Dazia 0 Posted February 15, 2020 #41 Share Posted February 15, 2020 The event grounds would soon start flooding with players as they came one by one. An orange player who, ironically, appeared to be in a protective state, pushed a chair with a young green player away from a large male player. "Must have been one of those sketchy types...a good call on her part, if that's the case." This would soon be followed by someone pretending to kick the door down, proceeding to call out, “Somebody ring the dinkster?!” afterwards. Dazia would just stare at him with an awkward expression on her face, and it was clear through this expression that she believed he was an idiot. Yinangi, on the other hand, had a good laugh. She must have discovered a pun or linked a reference. Dazia would take a look around as Yinangi hightailed it for the sweets at the food table. Oh, look, Princess was here...and there was Dazia's idiot cousin, Vigilon, right there admiring her...as was anticipated of the boy who fell in love with the vengeful blonde. It didn't look like Princess had spotted Dazia yet, so it was high time for Dazia to move to a different area of the tent. She stopped in her tracks when she saw more players arriving. She decided to observe for the time being, and make guesses as to why they came. First was a young male player, who would soon distract himself with a book. Then came a pinkette who seemed to be muttering to herself, a hopeful expression on her face. "Oh, look, another young woman who would do anything but die alone." Dazia thought. Then came a white haired woman who's expression Dazia failed to read. This one was also muttering to herself, like she was thinking about something... Dazia didn't know whether or not to pass this one off as another woman with desperation, although organized, or maybe a survivalist like Dazia. There was a third potential answer, but that wasn't likely. Perhaps a little more observation would be more helpful. But those thoughts of observation were completely pushed aside as she saw a familiar face headed towards the event grounds. It was Valna, her older sister, one of them, that is. She would walk over to Valna as she reached the tent. "Hiraani, what are you doing here?" She asked. "Tis' the season of love, Violet, why would I not come here?" Valna answered. She would walk past Dazia and take a look around for any young male who did not seem to be taken. "Hiraani...don't." Dazia strongly suggested, concerned as to where this might lead. "No, I do think I will." Valna answered. Valna would walk up to a male who seemed to be alone, holding something in his hand. "Oh, don't tell me you're alone this evening." She would say to him in a somewhat sultry manner. @Shinji Valna's Appearance: Spoiler Faceclaim: Spoiler Dress: Spoiler Link to post Share on other sites
Shinji 0 Posted February 15, 2020 #42 Share Posted February 15, 2020 (edited) Macrodon's 'Dinkster' entrance doesn't even make Shinji jump as he keeps staring at the Hoya pendant, already lost in his own world while questioning his reason for being here. Maybe he should have stayed home instead. Maybe he should have went out and slay more monsters. Yet here he is in a suit, with no one to accompany or talk to and could do nothing but to eat and being himself while distancing himself from everyone. He shortly snaps back to reality and hears a sultry, female voice giving him a remark about his lonely evening. He turns around to see a black haired girl in a black dress, her red eyes looking at him. The first thing he thinks about her is that she looks really pretty. Her face gives off a hint that she might be the flirty type, though Shinji don't really feel butterflies fluttering in his stomach when he looks at her with his neutral expression, especially since tonight he doesn't feel like being shy or hitting on girls. Hiding the pendant behind him, Shinji simply shrugs and speaks in a soft voice while looking outside, "It's normal...nothing to fuss about." @Dazia Edited February 15, 2020 by Shinji Link to post Share on other sites
Astralin 0 Posted February 15, 2020 #43 Share Posted February 15, 2020 Astralin didn't like feeling out of place. She would look to her left and right, and she would keep seeing players already in conversations. She did not want to feel like she was intruding, but... She did not want to be ignored. She would see two instances where there would be a bit of a moment that was loud and clear for all to see and hear. First, there was a player with...an orange cursor?? Didn't that mean she was a dangerous criminal? ...Was Astralin in danger just by being here? ...No, that couldn't possibly be the case, for the orange player seemed to be pushing a chair with a younger female player in it away from a large man that was awfully close. Was this an attempt to separate, gain trust, or simply give herself a good name by besmirching another? ...No, Astralin had to stop being suspicious just because this player had an orange cursor. Maybe she actually meant well. Then there was the moment that followed shortly after, when a new arrival would make a scene as he kicked down an imaginary door, and called out a reference that she was sure her real world friends, Aquarius and Gemini would definitely get. The moment was so silly to her that she suppressed a laugh. She didn't want to come across to him as if she was making fun of him, but a light giggle came out anyway, her hand in front of her mouth. More players came, but who to talk to? Vigilon and Krysta were here, but they were probably taking this opportunity to have a more romantic experience, being a couple and all. There was a dark-haired short woman, but she didn't look to be in a social mood. There was one other player who seemed willing to talk, but hadn't found anyone to talk to yet, from what it appeared to her as. She would walk over, and attempt to strike up a conversation. "Hello, how are you?" @tricolor_mina Link to post Share on other sites
Morgenstern 1 Posted February 15, 2020 #44 Share Posted February 15, 2020 Floor 19 was having a gorgeous day, even in the boss room. After the boss had been defeated, the once rocky area had slowly grown into a nice grassland where the sun radiated its brilliance. Near the center was a large rock in the shape of a head. The skull of Tanos The Unshakable. Time had hardly any wear on the fallen boss's head and it sat as a reminder for all who fought that day. Perched on the top of this monument sat a boy, sweat glistening in his hair, his bright blue eyes cast upon the horizon, looking forward to the blank canvas of a future that he was destined to write. Recently, he had stopped hiding in the shadow of his own guilt and now faced it head on. He sought to atone for what he did by living every day as if it was another mission to protect others from what he had experienced. He had those who helped him out of his shadow, Hikoru... Baldur... Bahr... Violet. Now it was his job to help a person out of their shadow, but who? How? A ping awoke the boy from his subconsciousness, and he blinked to ensure that he was awake. Raising his hand, he would swipe down, the familiar menu revealing itself to him. Clicking on his messages menu, he found that he had received one from Violet. He opened up and read the message, his eyes widening as he moved further alone. 'Is it seriously Valentines day? I haven't even got anything!' He scrolled back on his menu to find it was only the twelfth. 'I don't get it. It's... early' While he wasn't the most observant when it came to event comings, he hadn't heard of a Valentines day event, especially two days early. 'This isn't some ploy to get me to go somewhere is it?' He stood, gracefully hopping off the skull, the ground crunching underneath his feet where he landed. The event would be held twenty-second floor and oddly close to his own house. "Better not show up like this to an event." Within a matter of thirty minutes he had raced home, showered, and changed into some nicer clothes. White pants and a black collared shirt. Grabbing an orange tie, he would move up to the mirror as he attempted to put it on. After several minutes of failure, he had only managed to get the tie stuck in a knot, unable to be tightened. Exhaling to blow of steam, he exited his house and made his way to the base of the Sapphire Falls. Walking up to the event, his eyes scanned the surroundings in detail. The scenery was beautiful he had to admit with several players gathered around already enjoying the festivities... or patiently waiting to see if there would be a boss or raffle. He walked up silently, ignoring the faces of Macradon and Bahr who seemed caught up in their own endeavors and kept up his search for the one who had invited him here. He slowly walked forward, his eyes now having set upon the most beautiful girl in the surrounding area, a rose of blackest night. She stood outside a group of people, seeming to be attempting to strike some conversation with at least one of them. On his face, a smile grew and each of his cheeks were touched red. His hand touched her shoulder tentatively as he made himself known. "Mina" he said, almost in a whisper. He didn't understand why, but a nervous feeling had randomly arisen in his own chest. He doubted it was because of Mina, he had spent a lot of time with her and wasn't nervous around her. However, suddenly he felt almost embarrassed. His own confidence shattered. Maybe it was being back in public after so long of being away. 'Maybe it was guilt for being the one standing next to the Black Rose. Who was he to grace the gentle flower? Was it his intention to have it wither?' He would attempt to push away these feelings, he didn't want them. He wanted to have fun... and for her to be happy. Link to post Share on other sites
Mari 1 Posted February 15, 2020 #45 Share Posted February 15, 2020 "Yeh..." Mari's face reddened when she thought back on the events that had transpired between her and Baldur. How he had heard her play the violin, multiple times might she add. And how he said he always loved it and thought it was part of the BGM music of the floor. How he had helped convince her she did deserve a house. "He and I...talked through some things and I played my voilin. I'm happy to hear you speak so fondly of him, hahah. He's....really nice." Mari said quickly as she rubbed the back of her neck. Was this awkward? This felt awkward. Maybe she should shift the subject. Mari turned to Minako, it seemed that Minako had shared the same sentiments when it came to 'Mr Commando' and Mari was relieved that she had pulled the other woman out of there. Mari placed a gentle hand on the other womans shoulder, lowering herself from her standing position to whisper into the other girls ear. "Let me know if he makes you feel uncomfortable - I got your back,and if you see someone you like, approach them - the worst anyone can do is say no." Mari stood straight once again and smiled at Macradon, "So this is what you look like when you're all dressed up, eh?" Mari said with an approving nod. Her voice still shook with nerves. Mari fidgeted as her hands slid down the sides of her dress. Everyone here...looked so amazing. She felt like she paled in comparison. Why did she pick something that showed so much skin? She hated her skin. She hated how pale it was and how prominent the freckles were. she didn't like her legs or how the dress showed off her wide hips. Then there was the top of the dress, strapless...ruffles....accentuating things she'd rather have hidden. Mari had practically broken down the other day after seeing her reflection in a mirror for the first time in almost two years. She knew what she looked like, and it was nothing like others here. "I picked a dress that matched my familiar. It's probably...silly...I'm not really much to look at, I'm not tall nor do I have nice legs, and I...." She grew flustered as she patted the sides, hands landing on exposed skin. "I miss f**king pockets" She said frustrated. "How am I supposed ta take home a bunch of fruit without them?" Mari turned back to the strawberries on the table, only to see a small white dragon trying to hoard them. "Oh hell no." Mari said as she picked up the dragon. It squelled and growled, trying to resist. But She was having none of that. "Your Master needs to have some f**king manners and control you better or put you away for the evening." Mari muttered as she placed the dragon on the floor. She then picked up the small plate of strawberries that the dragon had been biting/sitting on and placed it next to the creature. She wasn't a monster after all. @Minako @Macradon Link to post Share on other sites
Benjamin Bookworm 0 Posted February 15, 2020 #46 Share Posted February 15, 2020 Ben's heart was beating fast as he approached the tent this new event was taking place in. He'd gotten a new outfit from one of the elf NPC villages, but wasn't sure if it was right for him. It was green, his color, but he never really went all in for the fancy parties, even back in the real world. Heck, especially back then. He had pondered opening up his messenger to invite some of his friends along to the party, but it was a Valentine's day celebration and that might be taken wrong. So, after a bit of discussion with his familiar and leaving him in charge of the show while he was gone, he found himself here on his own. Stepping into the tent was something else- so many people, and so much talking going on that he almost wanted to just shrink back into a corner and snack the whole night. "No... you can actually do this... You have real friends here now. Just go out there and see if you've found anyone familiar." he said to himself as he looked around,, trying to catch a familiar face in the crowd. Or at least someone else in the mood to talk. Spoiler Ben's outfit Link to post Share on other sites
NIGHT 0 Posted February 15, 2020 #47 Share Posted February 15, 2020 I should've figured, the player concluded, as she straightened out a lock of her hair for a bit. With no familiar faces in the crowd attending the party, there was something off-putting to her about entering the event space. NIGHT scowled, bringing up her friends list for a moment and looking over her missing comrades. So much for that idea. It would've been nice to see them again, after a month or so. Man... what to do...? It would be awkward to approach strangers right off the bat, wouldn't it? That's what NIGHT felt, as she leaned back against the tree bark again, looking upwards to mull over her dilemma. She could easily go back home, but after she'd taken the effort to get here? What a waste. Maybe she should at least get herself dinner before she left. That was enough, right? As she turned her head over towards the troublemakers near the entry of the tent, she watched a few other players glance at the commotion, before resuming their social activities. Still thinking. Her eyes rested on a few waiter characters moving back and forth about the buffet, before an idea struck her intently. An embarrassing idea, she would admit, but if these players were nonchalant about things as she'd seen (and hoped), at least she'd be able to pull it off without catching anyone's attention. After all, in a crowd of green indicators, what's one more at a glance? Right. Out the bushes, to the food table. She took a silver platter off from the side, and began to layer her tray with fruits and treats. There was a growing smile on NIGHT's face as she did this, working with practiced hands. With her serving plate full, it was a cinch to walk about unnoticed, lending her the ability to eavesdrop -- or approach someone smoothly. Haha, being a butler is cool--! Now, who to serve? The waiter scanned the room, spying a shrinking form near the entrance. Someone new, yet terrified? Perfect. Maybe with a snack they would warm up to the party. The player approached a man in green, gold and black -- excellent choice of wear, she thought to herself -- and offered him a stoic nod with a warm smile. "Welcome to the party, sir." Shifting her arm over, she offered him the platter; an assortment of desserts, drinks and finger food on display. "Some refreshments for you?" @Benjamin Bookworm Link to post Share on other sites
Benjamin Bookworm 0 Posted February 15, 2020 #48 Share Posted February 15, 2020 As Ben looked around the area, the sight of one of a food tray being presented at him snapped him back to where he was. "Oh, that looks good. I guess this doesn't count as heading to the snack table to hide, right?" he said to himself with a nervous chuckle, grabbing a handful of finger foods and chowing down, popping a few in his mouth while getting back to scanning the crowd. "Looks like Dazia is talking to someone else... Krysta's talking to Vigilon- they're looking good... Maybe I should wait for a break in their conversation? Or just try and see what the NPC who threw this party is up to? Might get a quest out of it..." he spoke to himself as he idly tossed a few more snacks down nervously. These kinds of parties were not his usual idea of fun. "I don't suppose you would know if Lady, uh, Pembrook would need help with anything, or what she's up to?" he asked the waiter next to him with a wink, not looking quite close enough to realize she wasn't an NPC. @NIGHT Link to post Share on other sites
NIGHT 0 Posted February 15, 2020 #49 Share Posted February 15, 2020 Her smile only grew as the man quipped, picking out a few select delicacies and tucking into them, looking idly about as he did so. With her patron satisfied for the moment, NIGHT was about to take her leave when the player'd began listing down his observations aloud. She took note of this, trying to spot the named players as she turned her sights towards the crowd, following her company's gaze. 'Dazia', 'Krysta', 'Vigilon'; she'd never heard those names before, but perhaps she should, and approach them in the future. With her current stature, she bet doing so would've been easy. Ah, then the young man had a bright idea for talking to the host of the event. Surely, this would lend her some leave to start moving. NPC's had some idle time before they started moving sometimes, right? Instead, the player's gaze met hers with a wink, a rational query that should've taken him to the lady in question -- had NIGHT not been a player herself. Whoops. I probably should've thought this through a little more...-- No, no. I can get out of this... Somehow. She was tense, eyes widened for a beat, before she took in a breath to compose herself, and give the patron a bright, confident smile. What would an NPC say in this situation? A pause, before she finally crafted her response. "My sincere apologies, sir, but I'm afraid that the Lady is currently preoccupied at the moment." With a glimmer in her eye dawned another response, a sense of mischief growing in her. Dared she try? It couldn't possibly hurt to. Lowering her head slightly, she added, "But, I can take a message to her, if you'd like." I wonder what he'd have to say? Or, I guess-- I wonder what kinds of quest he's expecting to get... @Benjamin Bookworm Link to post Share on other sites
Ceres 0 Posted February 15, 2020 #50 Share Posted February 15, 2020 (edited) Ceres was late. Or was she on time and everyone else was early? It wasn't entirely her fault! Heels were not her friend. Ceres awkwardly stomped up the path to the large tent. 'click, click, click' She stumbled on the shimmering ruby gown she wore, having accidentally stepped on it. "W-whoa...almost Ceres, almost had an oopsie doodle." As she arrived she saw Lady Pembrooke. Ceres grabbed @Lady Penny Pembrook's hand and gave it a rather enthusiastic shake. "Oh whoa hello, you're that lady right? This is your event, I think it's so amazing!" Ceres peeked over the patient shoulder of the aristrocat. "There's so many people here too! Oh, and is that a dragon on the floor? Is that yours too? Wow." She was still shaking the lady's hand. "Anyway this is so amazing thank you so much for inviting everyone I hope there isn't too much mess to clean up afterwards!" The exuberant Ceres finally let go of Lady Pembrooks hand and stepped into the tent. The first person she saw was Benjamin, then NIGHT. Ceres grinned as she took a few steps forward. He hadn't noticed her yet. "heheheh...." Ceres practically jumped into his personal space, (Albeit it was because she tripped on her dress) wrapping delicate hands over his eyes. Her long flowing dress shifted to and fro with the movement. "Guess who~" She said with a laugh. "I'll give you a clue. We owe each other a camping trip~ Oh and that lake." Lilac eyes shifted to NIGHT; who looked like she was ...serving others? Ceres tilted her head to the side, her chin on Benjamin's shoulder. She opened her mouth about to ask what NIGHT was doing, but then....it clicked in her head. OH.....NIGHT was playing pretend. For whatever reason, it seemed that Ceres' friend had chosen to play the role of a waiter. Maybe it had something to do with the amount of people here? A quick scan of the room showed that it was quite crowded. Ceres gave NIGHT a very exxagerated wink. "My that waiter sure looks amazing." Ceres said with her hands still covering Benjamins eyes. Tonight.....would be fun. Once she had spoken to her two friends, she'd have to make a bee-line for the food. That was always the thing that swayed her most after all. @Benjamin Bookworm @NIGHT Edited February 15, 2020 by Ceres Link to post Share on other sites
Dazia 0 Posted February 15, 2020 #51 Share Posted February 15, 2020 (edited) Dazia's failure to stop her sister made her a bit uncomfortable, as she knew what often happened when Valna approaches a young male...maybe this would be one of those lucky moments where nothing goes in the wrong direction... She would look around, and notice a familiar face. "Might as well," She thought. "After all, I don't know many others..." Of course, before she had a chance to start heading over herself, Yinangi would start- wait, was she trying to push Dazia? "Um...Yinangi, what are you doing?" Yinangi looked up to her, and saw that she was already about to head over. She then appeared to have an excited expression. "Yeah! Go get him, Dazia!" She would say to her. All Dazia hoped now was that the imminent conversation would go smoothly... She would walk up to Benjamin, stowing Yinangi's words in her head for later. Before she could say hello, another woman came up to him and completely disregarded his personal space. With the words she heard from the other woman, there was one thing her mind started to hear, thoughts from within, that she never thought she'd think. "Oh, no you don't....." She found herself walking up to the other woman, and attempting to pull her arms away from Benjamin. "You know, there's this thing you should consider, known as personal space." She remarked, a very slight growl in her tone. @Ceres @Benjamin Bookworm Meanwhile, The male player Valna was speaking with claimed that this was normal, nothing to fuss about. Perhaps a little honesty would help, in Valna's case... a little honesty. "I see. Well, if there's one thing I know, there are indeed some people who didn't like to be alone, especially at this time of year...forgive me if I mistook you for one of those people." She noted as her eyes gave the man a once-over. "Were you expecting someone, or did you come here hoping someone would find you?" She asked. @Shinji Edited February 15, 2020 by Dazia Link to post Share on other sites
Shinji 0 Posted February 15, 2020 #52 Share Posted February 15, 2020 "Neither of those...I myself don't know why I am here..." Shinji answers Valna as he keeps looking at her red eyes, his hand holding the pendant is still behind as he remains still in his spot. "Maybe it's the free food...maybe it's the Sapphire Falls. Maybe it's the view. Either way, they aren't...how do I put it...true answers if you know what I even mean." Shinji shrugs at his answers and looks outside for a few seconds before looking back at Valna. Feeling slightly uncomfortable in talking about this subject, he simply bows respectfully to Valna and says, "Excuse me. Have a good night." He keeps the Hoya pendant obscured from plain view as he walks out of the tent and eventually along the path leading up to the summit of the Sapphire Falls. He lets his sights admired by the gorgeous flowers decorating both of its sides on the way up, the sounds of the event's commotion soon fades away the further he leaves the tent. Link to post Share on other sites
NIGHT 0 Posted February 15, 2020 #53 Share Posted February 15, 2020 (edited) A glint of red, and NIGHT felt her teeth bite her tongue. Ever the reliable presence, it seemed as though Ceres had shown up to -- ugh, it hurt to say torment, but the woman couldn't lie about her feelings on the issue. She scratched her cheek with one finger as she watched the redhead cover her own patron's eyes, uncertain if the man had even passed her an answer to begin with. So much for that move, but at least she wouldn't be in trouble for some player-NPC confidentiality terms, right? Oh, right. She had to stay in character. A brief clearing of her throat, and she added with a short bow. "Welcome to the gathering, miss. Some refreshments on the house for you?" An offering of the platter in her hand, though the woman knew it was only formalities at this point -- she was busy tricking the man in front of her. Curious. She never did catch a name for the green player, and a part of her desperately wanted to know. After all, the two of them were in mischief hell together, weren't they? Her friend tilted her head, before NIGHT caught a grin and a wink. And if that wasn't enough to redden her face, Ceres' quick compliment afterwards would push her past her limits, causing the woman to freeze up. A clenched fist, the best smile she could make (not very, but she tried), and the pseudo-butler replied, trying not to give away embarrassment too much, "I-I'm flattered, t-thank you so much, miss." This is really, really bad. On the other hand, she might've been saved by the sudden entry of another dark-haired woman, striding up to Ceres and trying to rope her off of the male stranger. Nevermind, saved felt like the wrong word for it -- more so roped into a complication that felt like could only grow out of hand further. NIGHT took a step back, tilting her head in concern, sneakily retrieving a snack from her plate and downing it as she watched the scuffle in amusement. Maybe I should take my leave soon. Don't want my cover being blown... @Benjamin Bookworm@Ceres Edited February 15, 2020 by NIGHT # i used enough 3 times in one sentence! i am invalidated! Link to post Share on other sites
Ceres 0 Posted February 15, 2020 #54 Share Posted February 15, 2020 Before Benjamin could reply Ceres felt a tiny hand wrap around her arm then quite literally throw her off of Benjamin. Ceres took a few steps back, only to trip on her dress. It sent her tumbling backwards onto the floor. "W-what just..." Her rose-red hair was disheveled, all in her face. Pangs of pain shot up from her backside. "You know, there's this thing you should consider, known as personal space." "B...Benji is my friend..." Ceres mumbled at the girl who practically growled at her. She winced as she slowly pushed herself up off the ground, pausing to notice that her beautiful gown...had been ripped. A torn jagged edge now sat at the front, with a tiny piece of the material still on the floor. Ceres grit her teeth as she bent down to pick it up. She could feel her eyes burning with tears, but she wouldn't cry here. Not over something so small. Not when she had only just gotten to the event. "You don't know the relationship we have, for all you know - that could be normal for us." But Ceres knew...that she was usually a little forward with others. She didn't mean to be, but seeing two of her friends in the same place at the same time? Talking to each other??? It made Ceres feel happy and excited. But now, she just felt a weight in her chest. In the few minutes she had been here, she had made a fool of herself, and ruined her dress. "You...you don't have a right do do that to someone!" Ceres said with a shaky voice. "Y-you don't just go up to someone growling at them because you're upset or jealous! We're all people we just have to talk more instead of using violence like that." Ceres shook her head. She didn't want to make a scene. "B...Benji has his own mouth... he could have told me himself if he was made to feel uncomfortable. But - if you're his girlfriend or something I'm sorry." Ceres clutched the ripped material to her chest. "I'm sorry okay. But Benji is just a good friend of mine. I didn't intend to annoy or upset you." She shifted her lilac gaze to Benjamin and gave him a half-hearted smile. "S-sorry I did that to you." Her eyes shifted to his suit then back up to him. "You look really good tonight." Ceres turned her watery gaze to NIGHT. "You do too, Waiter." She wasn't going to oust NIGHT, not after already making a fool of herself. IT was already clear to Ceres that she may have already flustered NIGHT too much. Ceres made a note to write to the woman and apologize later, but not now. Not whilst she was in character. Ceres shifted away from Benjamin. She even moved past the food tables. She suddenly wasn't too hungry any more. Nor did she want to deal with people. She'd be happy if she never saw that girl again. With wobbly steps Ceres found herself outside, along the path that lead up to the Shimmering falls. She shifted away from the path, not bothering to pick up her dress from the ground, because...what was the point. It was already ripped. Instead Ceres found a nice tree to sit underneath. She bought her knees up to her chest and her face fell into them. She'd sit here for now till she calmed down. Then she'd eat some food and go home early. @NIGHT @Benjamin Bookworm @Dazia Link to post Share on other sites
Macradon 0 Posted February 15, 2020 #55 Share Posted February 15, 2020 When Minako explained that they had already met, Macradon would shake her hand, and with his offhand he would pinch the bridge of his nose “Oh … sorry … I’m not the best at remembering much, especially not with the abundance of customers … Well it’s good to see you again then, @Minako.” he said with a light chuckle at the end accompanied by a smile. With him being one of the most if not the most popular blacksmith in the game, he was bound to get a large number of customers and patrons, if only he had someone to challenge him, someone who could take the spot of the busy blacksmith. He would smile and nod at Minako and reply “I’m glad at least someone recognized it. I wanted to think of any funny old pop-culture phrases to say when I did my entrance, and for some reason that was the first one to pop up in my mind.” he chortled and looked at the table, and then back up to Mari. He tilted his head slightly at what @Mari told him “I haven’t even heard you play the violin.” he said, somewhat pouting and jealous, he wanted to hear some nice music that wasn’t just the neighbour having a stupid medieval party with music that sounded like a repeating Fantasy Sound generator. Looking down at his own clothes after Mari had commented on them Macradon would nod “Aye, sometimes it’s nice to dress up, not something I do on the daily. If I can get away with it, I’ll just wear the most comfortable clothes. I even pondered just wearing sweatpants and a hoodie so I could look like some homeless person stealing food from a fancy fest.” he said with a chortle. “Don’t worry!” Macradon exclaimed as he grabbed as many strawberries as he could “I’ll help you get a few with you.” he said and began stuffing strawberries into his pockets, first his pants pocket, the his rear pocket, then his breast pocket, then the inner pocket, until all pocket were filled to the brim with stacks of strawberries “What’s the worst that could happen.” he said as he imagined a swarm of insects slowly devouring him because of the sweet fruits all over him. < Macradon adds Strawberry to his Battle-Ready Inventory > Spoiler Battle Ready Inventory 5x Strawberry .................... // Strawberry 5x Strawberry .................... // Strawberry 5x Strawberry .................... // Strawberry 5x Strawberry .................... // Strawberry 5x Strawberry .................... // Strawberry 5x Strawberry .................... // Strawberry Link to post Share on other sites
Lilik 0 Posted February 15, 2020 #56 Share Posted February 15, 2020 (edited) "It's so... pink." Lilik grimaced as she emerged into the pretty tent. The sickeningly sweet aroma of flowers and perfume washed over her like a toxic wave, and her unpleasant expression grew even more so. This was a mistake, she mused, and nearly turned on her ice-pick heel. She might have, were it not for the arrival of a pinch-faced man in a penguin suit. "Ma'am," he said by way of greeting. He wore the expression of a man who had only just concluded sucking on a lemon. Is that what my resting b*tch face looks like? she wondered. "You've entered through the incorrect door. Might I direct you to the front entrance, so you may be greeted by our host, Lady Pembrook?" Though Lilik towered over the short man, he did an excellent job of peering down his nose at her. His beady little eyes remained transfixed on her facial tattoos, and his disapproval was evident. Oh, so that's how it's gonna be. "No can do, Jeeves," she answered flippantly. "I'm not here for the honorable Lady Pembrook, I'm here for her food. Besides," the woman waved her hand, gesturing to their surroundings. "It's a tent, asshole. No doors." The NPC stammered, his programming clearly failing to keep up. "Excuse me, but I-" "You're excused," she answered cheerfully, giving his head a brisk pat before striding by him. Her long, plum hair fanned out behind her as she walked, only a few shades lighter than the night-black column of fabric covering her pale skin. The dress was unadorned with jewel or lace, sporting only twin slits up each side. She herself wore nothing flashy, save for the black strip of leather riding high on her neck. Black stilettos with a mile-high heel plunged the already six foot tall woman even higher into the heavens. That was fine with her. She liked it up there. Maybe I'll stay, she decided, crimson gaze combing the crowd for anyone interesting. It might be fun. Edited February 15, 2020 by Lilik Link to post Share on other sites
Mari 1 Posted February 15, 2020 #57 Share Posted February 15, 2020 "So Mac, do you have any single friends?" Mari asked quite blatantly. "Minako is lookin' for someone tonight - since yanno it is meant to be a valentines day event." She said with a grin. That'd work right? Wingwoman? Mari wasn't the best person to ask for advice or help when it came to relationships. Her track record of lying,cheating ex husband and man who didn't love her wasn't exactly anything to brag about. But Mac was engaged, surely he could help the redheaded vixen? The conversation shifted to how she had played the violin for Baldur, and Mari lost whatever Gusto she had. "Baldur wasn't supposed to either!" Mari said exasperated, she rose her hands to slap her cheeks. "But apparently he had heard it constantly. Like whenever he was in the area, he assumed it was just the BGM music... I should have told him that it was but I don't really like lying." Mari pursed her lips. Her hands still pressed against her heated cheeks. "But...I have to admit it was nice to have an audience...I dunno about playing in front of you." She muttered. "It was embarrassing enough playing in front of him." She turned her blue gaze away from Macradon, it caught sight of a woman in red, who looked like Ceres, hobbling out to the path that lead up to the Shimmering Falls. "Mmm...But..." Mari lowered her hands and crossed them over her chest. "But...I guess if you want to hear me play it won't be too bad." Mari shook her head. "I dunno why, but talking about him makes me feel all flustered." She didn't have much time to dwell on whatever feelings were bothering her at that moment because it was at that point that Macradon made a comment about how it was nice dressing up sometimes. "Yeh..." Mari added halfheartedly. It's nice when you look good like Mac or Minako, but me? Not so much. "I am still contemplating changing out of the dress and back into a shirt or something, eheh..." Mari said with a forced laugh as she picked up the sheer fabric of her dresses train, she rubbed it between thumb and forefinger before dropping it. Someone like you doesn't deserve to be dressed in finery. You deserve to be back rolling in the dirt of the 10th floor. Blue orbs lowered, watching the tiny dragon on the floor. She would have remained silent if it were not for Macradon shouting don't worry. His exclamation caused her to stand back, placing a hand on Minako's shoulder as she watched him start shoving strawberries into each of his pockets. What the hell was he doing? It was so ridiculous and unexpected that Mari couldn't help but laugh. He truly was such a good friend, to be able to pull her from her more darker thoughts so easily. "That's a smart idea." Mari said as she quickly opened up her HUD, and started placing as many strawberries into her battle ready inventory as possible, and thanks to her backpack, she was able to stockpile a total of thirty. Mari turned to Minako with a grin as she shoved a handful of strawberries into the poor, unsuspecting womans hands. "Quick Minako, you do the same." @Macradon @Minako Mari added <<Strawberry>> To her Battle Ready Inventory Battle Ready Inventory Slot 1.......5X Strawberry Battle Ready Inventory Slot 2.......5X Strawberry Battle Ready Inventory Slot 3.......5X Strawberry Battle Ready Inventory Slot 4.......5X Strawberry Battle Ready Inventory Slot 5.......5X Strawberry Battle Ready Inventory Slot [Dimensional Backpack].......5X Strawberry Link to post Share on other sites
Dazia 0 Posted February 15, 2020 #58 Share Posted February 15, 2020 After Dazia pulled the redhead off of Benjamin, the redhead tripped over her own dress and fell, tearing it a bit, too. "You don't know the relationship we have, for all you know - that could be normal for us." The redhead claimed. "Doesn't seem normal for most friendships, breaking into his personal space without consent like that, as if he belonged to you or something." Benjamin didn't belong to this redhead, he didn't belong to anyone yet, so she didn't have the right to do that. The redhead would claim that Dazia didn't have the right to do what it was that she did, that she shouldn't just go up to someone the way she did, be it from her being upset or jealous. The redhead would continue to speak. "B...Benji has his own mouth..." Dazia raised an eyebrow suspiciously as she crossed her arms. " 'Benji' ?" She asked. "he could have told me himself if he was made to feel uncomfortable. But - if you're his girlfriend or something I'm sorry." Dazia's face reddened as her expression turned to shock when she heard this. "Wh- What the hell are you saying? W-we're just friends!" The redhead would quickly say a few words to Benjamin, then to the "waiter", who was clearly a player since there was a green cursor over her head. Then the redhead would flee from the scene. How embarrassing. Dazia looked over to the two players still in the vicinity, somewhat embarrassed herself. She would look over to Benjamin. "Sorry about that, Benjamin...it just didn't seem right for her to just invade your space like that...I see it as kind of possessive, if you know what I mean. Anyways, um... I do have to agree with the other woman that you do look nice in that outfit, though." She explained. She would then look over to the "NPC". "I'm sure there is more you can say, if you're open to conversation...after all, I can see the green cursor over your head." She remarked, calling her out. @Ceres @Benjamin Bookworm @NIGHT Meanwhile, Valna would find herself turned down, but in a much better way than it could have been. "...Well, that could have gone better, or worse..." She muttered to herself. Her eyes darted around the room, looking for men she could- Wait, was her little sister getting into some drama? Valna smirked with amusement as she watched. "Well, now, Violet, do you have the same taste in men as mom did?" She thought aloud. After the redhead fled from the scene, Someone would arrive at the event. This woman was tall, with tattoos and an extremely bitter expression. Maybe there were those who could be more hateful than Dazia after all... but that was only half of what caught Valna's attention, for there was something she was envious about...the woman's body shape. "Damn...I wish I had a body like that...." She muttered. If the woman was to look over to her, she'd be caught staring enviously. @Lilik Link to post Share on other sites
Shinji 0 Posted February 15, 2020 #59 Share Posted February 15, 2020 Arriving at the summit of the falls, Shinji finds a spot at the edge to sit on and does so, the breeze cooling his face as he lets out a sigh. For a moment, peace conquers his mind as he admires the stars twinkling in the sky, the night promising him much rest and quiet. He looks over the edge and sees the tent's roof, as well as hearing a bit of the event's commotion. Should there be something interesting going on or he is hungry for more lamb, he would come down there. Otherwise, he prefers to stay here for now and enjoy the peace. As he looks at his own pants, he slightly frowns as he realizes that he is only wearing this just to abide by the dress code and not to make himself tidier or more handsome. Not even the suit itself makes him think that he is prettier than he is. Noticing a pretty purple flower near him, he picks it up and stares at it closely as the sounds of the waterfall fills his ears. The petals glow well in the dark, and Shinji finds himself attracted to it as he gazes at it for a little longer, as if it is his only companion for the night. Link to post Share on other sites
Vigilon 0 Posted February 15, 2020 #60 Share Posted February 15, 2020 Before Vigilon could do much else, chaos ensued. Timing was a jerk. Vigilon would hear some noise, and he turned around to see that Veriost had gotten herself into some trouble with another player. "I uh, I'm gonna have to get back to you in a moment, Jewel, Veriost's about to do something stupid." He would quickly head over to where the issue was unfolding. Veriost was laid down onto the ground, and she would take an offensively defensive position over her hoard of strawberries that was laid down shortly after. Vigilon would pick her up again, and of course, what else was to be expected of picking up the small white frost dragon at the wrong time? "Fo...Krah Diin!!!" Yes, indeed, Vigilon found himself getting blasted by Veriost's frost breath once again. "Aaaagh, cold, cold, cold!!!!" Sure, pain couldn't be felt in this game, but the difference in temperature could still be felt. Sub-Zero icy breath was hard to get used to... "That wasn't necessary." He stated to the small white frost dragon, which was glaring at him at the moment. He would hear something thump, and he would turn around to witness some drama. It seemed that Dazia had shoved someone off of Benjamin, or something else of the like. What else could he guess? When he had turned around, the redheaded woman was already on the ground, looking over at Dazia... As a harsh exchange of words ensued, Dazia got flustered with some of the words spoken to her, and she claimed that she and Benjamin were just friends. Vigilon would call out to her, "That's close to what I said when you claimed I had a crush on Krysta! My, how the tables have turned!" Most likely, those who were still involved might have heard him also. @Dazia @NIGHT @Benjamin Bookworm It was then that Vigilon realized he'd let go of Veriost. He looked to the strawberry platter on the ground, but she wasn't there. "Aw, Crap..." He would look over, and see something that couldn't be avoided in time... "Veriost, no!" "Fo...Krah Diin!!!" The woman who picked Veriost up earlier would be blasted by Veriost's frost breath, and Vigilon would grab the small white frost dragon out of the air. "I'm so sorry, she uh, tends to use her frost breath on those who'd annoyed her as well as enemies...I know, 'cause I've been blasted with it many times..." There seemed to be some other players in the vicinity, too. @Mari @Macradon @Minako Link to post Share on other sites
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