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[F21 - E3 - SP] I need to kill some f*cking mobs <<Nature's Treasure>>

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Speed. It was the only thing he had any time to think about. Bloodlust had crept into his veins and latched on with the tenacity of brain-controlling fungi, directing his moves as he made his way into the depths of the caverns of the twenty first floor as fast as his legs could physically carry him. He cared not for the obstacles, nor the NPCs, nor the players, nor the stalagmites or stalactites. He cared not for any of it.

Today, he would allow himself to cut loose.

Sure, he was trying to dial back the violence. Sure, he was trying to change himself. Become the better person. But he also understood that no recovery went without its setbacks. And he needed this setback. Like a junkie promising himself but one more fix, Bahr was rushing back into the abyss. He was done holding himself back. He was done with all of it.

Focused Dog of Focused Focusness consumed (+1 ACC | Protein 2)
Golden Dog consumed (Prosperity 3)
Big Boy Dog consumed (+45 Overhealth)
Ultra Lucky Hot Dog consumed (+3 LD)
Titanium Infused Hot Dog consumed (+30 MIT)
Potion of Magnificent Power consumed (+3 DMG)


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In a gleam, Bahr happened upon the mobs. Four cave spiders, the lot of them practically reduced to mulch beneath the crushing weight of his corrupted blade. All that could be seen at first was the glint. Then red. Then scatter, as a myriad of polygonal fractals ejected from the poor creatures who hadn't even a second to register what had happened to them. 

The unfortunate thing about Sword Arts was that they forced the player into a cooldown of sorts, their body seizing momentarily in a way that made dodging practically impossible under certain circumstances. It just so happened that one of the mobs managed to recover quick enough that it could rush Bahr before he had time to move. He raised his arm, took its putrid bite, then shoved it back with the heel of his foot. If he had it his way, this one would be the first out of the pod to meet its end.

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Red energy poured - no, blasted into Dawn's Demise as Bahr lurched forward once more. He was gone, then he was there, and then the explosion happened. Three spiders reduced to dust in the blink of an eye, mere seconds after Bahr first arrived on the scene. One of the mobs managed to survive, somehow, but it was hanging on by a thread. Judging by the damage Bahr had inflicted so far, he wagered he would be better off seeking out more powerful mobs for his next encounter. Yes, that's exactly what he would do.

But for now, he had to take care of this one. It wasn't attacking yet, probably stunned by the damage it had received. Apprehensive. Scared, if a program could feel that. It would be foolish not to. If they mobs hadn't been programmed with fear, then they were programmed to die. Not survive, not fight. Die. But that's all Bahr wanted them to do, anyways.

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From the looks of things, Bahr wasn't going to need to wait until he finished this spider off until he found more powerful ones. Killing the underlings had apparently upset the more powerful members of the colony, and they were not starting to come out of their holes to accost Bahr and outnumber him. Three more entered the fray, bigger than the first, and all Bahr could think was, Good. He felt that it was good that he had more targets to beat up. He needed it. He needed this.

As soon as they were within range, he let it rip. He dashed forward, past the mobs in the blink of an eye. A fraction of a second later, a succession of warped glints and slashes followed his trail. All of the mobs were caught in the fray, the last one from the first group finally disintegrating while the others took damage of varying amounts. One had managed to react quick enough to scrape a fang across his arm as he move past, but it didn't matter. It would be healed soon.

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Then, the others jumped forward. They were clumsy, uncoordinated. Getting around them took little more effort than taking a leisurely stroll through a quiet park in spring. Bahr practically sauntered between the mobs as they attacked, Dawn's Demise slowly illuminating until he plunged it forward in a flash. It ripped through the mobs, shredding one instantly while the others had their health reduced to near nothingness. They hissed, and Bahr hissed back.

Oh, how he'd missed this. Wild, violent abandon. He was indulging in the madness that Aincrad had to offer for the first time in ages. It was liberating, euphoric. There were few places he'd rather be, and even they didn't seem as welcoming now.

Right now, this was where he belonged. Right here, annihilating his enemies without so much as a modicum of effort expended. Ruthlessly eviscerating his foes without a morsel of pity or regret. He was allowed to tap into his darkness here, and put it to good use.

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And then, it was done. Dawn's Demise lurked forward, a mixture of obsidian and scarlet wrapping around one another, then through, then around, until the energy had consumed all in its wake. Azure pixels cascaded then, guided along by the whims of the underground draft that seeped through the canals. No more spiders - for now. It seemed that Bahr would need to go in search of them if he wanted to continue fighting. Were they scared? Maybe.

For now, he needed to recover his energy. Even in a frenetic state like this, Bahr understood that there was a limit to what he was capable of. If he got himself into a fight and ran out of energy, he'd be a sitting duck while his enemies had their way with him. Not exactly how he wanted to go out.

Besides, there wasn't a particular rush to any of this. He had time, and all the mobs Aincrad could spawn. He'd get his fill in time.

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And what was that, over yonder? Why, if it wasn't a small pond. The perfect fishing hole, which meant that it was the perfect place to recover his energy (and possibly get some more goodies, while he was at it). He sauntered over to the tiny body of water, sheathing Dawn's Demise and replacing it with a fishing pole. He did not sit at the water's edge - rather stood, so as not to get too comfortable, and then complacent when it came time to get back to slaying mobs.

Within minutes, he had his first bite. He leaned back, heaved, and reeled the sucker in. A fine fish - not too big, nor too small. An average catch, he would say. He could do better. He replaced the bait as the fish made its way into his inventory, then cast the line out once more. His energy was on the recovery path now, and it wouldn't be long before it was back at its maximum. He probably only had time for one more catch.

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He felt another tug, but something about this one was different. It was fast, and heavy, and rapid. Like multiple bites all at once. He leaned back and started reeling excitedly, but was surprised when he barely could. It took all of the power he could muster, even with his above-average strength parameter, to bring the line back to shore one inch at a time, until he finally saw it.

Four fish. He'd somehow managed to hook four god damn fish with one fishing hook.

And would you look at that! Eggs, too.

What a weird holiday.

So he stashed everything into his inventory, at which point he heard the telltale chime that his energy had fully recovered. Magnificent. He traded his fishing pole out for Dawn's Demise and headed back to where he'd fought the spiders before. There still weren't any replacements, be he'd seen the smaller caves they had popped out of. He wandered past each of them, one at a time, yelling into the abyss of every tunnel in an effort to coax them out.

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Like clockwork, a grouping of spiders emerged from the cavern and began surrounding Bahr. While assessing the situation, one of the spiders leapt forward and sank its teeth through Bahr's armor and into his flesh. Screw the plan, it's time for action.

Dawn's Demise lit up with a hungry glow, humming in anticipation before being carried around and through all four of the spiders. Three of them took minor damage, the fourth taking quite a significant plunge. That was the one that got caught by the Fallen tendrils, it seemed.

They all hissed. Jumped back. Such was typical of their behavior. Bahr didn't care. He stared them down with consistent, quiet ferocity, assuming a defensive stance and waiting for their next move. Whatever they did, he would be ready. He didn't intend to take damage again. That didn't mean that it wouldn't indeed happen, of course, but it would be through no fault of his own.

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They rushed in again. He danced between them, their clumsy attack. Hell, he even heard laughter. His own, apparently. He was having so much fun. He knew it was twisted. Wicked, even. But he didn't care. He was enjoying himself. He was allowed to. He was under obligation to be good all the time. Every now and then, he just needed a chance to cut loose.

And cut mobs. His retaliation was a thing of beauty, slicing into the mobs one after another in a turbulent whirlwind of red and black. One burst. Then the next. And the two that remained cowered before his might. He felt powerful. Indomitable. These were the cream of the crop for the twenty first floor's cave spider army, and they didn't have an inkling of a chance against him. Whatever damage they inflicted, he would heal, and they were helpless to escape his blade. He felt completely and utterly alive.

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One more flick of the wrist was all it took to fell the remaining two spiders.

Absolute Accuracy was an absolute marvel of an enhancement. It made clearing mobs infinitely easier than Bahr remembered. He hadn't missed a single time. It was literally impossible to miss. The system assisted his aim to the extent that he almost believed he could try to attack a mob from a distance of a mile, and the system would either drive his body toward the target to guarantee a hit, draw it toward him, or stretch his blade to inordinate lengths just to make sure things went according to plan. Any of those scenarios were, obviously, goofy. But he felt that there may have been an element of truth to them. He wasn't even trying to aim anymore - he was just executing sword arts and seeing where they landed. It was too easy. Too fun.

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Ah, there they were. The next wave, rushing in like pigs to the slaughter. Too bad they weren't pigs, really. Bahr could really go for a good pork chop, or a nice ham. Not that he would say that out loud, of course. For Swine Bajesus' sake.

Before they could even make it to him, Bahr was on the offensive, taking a mighty bound forward and bringing his sword through as many spiders as the horde dared send to him. One after another, their health bars depleted, though not as severely as he might have hoped. No matter. Only one of them managed to deal any damage back to him, and it was hardly anything. Not significant trauma. He wasn't worried.

He took a step back and readied his blade again. With his next attack, he hoped to bring down no less than two of them. Anything less than that would be absolutely unacceptable.

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Damn it.

He only managed to kill one of them.

And to make matters worse, one of the spiders he failed to kill retaliated and stole a little bit more of his health. Not enough for any real concern, but enough for it to be horribly annoying. Bahr was one of the fastest players in all of Aincrad, yet he failed to avoid such a clumsy attack? The post Sword Art locking system was working against him. How pitiful.

Whatever. One more attack, and they'd be gone. He just needed to bide his time for one more attack. Once it was delivered, this silly skirmish would be over. He'd need to recover his energy, but that just gave him an excuse to go fishing for a little bit longer. Let the stockpile of mobs build back up. Yes, that's what he'd do. There was a method to his madness. His strange, combat obsessed madness.

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Yes. That's it. Bring the sword forward. Carve a canyon into the monsters that stand before you. Bring them to their knees, watch as the blood flows. Take delight in the way they combust, turn into clouds of azure polygonal matter. Glimmering triangular dust that slowly dissipates into oblivion.

You've done it. You've beating them. But that isn't much of a surprise, is it?

Of course not.

Bahr wasn't the least bit surprised. It wasn't like any of these mobs could hold a candle against him. In that moment, he felt all powerful. He'd cleared the horde - again - and he hadn't even really needed to try. Maximum effort used to be somewhat of a motto for him. Not, even minimal effort made the cut. 

He couldn't remember the last time he'd truly been challenged by mobs like these. Field bosses no longer felt like field bosses - they felt like regular mobs used to. And that lowered regular mobs down to dirt on the proverbial monster difficulty totem pole.

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With his task done, he began to meander back to the pool of water he had visited earlier. He sheathed Dawn's Demise, replaced it with his fishing rod, and approached the water's edge. He peered into it, and it peered back. This was going to be a good catch. He could feel it.

He cast the line out and got a bite instantly. It was massive. He heaved with all of his might, and still the line barely moved. It must have taken him a full fifteen minutes to get it back to shore. But when he finally saw it, he was pleased with the fruits of his labor.

A gargantuan fish. It probably weighed more than Bahr did. It was fortunate that it converted into data when he stashed it into his inventory, because there was no way he could reasonably carry something so huge.

Maybe he'd fry it up later. Have all of his friends over for a feast of sorts. That would be lovely.

But first, he needed to finish what he'd started.

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So satisfied with his first catch, he decided to cast out his line once more while he continued to wait for his energy to recover. Once again, he felt a huge bite - similar to the first. He pulled, heaved, dug his heels into the sand. Pulled and pulled and pulled and, eventually, brought the fish to the surface.

Absolutely massive, just like the one before it. Who would have known that there were gigantic fish swimming around in shallow ponds on the twenty first floor? Not Bahr, for sure. The whole thing bewildered him in a way that was difficult to put into words. That being said, he wasn't disappointed, either.

So he stashed it in his inventory and, while he had the menu brought up, put away the fishing pole. He seized Dawn's Demise once more and pointed himself back toward the nest. There were spider's skulking around now, just waiting for him. He wouldn't keep them waiting for long.

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He returned to the nest in a gleam of red and tore through a pack of four of the monsters, one of their fangs scraping across his arm as he rushed through. A minor injury, but annoying nonetheless. He'd fare well.

The spiders would fare well too, from the looks of it. Not a single Fallen activation in the whole bunch. He hoped that his next attack would prove more fruitful. He'd noticed that one normal attack and one Fallen attack would do the trick and be just enough to deplete their health bars fully. It was the perfect setup. Seeing it actually play out, that was less than perfect.

In fact, he seemed to be getting more normal hits than anything these days. The occasional Fallen proc was still a welcome bonus when the time was right, but he did find himself wishing that he had more control over it. Maybe, in time, he would learn to control and harness its power on a whim. Though, if that were possible, it would be a long time from now.

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The next attack was quite a bit better. Fallen activated and shredded through a pair of the spiders, and left only two left to counterattack. One way or another, one of them managed to sink its teeth into Bahr, undoing all of the health recovery that he'd made up just before its attack. Still at a healthy helping of HP, Bahr wasn't too worried. Though, he did vow to eviscerate that spider the next time he was able to attack.

Which, of course he would. It was too low on HP to resist him, and it was impossible for him to miss. 

Would this be the last pack of mobs he would fight? He had considered it. Maybe he was done for the day. His zeal was beginning to wear off. He wasn't deriving as much pleasure from the combat as he was when he'd started. He was starting to feel a little slower. More sluggish. And my, the stockpile of col and loot he'd already acquired. Did he really have much need to continue on much longer?

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He brought the sword forward and through, and it was done. The mobs were slain. And look around as he might, Bahr couldn't find any more to sink his teeth into. Which was probably for the best, because he was beginning to feel quite tired. It was probably time to end this.

He scrolled through his loot panel. He'd collected so much. Made up every last bit of col he'd lost when he purchased the guild hall, and then some. He felt pleased, but another part of him felt empty. Vacant. Guilty. He'd probably made a mistake, allowing himself to get as caught up in this as he had. Why did he set out to commit violence? It was like an itch he'd needed to scratch. And now that he had, it was like he was realizing he needed that itch.

Whatever. What was done was done. And he had just a little more time before he needed to start heading home. His eyes trailed to the pool of water that he'd been frequenting throughout the day. Just one more fish. One more.

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And the final catch of the day was the biggest of all. He'd probably never need to fish again for as long as he lived in Aincrad, given how colossal his catches throughout the day had been. He'd need to visit this floor to do his fishing more often.

He packed up his gear and sighed. It almost felt like a wasted day. He could have been doing any number of things that he would have enjoyed more. Actually enjoyed, not held a perverse obsession with. This was still something he'd need to work on. Turned out it hadn't been Scarecrow's Sickle that had made him this way after all.

Then, what? What was it? Just him? Was he really capable of going off the deep end like that, without anyone or anything there to push him? The thought was an unsettling one, but one that he had time to ponder on and consider. He'd find the light eventually. It would probably just be a difficult path getting there.

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