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<<PP-F5>> Dunes (Bloodstained Land) {Cordelia}

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<< Bloodstained Land >>

This Quest Takes Place on Floor 5.

This Quest is ONLY repeatable for the Quest Reward Item.




After the discovery of Avalanche the Absolute Zero, many information brokers had grown interested… was this the first of many evolutions? Their minds had grew more and more eager, and of course they had hired explorers to find the next evolution… it was a while before any confirmation was given… but then, a group had found one more… many had fell to this boss alone as it had the defence greater than many tanks, and has the power greater… much greater than the previous one… this boss was said to put Avalanche to shame, with this new found information… the information brokers came public about the new boss… Land Shark the Terra Firma.


<< Land Shark the Terra Firma >>

HP: 650

DMG: 250

MIT: 75

ACC: 0

EVA: 4



<< Assault Mode >> : On a LD roll of 10+, this boss will spot through hidden players and the bosses ACC and EVA will temporarily switch for his attack and his attack only and will strike as though it had partial phase on a natural roll of 9, and full phase on a roll of 10.

<< Move Swiftly >> : The skill Concentration will not work on this boss, and players will suffer a -1 penalty to ACC.

<< Hard-Scaled >> : Paralysis and Freeze does not work on this boss.

<< Weak-Spots >> : On a player’s roll of a natural 9-10, they will gain partial phase on their attack.


Last Hit Reward: Terra Firma Scale [Unique Item - On Consumption, it will grant any Armor a temporary additional Mitigation slot for a thread, this temporary Mitigation slot bypasses the mitigation enhancement limit.]


Quest Rewards:

Sandstone Armor Potion [T2 Potion - Gives a player +30 MIT for a thread.]

3 SP

5000 Col

Jomei had recalled hearing rumors about new field bosses popping up, ones that would give frontliners a run for their money. More demonic, advanced versions of their predecessors on each floor. Jomei had already encountered the Matriarch, the upgraded version of the Wasp Queen, with Hikoru, and he had heard about Absolute Zero-- Avalanche's counterpart. Now he began hearing rumors of another boss on the fifth floor, one that made the Sand Shark look like nothing but a goldfish. The player had heard rumors of the monster while passing by an outdoor cafe on Floor Eleven, some lower leveled players stumbled upon it while trying to find the Sand Shark, ended up losing one of their comrades. It had been awhile since he had gone out on a hunt for a field boss, and being he wanted to try and gain a few more levels before the quickly approaching boss raid, he figured this was a good time as any to get back into it. However, the player would not be able to work on rumors alone. He would end up searching the vast deserts for hours. Messaging an old friend that he used to depend on for this type of information, Jomei set up a meeting with the info broker.

The two players stood beside an old terra cotta hut that rested just inside the safe zone, one that had been overtaken by the elements. Sand from a past sandstorm filled the interior, pouring out of the windows and caved in door. Of course, there was no past sandstorm, and this was just a piece of scenery to add to the lore of Aincrad. But given it was an abandoned location with no real purpose, Jomei felt it was an appropriate place for their meeting. 

"Given by the fact you asked to meet me here, I assume you're looking for that field boss." the female player spoke, a ragged hood over her head, hiding most of her features.
Jomei simply nodded in response,
"I want to see it for myself. Test just how strong this thing is. If its killing players trying to find a beginner boss, I think they should be aware of what really lurks out there." 
The hooded info broker shook her head, "Ya'know, telling players about the location of the boss will just make me lose business.."
Jomei crossed his arms and smirked, leaning his body up against the warm wall of the broken down hut, "I'm not gonna tell the masses.. just players I catch wandering out in the sands who aren't ready to take it on." 
Biting her lip and considering Jomei's words, she finally nodded. "Fine. Just head North out of the settlement. I don't know exactly where it is, but my sources tell me its taken over some long abandoned village. Pretty much nothing left of it, but there's not many like that out there. You find that village, you find your monster." 
Jomei nodded, swiping a hand up and opening a transaction screen, "Our usual rate?" 

Jomei's Stats: 

Jomei: 1530/1530 HP | 163/163 EN | 17 DMG | 4 ACC | 4 EVA | 52 MIT | 2 Savvy | 77 B. Healing
Level: 75

HP: 1500 /(1530)

En: 163
SP: 11/410
DMG: 17
EVA: 4

ACC: 4
MIT: 52
Savvy: 2
Battle Healing: 76 HP


Grandmaster Rapier Skill (+5 DMG)
Grandmaster Light Armor Rank 5 (+25 mit)
Charge Rank 5 (+5 DMG)

Energist (+5*Tier EN)
Battle Healing Rank 5 (5% HP Recovery)
Parry (50% DMG rounded down)
Extended Mod Limit (10 SP)
Howl(8 EN +2 Hate up to 4 enemies)


Extra Skills:

Concentration (+1 BD when used)
Martial Arts Rank 4 (+5 DMG Unarmed)
Survival (+15*Tier HP Out of battle & Not effected by environment)
Meditation (5*Tier EN,reduces to 3*Tier if hit before next turn.)
Familiar Handling Accurate (Rk.3) (+3 ACC)


Rapier Ferocity (+1 DMG to Sword Arts )
Rapier Finesse Rank 3 (+5*Tier En)

Athletics (+1 DMG, +10*Tier HP)
Precision (+1 ACC)
Sprint and Acrobatics (+1 EVA)
Stamina (-1 EN all Attacks)


Housing Buffs:
Rested (-1 energy cost for the first two expenditures of each combat)
Clean (The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 20%
   Filling (Increase the effectiveness of a single food item consumed in a thread by +1 T1 slot.)
Relaxed (Increases out of combat HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.)


Weapon: Oathkeeper (+3 DMG x Tier 3)(9 Dmg)
Armor: Coat of The Master Duelist (+1 MIT, +2 Savvy)
Accessory: Erin's Protection (+3 EVA)
Familiar: Adere the Tawny Owl (+3 ACC)
Extra: Mask of the Lovers (+1 LD, +90 Over Health)*

*[Only active when in a thread with Telrenya]


Battle Ready: 
1x Focused Chili Dog [1 ACC, 2 Protein]
1x Diamond-Infused Hot Dog [45 MIT]


Edited by Jomei
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Ah, Floor Five. 

Isn't it just the loveliest of floors? The blistering heat, the neverending sight of sand, the constant pain of that damn sun in your eyes. All of the floors discovered certainly don't compare to the beauty of this floor. . !


No, this floor can die in the fiery pits of hell for all she cared. Who even made this floor? Did they hate trees? Did they hate grass? Did they hate green in general? Possibly, possibly. She honestly wouldn't doubt. After all, they probably hated children. . . and young adults? But seriously. She wanted a major talk with those damn developers. At least make the floor look pretty. . . or add something. Seriously, it's just desert! They literally had so much cool stuff they could've added. Pyramids! A damn Sphinx! Literally anything!

Cordelia sighed. Why did they have to put the quests with the good rewards on this floor of all places? She shook her head. Bull[doo-doo].

"Ya'know, telling players about the location of the boss will just make me lose business. . ."

"Oop?" She stopped abruptly, rewinding her steps before peering a duo of players nearby. "Do tell," she muttered under her breath as she peered at the two from a corner.

"I'm not gonna tell the masses. . . just players I catch wandering out in the sands who aren't ready to take it on." 

Her eyes narrowed slightly. Was this quest boss they were talking about that hard? She pursed her lips. Ketchup better have a lot of explaining to do. . . seriously, how is he even an info-broker when he couldn't even give out info? God knows how he's staying afloat.

"Fine. Just head North out of the settlement. I don't know exactly where it is, but my sources tell me its taken over some long abandoned village. Pretty much nothing left of it, but there's not many like that out there. You find that village, you find your monster." 

Their conversation seemed to have faded a little bit after that, but she had already gotten most of the information she needed. The back of her head pressed against the building as she turned her attention away. Should she try to solo this thing? Would it be worth soloing? Could she even solo it at all?



LVL: 42 | HP: 860/860 | EN: 84/84 | 14+2=16 DMG | 12-20=9 MIT | 3+2=5 ACC | 3+1=4 EVA | 1 PARA VNM [DF] | 2 REC | 4 HLY


☆ T2 Katana | Haunted Verdict: [Cursed] 4 HLY, 4 DMG
 T1 Light Armor | Bastille’s Resistance: +2 EVA, +1 PARA VNM
☆ T2 Jewelry | Mauve Kanzashi: +1 EVA, +2 REC


☆ [5] Standard Healing Potions [Heals 50 HP]


1x Combat Dog [2 ACC, 1 EVA] 
1x Chili Dog with Chili Fries [2 Protein]


☆ R3 Accuracy Familiar Mastery: 3 ACC
☆ Disguise: [Gain +1 EVA until the start of your next turn]
☆ Survival: [Increases out of combat health regeneration to (15 * Tier) per post. Grants immunity to most damage dealing environmental
☆ R1 Curved Sword Skill 
☆ R5 Katana Skill [+7 DMG/+1 BASE]
☆ R3 Hiding Skill: +1 Stealth Rating
☆ R3 Light Armor Skill: 12 MIT
☆ R1 Battle Healing: Recovers 1% of Max HP


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Jomei smiled, sending the correct amount of col to his info broker contact. "Thanks. Pleasure doing business with you." he said with a small nod, "I'll contact you again if I go following any more rumors." The hooded woman nodded, taking a couple of steps backwards. "Stay safe out there." and with a quick turn around the corner, she was gone. 

Jomei let out a huff of air as he turned towards the North. He would need to travel a bit back through the settlement before stepping out of the confides of the safe zone again, but that was fine. It would allow him time to prepare himself with some consumables. The man began to trek through Fortaleza, his brown boots picking up the tan, grainy sand with each step. Retrieving the two items he had purchased from Oscar's Hot Dog Stand, the ginger began to munch on the hot dogs, increasing his stats as he did so. Before long, Jomei stepped to the invisible boundary that marked the safe zone. Placing his hand to his brow to shield his eyes from the blazing sun, he looked out over the horizon in search of any signs of this field boss. "Nothing but sand..." he said to himself under his breath. 

He felt the heat from the sun began to beat down on him, his long, green coat doing nothing to help. With swift fingers moving through his inventory, Jomei removed the green coat that sat under his armor, leaving him in a sleeveless black turtleneck with his armor placed atop it. Moments later, he equipped his signature olive green cape, which gently flowed down his back its full length. Pulling the hood up to shield his eyes from the sun, the man set out into the desert in search of the rumored monster.

1x Focused Chili Dog [1 ACC, 2 Protein]
1x Diamond-Infused Hot Dog [45 MIT]

Jomei's New Stats

Jomei: 1530/1530 HP | 163/163 EN | 19 DMG | 5 ACC | 4 EVA | 67 MIT | 2 Savvy | 77 B. Healing

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"Hey you. . ! With the green cloak!" Cordelia called out, stumbling her way across the sand to catch up with the person she totally hadn't been eavesdropping on. . . and it was pretty damn hard when you have freaking heels on the ends of your boots, if you hadn't guessed. 

She let out a sligh huff as she finally caught up with the player, all thanks to that stupid sun that was constantly blasting hot rays of light in her face. Thanks for that, sun. Thanks.

"I heard you talking to some info-broker about another quest that belongs on this floor." She was going to add another part about how incompetent her own info broker had been but she decided that it probably wasn't the best idea. Bad first impressions were the last thing she wanted when meeting new players.  "Do you need an extra pair of hands? I don't think the quest you were talking about is on my completed list. . . plus, I really need the experience," she chuckled sheepishly, rubbing the back of her neck with her palm. 

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"Hm?" Jomei heard an unfamiliar voice call out after him. Stopping in his tracks, Jomei turned to see the face was just as unfamiliar as the voice. A taller, but still shorter than him, woman with long light hair, struggling to make her way through the sandy terrain due to poor choice in foot wear. Out of respect, Jomei brought his hands up and pushed his hood off of his head, letting his unruly, ginger hair bask in the blazing sunlight. "Need something?" 

She revealed that she had overheard his conversation with the broker about this field boss, and that she was interested in tagging along to help him take it out. The ginger gave her a quick up and down, surveying her equipment, and the overall way she held herself. Without knowing her actual player level, he was able to get a general understanding of her experience, and if she would be able to handle herself. The man smirked, "You look pretty capable, but that's just a guess." The man looked back over his shoulder in the direction of his destination--he hoped at least-- "I hear its a pretty tough field boss, one that's taken down plenty of players before. Definitely no Sand Shark. Might even be stronger than Sando Satsu, the Butcher of Sands..." He turned his head to look at her again, cocking a curious brow over his one, visible eye. "Think you can handle it?" Jomei was, without a doubt, trying to frighten the girl a bit. If she felt she wasn't capable of fighting the boss with him, she would have backed down. Another soul saved. However, if she was confident in her power, and didn't back down, then he knew for a fact that he could rely on her. 

After letting that small bit of tension hang in the air for a moment, Jomei's demeanor changed from a veteran frontliner to the kind gentleman he truly was. Bringing a hand up to rub the nape of his neck, he took a step towards the woman,
"Where are my manners.." the Irishman spoke before reaching out with a hand in proper greeting. "My name is Jomei." 

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