommon Unidentified Consumable |  >>
ID: 142614 | Combat | LD: 8 (1,+7) | CD: 4 | Tier 1 Uncommon Unidentified Consumable |  >>
ID: 142637 | Combat | LD: 12 (5,+7) | CD: 6 | Tier 1 Uncommon Unidentified Consumable |  >>
ID: 142638 | Combat | LD: 11 (4,+7) | CD: 7 | Tier 1 Uncommon Unidentified Consumable |  >>
ID: 142648 | Combat | LD: 11 (4,+7) | CD: 5 | Tier 1 Uncommon Unidentified Consumable |  >>
ID: 142746 | Combat | LD: 12 (5,+7) | CD: 5 | Tier 1 Uncommon Unidentified Consumable |  >>
ID: 142747 | Combat | LD: 8 (1,+7) | CD: 2 | Tier 1 Uncommon Unidentified Consumable |  >>
ID: 142765 | Combat | LD: 10 (3,+7) | CD: 1 | Tier 1 Uncommon Unidentified Consumable |  >>
ID: 142774 | Combat | LD: 11 (4,+7) | CD: 5 | Tier 1 Uncommon Unidentified Consumable |  >>

Tier 1 Equipment | Uncommon (4), Rare (2)
Tier 1 Consumables | Uncommon (13)

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Status: Sobbing under a pile of unidentifieds.





[1] T1 Perfect 2-Handed Straight Sword [#142484]
ID: 143693 | BD: 9
ID: 143694 | BD: 5
ID: 143695 | BD: 9
**Marked for junk selling.

[2] T1 Perfect 2-Handed Straight Sword [#142499]
ID: 143696 | BD: 4
ID: 143697 | BD: 6
ID: 143698 | BD: 4
**Marked for junk selling.

[3] T1 Perfect 2-Handed Straight Sword [#142515]
ID: 143699 | BD: 10 | CD: 11 | LD: 3 [paralytic venom (offensive)]
ID: 143700 | LD: 1 [keen]
ID: 143701 | LD: 18 [accuracy]
Result: Accuracy | Paralytic Venom (Offensive) | Keen

[4] T1 Perfect 2-Handed Straight Sword [#142517-a] 
ID: 143707 | BD: 6
ID: 143710 | BD: 7
ID: 143712 | BD: 4
**Marked for junk selling.

[5] T1 Perfect 2-Handed Straight Sword [#142517-b] 
ID: 143717 | BD: 5
ID: 143718 | BD: 4
ID: 143719 | BD: 5
**Marked for junk selling.

[6] T1 Perfect 2-Handed Straight Sword [#142544]
ID: 143720 | BD: 10 | CD: 3
ID: 143721 | BD: 9
ID: 143722 | BD: 10 | CD: 5
**Marked for junk selling.

[7] T1 Perfect 2-Handed Straight Sword [#142554-a]
ID: 143723 | BD: 3
ID: 143724 | BD: 2
ID: 143725 | BD: 5
**Marked for junk selling.

[8] T1 Perfect 2-Handed Straight Sword [#142554-b]
ID: 143727 | BD: 8
ID: 143728 | BD: 5
ID: 143729 | BD: 10 | CD: 7
**Marked for junk selling.

640 * 8 = 5,120 col -- sent to Banker.

+40 EXP


Edited by Andromeda
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Alec once more found himself walking the First Floor through the Town of Beginnings. The large heavily muscled man wore a deep scowl firmly affixed to face and his body posture was one of not likely where he was. He didn’t know why or how he kept finding himself here. He hated this Floor and all the bad memories associated with it, but here he was again when he once more found himself before the store front of the Merchant he had used to identify his latest batch of items picked up while adventuring. The large man opened the door and stepped inside softening the deep scowl into a mask of firmness. “Good evening.” Alec called out as he entered the shop. “I really appreciate those IDs’ you did for me the other day and I was hoping to purchase some supplies this time to help out in my travels.” Alec stated as he approached the counter. “I’m looking for some Rations and Immolation Potions.” Alec informed the Merchant as he looked over her goods. “Could I get 10 of the +2 Rations and the same for the +2 Immolations?” Alec asked as he placed several stacks of Col on the counter totaling 19,000 with a faint smile softening him normally stern features. As Alec turned to leave he had a thought and turned back around to the Merchant. "By the way could I also purchase one of those Dimensional Backpacks I keep hearing about. It sounds really useful." The large man said his grin growing a little as he added another 5,100 Col to the stacks already on the Merchants table.


Field Rations +2 (950 col)

· Item Type: Snacks

· Effect: Grants +120 to max HP. Must be level 50+ to use. Cannot be used in combat. Effect lasts for one thread. A player cannot benefit from more than one Field Rations at a time.

Immolation Potion +2 (950 col)

· Item Type: Potion

· Effect: When used, successful non-critical attacks against you deal 30 unmitigated damage to the attacking enemy. Must be level 50+ to use. Effect lasts for one thread.


Dimensional Backpack (5,100 Col)

  • Item Type: Unique Item
  • Effect: Adds +1 to Battle Ready inventory. This item does not take up a Battle Ready inventory slot. A player may only have one Dimensional Backpack at any time.
Edited by Alec
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Pandora's Wares. 04/23. 9 PM. 

So said the note taped onto the lid of the small flower-printed box she found in the early hours of the morning. In the hours spanning between then and the moment she arrived in front of the set destination, she'd sent and received no other communication from the person behind the gift. Everything they needed to settle with regards to her sudden benefactor's generosity could be done here.

The run-down building's door looked ready to give up its last points of durability should she bump her knuckle against it in a little less than gentle manner. Her hand dropped down to twist the knob and the long high-pitched creak it gave as she eased it open announced her entrance far better than the small shop bell hung on the frame above her head. Both merchant and customer were already present, engrossed in conversation at the far side of the shop.

Mishiro closed her umbrella and propped it against the wall. "Good evening."

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"And there she is, right on time!" Arabelle exclaimed. Cutting their conversation short, she spun around to meet her friend. Her hands reached out to grasp both of Mishiro's and she pulled the girl forward, walking with her back turned the way they were both headed. Too many repeated visits to this little shop in the past few days, and she knew exactly where every single pile of junk was. "I was gone the whole day, did you miss me? I'm sure you did, so here's what I have to make up for it!"

They reached An's counter and she dropped Mishiro's hands to make a grand, sweeping gesture with her arm. Here it was, the glorious fruit of five trips to the [Garden] and the absolute worst time ever with a mechanic that was so troublesome, it was practically a repeat of last Halloween's zombie invasion: three golden tickets, glimmering beneath a hanging incandescent bulb.

Easter Bunny Favors.

She smiled faintly and tucked her hands behind her back. "I won't accept a no for this, Shiro-chan. Here's my answers to the questions I can sense are brewing in your mind right now." Arabelle held up a single finger and for every point she ticked down, she uncurled another from her palm. "First: two of them are for you, three if we get something less than desirable. I am fine with this. I have an item in my inventory that practically guarantees a unique I already want. Second: I acquired all of these legally through a couple of well-placed trades. Third: I had this planned, right from the very start of the event. I went on all those trips to the two [Gardens] for the dual purpose of acquiring one Favor for my own, which I already did, and to do this for you. This is what I want, and if you want to learn any more..."

The small purple-haired girl gestured at the assortment on the table.

"You have to take the offer first. Now, come. Didn't you have those gauntlets you were having trouble with?" A sudden thought occurred to her and she hummed, tapped a finger to her lips. "No, now that I think of it, it's very like you to come in here without having used the first gift yet. Let's see you do it now. This might be the time to adjust it to your liking."


Traded to An for re-identifications

[x3] Easter Bunny's Favor 
Reidentify a single slot on a piece of gear at a Merchant using only their Unique Enhancement table. | [
1] [2] [3]


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No... more... unidentifieds... *actual internal sob.*

Was what ran through the visibly frazzled merchant's head as the customer from before -- hadn't he given her things to appraise, too? her memory was a little foggy, but she took her time on his order -- entered the shop. Luckily, he was only interested in buying from her general stock. Relief washed over her expression. Yeah--! I can do that! "Sure thing," she told him. She managed a tired smile, she always smiled for her customers, that she remembered. "Wait there for a second."

Bloody hell, it was almost as if she'd gone through the dreaded grindy event herself!

Not long after she finished with her customer for the night, Arabelle came by and An figured it was just her intention to talk. They did, for a while, and they discussed their little plan of stashing all the uniques she identified in her shop and somehow making it a place where Arabelle could come and drop by items for her friends to pick up if she was too busy to meet them in person? Like, An was going to be a-- a... ugh, she forgot the word. Then her not-customer mentioned Mishiro.

An was starting to sweat. She wouldn't add onto that humongous pile in the corner, would she? Senpai, you're the best, but please please please I swear-- Three golden Easter vouchers. On the table. An's jaw dropped. "Wh-- Aren't these limited to one per person?! Arabelle, you're amazing!" All fatigue vanished from her mind as soon as she saw her own reflection on their shiny surfaces. Identifications, she could barely take now. But special identifications, where every attempt resulted in a unique? Of course it was a yes! Reinvigorated, the merchant pumped her fist and grinned. "Y-yeah, I'll do my best like always!"

The shop bell rang and in came a face she hadn't seen in a long while.

"Hello! Welcome to my shop, Mish!"

An politely made her way back to the counter as the other two girls who clearly knew each other very well conversed.

"Whenever you're ready!"


General Stock

[x10] Field Rations +2
[x10] Immolation Potion +2
[x1] Dimensional Backpack

(900 * 10) + (900 * 10) + 5,000 = 23,000 col -- sent to Banker.

+63 EXP


Edited by Andromeda
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Mishiro could only look down at the precious items in vapid disbelief.

Acquiring one of them wasn't too difficult. She collected that amount herself, weeks back when the event began and she was swept up with the excitement, however she was quick to trade hers to Claude. Experienced players would put it to better use, was the gist of her explanation. But, in exchange for their accessibility, the tickets were limited and they were easily the most desirable of the event rewards. Upon purchasing one, many a player would be very unwilling to part with it. Yet here Arabelle stood at her side, proudly presenting a once-fanciful sight of three on top of the one she knew the player had already used.

If this was about to go the way she now pictured it would, she didn't know what to feel. It was sweet. Flattering. And so unexpected that she was now searching her mind for an instance wherein Arabelle had done something to at least a similar degree. Gifts weren't necessarily meant to be deserved, but Mishiro would greatly prefer it if she did, even to the slightest extent. 

A thought occured to her in her search. "That is an impressive feat, but," she turned to her friend, appraising her with dull gray eyes. There was no suspicion; only simple curiosity. "I need you to tell me. How?"

The girl being questioned smiled. She had been expecting it. Arabelle held up a gloved hand and for everything Mishiro had thought to bring up, she shot it down before her like a dart thrown at a bullseye. She left her with no choice.

"I can't believe it," she murmured, as a figure of expression. There was an additional reason she had no knowledge nor hint of... but the fact that the player had been leaving so early and filling herself with buffs even as she complained... was partly for her— she let her sights linger on the girl who'd never been quite satisfied with breaking her expectations only once, and she realized she could not bring herself to turn her friend's wishes down. "Alright. But do know one thing."

Mishiro brought the parcel out of her coat pocket and pulled at the ribbon that held its lid together with the rest of the small box. She opened it to reveal its only contents: a perforated slip of paper with a cartoonish print of an Easter Bunny.

"I can consider taking this stamp as a gift, but I have full intention of paying you back for the rest. We can settle on partly."

She laid down her Halloween gauntlets on the counter; the obsidian pair thrummed with a proverbial dark energy that she could never bring herself to be completely comfortable with, and she tapped a golden ticket at random.

"I upgraded it and selected Bleed. Let's take the regular enhancement out first. If you please, An."


For re-identification

Jack's Phantom Vengeance
T1 Demonic Gauntlets -- Cursed | Blight | Burn | Bleed
-- Bunny Stamp used in linked evaluation.


Edited by Mishiro
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Arabelle smiled.

"Well-placed trades~."

And she wouldn't say any more. Her ashen eyes were drawn to the weapon Mishiro produced and my, was it a sight to behold. Woven into obsidian plates were the remnants of an all-consuming flame; a malevolence that grew, existed, thrived off of destroying everything in its reach. And it was Cursed, too — no wonder Mishiro wouldn't agree with it.

"Ah! No, not that one."

She held down the Favor her friend had selected with a finger. Though they all appeared identical to the two girls' inexperienced eyes, Arabelle had made a very small fold on the corner of... a certain Favor she'd traded from a certain person. She picked it up and very delicately handed it to An. "It doesn't change anything, really," she clarified, her voice dragging out to a playful tone she wouldn't explain. "I just think that one's a little special. Must be a gut feeling, but I think you would like having it."

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"Oh, right!"

An shot up in her seat, shocked to attention by her not-quite-customer's soft prompting. The two were close — enough for Arabelle to go through all that effort; and An was a personal witness to it. Anything beyond listening from her... felt like an intrusion. "Okay, here we go!" An took the gauntlet and nearly dropped it with a surprised squeak. She hastily lowered it back onto the table, rubbing her hands. Ow, ow, owww, hot!! "Mish, you were using this?"

"I wasn't," Mishiro stated. "Now you know why."


"Are you okay?"

"I-I'm fine!" An insisted. But her poor worn station, she hoped it wouldn't be roasted to death before the night ended. It wasn't unbearable or 'painful,' she likened the sensation to holding something that was one Celsius away from being hot to a painful degree... if that made any sense. "I just need to tap it a liiitle bit and, there!" A window appeared between the three players and An blinked, confused. Only one slot of [Burn], just like hers. Why didn't Corrupted Legacy feel any similar? An was inclined to ask, but the expectant stares in both not-quite-customer's colorless eyes were enough to change her mind. "Alright, let's start off with... that."

She reached for the item Mishiro had tapped only to have Arabelle cut in and insist on another: a Favor just as shiny and golden as the others on the leftmost side. "Ah, sure. If that's what you want." An was unexpectedly quick to understand. She propped herself with her hands and bent forward over the counter, red eyes sparkling with excitement. "Like, gacha rituals! I used to roll only at midnight when I really wanted something in the summoning pool."

Her chattering was met with a blank stare.


"Oh... ahahahaha, don't uh..." Heat flooded her cheeks. She ducked her head and took Arabelle's chosen Favor. "That was, um, nothing. Don't mind me~..."

Well, she was rolling for a unique right in front of them, they did mind.

An selected an option. The Favor was consumed in a flash of pale blue light and as cracks spread across the virtual construct, breaking it down into shriveling fragments, the girl took her eyes off the sight and thought:

Arabelle's stare was piercing.

Remnant shards landed softly on the weapon and a status window displayed the result: [Freeze]. 

At the other side of the semi-transparent window, Arabelle smiled faintly. 

An felt a lump building in her throat. "I... I..."

"I'll take it."

"No," Arabelle decided. Amusement danced in her expression, for a reason the anxious merchant couldn't comprehend. "We have two more; it wouldn't kill us to make another attempt. But oh, let's get rid of that troublesome [Burn] slot too, alright? That is what's hindering you from using it."

The wielder of the armaments had the final say. Considering the enhancements thoughtfully, her decision came with a small nod. "Rerolling [Burn], I can agree with. But the third Favor goes to Arabelle. "


"Nope, I own the Favors, ergo I have a large part of the final say! And Arabelle says, reroll [Freeze] with the third ticket."

An squirmed. "Can we reroll [Burn] first?"

"Please and thank you."

She slapped her cheeks and exhaled. Okay, Harriette. You're going to have better luck with this one. [Burn] needs to go off that weapon. "Oh, um," she awkwardly tapped the surfaces of the remaining two golden tickets. "Arabelle, you want to choose?"

"Hm?" The girl being asked tilted her head. "Just go with either. How about you, Shiro-chan? You might be the lucky girl today, pick something."

"It wouldn't change the outcome."

What happened to a 'special gut feeling?'

"Um, then I'll do it." Her anxiety was skyrocketing. There wasn't any elevating her choice above the level of a simple wild guess, but An wanted to get something good. Eenie meenie miney moe... her hand came down on the rightmost ticket and she slid it around the gauntlets and closer to her. "Here goes!"

A flash of light, brighter this time. Though the gauntlets' form never changed, the debilitating heat was gone and replaced by something... cold. Frigid ice and the aloof distance maintained by divines. On the status window flashed: [Holy].

Arabelle gasped. "Well, I wouldn't know... you were the little clover we've been looking past all this time!" she laughed, and it brought a smile of relief to An's face. Turning to face the less outspoken girl, she rocked her back and forth by the shoulder. "Shiro-chan, Shiiiro-chan~, come on, have a little life! Don't you know what you just got?"

"One of the most optimal enhancements for a DPS. I know," said Mishiro. Her expression softened when An's expectant stare met with hers. "That was a good pick. Thank you, An. Now we're using the third for Arabelle's—"

"Nope! I refuse."

"I still feel a litle bad for that first roll, so I think you should..."

"See? Even our merchant agrees."

"Our merchant doesn't know you still have a regular enhancement on your weapon," Mishiro shot back. She folded her arms and faced the girl, who even An thought was being strangely stubborn on this. "Mine already has uniques on all three slots, yours has an ACC enhancement you've been wanting to be rid of. Not only that, but you fight more than I do. I think it's clear who'd find better use of the Favor."

"Oh," Arabelle said with a blink. "Well, I got rid of that slot." 

"Eh? But you didn't—"

"I'm still loyal to you as always, An." — And the merchant felt her face instantly turn a bright red at the girl's casual remark. — "I used another item and gave myself a slot of [Burn]. We're even."

"That doesn't make you any less deserving. You said you would leave one for yourself."

"Only if you rolled something nice the first time."

The merchant cringed, but still, they kept going.

"And I'm telling you, I'm already satisfied with the result."

An kept her usual shopkeeper smile, very awkwardly, as both not-quite-customers refused to take the favor. Out of all the arguments she could have heard today... it was definitely not two friends wanting the other to use the precious item. Even she wouldn't call Arabelle a selfless person and she stood no benefit should the reroll not go to her, so she could only relate it to a close connection — that she could only wonder if she would be a part of.

"I'll sell it," the small purple-haired girl declared.

Mishiro looked at her in disbelief.

"Right. Because the item's technically mine, you can't force me to use it. And I've decided. If it goes to me, I'm auctioning it off for a couple hundred thousand col so I can finally buy my own house. It would be lovely to have a larger place to show off. Capiche?"

"W-wait!" An couldn't restrain herself from exclaiming. "You can't just sell something like that. It's the sort of thing that's better off being used!!"

"And where do you think I got these extra Favors from?"

"I mean, well, what other people did with it shouldn't matter..."


The player appeared in deep thought.

"It's alright." The onlooker blinked, almost surprised by the softness of Arabelle's voice. She went on, wearing a faint smile. "This is how I want to use the last Favor. So just take it, okay? I agreed with you paying me back later, remember?"

A lull. 

The verbal battle was winding down. Mishiro ended it all with her decision. "Alright. Please reroll [Freeze]," she requested with a finality. Then her eyes remained on the merchant as she picked up the last ticket. "I'm sorry you had to hear all this, An."

"It's okay!"

The last Favor disappeared in a blue flash. Brighter than the ones that they had seen before; all three players had to shield their eyes. A gust of wind burst outwards, ruffling flaps of cloth thrown over miscellaneous bundles in the shelves, displacing her potions, and blowing the rickety door open with a violence. When all the fanfare died down, An was the first to pry her eyes open to meet the sweet, sweet sight of a status window:

Another [Freeze].



Jack's Phantom Vengeance
T1 Demonic Gauntlets -- Cursed | Blight | Burn | Bleed
--NEW: Cursed | Holy | Blight | Freeze


[x3] Easter Bunny's Favor 
Reidentify a single slot on a piece of gear at a Merchant using only their Unique Enhancement table.
| [
1] -- Rerolling Bleed.  -- ID: 143908 | LD: 11 [freeze]
[2] -- Rerolling Burn.   -- ID: 143909 | LD: 8 [holy]
[3] -- Rerolling Freeze. -- ID: 143910 | LD: 11 [freeze]




[1] T1 Perfect Consumable [#142516]
ID: 143892 | LD: 18 [protein]
Result: [x2] Protein -- Downgraded to 'Rare.'

[2] T1 Perfect Consumable [#142518]
ID: 143893 | LD: 13 [accuracy]
Result: [x2] Accuracy -- Downgraded to 'Rare.'

[3] T1 Perfect Consumable [#142545-a]
ID: 143894 | LD: 3
**Marked for junk selling.

[4] T1 Perfect Consumable [#142545-b]
ID: 143895 | LD: 4 [loot die]
Result: [x3] Loot Die

[5] T1 Perfect Consumable [#142557-a]
ID: 143896 | LD: 9 [damage]
Result: [x3] Damage

[6] T1 Perfect Consumable [#142557-b]
ID: 143897 | LD: 10 [damage]
Result: [x3] Damage

[7] T1 Perfect Consumable [#142605]
ID: 143898 | LD: 12 [accuracy]
Result: [x2] Accuracy -- Downgraded to 'Rare.'

[8] T1 Perfect Consumable [#142606-a]
ID: 143899 | LD: 2
**Marked for junk selling.

320 * 8 = 2,560 col -- sent to Banker

+40 EXP


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Jack's Phantom Vengeance
T1 Demonic Gauntlets -- Cursed | Blight | Burn | Bleed
--NEW: Cursed | Holy | Blight | Vampiric (Offensive)



[3] -- Favor reroll: Freeze. -- ID: 144265 | LD: 16 [vampiric (offensive)]




[1] T1 Perfect Consumable [#142606-b]
ID: 144257 | LD: 10 [damage]
Result: [x3] Damage

[2] T1 Perfect Consumable [#142617]
ID: 144258 | LD: 9 [damage]
Result: [x3] Damage

[3] T1 Perfect Consumable [#142622]
ID: 144259 | LD: 13 [evasion]
Result: [x2] Evasion -- Downgraded to 'Rare.'

[4] T1 Perfect Consumable [#142646]
ID: 144260 | LD: 1
**Marked for junk selling.

[5] T1 Perfect Consumable [#142647-a]
ID: 144261 | LD: 7 [damage]
Result: [x3] Damage

[6] T1 Perfect Consumable [#142647-b]
ID: 144262 | LD: 16
**Marked for junk selling.

[7] T1 Perfect Consumable [#142799]
ID: 144263 | LD: 10 [damage]
Result: [x3] Damage

[8] T1 Perfect Consumable [#142800-a]
ID: 144264 | LD: 8 [damage]
Result: [x3] Damage

320 * 8 = 2,560 col -- sent to Banker.

+40 EXP


Edited by Andromeda
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Pile one of three, done! The merchant girl actually cheered when the status window appeared for the last consumable and she slumped over her station, folding her arms one over the other. Her eyes fluttered shut, in a moment of respite she wanted to savor before she started back up on NIGHT's weapons. One out of eight daily identifications...

And suddenly, it was opening hours.

Red eyes flew open to the sudden darkness of her shop and she blindly reach out to tug at the string that switched her luminescent light bulb on. Oh no, oh crap, she didn't have the habit of locking her door in the afternoon, what if someone walked in to that sight? At the thought, she felt her face warm in embarrassment and she ran a hand through her ruffled hair.

It was lucky she had woken up when she did, because in came NIGHT a little while later to check on her progress.

Managing a very tired smile, An gestured to the consumables she'd arranged neatly on one of the shelves. "Hello! I'm done with everything -- and that, should be all of them. I hope." She knew she had to haul off an entire mess to clear out that shelf... but why couldn't she remember what was on it? Or where she placed them? Oh well-- An just wanted to bask in the accomplished feeling of finally finishing one of the sacks. "Please come by again next week for the weapons and armor. Oh, and the junk sale too. I always do that one last."





[1] T1 Perfect Consumable [#142800-b] 
ID: 144534 | LD: 4 [prosperity]
Result: [x3] Prosperity

[2] T1 Perfect 2-Handed Straight Sword [#142554-c] 
ID: 144558 | BD: 10 | CD: 2

ID: 144559 | BD: 4
ID: 144560 | BD: 4
**Marked for junk selling.

[3] T1 Perfect 2-Handed Straight Sword [#142615-a]
ID: 144561 | BD: 4
ID: 144562 | BD: 9
ID: 144563 | BD: 9
**Marked for junk selling.

[4] T1 Perfect 2-Handed Straight Sword [#142615-b]
ID: 144564 | BD: 8
ID: 144565 | BD: 10 | CD: 6
ID: 144566 | BD: 1
**Marked for junk selling.

[5] T1 Perfect 2-Handed Straight Sword [#142625]
ID: 144567 | BD: 7
ID: 144568 | BD: 7
ID: 144569 | BD: 3
**Marked for junk selling.

[6] T1 Perfect 2-Handed Straight Sword [#142627]
ID: 144570 | BD: 3
ID: 144571 | BD: 6
ID: 144572 | BD: 8
**Marked for junk selling.

[7] T1 Perfect 2-Handed Straight Sword [#142628-a]
ID: 144574 | LD: 9 [bleed]
ID: 144575 | BD: 10 | CD: 11 | LD: 7 [holy]
ID: 144576 | LD: 18 [accuracy]
Result: Accuracy | Holy | Bleed

[8] T1 Perfect 2-Handed Straight Sword [#142628-b]
ID: 144577 | BD: 10 | CD: 6
ID: 144578 | BD: 8
ID: 144579 | BD: 6
**Marked for junk selling.

320 + (640 * 7) = 4,800 col -- sent to Banker.

+40 EXP



Name: POWERRR!!+ [#142516]
Your Profession: Merchant
Your Rank: 4
Roll ID: 143892
Roll Result: 18
Item Type: Meal
Tier: 1
Quality: Rare
Enhancements: [x2] Protein
Description: A large pack of beef jerky.
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18519-f1-r4-merchant-pandoras-wares-closed/?do=findComment&comment=604779

Name: Precision+ [#142518]
Your Profession: Merchant
Your Rank: 4
Roll ID: 143893
Roll Result: 13
Item Type: Snack
Tier: 1
Quality: Rare
Enhancements: [x2] Accuracy
Description: Lemon-flavored candy.
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18519-f1-r4-merchant-pandoras-wares-closed/?do=findComment&comment=604779

Name: Fortune++ [#142545-b]
Your Profession: Merchant
Your Rank: 4
Roll ID: 143895
Roll Result: 4
Item Type: Snack
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: [x3] Loot Die
Description: A fortune cookie. Crack it open for a prediction buff!
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18519-f1-r4-merchant-pandoras-wares-closed/?do=findComment&comment=604779

Name: Strength [#142557-a]
Your Profession: Merchant
Your Rank: 4
Roll ID: 143896
Roll Result: 9
Item Type: Potion
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: [x3] Damage
Description: A small flask containing a bitter red liquid. Perfect for getting those big phat DMG numbers. Chug, chug, chug!
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18519-f1-r4-merchant-pandoras-wares-closed/?do=findComment&comment=604779

Name: Strength [#142557-b]
Your Profession: Merchant
Your Rank: 4
Roll ID: 143897
Roll Result: 10
Item Type: Potion
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: [x3] Damage
Description: A small flask containing a bitter red liquid. Perfect for getting those big phat DMG numbers. Chug, chug, chug!
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18519-f1-r4-merchant-pandoras-wares-closed/?do=findComment&comment=604779

Name: Precision+ [#142605]
Your Profession: Merchant
Your Rank: 4
Roll ID: 143898
Roll Result: 12
Item Type: Snack
Tier: 1
Quality: Rare
Enhancements: [x2] Accuracy
Description: Lemon-flavored candy.
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18519-f1-r4-merchant-pandoras-wares-closed/?do=findComment&comment=604779


Name: Strength [#142606-b]
Your Profession: Merchant
Your Rank: 4
Roll ID: 144257
Roll Result: 10
Item Type: Potion
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: [x3] Damage
Description: A small flask containing a bitter red liquid. Perfect for getting those big phat DMG numbers. Chug, chug, chug!
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18519-f1-r4-merchant-pandoras-wares-closed/?do=findComment&comment=605047

Name: Strength [#142617]
Your Profession: Merchant
Your Rank: 4
Roll ID: 144258
Roll Result: 9
Item Type: Potion
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: [x3] Damage
Description: A small flask containing a bitter red liquid. Perfect for getting those big phat DMG numbers. Chug, chug, chug!
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18519-f1-r4-merchant-pandoras-wares-closed/?do=findComment&comment=605047

Name: Speed+ [#142622]
Your Profession: Merchant
Your Rank: 4
Roll ID: 144259
Roll Result: 13
Item Type: Snack
Tier: 1
Quality: Rare
Enhancements: [x2] Evasion
Description: Super sweet candy. Outrun your enemies while on a sugar high!
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18519-f1-r4-merchant-pandoras-wares-closed/?do=findComment&comment=605047

Name: Strength [#142647-a]
Your Profession: Merchant
Your Rank: 4
Roll ID: 144261
Roll Result: 7
Item Type: Potion
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: [x3] Damage
Description: A small flask containing a bitter red liquid. Perfect for getting those big phat DMG numbers. Chug, chug, chug!
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18519-f1-r4-merchant-pandoras-wares-closed/?do=findComment&comment=605047

Name: Strength [#142799]
Your Profession: Merchant
Your Rank: 4
Roll ID: 144263
Roll Result: 10
Item Type: Potion
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: [x3] Damage
Description: A small flask containing a bitter red liquid. Perfect for getting those big phat DMG numbers. Chug, chug, chug!
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18519-f1-r4-merchant-pandoras-wares-closed/?do=findComment&comment=605047

Name: Strength [#142800-a]
Your Profession: Merchant
Your Rank: 4
Roll ID: 144264
Roll Result: 8
Item Type: Potion
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: [x3] Damage
Description: A small flask containing a bitter red liquid. Perfect for getting those big phat DMG numbers. Chug, chug, chug!
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18519-f1-r4-merchant-pandoras-wares-closed/?do=findComment&comment=605047


Name: Providence++ [#142800-b] 
Your Profession: Merchant
Your Rank: 4
Roll ID: 144534
Roll Result: 4
Item Type: Snack
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: [x3] Prosperity
Description: A fortune cookie. Crack it open for a message: "You'll never go back to grinding without buffs ever again."
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18519-f1-r4-merchant-pandoras-wares-closed/?do=findComment&comment=605230



Edited by Andromeda
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She'd arrived at the shop's front door.

...? It says it's closed...?

But the lights were on, weren't they? NIGHT swore she could spot the merchant through the windows too if she looked hard enough. Maybe if she gave the front door a tug? --Oh. The door was unlocked, after all.

"S-sorry to intrude..." The shakiest voice came out of the black-clad player, even after mustering some confidence from somewhere inside her to help. "Uh, h-how's it going...? ...Is this even the right time for me to be here? The sign by the door still says..." The woman glanced over at the notice for a split second, before shaking her head, attention stolen away by the merchant pointing out a section of her shop. A shelf adorned with multiple sets of consumables; part of NIGHT's own orders, the player presumed. "Oh, okay. Sorry to interrupt? --But also, thank you once again for your hard work."

NIGHT stepped in, careful this time to be gentle to her surroundings, taking soft steps like a rat fraught with paranoia. When her gaze fell over the items on display, there must've been a set of sparkles in the woman's eyes.

First and foremost, she indulged in the sight of a wave of damage potions laid out in front of her. NIGHT counted over them in her head -- even after totaling the number of other items together, they seemed to still pale in comparison to the number of red vials. Still, all of them were as graciously accepted, the player squirreling them away into her inventory with a small smile upon her face.

Just for kicks, she picked up one of the damage potions, shaking it gently in the direction of the merchant. "You sure have a knack for figuring these out, huh? I appreciate it -- really." For some reason, NIGHT struggled to come up with names for alchemists whose shops she could visit, save for Mari, whose stock she'd just cleared out the other day.

When the girl instructed her to return the following week for the rest of the junk she'd so ungratefully dropped off, NIGHT could only gulp in return, nodding with her head bowed a little too deeply. "Got it," she replied, rushing for the door once again. "Uh-- I hope you get some good rest! Ahh-- let me know if you need anything--!"

One gentle closing of the door, before NIGHT took off sprinting, fleeing for home. It hadn't even occurred to her to process what exactly the merchant might've needed, if anything at all.


+ Strength (7), Precision+ (2), Fortune++ (1), POWERRR!!+ (1), Speed+ (1), Providence++ (1)

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