Megitsune 0 Posted May 18, 2020 #21 Share Posted May 18, 2020 Vince was still coming up completely short with every attack he made. They might be here for a minute if he couldn't start landing attacks or if his luck was just god awful. The latter was looking par for the course for him so far. It would be so much easier if he had area of effect sword arts to draw from and kill multiple boars at once with. That's the only reason it took no time at all for her. For now, her scythe rested against her shoulder in her hand, the blade hugging her back while she watched Vince fight. If anything tried to interrupt his battle, she would be sure to put it in it's place. His focus could easily be thrown off and she would need to wait on him even longer. There were still other quests that needed to be attended to before she could level up more, so she couldn't leave just yet to go and do something else. @NS @Kaliot Link to post Share on other sites
Kaliot 0 Posted May 19, 2020 Author #22 Share Posted May 19, 2020 (edited) There wasn't much for Kaliot to do while he was waiting for Vince. He could've helped by getting some boar pups into one-hit range for him, but Vince didn't seem to want that and he was having some trouble landing a hit anyway. Kaliot decided to open up his menu and take a look at his skills which he'd only just skimmed over before. The weapon and armor skills were fairly obvious though he took note to make sure to get rank 2 for one-handed spears. [Full tank seems like the obvious skill route. Dude, why don't we just become a farmer? A healing familiar sounds nice.] He pondered, wondering if he should maybe try to grab a familiar before continuing with these beginner quests, but these quests so far have led right into the next so veering off to grab one would be inefficient. [Well, it might be fine say I need to get some better equipment anyway...] Kaliot: 78/80 HP | 5/8 (+1) EN | 2 DMG | 1 ACC | 5 MIT Edited May 19, 2020 by Kaliot EN Regen Link to post Share on other sites
NS 0 Posted May 19, 2020 #23 Share Posted May 19, 2020 (edited) Almost as if the mask was some form of a lucky charm, Vince manages to finally catch the boar charging at him and stabs through it. At first, the pup squealed and thrashes on Vince's arm, but as the creature's supposed energy fades away it falls limp. It begins to dissipate on his limb! But more importantly, Vince seems to be smiling quite widely now! Wonderful! He doesn't have to worry about this troublesome mob anymore. Bringing up his other arm, flexing and stretching his fingers for a bit... SHING! He stabs his arm into the disintegrating corpse and digs out... nothing. The boar pup finally goes away. Now he's unhappy. All the trials and tribulations he had undergone... For nothing. "Welp. That was a good use of time. Still have to kill more things." He tilts his head a bit. "Though. At least I might miss less this time - thank you for that gift by the way." He turns back to Fox with a smile. Spoiler NS: HP: 74 /80 | EN: 3 (0) /8 | DMG: 3 | MIT: 0 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 0 Boar Pup 2: HP: -2 (-3) /5 | DMG: 3 Basic Attack vs Boar Pup 2 Hit! 3 DMG! Boar Pup 2 vs NS Miss! 1/3 Pup Tusks Collected @Megitsune @Kaliot Edited May 19, 2020 by NS Stat Correction Link to post Share on other sites
Megitsune 0 Posted May 19, 2020 #24 Share Posted May 19, 2020 (edited) A grin painted the foxes face when the man was able to kill off the boar finally. Her mask aided him enough to land a hit on the thing finally. It was good that he was finally getting used to the flow of combat. Her ears perked up as the sound of stomping slowly faded into existence. A pack of bigger badder boars was coming to aid their children. As she thought, she wouldn't let Vince's battle be interrupted. She looked over at Kaliot and pointed to him, then to the bigger boars. "Oi, these ones over here are ours. I'll weaken them and let you get the finishing blows. I can't get loot to drop on this low of a floor anymore so we might as well get you some experience in fighting while Vince get's his tusks." Her grip in her lance tightened and swiped all the boars as the came by. One went past her and straight for Kal, missing him. With a heavy swing, the black scythe slashed everything around her open. One of the boars died to a critical hit, unfortunately. "Tch, these mobs were lucky to survive even that puny attack. @Kaliot @NS [0, 1, 1, 1]Megitsune: 220/220 | 17/22 | DMG: 9 | EVA: 1 | REC: 2 | LD: 3 [0, 0, 0, 0]Kaliot: 80/80 | 5/8 | DMG: 2 | MIT: 5 | ACC: 1 Feral Boar 1: 40/40 | DMG: 12 Feral Boar 2: 13/40 | DMG: 12 Feral Boar 3: 13/40 | DMG: 12 Feral Boar 4: 0/40 | DMG: 12 Edited May 19, 2020 by Megitsune Link to post Share on other sites
Kaliot 0 Posted May 19, 2020 Author #25 Share Posted May 19, 2020 (edited) Kaliot little bout of relaxation was cut even shorter. Beneath the squeals of dying pups, he could hear and feel something deeper; it seemed to be getting closer. He quickly rose back to his feet right as Fox directed him toward the new threats. "Got it!" He readied up and watched as one feral boar managed to find its way through Fox's attack and charge directly at him. If Kaliot had a heartbeat, it would surely be pounding in his chest. This fight wouldn't be like the first where he'd basically just been bullying the poor pups. As his fist tightened around his spear, he felt a strange calmness overtake him. The system took over Kaliot's body again, sending his spear flying straight between the feral boar's eyes, stopping the beast in its tracks. It recoiled, letting out a heart-wrenching cry. [I'm sorry, Mama Boar, I know you're just trying to protect your babies. But this isn't a fight I'm willing to lose, either.] @NS @Megitsune - Kaliot: 78/80 HP | 6/8 (+1) EN | 2 DMG | 1 ACC | 5 MIT | [0,0,0,0] Basic Attack (2 DMG) + Major Critical (2 DMG) w/ Pierce (2x) at Feral Boar 1: 8 DMG Feral Boar 1: 32/40 (-8) HP | 12 DMG Missed Attack at Kaliot Kaliot: 78/80 HP | 4/8 (-2) EN | 2 DMG | 1 ACC | 5 MIT | [1,0,0,0] Edited May 19, 2020 by Kaliot Link to post Share on other sites
NS 0 Posted May 19, 2020 #26 Share Posted May 19, 2020 (edited) Vince is entirely grateful that they're taking care of these mobs showing up out of nowhere. Less time of him trying to dodge mobs he really doesn't need to kill. On the other hand, he is not so grateful for the fact that his attempt to do his usual motion of Round Accel is interrupted by the boar pup dodging the attack. It would've been an easy kill if they weren't alerted by these stupid extra mobs! Now what is he gonna do? I mean, I can groan about it... And groan about it he shall! "Don't mind me, just continue fighting those mobs~!" He awkwardly chuckles as the boar pup starts to circle Vince again. Again. Another easy mob that is strangely giving him trouble, even with the additional equipment that Fox had given him. Perhaps he should've invested into different skills, but you know what? It'll be fiiiiine. It'll be all okay. Ha. Hahaha... Spoiler NS: HP: 74 /80 | EN: 1 (-2) /8 | DMG: 3 | MIT: 0 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 0 Boar Pup 3: HP: 5/5 | DMG: 3 <<Round Accel>> vs Boar Pup 3 Critical Fail! Boar Pup 3 vs NS Miss! 1/3 Pup Tusks Collected @Megitsune @Kaliot Edited May 19, 2020 by NS Link to post Share on other sites
Megitsune 0 Posted May 19, 2020 #27 Share Posted May 19, 2020 (edited) The Megitsune was ready to make her next area of effect attack on this group of enemies but she quickly restrained herself. These mobs weren't for her spoils, Kal would actually get something if he killed them rather than her. She looked around for one of the two weakened boars and stabbed it ruthlessly with her claw-like weapon and sending it flying to the blonde who had landed an exceptional hit against the boar that she had missed. Not too bad. "Oi! Serves up, this one is ready to be bacon." The squealing boar landed unceremoniously in front of Kal, crying in pain at the massive damage that Fox could deal with a single attack, even without activating a sword art before hand. She was one to be terrified of on a floor this low. "When you kill it, it will drop legitimately useful things to use. Col and items that can be identified by merchants, like me." [0, 2, 1, 1]Megitsune: 220/220 | 18/22 | DMG: 9 | EVA: 1 | REC: 2 | LD: 3 [2, 0, 0, 0]Kaliot: 78/80 | 5/8 | DMG: 2 | MIT: 5 | ACC: 1 Feral Boar 1: 40/40 | DMG: 12 Feral Boar 2: 3/40 | DMG: 12 Feral Boar 3: 13/40 | DMG: 12 Feral Boar 4: 0/40 | DMG: 12 Edited May 19, 2020 by Megitsune Link to post Share on other sites
Kaliot 0 Posted May 19, 2020 Author #28 Share Posted May 19, 2020 (edited) Kaliot kept a small bit of his focus on Vince whose struggles unfortunately had resumed as he moved on to his next pup. He thought about trying to give him more words of encouragement, but considering that he'd had some pretty godly luck for the short while that he was working on the quest, Kaliot thought it best to shut his trap and focus on the task at hand lest he tilt Vince even more than he may already be. Kaliot wasn't exactly comfortable turning his back on his current target given that his current target would likely be really pissed after getting stabbed in the face, but he placed his trust in Fox and switched to the weakest of the bunch. He played it safe by using Pierce yet again to guarantee the kill regardless of landing a crit. Fortunately for him, and unfortunately for him, he landed yet another big crit putting his extra energy expenditure to waste. A loot window popped up on his screen but was quickly swiped away as Kaliot returned to combat. @NS @Megitsune - Feral Boar 1: 32/40 HP | 12 DMG Failed Attack at Kaliot Kaliot: 78/80 HP | 5/8 (+1) EN | 2 DMG | 1 ACC | 5 MIT | 3 LD | [1,0,0,0] Basic Attack (2 DMG) + Major Critical (2 DMG) w/ Pierce (2x) at Feral Boar 2: 8 DMG Feral Boar 2: 0/40 (-3) HP | 12 DMG Dead Loot: 120 col + 80 col + 40 col = 240 col, 2 T1 Mats, 1 Rare Trinket Redacted Kaliot: 78/80 HP | 3/8 (-2) EN | 2 DMG | 1 ACC | 5 MIT | 3 LD | [1,0,0,0] Edited May 22, 2020 by Kaliot no loot 4 me Link to post Share on other sites
NS 0 Posted May 22, 2020 #29 Share Posted May 22, 2020 (edited) Vince has only known pain with how his luck has been ending up. Honestly, he was unsure of whether or not he should actually just wait it out a bit to actually land his skill once he recovered enough. Then again, he does have pretty good odds and he is a betting man. Welp. Show time. The gambler bends his knee, one leg back as he prepares for his dash around the boar pup. Immediately, his body moves once again in a machine like manner, the first swing catching the boar as he slides pass it. Yet he's not finished! He spins around for the second stab right through the pup, instantly KO'ing it. So he CAN hit something! Now just have to swap to the wayfinder... Spoiler NS: HP: 74 /80 | EN: 0 (-1) /8 | DMG: 3 | MIT: 0 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 0 Boar Pup 3: HP: 5/5 | DMG: 3 <<Round Accel>> vs Boar Pup 3 Critical Hit (+1)! (3 + 1) x 2 = 8 DMG! Boar Pup 3 vs NS Hit! 3 DMG! Once again, the gambler stabs into the pup in hopes of pulling out a tusk... ... Only to end up with nothing. Maybe it's time to take a break and let the RNG settle for a bit. 1/3 Pup Tusks Collected @Megitsune @Kaliot Edited May 22, 2020 by NS Done goof, me big dumb Link to post Share on other sites
Megitsune 0 Posted May 22, 2020 #30 Share Posted May 22, 2020 (edited) It seemed that loot didn't account while Fox was taking part in combat. How boring. How is someone supposed to help people get stronger if they aren't allowed to fight with them to get loot? There were still some boars remaining. Only two right now. They were dead. The Fox's heavy scythe lit up white intensely. The brightness of the weapon could have blinded anyone looking at it. The power of a Rank 3 Sword art was no where in comparison to anything she had used up until now. Her red eyes glared through the white mask with anger and hatred. "Shine..." The blade impaled the first boar who dropped from full health to zero instantly. The last boar saw it was going to die if it didn't run. It made it's best attempt to flee from battle. "You're not getting away!" She chased the boar down, slamming the sickle in front of it and kicking it into the blade. The force against the sharp metal sliced it completely in half. [0, 2, 1, 1]Megitsune: 220/220 | 18/22 | DMG: 9 | EVA: 1 | REC: 2 | LD: 3 [2, 0, 0, 0]Kaliot: 78/80 | 5/8 | DMG: 2 | MIT: 5 | ACC: 1 Feral Boar 1: 40/40 | DMG: 12 Feral Boar 2: 3/40 | DMG: 12 Feral Boar 3: 13/40 | DMG: 12 Feral Boar 4: 0/40 | DMG: 12 Edited May 22, 2020 by Megitsune Link to post Share on other sites
Kaliot 0 Posted May 22, 2020 Author #31 Share Posted May 22, 2020 (edited) Vince finally got the boar pup kill and Fox terrifyingly obliterated the remaining boar pup's seniors. All would have been well except that nobody got any damn loot. Kaliot looked through his inventory and confirmed that he'd gotten nothing. He wondered if the message that he had so quickly swiped away during combat had told him that the battle wasn't loot-eligible. "All of that work. For nothing!" Kaliot paced around the now-clear area. "Well, I didn't actually do much of anything to be honest. But still!" Kaliot put one hand on his hip and another around his chin. "Maybe I should try taking one down by myself," he said. Right on cue, another feral boar flew right by, tripping over itself and flopping on the ground like a fat fish. "You dare challenge me, boar?" He readied another strike. He had a good feeling about it. And he fell flat on his face mid-strike, his foot catching onto something stuck in the dirt. @NS @Megitsune Feral Boar 5: 40/40 HP | 12 DMG Failed Attack at Kaliot Kaliot: 78/80 HP | 4/8 (+1) EN | 2 DMG | 1 ACC | 5 MIT | 3 LD Failed Attack at Feral Boar 5 Feral Boar 5: 40/40 HP | 12 DMG Kaliot: 78/80 HP | 2/8 (-2) EN | 2 DMG | 1 ACC | 5 MIT | 3 LD Edited May 22, 2020 by Kaliot Link to post Share on other sites
NS 0 Posted May 22, 2020 #32 Share Posted May 22, 2020 ... Yeah! You go! He honestly might as well be smart and start recovering his energy. No point in trying to combat the pups without his sword arts and take unnecessary amount of time to actually kill them and get loot. So! He'll definitely back up into a mostly noncombative zone and watch the two do their thing. Yeah. They'll definitely be interesting. Perhaps he should send them a friend request some time? ... Nah. He'll wait on that. Just to make sure. Can't afford to do something as silly as that when you're still uncertain about them. Thus, Vince just leans back and starts to lean one a single foot, just lazily slouching and watching everyone do their thing. Fun... He still eyes his energy bar though, just so he knows when he can go back in. He is so going to look into commissioning someone for better gear. Any more like this and he might lose his mind trying to grind out free rewards. Spoiler NS: HP: 74 /80 | EN: 1 (+1) /8 | DMG: 3 | MIT: 0 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 0 1/3 Pup Tusks Collected @Megitsune @Kaliot Link to post Share on other sites
Megitsune 0 Posted May 22, 2020 #33 Share Posted May 22, 2020 The Megitsune heaved up her heavy weapon again, pierced into the ground and took a seat crossing her legs. There was nothing that she could do right now and reason to gather materials since they weren't needed for a merchant or usable in the quest. The girl watched Kaliot take another fight with one of the stronger boars. It would be so much easier for him if only he had some area of effect attacks, and same with NS. Well, not all weapons were totally invalidated for their functions. Dagger was good for reserving energy, while the battle axe ate a ton of your energy. However, her attacks would always be more devastating than Vince could ever muster. "Oi, when we're done here, I'll just barely be the level to do the third quest with you guys. Since I can't go and do anything else in fear of gaining too much SP, I will wait for you both. The third lesson doesn't take any gathering from what I hear, so it'll be super easy. Especially with me destroying the boss monster in mere seconds." Link to post Share on other sites
Kaliot 0 Posted May 22, 2020 Author #34 Share Posted May 22, 2020 (edited) "No gathering? And a boss fight? Sounds good to me!" Kaliot shouted as he got smashed in the face the feral boar. He fell backwards onto his butt and, for a second, he wondered if he was biting off more than he could chew by trying to solo this beast. He got back to his feet and started to circle the boar, waiting for a good time to strike. The boar stomped its hooves and snarled back at him. "Are you trying to bait me right now? Is that what you're doing?" Kaliot wasn't even aware that he was bantering with an AI boar, his mind too immersed in the fight and the game. "Well, how do you like this?" Kaliot feinted an attack at the animal which promptly to dodge an attack that never came. It was then that Kaliot used his skill to attack, his spear piercing straight through the side of its belly. @NS @Megitsune - Feral Boar 5: 40/40 HP | 12 DMG Basic Attack at Kaliot: 7 DMG Kaliot: 71/80 (-7) HP | 3/8 (+1) EN | 2 DMG | 1 ACC | 5 MIT | 3 LD [Pierce] at Feral Boar 5: 4 DMG Feral Boar 5: 36/40 (-4) HP | 12 DMG Kaliot: 71/80 HP | 1/8 (-2) EN | 2 DMG | 1 ACC | 5 MIT | 3 LD Edited May 25, 2020 by Kaliot Fixed HP Link to post Share on other sites
NS 0 Posted May 22, 2020 #35 Share Posted May 22, 2020 Fuuuuuun... Hey, does that mean he has to somehow loot those things too? Only to inevitably fail? That sounds awful... Vince is laid back now, staring at the sky as he sort of fidgets in place. You know, the ground isn't that bad after all. I should try it more often. He sighs and lowers down his hat a bit to block out the sun. Could they have not made the sun so bright like it was in real life? It gets annoying you know... Nonetheless, the gambler eyeballs his energy gauge, waiting for it to return to full so he can actually just grind these pups again without a care in the world - what a beginner quest. Poor RNG really does screw you over here, doesn't it? Especially the loot. It's almost like they curved the loot distribution to make it exceptionally painful... Is all his energy back yet? Nope. Darn... Spoiler NS: HP: 74 /80 | EN: 2 (+1) /8 | DMG: 3 | MIT: 0 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 0 1/3 Pup Tusks Collected @Megitsune @Kaliot Link to post Share on other sites
Megitsune 0 Posted May 23, 2020 #36 Share Posted May 23, 2020 The Megitsune looked down at the green haired gambler who was lying on his back, likely waiting for his energy to return so he could finish off these pups. If he had a rank in battle axe, she would lend her weapon to him and just have him use an area of effect sword art on the boars. Too bad dagger didn't have any of its own. The clarion voice of reason muffled from behind her face mask. "Just a warning to you my friend, if you want to spend time looting for gear, you had better find someone who is capable of one of two things. They should either be willing to tank multiple mobs at once, or they need to be able to do mass AoE damage like myself and be willing to part with the gear they find. Grinding without the ability to do damage to multiple targets isn't impossible, but given how hard it can be to find amazing unique gear, it can become quite the annoyance, though not impossible." Link to post Share on other sites
Kaliot 0 Posted May 23, 2020 Author #37 Share Posted May 23, 2020 (edited) It seemed like their roles were reversed now with Vince laying about, relaxing to get back his energy, while Kaliot was fighting for his life. Actually fighting for his life even as the boar was giving him a tough time. The beast charged again, taking a leap at the end to drive itself into Kaliot's stomach. He recoiled but managed to keep his footing and ready another attack. [We're running out of energy. Well, not 'running out of'. We are out of energy. This thing is really chunking us. We might actually have to use a pot. I wonder how it feels to die in-game...] His attack was off-center, but it still managed to graze the boar's side. It jumped back and away from the spear. For the first time in the battle, the beast remained silent, suspiciously silent. It started to circle Kaliot again, but this time more slowly. [There's blood in the water.] @NS @Megitsune - Feral Boar 5: 36/40 HP | 12 DMG Basic Attack at Kaliot: 7 DMG Kaliot: 64/80 (-7) HP | 2/8 (+1) EN | 2 DMG | 1 ACC | 5 MIT | 3 LD [Pierce] at Feral Boar 5: 4 DMG Feral Boar 5: 32/40 (-4) HP | 12 DMG Kaliot: 64/80 HP | 0/8 (-2) EN | 2 DMG | 1 ACC | 5 MIT | 3 LD Edited May 25, 2020 by Kaliot Link to post Share on other sites
NS 0 Posted May 24, 2020 #38 Share Posted May 24, 2020 (edited) "Yeah. That sounds about right, honestly. Guess I have to find reliable people then." Vince tilts his head to the side, staring at Fox through his peripherals. "Think you're pretty reliable?" He just continues to lackadaisically lay on the ground, occasionally kicking his feet here and there. Honestly, the only benefit to dagger seems to be later on, so that'll be quite a bit of grinding until he gets there... Welp. He's already committed, so might as well go all the way. Though the sounds of battle from Maomao seems to have garnered his attention... "Hm. I wonder if he'll pull through. Might be interesting if he does..." He practically slams his bed back onto the ground, waiting for his energy to top off due to being out of combat for a while now. How nice of the developers to be so lenient with how people can recover out of combat. Spoiler NS: HP: 80 (+6) /80 | EN: 8 (+6) /8 | DMG: 3 | MIT: 0 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 0 Out of Combat Recovery! @Megitsune @Kaliot Edited May 24, 2020 by NS Link to post Share on other sites
Megitsune 0 Posted May 24, 2020 #39 Share Posted May 24, 2020 Fox, still with folded arms, kept her eyes glued to Mao. He wasn't going to win that fight on his own, nope. She shifted in her seat and sighed. "Nope, he's going to lose that fight. I'd say if he's not about to run out of energy from the next attack, he's completely out now. You already figured out how difficult it is to fight without any energy. The boar he's fighting its probably about three or fourfold stronger than the one you were fighting and will likely out damage him until he dies. I'm not trying to be mean, but he needs better gear and a little bit of training." The Fox looked over at NS, her glare eating through the eye sockets of her mask. "You think I'm not reliable after completely demolishing eight or so boars in only about two hits? I'm about to break up this party too. And what about you? Your energy is back to full, I'm willing to guess, so quit wasting time and get back to fighting. You should have an easier time killing them now that you have that accuracy buffing item." @NS @Kaliot Link to post Share on other sites
Kaliot 0 Posted May 24, 2020 Author #40 Share Posted May 24, 2020 (edited) Kaliot remained focused on the fight but still kept an ear out for his two companions. He decided not to say anything. [Are these two about to start going at it? Maybe I should use the damage potion? If only I hadn't wasted those two attacks, this wouldn't have been nearly as bad.] Kaliot kept his grip tight around his spear. He figured that as long as he didn't hesitate, he should be fine. Should, barring any unforeseen occurrences. He sighed, releasing excess anxiety and tension. The boar continued to circle, waiting for an opportunity to strike. The standoff lasted for a few moments before Kaliot finally blinked. The boar charged immediately at his left leg, successfully destabilizing him and sending him down to a knee. On the way down, Kaliot sent out a jab roughly in the direction of the boar and managed to land a hit of his own. @NS @Megitsune - Feral Boar 5: 32/40 HP | 12 DMG Basic Attack at Kaliot: 7 DMG Kaliot: 51/80 (-7) HP | 1/8 (+1) EN | 2 DMG | 1 ACC | 5 MIT | 3 LD [Critical I] Basic Attack at Feral Boar 5: 3 DMG Feral Boar 5: 29/40 (-3) HP | 12 DMG Kaliot: 51/80 HP | 0/8 (-1) EN | 2 DMG | 1 ACC | 5 MIT | 3 LD Edited May 25, 2020 by Kaliot Link to post Share on other sites
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