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[R10 Cook - PK Open]Yuki Izakaya

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Sakura Dunbu Onigiri/Mochi - LD
Hanami Dagno with Green Tea - Prosperity
Udon Bowls - ACC
Ramen Bowls - EVA
Ika Shoga Yaki - Overhealth
Deep-Fried Ice Cream - Ambition
Dragon Sushi Roll - MIT



Mochi - LD
Udon Bowl - ACC
Hanami Dango - Prosperity
Deep-Fried Ice Cream - Amb
Fiery Dragon Roll - MIT
Ramune Soda - Probiotic
Ika Shogayaki - OH

Tier 1/

Quantity: 0
Quantity: 0
Quantity: 0
Quantity: 0
Quantity: 2
Quantity: 0

Tier 2

Quantity: 0
Quantity: 0
Quantity: 0

Tier 3

Quantity: 7
Quantity: 0
Quantity: 0


Mochi - LD
Udon Bowl - ACC
Hanami Dango - Prosperity
Ramen Bowl - EVA
Kobe Steak - Protein
Ika Shogayaki - OH
Spicy Dragon Roll - MIT
Tokachi Butadon - Vitality

Tier 1

Quantity: 0
Quantity: 2
Quantity: 0
Quantity: 4
Quantity: 3
Quantity: 0
Quantity: 0
Quantity: 0

Tier 2

Quantity: 0
Quantity: 0
Quantity: 0
Quantity: 0
Quantity: 0
Quantity: 4
Quantity: 3
Quantity: 0

Tier 3

Quantity: 0
Quantity: 0
Quantity: 0
Quantity: 0
Quantity: 0
Quantity: 0
Quantity: 0
Quantity: 0




Prices[Col(Mat)] Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4
Uncommon Free 500(1) 700(1) 800(2)
Rare Free 800(2) 1000(3) 1200(4)
 Perfect Free 900(4) 1300(5) 1500(5)

Anything else made at special request! Price will be negotiated for Special Requests.

Nestled away on the border of the safe zone of the town of Coral, one can find a Japanese-styled mansion sitting peacefully next to the main road. The mansion is surrounded by stone wall fence, but connected on one side is a building outside the wall. The smell of cooking food always wafts from the windows and a sign posted outside in painted, handwriting can be seen. Even though it's written in Kanji SAO's translation system allows one to read it as Yuki Izakaya. The building seems like just another part of the house, if not for the sign signifying the shops existence. The doors are open to outside during the day. Another door on the inside leads to the manor it's connected to. These doors are always locked to anyone but Yuki.

On the inside, it looks much like it would from the outside. It's a very Japanese-styled room with kotatsus scattered around. Whether the intent of the shop was to look homely, or it was just put together shoddily was hard to discern. There's room for each table to seat four people. The kitchen actually looks like a common house kitchen, and not like one that would normally be in a restaurant or izakaya. If Yuki is not present, one can ring a bell to summon her.

New customer special! - First perfect commissioned item is free of charge!
Customers served free - Macradon, Night, Vigilon&Krysta
Free For Life: Crozeph<3

Special Request Form


Name: [Give the item a name]
Your Profession: Cook
Your Rank: 10
ID: [Leave Blank]
Roll: [Leave Blank]
Item Type: [Weapon, Tool, etc.]
Tier: [1, 2 or 3]
Quality: [Uncommon, Rare, Perfect]
Enhancements: [What Enhancements does the item have]
Description: [Give the item a description]
Post Link: [Leave Blank]


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Hanging up her cape and armor outside the door to her estate, the paladin stepped through to the connecting kitchen. Her shop had only just open so there weren't all that many customers yet. That was perfectly fine though. It gave her the time she needed to prepare premade foods for anyone who didn't want to commission something special. Now, what should she make first?

She laid her ingredients on the counter and thought about all the things she knew how to cook. 'What would people really like to see at a Japanese-themed restaurant?' was an important question as well. Her Oyakodon special wasn't something people were that familiar with. Ongiri sounded like a safe bet, and she couldn't really flub making Onigiri. It was as simple as making a sandwich.

She rolled up the rice into it's sticky ball after filling it with some sakura denbu, not the most popular choice for a rice ball filling but one of her favorites and it made them extremely sweet. She added an affect on them and when they were finished, the system copied another serving of them. Her luck was meant for cooking, not gathering!


Name: Sakura Denbu Onigiri
Your Profession: Cook
Your Rank: 1
ID: 138710-1; 138710-2
Roll: CD=11; LD=18
Item Type: Snack
Tier: 1
Quality: Rare
Enhancements: LD 2
Description: Rice balls filled with a yummy cherry filling. There are four in a pack.
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19110-yuki-izakayaf22r1-cook-pk-accessible/?do=findComment&amp;comment=600304


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Day 2


Name: Hanami Dango served with Green Tea
Your Profession: Cook
Your Rank: 2
ID: 138713
Roll: 11
Item Type: Dessert
Tier: 1
Quality: Rare
Enhancements: Prosperity 2
Description: Hanami dango are sweet mochi rice dumplings on a skewer, and each of them has a different color – pink is used to symbolize cherry blossoms, white represents the remaining snow of the past winter, and green is used as a herald of spring, representing the color of young grass.
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19110-yuki-izakayaf22r1-cook-pk-accessible/?do=findComment&amp;comment=600308


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Finally, she had gotten one of her best friend's, Life, to come up to floor 22. Bringing a boy back to her house, what would her mom think? Ah, don't think like that stupid. The sliding door of the shop floated across the wooden floor as she let her companion through. It was a cozy, homely little room filled with kotatsus and a kitchen with a single counter. Yuki pulled a chair up to the counter that worked like a make shift bar and offered the seat to him.

"Take a seat and I'll get started making you the best meal you'll ever taste farm boy." The paladin grinned as she moved over to the kitchen stove and soon the waft of vegetables and noodle soup filled the air. There was something about this particular dish that would be absolutely perfect, she could feel it in her bones. After all the screw ups with the dragon quests, she was ready to show him that she wasn't just a clumsy little girl of a tank. Then within just ten minutes the food was ready.

"Yatta, kanpekkida!" She shouted as it was finished and placed it in front of him. "This is one of the best meals I've ever made I would say, even with SAO's simplified rules! Here's the portion for you to take for your combat buffs, and here's another portion for you to try just for the flavor. Tell me what you think, please!"



Name: The Farm Boy Bowl
Your Profession: Cook
Your Rank: 4
ID: 138734
Roll: 12
Item Type: Meal
Tier: 1
Quality: Kanpekkida(Perfect)
Enhancements: Protein 2; MIT
Description: A perfectly made dish of Teriyaki Grilled Chicken Donburi(Noodle Bowl) mixed in with cut greens, carrots and onions served with a big heaping helping of rice and miso. The meal is a special request meal for one of her best friends Life.
Post Link: [Here]

Name: Udon
Your Profession: Cook
Your Rank: 3
ID: 138730
Roll: 8
Item Type: Meal
Tier: 1
Quality: Uncommon
Enhancements: ACC 1
Description: Noodle Bowls with vegetables and egg
Post Link: [Here]

Name: Udon
Your Profession: Cook
Your Rank: 3
ID: 138732; 138732-1
Roll: 10; LD 20
Item Type: Meal
Tier: 1
Quality: Uncommon
Enhancements: ACC 1
Description: Noodle Bowls with vegetables and egg
Post Link: [Here]


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Day 4


Name: Ika Shoga Yaki
Your Profession: Cook
Your Rank: 4
ID: 138812; 138812-1
Roll: 11
Item Type: Meal
Tier: 1
Quality: Rare
Enhancements: Overhealth 2
Description: Stir-fried squid marinated soy sauce, ginger and mirin, served with steamed rice and green vegetables.
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19110-yuki-izakayaf22r4-cook-pk-accessible/?do=findComment&amp;comment=600445


Name: Ika Shoga Yaki
Your Profession: Cook
Your Rank: 4
ID: 138811; 138811-1
Roll: 10
Item Type: Meal
Tier: 1
Quality: Rare
Enhancements: Overhealth 2
Description: Stir-fried squid marinated soy sauce, ginger and mirin, served with steamed rice and green vegetables.
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19110-yuki-izakayaf22r4-cook-pk-accessible/?do=findComment&amp;comment=600445

EXP Gain: 49


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Day 5

138845 CD: 6; LD: 1 Fail 1+5
138846 CD: 8; LD: 10 Uncommon 3+5
138847 CD: 8; LD: 7 Uncommon 3+5
138848 CD: 5; LD: 16 Salvage 2+5
138849 CD: 11; LD: 5 Rare 5+5
138850 CD: 2; LD: 11 Salvage 2+5
138851 CD: 5; LD: 18 Salvage 2+5


Exp Gained: 18+35=53 Total: 205

Mats used: -1

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Day 7:

Fail: 1
Salvage: 3
Uncommon: 1
Rare: 1
Perfect: 1

EXP: 58 Total: 318


Name: Deep-Fried Ice Cream
Your Profession: Cook
Your Rank: 5
ID: 138909
Roll: CD: 12; LD: 2
Item Type: Dessert
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Ambition
Description: A large scoop of any flavor ice cream surrounded in a cocoon of pancake batter that has been deep-fried.
Post Link: [Here]


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Day 9


(1)Fail: 2
(2)Salvage: 1
(3)Uncommon: 3
(5)Rare: 0
(8)Perfect: 2

EXP: 71 Total: 377+71=448


Name: Mochi
Your Profession: Cook
Your Rank: 6
ID: 138999
Roll: CD: 12; LD: 10
Item Type: Dessert
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: LD 3
Description: A batch of Japanese rice cakes ground from paste filled with a variety of yummy fillings.
Post Link: [Here]

Name: Mochi
Your Profession: Cook
Your Rank: 6
ID: 139000
Roll: CD: 12; LD: 14
Item Type: Dessert
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: LD 3
Description: A batch of Japanese rice cakes ground from paste filled with a variety of yummy fillings.
Post Link: [Here]


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Using Ambition food for this day

Name: Deep-Fried Ice Cream
Your Profession: Cook
Your Rank: 5
ID: 138909
Roll: CD: 12; LD: 2
Item Type: Dessert
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Ambition
Description: A large scoop of any flavor ice cream surrounded in a cocoon of pancake batter that has been deep-fried.
Post Link: [Here]

Day 11


(1)Fail: 0
(2)Salvage: 1
(3)Uncommon: 3
(5)Rare: 3
(8)Perfect: 1

EXP: 82 Total: 448+82=530


Name: Deep-Fried Ice Cream
Your Profession: Cook
Your Rank: 6
ID: 139647; 139647-1; 139647-2
Roll: CD: 11+1; LD: 18
Item Type: Dessert
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Ambition
Description: A large scoop of any flavor ice cream surrounded in a cocoon of pancake batter that has been deep-fried.
Post Link: [Here]


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Day 12


(1)Fail: 0
(2)Salvage: 2
(3)Uncommon: 3
(5)Rare: 1
(8)Perfect: 2

EXP: 74 Total: 530+74=604


Name: Deep-Fried Ice Cream
Your Profession: Cook
Your Rank: 6
ID: 140560
Roll: CD: 11+1; LD: 5
Item Type: Dessert
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Ambition
Description: A large scoop of any flavor ice cream surrounded in a cocoon of pancake batter that has been deep-fried.
Post Link: [Here]

Name: Deep-Fried Ice Cream
Your Profession: Cook
Your Rank: 6
ID: 140564; 140564-1
Roll: CD: 11+1; LD: 16
Item Type: Dessert
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Ambition
Description: A large scoop of any flavor ice cream surrounded in a cocoon of pancake batter that has been deep-fried.
Post Link: [Here]

Name: Deep-Fried Ice Cream
Your Profession: Cook
Your Rank: 6
ID: 140561
Roll: CD: 11+1; LD: 11
Item Type: Dessert
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Ambition
Description: A large scoop of any flavor ice cream surrounded in a cocoon of pancake batter that has been deep-fried.
Post Link: [Here]


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Crozeph stepped inside the shop and was wondering if he could get supplies in there. His armor was unequipped as he felt the need not. It has been his first time entering the upper floor higher than Floor 12. The smeel of food being cooked was unusual for him and with that he plans to get a few supplies befoer he could go on and tackle a quest. "Hello, is the place operational? I plan to buy two foods. I really don't care what kind, though I'd prefer something with veggies in it. I've been living off bread for the past few weeks" he said as he enters the shop. "As for payment i'm willing to pay any price as long as I can.."  Crozeph pulled up his in-game menu and looked at his spending account "...pay around 3,000 col and a few materials, though I only have Tier 1" he added.

  • 1 perfect quality [+2 EVA +1 probiotics]
  • 1 perfect quality [+2 ACC +1 probiotics]
  •  both Tier 1
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The door to her shop opened quietly, but since it was already pretty quiet beyond the food she was making she heard it slide. She turned and bowed to the man. ""Irasshaimase!" Her native tongue escaped her once more, knowing that it would just translate to the man in whatever language he understood as 'Welcome to my shop'.

"Eating just bread and rations will not do! You must engorge yourself in meals to truly get a good feeling!" She said probably a little more excitedly since it was her first customer. "As part of my opening special, all meals to new patrons are completely free of charge! However, next time I will have to charge you for services rendered." The girl went back into the corner that was really just a home kitchen, and started cooking up a meal or two.

"You may take a seat at one of the kotatsus spread around while you wait."




(1)Fail: 1
(2)Salvage: 3
(3)Uncommon: 0
(5)Rare: 4
(8)Perfect: 1

EXP: 80 Total: 671+80=741


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The smell of food robbed any other nasal sensation of its time to be admired. It took much longer than she thought it would to get the taste just right but she had finally done it, and even was able to make an extra dish of her own on the side. She brought a carrier of food over to her customer and set it down at one of the kotatsu in front of him and bowed.

"I apologize for the wait! Here is your order. There is a set there that will apply the buff you need for the dungeons and quests you want to take, and a base set of food her in this one. She said pointing to it. "That you can right now if you wish! Its only for flavor, so you won't be wasting any benefits for eating it now."



Name: Ramen with Veggies
Your Profession: Cook
Your Rank: 7
ID: 141311
Roll: 12+1 LD: 4
Item Type: Snack
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: EVA 2; Probiotics 1
Description: A traditional ramen noodle bowl filled with soup and served with steamed vegetables.
Post Link: [Here]

Name: Rice with Toriniku Katsu
Your Profession: Cook
Your Rank: 7
ID: 142087
Roll: 11+1 LD: 10
Item Type: Snack
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: ACC 2; Probiotics 1
Description: A side bowl of rice and chicken mixed with vegetables meant to be eaten with a bigger meal of noodles.
Post Link: [Here]

Name: Ika-Teriyaki Bento
Your Profession: Cook
Your Rank: 7
ID: 142109
Roll: 11+1 LD: 11
Item Type: Snack
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Prosperity 3
Description: A box filled with squid in teriyaki sauce, rice, California rolls and served with Miso.
Post Link: [Here]


(2)Salvage: 7
(3)Uncommon: 0
(5)Rare: 0
(8)Perfect: 2

EXP: 75 Total: 741+75=816

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Crozeph was surprised about the promo and felt grateful for it, a lucky shot for the player. When the girl told about his diet Crozeph gave nervous laugh "s**t, I think i got scolded by a girl about what I eat"  he thought before taking a seat to one of the kotatsu inside the shop. Crozeph waited, he knew it wasn't as easy as identifying things like he does. Soon enough the food was ready and as Crozeph walked back and claimed his order "the veggies looks delicious" he then listened as she told her about its properties. Crozeph nodded and took the items, placing it in the inventory "thank you for this, I'll be sure to drop by again next time" he told her before leaving the shop.

  • obtained the following
  • Ramen with veggies [+2 EVA +1 Probiotics]
  • Rice with Toriniku Katsu [+2 ACC +1 probiotics]



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Day 17


(1)Fail: 1
(2)Salvage: 1
(3)Uncommon: 3
(5)Rare: 1
(8)Perfect: 3

EXP: 87 Total: 816+87=903


Name: Dragon roll with Onigiri
Your Profession: Cook
Your Rank: 7
ID: 142306; 142306-1; 142306-2
Roll: 10+1; LD: 18
Item Type: Meal
Tier: 1
Quality: Rare
Enhancements: ACC 2
Description: A spicy Dragon roll served with a side of onigiri filled with sakura denbu.
Post Link: [Here]

Name: Beef Teriyaki Bento
Your Profession: Cook
Your Rank: 7
ID: 142299
Roll: 12+1; LD: 13
Item Type: Meal
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: MIT 3
Description: A box of Bento filled with Chicken Teriyaki, a set of California rolls, fried rice, and two crab rangoons.
Post Link: [Here]

Name: Beef Teriyaki Bento
Your Profession: Cook
Your Rank: 7
ID: 142302
Roll: 12+1; LD: 8
Item Type: Meal
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: MIT 3
Description: A box of Bento filled with Chicken Teriyaki, a set of California rolls, fried rice, and two crab rangoons.
Post Link: [Here]

Name: Deep-Fried Ice Cream
Your Profession: Cook
Your Rank: 7
ID: 142305
Roll: 12+1; LD: 8
Item Type: Meal
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Ambition
Description: A large scoop of any flavor ice cream surrounded in a cocoon of pancake batter that has been deep-fried.
Post Link: [Here]


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Using Ambition food 

Name: Deep-Fried Ice Cream
Your Profession: Cook
Your Rank: 7
ID: 142305
Roll: 12+1; LD: 8
Item Type: Meal
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Ambition
Description: A large scoop of any flavor ice cream surrounded in a cocoon of pancake batter that has been deep-fried.
Post Link: [Here]

Day 18


(1)Fail: 3
(2)Salvage: 0
(3)Uncommon: 4
(5)Rare: 2
(8)Perfect: 0

EXP: 85 Total: 903+85=988

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Name: Deep-Fried Ice Cream
Your Profession: Cook
Your Rank: 6
ID: 139647-2
Roll: CD: 11+1; LD: 18
Item Type: Dessert
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Ambition
Description: A large scoop of any flavor ice cream surrounded in a cocoon of pancake batter that has been deep-fried.
Post Link: [Here]

Day 19


(1)Fail: 1
(2)Salvage: 1
(3)Uncommon: 2
(5)Rare: 4
(8)Perfect: 1

EXP: 91 Total: 988+91=1,079

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