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[F1 - R5 Appraiser] Pandora's Wares | OPEN.

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D-did she ever remove that 'CLOSED' sign last night...?





[1] T1 Perfect 2-Handed Straight Sword [#142639]
ID: 144843 | BD: 1
ID: 144844 | BD: 6
ID: 144845 | BD: 9
**Marked for junk selling.

[2] T1 Perfect 2-Handed Straight Sword [#142773] 
ID: 144846 | BD: 4
ID: 144847 | BD: 4
ID: 144848 | BD: 6
**Marked for junk selling.

[3] T1 Perfect Light Armor [#142499]
ID: 144849 | BD: 7
ID: 144850 | BD: 7
ID: 144851 | BD: 3
**Marked for junk selling.

[4] T1 Perfect Light Armor [#142517]
ID: 144852 | BD: 3
ID: 144853 | BD: 5
ID: 144854 | BD: 3
**Marked for junk selling.

[5] T1 Perfect Light Armor [#142545-a]
ID: 144855 | BD: 3
ID: 144856 | BD: 5
ID: 144857 | BD: 1
**Marked for junk selling.

[6] T1 Perfect Light Armor [#142545-b]
ID: 144858 | BD: 3
ID: 144859 | BD: 1
ID: 144860 | BD: 6
**Marked for junk selling.

[7] T1 Perfect Light Armor [#142557-a]
ID: 144861 | BD: 9
ID: 144862 | BD: 8
ID: 144863 | BD: 2
**Marked for junk selling.

[8] T1 Perfect Light Armor [#142557-b]
ID: 144864 | BD: 8
ID: 144865 | BD: 1
ID: 144866 | BD: 6
**Marked for junk selling.

640 * 8 = 5,120 col -- sent to Banker.

+40 EXP


Edited by Andromeda
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Bloodclot/Paralytic Immunity Streak: 3.





[1] T1 Perfect Light Armor [#142597]
ID: 144943 | LD: 14 [mitigation]
ID: 144944 | BD: 10 | CD: 11 | LD: 5 [paralytic immunity]
ID: 144945 | LD: 12 [mitigation]
Result: [x2] Mitigation | Paralytic Immunity

[2] T1 Perfect Light Armor [#142606-a]
ID: 144946 | BD: 2
ID: 144947 | BD: 3
ID: 144948 | BD: 8
**Marked for junk selling.

[3] T1 Perfect Light Armor [#142606-b]
ID: 144949 | BD: 5
ID: 144950 | BD: 4
ID: 144951 | BD: 6
**Marked for junk selling.

[4] T1 Perfect Light Armor [#142615]
ID: 144952 | BD: 2
ID: 144953 | BD: 8
ID: 144954 | BD: 6
**Marked for junk selling.

[5] T1 Perfect Light Armor [#142628]
ID: 144955 | BD: 6
ID: 144956 | BD: 9
ID: 144957 | BD: 6
**Marked for junk selling.

[6] T1 Perfect Light Armor [#142647-a] 
ID: 144958 | BD: 5
ID: 144959 | BD: 9
ID: 144960 | BD: 9
**Marked for junk selling.

[7] T1 Perfect Light Armor [#142647-b] 
ID: 144961 | BD: 3
ID: 144962 | BD: 5
ID: 144963 | BD: 6
**Marked for junk selling.

[8] T1 Perfect Light Armor [#142773]
ID: 144964 | BD: 9
ID: 144965 | BD: 2
ID: 144966 | BD: 6
**Marked for junk selling.

640 * 8 = 5,120 col -- sent to Banker.

+40 EXP


Edited by Andromeda
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[1] T1 Perfect Light Armor [#142800-a]
ID: 145039 | BD: 8
ID: 145040 | BD: 6
ID: 145041 | BD: 1
**Marked for junk selling.

[2] T1 Perfect Light Armor [#142800-b]
ID: 145042 | BD: 5
ID: 145043 | BD: 2
ID: 145044 | BD: 10 | CD: 8
**Marked for junk selling.



[3] T2 Perfect Weapon [#141805]
ID: 145045 | BD: 2
ID: 145046 | BD: 4
ID: 145047 | BD: 5
**Marked for junk selling.

[4] T2 Perfect Weapon [#141806]
ID: 145048 | LD: 19
ID: 145049 | LD: 18
ID: 145050 | LD: 17
Result: [x3] Damage

[5] T2 Perfect Trinket [#141711]
ID: 145051 | BD: 10 | CD: 4
ID: 145052 | BD: 3
ID: 145053 | BD: 10 | CD: 5
**Marked for junk selling.

[6] T2 Perfect Trinket [#141739]
ID: 145054 | BD: 3
ID: 145055 | BD: 10 | CD: 7
ID: 145056 | BD: 1
**Marked for junk selling.

[7] T2 Perfect Trinket [#141804]
ID: 145057 | BD: 5
ID: 145058 | BD: 6
ID: 145059 | BD: 10 | CD: 6
**Marked for junk selling.

[8] T2 Perfect Trinket [#141805]
ID: 145060 | BD: 7
ID: 145061 | BD: 6
ID: 145062 | BD: 3
**Marked for junk selling.

(640 * 2) + (1,200 * 6) = 8,480 col -- sent to Banker.

+40 EXP


Edited by Andromeda
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Well, lucky her, the remaining piles had been fewer than she thought!‌

Or maybe she was growing desensitized to it. At this point, eight identifications would feel like nothing. 

After a few days of nonstop appraisal, the merchant girl was confident to say that she’d done a good job with this load. Maybe even enough to redeem herself for last time? Two greatswords, forged of vastly differing steels (seriously, where had she even looted these? they looked like they belonged in entirely different areas), lay on her counter for whenever her customer wanted to come by and claim them, and she was proudest of the second. [Holy], [Accuracy], [Bleed], the divine weapon practically glowed underneath her iridescent light. 

Oh, and there was a scarf too. That was another Paralytic Immunity.

“Hello~!” An would pipe up when her customer arrived. She was in a noticeably brighter mood than usual, and she awaited comment eagerly as the other player took note of the results. “Here’s your junk sale too. It was a lot, but I'm really glad with how it turned out. Thank you for coming to Pandora's Wares!‌”

When the transaction was over, she turned back to her remaining work and felt the beginnings of a cold sweat.


All her fuss over that order and she'd barely gotten through Arabelle's.





[1] T2 Perfect Light Armor [#141685]
ID: 145211 | BD: 2
ID: 145212 | BD: 1
ID: 145213 | BD: 6
**Marked for junk selling.

[2] T2 Perfect Light Armor [#141741]
ID: 145214 | BD: 8
ID: 145215 | BD: 5
ID: 145216 | BD: 6
**Marked for junk selling.

[3] T2 Perfect Consumable [#141690]
ID: 145217 | LD: 11 [accuracy]
Result: [x2] Accuracy -- Downgraded to 'Rare.'

[4] T2 Rare Weapon [#141713]
ID: 145218 | BD: 3
ID: 145219 | BD: 6
**Marked for junk selling.

[5] T2 Rare Weapon [#141755]
ID: 145220 | BD: 1
ID: 145221 | BD: 6
**Marked for junk selling.

[6] T2 Rare Trinket [#141714]
ID: 145222 | BD: 6
ID: 145223 | BD: 3
**Marked for junk selling.

[7] T2 Rare Trinket [#141740] 
ID: 145224 | BD: 2
ID: 145225 | BD: 1
**Marked for junk selling.

[8] T2 Uncommon Consumable [#141686]
ID: 145227 | LD: 10 [damage]
Result: [x1] Damage

(1,200 * 2) + 600 + (800 * 4) + 240 = 6,440 col -- sent to Banker.

+40 EXP





Name: Thunderstorm [#142515]
Your Profession: Merchant
Your Rank: 4
Roll ID: 143699 | 143700 | 143701
Roll Result: 3 (BD: 10 | CD: 11) | 1 | 18
Item Type: 2-Handed Straight Sword
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Accuracy | Paralytic Venom (Offensive) | Keen
Description: This purple-edged, two-pronged greatsword seems to be broken at first glance, a crack cutting down its edge to where its fuller meets black steel. However, a thin white fang seems to protrude slightly at the center, and it leaks of a familiar, stinging toxin that halts its foes where they stand. The grip is a tough mixture of edged dark metal, woven in with ribbons of crystalline red and white. Sharp edges all around; handle with care.
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18519-f1-r4-merchant-pandoras-wares/?do=findComment&comment=604562

Name: Forgiven Disobedience [#142628-a]
Your Profession: Merchant
Your Rank: 4
Roll ID: 144574 | 144575 | 144576
Roll Result: 9 | 7 (BD: 10 | CD: 11) | 18
Item Type: 2-Handed Straight Sword
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Accuracy | Holy | Bleed
Description: A sword bleached white, with intricate rose gold accents snaking around its silver guard and pummel. It's an eyesore to look at, especially under bright conditions. When it sings, its enemies bleed white, the weapon more interested in stinging a poison of light moreso than spilling crimson blood. 
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18519-f1-r4-merchant-pandoras-wares/?do=findComment&comment=605230

Name: Iridescent Blue Scarf [#142597]
Your Profession: Merchant
Your Rank: 4
Roll ID: 144943 | 144944 | 144945
Roll Result: 14 | 5 (BD: 10 | CD: 11) | 12
Item Type: Light Armor
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: [x2] Mitigation | Paralytic Immunity
Description: A blue scarf that shimmers with colours of the rainbow. It's long enough that even after it around loosely over one's shoulders, there's a stream of silk leftover that flutters behind the player as they walk.
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18519-f1-r4-merchant-pandoras-wares/?do=findComment&comment=605463

Junk sale:

14,250 *  0.9 = 12,825 col -- sent.

+53 EXP


Edited by Andromeda
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Surprises waited for her back at Pandora's Wares, and here NIGHT had imagined the worst of rapport with the shopkeep being one of them. Instead, the cheerful greeting the girl returned to the player slinking into the shop was enough to dissuade the latter's fears for a moment. Maybe she'd gotten enough rest after all, the adventurer thought, heading over to the counter with a sheepish smile and a wave in return.

And as her gaze fell over the items on the counter, she too knew of the reason behind the merchant's excitement.

"That's incredible," was her response, after inspecting the equipment further through its examination windows. Holy? That was an enhancement she hadn't expected on looking upon at all. Though, the blade it belonged to looked incredibly brutal to utilize. "I appreciate it. Thank you very much."

The amount NIGHT had received from the junk sale was nothing to scoff at, either. A nod to the merchant, before the warrior ventured off with a farewell. No doubt the girl was probably busy with some other orders, and NIGHT had kept her away from her business for long enough.


+ Thunderstorm, Forgiven Disobedience, Iridescent Blue Scarf

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Thunk! On number seven out of eight daily identifications, the tired merchant girl’s head fell onto the surface of her station. All… orders… done–! She cheered to herself, reveling in her victory against five inanimate sacks of equipment and consumables, then she shot up as the small vibration sent across the counter nudged an item off the edge.

No, no, no!! She dove and caught the precious glass vial before it could reach the ground. All that effort! Harriette, you are not going to screw anything up now!

“Hey? Are you–”


Oh, Harriette, you idiot, you really didn’t notice the shop bell ringing? Now her customer would be forever stuck with that impression of her! Face flaming, An clutched the vial to her chest and jerked up so she wasn’t completely sprawled on her shop’s floor, but when she looked up-- she met a bandaged hand and a kind voice with a vein of familiarity, reaching down to her.


Just a little, her grip on the uncommon loosened. 

“Up you go! Let’s just pretend that didn’t happen, okay?”


--An blinked.

“S-senpai!” A little carelessly, she tossed away the rapier she had identified while waiting for the girl to come by. That didn’t have the enhancements she wanted; it was going to junk later. “Sorry it took so long. Someone else came in with an order like yours and– and, you said I could…” She kind of sounded like she was making excuses, and she didn’t like it. So when she found no other words to say, she simply cast her gaze down at the weapons and consumables she had prepared. Awaiting judgment. “I, um, kept the scythe even though it just has damage enhancements. It looked like yours and I remember you saying you didn’t have a Tier 2 DMG weapon, so… I’ll, um. Junk sell it if you don’t want.”

She busied herself with setting up the transaction window for the col received from the junk sale.

“But, but! I like the sword! I hope you like it, too. Thank you very much for using my services!”





[1] T2 Uncommon Consumable [#141687]
ID: 145314 | LD: 17 [hp recovery]
Result: [x1] HP Recovery

[2] T2 Uncommon Consumable [#141712]
ID: 145316 | LD: 15 [hp recovery]

Result: [x1] HP Recovery

[3] T2 Uncommon Consumable [#141713]
ID: 145317 | LD: 20 [protein]
Result: [x1] Protein

[4] T2 Uncommon Consumable [#141755]
ID: 145318 | LD: 17 [hp recovery]
Result: [x1] HP Recovery

[5] T2 Uncommon Consumable [#141803]
ID: 145319 | LD: 15 [hp recovery]
Result: [x1] HP Recovery

[6] T2 Uncommon Consumable [#141808-1]
ID: 145327 | LD: 18 [protein]
Result: [x1] Protein

[7] T2 Uncommon Consumable [#141808-2]
ID: 145334 | LD: 11 [accuracy]
Result: [x1] Accuracy



[8] T2 Perfect Weapon [#133862]
ID: 145335 | BD: 3
ID: 145336 | BD: 2

ID: 145337 | BD: 10 | CD: 5
**Marked for junk selling.

1,200 + (80 * 7) = 1,760 col -- sent to Banker.

+40 EXP





Name: Heaven's Flame  [#141804]
Your Profession: Merchant
Your Rank: 4
Roll ID: 143255 | 143256 | 143257
Roll Result: 5 | 20 | 10 (BD: 10 | CD: 12)
Item Type: Two-Handed Straight Sword
Tier: 2
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Damage | Burn | Taunt
Description: Forged with the rune of the sun on its hilt, this massive sword never fails to call attention to its splendor. Intricate patterns of bronze and steel weave from its guard to the flat of its blade, and when drawn, it consistently radiates a warm orange glow.  
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18519-f1-r4-merchant-pandoras-wares/?do=findComment&comment=604180


Name: Shikama Dōji II [#141806]
Your Profession: Merchant
Your Rank: 4
Roll ID: 145048 | 145049 | 145050
Roll Result: 19 | 18 | 17
Item Type: Two-Handed Battle Axe
Tier: 2
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: [x3] Damage
Description: Of regular steel fashioned into a standard make by a smith of ordinary skill -- there was nothing special about this massive black war scythe until a certain fluffy mob picked it up and granted it a rune which reduced the weapon to an unusually light weight.
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18519-f1-r4-merchant-pandoras-wares/?do=findComment&comment=605547


Name: Precision+ [#141690]
Your Profession: Merchant
Your Rank: 4
Roll ID: 145217
Roll Result: 11
Item Type: Snack
Tier: 2
Quality: Rare
Enhancements: [x2] Accuracy
Description: Lemon-flavored candy.
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18519-f1-r4-merchant-pandoras-wares/?do=findComment&comment=605702

Name: Strength [#141686]
Your Profession: Merchant
Your Rank: 4
Roll ID: 145227
Roll Result: 10
Item Type: Potion
Tier: 2
Quality: Uncommon
Enhancements: [x1] Damage
Description: A small flask containing a bitter red liquid. Perfect for getting those big phat DMG numbers. Chug, chug, chug!
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18519-f1-r4-merchant-pandoras-wares/?do=findComment&comment=605702


Name: Life [#141687]
Your Profession: Merchant
Your Rank: 4
Roll ID: 145314
Roll Result: 17
Item Type: Potion
Tier: 2
Quality: Uncommon
Enhancements: [x1] HP Recovery
Description: [reference] A round glass vial. Despite appearances, the red concoction within tastes like honey. In fact, it might even be a little too sweet!
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18519-f1-r4-merchant-pandoras-wares/?do=findComment&comment=605855

Name: Life [#141712]
Your Profession: Merchant
Your Rank: 4
Roll ID: 145316
Roll Result: 15
Item Type: Potion
Tier: 2
Quality: Uncommon
Enhancements: [x1] HP Recovery
Description: [reference] A round glass vial. Despite appearances, the red concoction within tastes like honey. In fact, it might even be a little too sweet!
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18519-f1-r4-merchant-pandoras-wares/?do=findComment&comment=605855

Name: POWERRR!! [#141713]
Your Profession: Merchant
Your Rank: 4
Roll ID: 145317
Roll Result: 20
Item Type: Meal
Tier: 2
Quality: Uncommon
Enhancements: [x1] Protein
Description: A large pack of beef jerky.
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18519-f1-r4-merchant-pandoras-wares/?do=findComment&comment=605855

Name: Life [#141755]
Your Profession: Merchant
Your Rank: 4
Roll ID: 145318
Roll Result: 17
Item Type: Potion
Tier: 2
Quality: Uncommon
Enhancements: [x1] HP Recovery
Description: [reference] A round glass vial. Despite appearances, the red concoction within tastes like honey. In fact, it might even be a little too sweet!
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18519-f1-r4-merchant-pandoras-wares/?do=findComment&comment=605855

Name: Life [#141803]
Your Profession: Merchant
Your Rank: 4
Roll ID: 145319
Roll Result: 15
Item Type: Potion
Tier: 2
Quality: Uncommon
Enhancements: [x1] HP Recovery
Description: [reference] A round glass vial. Despite appearances, the red concoction within tastes like honey. In fact, it might even be a little too sweet!
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18519-f1-r4-merchant-pandoras-wares/?do=findComment&comment=605855

Name: POWERRR!! [#141808-1]
Your Profession: Merchant
Your Rank: 4
Roll ID: 145327
Roll Result: 18
Item Type: Meal
Tier: 2
Quality: Uncommon
Enhancements: [x1] Protein
Description: A large pack of beef jerky.
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18519-f1-r4-merchant-pandoras-wares/?do=findComment&comment=605855

Name: Precision [#141808-2]
Your Profession: Merchant
Your Rank: 4
Roll ID: 145334
Roll Result: 11
Item Type: Snack
Tier: 2
Quality: Uncommon
Enhancements: [x1] Accuracy
Description: Lemon-flavored candy.
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18519-f1-r4-merchant-pandoras-wares/?do=findComment&comment=605855

Junk sale:

10,250 * 0.9 = 9,225 col -- sent.

+15 EXP


Edited by Andromeda
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“It’s fine, you did wonderfully.” Her voice had the undertone of a gentle reprimand as her favorite merchant, once again, grew anxious over the time it took for her to finish the order. Arabelle ran a hand down the proverbial holy sword’s radiant blade (but with Burn? oh well-), and she marked that down for the crate An had been keeping for her unique identifications. For later use, whatever it would be. “Maybe we could auction it off. Or sell it for a high price, split the earnings. These things are low supply-high demand, you know? Especially weapons.”

A scythe!‌ She had to wonder how on earth a bunny picked that up and carried it around, and the minor rune engraved at the base of its head only answered a small part of that curiosity.

“Much appreciated! Seriously,” she told An. “I really do need it. I should have told you I was looking for one with full damage enhancements, but I guess you managed to sense that need on your own. Good job as always, An!”

So let’s have you do more.

To the merchant’s horror, Arabelle would proceed to manifest her latest pile of loot as soon as she cleared the counter of her identified goodies.

“Same deal, but after what you just gave me, I’m no longer too pressed for consumables. Leave them for last, and you’re free to prioritize other customers’ orders over mine.” She traded the col over and smiled. “Thanks for your service.”



Shikama Dōji II
Precision+ [#141690], Strength [#141686], Life [#141687], Life [#141712], POWERRR!! [#141713], Life [#141755], Life [#141803], POWERRR!! [#141808-1], Precision [#141808-2]

For identification:


Roll ID(s): [#142254-a] [#142254-b] [#142269] [#142286] [#142324] [#142326-a] [#142326-b] [#142327-a] [#142327-b] [#142327-c] [#143344-a] [#143344-b] [#143344-c]
Item Type: Weapon
Tier: 2
Quality: Perfect

Roll ID(s): [#142253] [#142254] [#142283-a] [#142283-b] [#142324] [#142326] [#143343-a] [#143343-b]
Item Type: Light Armor
Tier: 2
Quality: Perfect

Roll ID(s): [#142253] [#142269]
Item Type: Trinket
Tier: 2
Quality: Perfect


Roll ID(s): [#142252] [#142268]
Item Type: Weapon
Tier: 2
Quality: Rare

Roll ID(s): [#143345]
Item Type: Light Armor
Tier: 2
Quality: Rare

Roll ID(s): [#142255] [#142267] [#142329]
Item Type: Trinket
Tier: 2
Quality: Rare


Roll ID(s): [#142283-a] [#142283-b] [#142284] [#143343-a] [#143343-b]
Item Type: Consumable
Tier: 2
Quality: Perfect


Roll ID(s): [#142252] [#142268] [#142285]
Item Type: Consumable
Tier: 2
Quality: Uncommon

(1,270 * 23) + (860 * 6) + (660 * 5) + (280 * 3) = 38,510 col

For junk sale:


Shikama Dōji, Remastered -- T1 Perfect Two-Handed Battle Axe -- [x3] Damage -- [reference] A black scythe that is moderately larger than its wielder. A portion of its blade is tinted green. When a Sword Art is activated, the scythe's head glows a brighter hue of the same color. Grants a higher damage output when equipped. | [~]



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[1] T2 Perfect Weapon [#142254-a]
ID: 145581 | BD: 1
ID: 145582 | BD: 3
ID: 145583 | BD: 5
**Marked for junk selling.

[2] T2 Perfect Weapon [#142254-b]
ID: 145584 | BD: 7
ID: 145585 | BD: 4
ID: 145586 | BD: 5
**Marked for junk selling.

[3] T2 Perfect Weapon [#142269]
ID: 145587 | BD: 8
ID: 145588 | BD: 2
ID: 145589 | BD: 1
**Marked for junk selling.

[4] T2 Perfect Weapon [#142286]
ID: 145590 | BD: 5
ID: 145591 | BD: 7
ID: 145592 | BD: 6
**Marked for junk selling.

[5] T2 Perfect Weapon [#142324]
ID: 145593 | BD: 5
ID: 145594 | BD: 6
ID: 145595 | BD: 6
**Marked for junk selling.

[6] T2 Perfect Weapon [#142326-a]
ID: 145596 | BD: 5
ID: 145597 | BD: 5
ID: 145598 | BD: 5

**Marked for junk selling.

[7] T2 Perfect Weapon [#142326-b]
ID: 145599 | BD: 2
ID: 145600 | BD: 2
ID: 145601 | BD: 7
**Marked for junk selling.

[8] T2 Perfect Weapon [#142327-a]
ID: 145602 | BD: 4
ID: 145603 | BD: 10 | CD: 8

ID: 145604 | BD: 8
**Marked for junk selling.

1,200 * 8 = 9,600 col -- sent to Banker.

+40 EXP


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[1] T2 Perfect Weapon [#142327-b]
ID: 145887 | BD: 3
ID: 145888 | BD: 8

ID: 145889 | BD: 9
**Marked for junk selling.

[2] T2 Perfect Weapon [#142327-c]
ID: 145890 | BD: 6
ID: 145891 | BD: 1

ID: 145892 | BD: 3
**Marked for junk selling.

[3] T2 Perfect Weapon [#143344-a]
ID: 145893 | BD: 3
ID: 145894 | BD: 4

ID: 145895 | BD: 8
**Marked for junk selling.

[4] T2 Perfect Weapon [#143344-b]
ID: 145896 | BD: 9
ID: 145897 | BD: 10 | CD: 4

ID: 145898 | BD: 1
**Marked for junk selling.

[5] T2 Perfect Weapon [#143344-c]
ID: 145899 | BD: 3
ID: 145900 | BD: 6

ID: 145901 | BD: 4
**Marked for junk selling.

[6] T2 Perfect Light Armor [#142253]
ID: 145902 | LD: 14 [mitigation]
ID: 145903 | LD: 15 [mitigation]
ID: 145904 | LD: 4  [recovery]
Result: [x2] Mitigation | Recovery

[7] T2 Perfect Light Armor [#142254]
ID: 145905 | BD: 5
ID: 145906 | BD: 6
ID: 145907 | BD: 7
**Marked for junk selling.

[8] T2 Perfect Light Armor [#142283-a]
ID: 145908 | BD: 1
ID: 145909 | BD: 2
ID: 145910 | BD: 2
**Marked for junk selling.

1,200 * 8 = 9,600 col -- sent to Banker.

+40 EXP


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Yup. Okay. She had to get rid of these eventually. Better toss them out now.

"It's fine if I keep returning, right?" The question rolled out of NIGHT as she passed through the shop's doors, a look of doubt falling upon her face. "Uh, I don't have any items to be identified," she clarified. Realizing it was a lie, she added a quick "today" tacked onto the end of her sentence as she strode over the counter, bringing a black sack full of items to life. Its tip drooped over the side, almost threatening to fall off. NIGHT pushed against its weight a little, two hands upon its surface, holding the bag steady while meeting the shopkeeper's eyes with a grimace.

"Junk sale. Please."



For Junksale:

Tier 1 Equipment

  • Uncommon Trinkets (42)
    [143417] |  [143418] |  [143420] |  [143422] |  [143423] |  [143424] |  [143425] |  [143803] |  [143804] |  [143805] | 
    [143806] |  [143807] |  [143808] |  [143812] |  [144236] |  [144241] |  [144242] |  [144243] |  [144244] |  [144245] | 
    [144324] |  [144328] |  [144331] |  [144673] |  [144674] |  [144676] |  [144677] |  [144679] |  [144680] |  [144682] | 
    [144910] |  [145004] |  [145005] |  [145239] |  [145240] |  [145241] |  [145242] |  [145243] |  [145245] |  [145607] | 
    [145608] |  [145609]
  • Rare Trinkets (22)
    [143419] |  [143809] |  [144240] |  [144323] |  [144325] |  [144330] |  [144681] |  [144904] |  [144906] |  [144908] |
    [144909] |  [144911] |  [144913] |  [144987] |  [144990] |  [144994] |  [144995] |  [144996] |  [144998] |  [145244] | 
    [145613] |  [145614]

Tier 2 Equipment

  • Uncommon Trinkets (5)
    [146213] |  [146215] [146217] [146221] [146222] 
  • Rare Trinkets (3)
    [146214] |  [146218] [146219] 

Tier 3 Equipment

  • Uncommon Trinkets (5) + Jewelry (4)
    [145742] |  [145743] |  [145746] |  [145748] |  [145749]
    [145952] |  [145953] |  [145954] |  [145956]
  • Rare Trinkets (3) + Jewelry (3)
    [145741] |  [145745] |  [145747]
    [145955] |  [145958] |  [145960]
  • Perfect Jewelry (2)
    [145961] [145957]

Tier 1 Consumables

Tier 2 Consumables

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[1] T2 Perfect Light Armor [#142283-b]
ID: 146139 | BD: 5
ID: 146140 | BD: 7
ID: 146141 | BD: 3
**Marked for junk selling.

[2] T2 Perfect Light Armor [#142324]
ID: 146142 | BD: 5
ID: 146143 | BD: 10 | CD: 7
ID: 146144 | BD: 2
**Marked for junk selling.

[3] T2 Perfect Light Armor [#142326]
ID: 146145 | BD: 10 | CD: 4
ID: 146146 | BD: 4
ID: 146147 | BD: 7
**Marked for junk selling.

[4] T2 Perfect Light Armor [#143343-a]
ID: 146148 | BD: 3
ID: 146149 | BD: 3
ID: 146150 | BD: 8
**Marked for junk selling.

[5] T2 Perfect Light Armor [#143343-b]
ID: 146151 | BD: 2
ID: 146152 | BD: 5
ID: 146153 | BD: 9
**Marked for junk selling.

[6] T2 Perfect Trinket [#142253]
ID: 146154 | BD: 7
ID: 146155 | BD: 3
ID: 146156 | BD: 8
**Marked for junk selling.

[7] T2 Perfect Trinket [#142269]
ID: 146157 | BD: 3
ID: 146158 | BD: 9
ID: 146159 | BD: 8
**Marked for junk selling.

[8] T2 Rare Weapon [#142252]
ID: 146160 | BD: 6
ID: 146161 | BD: 9
**Marked for junk selling.

(1,200 * 7) + 800 = 9,200 col -- sent to Banker.

+40 EXP


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[1] T2 Rare Weapon [#142268]
ID: 146360 | BD: 2
ID: 146361 | BD: 10 | CD: 5
**Marked for junk selling.

[2] T2 Rare Light Armor [#143345]
ID: 146362 | BD: 4
ID: 146363 | BD: 10 | CD: 7
**Marked for junk selling.

[3] T2 Rare Trinket [#142255]
ID: 146364 | BD: 4
ID: 146365 | BD: 4
**Marked for junk selling.

[4] T2 Rare Trinket [#142267]
ID: 146366 | BD: 6
ID: 146367 | BD: 7
**Marked for junk selling.

[5] T2 Rare Trinket [#142329]
ID: 146368 | BD: 4
ID: 146369 | BD: 10 | CD: 2
**Marked for junk selling.

[6] T2 Perfect Consumable [#142283-a]
ID: 146370 | LD: 14 [accuracy]
Result: [x2] Accuracy -- Downgraded to 'Rare.'

[7] T2 Perfect Consumable [#142283-b]
ID: 146371 | LD: 12 [accuracy]
Result: [x2] Accuracy -- Downgraded to 'Rare.'

[8] T2 Perfect Consumable [#142284]
ID: 146372 | LD: 2 [antidote]
Result: [x3] Antidote

(800 * 5) + (600 * 3) = 5,800 col -- sent to Banker.

+40 EXP


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All done! Now... time to appraise her own stuff.





[1] T2 Perfect Consumable [#143343-a]
ID: 146524 | LD: 9 [damage]
Result: [x3] Damage

[2] T2 Perfect Consumable [#143343-b]
ID: 146526 | LD: 10 [damage]
Result: [x3] Damage

[3] T2 Uncommon Consumable [#142252]
ID: 146527 | LD: 18 [protein]
Result: [x1] Protein

[4] T2 Uncommon Consumable [#142268]
ID: 146528 | LD: 19 [protein]
Result: [x1] Protein

[5] T2 Uncommon Consumable [#142285]
ID: 146529 | LD: 20 [protein]
Result: [x1] Protein



[6] T2 Rare Weapon [#133622]
ID: 146530 | BD: 6
ID: 146531 | BD: 3
**Marked for junk selling.

[7] T2 Rare Weapon [#134250]
ID: 146532 | BD: 9
ID: 146533 | BD: 2
**Marked for junk selling.

[8] T2 Rare Trinket [#134197]
ID: 146534 | BD: 10 | CD: 6
ID: 146535 | BD: 4
**Marked for junk selling.

(800 * 3) + (600 * 2) + (240 * 3) = 4,320 col -- sent to Banker.

+40 EXP


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Her head was starting to whirl from all these numbers. Who knew something as basic as percentages would throw her in for a loop? An remembered taking one look at the sack marked for junk selling (whew!) and politely asking her customer to come by another day. She wanted some time to sort through everything... and hopefully not mix up Arabelle's and the dark-haired woman's requests in the process.


She didn't. Yep. She'd double-checked, triple-checked, and when she couldn't trust her memory, she did it again. By the time the dark-haired woman arrived, An had alternated between looking at the items names and corresponding amounts and the small list she kept of the request. "Oh, hello!" she greeted, shoving Arabelle's list under the counter. The merchant opened a trade window and sent the col from the junk sale over. Usual routine. When the transaction was done, she gave her usual small bow. "That was a lot of EXP. Thanks for coming by and please come again!"

Okay, maybe she was a little tired.


Customer number two!

And oh golly, she hoped Arabelle didn't have another pile with her, she swore that pretty girl grinded like there was no tomorrow and she could definitely use another excuse to see her, but right now, An really just wanted to sleep in peace--

"H-hi." An raised her hand in a small wave. She didn't stand from behind the counter, instead, with a tap on a floating window-- the contents of one inventory folder simultaneously manifested. The transaction for the junk sale was quickly taken care of as well. All that was left was some small talk. "One of the light armors turned into... that. It looks exactly like yours but with different enhancements, so I thought you might want to take a look at it!"



[1] T2 Rare Trinket [#134198]
ID: 146748 | BD: 9
ID: 146749 | BD: 1
**Marked for junk selling.

[2] T2 Rare Light Armor [#138184]
ID: 146750 | BD: 1
ID: 146751 | BD: 3
**Marked for junk selling.

[3] T2 Rare Consumable [#133622]
ID: 146752 | LD: 14 [accuracy]
Result: [x2] Accuracy

[4] T2 Uncommon Consumable [#134250]
ID: 146753 | LD: 9 [damage]
Result: [x1] Damage

(800 * 2) + 400 + 240 = 2,240 col -- sent to Banker.

+20 EXP

Junk sale:

3,250 col

+6 EXP





Name: Imperial Demon Army Uniform II, spec: Breaker [#142253]
Your Profession: Merchant
Your Rank: 4
Roll ID: 145902 | 145903 | 145904
Roll Result: 14 | 15 | 4
Item Type: Light Armor
Tier: 2
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: [x2] Mitigation | Recovery
Description: [reference] A light armor set consisting of a military jacket with two rows of gold buttons on the front, a short black skirt, and accompanying knee-high boots and stockings. It's predominantly black in color with green accents. Grants protection and a small healing buff to the user.
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18519-f1-r4-merchant-pandoras-wares/?do=findComment&comment=606173


Name: Precision+ [#142283-a]
Your Profession: Merchant
Your Rank: 4
Roll ID: 146370
Roll Result: 14
Item Type: Snack
Tier: 2
Quality: Rare
Enhancements: [x2] Accuracy
Description: Lemon-flavored candy.
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18519-f1-r4-merchant-pandoras-wares/?do=findComment&comment=606480

Name: Precision+ [#142283-b]
Your Profession: Merchant
Your Rank: 4
Roll ID: 146371
Roll Result: 12
Item Type: Snack
Tier: 2
Quality: Rare
Enhancements: [x2] Accuracy
Description: Lemon-flavored candy.
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18519-f1-r4-merchant-pandoras-wares/?do=findComment&comment=606480

Name: Resilience++ [#142284]
Your Profession: Merchant
Your Rank: 4
Roll ID: 146372
Roll Result: 2
Item Type: Salve
Tier: 2
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: [x3] Antidote
Description: Tired of keeping track of status effects? With your local merchant's Resilience series™, you wouldn't have to worry about them at all! ...for a time. Pandora's Wares isn't accountable for any injuries sustained after the salve's effect wears off.
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18519-f1-r4-merchant-pandoras-wares/?do=findComment&comment=606480


Name: Strength++ [#143343-a]
Your Profession: Merchant
Your Rank: 4
Roll ID: 146524
Roll Result: 9
Item Type: Potion
Tier: 2
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: [x3] Damage
Description: A small flask containing a bitter red liquid. Perfect for getting those big phat DMG numbers. Chug, chug, chug!
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18519-f1-r4-merchant-pandoras-wares/?do=findComment&comment=606599

Name: Strength++ [#143343-b]
Your Profession: Merchant
Your Rank: 4
Roll ID: 146526
Roll Result: 10
Item Type: Potion
Tier: 2
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: [x3] Damage
Description: A small flask containing a bitter red liquid. Perfect for getting those big phat DMG numbers. Chug, chug, chug!
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18519-f1-r4-merchant-pandoras-wares/?do=findComment&comment=606599

Name: POWERRR!! [#142252]
Your Profession: Merchant
Your Rank: 4
Roll ID: 146527
Roll Result: 18
Item Type: Meal
Tier: 2
Quality: Uncommon
Enhancements: [x1] Protein
Description: A large pack of beef jerky.
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18519-f1-r4-merchant-pandoras-wares/?do=findComment&comment=606599

Name: POWERRR!! [#142268]
Your Profession: Merchant
Your Rank: 4
Roll ID: 146528
Roll Result: 19
Item Type: Meal
Tier: 2
Quality: Uncommon
Enhancements: [x1] Protein
Description: A large pack of beef jerky.
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18519-f1-r4-merchant-pandoras-wares/?do=findComment&comment=606599

Name: POWERRR!! [#142285]
Your Profession: Merchant
Your Rank: 4
Roll ID: 146529
Roll Result: 20
Item Type: Meal
Tier: 2
Quality: Uncommon
Enhancements: [x1] Protein
Description: A large pack of beef jerky.
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18519-f1-r4-merchant-pandoras-wares/?do=findComment&comment=606599

Junk sale:

19,900 * 0.9 = 17,910 col -- sent.

+29 EXP



Junk sale:

25,600 * 0.9 = 23,040 col -- sent.

+95 EXP


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Oh, the sweet sound of col entering her inventory. Which was to say... none? Would the chiming at the moment of a button press count?

Either way, NIGHT graciously accepted the offering of col from the shopkeeper. She gave the girl a nod at her quip. A lot of EXP was good news for the mess that was involved, and the artisan was sure to dredge up more work given the chance to boost her own numbers.

"Thank you!" One tinkling of the bell at the entrance of the shop signified the player's departure.

This would've been the perfect time to drop off some items of her own, but given how weary (and anxious?) the merchant seemed earlier, going over her list, NIGHT decided it'd be better off for both of them to take a break from items for the moment.

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Three hauls were lugged into the shop today. NIGHT scratched at her cheek lightly, hoping that the request she was about to make wasn't going to keep the shopkeep up again.

"So, uh, these two..." She gestured with a wave over to two dark tinted hempen sacks. "Junk-sale. Hope that's a fair bit of experience once again." The player then turned over to the lighter bag, stuffed full of items, its form misshaped in the worst ways possible. How the cloth continued to hold its contents together was anyone's guess. "Um. Those... are identifications too. ...Is it even getting any easier...? No, never mind..."

A shake of her head, before the player opened her mail interface once again. "Oh, and-- one more thing. You merchants carry spyglasses, right? I'd like to pick one up, if its possible. For a friend."



Purchasing the following:
Spyglass (x1)

Identifying the following:

Roll ID(s): [142486] |  [142532]  [142535]  [142536]  [142551]  [142637]  [142638]  [142648]  [142737]  [142746] 
[142774]  [142782]  [142801]  [142808] |  [142094]
Item Type: One-handed Straight Sword
Tier: 1
Quality: Rare

Roll ID(s): [142483] |  [142543]  [142546]  [142596]  [142598]  [142616]  [142755]  [142756]  [142776]
Item Type: Light Armor
Tier: 1
Quality: Rare

Roll ID(s): [142098]
Item Type: Light Armor
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect

5,550col = 370 * 15 | Tier 1 Rare Weapon Identifications
3,330col = 370 *   9 | Tier 1 Rare Armor Identifications
   700col = 700 *   1 | Tier 1 Perfect Armor Identifications
   850col = 850 *   1 | Purchasing Spyglass (1)
     70col - - - - - - - - - | That's not even. ...Now it is.

Total: 10,500col
Notes: Looking for Uniques on Equipment. Junk-sell if otherwise.


Junk-selling the following:

Tier 1 Consumables:

Tier 1 Equipment:

  • Rare Trinket (1)

Tier 2 Equipment:

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[1] T1 Rare One-handed Straight Sword [142486]
ID: 147843 | BD: 5
ID: 147844 | BD: 3
**Marked for junk selling.

[2] T1 Rare One-handed Straight Sword [142532]
ID: 147855 | BD: 1
ID: 147857 | BD: 7
**Marked for junk selling.

[3] T1 Rare One-handed Straight Sword [142535]
ID: 147861 | BD: 7
ID: 147864 | BD: 2
**Marked for junk selling.

[4] T1 Rare One-handed Straight Sword [142536]
ID: 147871 | BD: 9
ID: 147872 | BD: 8
**Marked for junk selling.

[5] T1 Rare One-handed Straight Sword [142551]
ID: 147879 | BD: 6
ID: 147882 | BD: 1
**Marked for junk selling.

[6] T1 Rare One-handed Straight Sword [142637]
ID: 147886 | BD: 2
ID: 147888 | BD: 9
**Marked for junk selling.

[7] T1 Rare One-handed Straight Sword [142638]
ID: 147902 | BD: 4
ID: 147906 | BD: 4
**Marked for junk selling.

[8] T1 Rare One-handed Straight Sword [142648]
ID: 147922 | BD: 3
ID: 147923 | BD: 4
**Marked for junk selling.

320 * 8 = 2,560 col -- sent to Banker.

+40 EXP

General stock:

[x1] Spyglass

Total: 800 col -- sent to Banker.

+3 EXP


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[1] T1 Rare One-handed Straight Sword [142737]
ID: 148049 | BD: 4
ID: 148050 | BD: 9
**Marked for junk selling.

[2] T1 Rare One-handed Straight Sword [142746]
ID: 148052 | BD: 9
ID: 148053 | BD: 8
**Marked for junk selling.

[3] T1 Rare One-handed Straight Sword [142774]
ID: 148054 | BD: 4
ID: 148055 | BD: 7
**Marked for junk selling.

[4] T1 Rare One-handed Straight Sword [142782]
ID: 148056 | BD: 10 | CD: 12 | LD: 1 [blight]
ID: 148057 | LD: 12                  [bleed]
Result: Blight | Bleed

[5] T1 Rare One-handed Straight Sword [142801]
ID: 148058 | BD: 4
ID: 148059 | BD: 9
**Marked for junk selling.

[6] T1 Rare One-handed Straight Sword [142808]
ID: 148060 | BD: 2
ID: 148062 | BD: 7
**Marked for junk selling.

[7] T1 Rare One-handed Straight Sword [142094]
ID: 148099 | BD: 3
ID: 148101 | BD: 7
**Marked for junk selling.

[8] T1 Perfect Light Armor [142098]
ID: 148115 | BD: 7
ID: 148119 | BD: 5
ID: 148121 | BD: 2
**Marked for junk selling.

(320 * 7) + 640 = 2,880 col -- sent to Banker

+40 EXP


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[1] T1 Rare Light Armor [142483]
ID: 148459 | BD: 5
ID: 148460 | BD: 8
**Marked for junk selling.

[2] T1 Rare Light Armor [142543]
ID: 148461 | BD: 3
ID: 148462 | BD: 6
**Marked for junk selling.

[3] T1 Rare Light Armor [142546]
ID: 148463 | BD: 9
ID: 148464 | BD: 9
**Marked for junk selling.

[4] T1 Rare Light Armor [142596]
ID: 148465 | BD: 10 | CD: 12 | LD: 1 [fireproof]
ID: 148466 | LD: 14                  [evasion]
Result: Fireproof | Evasion

[5] T1 Rare Light Armor [142598]
ID: 148467 | BD: 3
ID: 148468 | BD: 7
**Marked for junk selling.

[6] T1 Rare Light Armor [142616]
ID: 148469 | BD: 5
ID: 148470 | BD: 8
**Marked for junk selling.

[7] T1 Rare Light Armor [142755]
ID: 148471 | BD: 2
ID: 148472 | BD: 7
**Marked for junk selling.

[8] T1 Rare Light Armor [142756]
ID: 148473 | BD: 1
ID: 148474 | BD: 3
**Marked for junk selling.

320 * 8 = 2,560 col -- sent to Banker.

+40 EXP


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Did this latest batch of identifications feel easier because they were almost all rares or because An had gotten so used to juggling Senpai's huge hauls of loot (along with other orders, if she was unlucky enough) that a day of downtime gave her this weird fidgety feeling like she needed to stare at some unidentified blob intensely at least once otherwise every evening spent in an idle state would feel... not-right.


Well, anyways, her customer's order was done now! An finished it off with one last identification before she set apart two shiny pieces of gear and yeeted the rest into nonexistence for that juicy triple-digit EXP gain. Suffice to say, she was pleased with how she handled this bundle. No all-nighters, no equipment pieces disappearing like needles into the haystack of Pandora's mess, and she only needed to triple-check the col amount before she sent it over to her customer. "That would be all," she concluded, smiling proudly. On the surface between them lay a black sword and a pair of cool white shoes (okay, maybe she was disappointed; no one ever looked at an anti-DoT unique and felt accomplished in any way). "Again, thank you very much for coming by!"



[1] T1 Rare Light Armor [142776]
ID: 148598 | BD: 5
ID: 148599 | BD: 9
**Marked for junk selling.

320 col -- sent to Banker.

+5 EXP





Name: Rhona's Needle [142782]
Your Profession: Merchant
Your Rank: 4
Roll ID: 148056 | 148057
Roll Result: 1 (BD: 10 | CD: 12) | 12
Item Type: One-handed Straight Sword
Tier: 1
Quality: Rare
Enhancements: Blight | Bleed
Description: "Hide away, hide away..." An unassuming standard blade that's coated black from top to bottom, the exception lying in its edges painted in white. The devious thing's been said to curse the hearts and lungs of many, though its possible that they're rumors just for rumor's sake. Handle with care(?).
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18519-f1-r4-merchant-pandoras-wares/?do=findComment&comment=607555

Name: Thin Ice [142596]
Your Profession: Merchant
Your Rank: 4
Roll ID: 148465 | 148466
Roll Result: 1 (BD: 10 | CD: 12) | 14
Item Type: Light Armor
Tier: 1
Quality: Rare
Enhancements: Fireproof | Evasion
Description: White cleats that are cool to the touch. Dry ice line its soles, causing wisps of mist to eminate from its wearer as they walk. Only the shoe's tongue and lining are made from black fabric. Did these come from a modern-day sneaker store...?
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18519-f1-r4-merchant-pandoras-wares/?do=findComment&comment=607769

Junk sale:

34,300 * 0.9 = 30,870 col -- sent to NIGHT.

+139 EXP


Edited by Andromeda
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