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[F1 - R5 Appraiser] Pandora's Wares | OPEN.

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It was night and it was raining. 

He stood outside the door with his hood up and his back to the street. It would be quick. He was just going to leave a note. He palmed the picks and brought them to the lock, but stopped -- hesitating -- and his tools hovered just centimeters from the doorknob. Something was off. Pinball lifted his gaze from the lock. His eyes flashed yellow-green as the world melted away, revealing the digital mesh behind it all that held everything together. He peered through the door and walls of the shop, immediately taking note of the outrageous amount of clutter... and the person busying themselves with something inside. 

Pinball grimaced, the light in his eyes flickering out. Right. Letting himself in probably wasn't the move. Thinking better of it, he quickly stowed the lockpicks, knocked, and waited. 

And the rain fell steadily across the city, light blankets of white noise. 

"Sorry to bother," he said, pulling his hood down. His face was wet and tired and gloomy, but his voice would sound friendly enough. Or at least it was the voice of someone trying earnestly to come off as friendly. "I was told you were an appraiser that could help me." 

He glanced briefly at the sign on the door. "I know you're closed. And I'm sorry. I'm just a bit short on options." 

With deft fingers he unbuckled the sword at his side, and produced three glittering scales in his free palm. "I just need one of these enhancements rerolled. It'll be quick." He thought so, at least. Pinball paused. "...I could pay?" He probably couldn't afford much. 


Offering 3 Gleaming Scales to get a slot of Damage on Astral Blade rerolled on the Unique Enhancement Table. 
Astral Blade: [Holy/Fallen/Damage/Damage] 

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The most sensible response to seeing a hooded man at your doorstep in the dead of a rainy night would be to lock him out immediately. Preferably coupled with screaming loud enough for the neighbours to assume a brutal murder was occurring. An's neighbours were good, upstanding people who would rush to help -- at least, she strongly believed they were, for the nights were always peaceful and quiet enough for her to read a book, as if they didn't exist at all. 

But An was safe, anyway, and he looked like a kicked puppy! His eyes were downcast, rainwater was dripping off the ends of his short hair, and between the two of them, he looked readier to bolt than her. Who would call the imaginary Aincrad police on a puppy?

"O-okay. I can help! Um..." Gently, the appraiser lifted the weapon off his hands. She kept her palm flat beneath the hilt as she brought the blade up to her eye level, inspecting it. The sword wasn't anything special appearance-wise, and she quietly considered inviting him into her shop to watch his weapon receive its first unique enhancement. It was a special occasion for some. She turned the blade over to its other side and without thinking, her fingers found the 'display stats' option on the sword's hilt. "A thousand Col, if it's your first time rerolling. That's all I need other than the scales-- hm?"



This person could slaughter her in one hit and call it a Tuesday. That was funny, but An wasn’t laughing at all. What was an orange cursor of his level doing in her tiny, broken-down shop? Why did she happen to be among his last options? It wasn’t uncommon for businesses of higher repute to refuse service to orange cursors, but at higher levels it was… strange to not have anyone to turn to. The stats screen wobbled and dismissed itself as she turned around too quickly, the sword still cradled in one hand. She finally did Half a Sensible Thing and swung the door shut with her, but not before she said through the crack. "Actually, I'll do it now! Give me a few minutes."

An left the kicked puppy outside and went to work. 

Re-identification was the least troublesome among the appraiser's functions, especially when the scales were involved. Ultimately, it was just waiting. And a lot of sparkles. At the end of it, her unusual customer had a choice between two enhancements which she thought would be to his liking, and the decision between the two was a part of the process she could hand off to him entirely.

No less than ten minutes later, she handed the Astral Blade back to the stranger.

"Stay safe out there."

The door shut behind her, followed by the click of two locks.




Astral Blade [-]
DMG: 209545, LD 16 - A-ACC or PHS

1000 | 1st Reroll

3 Gleaming Scales | DMG Reroll into Unique

1000 Col -- sent to [Banker]
3 Gleaming Scales -- sent to [Banker]



Astral Blade
A weapon guided by Holy Light and Fallen Souls. 
> [modified]



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  • 1 year later...

Her merchant girl’s crumbling shop, buried in a backstreet in Floor 1’s overpopulated trading sector. She knew this route like the back of her hand, the twists and turns of the narrow roads that one took if they wanted to avoid the rush hour or if the merchant herself was at their side and she was feeling a quieter midnight stroll. Some time last year, Mishiro had asked for Sibyl’s map and traced three lines, one for each direction he normally came from. He cut into that route today, leaving her bewildered at the crossroads.

Their business with An could not be any more different; they never went this way together. Mentally readjusting her plans to accommodate a half hour detour, maximum, she hastened to catch up. She lost her place beside him as he led them down a gangway that curved from the back of an apartment building and ended at the lowest area of the sector, home to the town’s least popular establishments. “Forgot something?”

“Your business, actually.”

“I just cleared out the shop’s unwanteds the other day. Let’s go back – if it’s one of mine, I set appointments. She won’t have anything ready for us.”

“Did you know you have an item that’s still pending a reroll?” 

The railings ended, though the path continued to the left, because there was a part where players simply hopped down onto the street as a shortcut to the other side of the town. Sibyl waited for her, and once again her eyes fell on the package in his arms, one end of his cloak wrapped tightly around it. He was wearing his gauntlets on a rest day, she thought.

“No,” she said honestly. He waited, long enough for her to check if the jump didn’t leave her skirt ruffled, then they walked, side-by-side now that the path allowed for it. Continuing, with the tiniest hint of accusation, “Why were you going through my stuff. How about something more productive, like sorting through the mess in the study. You keep telling me not to touch that.”

“It wasn’t your ‘stuff’, you’ve had it displayed in the living room for two years. Why would you even put that in the living room? Anyone walks in, and it’s your weapon, not the paintings or the art pieces or the furniture I chose, that catches the eye. It’s sucking all the color out of the place. I was taking it out earlier–” 

“–I like it. I was not only considering the aesthetics. It’s Cursed. No one could ever steal it. We have a decoration that we could not possibly misplace–”

“–Then how about you take that function over form argument all the way and actually use it as intended? The smithed weapon you’re using now can’t possibly be any better than this.” The conversation winded down and they walked in silence for a few moments. At the corner of her eye, she could see that the bundle was now partially unwrapped, the weapon’s chill unfurling into the air. Sibyl's own gauntlets had a silvery sheen to their surface, the beginnings of a layer of frost.

“The display case was able to contain it,” she said. “And believe me, I did give it a shot for a while. The wielder isn’t immune. I’d put in a request at the guild for something to change it – at least three, if it rolled into something more unpleasant, but they’ve had me at the lowest priority.”

Sibyl nodded thoughtfully. “The system patched in an additional line of specification on those favors you used. You get as many shots on a reroll until it gives you something different. Some of them are still in circulation and their prices in the market are sky high.”

“But it’s just one shot. I’m not guaranteed… ” 

She never finished the thought. They were at their destination and he was already pushing open the door.


[Standing in as flavor text for: [link]]

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No one ever thought to knock. They were all terrified that the place would collapse at the slightest prod, and with the merchant aside, they’d be guilty of manslaughter! An thought it was silly. Her shop was just resistant to attractiveness, it’s endured every disastrous attempt she’d made to fix it.

She raced around the corner, tacking on her hat. Things had winded down lately. She still had money to keep herself fed and comfortable, thanks to the Same Old Customer who visited at the same old time every month like clockwork, but the fact of the matter was, there weren’t as many players raring to go out and explore as there were before. The prospect of new faces excited her. “Hi! Welcome to my– Oh!”

“Good morning, An.”
“Hey there.”

Standing at the door was the Same Old Customer. And Mishiro. 

An’s eyes glazed over in despair.

“Hi!” she repeated, dumbly. Then, – get it together, it’s still them! – the merchant looked between the two, her eyes lingering on Mishiro for a moment. “I-I’ve never actually seen the two of you here together? It’s always just you. Or, uh, you. I mean, it’s just funny.”

Her ears heated. 

“Did something happen?”

Sibyl unwound the end of his cloak and the room temperature dropped. “Sort of. Do you remember these gauntlets?”


[Standing in as flavor text for: [link]]

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"I'll never forget that order!" An gasped. "Come on, put that down." She still did that adorable thing – her voice went up from excitement and then she turned pink and raised her hand to cover her lips, conscious of speaking too loud. The next words then, as Sybil passed her, were more subdued. "All those favors and it still turned out so bad. Have you been using that all this time, Mish?"


They had both been here more times than they could ever count, and An liked having friends over. Nothing changed much from having three people populating the stools beside An's workbench rather than two. A half hour for a favor turned into five. It was well into the afternoon by the time Mishiro finished tossing away the empty cups and plates she'd used to serve the menu samples she always carried around. She reached down and placed her hand atop An's arm. "An, we–"

A mistake. Her merchant girl nearly fell out of the chair with an surprised squeak. She spun around to face Mishiro, her face red. "S-sorry, sorry! You're leaving, right?"

"I think we kept her waiting for too long," Sibyl said, watching Mishiro, amusement plain on his face. "How'd you find the weapon?"

"It wasn't even a hard choice. I've wanted a Vampiric right from the start."

"A Vampiric…" Red eyes wandered off to some empty space at Mishiro's side as An frowned in thought. "Oh, I think I remember. You've gotten half of what you want on your weapon already. Um, I don't need them at all, so I promise I'll keep an eye out for Gleaming Scales! And something to change an item's name and appearance."

They soon saw themselves out, with An rushing after Sibyl to wrap up their conversation. As the latter had observed, despite her best efforts, Mishiro had started to tune out the moment the subject turned to player gossip. An bid them goodbye and Mishiro pressed another drink sample into her merchant girl's hands despite her protests. When the door swung shut and they had walked a few blocks down the road, she turned an accusing glance at her brother.

"We spent five hours," she began. "And you got your display case back. What did you even want to put in there so badly? You never said."

His pace was lazy, matched with hers. It was a cool autumn day. He'd gambled off that single shot without even batting an eye. "No idea? I just wanted your stuff out."

Mishiro stopped walking.

"My turn to change the plans. Let's go back to the training grounds. I'm going to actually kill you."

CLAIMING: Jack's Lament

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  • 2 weeks later...

pandora's wares were open again.

and if night sought to go back, it was partially out of nostalgia; the other half of her queried the wellbeing of its shopkeeper, as she pushed open the door.

part of her expected the store to be abandoned, to be greeted by a ghost or other at best. but the interior appeared to be as it always was – messy, unkempt, full of random crates stacked high and makeshift furniture that she wondered was even used half the time. rundown, dilapidated, unassuming.

and there behind the counter was the merchant, now appraiser, and now night could let out a sigh of comfort. nothing had changed – nothing to worry about.


err, except...

at the counter, night pulled up multiple pieces of equipment in one of those very same crates that were tucked away in the store. that made her just as much of a contributor to the chaos already present as the store owner herself. and as night glanced between an and her cost calculation in her notes, she was silent. stalling. honestly, she was simply looking for an opening to make small talk.

"um... i hope everything was alright since you were open last." she fiddled with her menus a little – a calculator, for one, because there was a percentage fee on top of her identifications. "was anything else keeping you busy, or...?"

night trailing sentence was deliberate. if andromeda was interested in elaborating – well, night was very interested to hear the reason, if there was one provided. but in the case there wasn't (night wasn't the type to open up to anyone else in a heartbeat, after all), she'd continue doing the math in her head as an politely addressed her concerns.

"and that brings us to..."

when was the last time she was here? it'd been a long while – and night had gotten plenty strong in that amount of time she'd been away. now, she could feasibly get much that most of aincrad could want on a regular basis without too much of a cost. so she was certain the fee for appraisals were something she could handle.


"... an amount that would wipe the rest of my wallet out... after visiting star."

cue night's whistle, if she could – because she can't.


dropping off the following:

[obtained here.]
Tier 4 Perfect Trinket (7) | [215446] [215444] [215414] [215401] [215580] [215568] [215566]
Tier 4 Rare Armor (13) | [215432] [215431] [215428] [215424] [215421] [215415] [215412] [215411] [215592] [215588] [215577] [215573] [215572]
Tier 4 Rare Trinket (6) | [215448] [215445] [215430] [215423] [215402] [215587]
Tier 4 Rare Weapon (7) | [215443] [215426] [215419] [215409] [215405] [215584] [215569]


1. identification for all items.

2. rerolls x3 for rare weapons only.
looking for: absolute accuracy/phase, fallen/holy.

3. feel free to keep other uniques for mystic essences.


identification costs
rare equipment | 26 x 2080 = 54080col
perfect equipment | 7 x 3040 = 23408col
subtotal | (54080 + 23408) x 1.1 (appraiser's fee) ~= 83,000col

reroll costs
reroll x3 | (1000+2000+4000) * 7 = 49000col
subtotal | 49000 + (7 * 1000) = 56000col

final total: 83000+56000 = 139,000col -> 140,000col


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She'd recognize that guilty thunk, with which the crate of unidentifieds was set onto her counter, anywhere.

An grinned, delighted to see one of her oldest regulars. Had it really been three years? Her greeting would fill in the space which NIGHT used to stall. "NIGHT. Welcome back!" Grasping the edges of the crate, she dragged it closer to her side of the counter, already peering in. If there was another similarity that brought her old regular some comfort, it was that An still looked at unidentifieds like a regular player would at a treasure chest. All shiny-eyed and eager. "Huh? Yes, I was just–"

–having a think about. things.--

"--still here. But I had a regular who wouldn't stop giving me stuff. Kept my entire shop afloat for ages but I burned all of my dailies on him!" Her fingers itched to take the notepad at her elbow and write the prices herself. She'd tallied them up in her head when she glanced over NIGHT's items. But NIGHT was already halfway through her calculations and she was also talking about something else, would that be awkward? "And then there were customers lined up and they got so mad I was taking forever on their stuff, so we both agreed to leave his for last. But his stuff still kept piling up and I felt bad, so I closed up til I could clear everything."

Yeah, that was a reasonable three year timeline. If you count the parts where she only did half her dailies and happily went around exploring New Aincrad instead. Moisturized. In her lane. Flourishing.

"Give me five days for all of this," An said as the money was transferred to her purse. "What about you, NIGHT? I heard the frontlines got back on their feet recently."





[1] T4E3 Trinket [215446]
     -- ID: 216299 | LD: 11
     -- ID: 216300 | LD: 11
     -- ID: 216301 | LD: 4

[2] T4E3 Trinket [215444]
     -- ID: 216302 | LD: 9
     -- ID: 216303 | LD: 18
     -- ID: 216304 | LD: 9
Result: TAUNT / REC  |  ACC / EVA  |  TAUNT / REC

[3] T4E3 Trinket [215414]
     -- ID: 216305 | LD: 10
     -- ID: 216306 | LD: 2
     -- ID: 216307 | LD: 19
Result: TAUNT / REC  |  LD / QUALITY  |  ACC / EVA

[4] T4E3 Trinket [215401]
     -- ID: 216308 | LD: 9
     -- ID: 216309 | LD: 19
     -- ID: 216310 | LD: 5
Result: TAUNT / REC  |  ACC / EVA  |  LD / QUALITY

[5] T4E3 Trinket [215580]
     -- ID: 216311 | LD: 10
     -- ID: 216312 | LD: 18
     -- ID: 216313 | LD: 13

[6] T4E3 Trinket [215568]
     -- ID: 216314 | LD: 9
     -- ID: 216315 | LD: 18
     -- ID: 216316 | LD: 14

[7] T4E3 Trinket [215566]
     -- ID: 216317 | BD: 10 | CD: 8 | LD: 4
     -- ID: 216319 | BD: 10 | CD: 8 | LD: 1
     -- ID: 216320 | LD: 14


3,040 * 7 = 21,280 Col [sent!]


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[1] T4E2 Armor [215432]
     -- ID: 216433 | LD: 16
     -- ID: 216434 | LD: 20

[2] T4E2 Armor [215431]
     -- ID: 216435 | LD: 1
     -- ID: 216436 | LD: 11

[3] T4E2 Armor [215428]
     -- ID: 216437 | LD: 18
     -- ID: 216438 | LD: 14

[4] T4E2 Armor [215424]
     -- ID: 216439 | LD: 9
     -- ID: 216440 | LD: 6

[5] T4E2 Armor [215421]
     -- ID: 216441 | LD: 15
     -- ID: 216442 | LD: 7

[6] T4E2 Armor [215415]
     -- ID: 216443 | LD: 13
     -- ID: 216444 | LD: 7

[7] T4E2 Armor [215412]
     -- ID: 216445 | LD: 4
     -- ID: 216446 | LD: 9

[8] T4E2 Armor [215411]
     -- ID: 216447 | LD: 14
     -- ID: 216448 | LD: 11

[9] T4E2 Armor [215592]
     -- ID: 216449 | LD: 7
     -- ID: 216450 | LD: 20

[10] T4E2 Armor [215588]
     -- ID: 216451 | LD: 8
     -- ID: 216452 | LD: 12


2,080 * 10 = 20,800 Col [sent!]


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"a regular?"

night knew she wasn't going to bump into other customers except through sheer accident – that happened only once in a while. rather, the tale behind it was difficult to behold. issuing identifications on the daily? either he had a lot of money, or a lot of items.

both set night's position in the economy into perspective. she may be strong, but at the moment, she was practically living from identification to identification (according to bistro, at least). so she sat on that feeling for a little as she listened. "that... makes sense," was all she could produce, still shocked by the amount of work andromeda had been plunged into (and her apparent sense of poverty, while they were at it).

she hemmed and hawed. "who was this, again? uh-- if you're even allowed to disclose it, i suppose." and night quickly acknowledged the five-day wait with a nod at the notice – it wasn't urgent. "and i'd assume he's not giving you any more trouble, either, right...?"

there was also the question about the 'frontlines' – which, to be honest, night didn't exactly know how to approach it. she'd also completely forgotten the extent to which bistro had publicized their (her?) progress in breaching the labyrinth to the floor boss' door. what should she do, tell the truth that she'd gone hunting for the boss alone?

"busy." night simply said, staring blankly at an, hoping it would prompt herself to explain further. "handling personal stuff. err – love life? maybe?" she gestured vaguely with the shake of a hand. "and then not. getting lost in randomized dungeons too, i suppose – the usual grind."

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An's pleasant customer service smile cracked.

"I h-h-h-hope not! Ahahahaha..."

Her laughter petered out and she was silent and unmoving for a few rare moments, as if the merchant actually had her ears peeled for the second chime of the shop bell. "Any way it goes, it won't change the timeline for your stuff; you got here first." 

And she wasn't going to touch NIGHT's response, not when they were at her counter, but she found it fascinating how players of her level brushed off frontline talk like it wasn't the most newsworthy thing to the scrubs on the lower tiers. Yeah. We're just gonna kill one of the biggest threats in Aincrad in a week's time and bring us one step closer to escaping this death game. I got a girlfriend the other day. 

"I hope it all goes well," An said sincerely. And then she wanted to end the conversation and got stuck on the 'how,' because it was also really abrupt on her side, too. NIGHT hadn't been to her shop in years and she didn't want to screw anything up -- she felt her face beginning to heat as she scrambled for the right words in her mind.  "The boss fight, and the uh, girlfriend. Or the boyfriend. And the dungeons and other stuff. Hopefully you're not dealing with all of them combined at the same time."


Finally, she recovered. An gave a firm nod, the ease returning to her expression. "It was really nice seeing you again. Thanks so much for dropping by!"






[1] T4E2 Armor [215577]
     -- ID: 216662 | LD: 9
     -- ID: 216663 | LD: 6

[2] T4E2 Armor [215573]
     -- ID: 216664 | LD: 5
     -- ID: 216665 | LD: 1

[3] T4E2 Armor [215572]
     -- ID: 216666 | LD: 3
     -- ID: 216667 | LD: 5


2,080 * 3 = 6,240 Col [sent!]


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[1] T4E2 Trinket [215448]
     -- ID: 216816 | LD: 10
     -- ID: 216817 | LD: 11

[2] T4E2 Trinket [215445]
     -- ID: 216818 | LD: 9
     -- ID: 216819 | LD: 18
Result: TAUNT / REC, ACC / EVA

[3] T4E2 Trinket [215430]
     -- ID: 216820 | LD: 5
     -- ID: 216821 | LD: 20

[4] T4E2 Trinket [215423]
     -- ID: 216822 | LD: 15
     -- ID: 216823 | BD: 10 | CD: 12 | LD: 1

[5] T4E2 Trinket [215402]
     -- ID: 216824 | LD: 10
     -- ID: 216825 | LD: 13

[6] T4E2 Trinket [215587]
     -- ID: 216826 | LD: 20
     -- ID: 216827 | LD: 10
Result: ACC / EVA, TAUNT / REC


2,080 * 6 = 12,480 Col [sent!]


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“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. They all turned into Col. N-not by accident, mind you…! I followed all the instructions and um, only the trinkets rolled into uniques. And they weren’t the useful uniques either. I think the dice just aren’t agreeing with me lately. That’s funny, they normally do. Maybe they’re just playing a prank now that I’m open again. Maybe it’s Cardinal itself?! I knew I shouldn’t have gone around trash talking people carelessly! 

“So, um. I’d like to make it up to you. Your unidentifieds got me three mystic essences. I was planning to charge a really, really high price for them, but how about a discount the next time you drop by? We can talk more about it the next time you bring something in.

“Thanks so much for everything, and please come by again!”



junk sale.
41,760 Col = 46,400 * 0.9 | [>>]




[1] T4E2 Weapon [215443]
     -- ID: 216858 | LD: 9
     -- ID: 216859 | LD: 16

[2] T4E2 Weapon [215426]
     -- ID: 216860 | LD: 3
     -- ID: 216861 | LD: 1

[3] T4E2 Weapon [215419]
     -- ID: 216862 | LD: 16
     -- ID: 216863 | LD: 15
Result: DMG / ACC, DMG / ACC

[4] T4E2 Weapon [215409]
     -- ID: 216864 | LD: 16
     -- ID: 216865 | LD: 7

[5] T4E2 Weapon [215405]
     -- ID: 216866 | LD: 16
     -- ID: 216867 | LD: 17
Result: DMG / ACC, DMG / ACC

[6] T4E2 Weapon [215584]
     -- ID: 216868 | LD: 12
     -- ID: 216869 | LD: 6

[7] T4E2 Weapon [215569]
     -- ID: 216870 | LD: 19
     -- ID: 216871 | LD: 19
Result: DMG / ACC, DMG / ACC



[from: above]

T4E2 Weapon [215443]+3. BLEED / PARA, DMG / ACC
[1] ID: 216873 | LD: 9
[2] ID: 216874 | LD: 9
[3] ID: 216875 | LD: 7

T4E2 Weapon [215426]+3. TAUNT / KEEN, TAUNT / KEEN
[1] ID: 216876 | LD: 12
[2] ID: 216877 | LD: 18
[3] ID: 216878 | LD: 14

T4E2 Weapon [215419]+3. DMG / ACC, DMG / ACC
[1] ID: 216879 | LD: 14
[2] ID: 216880 | LD: 4
[3] ID: 216881 | LD: 19

T4E2 Weapon [215409]+3. DMG / ACC, BLEED / PARA
[1] ID: 216882 | LD: 15
[2] ID: 216883 | LD: 15
[3] ID: 216884 | LD: 7

T4E2 Weapon [215405]+3. DMG / ACC, DMG / ACC
[1] ID: 216885 | LD: 20
[2] ID: 216886 | LD: 15
[3] ID: 216887 | LD: 10

T4E2 Weapon [215584]+3. BLEED / PARA, TAUNT / KEEN
[1] ID: 216888 | LD: 6
[2] ID: 216889 | LD: 3
[3] ID: 216890 | LD: 2

T4E2 Weapon [215569]+3. DMG / ACC, DMG / ACC
[1] ID: 216891 | LD: 4
[2] ID: 216892 | LD: 18
[3] ID: 216893 | LD: 20


14,560 = 2,080 * 7 | identifications
49,000 = (1,000 + 2,000 + 4,000) * 7 | 1st-2nd-3rd rerolls for identified weapons
63,560 Col [sent!]


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  • 11 months later...

Morningstar rarely visited other appraisers. He'd been to Freyd's shop once or twice, but only for pickups and deliveries between friends, and never for professional work. Pandora's Wares, a cute little store on the first floor, had caught his eye. On one rainy day, he decided to pay it a visit. Without an item to identify, nor any junk to sell, he hurried inside. His clothes were damp, his hair unstyled by the (rarely occurring) downpour. On his way in, he apologized for making a mess of the floor.

He liked the quietness of Andromeda's store. It reminded him of his own. He picked an item he thought was nice and purchased it at the counter.



  • Fortune's Wool Drape (4,000 Col) -- T1 Rare Light Armor -- Envenom (Defensive) | Loot Die -- A dark green wool cloak said to be blessed by Fortune herself. And hey, it's totally legit! Enemies who come your way with strong attacks find themselves afflicted with poison and it's easier to locate items. With a cloak. Somehow. [#128776]
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Wulfrin stumbled into Pandora’s Wares out of sheer curiosity. He perused the shelves of various trinkets and oddities until he came to an item left alone to the side with a small tag saying “looking for a good home”. Wilkie. Tapped the item’s surface to pull up its info panel. To his surprise it had Paralysis Immunity, an enhancement he was looking for to help bolster his combat prowess. He picked up the item and walked to the shop keep.

”If you don’t mind,” Wulfrin said as he showed the small tag. “I’ll be willing to take this off your hands.”

A simple dismissive nod was all he could get as the shopkeep seemed focused on decluttering. With the affirmation in mind and no mention of payment, Wulfrin left the shop with a new item in tow.

* * *
Wulfrin picks up:

Whispers of Resistance Mk. II 
T2 Perfect Trinket -- Accuracy | Loot Die | Paralytic Immunity

[reference] A two-toned snow crystal. Studded with large central rhinestone and sparkling diamonds laid on a silver-plated base, the brooch imparts swiftness and protection to its user. | []

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  • 3 weeks later...

well, that was an awful idea, arabelle realized as she was testing her equipment loadouts the other day. dropping as many damaging enhancements on a weapon as she could was useless if she wasn't hitting a certain level of precision. fortunately, she had a stack of tickets from years back that could help her with this exact scenario.

and a sweet, easily-charmed appraiser who lives in her shop 24/7.

"an, love." one hour before opening, arabelle presents a familiar weapon to the appraiser. "do a favor for me? i need to take back this roll and turn it into an accuracy slot."




ode to endless time

[SHOP] | TIER 3 PERFECT AXE | [state]: identified/+4
the cogs beneath the glass layer do not move. the clock hands appear permanently frozen, for as long as the weapon is manifested. yet with every new summoning, the 'time' this scythe measures slowly inches forward.


reroll ticket (3)
[consumable] [acquired from easter '20] | [>>]
reidentify a single slot on a single piece of gear at a merchant.


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  • 1 month later...



reroll bleed (+5)
236259: LD 18: DMG/ACC

ode to endless time

[SHOP] | TIER 3 PERFECT AXE | [state]: identified/+4
the cogs beneath the glass layer do not move. the clock hands appear permanently frozen, for as long as the weapon is manifested. yet with every new summoning, the 'time' this scythe measures slowly inches forward.


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  • 4 weeks later...


Checking their notes page in the inventory, Echo walks making sure they know they are going to the right place. Intent on finding the answer they are abruptly brought back into reality. A thud rings out as they walk directly into the wall of the small shop, knocking them to the ground. Their faces lights up bright red with embarrassment as the quickly stand back up and brush themself off. They stand for a moment wracked with indecision.

I can't go in there now, surely they heard that. But I do need to get these things identified… it will be quick, just in and out and we can continue on our way

As they enter, they look around at the chaos of the shop, some of their embarrassment fading into curiosity. Looking for all intents and purposes so engrossed in their own thoughts that they might sink in to their mind fully. Though that is not long as they hear the greeting from the practitioner, the words bringing them out of their revery with a startled jump. 

In the quite voice of someone who does everything in their power to not be perceived they respond.

“O-oh yes, s-sorry I found some things in a chest, I guess I need to have them identified.”

Placing the items on the table, they give a sheepish smile that doesn't quite reach their eyes.

“I don't know how long the process takes so if I need to come back later that's not a problem… Oh and you probably want payment too.”

Fumbling they transfer the col over, more then would be requested but it is clear they don't know how to express that it is meant to be a tip.




T1 [Perfect Weapon] <<Unidentified>> ID: 237370a


 T1 [Perfect Weapon] <<Unidentified>> ID: 237370b


T1 [Perfect Consumable] <<Unidentified> ID: 237370c


T1 [Perfect Armor/Shield] <<Unidentified>> ID: 237535a


T1 [Rare Consumable] x2 <<Unidentified>> IDs: 237535b, 237535c


-3000 col 



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Lounging behind the counter, An's mouth dropped open.

Oh, God. Here it was. The old building was finally falling apart. How was she supposed to explain this to the owner? With luck they would understand that this was bound to happen at some point.

But everything was fine. It was just some clumsy, flustered new customer. An wished their first introduction wasn't them testing the structural integrity of her establishment, but she did like seeing new faces. "Ten minutes, tops," she responded, carding through the unidentifieds. "Feel free to look around. Most of everything in here is for sale -- er, I'll tell you if it isn't."

Six Tier Ones, four Perfects and Two Rares, no special requests. The merchant finished the appraisal in the time provided and called the player back to the counter, if they had wandered off. She smiled brightly as the transaction completed. "All done. Thank you and please come again!"


| approval.

Novice’s Halberd | DMG/DMG/ACC
[T1 PERFECT POLEARM] [237370a]
A simple polearm with an iron tip. You found this with your own hands.

Iron Pincer | ACC/BLD/BLD
[T1 PERFECT POLEARM] [237370b]
Two-pronged. Light, but sharp.

Orange Bandana | EVA/LM/LD
Keeps your hair away from your eyes. Alternatively -- replaces the handkerchief you misplaced by accident.

Awakening | +3 DMG
A round bottle containing a mysterious fluid. The courageous are deserving of their just rewards.

Candy | +2 ACC
An oval gum drop. Peppermint flavored.

Bitter Tea | +2 OH
Hard to swallow. It is a popular unscientific belief that things that taste awful are invariably the best for one’s health. It is true, in this scenario. Don’t count on it when you get back.



[1] T1 Perfect Weapon [237370a]
237659: LD 18: DMG
237660: LD 20: DMG
237661: LD 14: ACC

[2] T1 Perfect Weapon [237370b]
237662: LD 12: BLD
237663: LD 16: ACC
237664: LD 10: BLD

[3] T1 Perfect Consumable [237370c]
237665: LD 9: DMG

[4] T1 Rare Consumable [237535b]
237666: LD 19: OH

[5] T1 Rare Consumable [237535c]
237667: LD 8: ACC

[6] T1 Perfect Cloth Armor [237535a]
237668: LD 16: LD
237669: LD 10: LM
237670: LD 5: EVA

(640 * 3) + 320 + (160 * 2) = 2,560 Col


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  • 2 weeks later...

regardless of her own skill, an is still the luckiest girl on the block.

and she hadn't been lying when she spoke her blessing over the lights. she promised it twice. so, with a new batch of curiosities from her recent trip, arabelle takes the convenient excuse to visit her friend. she waits around the corner for the last customer to finish their transaction, then she walks forward and places her spoils on the merchant's counter. a familiar motion.

"hello, an," arabelle greets, "remember our old routine? please find me the shiniest things from these piles. i also want to buy some mystic essences, if the circumstances call for it."




(27) T4 Perfect Weapons
| [ID: 237473a, 237473b, 237480a, 237480b, 237480c, 237490, 237491a, 237491b, 237491c, 237498]
| [ID: 237505a, 237505b, 237543a, 237543b, 237549a, 237549b, 237549c, 237551a, 237551b, 237573]
| [ID: 237574, 237581a, 237581b, 237581c, 237584, 237629, 237644]

(22) T4 Perfect Light Armor
| [ID: 237462a, 237462b, 237464a, 237464b, 237473, 237483, 237490, 237505, 237506a, 237506b]
| [ID: 237541a, 237541b, 237543, 237551, 237567, 237568a, 237568b, 237575, 237576, 237627a]
| [ID: 237627b, 237629]

(6) T4 Rare Weapons | [ID: 237481, 237504, 237507, 237557, 237558, 237559]

(6) T4 Rare Light Armor | [ID: 237473, 237482, 237488, 237497, 237565, 237630]


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