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[F01|R10 Alchemist] Cintamani | open

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AMBITION | Seasoning Bottle | +1XP/Craft
HARDWORKING | Extended Workshop | +2XP/Craft, +1 attempt/day
LUCRATIVE | ATP Guild Bonus | +2XP/Craft, +5LD/Salvage

ID: 150242 | CD: 8 | LD: 19 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 3
ID: 150241 | CD: 10 | LD: 17 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 3
ID: 150240 | CD: 12 | LD: 13 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 2
ID: 150239 | CD: 4 | LD: 12 (7+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 150238 | CD: 10 | LD: 12 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 150237 | CD: 7 | LD: 17 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 3
ID: 150236 | CD: 1 | LD: 12 | Fail
ID: 150235 | CD: 5 | LD: 7 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 150234 | CD: 6 | LD: 16 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 3
ID: 150233 | CD: 11 | LD: 4 | Success! (Rare)

Result: +88XP (38, +10+20+20), -9 Tier 1 Materials, Uncommon Crafted Potion (10), Rare Crafted Potion (6), Perfect Crafted Potion (2)

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AMBITION | Seasoning Bottle | +1XP/Craft
HARDWORKING | Extended Workshop | +2XP/Craft, +1 attempt/day
LUCRATIVE | ATP Guild Bonus | +2XP/Craft, +5LD/Salvage

ID: 150320 | CD: 8 | LD: 6 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 150319 | CD: 4 | LD: 12 (7+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 150318 | CD: 11 | LD: 9 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 150317 | CD: 8 | LD: 9 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 150316 | CD: 2 | LD: 17 (12+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 150315 | CD: 3 | LD: 19 (14+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 150314 | CD: 7 | LD: 20 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 3
ID: 150313 | CD: 6 | LD: 6 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 150312 | CD: 9 | LD: 7 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 150311 | CD: 4 | LD: 22 (17+5) | Salvage (Success)

Result: +80XP (30, +10+20+20), -6 Tier 1 Materials, Uncommon Crafted Potion (6), Rare Crafted Potion (2)
!!! Disclaimer: Discarding roll #150321. Reason: Illegal crafting attempt.

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Xin scampered up to the exterior Cintamani with an intrigued look in her eyes. "Is this a shop?" She hummed to herself. "I guess I'll find out soon enough." She entered the shop, floated down the couple of steps that met her, and took a whiff of the air inside. Coffee and...old paper? Xin crossed her arms as she approached the counter. "Smells like the old section of a library during finals week," she muttered under her breath.

"Don't worry, I've got nothing to spill." Xin placed her hands wide apart atop the counter. "Can I get...that one?" She pointed to a black and translucent salve speckled with golden particles. "Please and thank you!"



T1 Material x 2 (Edit: Another T1 Material x 2)


The Stars Collide | Phermones
A small glass bottle of balm divided in half, one side jet black, the other a translucent white. Both of them are littered with tiny glitters of yellow. The paste fades away after a moment past application, but the stars remain to catch the intrigue of small creatures upon sight.
ID: 147980


Liquor of Light | Damage III
A signature concoction of the Cintamani. The vial seems to glow a warm yellow, filled to the brim with translucent liquid sunshine. It tastes sweet when downed, reminiscent of maple syrup, though its flavour is diluted. Flows as easily as water.
ID: 148238-1


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AMBITION | Seasoning Bottle | +1XP/Craft
HARDWORKING | Extended Workshop | +2XP/Craft, +1 attempt/day
LUCRATIVE | ATP Guild Bonus | +2XP/Craft, +5LD/Salvage

ID: 150566 | CD: 5 | LD: 4 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 150565 | CD: 10 | LD: 20 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 3
ID: 150564 | CD: 7 | LD: 4 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 150563 | CD: 2 | LD: 15 (10+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 150562 | CD: 10 | LD: 3 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 150561 | CD: 3 | LD: 6 (1+5) | Salvage (Fail)

ID: 150560 | CD: 12 | LD: 14 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 2
ID: 150559 | CD: 7 | LD: 15 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 2
ID: 150558 | CD: 8 | LD: 9 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 150557 | CD: 9 | LD: 13 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2

Result: +89XP (39, +10+20+20), -9 Tier 1 Materials, Uncommon Crafted Salve (2), Rare Crafted Salve (4), Uncommon Crafted Potion (3), Rare Crafted Potion (2), Perfect Crafted Potion (2)



CRAFTER'S RESPITE | Dragon's Breath | Resets daily crafting attempts | [149727-2]
AMBITION | Seasoning Bottle | +1XP/Craft
HARDWORKING | Extended Workshop | +2XP/Craft, +1 attempt/day
LUCRATIVE | ATP Guild Bonus | +2XP/Craft, +5LD/Salvage

ID: 150666 | CD: 4 | LD: 19 (14+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 150665 | CD: 10 | LD: 16 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 3
ID: 150664 | CD: 11 | LD: 19 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 3
ID: 150663 | CD: 4 | LD: 16 (11+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 150662 | CD: 2 | LD: 24 (19+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 150661 | CD: 2 | LD: 16 (11+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 150660 | CD: 1 | LD: 12 | Fail
ID: 150659 | CD: 3 | LD: 8 (3+5) | Salvage (Fail)
ID: 150658 | CD: 6 | LD: 2 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 150657 | CD: 7 | LD: 12 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 2
>>- Rank 9 -->
ID: 150667 | CD: 5 | LD: 10 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 2

Result: +85XP (30, +11+22+22), -7 Tier 1 Materials, Uncommon Crafted Potion (5), Rare Crafted Potion (6)

Edited by Bistro
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Is this also a cafe--? An felt an aching sense of nostalgia as soon as she entered the softly lit establishment. She suddenly wanted nothing more than to snuggle into one of the comfy plush seats in the corner, maybe with a book in hand (oh, what were those behind the counter? :0!!) -- but the neglected pile waiting for her at home would incessantly remain at the back of her mind with every unrelated activity she did.

She really didn't mean to take this long!!

"Um! I heard alchemists sell something called a [Crafter's Respite]," the girl began. She wrung her hands, searching the shelves for something that looked like a [Crafter's Respite], but an untrained eye and a first-timer to [Cintamani] would only see differently-colored vials. How were they supposed to work, anyway? One respite for each extra craft? Or one a day? A more rational mind would have thought it wise to ask the shopkeeper about the enhancement, but An-- her guilt-ridden mind went right back to that pile again, then the time displayed in her HUD.

5:47 PM.

Her unidentified consumables weren't getting any fewer -- a predicament the merchant girl was entirely at fault for. And NIGHT was due to come soon.


...She'll just figure out how it works later!

"I-I really need this order completed, not-that-I-was-given-a-due-date-or-anything-it's-just-taking-longer-than-it-should, s-so, um..." An quickly dipped her head. "I'm really sorry, but please sell me every respite you have. I have the col!"


Bought from stock:

[x6] Dragon's Breath | Crafter's Respite
A signature concoction of the Cintamani. There are no signs of liquid in this vial, only a swirl of periwinkle smoke seems to sit at the flask's center. When taken, however, it tastes of cool air, revitalizing the drinker's wakefulness and urges them to continue crafting; an alluring call from a foreign muse.
Tier 1:  [149235] | [149716] | [149727] | [149979] | [150240] | [150560]

1,000 * 6 = 6,000 col -- sent to @Bistro.


Edited by Andromeda
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AMBITION | Seasoning Bottle | +1XP/Craft
HARDWORKING | Extended Workshop | +2XP/Craft, +1 attempt/day
LUCRATIVE | ATP Guild Bonus | +2XP/Craft, +5LD/Salvage

ID: 150862 | CD: 7 | LD: 1 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 150861 | CD: 2 | LD: 11 (6+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 150860 | CD: 3 | LD: 16 (11+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 150859 | CD: 5 | LD: 10 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 2
ID: 150858 | CD: 9 | LD: 9 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 150857 | CD: 1 | LD: 8 | Fail
ID: 150856 | CD: 12 | LD: 20 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 3
ID: 150855 | CD: 12 | LD: 7 | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 150854 | CD: 5 | LD: 5 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 150853 | CD: 6 | LD: 12 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 2
ID: 150852 | CD: 7 | LD: 14 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 2

CRAFTER'S RESPITE | Dragon's Breath | Resets daily crafting attempts | [149727-1]

ID: 150851 | CD: 4 | LD: 6 (1+5) | Salvage (Fail)
ID: 150850 | CD: 11 | LD: 6 | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 150849 | CD: 11 | LD: 2 | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 150848 | CD: 3 | LD: 17 (12+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 150847 | CD: 1 | LD: 15 | Fail
ID: 150846 | CD: 1 | LD: 16 | Fail
ID: 150845 | CD: 12 | LD: 15 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 2
ID: 150844 | CD: 1 | LD: 12 | Fail
ID: 150843 | CD: 12 | LD: 1 | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 150842 | CD: 11 | LD: 17 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 3
ID: 150841 | CD: 1 | LD: 6 | Fail

Result: +199XP (89, +22+44+44), -19 Tier 1 Materials, Uncommon Crafted Potion (8), Rare Crafted Potion (1), Perfect Crafted Potion (12)

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AMBITION | Seasoning Bottle | +1XP/Craft
HARDWORKING | Extended Workshop | +2XP/Craft, +1 attempt/day
LUCRATIVE | ATP Guild Bonus | +2XP/Craft, +5LD/Salvage, [R9] +1 attempt/day

ID: 151033 | CD: 6 | LD: 1 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 151032 | CD: 5 | LD: 2 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 151031 | CD: 1 | LD: 14 | Fail
ID: 151030 | CD: 8 | LD: 8 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 151029 | CD: 5 | LD: 3 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 151028 | CD: 1 | LD: 18 | Fail
ID: 151027 | CD: 10 | LD: 10 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 151026 | CD: 5 | LD: 1 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 151025 | CD: 2 | LD: 17 (12+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 151024 | CD: 5 | LD: 5 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 151023 | CD: 6 | LD: 6 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 151022 | CD: 9 | LD: 9 | Success! (Rare)

CRAFTER'S RESPITE | Dragon's Breath | Resets daily crafting attempts | [149721-1]

ID: 151045 | CD: 1 | LD: 17 | Fail
ID: 151044 | CD: 12 | LD: 2 | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 151043 | CD: 2 | LD: 24 (19+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 151042 | CD: 5 | LD: 16 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 3
ID: 151041 | CD: 5 | LD: 9 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 151040 | CD: 7 | LD: 17 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 3
ID: 151039 | CD: 6 | LD: 20 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 3
ID: 151038 | CD: 5 | LD: 20 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 3
ID: 151037 | CD: 4 | LD: 22 (17+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 151036 | CD: 5 | LD: 10 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 2
ID: 151035 | CD: 4 | LD: 16 (11+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 151034 | CD: 11 | LD: 18 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 3

Result: +198XP (78, +24+48+48), -20 Tier 1 Materials, Uncommon Crafted Potion (21), Rare Crafted Potion (4), Perfect Crafted Potion (4)

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The paladin swung open the doors to the quaint little cafe that was run on floor one. An interesting little alchemy shop that was also repurposed as a place to eat and relax. The ongoers of Aincrad really found good ways to keep the game feeling fun and interesting. Approaching the counter she was met with the owner of the shop, the girl had a cute smile, and even more interesting, she had two different colored eyes.

"Good afternoon! I haven't been able to find any amount of crafter respites in stock from anywhere in the higher floors, so I came back down here to see wheat I could get. They're pretty hard to come by, so I'll pay whatever you've got for your stock right now. How's this?" The girl said putting a sack of Col down on the counter and allowing her to inspect the contents of about 3000 col to confirm her purchase.

Buying Three Dragon's Breaths


Dragon's Breath | In stock: 3 | 1,000col | 3 materials | Crafter's Respite
A signature concoction of the Cintamani. There are no signs of liquid in this vial, only a swirl of periwinkle smoke seems to sit at the flask's center. When taken, however, it tastes of cool air, revitalizing the drinker's wakefulness and urges them to continue crafting; an alluring call from a foreign muse.
Tier 1: [150842] | [150845] | [150856] |  |  |  |  |  |  


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AMBITION | Seasoning Bottle | +1XP/Craft
HARDWORKING | Extended Workshop | +2XP/Craft, +1 attempt/day
LUCRATIVE | ATP Guild Bonus | +2XP/Craft, +5LD/Salvage, [R9] +1 attempt/day

ID: 151201 | CD: 8 | LD: 7 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 151200 | CD: 8 | LD: 11 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 151199 | CD: 4 | LD: 6 (1+5) | Salvage (Fail)
ID: 151198 | CD: 3 | LD: 17 (12+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 151197 | CD: 2 | LD: 20 (15+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 151196 | CD: 11 | LD: 2 | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 151195 | CD: 4 | LD: 15 (10+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 151194 | CD: 11 | LD: 2 | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 151193 | CD: 5 | LD: 18 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 3
ID: 151191 | CD: 1 | LD: 15 | Fail
ID: 151190 | CD: 10 | LD: 10 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 151189 | CD: 6 | LD: 2 | Success! (Uncommon)

CRAFTER'S RESPITE | Dragon's Breath | Resets daily crafting attempts | [150240-1]

ID: 151213 | CD: 10 | LD: 12 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 151212 | CD: 9 | LD: 12 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 151211 | CD: 7 | LD: 13 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 2
ID: 151210 | CD: 11 | LD: 13 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 2
ID: 151209 | CD: 7 | LD: 14 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 2
ID: 151208 | CD: 6 | LD: 5 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 151207 | CD: 3 | LD: 24 (19+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 151206 | CD: 9 | LD: 3 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 151205 | CD: 12 | LD: 14 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 2
ID: 151204 | CD: 9 | LD: 15 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 151203 | CD: 4 | LD: 6 (1+5) | Salvage (Fail)
ID: 151202 | CD: 12 | LD: 3 | Success! (Perfect)

Result: +223XP (103, +24+48+48), -20 Tier 1 Materials, Uncommon Crafted Potion (9), Rare Crafted Potion (12), Perfect Crafted Potion (7)

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AMBITION | Seasoning Bottle | +1XP/Craft
HARDWORKING | Extended Workshop | +2XP/Craft, +1 attempt/day
LUCRATIVE | ATP Guild Bonus | +2XP/Craft, +5LD/Salvage, [R9] +1 attempt/day

ID: 151337 | CD: 9 | LD: 6 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 151336 | CD: 8 | LD: 8 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 151335 | CD: 12 | LD: 8 | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 151334 | CD: 2 | LD: 9 (4+5) | Salvage (Fail)
ID: 151333 | CD: 10 | LD: 14 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 151332 | CD: 10 | LD: 20 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 3
ID: 151331 | CD: 4 | LD: 18 (13+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 151330 | CD: 9 | LD: 7 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 151329 | CD: 6 | LD: 7 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 151328 | CD: 9 | LD: 6 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 151327 | CD: 10 | LD: 17 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 3
ID: 151326 | CD: 6 | LD: 10 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 2

CRAFTER'S RESPITE | Dragon's Breath | Resets daily crafting attempts | [150560-1]

ID: 151349 | CD: 7 | LD: 17 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 3
ID: 151348 | CD: 11 | LD: 20 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 3
ID: 151347 | CD: 2 | LD: 14 (9+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 151346 | CD: 10 | LD: 19 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 3
ID: 151345 | CD: 2 | LD: 21 (16+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 151344 | CD: 8 | LD: 3 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 151343 | CD: 8 | LD: 6 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 151342 | CD: 8 | LD: 6 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 151341 | CD: 9 | LD: 10 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 151340 | CD: 6 | LD: 1 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 151339 | CD: 9 | LD: 10 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 151338 | CD: 8 | LD: 2 | Success! (Rare)

Result: +226XP (106, +24+48+48), -21 Tier 1 Materials, Uncommon Crafted Salve (7), Rare Crafted Salve (23), Perfect Crafted Salve (4)

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AMBITION | Seasoning Bottle | +1XP/Craft
HARDWORKING | Extended Workshop | +2XP/Craft, +1 attempt/day
LUCRATIVE | ATP Guild Bonus | +2XP/Craft, +5LD/Salvage, [R9] +1 attempt/day

Tier 1 Crystals
ID: 151485 | CD: 5 | LD: 14 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 2
ID: 151484 | CD: 10 | LD: 10 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 151483 | CD: 6 | LD: 5 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 151482 | CD: 11 | LD: 6 | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 151481 | CD: 2 | LD: 24 (19+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 151480 | CD: 6 | LD: 11 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 2
ID: 151479 | CD: 9 | LD: 16 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 3
ID: 151478 | CD: 1 | LD: 15 | Fail
ID: 151477 | CD: 3 | LD: 23 (18+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 151476 | CD: 10 | LD: 12 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 151475 | CD: 5 | LD: 4 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 151474 | CD: 8 | LD: 20 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 3

CRAFTER'S RESPITE | Dragon's Breath | Resets daily crafting attempts | [150845-1]

Tier 1 Potions
ID: 151497 | CD: 3 | LD: 12 (7+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 151496 | CD: 1 | LD: 12 | Fail
ID: 151495 | CD: 1 | LD: 5 | Fail
ID: 151494 | CD: 9 | LD: 10 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 151493 | CD: 9 | LD: 9 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 151492 | CD: 1 | LD: 1 | Fail
ID: 151491 | CD: 11 | LD: 11 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 2
ID: 151490 | CD: 11 | LD: 14 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 2
ID: 151489 | CD: 10 | LD: 13 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 151488 | CD: 2 | LD: 23 (18+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 151487 | CD: 1 | LD: 12 | Fail
ID: 151486 | CD: 5 | LD: 7 | Success! (Uncommon)

Result: +207XP (87, +24+48+48), -30 Tier 1 Materials, Uncommon Crafted Crystal (6), Rare Crafted Crystal (10), Perfect Crafted Crystal (1), Uncommon Crafted Potion (1), Rare Crafted Potion (5), Perfect Crafted Potion (4)
#note: sitting on evalling these crystals for a bit. | [6/6/20]: cashing them in now :0

Edited by Bistro
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Crozeph entered an alchemist's shop as he began to prepare for his next expedition, he had to or underestimating his travel would cost him his life. The place was what he expected it to be and as he entered, he looked at the stock on display inside it. "I'm gonna need what I can get in here," he thought. Crozeph opened his inventory and checked in col and materials if it can still purchase anything "I should be fine" he began to make his way to the counter and stated what he wanted to the shop owner "I'm gonna need one of your Dragon's Breath and Liquor of Light" he opened his inventory and began to ready his col "I will pay in col, I should have enough for it" he added.


  • Dragon's breath - crafter's respite [151034]
  • Liquor of Light  - Damage III [150855]
  • 1,500 col total
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Another stop to getting the thing that she needed. Some dumb liquid that would help her find the thing or whatever. She couldn't buy it from the dude on the 10th floor so she would have to find an alchemist instead. She walked into the Cintamani shop and walked up the counter, hoping again that the shop owner wouldn't call her cute and ask where her parents were.

"Excuse me, lady, but can I get the item on this list please." She asked handing over the terribly scrawled note to Bistro and the Col necessary for the purchase.

Needed for quest and other stuffs

-Teleportation Crystal
-Familiar Sight

Gotta find some food to help with finding too.


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Another customer, or just another window-shopper? Neither, Bistro had guessed, noticing how cute and small the player strolling in was, a young child somehow lost in the great castle of Aincrad.

But Bistro wasn't exactly ready to play babysitter.

"Pheromones. You're looking for a familiar, aren't you?" Given her customer's height, it made sense how she may not have seen The Stars Collide at first glance. Though, what a kid was doing wandering about shop to shop alone was another question to be asked entirely. The shop keeper stepped past the counter, picking up a small ointment jar from her display shelves. Daybreak coated her room in hard shadows, so when Bistro slid her product out from the dark, it managed to sparkle wonderfully under the morning light, laid back against leather gloved hands when she showed it to her tiny patron.

"500col." With a tilt of her head, she added, "You have the money on you, don't you?"



The Stars Collide (1)
A small glass bottle of balm divided in half, one side jet black, the other a translucent white. Both of them are littered with tiny glitters of yellow. The paste fades away after a moment past application, but the stars remain to catch the intrigue of small creatures upon sight.

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"Oh, there it is." Assassin said, getting the sack of Col off the counter and over to Bistro. A trade for each item was set up and confirmed by both parties. "500 Col on the dot, that was all I really needed since the other shop keeper couldn't get me the thing I needed. Important quest stuff, y'know?"

Packing up the item in her inventory, the Assassin turned to the doors and opened up before saying "Thanks potion-lady!" And running down the street towards her next location. She had gotten almost everything she needed, just two more items to go.


Taking ID 147985 for 500 col


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AMBITION | Seasoning Bottle | +1XP/Craft
HARDWORKING | Extended Workshop | +2XP/Craft, +1 attempt/day
LUCRATIVE | ATP Guild Bonus | +2XP/Craft, +5LD/Salvage, [R9] +1 attempt/day

Tier 3 Salves
ID: 151638 | CD: 6 | LD: 2 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 151637 | CD: 4 | LD: 20 (15+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 151636 | CD: 6 | LD: 14 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 2
ID: 151635 | CD: 2 | LD: 10 (5+5) | Salvage (Fail)
ID: 151634 | CD: 8 | LD: 12 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 151633 | CD: 4 | LD: 22 (17+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 151632 | CD: 6 | LD: 8 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 151631 | CD: 6 | LD: 12 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 2
ID: 151630 | CD: 7 | LD: 6 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 151629 | CD: 9 | LD: 4 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 151628 | CD: 11 | LD: 8 | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 151627 | CD: 2 | LD: 16 (11+5) | Salvage (Success)

CRAFTER'S RESPITE | Dragon's Breath | Resets daily crafting attempts | [150856-1]

Tier 3 Salves
ID: 151650 | CD: 3 | LD: 18 (13+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 151649 | CD: 8 | LD: 14 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 151648 | CD: 2 | LD: 14 (9+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 151647 | CD: 11 | LD: 2 | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 151646 | CD: 11 | LD: 17 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 3
ID: 151645 | CD: 11 | LD: 14 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 2
ID: 151644 | CD: 7 | LD: 5 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 151643 | CD: 2 | LD: 23 (18+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 151642 | CD: 4 | LD: 16 (11+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 151641 | CD: 3 | LD: 18 (13+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 151640 | CD: 5 | LD: 7 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 151639 | CD: 12 | LD: 12 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 2

Result: +214XP (94, +24+48+48), -16 Tier 3 Materials, Uncommon Crafted Salve (9), Rare Crafted Salve (5), Perfect Crafted Salve (9)

Edited by Bistro
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AMBITION | Seasoning Bottle | +1XP/Craft
HARDWORKING | Extended Workshop | +2XP/Craft, +1 attempt/day
LUCRATIVE | ATP Guild Bonus | +2XP/Craft, +5LD/Salvage, [R9] +1 attempt/day

Tier 3 Salves
ID: 151676 | CD: 9 | LD: 10 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 151675 | CD: 2 | LD: 8 (3+5) | Salvage (Fail)
ID: 151674 | CD: 2 | LD: 24 (19+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 151673 | CD: 7 | LD: 11 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 2
ID: 151672 | CD: 4 | LD: 11 (6+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 151671 | CD: 8 | LD: 17 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 3
ID: 151670 | CD: 3 | LD: 10 (5+5) | Salvage (Fail)
ID: 151669 | CD: 9 | LD: 3 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 151668 | CD: 11 | LD: 9 | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 151667 | CD: 8 | LD: 17 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 3
ID: 151666 | CD: 8 | LD: 6 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 151665 | CD: 10 | LD: 16 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 3

CRAFTER'S RESPITE | Dragon's Breath | Resets daily crafting attempts | [150842-1]

Tier 3 Salves
ID: 151688 | CD: 6 | LD: 14 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 2
ID: 151687 | CD: 3 | LD: 25 (20+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 151686 | CD: 3 | LD: 13 (8+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 151685 | CD: 5 | LD: 10 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 2
ID: 151684 | CD: 8 | LD: 2 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 151683 | CD: 3 | LD: 22 (17+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 151682 | CD: 5 | LD: 11 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 2
ID: 151681 | CD: 5 | LD: 20 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 3
ID: 151680 | CD: 12 | LD: 14 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 2
ID: 151679 | CD: 5 | LD: 17 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 3
ID: 151678 | CD: 4 | LD: 22 (17+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 151677 | CD: 2 | LD: 18 (13+5) | Salvage (Success)

Result: +207XP (87, +24+48+48), -17 Tier 3 Materials, Uncommon Crafted Salve (14), Rare Crafted Salve (14), Perfect Crafted Salve (3)

Edited by Bistro
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NIGHT let herself into the shop, door opening haphazardly. She hadn't exerted enough force upon Cintamani's front door to slam it against the wall, but the bell chime did jingle violently, and her entrance was surprising enough to shock Bistro into spilling a test tube's contents. The newcomer continued, striding over to where the Dragon Breaths were displayed. "This is mine now."

One gloved hand wrapped around a vial of seemingly nothing, and she pulled it off the shelves, uncorking it and downing it immediately.

"NIGHT," came Bistro's stern objection. "You didn't even pay for it yet."

NIGHT let out a gasp as she broke the empty glass by crushing it. "But you trust me to send the payment to you, right?"

A frustrated grumble, an exchange of col, and the artisan was back on her way to her workshop.


Dragon's Breath (1) | [150856-2]
A signature concoction of the Cintamani. There are no signs of liquid in this vial, only a swirl of periwinkle smoke seems to sit at the flask's center. When taken, however, it tastes of cool air, revitalizing the drinker's wakefulness and urges them to continue crafting; an alluring call from a foreign muse.

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AMBITION | Seasoning Bottle | +1XP/Craft
HARDWORKING | Extended Workshop | +2XP/Craft, +1 attempt/day
LUCRATIVE | ATP Guild Bonus | +2XP/Craft, +5LD/Salvage, [R9] +1 attempt/day

Tier 3 Salves
ID: 151841 | CD: 3 | LD: 12 (7+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 151840 | CD: 8 | LD: 8 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 151839 | CD: 5 | LD: 3 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 151838 | CD: 6 | LD: 5 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 151837 | CD: 1 | LD: 16 | Fail
ID: 151836 | CD: 12 | LD: 18 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 3
ID: 151835 | CD: 2 | LD: 12 (7+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 151834 | CD: 1 | LD: 3 | Fail
ID: 151833 | CD: 5 | LD: 17 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 3
ID: 151832 | CD: 1 | LD: 10 | Fail
ID: 151831 | CD: 5 | LD: 4 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 151830 | CD: 11 | LD: 14 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 2

CRAFTER'S RESPITE | Dragon's Breath | Resets daily crafting attempts | [151210-1]

Tier 1 Potions
ID: 151853 | CD: 12 | LD: 7 | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 151852 | CD: 9 | LD: 13 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 151851 | CD: 8 | LD: 10 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 151850 | CD: 12 | LD: 2 | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 151849 | CD: 5 | LD: 15 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 2
ID: 151848 | CD: 11 | LD: 15 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 2
ID: 151847 | CD: 8 | LD: 1 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 151846 | CD: 4 | LD: 6 (1+5) | Salvage (Fail)
ID: 151845 | CD: 3 | LD: 13 (8+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 151844 | CD: 6 | LD: 6 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 151843 | CD: 9 | LD: 12 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 151842 | CD: 6 | LD: 5 | Success! (Uncommon)

Result: +217XP (97, +24+48+48), -10 Tier 3 Materials, -11 Tier 1 Materials, [T3] Uncommon Crafted Salve (6), [T3] Rare Crafted Salve (1), [T3] Perfect Crafted Salve (5), [T1] Uncommon Crafted Potion (4), [T1] Rare Crafted Potion (7), [T1] Perfect Crafted Potion (4)

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AMBITION | Seasoning Bottle | +1XP/Craft
HARDWORKING | Extended Workshop | +2XP/Craft, +1 attempt/day
LUCRATIVE | ATP Guild Bonus | +2XP/Craft, +5LD/Salvage, [R9] +1 attempt/day

Tier 1 Salves
ID: 151932 | CD: 11 | LD: 20 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 3
ID: 151931 | CD: 5 | LD: 7 | Success! (Uncommon)

Tier 1 Potions
ID: 151942 | CD: 11 | LD: 18 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 3
ID: 151941 | CD: 7 | LD: 10 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 2
ID: 151940 | CD: 9 | LD: 12 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 151939 | CD: 8 | LD: 15 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 151938 | CD: 2 | LD: 12 (7+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 151937 | CD: 4 | LD: 11 (6+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 151936 | CD: 12 | LD: 1 | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 151935 | CD: 12 | LD: 4 | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 151934 | CD: 10 | LD: 8 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 151933 | CD: 3 | LD: 25 (20+5) | Salvage (Success)

CRAFTER'S RESPITE | Dragon's Breath | Resets daily crafting attempts | [151205-1]

Tier 1 Potions
ID: 151954 | CD: 5 | LD: 10 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 2
ID: 151953 | CD: 12 | LD: 13 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 2
ID: 151952 | CD: 10 | LD: 5 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 151951 | CD: 3 | LD: 15 (10+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 151950 | CD: 8 | LD: 9 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 151949 | CD: 2 | LD: 21 (16+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 151948 | CD: 8 | LD: 14 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 151947 | CD: 6 | LD: 1 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 151946 | CD: 1 | LD: 15 | Fail
ID: 151945 | CD: 8 | LD: 15 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 151944 | CD: 10 | LD: 7 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 151943 | CD: 1 | LD: 16 | Fail

Result: +224XP (104, +24+48+48), -19 Tier 1 Materials, Uncommon Crafted Potion (5), Rare Crafted Potion (12), Perfect Crafted Potion (7), Uncommon Crafted Potion (1), Perfect Crafted Potion (3)

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