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[PP-09] <<Burning Phoenix Feathers>> w/ Atzo & Raina

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 It was like the reaper herself had came to collect the soul of this fire bird. Cordelia slashed through the monster with such a ferocity, that it almost startled Raina. Her eyes sparkled in amazement, two wine colored spheres that shimmered in the light as the fire from the bird died down with it's demise.  The bird hit the ground sending specks of flame and embers in the air. Her hair blew from the shock wave of the crashing enemy. sending it flying behind her in a wild manner. She clung to Atzo as she watched Cordelia look for loot, only to come up short. "She.. she is incredible, such power and speed." Raina said to her beloved. "You think I will ever be that strong?" She said almost to herself, afraid of the potential answer. 

 Cordelia mentioned wanting to come to their wedding and Raina instantly perked up. "Really? Okay! Let me add you to my friend list!" She called out almost bouncing up and down, as if attempting to rip Atzo's arm off in excitement. 

@Atzo @Cordelia

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As Cordelia walked away, she smiled at her newfound friends on her friends list. They were definitely some interesting people, and both had equal potential.

She wondered if she would ever see them on the front lines later. She shrugged. She was sure that was their goal and such, so it would definitely be a possibility.

She chuckled. Maybe they would even invite her to their wedding. . . though she was exactly sure when that wedding was. Perhaps soon? She couldn't tell how long they had been engaged. They were a sweet couple, really. Their personalities complimented each other. One was sort of calm and collected while the other buzzed to life like electricity. 

Cordelia chuckled. What an odd couple. She wondered of that was how people saw her and Oscar. Her eyes trailed down to her palms. She wondered if she and Oscar would ever make it far enough to get married.

ID: 136383
LD: 14+3=17, Success
3/5 Mats Gathered

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  • 2 weeks later...

She felt her face slightly heat up. Marriage. 

Sometimes, she thought she would never be ready for marriage. Of course, she was sure all little girls used to think that, but somehow it seemed so much closer than she thought. Was she too young to marry? She was at the ripe age to be in school right now. . . nineteen. Was nineteen a really good age to get married? She knew a lot of people would disagree. Some nineteen year olds were barely even registered as a young adult and to get married?

Cordelia felt herself stiffen. How old was Oscar exactly? How had she not even know the age of her own boyfriend? She doubt he knew hers. She slowly chewed on her nails as nervousness crept on her. He was old enough to have a job as a therapist, and she would assume that he had went to school for a degree. That had to have had made him older than her by several years.

ID: 136384
LD: 9+2=12, Fail

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The nervous pit in her stomach seemed to get bigger and bigger.

What if he treated her different because she was younger? She was seventeen when she started the game, he must have been around his early to mid twenties at the very least. Was if he thought she was too childish? 

She could feel her heartbeat quicken up at the thought before she furiously shook her head. No, Oscar wouldn't think like that. He would treat others the same way regardless of age. She smiled to herself. She was glad that was something that she just knew on the top of her head. Though, she was sure other people who were close to him would've said the same thing. . . it was just something you could tell right away when you looked at him.

She let out a small laugh. Maybe her boyfriend was more readable than she thought he was.

LD: 136385
ID: 7+3=10, Fai

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Of course. . . that didn't mean that she would be ready for marriage. Something like that just seemed. . . eh. Being married was only ever a title to her. Was she ever going to start loving him more because she was simply married to him? Definitely not. Love comes with time, not a title. 

Love shouldn't be determined by a title. If it did, it was artificial. A part of her wouldn't mind dating Oscar forever. Though, a part of her was sort of ready for the title. She knew she loved Oscar as much as any wife would love their husband. Though, somehow she wasn't sure if she be ready to put a ring on her finger and still look at the world the same.

She didn't want to end up like her parents. Forced into a loveless marriage. A marriage where the only escape was to work themselves to the bone and forget about their own daughter.

Maybe that's why her thoughts on marriage were so different from others.

ID: 136386
LD: 1+3=4, Fail

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Cordelia shook her head. These thoughts shouldn't be things she she be thinking about right now. . . and maybe. Maybe she would discuss her worries with Oscar later. If it weren't for the lack of a ring on her finger, she would assume people would think that she was already married to him if they knew that she had been staying at his house for quite some time now. 

She chuckled to herself. She guessed that would be a little bit odd back in the real world. 

She let out a tired yawn as she made it back to town. God, she wanted to go take a nap. Maybe have a cup of coffee. Almost anything that could just take her mind off of these thoughts. Who knows, maybe Oscar was home? THough she doubted it. He was probably out there working just as hard as her. Oh, she was so close to him now, too!

ID: 136387
LD: 9+3=12, Fail

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As she neared the teleport pad, she thought about how much she had changed over the last two to four-ish years. She supposed looks had something to do with it. Her hair was now a bleached white and it had lost several inches. She had changed mentally, too. She was less. . . formal. She had gotten better at speaking like a normal person. She didn't care what she looked like anymore. She started eating again.

She almost let out a happy laugh but decided to stifle it. 

Life was. . . good. Sometimes it almost felt too good. She had a loving boyfriend. A steady income, she supposed. She had good friends. She was even starting to rise up to the top. If that didn't sound like an ideal life, she didn't know what did.

She just wondered exactly how long it was going to last, though. How long before her world would crash and burn.

ID: 136388
LD: 2, Fail

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Good things weren't supposed to last.

She looked up before she teleported back to Nimbus. 

That was just the way it was. Nothing could last forever. When there is good, there is chaos. When there is chaos, there is good. Good things weren't supposed to last forever, yes, but they do come back. 

She had come to learn that there will never be a perfect life. Never a perfectly straight road for someone to travel down. Sure, you may think that your life has been perfect so far, but she was pretty sure that there has been some kind of bumpy spot or pothole on the way to where you are now. 

She sighed.

The perfect life didn't exist, she knew that much, as much as she wanted to believe it, she just couldn't. Through the many people she had met over the course of the last few years, she had learned that.

ID: 136389
LD: 7+3=10, Fail

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She thought people she knew would've had perfect lives. Take Oscar for an example. She thought he had it all.

She was wrong.

After that day on floor four, she thought. She thought hard. How could someone so cheerful. So charismatic and cheerful have so much guilt on their shoulders? Her lips pursed. How Oscar was even able to have a smile on his face amazed her. He was stronger than he was letting on and she wanted him to know that. If she was responsible for the death of an innocent kid like that boy, she wouldn't know what she would have done.

She hoped he was hurting inside.

She hoped he knew that she was there for him like he was there for her. Cordelia sighed to herself as she jumped off of the teleport pad. Only time can tell. For now, all she could do was hope that he wasn't carrying more than he could chew.

ID: 136390
LD: 18, Success

5/5 Materials Found

1158 Col
2 SP

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