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[PP-F4] Ice and Echos (Ruri)

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Keith whistled at the pure blue ice cave. "This place is totally sweet...sweet...sweet..!" He then fell backwards and began to flail his arms and legs, making a snow angel on the floor of the cave. "Sis! This is awesome! Try it!" He said with a laugh, as he stood up and looked at the snow.

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She drew A smiley face on the angels head after she got done making one, she giggled at the two funny angels. As she then looked at the floor once more, throwing a snowball at Keith. "SNOWBALL FIGHT!!" She yelled as she made a tiny hillish fort out of the left snow, and even more so snowballs.

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Keith tried slashing snowballs out of the air as he was defenseless from the surprise attack. He missed most, and ended up getting coated with snow. He shook it off and began to make one large ball of little flakes. "Theres SNOW way out of this one!" He said, as he pushed a giant snow-ball to Ruri.

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She ended up in the pile of snow, rolling toward the wall as it then snowed from above, all the snow onto her hair... "Well that wasn't very nice..." She said as she would frown in Keith's direction. She was now done with playing around as she got up and drew her sword, the crystallized sword with fragments of crystals and icy parts, she smiled at it as she stepped forward through the snowy dust of there playing, She smiled as she saw a trap ahead of her, things were about to be intense...

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Keith felt the aura of intensity and got his sword ready as they went on. Of course, the two were able to over every possible obstacle to this point, and it wasn't likely that something could take them down here. But it was always best to be safe, so he walked by Ruri cautiously.

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She criss crossed jumped over the trap, doing a backflip in the middle. She might've done some insane trick right now, but it didn't matter to her as she looked ahead. She had seen a few dragons ahead of them.. "Watch out for any monster we may not be able to see..." She said planning to see many dragons ahead, if they were to find any she would've been very lucky... She jumped over another wire, waiting for Keith to follow her through the maze of multiple jumps and wires, as well as many other traps and monsters heading for them.

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Keith stumbled through the wire, and was barely able to stagger through. "Yeesh... How do you make it look so easy?" he said, as he then heard sounds coming from ahead. "Well, never mind that. We got beasties up ahead!" he said, readying his sword for battle.

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She smiled at his direction, now looking at the monsters coming at them both, She aimed for the top of one, landing on it... "Wow, this is fun!" She said as she steered the beast into the wall, laughing at his dead body as she readied for the next monster.

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Keith hummed the song from Attack On Titan as he ran behind one of the monsters, using his momentum to leap up and slash at the back of it's neck. It roared as it gripped the soft spot on it's neck, falling forward and shattering into tiny blue shards. Keith smiled and gave a thumbs-up to his sister. "Nice job, Ru!"

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"You too!" She smiled at him as she took control of another dragon, making it run into another by driving it forward toward a larger one, knocking them both out as they then splat onto the ground, as then disappearing into the ground.

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Keith smiled and stood up, stretching from all the monster fighting. "Alright... Is that all of them? I want to make sure we didn't miss any." He said, looking around as he sheathed his katana, yet still kept his hand on the grip of his blade, in case of another attack.

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Keith stumbled through the wires, yet was still able to get through. As he reached the other side, he saw a long hall lined with coffins, and at the end, a large, sarcophagus leaned against the wall, lined with all sorts of carvings and stories. Keith whistled and looked around and whistled. "Yeesh... These guys must have had one HUGE party!" he said, looking at all the coffins.

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Keith looked over at the one at the end of the hall, and cautiously walked over to it. "What do you think would be inside of this one?" He said, looking at the large, fine-detailed sarcophagus that sat at the end of the room, standing above all the coffins.

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As Keith opened it, there was... Nothing. Only a few bones here and there. He picked up a skeleton arm and used it to scratch his back, then turned to Ruri and waved with the hand. "Something tells me all these guys met a... GRAVE situation!" He said, chuckling at his own joke as he tossed aside the hand.

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She poked the hand as she took it back up and tickled him with it, laughing at his joke as she then put the hand back. Suddenly the room went dark. She put on her night vision skill and found Keith in the darkness, with a dragon of some sort near him...

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Keith felt something bony poke him in the back and he sighed. "Ruri, I already used the hand as a back-scratcher. You don't have to-" He stopped as he heard another snort and he then shook. "Sis, please tell me that was you."

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