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Thinking of leaving

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Ether is walking past on the way to his store. He sees Ragnar staring with a hopeless look over the edge where his brother met his fate. He walks over beside him and taps him on the shoulder. "Your brother was a great man. We were all shocked by the way he left us for no good reason. He left Ruri alone until she found her brother, but I can't help but wonder how it felt to lose your own brother." he looks over for a response.

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"well bro he was an okay guy and people were going after him now people cant get over that im not my brother and their being petty im starting to see where he was coming from nobody can get over small stuff in this game it might be a death game but people need to let stuff go." ragnar was leaning down over the edge looking down where his brother fell.

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"Hey, what are you saying? You are your own person, nobody expects you to be like your brother. In all honesty I think you're much more forgiving than your brother was. People will be petty, it's human nature. Hell, we're built like that. In a death game like this the dark sides of people come out but you need to focus on the good. How many people have you helped in your time here? Just the other day you were with those two beginners, teaching them like the pro you are." he said, putting his hand on Ragnar's shoulder. It was a firm, reassuring grip.

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"well bro people compsre me with him all the time like nothings different i like to help people and yes i dont like pkers i hate pkers but no im dirgun to everyone so yeah death game or not im tired of being compared to the bad things my brother did" ragnar grabs ethereals handpushhing it off still looking over the side.

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"Look, your brother is not like you. You're saying people compare you to him but it sounds to me that you've got it in your head you have to fill his shoes and bear his sins. The few he had anyway but that's rubbish." he said sincerely.

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"well you can say anything you want but people will always compare me to him he left no shoes to fill and only burdens people will still always think im just like him don't try to feed me that BS." ragnar looked over the side again getting mad at this whole situation then he calmly starts laughing climbing up on the edge saying "i see now brother people always judge you for what you did but they don't have people judging them for what they do so i guess it time to join you."

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She sees Ethereal giving her the signal as she acts... She pulls Ragnar away from the edge, "Why is everyone related to Dirgun, wanting to die now?" She asks as she slaps him telling him not to try to jump again. She didn't want two people to die within about 2-3 weeks. She saddened trying to make him not jump, hoping that he didn't..

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ragnar starts laughing like a mainiac saying "oh you'll stop me but you won't stop dirgun wow he died slowly you know he didn't go out of his own terms yeah he died in pain what do you think of that." ragnar was angry backing away leaning against the side railing. standing again laughing saying "well all i wanted was to join guild but no you compared me to my brother and declined me so bye." ragnar leans back with a relaxed face.

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"HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT! You realise you're talking to the girl your brother left behind!" his patience snaps and he grabs Ragnar, pulling him away from the railing. "YOUR BROTHER HURT HIS FRIENDS A HELL OF A LOT MORE. YOUR BROTHER DIED LIKE THAT BECAUSE HE WAS ACTING LIKE AN IDIOT AND DOING WHAT YOU'RE ABOUT TO DO!" he shoves Ragnar away in disgust. He walks away not looking back.

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"peace out dude i get thst you hate me and i understand you don't have to worry about people thinking your a peice of crap for stuff you didn't do so know what your talking about before you judge what other people say." ragnar looks sad and sorry saying "bye ruri just be glad to know i don't have anymore family to want to be friends with you then be judged for what their family does."

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Ruri turned and backed away from the demon as she sat and sobbed. "F-Fine you can g-go ahead and die." She growled at him. "You have accomplished nothing but having a death like your brother's. If you want to die, go ahead it's your choice." She growled at him as she flung a sword at him, "Use it to kill yourself if you're going to." She scowls at him once more. She looked away from the small fight they were having as she sobbed more and more, as if a river came out of her eyes. Her eyes grew a dark reddish pink as she kept rolling the tears down her cheeks. She remembered all the memories Dirgun had with her, and she wished he were here so she could hug him...

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ragnar picks up the sword throwing it back saying"yeah why don't you use and become a PKer like derion the guy who kills my brother then walks free without anything happening so yeah don't even think about my brother as long as his killer walks free." ragnar starts crying feeling bad but he had already done the damage and he couldn't just take back what he said.

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She looked at him. "Die if you like, for all i care right now I could kill you with that sword, and don't you dare say that it's all my fault that he is still alive, and Dirgun isn't." She said as she turned and sobbed more as she walked farther away from the scene, not leaving it yet, but watching him to see if he would kill himself or choose life over death.

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he sobs saying "you run a guild now right that hunts PKers you have keith you could have killed him by now but no and i'm gonna die one of two ways today." ragnar picks up the sword putting it in her hand saying "your gonna kill me or im going to jump off in memory of my brother your choice."

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"Keith is my brother, he wasn't going to kill Dirgun if he made me happy." Ruri said in a angry voice as she had the sword now. "It is your choice to live or die, choose it, I can kill you or you can live." Ruri said as she narrowed her eyes toward the figure.

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"no its not my choice everyone hates me and my family if i leave here alive keith will kill me and you denyed me from joining your guild even though i agree with all the priciples so no its not up to me its your choice." ragnar stood in front of the sword grabbing the end holding it up to his chest/

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She closed her eyes and was immediately sorry for what she was about to do as she poked it, and it slid forward into his chest as it bled and he was turned into millions of crystals. She then picked up some of the crystals, as she tried to put them into her inventory quickly... but the disappeared in her hand...

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