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[E3][PP-F21] <<Nature's Treasure>> No Floor for Old Men

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The gaijin fisherman smiled as Shield began to theorize on voting structures. "I am all for a round table for deciding guild issues, as long as there's a command structure for the front. And I like the idea of pulling in some new people to help us run things. It would keep our focus split between helping the front, but also helping the rising stars."

As Baldur thought, his pole dipped lower and lower, forgotten.

"I do like the idea of finding someone lower level who is a potential healer, and raising them up as part of our group. If nothing else, that also means that it becomes easier to influence the healer to pursue a more pure support build. They wouldn't need to worry about having a self-sustaining build."

Baldur rubbed his chin in thought.

"I was trying to find tanks before, and we may need that as well. I just can't place my faith in Hestia. Not just that she'll play as a team, but just that she'll be there. I just.. don't know how to read her right now. I feel like we need a full on training camp montage."

ID#139722 CD2 (nothing)

Baldur's Haul:
Eggs: 106
T3 Mats: 47

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"Not only is Hestia not someone we can trust," Shield sighed, pulling in his hook to check on a snarl that had formed in the fishing line. "She wouldn't trust us together in one place. She spent however long campaigning against us being in the same boss raid party because she saw us as some kind of power group like - what was it? The Azure Brigade?" Shield hung his head and shook it slowly from side to side, sitting up straight again to finish untangling his line before testing out the reel to make sure it fed smoothly. "She was too blind to see that the reason we had subdivided was because we didn't trust her." 

"As for Zandra," he went on, counting visibly on a second finger now as he moved on from Hestia. "I'm pretty sure she still hates us for that Firefly reference we made. I don't know how many times we tried to explain the joke and that there we didn't see ourselves as stronger players - maybe more competent - less reckless, but not as if the others were somehow lesser than."

Shield's newly untangled reel sang as the line unspooled. He stopped it quickly, seeing to it that he did not lose any extra ground in the fight with this next fish. He battled it to shore, despite the fight it put up, and gladly recovered it along with the healthy bundle of eggs inside of it.

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"Hestia's bigger issue seems to be that she thinks we'd become another Azure Brigade. That by having Beat and I in the same party, we will get all the last hits, and therefore horde all the demonic items. She's offended by the idea that you guys have more than you can use, and don't loan out the ones you can't to other players to use in the boss fight. That he idea of selling them for lots of resources is getting people killed."

Baldur shook his head, "But while she may be willing to do everything for free, it's not her things she's pushing people to give away. And we've had people get PKed over spreading sentiments like that before. Not to mention the number of amazing items we lose whenever someone retires. If we loan out all these amazing items we're not using, and people don't give them back, then they're just as lost to the cause. But I'm not going to push that someone redistribute the wealth they literally risk their lives to get, especially to someone who hasn't proven themselves."

He shook his head again, "Not to mention her hypocrisy, and inability to do what is best for the raid."

"I am sorry to hear about Zandra. Every time she picks a side, she seems to pick the wrong one and will eventually regret it because her allies dissolve." Baldur let out another weary sigh, but then was brought out of his thoughts by a yank on the pole, and he reeled in just about the best haul he could hope for.

"I need four players, ourselves included, that have some measure of leadership, skills at cooperation, and are reliable. With that, we could base a great guild around them. We just need two people. Two. Is that really so much to ask?"

ID#139855 CD: 11 LD18+5 Materials +4, +1 Housing Bonus, +8 eggs

Baldur's Haul:
Eggs: 114
T3 Mats: 52


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"There's the conundrum though, isn't it?" Shield said, a little ironic smile on his lips. "If there were more reliable and consistent players to gather around, then this guild wouldn't be as necessary as it it. Good, reliable players are at a premium," he said, giving a little half shrug. "You can say you're disappointed, but you can't say you're surprised, now can you?"

There was a little sploosh in the direction of Shield's hook, as if a small fish had leaped from the water, and moments later, he felt a bite from something weak enough that Shield had to assume that it was the same fish. He tugged on the line, and his pole moved almost without hindrance. He reeled it in without hesitation, collecting the tiny fish who was so full to bursting with eggs that one was partially protruding from its mouth.

"I know very little about the Azure Brigade," Shield admitted, picking out the spot for his next cast and taking a few practice swings. "I know of a few of the names in it, but that's all. It sounds like a nightmare from how people speak the name though. As though it was a swear of some sort."

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"You're right, I'm not surprised, but that's even more disappointing."

Baldur threw his line back out into the pond and let it sit for a while as he considered Shield's next words.

"I was a member of the Azure Brigade for a very short time. My friend and I had joined it, because we wanted to go to the frontline, and that was the frontline guild. However, that very next boss room was discovered, not by a member of the Brigade, but by another player. I don't remember if she had a guild or was an indie, but she was in charge of the next boss fight planning meeting, since she was the only one who knew where the room was."

Baldur let out a world weary sigh.

"But instead of cooperating, The Azure Brigade decided to boycott the boss fight. They were in charge, or no one was going. That may not seem like much of a thread, but the Azure Brigade was pretty much the who's who of frontliners. Imagine a guild made up of me, you, beat, Calrex, Zandra, Hestia, and Macradon. Then say Hirru found the boss room, and decided to call a meeting, but we said not only are we not showing up to the meeting, we're not showing up to the fight, unless we're in charge."

Baldur let out a half laugh and a rueful shake of his head.

"Those same members later went on to become the first bearers of Unique skills. Somehow, only members of Azure seemed to get them. That's not quite true, but it's more true than not. And so the Azure Brigade began to go on and clear floor bosses with ease, they didn't need anyone else, they didn't care about anyone else, and they amassed all the wealth that you can imagine if a single group of players got every single last hit item, unique skill, and unique reward."

Baldur toyed with his line, dragging the lure too and fro without thinking much on it.

"And that, is why the Azure Brigade is spoken of like a curse. They were a rich, privileged few, that threw around their weight like you would expect from kids who had suddenly been given keys to the candy shop. And that's probably what ultimately proved to be their downfall. You can still find people who liked members of the guild individually, but no one will try to justify their actions. Since they were murdered, people seem to think back with rose colored glasses.' Baldur shook his head with a sigh, "But their arrogance got people killed. They wanted to gamble on a boss fight, unfortunately, the ante was everyone else's life, not theirs."

ID#139860 CD 2 (fail)

Baldur's Haul:
Eggs: 114
T3 Mats: 52

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Shield listened, nodding along and following with Baldu'r words. It was certainly a lot to take in, but by the end of it he had gotten a very clear picture. "Well, that explains a lot," he said, sighing aloud. "And I can certainly see why people would be very keen to avoid seeing another Azure Brigade spring up and why they would be very wary of anything that might look like that." He reached up and let his fingertips dig around in his beard, scratching thoughtfully at his chin. "That knowledge will hopefully come in handy when trying to defuse situations where such accusations are thrown at us."

Just then, Shield's pole bent forward, and considerably more than it had in a minute or two, practically doubling over. It was nowhere near as bad as some of the biggest fish he'd caught, but it was a catch that was going to make him do work. He straightened his back and dug in his heels hard, reeling and pulling as he steadily brought his catch in to the shore. Inside of the fish was another bountiful collection of chocolate eggs, with which Shield was very satisfied.

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"Part of the issue, I think with Hestia, was that she was never around when we actually had guilds attending raid meetings. It used to be that guilds would bring one or two people, their leaders, and each leader would put forth what they could field, and teams were typically organized around guild parties, with solo players filling in the gaps. Occasionally we'd have a guild that could field more than a full party, but they would furnish their party, and put forth who was able to be assigned elsewhere. When we lost most of our guilds and more people were solo players, it changed into just trying to fit people into teams, which I think is what Hestia is used to. No guild could field an entire team. But in doing so, she disregards the feelings of the people who are risking their lives in the fight. But then... I don't need to lecture you, you were there... and her performance our at brainstorming meeting..." Baldur gave another sigh.

"I have never felt so hurt about being so wrong about someone in this game. Hestia is one of the few I trusted so much. When I thought she died at the Halloween event..." Baldur shook his head and stared off into space.

"And what she accused us of, being like the Brigade... she couldn't have been more wrong. We're pretty much the exact opposite of what they were. They wouldn't even accept you unless you were top of the line, frontline material. There was no helping hand, let alone specifically seeking to improve others."

Baldur slowly reeled in the line of his pole, and was pleased that he at least caught something to offset the negative tone of the material they were covering in conversation.

ID#139877 CD9 LD5+5=10 Materials +3, +1 Housing Bonus, +4 Eggs

Baldur's Haul:
Eggs: 118
T3 Mats: 56

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"Well, then that definitely isn't us," Shield said resolutely. There were similarities that he had seen in Baldur's first attempt at description, namely in Shield's adamant belief that nobody was simply entitled to items because of strategic advantage, but he had never gotten his own boss drop before. Everything he had he had needed to scrape for individually in the face of incalculable odds, and even so, it had taken over a year before finding something that could improve his end-game gear selection. "I've hardly been a philanthropist when it comes to other front-liners, but still."

He shook his head and deftly cast his line, even just from his peripherals knowing where to cast into good waters without crossing Baldur's line. "Hestia was very quick to see my actions as something to be angry about. I will admit that I have done things that have made players angry, but the objective was never to exclude. There may have been some pride involved, perhaps even arrogance at some of my aims, but if taking some risks would have moved the front lines faster, then at the time, I was willing to do so." He remembered back to the attempt to push for a 3-player assault on a boss. Hestia been involved, accompanying without protest or without inkling that such a plan was one she opposed, or hinting that she thought other players would be offended by it. In hindisght, it was easy to see his actions as selfish, but he had repented his actions and promised not to do something like that again. And yet...

And yet Hestia still regarded me as the worst kind of player... calling me and my friends the actual names of members of the Azure Brigade... I now see how deeply insulted I should probably be at such accusations.

Shield pulled his line back in, bringing with it another fishless bundle of eggs.

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"One of the good pieces of the frontline, is that actually those of us still around to remember the drama of the old days are farely few, and well adjusted. Calrex has been to more floor boss fights than anyone, but even he doesn't go back far enough for some of these grudges. It is better to let the name of the Azure Brigade die, and be forgotten, and I say that as a former member."

Baldur cast his line out once more.

"We just need to learn from the past. If we assemble a strong group of players who work together to push the frontline forward, that's optimal. I still want a group like what we almost had. Hell, with the right group, we could probably assure that the boss would be cleared 100%, and just need everyone else to contribute and be safe. But we also can't let players be leeches. There's a huge number of people who just show up, ask for handouts, and then never contribute or pay anyone back. Case by case that's okay, but it'll quickly begin to deplete stores. However, making buffs more accessible through proper planning would be a win. Show up and pay 10,000 Col and/or 50 materials and you get your "DPS buff pack" would be great for accessibility. But it all goes back to the start. Manage the supply chain. Raise the players we need. We just need to find someone to be healers and tanks."

Baldur chuckled and reeled in his line.

"DPS I have for days."

ID#139901 CD: 8 LD16+5 Materials +2, +1 housing bonus, +8 Eggs

Baldur's Haul:
Eggs: 126
T3 Mats: 59

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"We've always had DPS for days," Shield said, rolling his eyes a little. "Even if SAO didn't specifically reward players for getting in the last hit, everyone knows that it's more fun to deal the damage than it is to absorb the damage." At this, he quirked an eyebrow and tilted his head down slightly, giving Baldur a 'ya basic b*tch' sort of look before turning back to his fishing. He cast out into the lake, reeling slowly in to try to draw the attention of the odd fish that he had thus far been catching. 

"So at this point," Shield continued, picking up from a prior point in the conversation, "how do we propose to recruit a lowby healer? Do we put out ads, do we just lurk in the town of beginnings and look for players who need carries?" The reel rang out in the relative stillness of the cavern, the sound echoing out in the semidarkness as Shield caught the handle. However, as soon as he did, the fight went out of his catch, and he knew what awaited him on the other end. "So is there just like... an aquatic Easter Bunny down there, swimming around and attaching eggs to our hooks, or...?"

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Baldur rolled his eyes at Shields smarmy look, "What, don't tell me you still believe in the easter bunny."

Baldur then let out a long breath, he knew exactly what Shield was talking about. It didn't matter the game, the support classes were the ones least likely to be played by anyone.

"You know, in every MMO, MOBA, table-top, what have you... I'm always the tank. I was planning on being the tank in SAO as well.. but when the whole death game DLC happened, we decided to change things up. My partner at the time wanted to be the tank, and she wanted that extra buffer. I decided to go with the Katana, because I was already used to using it in real life. Of the two of us, I had competition level fencing experience in both European style, and Kendo. So when it came time to fight, I was a step ahead. She went full survival, and I went full damage, much like you and Beat... I mean, fighting with my life on the line was new, but I had the muscle memory that she didn't."

Baldur reeled in on his line once more.

"I think that part of me still gravitates that way, and that's why I'm more of a bruiser type. I hit hard, but I'm not so offensive as Beat. I watched too many people die, so I gravitate towards having the highest possible defense while minimizing the sacrifice to my offense. I've been struggling with that recently. The others on the frontline, their offense is jumping by leaps and bounds. I want to play in those leagues too, but I also value consistency over burst... so there's my eternal build conundrum."

Baldur gave a half laugh.

"Hey, did you ever end up actually raising a sword skill?"

ID#139926 CD: 12 LD: 2+5=7
Materials +4, +1 Housing Bonus, Eggs +4

Baldur's Haul:
Eggs: 130
T3 Mats: 64

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"Not yet," Shield sighed. "I'm about there. I need to open up that last skill slot. I've got a weapon lined up and everything. Unfortunately, this weapon," he said, holding out his fishing rod, "takes priority for now." With that, he stood and brandished it, whipping it over his head and releasing the line. "Hi-yah!" The fishing line spun out of the reel and a faint 'plunk' told them that the hook had found water. Shield returned to his seat.

"It's going to be a long slog to that last skill slot, but it's fitting that it should be the last one that I take," he said, almost wistfully. "I did everything I could to make myself defensive, even so much as to invest into my ability to hunt and scour the waters for new equipment that would do the job better than the basic items I had. You know, you have limited control over the luck of a boss drop with so many people competing, especially as a tank." He gestured with his head towards the water. "This, however, you can try your luck at as many times as you like. You're only competing with yourself."

His line went taut, and before his reel had a chance to spin, he caught it, but this was another very powerful catch. He braced his feet and fought against it, having gotten the feel almost down to a science now of how these Easter fish fought. Before long, it was flopping uselessly on the stone and surrendering to itemhood.

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"I must admit, this is the most relaxing way I have ever gathered materials. I have never had much use for Col, except to pay for my own merchant wares, but I would go out and farm mobs for materials. It's never been dangerous, but it has been exhausting. I much prefer this means, by which I can relax with an old friend and have a pleasant conversation. I think I've usually been pretty lucky when it comes to quantity, but this definitely beats getting exhausted in some giant ant hive somewhere."

Baldur cast out in his line once more.

"It's a shame I never took it up before now. My new home, however, has several fishing ponds. I look forward to being able to sit on my porch and do some fishing with some friends."

ID#139986 CD 1 (nothing)

"Oh, that reminds me! I will be doing a house warming party eventually, but I'm going to be doing a small ceremony, a shinto home blessing ceremony. I would love it if you would be there."

Baldur's Haul:
Eggs: 130
T3 Mats: 64

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"I might attend," Shield said, turning the idea over in his head. "I might show up either very fashionably early or very unfashionably late to avoid the main crowd, or I might stop by ahead of time to help you set up or something. But it sounds like it will be a mighty fine shindig." He gave his old friend a subdued smile, which for him was not nothing. He wound up and made a swift overhead cast of this fishing rod, listening to the reel spin as his hook sailed out into the darkness.

"If it's possible to even get off-topic in such a far-reaching, all-encompassing conversation as this, I believe we did just that," he said, settling himself on his rocky seat, which despite being familiar was not exactly what one would call luxurious. "What do we think is the best way to recruit? Doing so at boss raid meetings will certainly attract players with ambition, but they are hardly going to be lowbies, and doing so will likely draw ire from Hestia and perhaps provoke further confrontation. Canvasing the Town of Beginnings is one option, but the sheer investment of time..." Shield went to wind in his line, and as it emerged, he discovered yet another fishless bundle of eggs.

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"Don't worry, it'll be small." Baldur laughed at Shield reluctance to come to his house warming party, "The blessing will only be a handful. The people whose energy I want to bless the home, as it were."

He cast his line out again as the conversation shifted back to business.

"That's what I've done in the past... troll through the Town of Beginnings and see who makes themselves stand out. It's... had mixed results. However, I think it's better to build long term bonds with people organically. I once hosted a scouting party that took people deep into some of the harder floors. I wouldn't take lowbies into a tier 3 floor, but we could maybe scout out some good, more difficult quests, and give them a safe chance to experiment with challenging content, and get a feel for the player and their style."

Baldur began to reel back in.

"But a healer is going to be difficult. They really need an environment to flourish, or a certain personality. Or else you get someone that picks up the skill so that they can ride the coat tails of being in demand and may drop it later. So I really don't know what we're gonna do there."

ID#140075 CD: 2 (nothing)

Baldur's Haul:
Eggs: 130
T3 Mats: 64

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Shield sat back and thought through that conundrum. Even the only true healer left on the front lines wasn't super active with her heals. Sure, she kept people alive, but it had always worried Shield to an extent how much more focused on offense she was. He sighed. "I don't know how to completely remove that worry," he admitted, casting out a short distance and reeling in absentmindedly. "The one thing I will say is that you and I are open enough about strategy and its importance that hopefully a running dialogue about the need for healers will keep any recruits we make motivated to fill their niche."

As Shield pulled his hook up out of the water, he discovered yet another bundle of eggs attached. He removed it, checked his bait, which was still there, and cast out once again, continuing his slow and steady process of dragging the waters one cast after another. "In any case, I'm not sure how long you planned to stay, but I probably need to get back before too long and get back into the routine of training. My slime farm has been neglected, and it's high time I properly gave the little puddings a proper jostling."

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Baldur reeled in his line once more, found nothing, and then cast it out again.

"I was hoping to get enough eggs to get the upgrade stamp, but I seem to be running out of luck. Let's try just just one or two more casts and then call it a day."

His eyes searched the dark water of the pond, but the flow of water and the glow of the luminescent stones prevented him from seeing anything within their depth, and no nibbles came to his line.

"Barring finding someone who will change their spec into healer, and having a large enough energy pool to do the buffing and healing required, I think our best bet is the same. Troll the Town of Beginnings for someone who we could try to help guide and shape into a healer for the frontlines. Preferably more than one. If we can pair them up with an up and coming tank, then that would be ever better. I mean, you could even be their DPS with those low level sword arts of yours."

Baldur laughed and gave Shield a teasing wink at his joke about the tank's damage being equal to a new tier 1 player.

"But it's all gonna be about that core group of people we start with."

140173 CD: 2 (nothing)

Baldur's Haul:
Eggs: 130
T3 Mats: 64

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"It is," Shield agreed, shrugging his shoulders in resigned resolution. "We only have what we have to work with and wishing for more won't bring it to us, so from here on out, it's leg work." It was a daunting prospect to say the least, but they didn't have a choice in the matter. "In the mean time, all we'll have to prop ourselves up on are partial healers that can bandaid together some heals, hopefully on a team that will need it less. I don't like those odds, though. We've seen some dark times, and we've seen some tough synergy of bosses with their adds that make nigh impenetrable defenses, but we usually had our own system of sustainability to fall back on," he said, winding up and tossing his line deep into the dark waters of the cavern.

He brought in his line, tossing out a few more times, trying in his head to Mr. Potato Head together a team that he felt comfortable with. Perhaps himself as a backup healer and full tank for Macradon and Calrex with their high hit point pools and defense to sustain them... but even that didn't feel good. He threw out his line again, this time being rewarded almost instantly. The bobber rode the ripples of the water before diving under. It was not a difficult fight, but this fish actually resisted him somewhat unlike some of the smaller catches. It came ashore, belly full to bursting with eggs, which was far more important to Shield than it was to find bigger fish.

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"I think that's a good plan. We keep our eyes out for new people braving the outdoors. I know a lot of guilds in the past have done that. If you jump on them early, you tend to get a lot of loyalty out of that. I think the point people are most likely to want to join a guild, is when they're the most vulnerable and in need of help. So help them we will."

Baldur reeled in his line, but had caught nothing but eggs this time. Still, it was a large haul of eggs. He was so close to his goal, he could taste it. It was chocolatey.

"Tanks and healers. We'll want to recruit more than we need, assuming there's an attrition rate. We can recruit DPS too, because we'll want to build up units that help them level up. And perhaps a stockpile of Tier 1 buffs to help them out. We've got a great supply of Field Rations and Immolation potions, but I bet we could help a lot by gathering up a bunch of "wasted" uncommon and rare damage and accuracy potions to supplement starting gear."

Baldur began to collect his fishing things as Shield waited to see if something would bite his line one last time.

"Sound like a plan?"

ID#140294 CD: 3 LD17+5
Material +0, Eggs +8

Baldur's Haul:
Eggs: 138
T3 Mats: 64

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"About the only one we've got right now," Shield replied. He cast out his line one last time, but nothing seemed to be biting anymore. "Guess that's a sign that we've overstayed our welcome at the watering hole." He stood up and started to put away his tackle. "I suppose we'll each keep our eyes out for promising prospects, and we'll see what we come across." His things packed away, he turned to Baldur This was the first time he had seen someone besides Beat and Baldur in more than a few months. It had been good. He was sad to see the time end, but there was work to do.

"Take care of yourself. It may be a while before I see you again, but we'll keep in touch." He took his leave, winding his way down the familiar passages of the twenty first floor and to Tomoika. He turned up his collar upon reaching the edge of the town and made for the teleportation platform.

Ten floors below and several hours later, Shield crossed the threshold of his old shop and home. He pulled down the boards that had been secured across the doorway and went about the place, reopening the store front and settling back into his home. Once he was satisfied that the place would be livable once again, he strode through the overgrown patch of jungle growth to the mob spawner. As soon as he crossed into the borders of the spawning area, a fresh batch of little blue slimes sprang to life from the ground. Shield drew out his mundane rapier and slapped it against the face of the Manticore Mask. 

"Miss me?"


[Quest Rewards]


SP: 6 [3 pages + 1 CONVID bonus + 2 Mega Slime Farm]
Eggs: 186
Col: 4,200
Materials: 40
Equipment: Perfect Armor/Shield [139076a]
Consumables: Rare [139076b] [139076c]


SP: 4 [3 Pages + 1 COVID bonus]
Eggs: 138

T3 Mats: 64



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