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[F-01] [SP] Ruined Temple, Ruined Blade <<Katana Acquisition>>

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Level: 13
Hit Points: 260
Energy: 26
Combat Stats
Damage: 3
Mitigation: 8
Accuracy: 3
Evasion: 0
[T1] [Rare] [Curved Sword] Icy Cutlass (Damage 1, Bleed 1)
 [Vanity] [Light Armour] Dark Leather Armour
[T1] [Perfect] [Trinket] Ice Star Chain (Accuracy x3)
Battle Ready Items
5 x [T1] [Uncommon] Health Potions  (+40hp)
2 x Immolation Potions
1 x [T1] [Uncommon] Damage Potion (+1 Damage, 1 Thread)
1 x [T1] [Uncommon] Over-Health Potion (+50 Temp 
1 x Snake Venom


It was another new day, and this time, Rei heard something interesting from Ceres, she was supposedly an information broker, so who better than her to ask for where he could get a katana, sure there were some on sale on the first floor’s stores, but he couldn’t even pick them up, the box that would show up had requirements saying he had to complete a quest for it, but search as he could, it turns out the `quest` to get one is randomised.

Which would explain why he’s had no luck so far with it.

He had to wait on his armour to be finished, and he wasn’t going to be able to go to the 2nd floor without it, the next best thing he could do was spend the time adventuring for this weapon.

In any case, he had a target in mind. Supposedly there was a ruined temple in the mountains beyond the lake and some amount of forest.

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He had no idea who long it would take to get there, so it would be prudent for them to get some camping gear of the sort. The whole idea of this adventure was truly venturing into the unknown, it was nowhere near as far gone as heading to a different floor, he was fairly sure there would be no monsters on the first floor that they couldn’t handle, so there was some measure of relaxedness going into this plan.

Well, let’s not be overconfident, pride before the fall and it usually goes wrong whenever you confident with just about anything in his life.

Honestly, when he mused over the idea during the late hours of the night, he was a bit worried, he couldn’t help but have simulations go off inside his mind of all the good and bad things that could happen on the way. He’s also yet to tell the others about his plan, so this was sure to blindside them.

Rei sighed deeply, curling up in his bed, Tomorrow was going to be another tiring day, but he already can’t bear to stay around waiting for his armour anymore.

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When morning came, he was feeling a little worried about the other’s reactions, when he walked down the stairs, he was already dragging Takumi’s sleepy corpse over to the table where Yuta and Kenji waited for him.

As usual, they didn’t bat an eye at the sight of Rei pulling along Takumi who bore a scornful expression with dark spots under his eyes from lack of sleep.

Slumping down into their chairs, Takumi immediately set his head on the table, laying down in his arms.

“Good morning,” Kenji greeted awkwardly,

“’morning,” Yuta nodded casually,

“Yeah, morning,” Rei nodded back in reply,

“Ugh… It’s too early…” Takumi groaned into the table, they glanced over and back at the clock, it was noon.

“So? What’s the plan today?” Yuta questioned as he and Kenji glanced over to Rei naturally for his decision.

“Ceres brought me back some info, I’m thinking of following up on it,” Rei looked them over steadily,

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“That weird chick at `Best Kept Secrets?`” Yuta raised a brow,

“She did say she was a information broker or something….” Kenji mused, trying to remember,

“Yeah,” Rei nodded, “It’s a quest with a possible lead on the Katana Quest I need to go on,”

Yuta leaned in, attentive, “Oh?”

“There’s a ruined temple over by the mountains past the lake and the forest, there’s no accurate location, but I’m told it’s being protected by strong monsters, with good loot to boot,” Rei explained,

“Sounds promising,” Yuta agreed, “So when are we heading out? Now?”

“Yeah, that’s the plan, we should stock up on tents, food and water, beyond that… maybe we should get some climbing gear, it might be needed,”

“Got it, then let’s go get your katana so you can fight properly,” Yuta shot a small smirk,

“Yeah, yeah, after this we’ll go do your Martial Arts quest so you can do the same,” Rei gave him a grin back.

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For their general goods, of course they went back to Best Kept Secrets, it was pretty much the only place they’ve been to and the owner was a good enough person that made them want to visit her more often, seeing her smile was heart-warming and nice to see down here in the gloomy first floor. It’s been a while, but even though they’ve changed and their perception of everything has brightened up, the situation hasn’t changed down here.

Despair sat at every corner and people with broken lives and hopes were strewn about. So seeing a cheerful person was what they needed. They had the Col to purchase whatever they needed, the tent was an actual item, as for the climbing gear, they were more of the miscellaneous sort, no real use to them, Ceres didn’t mind giving those to them for free so long as they brought some of the treasure back for her to take a look at.

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They set off on their first multi-day journey, the first stretch would be getting through the grasslands, past the lake and past the forest, it would be accurate to say they’ll still be somewhere in the mountains by the time the day ended, Rei briefly wondered if the atmosphere would feel thinner up in the mountains, but considering that Aincrad itself was a already above the clouds in terms of altitude, he wasn’t sure how that would play out anymore.

In any case, as they walked through the grasslands, they decided to engage all the enemies in their path, they gave them xp and col, not matter how small the amounts, you probably can’t have too much of the stuff anyway. Not to mention it would break up the tedium of simply walking without end and they needed to move their bodies and get some practice in, this trip was reminding them of camping trips during their highschool years now.

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Rei drew his blade and swiped at one of the boars that they had aggroed for being too close to, the four of them had their weapons unsheathed and were engaged in combat with several boars together at once.

Rei looked over at them with a thought, with company like this, it felt like every battle they got in, be it boars or wolves, seemed like a rather rowdy scuffle, skirmish or battlefield. Comes with the territory of multiple people and thus multiple battles at once, but in any case, it made things look rather hectic and lively anyhow.

Rei raised his blade over his back and charged the Rage Blow he was so used to, if this trip was worthwhile, when he got back to the town, he wouldn’t be using these Curved Blade Arts anymore.

Luckily his Ice Star Chain as an accessory was interchangeable, so that would carry over, but he had to say, he would miss his Icy Cutlass, it had a nice cool colour and form, seasonal even.


ID# 133811
BD: 7 +3 = Hit [Rage Blow]
MD: 3 = Miss

Damage Dealt= 3 x 2 = 6

Rei: HP: 260/260 | EN: 24(-2)/26| 3 DMG | 8 MIT | 0 EVA| 3 ACC| 1 BLD

Boara: HP: 4/10| 3 DMG

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Takumi lunged with a sturdy infantry soldier’s spear, coated in a flaming green light as it was thrust forward with powerful force, striking the boar, it created a piercing light impact through the other side, the power of the attack was enough to throw the boar backwards, and it was only one exchange in which he had used his shield to block the first attack whilst charging and then striking out once.

Yuta was doing as well as expected, his blade was coated in a grey steel like light as he dashed around the boar, plunging his sleek, simple and practical dagger into the boar’s back repeatedly, created several digital red puncture wounds on it. He wouldn’t bother on using physical strength of his punches or kicks against a boar, after all, not only are there few martial arts meant to be used against animals, he long realised that it was  futile and would not do much if the opponent wasn’t somewhat human in form.


ID# 133812
BD: 1 +3 = Miss [Rage Blow]
MD: 8 = HIt

Damage Received = 3 - 8 = 1

Rei: HP: 259/260 | EN: 21(-4+1)/26| 3 DMG | 8 MIT | 0 EVA| 3 ACC| 1 BLD

Boara: HP: 4/10| 3 DMG

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And Kenji… well…

Rei glanced over just in time to see a flying boar crash into Kenji’s face, somehow leaping over the shield, the shock of the impact was enough for Kenji to tip over, in his heavy armour he quickly lost all balance and crashed hard into the snowy grass with a loud Plomphf.

The boar was bouncing around on his chest, doing small negligible amounts of damage as it practically danced on his body. Snapping upright, Kenji got the boar off him, standing up, he charged up his Art and struck out in 3 quick strikes at the boar, his blade coated in a golden light, leaving 3 sharp arcs in the air as the Art took over his body and he the strikes, lacerating the wounds into the boar before it retaliated and knocked him over yet again.

And the process repeats until he eventually won. Rei was also done on his side with one last Rage Blow, he really hoped that the boss fight in the temple ruins would go smoothly considering how they were right now.

ID# 133813
BD: 5 +3 = Hit [Rage Blow]
MD: 1 = Miss

Damage Dealt= 3 x 2 = 6

Rei: HP: 259/260 | EN: 20(-2+1)/26| 3 DMG | 8 MIT | 0 EVA| 3 ACC| 1 BLD

Boara: HP: 4/10| 3 DMG

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As they were walking through the snowy grasslands, Rei suddenly had a thought, bending over to quickly pick something up from his feet,

“What are you doing?” Yuta asked curiously as everyone stopped around Rei who was in the lead, with a small grin, Rei revealed that he had formed a snowball in his hand,

“Seriously? At your age?” Takumi raised a brow condescendingly, though it didn’t last long since Rei chucked the first snowball at him,

“H-hey…” Kenji worried that a fight would break out when Takumi recoiled from the impact and Rei quickly snatched up another snow ball,

“It’s been ages since we’ve did this huh?” Yuta mused with a small smile,

“Yeah, not since we were 13,” Rei nodded, thinking back to their fun, mindless and carefree middle school days, he still remembered how it snowed then, it was enough to nearly trap them in the school with the buses having a hard time getting up the hill towards them.


 ID# 133873

LD: 6 = Fail

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As he was busy reminiscing, Rei quickly took a snowball to the face,

“Grh!” he cried out, but the snow had gotten in his mouth, causing him to stop short and cough and splutter, spitting out the snow onto the ground, “Bleh,” looking up, he saw Takumi hurried gathering more snowballs.

His aim was actually terrible, he had a bad throwing arm and the direction things he threw could quite literally end up anywhere, he never had a childhood where he was used to throwing things, he was a well-behaved kid.

So, with that in mind, Rei sprinted over to Takumi who looked over with wide eyes, fearing what would happen, he began to flee, but Rei was already there, leaping through the air, he smashed the snowball in his palm into Takumi’s face. This being a game, he had no qualms about doing it full force, the result was that it was more of a flying palm strike more than anything.


ID# 133874

LD: 19 = T1 Material Found (total = 1)

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With a loud crash, Takumi was thrown into the snow, creating a large impact like an explosion caused the snow to be tossed into the air.

“Hell yeah!” Rei celebrated with a fist pump,

“I-isn’t that taking it too far…?” Kenji worried, half reaching out his arm to stop them when Yuta rushed forward, a glint in his eye, snowball in hand, he attempted to do the same manoeuvre Rei just did to Takumi to Rei himself, hearing the rapid footfalls and crunching of snow, Rei looked over just in time to see Yuta already in the air headed his way.

Not to be hit by his own trick, he nimble ducked away and pulls his hand back to his waist, he was going to lash out at Yuta’s stomach in a counter attack, this was a game and no real harm could be done or felt after all, it would be no problem to engage in a fight like this.


ID# 133876

LD: 8 = Fail

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But when he glanced over, he had a suddenly flash of inspiration, with a small smile, he simple stepped away to watch his master plan unfold.

His original target gone, Yuta scowled, he should’ve known better than to try this, he lamented his actions as he sailed through the air uncontrollably, too late did he see the problem.

Takumi, having crashed to the snow sat up, rubbing at his head, his entire body cold from being thrown into the snow, he groaned loudly and blinked rapidly at the snow, looking up just in time to see Yuta coming towards him,


He didn’t have time to react before Yuta fell on top of him, the recipient of the second snow slam being his face again, crashing back into the ground in an explosion of snow.

“Nice,” Rei grinned as he watched the two groan and try to get up,

“Get off me!” Takumi yelled angrily, flailing his limbs, lashing out at Yuta,

“I’m trying! So stop moving already!”


ID# 133877

LD: 10 = Fail

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A wolf’s distant howl froze everyone in their place, redirecting their attention to the bounding wolf pack streaming their way from the forest,

“Get ready!” Rei called out, materialising his Icy Cutlass on his waist and drawing it to bear, Kenji quickly summoned his weapons whilst Yuta and Takumi hurried untangled their limbs and got up, not without collapsing a few times,

“Crap,” Yuta cursed as he moved to stand up, only to get tripped and fall face first,

Move!” Takumi roughly kicked at him,

“I’m trying, look, stop moving!”

“You’re heavy!”

“Bloody hell,”

“Come on, or you’ll be gnawed on,” Rei off-handed commented, the wolf’s weren’t going to do enough damage to seriously put their lives at risk, but it would still be quite the disturbing thing to see.

Rei charged his blade over his back and brought it crashing down upon the wolf in front of him, to the back, Kenji grimaced as the wolves slammed into his shield.


ID# 133878
BD: 3 +3 = Hit [Rage Blow]
MD: 6 = Hit

Damage Dealt= 3 x 2 = 6

Damage Received = 9 - 8 = 1

Rei: HP: 259/260 | EN: 24(-2)/26| 3 DMG | 8 MIT | 0 EVA| 3 ACC| 1 BLD

Wolf: HP: 24/30| 9 DMG

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Now that everyone was up and fighting, the scene had turned into a skirmish yet again as they were assaulted by wolves from all sides, even weak, the visual aspect of it still meant that their brains believed them to be in danger, no amount of fighting would let you just ignore it after all, even if you only took 1 damage from a wolf chomping at your arm and tearing you to the floor, you would still panic since in real life, you would almost certainly be screwed.

Rei charged his blade and made a upward diagonal slash from his right side, slamming into the side of a wolf that had leapt at him, still in mid air during it’s leap, the blade crashed into it’s ribs and sent it several feet away, tumbling through the air and then snow.

Around him were his friends fighting off numerous grew furred wolves, scrambling in the snow to defend themselves, Rei curiously looked over and could easily see their four sets of footsteps trailing from the city behind them, and the massive spots where they were involved in fights leaving imprints in the snow.


ID# 133879
BD: 6 +3 = Hit [Rage Blow]
MD: 2 = Miss

Damage Dealt= 3 x 2 = 6

Rei: HP: 259/260 | EN: 23(-2+1)/26| 3 DMG | 8 MIT | 0 EVA| 3 ACC| 1 BLD

Wolf: HP: 18/30| 9 DMG

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It was strangely amusing or was it nostalgic, sure it was only a few minutes ago, but being able to look back and see the trail you and your friends made along the way, being able to see a spot and remember just what happened there, like ah, that was the spot where we encountered some boars and got into a small fight and so on, it was a strange feeling.

He must’ve looked too long, since before he knew it, the wolf was gone from his view and had leapt onto his back, even in the virtual world, the wolf was still somewhat heavy, making him stumble and nearly fall over even as the wolf gnawed feebly at his neck, since it only did one damage, the sensation of it’s teeth and tongue on his neck felt a gentle caress.

Utterly grossed out, Rei desperately tossed the wolf to the ground.


ID# 133880
BD: 2 +3 = Miss [Rage Blow]
MD: 9 = Crit +1

Damage Received= 9 + 1 - 8 = 2

Rei: HP: 257/260 | EN: 20(-4+1)/26| 3 DMG | 8 MIT | 0 EVA| 3 ACC| 1 BLD

Wolf: HP: 18/30| 9 DMG

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The wolf lashed out at Rei several times, each time he would avoid them, trying to use his footwork to side step or avoid it was tricky in the snow, a few times he found the resistance of the snow more than he realised and he moved too little and other times he moved too much and slipped over the ice, it was tough fighting in snow, the realisation settled on him slowly as he failed to land a hit on the wolf and likewise it failed to land a hit on him.

Hearing a sudden splat, he looked over to see that Takumi had lost his balance and crashed into the snow, hitting his nose with the shield as he fell, just seeing it caused Rei to wince, also, for a death game, it was odd to not see any blood, sure at one point this was meant to be a universal game, but now it was just weird.


ID# 133881
BD: 2 +3 = Miss [Rage Blow]
MD: 4 = Miss

Rei: HP: 257/260 | EN: 17 (-4+1)/26| 3 DMG | 8 MIT | 0 EVA| 3 ACC| 1 BLD

Wolf: HP: 18/30| 9 DMG

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Takumi groaned as he pushed himself off the snow, unable to help crying out in some measure of surprise as the wolf growled right in his face. Scrambling backwards, he managed to roll out of the wolf’s way as it leapt at him, tumbling onto his feet, Takumi hurriedly used his shield to bounce the wolf away from him a few times before he charged his Spear and attacked it once he gathered his senses.

With a sharp impact, the spear was driven through the wolf, finally killing it as it shattered into pieces, all around him, the results were more of less the same, Kenji had slammed his blade down, almost like a hammer, Yuta had stabbed the wolf numerous times, watching idly as the digital wounds grew and the wolf died from Bleed. At the same time, Rei exchanged a final joust like encounter with the wolf, with it leaping towards him and him ducking under and attacking at the same time, shattering the wolf in mid air.


ID# 133882
BD: 9 +3 = Crit + 1 [Rage Blow] [Bleed Inflicted]
MD: 3 = Miss

Damage Dealt = 3 + 1 x 2 = 8

Rei: HP: 257/260 | EN: 17 (-4+1)/26| 3 DMG | 8 MIT | 0 EVA| 3 ACC| 1 BLD

Wolf [Bleeding 1/2] : HP: 10/30| 9 DMG

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“Phew, that’s that,” Rei concluded with a deep exhale of his breath together with his tension, he looked over at everyone and they all seemed to be doing fine. Takumi turned his glare at him wordlessly, he solemnly picked up a snowball and sprinted in a straight line at Rei whose eyes widened in realisation.

As such, he promptly began running in the opposite direction,

“Hey, get back here!” Takumi yelled vengefully,

“Hell no!” Rei shouted back over his shoulder, running towards the lake,

“Come on, they’ll leave us behind!” Yuta slapped Kenji on the back, dematerialising his weapons into the inventory and quickly ran after the pair,

“A-ah… Sure.”

“Let me…Get you… just once!” Takumi panted heavily,

“N-never…” Rei persisted, desperately running and stumbling away, the pair slowly crawled to a stop, doubled over and wheezing the cold winter air that prickled their lungs as it went in. Rei eyed Takumi cautiously, ensuring that the bare minimum distance stood between the two, whilst Takumi glared at him, snowball in his hands turning the skin red and purple from the cold.


ID# 133899

LD: 17 = T1 Material Found (Total = 2)

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“Come on, stop wasting energy and let’s just get going,” Yuta sighed deeply at the state of the pair, gently panting as he jogged up to their side, “You agree, right, Kenji?” he turned before realising that he was speaking to thin air, far behind him, Kenji was trying to catch up, also stumbling over out of exhaustion, “Eh?”

“I’m… not… particularly… fit…” Kenji panted, collapsing to his knees and letting the snow cool him down,

“I don’t think any of us are,” Rei groaned,

“I at least walk,” Takumi retorted,

“You guys should really got jogging for something,” Yuta sighed disappointedly, as someone who exercised regularly out of worry for his physical appearance, but the excuse he went with was for fitness reasons.

“Hey, for some of us, all we ever need is within arm’s reach,” Rei shrugged, bringing his experience as a indoor hermit to bear,

“Y-yeah…” Kenji nodded, he wasn’t the same, but it’s more like he rarely had anything to do and so ended up indoors most of the time.


ID# 133900

LD: 4 = Fail

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