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Zajcica's Meals(Eval Thread)

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T1 LD III Dessert


Name: Ice Cream Mochi
Profession/Rank: Cook/9
IDs[CD/LD]: 154357[12/7]; 154354[12/4]; 154350[12/6]; 154349[10/4]
Item Type: Desserts
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Loot Die III
Description: Dollops of ice cream wrapped in mochi skin. Because they're so small, one could eat multiple of these snacks at a time.
Post Link: [Here]

T1 ACC II Desserts


Name: Strawberry Ice Cream
Profession/Rank: Cook/9
IDs[CD/LD]: 154356;-1[7/15]; 154358;-1;-2[8/17]
Item Type: Desserts
Tier: 1
Quality: Rare
Enhancements: ACC II
Description: A bowl of Ice Cream with actual strawberries.
Post Link: [Here]


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5 minutes ago, Zajcica said:

T1 LD III Dessert

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T1 ACC II Desserts

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T1 Ambition Desserts


Name: Deep-Fried Ice Cream
Profession/Rank: Cook/9
IDs[CD/LD]: 154499[13/3]; 154503[13/15]; 154505[11/6]; 154506[11/13]; 154494[12/7]
Item Type: Desserts
Tier: 1
Quality(Yield): Perfect(7)
Enhancements: Ambition
Description: A batch of ice cream surrounded in a cocoon of deep-fried pancake batter topped with a cherry.
Post Link: [Here]

T1 ACC Desserts


Name: Konpeito Candy
Profession/Rank: Cook/9
IDs[CD/LD]: 154495[12/7]; 154502[8/19]; 154488[9/15]; 154489[10/8]
Item Type: Desserts
Tier: 1
Quality(Yield): Rare(7)
Enhancements: ACC II
Description: A sugar ball, yep, that's it.
Post Link: [Here]

T2 MIT Meal


Name: Spicy Dragon Roll
Profession/Rank: Cook/9
IDs[CD/LD]: 154483[11/9]
Item Type: Meal
Tier: 2
Quality(Yield): Perfect(1)
Enhancements: MIT III
Description: A spicy hot roll that could make a person breathe fire like a dragon!!! Well, not really, that's just how it's advertised in Yuki's shop. This roll will make a person's mouth melt from how hot it is, but will make them feel invincible for battles to come!
Post Link: [Here]

T2 OH Meal


Name: Ika Shogayaki
Profession/Rank: Cook/9
IDs[CD/LD]: 154485[12/14]
Item Type: Meal
Tier: 2
Quality(Yield): Perfect(2)
Enhancements: OH III
Description: Stir-fry squid served with vegetables.
Post Link: [Here]


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12 minutes ago, Zajcica said:

T1 Ambition Desserts

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T1 ACC Desserts

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T2 MIT Meal

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T2 OH Meal

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T1 MIT Perfect Meals


Name: Spicy Dragon Roll
Profession/Rank: Cook/9
IDs[CD/LD]: 155109[11/13]; 155122[13/20]; 155124[13/5]; 155127[13/12]; 155128[12/14]
Item Type: Meal
Tier: 1
Quality(Yield): Perfect(10)
Enhancements: MIT III
Description: A spicy hot roll that could make a person breathe fire like a dragon!!! Well, not really, that's just how it's advertised in Yuki's shop. This roll will make a person's mouth melt from how hot it is, but will make them feel invincible for battles to come!
Post Link: [Here]

T1 ACC Rare Meal


Name: Ramen and Veggies
Profession/Rank: Cook/9
IDs[CD/LD]: 155113[11/13]; 155108[8/18]; 155118[10/15]
Item Type: Meal
Tier: 1
Quality(Yield): Rare(7)
Enhancements: ACC II
Description: A bowl of yummy Japanese ramen mixed with vegetables.
Post Link: [Here]

T1 Protein/OH Perfect Meal


Name: Kobe Steak
Profession/Rank: Cook/9
IDs[CD/LD]: 155121[12/16]
Item Type: Meal
Tier: 1
Quality(Yield): Perfect(3)
Enhancements: Protein II; OH I
Description: An extremely expensive steak that taste absolutely amazing when cooked to the eater's liking. 
Post Link: [Here]


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9 minutes ago, Zajcica said:

T1 MIT Perfect Meals

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T1 ACC Rare Meal

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T1 Protein/OH Perfect Meal

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Name: Hanami Dango
Profession(Rank): Cook(9)
IDs: 155630(12|5); 155633(12|3)
Item Type: Snack
Tier: 1
Quality(Yield): Perfect(2)
Enhancements: Pros. III
Description: Hanami dango are sweet mochi rice dumplings on a skewer, and each of them has a different color – pink is used to symbolize cherry blossoms, white represents the remaining snow of the past winter, and green is used as a herald of spring, representing the color of young grass.
Post Link: [Here]

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6 minutes ago, Zajcica said:

Name: Hanami Dango
Profession(Rank): Cook(9)
IDs: 155630(12|5); 155633(12|3)
Item Type: Snack
Tier: 1
Quality(Yield): Perfect(2)
Enhancements: Pros. III
Description: Hanami dango are sweet mochi rice dumplings on a skewer, and each of them has a different color – pink is used to symbolize cherry blossoms, white represents the remaining snow of the past winter, and green is used as a herald of spring, representing the color of young grass.
Post Link: [Here]


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Name: Ice Cream Mochi
Profession/Rank: Cook/9
IDs[CD/LD]: 156532(13/18); 156532(11/9); 156532(11/13); 156532(13/10)
Item Type: Snack
Tier: 1
Quality(Yield): Perfect(9)
Enhancements: Loot Die III
Description: Dollops of ice cream wrapped in mochi skin. Because they're so small, one could eat multiple of these snacks at a time.
Post Link: [Here]

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3 hours ago, Zajcica said:

Name: Ice Cream Mochi
Profession/Rank: Cook/9
IDs[CD/LD]: 156532(13/18); 156532(11/9); 156532(11/13); 156532(13/10)
Item Type: Snack
Tier: 1
Quality(Yield): Perfect(9)
Enhancements: Loot Die III
Description: Dollops of ice cream wrapped in mochi skin. Because they're so small, one could eat multiple of these snacks at a time.
Post Link: [Here]


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ACC II Snack


Name: Ramen and Veggies
Profession/Rank: Cook/9
IDs[CD/LD]: 156740(9/17); 156728(8/18)
Item Type: Snack
Tier: 1
Quality(Yield): Rare(6)
Enhancements: ACC II
Description: A bowl of yummy Japanese ramen mixed with vegetables.
Post Link: [Here]

EVA II Snack


Name: Udon with Veggies
Profession/Rank: Cook/9
IDs[CD/LD]: 156747(10/4); 156741(10/10); 156744(8/15); 156748(10/13)
Item Type: Snack
Tier: 1
Quality(Yield): Rare(7)
Enhancements: EVA II
Description: Japanese noodles with mixed vegetables and sometimes some shreds of meat.
Post Link: [Here]

Loot Die Perfect Snack


Name: Ice Cream Mochi
Profession/Rank: Cook/9
IDs[CD/LD]: 156729(13/17); 156731(12/5); 156735(11/9)
Item Type: Snack
Tier: 1
Quality(Yield): Perfect(5)
Enhancements: Loot Die III
Description: Dollops of ice cream wrapped in mochi skin. Because they're so small, one could eat multiple of these snacks at a time.
Post Link: [Here]


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7 minutes ago, Zajcica said:

ACC II Snack

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Name: Ramen and Veggies
Profession/Rank: Cook/9
IDs[CD/LD]: 156740(9/17); 156728(8/18)
Item Type: Snack
Tier: 1
Quality(Yield): Rare(6)
Enhancements: ACC II
Description: A bowl of yummy Japanese ramen mixed with vegetables.
Post Link: [Here]

EVA II Snack

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Name: Udon with Veggies
Profession/Rank: Cook/9
IDs[CD/LD]: 156747(10/4); 156741(10/10); 156744(8/15); 156748(10/13)
Item Type: Snack
Tier: 1
Quality(Yield): Rare(7)
Enhancements: EVA II
Description: Japanese noodles with mixed vegetables and sometimes some shreds of meat.
Post Link: [Here]

Loot Die Perfect Snack

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Name: Ice Cream Mochi
Profession/Rank: Cook/9
IDs[CD/LD]: 156729(13/17); 156731(12/5); 156735(11/9)
Item Type: Snack
Tier: 1
Quality(Yield): Perfect(5)
Enhancements: Loot Die III
Description: Dollops of ice cream wrapped in mochi skin. Because they're so small, one could eat multiple of these snacks at a time.
Post Link: [Here]



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T1 LD Perfect Snack


Name: Ice Cream Mochi
Profession/Rank: Cook/9
IDs[CD/LD]: 157670(13/17)
Item Type: Snack
Tier: 1
Quality(Yield): Perfect(3)
Enhancements: Loot Die III
Description: Dollops of ice cream wrapped in mochi skin. Because they're so small, one could eat multiple of these snacks at a time.
Post Link: [Here]

T1 Prosperity Perfect Snack


Name: Hanami Dango
Profession(Rank): Cook(9)
IDs: 157664(11/19); 157666[13/9]
Item Type: Snack
Tier: 1
Quality(Yield): Perfect(4)
Enhancements: Pros. III
Description: Hanami dango are sweet mochi rice dumplings on a skewer, and each of them has a different color – pink is used to symbolize cherry blossoms, white represents the remaining snow of the past winter, and green is used as a herald of spring, representing the color of young grass.
Post Link: [Here]

T1 ACC Rare Snack


Name: Ramen and Veggies
Profession/Rank: Cook/9
IDs[CD/LD]: 157668[9/3]; 157669[10/10]; 157671[9/14]
Item Type: Snack
Tier: 1
Quality(Yield): Rare(5)
Enhancements: ACC II
Description: A bowl of yummy Japanese ramen mixed with vegetables.
Post Link: [Here]

T2 Protein/EVA Perfect Meal


Name: Kobe Steak
Profession/Rank: Cook/9
IDs[CD/LD]: 157683[11/15]
Item Type: Meal
Tier: 2
Quality(Yield): Perfect(2)
Enhancements: Protein II; EVA I
Description: An extremely expensive steak that taste absolutely amazing when cooked to the eater's liking. 
Post Link: [Here]

T2 OH Perfect Meal


Name: Ika Shogayaki
Profession/Rank: Cook/9
IDs[CD/LD]: 157677[13/10]
Item Type: Meal
Tier: 2
Quality(Yield): Perfect(2)
Enhancements: OH III
Description: Stir-fry squid served with vegetables.
Post Link: [Here]

T2 MIT Perfect Meal


Name: Spicy Dragon Roll
Profession/Rank: Cook/9
IDs[CD/LD]: 157676[13/16]; 157678[13/7]
Item Type: Meal
Tier: 2
Quality(Yield): Perfect(4)
Enhancements: MIT III
Description: A spicy hot roll that could make a person breathe fire like a dragon!!! Well, not really, that's just how it's advertised in Yuki's shop. This roll will make a person's mouth melt from how hot it is, but will make them feel invincible for battles to come!
Post Link: [Here]

T2 Protein Rare Meal


Name: Kobe Steak
Profession/Rank: Cook/9
IDs[CD/LD]: 157673[9/6]; 157681[10/14]; 157682[9/1]
Item Type: Meal
Tier: 2
Quality(Yield): Rare(4)
Enhancements: Protein II
Description: An extremely expensive steak that taste absolutely amazing when cooked to the eater's liking. 
Post Link: [Here]


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15 minutes ago, Zajcica said:

T1 LD Perfect Snack

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T1 Prosperity Perfect Snack

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T1 ACC Rare Snack

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T2 Protein/EVA Perfect Meal

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T2 OH Perfect Meal

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T2 MIT Perfect Meal

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T2 Protein Rare Meal

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T1 LD Snack Perfect


Name: Ice Cream Mochi
Profession/Rank: Cook/9
IDs[CD/LD]: 158870(11/11); 158869(12/5); 158867(12/3); 158867(13/15); 158881(12/18); 158880(13/16); 158879(13/10)
Item Type: Snack
Tier: 1
Quality(Yield): Perfect(14)
Enhancements: Loot Die III
Description: Dollops of ice cream wrapped in mochi skin. Because they're so small, one could eat multiple of these snacks at a time.
Post Link: [Here]

T1 EVA Snack Rare


Name: Udon with Veggies
Profession/Rank: Cook/9
IDs[CD/LD]: 158878(9/7); 158883(9/6); 158873(9/2); 158874(9/7); 158876(10/3)
Item Type: Snack
Tier: 1
Quality(Yield): Rare(5)
Enhancements: EVA II
Description: Japanese noodles with mixed vegetables and sometimes some shreds of meat.
Post Link: [Here]


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13 minutes ago, Zajcica said:

T1 LD Snack Perfect

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Name: Ice Cream Mochi
Profession/Rank: Cook/9
IDs[CD/LD]: 158870(11/11); 158869(12/5); 158867(12/3); 158867(13/15); 158881(12/18); 158880(13/16); 158879(13/10)
Item Type: Snack
Tier: 1
Quality(Yield): Perfect(14)
Enhancements: Loot Die III
Description: Dollops of ice cream wrapped in mochi skin. Because they're so small, one could eat multiple of these snacks at a time.
Post Link: [Here]

T1 EVA Snack Rare

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Name: Udon with Veggies
Profession/Rank: Cook/9
IDs[CD/LD]: 158878(9/7); 158883(9/6); 158873(9/2); 158874(9/7); 158876(10/3)
Item Type: Snack
Tier: 1
Quality(Yield): Rare(5)
Enhancements: EVA II
Description: Japanese noodles with mixed vegetables and sometimes some shreds of meat.
Post Link: [Here]



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  • 1 month later...

Item Name: Starry Konepeito
Profession: Cook
Rank: 10
Quantity: 45
Craft IDs: 163777; 163776; 163775; 163774; 163773; 163772; 163771; 163770; 163769; 163768; 163767; 163766; 163789; 163788; 163787; 163786; 163785; 163784; 163783; 163782; 163781; 163779; 163778; 163993; 163992; 163991; 163990; 163989; 163987; 163986; 163985; 163984; 163983; 163982; 163981; 164006; 164005; 164004; 164003; 164002; 164001; 164000; 163999; 163998; 163997; 163996; 163995; 163994
Post Links: [Here] and [Here]

Edited by Arabelle
note: crossed out IDs are CD 2s.
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T1 LD III Dessert


Name: Ice Cream Mochi
Profession/Rank: Cook/10
IDs[CD/LD]: 166734(11/10); 166735(11/18)
Item Type: Dessert
Tier: 1
Quality(Yield): Perfect(5)
Enhancements: Loot Die III
Description: Dollops of ice cream wrapped in mochi skin. Because they're so small, one could eat multiple of these snacks at a time.
Post Link: [Here]

T1 MIT III Dessert


Name: Spicy Dragon Roll
Profession/Rank: Cook/10
IDs[CD/LD]: 166737[11/8]
Item Type: Dessert
Tier: 1
Quality(Yield): Perfect(1)
Enhancements: MIT III
Description: A spicy hot roll that could make a person breathe fire like a dragon!!! Well, not really, that's just how it's advertised in Yuki's shop. This roll will make a person's mouth melt from how hot it is, but will make them feel invincible for battles to come!
Post Link: [Here]

T1 Pros. III Dessert


Name: Hanami Dango
Profession(Rank): Cook(10)
IDs: 166742(12/9)
Item Type: Dessert
Tier: 1
Quality(Yield): Perfect(1)
Enhancements: Pros. III
Description: Hanami dango are sweet mochi rice dumplings on a skewer, and each of them has a different color – pink is used to symbolize cherry blossoms, white represents the remaining snow of the past winter, and green is used as a herald of spring, representing the color of young grass.
Post Link: [Here]



Name: Udon with Veggies
Profession/Rank: Cook/10
IDs[CD/LD]: 166732(8/18); 166731(7/1); 166736(10/9); 166740(7/2); 166741(10/9)
Item Type: Dessert
Tier: 1
Quality(Yield): Rare(7)
Enhancements: EVA II
Description: Japanese noodles with mixed vegetables and sometimes some shreds of meat.
Post Link: [Here]


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4 hours ago, Zajcica said:

Item Name: Starry Konepeito
Profession: Cook
Rank: 10
Quantity: 45
Craft IDs: 163777; 163776; 163775; 163774; 163773; 163772; 163771; 163770; 163769; 163768; 163767; 163766; 163789; 163788; 163787; 163786; 163785; 163784; 163783; 163782; 163781; 163779; 163778; 163993; 163992; 163991; 163990; 163989; 163987; 163986; 163985; 163984; 163983; 163982; 163981; 164006; 164005; 164004; 164003; 164002; 164001; 164000; 163999; 163998; 163997; 163996; 163995; 163994
Post Links: [Here] and [Here]


3 hours ago, Zajcica said:

T1 LD III Dessert

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T1 MIT III Dessert

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T1 Pros. III Dessert

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  • 2 weeks later...

Rare EVA Meal


Name: Udon with Veggies
Profession/Rank: Cook/10
IDs[CD/LD]: 167733(10/18); 167729(10/8)
Item Type: Meal
Tier: 1
Quality(Yield): Rare(4)
Enhancements: EVA II
Description: Japanese noodles with mixed vegetables and sometimes some shreds of meat.
Post Link: [Here]

T3 Rare Protein Meal


Name: Kobe Steak
Profession/Rank: Cook/10
IDs[CD/LD]: 166721(7/9); 166722(9/1); 166723(10/12); 166728(9/15)
Item Type: Meal
Tier: 2
Quality(Yield): Rare(6)
Enhancements: Protein II
Description: An extremely expensive steak that taste absolutely amazing when cooked to the eater's liking. 
Post Link: [Here]

T3 MIT Meal


Name: Spicy Dragon Roll
Profession/Rank: Cook/10
IDs[CD/LD]: 166725(11/11); 166727(11/2);
Item Type: Meal
Tier: 3
Quality(Yield): Perfect(3)
Enhancements: MIT III
Description: A spicy hot roll that could make a person breathe fire like a dragon!!! Well, not really, that's just how it's advertised in Yuki's shop. This roll will make a person's mouth melt from how hot it is, but will make them feel invincible for battles to come!
Post Link: [Here]


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