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[R10 Cook - PK Open]Yuki Izakaya

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How many days has it been? the last time he went here was in her house which is connected directly to the shop. Crozeph entered the place again to buy some food for himself, for his solo travels and to keep himself full when needed. Yuki's shop has always been his go-to, aside from some transactions to a certain guild when he needed some items. Seeing several kotatsu, he made his way to the counter and looked at what Yuki has in her store, something ready-made. If he had the time to be waiting for something she would prepare for him he would. Now he's out of good food and the most logical thing to do is buy. He smiled at her, the awkward and usual thing he does upon seeing her "I'll be buying some of your food, I've been thinking of ordering one but I'll reserve that for another day when I get back and stay a few days in your house" he told her as he began transferring the col. 

  • Rare T2 Udon bowl x4 [8 mats]
  • Rare T2 Ramen bowl x3 [6 mats]
  • Perfect T2 Fiery dragon roll x3 [3 mats]
  • 17 T2 total mats 
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Oh, to be a Japanese girl. Underneath the fading cherry blossoms on a lovely spring day, seated with a red and white cloth blanket and having a lovely picnic with someone they were close with.

Such was the ideal of the Hanami Dango. NIGHT needed none of that.

"I'll take your whole stock," she bargained, slipping a scatter of col onto the counter. Instead of piling against the wood in a haphazard mess, the player had miraculously managed to stack the coins in a lovely tower. Wonderful. A miraculous move, and she wasn't even able to take it in. By the time NIGHT had received her dango, she was already out the door, thoughts set somewhere else.

It was not about the ideal of the Hanami Dango.


Purchasing the following:

1,950col = 650col * 3 | [T2E3] Hanami Dango (3)

Total: 1,950col

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Vigilon was almost done making preparations for a large scale grinding trip. All he needed to do now was find a place that had some accuracy consumables. Even from what was already in the inventory, there would definitely be a major feast in the morning... Either way, he would glance from left to right, keeping an eye out for whatever could be a shop. He almost overlooked his destination, as it looked like no more than a mansion at first. He stopped, he looked back he saw a Kanji that the game translated, and of course, he saw that the doors were open. "Might as well investigate..." He thought. When he got close enough, he realized that it was a shop connected to the mansion? Well, live and learn, he'd never guessed that was possible! He would enter and browse what was available, and behold, there were two Udon Bowls that had the enhancement he was looking for. He walked right up to the counter and placed a sack of col on it. "I'll go with the Udon Bowls." He said, somewhat recklessly, for he was kind of rushing. "And uhhh, could I place an order for some Hanami Dagno?"

Purchased x2 Udon Bowl(+2 ACC)

-Ordered Hanami Dagno(3 Prosperity)

Payment of 1000 col sent to @Zajcica

Edited by Vigilon
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Using Respite(2 left) | Ambition(1 Left)

Day 40


ID: 156333 | CD: 3 (2+1) | LD: 7 (2+5) | Salvage (Fail)
ID: 156332 | CD: 12 (11+1) | LD: 3 | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 156331 | CD: 3 (2+1) | LD: 25 (20+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 156330 | CD: 12 (11+1) | LD: 5 | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 156329 | CD: 5 (4+1) | LD: 18 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 3
ID: 156328 | CD: 8 (7+1) | LD: 14 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 156327 | CD: 1 | LD: 14 | Fail
ID: 156326 | CD: 9 (8+1) | LD: 1 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 156325 | CD: 4 (3+1) | LD: 25 (20+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 156324 | CD: 1 | LD: 18 | Fail
ID: 156323 | CD: 5 (4+1) | LD: 18 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 3
ID: 156322 | CD: 10 (9+1) | LD: 20 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 3

ID: 156321 | CD: 7 (6+1) | LD: 13 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 2
ID: 156320 | CD: 7 (6+1) | LD: 17 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 3
ID: 156319 | CD: 9 (8+1) | LD: 2 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 156318 | CD: 5 (4+1) | LD: 14 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 2
ID: 156317 | CD: 6 (5+1) | LD: 8 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 156316 | CD: 8 (7+1) | LD: 4 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 156315 | CD: 7 (6+1) | LD: 7 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 156314 | CD: 7 (6+1) | LD: 2 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 156313 | CD: 5 (4+1) | LD: 13 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 2
ID: 156312 | CD: 6 (5+1) | LD: 8 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 156311 | CD: 4 (3+1) | LD: 25 (20+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 156310 | CD: 8 (7+1) | LD: 20 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 3

(1)Fail: 3
(2)Salvage: 3

(3)Uncommon: 10
(5)Rare: 6
(8)Perfect: 2

EXP: 65+130 Total: 3,677+215=3892



Yuki got to work pretty quickly Hanami dango was easily one of the easiest things that she could make. The only thing that was easier than that had to be Onigiri Rice balls. Within literal minutes, the food was done and packaged. Like usual, a copy of the food was made into a vanity item so that they could enjoy not only the flavor of the food she made, but also the buffs that came with it.

"Here you are. The first perfects are free so don't worry about paying for them." She said as she passed the food on and collected the Col.


Name: Hanami Dango
Profession(Rank): Cook(9)
IDs: 155630(12|5); 155633(12|3)
Item Type: Snack
Tier: 1
Quality(Yield): Perfect(2)
Enhancements: Pros. III
Description: Hanami dango are sweet mochi rice dumplings on a skewer, and each of them has a different color – pink is used to symbolize cherry blossoms, white represents the remaining snow of the past winter, and green is used as a herald of spring, representing the color of young grass.
Post Link: [Here]


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Not long after he'd placed the order, Vigilon would see the shopkeeper return with what he'd ordered. It had literally taken a handful of minutes, and already boom, done. No complications. There was even an extra one, vanity quality, probably for enjoyment purposes. The shopkeeper would note that the first perfect quality item was free, meaning he only had to pay for the rares. "Thanks a bunch, I really needed these." He said to the shopkeeper as he gathered the food. With that, he would wave farewell as he turned to leave. Shouldn't be long now, he only needed to message Krysta about where they would meet for the trip.

Received Hanami Dango(3 Prosperity) from Zajcica

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Day 41


ID: 156541 | CD: 5 (4+1) | LD: 10 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 2
ID: 156540 | CD: 10 (9+1) | LD: 18 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 3
ID: 156539 | CD: 9 (8+1) | LD: 17 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 3
ID: 156538 | CD: 3 (2+1) | LD: 24 (19+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 156537 | CD: 9 (8+1) | LD: 7 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 156536 | CD: 7 (6+1) | LD: 1 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 156535 | CD: 13 (12+1) | LD: 10 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 2
ID: 156534 | CD: 11 (10+1) | LD: 13 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 2
ID: 156533 | CD: 11 (10+1) | LD: 9 | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 156532 | CD: 13 (12+1) | LD: 18 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 3
ID: 156531 | CD: 4 (3+1) | LD: 19 (14+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 156530 | CD: 7 (6+1) | LD: 16 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 3

(1)Fail: 2
(2)Salvage: 3

(3)Uncommon: 0
(5)Rare: 3
(8)Perfect: 4

EXP: +120 Total: 3892+175=4,067

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Using Respite(1 left) | Ambition(0 Left)

Day 42(0)


ID: 156738 | CD: 3 (2+1) | LD: 18 (13+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 156737 | CD: 6 (5+1) | LD: 7 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 156736 | CD: 5 (4+1) | LD: 11 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 2
ID: 156735 | CD: 11 (10+1) | LD: 9 | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 156734 | CD: 1 | LD: 1 | Fail
ID: 156733 | CD: 4 (3+1) | LD: 12 (7+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 156732 | CD: 6 (5+1) | LD: 3 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 156731 | CD: 12 (11+1) | LD: 5 | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 156730 | CD: 4 (3+1) | LD: 22 (17+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 156729 | CD: 13 (12+1) | LD: 17 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 3
ID: 156728 | CD: 8 (7+1) | LD: 18 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 3

ID: 156750 | CD: 1 | LD: 12 | Fail
ID: 156749 | CD: 3 (2+1) | LD: 8 (3+5) | Salvage (Fail)
ID: 156748 | CD: 10 (9+1) | LD: 13 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 156747 | CD: 10 (9+1) | LD: 4 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 156746 | CD: 3 (2+1) | LD: 14 (9+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 156745 | CD: 1 | LD: 4 | Fail
ID: 156744 | CD: 8 (7+1) | LD: 15 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 156743 | CD: 6 (5+1) | LD: 20 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 3
ID: 156742 | CD: 4 (3+1) | LD: 24 (19+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 156741 | CD: 10 (9+1) | LD: 10 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 156740 | CD: 9 (8+1) | LD: 17 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 3
ID: 156739 | CD: 3 (2+1) | LD: 16 (11+5) | Salvage (Success)

(1)Fail: 4
(2)Salvage: 7

(3)Uncommon: 4
(5)Rare: 6
(8)Perfect: 3

EXP: 84+130 Total: 4,067+214=4,281

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Using last Respite, Night save me plz

Day 43 | [NIGHT]: Junk-sale marker here.


ID: 157671 | CD: 9 (8+1) | LD: 14 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 157670 | CD: 12 (11+1) | LD: 17 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 3
ID: 157669 | CD: 10 (9+1) | LD: 10 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 157668 | CD: 9 (8+1) | LD: 3 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 157667 | CD: 6 (5+1) | LD: 5 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 157666 | CD: 13 (12+1) | LD: 9 | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 157665 | CD: 6 (5+1) | LD: 18 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 3
ID: 157664 | CD: 11 (10+1) | LD: 19 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 3
ID: 157663 | CD: 7 (6+1) | LD: 17 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 3
ID: 157662 | CD: 4 (3+1) | LD: 13 (8+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 157661 | CD: 7 (6+1) | LD: 12 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 2
ID: 157660 | CD: 7 (6+1) | LD: 9 | Success! (Uncommon)

ID: 157684 | CD: 7 (6+1) | LD: 5 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 157683 | CD: 11 (10+1) | LD: 15 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 2
ID: 157682 | CD: 9 (8+1) | LD: 1 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 157681 | CD: 10 (9+1) | LD: 14 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 157680 | CD: 13 (12+1) | LD: 9 | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 157679 | CD: 3 (2+1) | LD: 11 (6+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 157678 | CD: 13 (12+1) | LD: 7 | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 157677 | CD: 13 (12+1) | LD: 10 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 2
ID: 157676 | CD: 13 (12+1) | LD: 16 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 3
ID: 157675 | CD: 5 (4+1) | LD: 15 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 2
ID: 157674 | CD: 3 (2+1) | LD: 24 (19+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 157673 | CD: 9 (8+1) | LD: 6 | Success! (Rare)

Result: +261XP (141, +24+48+48), -10 Tier 1 Materials, -11 Tier 2 Materials, Uncommon Snack (4), Rare Snack (7), Perfect Snack (18)

EXP: +261 Total: 4,281+261=4,542


Name: Ice Cream Mochi
Profession/Rank: Cook/9
IDs[CD/LD]: 157670(13/17)
Item Type: Snack
Tier: 1
Quality(Yield): Perfect(3)
Enhancements: Loot Die III
Description: Dollops of ice cream wrapped in mochi skin. Because they're so small, one could eat multiple of these snacks at a time.
Post Link: [Here]

Name: Hanami Dango
Profession(Rank): Cook(9)
IDs: 157664(11/19); 157666[13/9]
Item Type: Snack
Tier: 1
Quality(Yield): Perfect(2)
Enhancements: Pros. III
Description: Hanami dango are sweet mochi rice dumplings on a skewer, and each of them has a different color – pink is used to symbolize cherry blossoms, white represents the remaining snow of the past winter, and green is used as a herald of spring, representing the color of young grass.

Name: Ramen and Veggies
Profession/Rank: Cook/9
IDs[CD/LD]: 157668[9/3]; 157669[10/10]; 157671[9/14]
Item Type: Snack
Tier: 1
Quality(Yield): Rare(5)
Enhancements: ACC II
Description: A bowl of yummy Japanese ramen mixed with vegetables.
Post Link: [Here]

Name: Kobe Steak
Profession/Rank: Cook/9
IDs[CD/LD]: 157683[11/15]
Item Type: Meal
Tier: 2
Quality(Yield): Perfect(2)
Enhancements: Protein II; EVA I
Description: An extremely expensive steak that taste absolutely amazing when cooked to the eater's liking. 
Post Link: [Here]

Name: Ika Shogayaki
Profession/Rank: Cook/9
IDs[CD/LD]: 157677[13/10]
Item Type: Meal
Tier: 2
Quality(Yield): Perfect(2)
Enhancements: OH III
Description: Stir-fry squid served with vegetables.
Post Link: [Here]

Name: Spicy Dragon Roll
Profession/Rank: Cook/9
IDs[CD/LD]: 157676[13/16]; 157678[13/7]
Item Type: Meal
Tier: 2
Quality(Yield): Perfect(4)
Enhancements: MIT III
Description: A spicy hot roll that could make a person breathe fire like a dragon!!! Well, not really, that's just how it's advertised in Yuki's shop. This roll will make a person's mouth melt from how hot it is, but will make them feel invincible for battles to come!
Post Link: [Here]

Name: Kobe Steak
Profession/Rank: Cook/9
IDs[CD/LD]: 157673[9/6]; 157681[10/14]; 157682[9/1]
Item Type: Meal
Tier: 2
Quality(Yield): Rare(4)
Enhancements: Protein II
Description: An extremely expensive steak that taste absolutely amazing when cooked to the eater's liking. 
Post Link: [Here]


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Vigilon had informed Krysta of a place she could go in her efforts to replace what had been stolen from them. "That little thief will pay dearly for her actions..." Krysta thought aloud as she walked towards her destination. "If only I was able to learn of her name...then I would have something to go off of, rather than simply a cloaked figure..." Maybe she would encounter this thief once more, and have her chance to deal with this criminal...but for now, she had to restock the supplies for the trip she and Vigilon had intended to go on.

She would reach the area marked on her map, and find a manor with what appeared to be a chef's store attached to it. Upon further inspection, this was indeed the place, as it matched the description Vigilon had given. She would walk inside, and take a look around. She would find almost everything that was left to search for on the list. She would gather the items(and a fair supply of them, at that, for the plans included large-scale combat, and the players would need to be fighting at their best), then place them on the counter, along with a fairly sized sack of col. "I would like to purchase these meals, please."



[T1]Ice Cream Mochi(3 LD) x2

[T1]Hanami Dango(3 Pros.) x2

[T1]Ramen and Veggies(2 ACC) x2

[T2]Kobe Steak(2 Protein, 1 EVA) x2

[T2]Ika Shogayaki(3 OH) x2

[T2]Spicy Dragon Roll(3 MIT) x2

Total cost: 6800 Col, paid to @Zajcica

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The consistent visit, he was already living in her house but the idiot still went on the other side and entered her shop like a normal person would, if that person was someone Yuki doesn't know. He entered the shop and continued behind the counter looking for what to buy. He saw the sign already about him free of charge when it comes to foods but the guy still wanted to pay "I can only do that if we are married, or if I have materials given to her every time I go out and kill creatures" he thought. For now he can only gain enough exp from grinding and some quests that are not yet finished. After a few seconds he picked up some food and like an idiot he walked out of her shop and entered her house by the front door again

Perfect T2 Udon bowl x1
Rare T2 Mochi LD x6
Rare T2 Udon Bowl x2
total  4,650 col

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Using Respite[1 left]

Day 44


ID: 158877 | CD: 6 (5+1) | LD: 2 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 158876 | CD: 10 (9+1) | LD: 3 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 158875 | CD: 7 (6+1) | LD: 8 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 158874 | CD: 9 (8+1) | LD: 7 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 158873 | CD: 9 (8+1) | LD: 2 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 158872 | CD: 1 | LD: 10 | Fail
ID: 158871 | CD: 5 (4+1) | LD: 13 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 2
ID: 158870 | CD: 11 (10+1) | LD: 11 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 2
ID: 158869 | CD: 12 (11+1) | LD: 5 | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 158868 | CD: 5 (4+1) | LD: 7 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 158867 | CD: 12 (11+1) | LD: 3 | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 158866 | CD: 5 (4+1) | LD: 12 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 2

ID: 158889 | CD: 3 (2+1) | LD: 7 (2+5) | Salvage (Fail)
ID: 158888 | CD: 7 (6+1) | LD: 5 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 158887 | CD: 13 (12+1) | LD: 15 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 2
ID: 158886 | CD: 1 | LD: 10 | Fail
ID: 158885 | CD: 4 (3+1) | LD: 20 (15+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 158884 | CD: 6 (5+1) | LD: 3 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 158883 | CD: 9 (8+1) | LD: 6 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 158882 | CD: 4 (3+1) | LD: 11 (6+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 158881 | CD: 12 (11+1) | LD: 18 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 3
ID: 158880 | CD: 13 (12+1) | LD: 16 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 3
ID: 158879 | CD: 13 (12+1) | LD: 10 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 2
ID: 158878 | CD: 9 (8+1) | LD: 7 | Success! (Rare)

EXP:  Total: 4,542+230=4,772

Result: +230XP (110, +24+48+48), -22 Tier 1 Materials, Uncommon Snack (9), Rare Snack (5), Perfect Snack (14)


Name: Ice Cream Mochi
Profession/Rank: Cook/9
IDs[CD/LD]: 158870(11/11); 158869(12/5); 158867(12/3); 158867(13/15); 158881(12/18); 158880(13/16); 158879(13/10)
Item Type: Snack
Tier: 1
Quality(Yield): Perfect(14)
Enhancements: Loot Die III
Description: Dollops of ice cream wrapped in mochi skin. Because they're so small, one could eat multiple of these snacks at a time.
Post Link: [Here]

Name: Udon with Veggies
Profession/Rank: Cook/9
IDs[CD/LD]: 158878(9/7); 158883(9/6); 158873(9/2); 158874(9/7); 158876(10/3)
Item Type: Snack
Tier: 1
Quality(Yield): Rare(5)
Enhancements: EVA II
Description: Japanese noodles with mixed vegetables and sometimes some shreds of meat.
Post Link: [Here]


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Ruler still needed a lot of things before she began a few quests, one such being the quest that she could learn her profession, which she had heard could be a bit of a luck-related situation. Thankfully, on her way to Firm Anima's guildhall, she had seen a food shop of Japanese Origin. That would be a good place to look around for anything useful for that quest.

Upon entering, the shop smelled amazing. The voice of a woman met her ears as well. "Irashaimase! Have a look around or order with a sheet here on the counter." Yuki said while she was busy cooking. Ruler simply walked forward, picked out some luck boosting foods and paid the necessary col.


Buying 3 LD III - Ice Cream Mochi


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He's inside the shop again, what a glutton

Crozeph is clearly preparing for some nonsense or maybe not that nonsensical. He's learned a lot of lesson meeting new and old people that he realized being a support one has to rely on the trick of using consumables. Debuffs and buffs during battle and before they even begin the expedition. Fortunately, his fiance is one hell of an excellent cook and now is the time for him to buy another set of food buffs to take with him. "Now I must have some of that mochi she makes" he said as he walked creepily into the counter and picked up five of it.

"Well, time to send my payment" he thought before he left. it will all be put to good use, or he'll just eat them because he likes it.

X5 T1 perfect mochi +3 LD
total col: 2,750

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Entering the shop, Chase scratched the back of his head awkwardly. "Aha... So just to get a familiar, I've had to enter a shop, buy a spyglass, pheromones, some song that's supposed to help and now get some good food to increase my stats... Wh-Why does the game have to do me like this...", he rid his head of such thoughts and silently walked up to the counter, giving a somewhat intense stare before he, as per usual, awkwardly blurted out. "A perfect mochi. That's what it's called."

Maybe asking for something would work better if it didn't sound like he'd just remembered what he was here for. Regardless, he opened up the trade menu and sent Col her way, giving the same blank look. "T-Take my money and let me leave... I hate shops, damn it..."

Purchases: 1 T1 Perfect Mochi (+3 LD)
Cost: -550 Col

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Crafting Konpeito


ID: 160173 | CD: 7 (6+1) | LD: 15 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 2
ID: 160172 | CD: 9 (8+1) | LD: 17 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 3
ID: 160171 | CD: 9 (8+1) | LD: 13 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 160170 | CD: 8 (7+1) | LD: 4 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 160169 | CD: 10 (9+1) | LD: 8 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 160168 | CD: 9 (8+1) | LD: 9 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 160167 | CD: 6 (5+1) | LD: 20 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 3
ID: 160166 | CD: 10 (9+1) | LD: 4 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 160165 | CD: 4 (3+1) | LD: 18 (13+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 160164 | CD: 4 (3+1) | LD: 25 (20+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 160163 | CD: 5 (4+1) | LD: 10 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 2
ID: 160162 | CD: 6 (5+1) | LD: 4 | Success! (Uncommon)

ID: 160185 | CD: 12 (11+1) | LD: 6 | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 160184 | CD: 7 (6+1) | LD: 3 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 160183 | CD: 8 (7+1) | LD: 20 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 3
ID: 160182 | CD: 8 (7+1) | LD: 14 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 160181 | CD: 13 (12+1) | LD: 4 | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 160180 | CD: 6 (5+1) | LD: 10 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 2
ID: 160179 | CD: 12 (11+1) | LD: 5 | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 160178 | CD: 6 (5+1) | LD: 10 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 2
ID: 160177 | CD: 11 (10+1) | LD: 6 | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 160176 | CD: 7 (6+1) | LD: 9 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 160175 | CD: 3 (2+1) | LD: 21 (16+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 160174 | CD: 3 (2+1) | LD: 8 (3+5) | Salvage (Fail)

EXP Total: 4,772+224=4,996
Result: +224XP (104, +24+48+48), -21 Tier 1

20 Starry Konpeito made for the event.

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There was only so much need for these annoying foods. Shay couldn't make these types of consumables so she had to rely on others to provide her with the necessary buffs to help her find her familiar. Well, it was too important to ignore, so she wouldn't.

"I need another of your luck boosting foods, the mochi." She said simply to the paladin. 

"Coming right up!" The tank said reaching into her fridge and pulling out a serving of the foods that she had already prepared to pass to her customer.

"If you'd like, I can take you on a quest as payment." Shay mentioned, and the paladin seemed interested.


Taking one Mochi - LD III


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