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[F01|R10 Alchemist] Cintamani | open

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| 24/08/23


> ALCHEMY CRAFTING | attempt allowance: 0/28.
 | using: 35/57 -> 34/57 | crafter's respite. [link]
 | item type: t4 salves


"ID: 216755 | CD: 7 (6+1) | LD: 16 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 3
ID: 216756 | CD: 7 (6+1) | LD: 18 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 3
ID: 216757 | CD: 13 (12+1) | LD: 17 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 3
ID: 216758 | CD: 5 (4+1) | LD: 6 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 216759 | CD: 3 (2+1) | LD: 13 (8+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 216760 | CD: 9 (8+1) | LD: 17 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 3
ID: 216761 | CD: 6 (5+1) | LD: 11 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 2
ID: 216762 | CD: 11 (10+1) | LD: 20 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 4
ID: 216763 | CD: 1 | LD: 2 | Fail
ID: 216764 | CD: 11 (10+1) | LD: 8 | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 216765 | CD: 10 (9+1) | LD: 13 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 216766 | CD: 5 (4+1) | LD: 6 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 216767 | CD: 6 (5+1) | LD: 7 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 216768 | CD: 1 | LD: 16 | Fail
ID: 216769 | CD: 8 (7+1) | LD: 10 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 216770 | CD: 8 (7+1) | LD: 4 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 216771 | CD: 6 (5+1) | LD: 5 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 216772 | CD: 1 | LD: 16 | Fail
ID: 216773 | CD: 10 (9+1) | LD: 4 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 216774 | CD: 3 (2+1) | LD: 14 (9+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 216775 | CD: 11 (10+1) | LD: 10 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 2
ID: 216776 | CD: 13 (12+1) | LD: 2 | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 216777 | CD: 8 (7+1) | LD: 13 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 216778 | CD: 5 (4+1) | LD: 5 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 216779 | CD: 3 (2+1) | LD: 19 (14+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 216780 | CD: 12 (11+1) | LD: 5 | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 216781 | CD: 9 (8+1) | LD: 9 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 216782 | CD: 3 (2+1) | LD: 16 (11+5) | Salvage (Success)"

"Initial Result: Uncommon Salve (7), Rare Salve (18), Perfect Salve (12)

Performing Item Fusion.
| Uncommon: 7+123/08/23 | -> | Rare: 4
| Rare: 22 | -> | Perfect: 11

Result: +178XP (122, +56), -24 Materials, Perfect Salve (23)


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| 25/08/23


> ALCHEMY CRAFTING | attempt allowance: 0/28.
 | using: 34/57 -> 33/57 | crafter's respite. [link]
 | item type: t4 salves


"ID: 216960 | CD: 5 (4+1) | LD: 19 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 4
ID: 216961 | CD: 8 (7+1) | LD: 11 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 216962 | CD: 8 (7+1) | LD: 7 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 216963 | CD: 13 (12+1) | LD: 20 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 4
ID: 216964 | CD: 6 (5+1) | LD: 13 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 2
ID: 216965 | CD: 11 (10+1) | LD: 16 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 3
ID: 216966 | CD: 4 (3+1) | LD: 9 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 216967 | CD: 10 (9+1) | LD: 15 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 216968 | CD: 1 | LD: 16 | Fail
ID: 216969 | CD: 12 (11+1) | LD: 8 | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 216970 | CD: 7 (6+1) | LD: 17 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 3
ID: 216971 | CD: 13 (12+1) | LD: 9 | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 216972 | CD: 12 (11+1) | LD: 20 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 4
ID: 216973 | CD: 1 | LD: 4 | Fail
ID: 216974 | CD: 8 (7+1) | LD: 10 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 216975 | CD: 7 (6+1) | LD: 17 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 3
ID: 216976 | CD: 11 (10+1) | LD: 5 | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 216977 | CD: 4 (3+1) | LD: 5 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 216978 | CD: 9 (8+1) | LD: 17 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 3
ID: 216979 | CD: 4 (3+1) | LD: 9 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 216980 | CD: 10 (9+1) | LD: 18 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 3
ID: 216981 | CD: 6 (5+1) | LD: 18 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 3
ID: 216982 | CD: 12 (11+1) | LD: 20 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 4
ID: 216983 | CD: 12 (11+1) | LD: 20 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 4
ID: 216984 | CD: 11 (10+1) | LD: 6 | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 216985 | CD: 4 (3+1) | LD: 6 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 216986 | CD: 5 (4+1) | LD: 2 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 216987 | CD: 1 | LD: 18 | Fail"

"Initial Result: Uncommon Salve (14), Rare Salve (19), Perfect Salve (23)

Performing Item Fusion.
| Uncommon: 14 | -> | Rare: 7
| Rare: 26 | -> | Perfect: 13

Result: +195XP (139, +56), -28 Materials, Perfect Salve (36)"


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| 26/08/23


> ALCHEMY CRAFTING | attempt allowance: 0/28.
 | using: 33/57 -> 32/57 | crafter's respite. [link]
 | item type: t4 salves


"ID: 217093 | CD: 7 (6+1) | LD: 17 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 3
ID: 217094 | CD: 10 (9+1) | LD: 18 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 3
ID: 217095 | CD: 1 | LD: 11 | Fail
ID: 217096 | CD: 8 (7+1) | LD: 5 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 217097 | CD: 6 (5+1) | LD: 2 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 217098 | CD: 1 | LD: 5 | Fail
ID: 217099 | CD: 5 (4+1) | LD: 14 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 2
ID: 217100 | CD: 5 (4+1) | LD: 12 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 2
ID: 217101 | CD: 4 (3+1) | LD: 12 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 2
ID: 217102 | CD: 4 (3+1) | LD: 19 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 4
ID: 217103 | CD: 4 (3+1) | LD: 14 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 2
ID: 217104 | CD: 7 (6+1) | LD: 15 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 217105 | CD: 10 (9+1) | LD: 8 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 217106 | CD: 8 (7+1) | LD: 4 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 217107 | CD: 13 (12+1) | LD: 2 | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 217108 | CD: 5 (4+1) | LD: 20 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 4
ID: 217109 | CD: 12 (11+1) | LD: 18 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 3
ID: 217110 | CD: 5 (4+1) | LD: 1 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 217111 | CD: 1 | LD: 2 | Fail
ID: 217112 | CD: 4 (3+1) | LD: 18 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 3
ID: 217113 | CD: 9 (8+1) | LD: 3 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 217114 | CD: 11 (10+1) | LD: 19 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 4
ID: 217115 | CD: 9 (8+1) | LD: 1 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 217116 | CD: 7 (6+1) | LD: 16 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 3
ID: 217117 | CD: 1 | LD: 13 | Fail
ID: 217118 | CD: 3 (2+1) | LD: 19 (14+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 217119 | CD: 6 (5+1) | LD: 7 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 217120 | CD: 9 (8+1) | LD: 7 | Success! (Rare)"

"Initial Result: Uncommon Salve (22), Rare Salve (17), Perfect Salve (8)

Performing Item Fusion.
| Uncommon: 22 | -> | Rare: 11
| Rare: 28 | -> | Perfect: 14

Result: +166XP (110, +56), -27 Materials, Perfect Salve (22)"


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| 27/08/23


> ALCHEMY CRAFTING | attempt allowance: 0/28.
 | using: 32/57 -> 31/57 | crafter's respite. [link]
 | item type: t4 potion


"ID: 217209 | CD: 3 (2+1) | LD: 22 (17+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 217210 | CD: 13 (12+1) | LD: 4 | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 217211 | CD: 13 (12+1) | LD: 16 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 3
ID: 217212 | CD: 8 (7+1) | LD: 14 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 217213 | CD: 11 (10+1) | LD: 16 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 3
ID: 217214 | CD: 9 (8+1) | LD: 17 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 3
ID: 217215 | CD: 4 (3+1) | LD: 16 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 3
ID: 217216 | CD: 3 (2+1) | LD: 9 (4+5) | Salvage (Fail)
ID: 217217 | CD: 1 | LD: 2 | Fail
ID: 217218 | CD: 10 (9+1) | LD: 18 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 3
ID: 217219 | CD: 8 (7+1) | LD: 2 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 217220 | CD: 7 (6+1) | LD: 2 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 217221 | CD: 6 (5+1) | LD: 11 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 2
ID: 217222 | CD: 7 (6+1) | LD: 17 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 3
ID: 217223 | CD: 12 (11+1) | LD: 4 | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 217224 | CD: 5 (4+1) | LD: 18 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 3
ID: 217225 | CD: 6 (5+1) | LD: 8 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 217226 | CD: 6 (5+1) | LD: 16 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 3
ID: 217227 | CD: 11 (10+1) | LD: 2 | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 217228 | CD: 10 (9+1) | LD: 16 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 3
ID: 217229 | CD: 12 (11+1) | LD: 8 | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 217230 | CD: 8 (7+1) | LD: 16 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 3
ID: 217231 | CD: 4 (3+1) | LD: 9 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 217232 | CD: 11 (10+1) | LD: 19 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 4
ID: 217233 | CD: 13 (12+1) | LD: 14 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 2
ID: 217234 | CD: 10 (9+1) | LD: 5 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 217235 | CD: 1 | LD: 2 | Fail
ID: 217236 | CD: 12 (11+1) | LD: 5 | Success! (Perfect)"

"Initial Result: Uncommon Potion (13), Rare Potion (20), Perfect Potion (17)

Performing Item Fusion.
| Uncommon: 13+18/22/2023 | -> | Rare: 7
| Rare: 26 | -> | Perfect: 13

Result: +197XP (141, +56), -27 Materials, Rare Potion (1), Perfect Potion (30)"


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| 02/09/23


> ALCHEMY CRAFTING | attempt allowance: 0/28.
 | using: 31/57 -> 30/57 | crafter's respite. [link]
 | item type: t4 potion


"ID: 217466 | CD: 1 | LD: 15 | Fail
ID: 217467 | CD: 1 | LD: 5 | Fail
ID: 217468 | CD: 9 (8+1) | LD: 7 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 217469 | CD: 3 (2+1) | LD: 6 (1+5) | Salvage (Fail)
ID: 217470 | CD: 3 (2+1) | LD: 19 (14+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 217471 | CD: 7 (6+1) | LD: 4 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 217472 | CD: 1 | LD: 10 | Fail
ID: 217473 | CD: 6 (5+1) | LD: 10 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 2
ID: 217474 | CD: 3 (2+1) | LD: 16 (11+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 217475 | CD: 11 (10+1) | LD: 11 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 2
ID: 217476 | CD: 9 (8+1) | LD: 16 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 3
ID: 217477 | CD: 3 (2+1) | LD: 18 (13+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 217478 | CD: 7 (6+1) | LD: 16 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 3
ID: 217479 | CD: 10 (9+1) | LD: 7 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 217480 | CD: 4 (3+1) | LD: 6 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 217481 | CD: 3 (2+1) | LD: 8 (3+5) | Salvage (Fail)
ID: 217482 | CD: 6 (5+1) | LD: 13 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 2
ID: 217483 | CD: 1 | LD: 18 | Fail
ID: 217484 | CD: 6 (5+1) | LD: 19 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 4
ID: 217485 | CD: 4 (3+1) | LD: 8 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 217486 | CD: 13 (12+1) | LD: 17 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 3
ID: 217487 | CD: 13 (12+1) | LD: 18 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 3
ID: 217488 | CD: 3 (2+1) | LD: 8 (3+5) | Salvage (Fail)
ID: 217489 | CD: 4 (3+1) | LD: 16 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 3
ID: 217490 | CD: 6 (5+1) | LD: 2 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 217491 | CD: 6 (5+1) | LD: 11 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 2
ID: 217492 | CD: 10 (9+1) | LD: 9 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 217493 | CD: 5 (4+1) | LD: 17 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 3"

"Initial Result: Uncommon Potion (19), Rare Potion (10), Perfect Potion (8)

Performing Item Fusion.
| Uncommon: 18 | -> | Rare: 9
| Rare: 19+18/27/2023 | -> | Perfect: 10

Result: +153XP (97, +56), -25 Materials, Uncommon Potion (1), Perfect Potion (18)"


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| 03/09/23


> ALCHEMY CRAFTING | attempt allowance: 0/28.
 | using: 30/57 -> 29/57 | crafter's respite. [link]
 | item type: t4 potion


"ID: 217580 | CD: 12 (11+1) | LD: 5 | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 217581 | CD: 1 | LD: 13 | Fail
ID: 217582 | CD: 11 (10+1) | LD: 18 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 3
ID: 217583 | CD: 5 (4+1) | LD: 4 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 217584 | CD: 12 (11+1) | LD: 20 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 4
ID: 217585 | CD: 3 (2+1) | LD: 22 (17+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 217586 | CD: 9 (8+1) | LD: 9 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 217587 | CD: 10 (9+1) | LD: 8 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 217588 | CD: 7 (6+1) | LD: 15 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 217589 | CD: 7 (6+1) | LD: 16 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 3
ID: 217590 | CD: 8 (7+1) | LD: 4 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 217591 | CD: 5 (4+1) | LD: 20 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 4
ID: 217592 | CD: 3 (2+1) | LD: 24 (19+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 217593 | CD: 3 (2+1) | LD: 17 (12+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 217594 | CD: 13 (12+1) | LD: 7 | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 217595 | CD: 11 (10+1) | LD: 17 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 3
ID: 217596 | CD: 1 | LD: 8 | Fail
ID: 217597 | CD: 5 (4+1) | LD: 12 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 2
ID: 217598 | CD: 7 (6+1) | LD: 6 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 217599 | CD: 4 (3+1) | LD: 13 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 2
ID: 217600 | CD: 11 (10+1) | LD: 4 | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 217601 | CD: 6 (5+1) | LD: 20 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 4
ID: 217602 | CD: 11 (10+1) | LD: 20 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 4
ID: 217603 | CD: 3 (2+1) | LD: 16 (11+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 217604 | CD: 6 (5+1) | LD: 4 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 217605 | CD: 6 (5+1) | LD: 19 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 4
ID: 217606 | CD: 6 (5+1) | LD: 19 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 4
ID: 217607 | CD: 12 (11+1) | LD: 1 | Success! (Perfect)"

"Initial Result: Uncommon Potion (22), Rare Potion (9), Perfect Potion (18)

Performing Item Fusion.
| Uncommon: 22 | -> | Rare: 11
| Rare: 20 | -> | Perfect: 10

Result: +184XP (128, +56), -24 Materials, Perfect Potion (28)"


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| 06/09/23


> ALCHEMY CRAFTING | attempt allowance: 0/28.
 | using: 29/57 -> 28/57 | crafter's respite. [link]
 | item type: t4 potion


"ID: 217825 | CD: 8 (7+1) | LD: 12 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 217826 | CD: 8 (7+1) | LD: 19 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 4
ID: 217827 | CD: 10 (9+1) | LD: 19 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 4
ID: 217828 | CD: 1 | LD: 12 | Fail
ID: 217829 | CD: 10 (9+1) | LD: 19 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 4
ID: 217830 | CD: 10 (9+1) | LD: 4 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 217831 | CD: 13 (12+1) | LD: 7 | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 217832 | CD: 1 | LD: 13 | Fail
ID: 217833 | CD: 10 (9+1) | LD: 13 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 217834 | CD: 11 (10+1) | LD: 14 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 2
ID: 217835 | CD: 7 (6+1) | LD: 4 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 217836 | CD: 10 (9+1) | LD: 9 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 217837 | CD: 11 (10+1) | LD: 17 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 3
ID: 217838 | CD: 12 (11+1) | LD: 12 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 2
ID: 217839 | CD: 12 (11+1) | LD: 19 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 4
ID: 217840 | CD: 10 (9+1) | LD: 8 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 217841 | CD: 11 (10+1) | LD: 14 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 2
ID: 217842 | CD: 3 (2+1) | LD: 20 | Salvage (Success)
ID: 217843 | CD: 10 (9+1) | LD: 20 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 4
ID: 217844 | CD: 9 (8+1) | LD: 19 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 4
ID: 217845 | CD: 12 (11+1) | LD: 3 | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 217846 | CD: 1 | LD: 14 | Fail
ID: 217847 | CD: 5 (4+1) | LD: 7 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 217848 | CD: 13 (12+1) | LD: 6 | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 217849 | CD: 8 (7+1) | LD: 3 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 217850 | CD: 1 | LD: 16 | Fail
ID: 217851 | CD: 5 (4+1) | LD: 3 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 217852 | CD: 8 (7+1) | LD: 2 | Success! (Rare)"

"Initial Result: Uncommon Potion (2), Rare Potion (30), Perfect Potion (16)

Performing Item Fusion.
| Uncommon: 2 | -> | Rare: 1
| Rare: 30 | -> | Perfect: 15

Result: +141XP, -27 Materials, Rare Potion (1), Perfect Potion (31)"


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| 10/09/23


> ALCHEMY CRAFTING | attempt allowance: 0/28.
 | using: 28/57 -> 27/57 | crafter's respite. [link]
 | item type: t4 potion


"ID: 218021 | CD: 13 (12+1) | LD: 17 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 3
ID: 218022 | CD: 1 | LD: 3 | Fail
ID: 218023 | CD: 11 (10+1) | LD: 18 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 3
ID: 218024 | CD: 12 (11+1) | LD: 12 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 2
ID: 218025 | CD: 5 (4+1) | LD: 16 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 3
ID: 218026 | CD: 4 (3+1) | LD: 17 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 3
ID: 218027 | CD: 3 (2+1) | LD: 11 (6+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 218028 | CD: 9 (8+1) | LD: 6 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 218029 | CD: 8 (7+1) | LD: 1 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 218030 | CD: 13 (12+1) | LD: 18 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 3
ID: 218031 | CD: 10 (9+1) | LD: 6 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 218032 | CD: 3 (2+1) | LD: 24 (19+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 218033 | CD: 4 (3+1) | LD: 19 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 4
ID: 218034 | CD: 5 (4+1) | LD: 17 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 3
ID: 218035 | CD: 11 (10+1) | LD: 9 | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 218036 | CD: 11 (10+1) | LD: 1 | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 218037 | CD: 4 (3+1) | LD: 13 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 2
ID: 218038 | CD: 9 (8+1) | LD: 9 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 218039 | CD: 10 (9+1) | LD: 8 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 218040 | CD: 8 (7+1) | LD: 1 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 218041 | CD: 12 (11+1) | LD: 2 | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 218042 | CD: 1 | LD: 4 | Fail
ID: 218043 | CD: 1 | LD: 10 | Fail
ID: 218044 | CD: 10 (9+1) | LD: 20 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 4
ID: 218045 | CD: 9 (8+1) | LD: 13 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 218046 | CD: 7 (6+1) | LD: 9 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 218047 | CD: 1 | LD: 13 | Fail
ID: 218048 | CD: 4 (3+1) | LD: 7 | Success! (Uncommon)"

"Initial Result: Uncommon Potion (16), Rare Potion (13), Perfect Potion (14)

Performing Item Fusion.
| Uncommon: 16 | -> | Rare: 8
| Rare: 21+19/6/2023 | -> | Perfect: 11

Result: +183XP (127, +56), -26 Materials, Perfect Potion (25)"


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  • 3 months later...

"It took quite some time to run through the previous stock." Leaning over the collected products in the display case, Freyd was careful not to touch.  He'd witnessed the compound's effects many times, to the extreme detriment of the recipients.  Priorities were shifting.  Roles and systems had to adapt accordingly.  A waving hand adjusted ownership.  Transaction complete.  The commitment was made and new path chosen.  Who would have ever guessed?

"Thank you, Bistro, for always being prepared."  Unorthodox words from the calculating mob murdering machine.  "Take care of yourself."  A strangely sympathetic nod, a turn, and then slow and silent departure.


gold venom. coats weapons in translucency. leaves cracks in the enemy's form.

price: 3,000col x20 = 60,000 col

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  • 1 month later...

Another day, another shopping trip.

With Nari's sudden call for backup against the four horsemen, Morningstar thought it time to do a restock of his nearly empty consumable stash. It was quite sad, looking into his inventory. There were more items between tiers one and three than there were four. Not great, he thought, closing up his inventory and entering Cintamani.

"Hello," he said, greeting the store owner.

He didn't know Bistro well, but he appreciated her the consumables she had made for the previous boss fight. His respect for anyone who supplied the frontlines was always a level above the rest.

"Got a sort of long shopping list, if you don't mind."


x10 liquor of light | 3*10=30 materials
x10 mortal instants | 5*10=50 materials
x10 shadows withal | 3x3=9 materials + 800*7=5,600 col
x1 The Stars Collide | 2 materials

30+50+9+2=91 materials
5,600 col

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  • 1 month later...

| 08/04/24


> ALCHEMY CRAFTING | attempt allowance: 0/28.
 | using: 27/57 -> 26/57 | crafter's respite. [link]
 | item type: t4 potion


"ID: 221680 | CD: 11 (10+1) | LD: 12 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 2
ID: 221681 | CD: 6 (5+1) | LD: 3 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 221682 | CD: 5 (4+1) | LD: 3 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 221683 | CD: 4 (3+1) | LD: 19 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 4
ID: 221684 | CD: 1 | LD: 13 | Fail
ID: 221685 | CD: 9 (8+1) | LD: 11 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 221686 | CD: 6 (5+1) | LD: 4 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 221687 | CD: 7 (6+1) | LD: 10 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 221688 | CD: 5 (4+1) | LD: 8 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 221689 | CD: 10 (9+1) | LD: 14 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 221690 | CD: 9 (8+1) | LD: 20 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 4
ID: 221691 | CD: 12 (11+1) | LD: 7 | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 221692 | CD: 13 (12+1) | LD: 12 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 2
ID: 221693 | CD: 7 (6+1) | LD: 17 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 3
ID: 221694 | CD: 6 (5+1) | LD: 9 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 221695 | CD: 7 (6+1) | LD: 17 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 3
ID: 221696 | CD: 13 (12+1) | LD: 19 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 4
ID: 221697 | CD: 13 (12+1) | LD: 15 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 2
ID: 221698 | CD: 5 (4+1) | LD: 5 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 221699 | CD: 11 (10+1) | LD: 8 | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 221700 | CD: 10 (9+1) | LD: 18 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 3
ID: 221701 | CD: 9 (8+1) | LD: 3 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 221702 | CD: 10 (9+1) | LD: 16 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 3
ID: 221703 | CD: 11 (10+1) | LD: 15 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 2
ID: 221704 | CD: 5 (4+1) | LD: 14 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 2
ID: 221705 | CD: 11 (10+1) | LD: 15 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 2
ID: 221706 | CD: 11 (10+1) | LD: 20 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 4
ID: 221707 | CD: 10 (9+1) | LD: 9 | Success! (Rare)"

"Initial Result: Uncommon Potion (12), Rare Potion (24), Perfect Potion (20)

Performing Item Fusion. | ID221708
| Uncommon: 12 | -> | Rare: 6
| Rare: 30 | -> | Perfect: 15

Result: +259XP (147, +56+56), -28 Materials, Perfect Potion (35)"


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| 09/04/24


> ALCHEMY CRAFTING | attempt allowance: 0/28.
 | using: 26/57 -> 25/57 | crafter's respite. [link]
 | item type: t4 potion


"ID: 221790 | CD: 9 (8+1) | LD: 1 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 221791 | CD: 7 (6+1) | LD: 17 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 3
ID: 221792 | CD: 11 (10+1) | LD: 2 | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 221793 | CD: 9 (8+1) | LD: 12 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 221794 | CD: 4 (3+1) | LD: 2 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 221795 | CD: 12 (11+1) | LD: 4 | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 221796 | CD: 9 (8+1) | LD: 6 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 221797 | CD: 12 (11+1) | LD: 3 | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 221798 | CD: 12 (11+1) | LD: 1 | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 221799 | CD: 11 (10+1) | LD: 1 | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 221800 | CD: 8 (7+1) | LD: 6 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 221801 | CD: 13 (12+1) | LD: 12 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 2
ID: 221802 | CD: 1 | LD: 15 | Fail
ID: 221803 | CD: 6 (5+1) | LD: 15 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 2
ID: 221804 | CD: 13 (12+1) | LD: 6 | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 221805 | CD: 12 (11+1) | LD: 18 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 3
ID: 221806 | CD: 6 (5+1) | LD: 9 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 221807 | CD: 5 (4+1) | LD: 5 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 221808 | CD: 5 (4+1) | LD: 11 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 2
ID: 221809 | CD: 13 (12+1) | LD: 19 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 4
ID: 221810 | CD: 5 (4+1) | LD: 10 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 2
ID: 221811 | CD: 3 (2+1) | LD: 9 (4+5) | Salvage (Fail)
ID: 221812 | CD: 8 (7+1) | LD: 12 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 221813 | CD: 10 (9+1) | LD: 10 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 221814 | CD: 11 (10+1) | LD: 4 | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 221815 | CD: 12 (11+1) | LD: 13 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 2
ID: 221816 | CD: 4 (3+1) | LD: 9 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 221817 | CD: 3 (2+1) | LD: 21 (16+5) | Salvage (Success)"

"Initial Result: Uncommon Potion (10), Rare Potion (12), Perfect Potion (18)

Performing Item Fusion.
| Uncommon: 10 | -> | Rare: 5
| Rare: 16 | -> | Perfect: 8

Result: +261XP (149, +56+56), -27 Materials, Rare Potion (1), Perfect Potion (26)"


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| 10/04/24


> ALCHEMY CRAFTING | attempt allowance: 0/28.
 | using: 25/57 -> 24/57 | crafter's respite. [link]
 | item type: t4 potion


"ID: 221888 | CD: 4 (3+1) | LD: 17 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 3
ID: 221889 | CD: 8 (7+1) | LD: 6 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 221890 | CD: 5 (4+1) | LD: 14 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 2
ID: 221891 | CD: 9 (8+1) | LD: 13 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 221892 | CD: 5 (4+1) | LD: 13 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 2
ID: 221893 | CD: 4 (3+1) | LD: 1 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 221894 | CD: 1 | LD: 14 | Fail
ID: 221895 | CD: 8 (7+1) | LD: 20 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 4
ID: 221896 | CD: 10 (9+1) | LD: 18 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 3
ID: 221897 | CD: 9 (8+1) | LD: 20 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 4
ID: 221898 | CD: 9 (8+1) | LD: 11 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 221899 | CD: 10 (9+1) | LD: 3 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 221900 | CD: 10 (9+1) | LD: 5 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 221901 | CD: 8 (7+1) | LD: 15 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 221902 | CD: 8 (7+1) | LD: 10 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 221903 | CD: 10 (9+1) | LD: 11 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 221904 | CD: 12 (11+1) | LD: 13 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 2
ID: 221905 | CD: 12 (11+1) | LD: 5 | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 221906 | CD: 12 (11+1) | LD: 2 | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 221907 | CD: 13 (12+1) | LD: 2 | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 221908 | CD: 3 (2+1) | LD: 17 (12+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 221909 | CD: 8 (7+1) | LD: 1 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 221910 | CD: 7 (6+1) | LD: 14 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 221911 | CD: 1 | LD: 5 | Fail
ID: 221912 | CD: 13 (12+1) | LD: 3 | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 221913 | CD: 8 (7+1) | LD: 11 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 221914 | CD: 1 | LD: 9 | Fail
ID: 221915 | CD: 11 (10+1) | LD: 9 | Success! (Perfect)"

Initial Result: Uncommon Potion (8), Rare Potion (29), Perfect Potion (7)

Performing Item Fusion.
| Uncommon: 8 | -> | Rare: 4
| Rare: 33+14/9/2024 | -> | Perfect: 17

Result: +191XP (135, +56), -27 Materials, Perfect Potion (24)


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| 11/04/24


> ALCHEMY CRAFTING | attempt allowance: 0/28.
 | using: 24/57 -> 23/57 | crafter's respite. [link]
 | item type: t4 potion


"ID: 222124 | CD: 10 (9+1) | LD: 14 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 222125 | CD: 6 (5+1) | LD: 10 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 2
ID: 222126 | CD: 1 | LD: 11 | Fail
ID: 222127 | CD: 9 (8+1) | LD: 19 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 4
ID: 222128 | CD: 7 (6+1) | LD: 7 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 222129 | CD: 9 (8+1) | LD: 2 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 222130 | CD: 5 (4+1) | LD: 11 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 2
ID: 222131 | CD: 1 | LD: 12 | Fail
ID: 222132 | CD: 12 (11+1) | LD: 7 | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 222133 | CD: 5 (4+1) | LD: 20 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 4
ID: 222134 | CD: 8 (7+1) | LD: 10 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 222135 | CD: 3 (2+1) | LD: 23 (18+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 222136 | CD: 12 (11+1) | LD: 17 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 3
ID: 222137 | CD: 9 (8+1) | LD: 5 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 222138 | CD: 11 (10+1) | LD: 20 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 4
ID: 222139 | CD: 9 (8+1) | LD: 4 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 222140 | CD: 13 (12+1) | LD: 13 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 2
ID: 222141 | CD: 1 | LD: 14 | Fail
ID: 222142 | CD: 13 (12+1) | LD: 9 | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 222143 | CD: 12 (11+1) | LD: 9 | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 222144 | CD: 7 (6+1) | LD: 5 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 222145 | CD: 4 (3+1) | LD: 14 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 2
ID: 222146 | CD: 8 (7+1) | LD: 12 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 222147 | CD: 7 (6+1) | LD: 14 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 222148 | CD: 13 (12+1) | LD: 11 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 2
ID: 222149 | CD: 9 (8+1) | LD: 9 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 222150 | CD: 11 (10+1) | LD: 16 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 3
ID: 222151 | CD: 6 (5+1) | LD: 4 | Success! (Uncommon)"

"Initial Result: Uncommon Potion (11), Rare Potion (18), Perfect Potion (17)

Performing Item Fusion.
| Uncommon: 10 | -> | Rare: 5
| Rare: 22 | -> | Perfect: 11

Result: +195XP (139, +56), -27 Materials, Uncommon Potion (1), Rare Potion (1), Perfect Potion (28)"


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| 12/04/24


> ALCHEMY CRAFTING | attempt allowance: 0/28.
 | using: 23/57 -> 22/57 | crafter's respite. [link]
 | item type: t4 potion


"ID: 222251 | CD: 8 (7+1) | LD: 1 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 222252 | CD: 11 (10+1) | LD: 7 | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 222253 | CD: 4 (3+1) | LD: 5 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 222254 | CD: 9 (8+1) | LD: 1 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 222255 | CD: 10 (9+1) | LD: 12 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 222256 | CD: 8 (7+1) | LD: 4 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 222257 | CD: 9 (8+1) | LD: 17 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 3
ID: 222258 | CD: 11 (10+1) | LD: 20 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 4
ID: 222259 | CD: 4 (3+1) | LD: 16 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 3
ID: 222260 | CD: 1 | LD: 14 | Fail
ID: 222261 | CD: 4 (3+1) | LD: 6 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 222262 | CD: 4 (3+1) | LD: 6 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 222263 | CD: 12 (11+1) | LD: 4 | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 222264 | CD: 5 (4+1) | LD: 11 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 2
ID: 222265 | CD: 9 (8+1) | LD: 20 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 4
ID: 222266 | CD: 12 (11+1) | LD: 9 | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 222267 | CD: 9 (8+1) | LD: 1 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 222268 | CD: 9 (8+1) | LD: 19 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 4
ID: 222269 | CD: 7 (6+1) | LD: 5 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 222270 | CD: 7 (6+1) | LD: 14 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 222271 | CD: 8 (7+1) | LD: 6 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 222272 | CD: 6 (5+1) | LD: 11 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 2
ID: 222273 | CD: 3 (2+1) | LD: 23 (18+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 222274 | CD: 11 (10+1) | LD: 12 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 2
ID: 222275 | CD: 1 | LD: 20 | Fail
ID: 222276 | CD: 7 (6+1) | LD: 16 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 3
ID: 222277 | CD: 8 (7+1) | LD: 9 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 222278 | CD: 7 (6+1) | LD: 7 | Success! (Rare)"

"Initial Result: Uncommon Potion (10), Rare Potion (26), Perfect Potion (9)

Performing Item Fusion.
| Uncommon: 10 | -> | Rare: 5
| Rare: 31+111/04/24 | -> | Perfect: 16

Result: +188XP (132, +56), -27 Materials, Perfect Potion (25)"


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| 13/04/24


> ALCHEMY CRAFTING | attempt allowance: 0/28.
 | using: 22/57 -> 21/57 | crafter's respite. [link]
 | item type: t4 potion


"ID: 222332 | CD: 6 (5+1) | LD: 7 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 222333 | CD: 12 (11+1) | LD: 7 | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 222334 | CD: 12 (11+1) | LD: 4 | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 222335 | CD: 8 (7+1) | LD: 12 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 222336 | CD: 7 (6+1) | LD: 8 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 222337 | CD: 1 | LD: 19 | Fail
ID: 222338 | CD: 11 (10+1) | LD: 14 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 2
ID: 222339 | CD: 10 (9+1) | LD: 6 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 222340 | CD: 8 (7+1) | LD: 4 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 222341 | CD: 7 (6+1) | LD: 10 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 222342 | CD: 3 (2+1) | LD: 22 (17+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 222343 | CD: 8 (7+1) | LD: 9 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 222344 | CD: 3 (2+1) | LD: 22 (17+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 222345 | CD: 10 (9+1) | LD: 6 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 222346 | CD: 8 (7+1) | LD: 12 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 222347 | CD: 11 (10+1) | LD: 16 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 3
ID: 222348 | CD: 8 (7+1) | LD: 11 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 222349 | CD: 3 (2+1) | LD: 19 (14+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 222350 | CD: 6 (5+1) | LD: 8 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 222351 | CD: 13 (12+1) | LD: 5 | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 222352 | CD: 12 (11+1) | LD: 4 | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 222353 | CD: 9 (8+1) | LD: 1 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 222354 | CD: 1 | LD: 17 | Fail
ID: 222355 | CD: 1 | LD: 2 | Fail
ID: 222356 | CD: 7 (6+1) | LD: 18 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 3
ID: 222357 | CD: 8 (7+1) | LD: 13 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 222358 | CD: 11 (10+1) | LD: 15 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 2
ID: 222359 | CD: 6 (5+1) | LD: 19 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 4"

"Initial Result: Uncommon Potion (6), Rare Potion (19), Perfect Potion (11)

Performing Item Fusion.
| Uncommon: 6 | -> | Rare: 3
| Rare: 22 | -> | Perfect: 11

Result: +190XP (134, +56), -25 Materials, Perfect Potion (22)"


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  • 3 months later...

Violet carefully pushed open the door to Cintamani, a curious look on her face. This was the first time in a very long time that she'd actually visited the first floor in quite a while. She'd been told about this humble little shop by a few of her frontliner friends, and had wanted to check it out for a while now. As she stepped inside, the faint smell of coffee hit her nose, a delighted sigh escaping her throat. It was fairly hard to get a good cup here in Aincrad, so it was always good to smell a decent brew. She quietly made her way over to the order pad, checking the boxes for several types of consumables that she still needed to get her hands on, before setting it in the area where Bistro would usually collect completed forms. "I'll go ahead and just get these, okay?"

I'm buying in bulk lol, don't wanna have to worry about consumables for a bit~

Order + total below <3


Paying in a mix of col and materials since its a chonky order

liquor of light. | TIERLESS POTION | DAMAGE III - (800 Col/3 Mats) x 10 (30 Mats)

imugi's inspiration. | TIERLESS CRYSTAL | MASS HEALING (3,000 Col/5 Mats) x 10 (total 30,000 Col)

mortal instants | TIER 4 PERFECT POTION | MITIGATION III (3,000 Col/5 Mats) x 6 (total 18,000 Col)

Order total: 48,000 Col and 30 Mats owo)b

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Wulfrin had yet another stop to make, this time an alchemist. Once again his usual stopping point wasn't going to meet the demands he was needing, as he needed the items rather swiftly and had little time to wait for crafts to finish. Eventually he found his way to floor 1 on a recommendation from Mina in a round about way. He had to wind through the familiar streets to find the place, but was pleasantly surprised to find everything he needed in one place. After a short conversation with the owner, Wulfrin left with a small sack containing his purchased items. He was well on his way to being prepped for a run to the frontlines.

* * *
Wulfrin Purchases:

5x Tiger's Balm - 4000
5x Kintsugi - 15000
5x Liquor of Light - 4000
5x Imugi's Inspiration - 15000

total: 38,000 col sent to Bistro. 8/16/24

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My, how far the shops of the first floor had come.

Oz took in a deep breath upon entering, the intermingling scents of dark oak and coffee filling his lungs. It was a refreshing shift from the usual tea leaf smoke he sullied his innards with. Whoever owned the shop, they'd done a spectacular job of setting a pleasing ambiance. Where there weren't natural wood tones, there was flora. Where there wasn't that, there were rows of books - the pages of which, upon recognition, joined the medley of other fragrances into a soothing crescendo.

Oz wasn't the sort to slow down and take it all in. He'd leave the pleasantries to the rubes. But a place like this made it hard not to.

He took a seat at the makeshift oak bar, penning an order form as well as a request to purchase a specific concoction which had caught his eye. He'd done plenty of breathing smoke. He'd done little drinking it.



10 of the following. 60 mats sent to Bistro.

  • Item Name: Potion of Oh God Oh God Oh God
  • Item Type: Potion
  • Item Tier: Tierless
  • Item Quality: Perfect
  • Enhancements: HP Recovery 3
  • Description: For those times when nothing's going right.

800 col sent to Bistro.


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You could call him a sucker, but there was something about this place that was drawing Oz back. Perhaps it was the ambiance, perhaps it was the medley of scents that pervaded the abode. At any rate, when there came a further need for an alchemist in Oz's life, this place was the first he thought of.

Was that the genius of the shopkeep, who'd perfectly tailored her cafe to encourage people to come back, time and time again? Or was that simply her style, and he found it so alluring that he couldn't help but make a return visit. Perhaps, there was even a chance that the soothing atmosphere was a front for something a little deeper than that.

"Hello again," he greeted as he entered the cafe, offering a lazy wave. "Looking for something a little more specific this time - I see you have the wares available. I'll be paying in col this time, if that's alright."

Oz acquires:


7100 col sent to Bistro.

5 of the following (4000 col):
liquor of light. | TIERLESS POTION | DAMAGE III
flows like water. tastes like sunlight. rolls off the tongue like fog on a drowsy morning.

5 of the following (2500 col):
"You see right through me." A bottle of white translucent liquid. It tastes like milk, though it flows like water. Its effects are unnoticeable until pain kicks in, numbing the sensation even further than the system had originally intended.

2 of the following (1000 col):
A bundle of toxin shaped into a block, wrapped around in a white paper. Instructions are paired with each purchase of this item: "After unveiling the purple paste, immediately apply it to the tip of a weapon, using its packaging to maneuver where best to apply the poison to its best point of contact against foes. Do not be surprised when the substance fades away in colour after a time. Handle with great care."

1 of the following (500 col):
A small glass bottle of balm divided in half, one side jet black, the other a translucent white. Both of them are littered with tiny glitters of yellow. The paste fades away after a moment past application, but the stars remain to catch the intrigue of small creatures upon sight.


Edited by Oz
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