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[F22 - PP - Shield & Beat] «Scents of the Wild: Shocking Stallion»

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Passive [+1 EN] Battle Healing [+92 HP] Holy Blessing [+48 HP] Cool Downs [Healer - 4/5 remaining]

Action: Swapping Gear - Stinging Nettle [THN 2, ENV 1]

[H:2/3/3/3] Beat:    HP: 1225/1225 | EN: 34/116 | DMG: 23 | ACC: 7 | LD: 7
[H:4/4/4/4] Shield: HP: 1560/1850 | EN: 119/176 | DMG: 2 | EVA: -1 | MIT: 181 | BH:92 | HB: 48 | THN: 69 | ENV: 18/4

Dire Wolf 1 - HP: 0/880 | DMG: 264 | ACC: 3
Dire Wolf 2 - HP: 121/880 | DMG: 264 | ACC: 3 - [ENV 18 - 2/4] ID# 148026 results: MOB: 3+3+1=7 - Hit! 264-181=83 dmg [THN - 15 dmg]
Dire Wolf 3 - HP: 112/880 | DMG: 264 | ACC: 3 - [ENV 18 - 3/4]  ID# 148027 results: MOB: 7+3+1=11 - Hit! 264-181=83 dmg [THN - 15 dmg]
Dire Wolf 4 - HP: 19/880 | DMG: 264 | ACC: 3 - ID# 148028 results: MOB: 2+3+1=6 - Hit! 264-181=83 dmg [THN - 15 dmg]


Shield quickly realized that the fight was going to be ending very soon for the rest of the wolves, and that his armor might be the culprit. 

I'm pretty sure that Beat's farming gear is better for loot than my combat gear is. Looks like I'm gonna have to back off and let him snag these kills.

As the wolves charged, Shield turned the other way, keeping just ahead of them with their jaws snapping at his heels. He launched himself towards the nearest tree trunk, pushing off with his foot to gain some altitude and grabbing onto the lowest branch with his shield arm, the Manticore Mask hanging by its strap from his arm. With his free hand, he used the seconds of confusion he'd bought to unequip his Stinging Nettle armor. It vanished from his body and he sighed with relief, dropping back down into the midst of the wolves.

"Okay, Beat! It's all you now! My little bit of flame aura damage won't be enough to put them down, so you get to finish them off!" They descended on him properly now, swarming him and biting at his body. They took little bites, and in return each had small amounts of health drained, but not enough to harm them badly.

Edited by Shield
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Each of wolves were staggering, one in particular was having significant trouble keeping its legs under it. Beat shook his head as he found the spot he needed to be to finish all three of the wolves at once, "Welp boys. It's been fun, but I think it's time to put you out to pasture." With that, Beat made a small hop in the air and twirled, allowing his spear to carve a yellow arc in the air that would expand and cleave all three of the wolves in two. As they crumbled into a shower of red pixels, Beat smiled as he watched the loot screen appear. 

Been a while since I've seen this screen. 

"Now that's what I'm talking about! It's been a while since we've seen this screen." He scrolled through the rewards, noting a couple of pieces that would be potentially useful, "Not a bad haul."

Edited by Beat
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"I see pretty similar kinds of drops from a chest, but I will admit that some of the pieces are different from what I would find. For some reason, rare quality items aren't generally found, and armors specifically don't exist. And disregarding quality, trinkets earen't found in chests at all. The loot system is definitely a bit screwy like that." With that, he took a deep breath. "Feel a little better after that? Some real combat that isn't just beating up on one more boss?"

He motioned for Beat to follow him and began heading back to Coral. "This is a big benchmark. Now we can actually apply the monuses from the damn ed quest items we've been gathering. I can't wait to try them all out! Well, some of them anyways." He began scrolling back through them, looking them over carefully. "Having an extra static bonus to loot finding is going to be amazing..." They wandered off towards the main settlement, congratulating one another for a long-fought victory, and talking of future plans of how they will use the items for which they had come so far.



12.160 Col
6 SP
Bialas Statue

F22 Intermediate Dungeon Map
Rare Armor/Shield
Perfect Armor/Shield


12.160 Col
6 SP
Bialas Statue

Rare Consumable
Perfect Weapon
Perfect Consumable
Rare Trinket

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