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[F1-SP] The First Few Lessons Are Free

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Flynn walked slowly down the street. His eyes shifting left and right at the various buildings and people he passed by. Seeing the smiling faces despite the predicament put a small smile on his face.  His face chilled by the cool air of winter time. Nose and cheeks reddened and slightly stinging he walks on.  His grandfather declined coming along as he figured a simple quest could be accomplished alone and he needed more rest anyways. His pace slowed and soon came to a halt. Looking up at the hanging sign above he exhaled a small breath. He had arrived at the shop he set out to visit for a quest. Zackariah required some assistance gathering material and that seemed like an easy enough quest to do alone. Slowly opening the door Flynn peeked his head in before stepping in letting the door close behind him. His steps quiet as he made his way deeper into the store. He eyes again shifting back and forth between either side of him as he walked. He makes note of the wares of the store in case he wanted to do business later. Reaching the front counter seeing an elderly man doing his daily business but paying attention to his surroundings. Flynn placed his hand on the counter flashing a smile. "You must be Zackariah. The one looking for help. I'm Flynn and I am very willing to help you"

Edited by Erebus
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