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[F01|R10 Alchemist] Cintamani | open

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Preparing to dish out a whole ton of desserts, Sven heard some NPCs with their casual chitchat. It was meant to let players in on a few tips and tricks by listening to the idle gossip, but this time, it did lead him to strike gold. He entered the shop silently and looked around with a tall, straight posture, before noticing the woman behind the counter. With a natural smile, he walked on over and offered three whole thousand Col. That... was at least a lot from Sven's metrics, given how little he made- none, as of yet. "You wouldn't happen to be selling three Crafter's Respites for this much, would you~?"

[Sv3n buys 3 'Dragon's Breath' (Tierless/Perfect/Crafter's Respite) for 3000 Col.]

[170607] | [170623] | [170629]

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Almost done with everything she needed for the event, Assassin headed in to last shop that she would need to visit before she found a group to engage with. She hated having to go to the tenth floor just to do this but Nee-san was going there to get stronger. She would need to start doing it herself if she wanted to be strong enough to protect herself. Walking over to the shelfs, she pulls the items she needs down and takes them to the counter, laying the designated col down for the shopkeeper and nodding to her before taking her leave.

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"I'll take a handful of them," NIGHT mentioned, picking a bottle of Dragon's Breath off the shelf. There were so many these days; surely that peace wouldn't last for long.

"You know the drill by now."

A handful of col dropped onto the counter. Still, the system registered it as a pouch rather than a tossing of coins. Bistro retrieved the package with her palm outstretched, watching her wallet numbers rise as her client began picking bottles off their display.

Then she tilted her head. "Since when have you been crafting that much these days?"

"Who said anything about crafting?"

The player gave the alchemist a coy look, shaking a glass of cool air before heading out on her way.

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With a deep sigh, Chase entered the store once more. It hadn't been more than a few hours since his last visit, yet he was already returning in need of his fix of damage crystals. He just couldn't get by without them, a feeling that he was sure many coffee addicts would agree with. Except this wasn't just a pleasure- more so a necessity to let things go by smoothly. With a discrete cough, he sent a few more Col Bistro's way and began to pick out crystals, until he had a total of five bunched up. "I'll take five of these, sorry for the repeat visit~."

[ChaseR buys x5 Liquor of Light (DMG +3) for 2.5k Col!]
[171942] | [171961] | [172211] | [172229] | [172370] 

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Who would have thought that he'd already be back? At least this time, it wasn't for damage crystals again. Nah, he thankfully hadn't managed to spend all of them quite yet. Instead, he was bringing to the shop more col in return for those sweet respites that Sven was hoarding- or rather buying and getting rid off almost instantly. This time though, this was going to helping out Grimm, a friend of his, exercise his identifications. It was already enough of a bother to pester Simmone as he had thus far, so he thought it best to instead help a newbie get started. "Yo, Bistro. I'll nab three of these- here's your Col.", he abruptly as ever paid her and received the three crystals, waving her goodbye and beginning to walk out of the store with a small smile.

[ChaseR pays 3k Col to Bistro for x3 "Dragon's Breath"! (Tierless/Perfect/Crafters' Respite)]
[171277] | [171288] | [171773]

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More than what was initially bargained for. Perhaps, Daemien wondered, Bistro really did seem him as the devil when he'd sauntered into her shop in high spirits and a winning smile.

Right as the youth stepped up towards the counter, eyeing the bright colored orbs by the bend of the wood, the alchemist shot him a look from her set of papers splayed out in a wide mess. "Just the bottles," she cautioned. Maybe, had Lucifer caught a glimpse of the venom she'd captured in that stare, he too would have disappeared to depths where no mortals nor gods could find him in the future.

The man raised his palms and shook them in a vain attempt to wrest the woman of her suspicion. "As agreed upon. Just the bottles, yes."

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-- Because the rest of the crafts were important, and they were reserved for her.

The quiet squeaks down the worn steps of the Cintamani were only accompanied by the opening and closing of the front door, just as NIGHT shuffled into the room with nary a word to utter to her business partner. Standard practice would often beckon a greeting; it was polite to do so, after all. But both the client and their broker knew very much of the stakes that were to be laid out in front of them.

Anything that was to be said could be said in silence with well wishes and a focused mind towards their respective duties.

A collection of the orbs. NIGHT only raised her gaze to check if Bistro had time to spare a nod or a glance. But she didn't, and so with hurried steps, the player took her leave bounding elsewhere for the day's preparations.

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It hadn't been too long since Chase's last visit as he once more entered the shop. This time though, it wasn't for himself, nor was it for Sven or Grimm. He'd come in order to prepare for the floor boss that he'd be tackling alongside NIGHT, Mari and the rest of the frontliners. "Yo. Give me two Toxic Venom salves and two antidotes. I'll need one for me and one for NIGHT. I don't want her to be short on supplies when the time comes. Once the boss fight is over, I'll make sure to come and thank you however you want.", he offered with a small smile, sending the Col her way and waving her goodbye- he'd be back in what, a few days? Probably.

[ChaseR pays 4k Col for x2 Viperion [T3 Toxic Venom] and x2 Ein Sof [ANTIDOTE III].]

[175312] | [175312-1]

Ein Sof
[175322] | [175322-1]

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Through happenstance alone, she trickles into the building, aloof and wanderlust without care. A simplistic and adequate abode in mirrored glass with light punching every surface into almost blindness. Past it, a pair of steps lead into the body as the smells of varied flora are pungent and ripe. A few vials removed and the ring of a keeper beckons a completed transaction, the girl who mans it placing down a glass with a brew. For reasons unknown they had called to her, the fates ever smiling and swaying her hands. What remained is as to why, which would become clear of their own accord.

Divinity's Wait Mitigation III
Tier 1 [500col]: [156945]

Milky Way Rail Blueprint (+1 CD to Crafting for day) (35000)

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