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[F1-PP] Nomad's Intention (Natures Treasure)

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Shuffling around papers from the surface of the red wood table, at the foot of the long drawn piece under low light Raidou sits in silence. Collecting information on their surface, the pieces seem to be falling in place. Placing down the inspection detail of the members of Firm Anima, each with small notes on each set of directions for the paths they must take. Adjusting his frames on his nose and checking the reserves the guild has in store, Raidou makes a note of how low the stock had become in the guilds attempts to increase their professions ranks. Standing with the sliding of a chair across the smooth wooden floor and claiming his folded cloak from the tables top, Raidou dons it with a flutter around his neck and wraps around it as the candles go out upon his exit. Raidou makes his way into the small village here on floor 22 and makes his way back to the beginning, floor 1's town of beginnings to refuel the fires of the guild's furnace.

[Raidou Consumes Crazy Lucky Hotdog (Loot Dice 3/T2)] +3 LD! 

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His way found back to the familiar tanned stone brick, the brown ring of walls and buildings of similar make that comprised the city upon where the adventure began those years ago. Raidou's red cloak flashed red in the sunlight that poured into the walls, causing attentions to shift to him slightly from the surrounding players who take note of his flamboyant color being a bit outlandish and strange to the standard tans black and whites most don. It mattered to him little though, Raidou lets them chatter and discuss with their own idle behaviors. Taking to the quest board and sliding it open with a quick shift of his hand, Raidou finds the nature's treasure that he was shown on floor 21 by the girl with blue hair. Accepting it and eager to leave the prying eyes that held strong at his back, Raidou leaves with haste heading to the garden the nav marker so graciously was pointing out to him.

ID# 136996 results: Craft: 9, Loot: 1+(5/3/3)=12, Success!

[Gathering Activated!] +2 Bonus Materials

3*T1 Materials Obtained!

The cultivated plants seemed flourishing today, yielding a nice few pieces of lime green materials in a small pile.

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The patch seems responsive as the cultivation of the soil had proven fruitful, Raidou knew that using the early mornings while the sun was still low to apply fertilizer to the area while it was devoid of others in silence would prove of use. To most a wasted effort taking gathering as your first skill, and perhaps it was. But Raidou found solace and sanctuary in the trivial task that was the collection of resources in such a mundane way, finding peace of mind and clarity hidden among the leaves. A few subtle turns of his hands, his fingers dancing in familiar patterns over the leaves with a brush of the small tufts that jut from the forest floor here in this safe haven.

With grace and experience, Raidou deftly removes a few more of maturity from the turf and is enjoying the sheer volume it had produced today for the swordsman.

ID# 136998 results: Craft: 3, Loot: 15+(5/3/3)=26, Success!

[Gathering Activated!] +1 Bonus Materials

3*T1 Materials Obtained!

Total T1 Materials: 6

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The ground continues to respond to Raidou's interactions, with each pull and tug leading to another. Leaves continue to shimmer gold in a soft signal of maturity with each soft push against the leaves that jut from where they lay, and at each confirmation, Raidou takes a careful attempt and successful removal of each that offers itself to him. A slight smile gracing his lips, the reflective lenses that find themselves on his nose with the sunlight bouncing off them to conceal his eyes. Beginning to slip from the bridge of his nose, Raidou readjusts them up in a fashion he did frequently. This was a trademark action from the red wanderer, pouring himself over the grass while lording over herbs with the glimmer of his spectacles.

A small pile of lime green leaves at his side, the roots still mostly intact from removal purveying his experience it was clear Raidou was in his element.

ID# 137001 results: Craft: 3, Loot: 10+(5/3/3)=21, Success!

[Gathering Activated!] +1 Bonus Materials

3*T1 Materials Obtained!

Total T1 Materials: 9

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With a final haul of what remained, the small pile of green at his left with a patch of partially empty with the other part being immature, unripe materials Raidou stands. Gingerly leaning down and picking each unit up, one at a time and placing them within the satchel strapped to the right section of his belt, Raidou collects what was removed into his bag and changes the type of resource he's aiming to achieve. Last time Raidou found himself reluctant to attempt the gathering of sources outside what was used in his profession, in fear of the difficulty of doing so alluding him. This fact changed after an attempt on such yielded results, one that he found to be much more possible than he initially believed to be so.

A quick turn of the head, through rims of black glasses, magnified to improve his vision at a range Raidou locates a small outcropping of rounded stone.

ID# 137005 results: Craft: 7, Loot: 6+(5/3/3)=17, Success!

[Gathering Activated!] +2 Bonus Materials

4*T1 Materials Obtained!

Total T1 Materials: 13

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Laden on said rock a few glimmers of something contained within, the sunlight announcing the existence like a beacon. Heading in the direction of the stone, passing over the small patch of light green of what had remained of this patch in the garden having little of use to the swordsman. The rock wasn't too terribly far from where he was prior, maybe a few dozen feet or so taking him but meer moments to reach. Stopping and placing his hand on its surface, taking a closer inspection of what may lie within its structure. Upon further analysis it is found to be laden with small fragments of uncut gems, a result the nomad figured would be the case as he retracted his steel from its holster. Using the black star as leverage, Raidou began to pluck the gemstones from it. At first a ruby, second a sapphire each with a sturdy *plunk* and *thud*

ID# 137009 results: Craft: 8, Loot: 8+(5/3/3)=19, Success!

[Gathering Activated!] +2 Bonus Materials

4*T1 Materials Obtained!

Total T1 Materials: 17

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A consistent perusal over the chunk of earth that found itself out of the ground below, Raidou took note of more and more gemstones that seem to find hearth within the small creases and crevices that comprised its exterior. Another pop of the point of his blade, breaking free a small uncut emerald that found itself to the ground with a thud in the sand underfoot. Raidou was getting experienced in all manner of gathering it seemed, his deduction skills combined with the cardinal's assistance making a rapid removal of all contained within the stone simple and effective. Leaving a barren node of rock behind, sheathing his blade and taking to a kneel Raidou lords over what lay beneath him collecting them into a small linen bag he had brought with intentions to segregate his gains from each other to prevent potential damage that may stem from the difference in hardness between the varied types.

ID# 137010 results: Craft: 12, Loot: 15+(5/3/3)=26, Success!

[Gathering Activated!] +3 Bonus Materials

5*T1 Materials Obtained!

Total T1 Materials: 22

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This section was finished, robbed clean of what lay within of value. The red wanderer finalizes the collection of stones, uncut and of multiple shades and colors ready for a jeweler to refine them into usable settings. Now lining the interior of a small sack, Raidou affixes the bag to his belt and presses toward the treeline seeking out more of worth.

Raidou was filled with a sense of pride, a feeling not found often in the swordsman as he was humbled still by his lack of social capability. A short jaunt takes him away from the empty stone, small divets littering its surface from where it was worked over. Laden on the branches overhead, small reflective sources of red lay dangling from above: Apples. Scurrying up the trunk of the tree with some caution, Raidou manages out to one of the branches and begins to remove a couple with a few hearty snaps following along with each.

ID# 137011 results: Loot: 10+(5/3/3)=21, Success!

2*T1 Materials Obtained!

Total T1 Materials: 24

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A few more seem to be attached to the tree overhead and the nomad intends to remove each of them. A bit more precariously perched on the branches of the tree he has found himself up in, an extension of his arm out while he braces himself. His offhand linked with the large tree at his back, aiming to have a catch if need be to return himself upward if his footing fails. Success with his hands reaching what he was after, a soft snap drops an apple near the others at the base of the wooden pillar. It finds itself amongst a few more orbs of red skin, landing softly in the robust grass that comprises the floor underneath with enough thickness to break its fall. Checking mentally at what was collected along the floor, the count could still use some increase and Raidou resumes his harvest where he is.

ID# 137113 results: Craft: 11, Loot: 18+(5/3/3)=29, Success!

[Gathering Activated!] +3 Bonus Materials

5*T1 Materials Obtained!

Total T1 Materials: 29

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With a quick flick of his appendage jettisoned from his anchor on the rounded tree at his back, Raidou manages to break free the last of the fruit dangling freely from its leaves. Falling into the small collective of red under the large oak with a soft thud in the turf, Raidou takes both arms to the pillar and shimmies himself down with a careful descent. A step turns to two, taking him to the small pyramid of apples that have gathered from where they fell. Pulling out another empty linen bag and adding each after inspection to check for blemishes, they all seem usable although how illuded the swordsman. Retracting the now complete sack of nuggets of value, tying its small cord of twine to entrap what was contained within. A quick wrap and tug onto his belt beneath his red cloak, it adhered to free up his hands.

ID# 137114 results: Craft: 10, Loot: 20+(5/3/3)=31, Success!

[Gathering Activated!] +3 Bonus Materials

5*T1 Materials Obtained!

Total T1 Materials: 34

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Content with the harvest so far; a small dozen of apples, a nice quantity of herbs, and quite a few unpolished gemstones each placed in small containers about his frame, Raidou moves his attentions to some that he had not yet hit. Scanning the area for metals, looking for that identifying trait of glimmered sparkle on lines drawn through the stone. His eyes easily catch a pack of them near where the gemstone one lies and Raidou retracts his blade which seems to operate as a makeshift pickaxe well given its heft. Keeping on the grind his objective clear and the steps being taken in tandem, Raidou drops the edge of a heavy blade first rock in sequence. A solid pop and sounds of crumbling stone leave fragmented earth littered about for the swordsman to pick through. A few soft turns of stone, peeling away at them each with a rotation of a hand.

ID# 137129 results: Craft: 11, Loot: 16+(5/3/3)=27, Success!

[Gathering Activated!] +3 Bonus Materials

5*T1 Materials Obtained!

Total T1 Materials: 39

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Easy enough as Raidou was becoming more experienced in the area, getting used to what to look for amongst the shards. A few seem rich enough to claim, knowing little about the process but a keen eye picking up what Griswold had retrieved before him and what the system reads back confirms his suspicions. With a hand full set aside hoping to catch everything of value before the system tries to respawn the node and rob him of what may be available now, Raidou leaves what he has where they lie and keeps his mind darting along the surfaces of each that lay on the ground.

A few of the stones speak to him, showing back a small trail of light blue along with them between the grey. Setting these into a small section away from the rest, Raidou keeps strong digging through what was here along the ground for him to retrieve.

ID# 137130 results: Craft: 2, Loot: 18+(5/3/3)=29, Success!

[Gathering Activated!] +1 Bonus Materials

3*T1 Materials Obtained!

Total T1 Materials: 42

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Like whispering softened beckons from inside the stones at his feet, the small gravel glimmers with more veins of metal contained within them with the sunlight beating on their surface. Raidou takes a few more to the side, a small collective gathering where they are placed. Pleased with the haul of now a decent size pile of eight stones with obvious signs of metal contained within the rock they find themselves trapped within, a bit curious at the metal that may be contained within its light blue hue. This mattered little other than intrigue for Raidou was sure despite what it may be, it would surely survive some purpose to the guilds blacksmith regardless of what that purpose was. A persistent purvey of the small chunks of the earth underneath him, Raidou aimed to claim just a tad more before moving on to the next in type and keep a larger variety.

ID# 137132 results: Craft: 8, Loot: 11+(5/3/3)=22, Success!

[Gathering Activated!] +2 Bonus Materials

4*T1 Materials Obtained!

Total T1 Materials: 46

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Fetching a couple more from where they lay, the rest seeming to be devoid of anything of value and being just simple stone or having very little metals within them. Raidou stands and leaves the rest on the ground and pulls a bag from his satchel, a quick flourish to snap it open and begins to pick up what was available in the small pile he had made. A nice dozen or so of metals retrieved and communed in the sack he had for them, Raidou ties it shut and ties it to his belt next to the other two that was there. Content with the yield and discouraged for what might remain in the collective, Raidou takes note of the varied types he had so far. He needed tailoring materials now and began to scan for such. The sun was still high in the sky, Raidou was making excellent headwind.

ID# 137154 results: Craft: 12, Loot: 7+(5/3/3)=18, Success!

[Gathering Activated!] +3 Bonus Materials

5*T1 Materials Obtained!

Total T1 Materials: 51

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Still being in good spirits and fueled with enough energy to continue, a browse of the small park of wealth withdrawn from difficulty. Raidou's eyes catch a small container, a crate of sorts seemingly out of place amongst the rest of the green. Taking the gambit to see what lies within the small box, it seems filled with varied supplies from long ago. Shifting through its contents in tufts of dust and the like skittering about from within as it is disturbed by the boy in red, a few bolts of fabric from an age before along with a few preserved loaves of bread that have somehow survived the test of time. Pulling free the small collection of linens and the cloth wrapped dried bread that may or may not be wise to consume, Raidou claimed a hunk of the lot and kept on digging around in the crate of old wood.

ID# 137155 results: Craft: 7, Loot: 6+(5/3/3)=17, Success!

[Gathering Activated!] +2 Bonus Materials

4*T1 Materials Obtained!

Total T1 Materials: 55

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It seemed the container was filled and stacked well, special care had been taken by the person that had placed its contents within the box. It seemed that whoever had placed the materials and food within this store had done so in a fashion to fit as much as humanly possible within it, making it filled to the brim but a bit tedious to dig through what was here. Raidou was forced to move along quite a bit of what was destroyed by time, as to buy access to the others that had actual use still. Retrieval of a few more bolts of fabric, tossing a small bag of rotted grain aside to show what lay underneath it. With each removal a small collective of fabrics beginning to build on his right, Raidou mid-torso deep within the box. The loud sounds of shuffling goods audible to the distance that seemed to permeate outward.

ID# 137156 results: Craft: 9, Loot: 18+(5/3/3)=29, Success!

[Gathering Activated!] +2 Bonus Materials

4*T1 Materials Obtained!

Total T1 Materials: 59

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Thankfully the area seemed clear today as it appeared most found the task too tedious to perform. Raidou was seemingly given no deference, as the area was blank of possible interruption from creature and player alike. The swordsman was given the pick of all that he purveys, the materials where all his for the taking which he was more than ok with. The box still seemed to have a few more nuggets of worth inside, Raidou taking a few more free with hurried hands as to harvest as much as possible while the sun was gracing the big blue overhead giving him the light to see. The tapestry of fabrics seemed to vary more and more as he dug deeper into the packed resources within, starting to find softer materials of more robust shades inside concealed under the coarser stuff. It seemed to be silk or something of similar make.

ID# 137157 results: Craft: 8, Loot: 2+(5/3/3)=13, Success!

[Gathering Activated!] +2 Bonus Materials

3*T1 Materials Obtained!

Total T1 Materials: 62

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Raidou wasn't studied enough on the type enough to determine the actual makeup of the material but was sure that it had to be something along the lines of silk or another of high thread count. Retrieving the last of that which found itself dormant in this long-forgotten crate of materials, Raidou retracts himself from his lean inside of the container and takes to the small assortment of cloth he had found. Curious still how he would package and contain such large rods of fabric in such a smaller container, decides to attempt and to his surprise, they manage to fall completely into the bag of significantly smaller stature. A bit puzzled by the whole of the interaction of the resources and the small sack that now somehow contained the lot of them, Raidou decides not to ponder too long on it and instead chooses to focus his attentions elsewhere.

ID# 137158 results: Craft: 10, Loot: 10+(5/3/3)=21, Success!

[Gathering Activated!] +3 Bonus Materials

5*T1 Materials Obtained!

Total T1 Materials: 67

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Onward to another type of material, Raidou took to an attempt to harvest performing crystals next as he had; gemstones, ores, herbs, foodstuffs, and now fabrics in literal under his belt. Catching his eye with a familiar rainbow-hued reflection of sunlight on glass-like prisms jutting from a small outcropping of spherical stone, Small and a bit jagged as they protrude out from the base in all directions not unlike a cactus or pin cushion. Taking to them and kneeling down over them, a soft hand repeating previous methods as Raidou manages to wiggle one free from its entrapment in its node. A now reflective clear crystal, the light from above painting every color imaginable in this almost gemstone in his palm Raidou moves to the next few following the same pattern of removal. With ease, the small bump of value begins to offer him each with little resistance as they break free.

ID# 137163 results: Craft: 2, Loot: 15+(5/3/3)=26, Success!

[Gathering Activated!] +1 Bonus Materials

3*T1 Materials Obtained!

Total T1 Materials: 70

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While he lies knelt down, a small glimmer recognizable in the distance catches the corner of his gaze. The echo of light shining from metal and Raidou chooses to bag what he has and move to seek out what it was, hoping it was he perceived it could be. The crystals he had attained added to its own satchel of linen before bound to his belt with a tie of wound fabric cable, retrieving himself from his position back to a stand. Pressing through the thicket that hoped to conceal the chest, it was confirmed to be just that. Lined in iron was a simplistic design of wood and metal, careful rivets along the plated seams to keep it intact through wear. A few cautious steps around to check it for any weaponized prevention from him opening it, Raidou sees nothing of note that would aim to harm him and takes to its front hoping it was capable of opening.

Looking for Chest: ID# 137164 results: Loot: 18+(5/3/3)=29, Success!

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