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Project Teams

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Ok, so i was thinking we have a lot of people with a lot of ideas being thrown around. All the idea's i have heard so far are really good and i like how everything is going. But i think we can do this better. So i thought like any MMO being made, we need teams, not just Beta users and GMs, but actual teams with leaders to have the final say in something. With that being said, here is some team idea's we can break down into.

~ GM (Already established) Focus on the Roleplay aspect of the forums, Rules for RP, and Events.

~~SubTeam: Rules, Events, Leveling,

~ Forum Development Team: Focus on structuring the Site for easy use, Site rules and advertisement of the site when we are close to finishing.

~~SubTeam: Structuring, Rules, Announcement

~ Appearance Team: Focus on the flashy side of the site, Banners, Sprites, background art.

~~SubTeam: Banner, Sprites, Background.

Each team will have 1 lead and a sub-team lead. Since we are still new and have short amount of members, multiple teams is encouraged.

Thoughts and idea?

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I already posted and stickies a staff wanted topic listing the needed teams. The GMs however unlike yours double up your Gm and Forum Management roles you listed. In fact you have both your teams doing the rules. Remember this is a SAO role play site, not a general anime/game/music/tv/news site so there's no need for a role play rules and general site rules being written as they'd be one and the same here.

Secondly having a forum management team would be short lived as once we all agree on the sections, their role is done and no longer needed.

And lastly my Graphics team and your appearance team are one and the same.

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However you do bring up one good point, leaders. Each team will definitely need a leader, I've noticed in the hands of everyone being equal and no leader, nothing gets done. Leaders motivate, train, encourage, mentor, and assist members of their team better than leaving things up in the air. Plus they can set deadlines and requirements for their members to follow. On top of that they can decide who remains on their team, dismissed from their team, and added to the team.

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We could just make it quick and simple and make cheif admin be the overseer of everything -- even if that is alot of work, but we will know that it will be okied with no questions asked. And if for some reason further down the road, the site gets big, we get more projects developed, and its too much for just one person to give their stamp of approval, team leads can open.

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Hints the Team Leads :D like a GM lead who will give the stamp of approval on a GM idea as long as it is ok. Delegation is a wonderful thing i have learned in the military XD. Breaking it down so that work is evenly distributed to those who are underneath you but not to much so that you have no work to do.

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I don't see what difference it would make if he was talking about making it yesterday. Point being that even if there is a "Chief Admin" to oversee the whole site, you really think that Chief Admin will be able to keep up with everyone on every team? I think the sooner a team lead for the current teams is elected, the better off the Chief Admin and the rest of us will be.

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