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Soundtrack: Arabian yodeling.

The bustle of the crowd seemed to quiet as storm clouds suddenly moved in, enveloping the whole of Aincrad. Silence blanketed the expanse as quickly as the darkness that followed, the only sounds heard being the occasional quiet murmur of skeptical players and the whispering of the surrounding flora as the increasingly frenzied wind whipped through it. Any nearby mobs became panicked and erratic, fleeing toward their makeshift shelters, burrows, trees, nearby vegetation; anything that would allow them to hide from what they all seemed to instinctively know was coming. 

Moisture and fog billowed in through the floating castle's exposed sides, filling the players' nostrils with a familiar dampness. One of flourishing plant life, soft earth, and tepid sky. But also of an omen; something sinister, something brewing, something just beyond the veil - or even the veil itself. Something was coming, or was already there, that stiffened the hairs of everyone in attendance, protesting against the airborne mist that clung to them as they stood at attention. Everyone with a functioning amygdala could feel it. An instinctual fight or flight response that yearned to provoke their unmoving bodies into action. But against what?

The very air itself almost seemed to be filled with a nervous electricity. And just as the players would collectively come to this realization, as if on cue, that electricity culminated in a white-hot, blinding surge of lightning that parted the quilt of clouds that hovered above. The deafening roar of thunder that followed caused air and earth alike to tremble as the energy of the blast danced along the skin of the players, a concussive wave of displaced air erupting from the point of impact and blasting away in all directions with the force of a microburst barreling down a mountain. From the cumulonimbus cavity left in the wake of the surge, a single ray of blinding golden sunshine shone through and down upon the players. 

As they squinted to adjust their eyes to the heavenly glow, some may have begun to see it. The silhouettes of three creatures that had slowly begun to descend upon the masses, as though dangled by the hand of God himself. Those who recognized even one of the forms against the backdrop of light could only stare on in abject horror, all too aware of the terror the players now faced. Those who recognized two had already begun to panic. And the poor souls who recognized all three had all but given up hope, relenting to the whims of the Great Cardinal, who they could only surmise wanted the whole of Aincrad wiped from existence once and for all.


Gob-Gob, the Immortal Slayer.
Swine Jesus, Slayer of Axioses.
And last, but not least, Rain Minion 12.

The most diabolical combination of absurd power ever conceived by anyone, ever. Screams and shouts could be heard as players chose to either form ranks in futile preparation for combat, or cleverly flee before the battle even got started. Everyone had come awash with the overwhelming understanding that this was the end, whether positive or negative for the players. It had all led up to this moment. An ultimate showdown between the most legendary creatures of Aincrad, pitted against the whole of its denizens. This was it.

As they finally touched down against the trembling landscape, another pulse of air retreated from them, carrying with it the taste of raw power. No sooner had they stepped foot on Aincrad's soil than chaos ensued. Gob-Gob flexed menacingly at the mob of players, who would all instantaneously feel their vitality diminished to an exorbitant degree. The sheer intimidation of his indomitable physique had sapped away all confidence in their own, reducing them to halves of what they used to be. Swine Jesus, seemingly humored by the players' despire, let loose a mighty squeal that emanated through the crowd, making the effects permanent. Rain Minion 12, who recognized his power was not yet needed, seated himself comfortably in the lavish throne that had inexplicably materialized behind the trio. He sized up the feeble ants that dared to challenge the gods with a smug indifference, seeming to neither care whether they had the will to continue or not.

They had made their opening move, and now they waited for the players to make their own. One might wish the gods to be with them, but as the situation unfolded, it was becoming clear that they were anything but.


<<Gob-Gob, the Immortal Slayer>>
[               ]
[               ]

Gob-Gob flexes. Deals damage to all players equal to half of their remaining HP.
Thorns Immunity:
Gob-Gob is unaffected by all forms of Thorns damage.

<<Rain Minion 12>>
[               ]
[               ]

<<Swine Jesus, Slayer of Axioses>>
[               ]
[               ]

Holy Squeal:
Swine Jesus lets out a chorus of angels from his perfect maw, reducing the maximum health of all players by the amount of damage they suffered that turn.
Thorns Immunity:
Swine Jesus is unaffected by all forms of Thorns damage.

Additional boss abilities will be revealed as they become relevant.

Tier 1


Gob-Gob's Flex deals damage to all players equal to half of their remaining HP.
Swine Jesus' Holy Squeal reduces all players' maximum HP by the amount of damage dealt to them this turn.

@Basuke: HP: 200/200 100/100 | EN: 20/20 | DMG: 3 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 5 | BRN: 12 | BLIGHT: 12 | BLD: 12 | PRLZ: 1 | ANTIDOTE: 3 | Burn DoT: -50%
@Freyd - The Whisper in Shadows: HP: 225/225 123/123 | EN: 18/18 | DMG: 8 | MIT: 29 | ACC: 2 | SAV: 1 | REC: 1 | KEEN: 1
@Gaius: HP: 350/350 175/175 | EN: 32/32 | DMG: 15 | REC: 1 | HM: 2 | LM: 2 | THNS: 10 | Antidote: 3/3 | Antioxidant
@Shiina: HP: 390/390 195/195 | EN: 36/36 | DMG: 1 | MIT: 27 | REC: 2 | EVA: 3 | LD: 3 | THNS: 10 | Antidote: 3/3 | Antioxidant
@Simmone: HP: 370/370 185/185 | EN: 34/34 | DMG: 8 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 3 | BLD: 12 | REC: 2 | THNS: 10 | Antidote: 3/3 | Antioxidant
@tricolor_mina: HP: 440/440 220/220 | EN: 44 | DMG: 5 | MIT: 26 | ACC: 3 | BLD: 12 | BRN: 12 | LD: 1
@Eruda: HP: 390/390 195/195 | EN: 36/36 | DMG: 8 | MIT: 54 | EVA: 2 | ACC: 2 | BLD: 12 (8-10) | THNS: 10 | LD: 3 | TAUNT | Antidote: 3/3 | Antioxidant
@Sam: HP: 310/310 155/155 | EN: 28/28 | DMG: 16 | MIT: 10 | ACC: 5 | EVA: 2 | THNS: 10 | LD: 3 | Antidote: 3/3 | Antioxidant
@Snow: HP: 430/430 215/215 | EN: 38/38 | DMG: 8 | MIT: 45 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 2 | BLD: 12 (8-10) | THNS: 19 | RGN: 10 | Antioxidant
@claim: HP: 365/365 183/183  | EN: 32/32 | DMG: 7 | MIT: 27 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 2 | BLD: 12 | ENVM DEF: 1 | VAMP DEF: 36 | THNS: 10 | Antidote: 3/3 | Antioxidant
@Shay: HP: 200/200 100/100 | EN: 20/20 | DMG: 10 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 5 | BLD: 12 (8-10) | THNS: 10 | REC: 2 | Antidote: 3/3 | Antioxidant
@Shye: HP: 200/200 100/100 | EN: 20/20 | DMG: 2 | EVA: 5 | THNS: 10 | REC: 1 | LD: 1 | Antidote: 3/3 | Antioxidant
@Megitsune: HP: 320/320 160/160 | EN: 32/32 | DMG: 15 | ACC: 5 | EVA: 3 | THNS: 10 | REC: 2 | Antidote: 3/3 | Antioxidant
@Assassin: HP: 240/240 120/120 | EN: 24/24 | DMG: 9 | MIT: 18 | ACC: 4 | EVA: 4 | BLEED: 12 (8-10) | PLZ: 1 | THNS: 10 | Antidote 3/3 | Antioxidants
@Dracul: HP: 200/200 100/100 | EN: 20/20 | DMG: 8 | MIT: 27 | THNS: 28
@Andromeda: HP: 330/330 165/165 | EN: 28 | DMG: 7 | ACC: 5 | EVA: 2 | BLIGHT: 24 | BRN: 12 | KEEN: 1 | REC: 2 | Antioxidants
@Elora: HP: 50/50 25/25 | EN: 2/2 | DMG: 8 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 2 | Antidote 3/3 
@Jackpot: HP: 80/80 40/40 | EN: 8/8 | DMG: 4 | ACC: 1 | EVA: 1 | KEEN: 1 | SAVVY: 1
@Dederick: HP: 120/120 60/60 | EN: 12/12 | DMG: 4 | MIT: 32 | THNS: 18 | RGN: 5
@MISERY: HP: 140/140 70/70 | EN: 14/14 | DMG: 1 | MIT: 27 | THNS: 18 | BLD: 12 (8-10) | RGN: 10
@Warren: HP: 60/60 30/30 | EN: 6/6 | DMG: 6 | MIT: 18 | ACC: 2 | KEEN: 1 | BLD: 12
@Astralin: HP: 110/110 55/55 | EN: 8/8 | DMG: 8 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 4 | PRLZ: 1 | BLD: 12 | THNS: 10 | REC: 1 | Antioxidant
@Dazia: HP: 430/430 215/215 | EN: 40 | DMG: 10 | MIT: 24 | ACC: 4 | EVA: 4 | THNS: 10 | Antioxidant

Tier 2


Gob-Gob's Flex deals damage to all players equal to half of their remaining HP.
Swine Jesus' Holy Squeal reduces all players' maximum HP by the amount of damage dealt to them this turn.

@Zajcica: HP: 880/880 440/440 | EN: 82/82 | DMG: 7 | MIT: 99 | EVA: -1 | THNS: 36 | BH: 8 | REC: 4 | TAUNT | DoT Reitst: 25%+25% (1st proc)
@Arabelle: HP: 710/710 355/355  | EN: 66/66 | DMG: 18 | MIT: 3 | ACC: 6 | EVA: 2 | REC: 2
@Raidou: HP: 1105/1105 553/553 | EN: 94/94 | DMG: 4 | ACC: 2 | MIT: 84 | EVA: 5 | PRLZ: 1 | VAMP OFF: 110 | THNS: 20 | BH: 55 | Antidote: 3/3 | Antioxidant
@Crozeph: HP: 715/715 358/358 | EN: 64/64 | DMG: 15 | MIT: 74 | ACC: 4 | EVA: 1 | FRZ: 1 | REC: 4
@KrystaHP: 615/615 308/308 | EN: 54 | DMG: 15 | MIT: 54 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 2 | THNS: 36 | PRLZ: 1 | BLD: 24 | THNS: 20 | REC: 2 | Antioxidant
@VigilonHP: 755/755 378/378 | EN: 78/78 | DMG: 18 | MIT: 18 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 3 | PRLZ: 1 | BLD: 24 | THNS: 20 | REC: 3 | TAUNT | Antioxidant

Tier 3


Gob-Gob's Flex deals damage to all players equal to half of their remaining HP.
Swine Jesus' Holy Squeal reduces all players' maximum HP by the amount of damage dealt to them this turn.

@NIGHT: HP: 1200/1200 600/600 | EN: 102/102 | DMG: 25 | MIT: 81 | ACC: 5 | EVA: 4 | BRN: 36 | BLIGHT: 72 | BLD: 36 | TXC VNM: 24 | PRLZ: 1 | LD: 6 | Stealth Detection: 3
@Pinball: HP: 1280/1280 640/640 | EN: 128/128 | DMG: 15 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 3 | BRN: 36 | BLIGHT: 36 | BLD: 36 | TXC VNM: 27 | BH: 64
@Mari: HP: 1565/1565 783/783 | EN: 140/140 | DMG: 23 | MIT: 88 | ACC: 6 | EVA: 3 | BRN: 24 | BLD: 48 | THNS: 45 | BH: 72 | Burn DoT: -50%
@Oscar: HP: 1365/1365 683/683 | EN: 120/120 | DMG: 26 | MIT: 106 | ACC: 4 | EVA: 2 | FLN: 12 | BRN: 36 (8-10) | VAMP DEF: 68 | REC: 6 | BH: 68 | PRLZ IMMUNITY
@Macradon: HP: 1985/1985 993/993 | EN: 189 | DMG: 26 | MIT: 107 | ACC: 4 | EVA: 1 | PSN: 24 | REC: 6 | FRT: 36(21)???? | FRZ: 6???? | VAMP OFF: 189 | BH: 99 | SAFEGUARD
@Bahr: HP: 1250/1250 625/625 | EN: 122/122 | DMG: 20 | MIT: 106 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 2 | HM: 6 | LM: 1 | BH: 62 | DoT Resist: 25%+5% (1st proc)
@Lessa: HP: 1045/1045 523/523 | EN: 50/50 | DMG: 22 | MIT: 116 | ACC: 3 | THNS: 54 | HM: 3 | DoT Resist: 20% (1st proc)
@Ariel - The Crowned Lion: HP: 1490/1490 745/745 | EN: 146/146 | DMG: 24 | MIT: 64 | ACC: 7 | EVA: 1 | KEEN: 1 | FLN: 4 | REC: 1 | BH: 44 | HB: 48 | LD: 5
@Cordelia: HP: 1140/1140 570/570 | EN: 112/112 | DMG: 19 | MIT: 25 | ACC: 5 | EVA: 3 | PARA VNM [DF]: 1 | HLY: 12 | ABS. ACC | PHASE


Players have until 9 PM GMT-6 on June 9th, 2020 to respond.

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Soundtrack: Arabian yodeling. The bustle of the crowd seemed to quiet as storm clouds suddenly moved in, enveloping the whole of Aincrad. Silence blanketed the expanse as quickly as the darkness

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Oh, okay. The pushing had finally stopped. During the moment of silence as electricity seemed to pulse in the air, the poor boy hadn't exactly noticed it, still shifting about in his player-locked spot within the mass of people. Cap adjusted, hair pushed back, he'd only managed a second's breather to catch a glimpse of their formidable overlords before he was jostled from all sides once again--

"Oi! Crap! Hey, watch it!"

--from the crowd beginning to flee.

This was, inherently, one of the worst days of his Aincradian life. It wouldn't beat the rock punching, but it was definitely up there.

"Grrrrraaaaaaahhhh!!! EXCUSE ME---!!!!"

With two hands and a resentment that could kill, he'd shoved himself free from his jail, nearly toppling over a line of other players as he did so. Instead they pushed back, and as short as he was, the boy tumbled out of the crowd in a roll after he'd dropped to the floor. Somehow he'd made it out alive and in one piece. Jeez, that was hectic. "Good riddance!!"

Basuke had nearly hit his back on the sides of a few cardboard boxes when he rose. There was barely enough space to squeeze past the wave of people leaving to hide himself back into an alley. This was dumb. He'd just needed to get close to the bosses himself. Hell, out of all people, he should've been the most worried. He hadn't even seen how they'd looked like yet!

--Why even show up if you weren't planning on fighting the bosses, anyway?!

Just as he was grumbling to himself, looking up towards the roof tops and other winding passageways in his vicinity, his eyes settled on a familiar figure against the harsh weaving shadows and the drowned warm sunlight. Where'd he seen them before? Tall, white hair, that hat-- oh!


The boy ran over to her side in excitement. "Andromeda?" Had she turned around, Basuke would've been able to identify her. A familiar face, finally! "Fire gathering, late night! Do you remember?" Either way, he'd sent the acquaintance a party invite, an offer to join him had she been eager to participate in the battle as well. "I have healing crystals," he clarified, taking the opportunity to look around the alleyway. "So can help. Need to get out of here first though. Any idea?"

@Andromeda #tagging because character interaction!


ACTION TAKEN: Basuke uses a Mass Misperception Crystal.

Basuke's stats have not changed.
Basuke: 100/100 | EN: 20/20 | DMG: 3 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 5 | BRN: 12 | BLIGHT: 12 | BLD: 12 | PRLZ: 1 | ANTIDOTE: 3 | Burn DoT: -50%

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Suddenly, it seemed like an entire group... an entire f**king group had arrived. Mari knew this would attract a lot of people.  With them though, came the relieving site of Macradon. Mari grinned when she saw him put down a banner - giving her an extra boost in damage. "Thanks Mac." Mari said as she pushed herself up off the stone and gave him a solid pat on his shoulder. "Like my fancy ass new weapon?" Mari said with a small gesture to her spear; "not just a dagger - now its a dagger on a stick!" She said with a snort.   @Oscar was also a familiar face, though he was a little far off. Mari waited till she could catch his eye and gave him a small nod in his direction. "It's..." She thoguht about how he had so willingly shared his real name - Mari didn't quite have the gall to do that, but still. "It's good to see you, Giang Hyunh." Perhaps she'd tell him, when they were alone - but not now. Mari shifted her gaze to Bahr momentarily. yeh..not now. Mari had no ill will toward Bahr, she understood where he was coming from, heck if rolls were reversed she'd probably have done the same thing. Still...it made her cautious. 

Mari shifted her gaze further over the field - and...watched as a masked figure turned into a puddle of....goop? "Uh...did anyone else see that guy turn into a puddle of goop?" Mari asked as she pointed to where the strange player once was. "No? Just me?" Did he disguise himself or something? was that a abstract use of the skill?

Suddenly there was a rumble a large portion of the crowd began to run, screaming from the sight of the 'Kings' First there was fog, then a strange scent that reminded Mari of an outdoor music event...finally there was a surge of electricity and lightening. Mari felt like she was at a rock concert. She tightened the grip she had on her assault spear. "Why come here if only to run..." Mari muttered under her breath. She didn't recognize the trio of god-like faces that stared down at the players, but she had been hidden away for so long. Maybe that's why she did not fear the Kings, rather - she felt a sense of awe - as though she expected them to pull out various instruments. But no, instead...

The green faced creature flexed, and Mari felt herself forced to one knee. "W-what..." Then -the boar squealed and Mari saw her HP bar flash. She pushed herself to a standing position again, blue eyes upon the third, who rather than attacked, sat upon a throne of glistening gold and jewels, it glimmered in a way that almost hurt to look at it.

"Uhhh...." Mari shifted her gaze to her health bar, sure, it was green - sure she had full health. But...she literally had half the health of what she had originally. "That's...not  good." Mari stared back at the 'Kings' not entirely sure why people were running and screaming from them, maybe glistening pectorals and rippling muscles put people off? Maybe their sweat? Or maybe it was their strange distorted faces that didn't quite match the bulking mass that was their bodies.

"So, our health was reduced permanently when that boar thing squealed." Mari said to @Macradon pointing out the boar. "We have a lot of people here; so healing shouldn't be too big an issue."  I hope "But if our health is reduced like that every turn, hell, even every other turn...then we're in trouble. So..." Mari gave Macradon a lop-sided grin. "How's about we focus on taking down that boar?"

Mari shifted her attention to Crozeph. "You wanna focus on buffs and heals for us?" Mari asked. "Then...we'd need a tank of some sort...preferably someone in the highest Tier..." Mari muttered to herself as her blue eyes grazed the field. There was Yuki, but Mari felt maybe it'd be best if she focused on helping the lower leveled players, Mari wasn't sure how the attacks would go; but anyone with lower health..it was important they were well looked after. WHere were the other members of the Pillars of Light? Mari grit her teeth.

"I sure wish Shield and Baldur were here now..."  Mari shook her head, soft tendrils of ginger hair swaying side to side. "Now is not the time to think about that though. I'm going in. Mac, wanna follow suit? @Crozeph wanna cover us?" Mari knew she was taking charge, and felt a little guilty for that - but, she was a pillar. And Crozeph was in the guild. Shouldn't she - as one of the guild leaders take charge?

Speaking of...

Mari charged forward, aiming for Swine Jesus and its glistening, glimmering pectorals. She dragged the tip of her spear along the ground - feet pounding through the pillowing smoke as she jabbed the left pectoral of the  great and almighty Swine Jesus. Then, using that momentum she swung herself up and stabbed another few times, pow into the right pectoral, pow into a rock hard pec - then finally -JAB, down between wet, slick and glorious shoulder blades. After the attack finished Mari flicked the sweat- which was no doubt some sort of liquid ambrosia away from her bladed stick and returned to stand  by Macradon and Crozeph.

The battle of ultimate destiny...

Had just begun.

Action:  Charged Dimension Stampede > Swine Jesus, Slayer of Axioses
 Charged Dimension Stampede (17 Energy--1 (rested)) - An attack with four fast stabs, only to be concluded by a jumping slam from above. 
ID: 145714  BD: 5+ 6=11-5=6   HIT?
435 Damage

HP1565/1565 783/783 | EN: 124/140 | DMG: 24 | MIT: 88 | ACC: 6 | EVA: 5 | BRN: 24 | BLD: 48 | THNS: 45 | BH: 72 | Burn DoT: -50%  -16 EN


Edited by Mari
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He was smiling like an idiot as he stood beside her, Yuki was probably his most trusted tank since Hestia and knowing that the two of them are here now to fight makes things much more easier for him to digest. "You tank I deal damage and support? just like how we do it" he told her. Crozeph stood still waiting for anything to happen, he'd be prepared to pull out his katana and do some decent damage.

Then it happened and I was off guard, like the idiot I am...

Crozeph saw players running as if they've seen a floor boss outside of its chamber, the fog almost covered where they were and Crozeph didn't like that feeling so similar to one who is having claustrophobia. "Looks like its beginning," he thought as he held the hilt of his katana, ready to take on whatever might charge in his way. Crozeph squinted his eyes and saw three figures, they were very intimidating that players began running towards his direction. Crozeph slid his katana back to avoid cutting anyone and then as the running players began to carelessly bumped into him, he hadn't noticed that he was separated from Yuki "damn it I was careless" he uttered in anger. Players continued bumping into him that it annoyed him so grabbed one and glared at the boy wearing some kind of leather armor "you've got balls coming in here, now bring it to the fight" he said so calmly that the boy was confused "we can't win!" he replied trying to break away from Crozeph's grip. Another player bumped into him causing him to lose balance and as he tried to recover, he felt his strength and possibly his HP shrink "a debuff? wait is this an attack?" he thought as he saw what seemed like a goblin so big and muscular that he figured this one was the one causing it by flexing "who are you? Terry Crews?" he said as he stood up. Crozeph bit his lip, he got separated from his trusted tank and now he received a debuff "what should I do? he asked himself.

"Crozeph, wanna cover us?" 

He heard a familiar voice, it was his guildmate and for some reason, he was confused to see her with a spear "why the handle of your dagger so long?" he asked her. Crozeph shook his head, now is not the time to be saying nonsense. He had to assess their situation "for now it's not that bad of a situation but it will be if we don't something..." he opened his inventory and pulled out a recording crystal. He picked it up a while ago from a box that a guy in red placed and now might just be a good time to use it "a debuff for a debuff" he said. Sound began to emanate from the item as he stood there, "not the time to deal damage yet, I've got to set things up for Mari and the others" he thought "I'll just have to lessen my worry about Yuki and get my head focused on this" he was trying to keep himself calm inside, hopefully, it will be effective. "I've used one of my items, the others can try to inflict more damage to them why the effect is still there," he told Mari "have you seen any other members besides us?" he then asked her hoping that they are all safe right now.

  • Crozeph used a T1 Incarceration crystal [masterpiece/mass]


Edited by Crozeph
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While she had the moment now, Yuki opened her menu and sent a party invite to Crozeph and Arabelle. Not particularly bothered from the pestering of her friend, Yuki smiled to the both of them and put a thumb up to her chest. "Don't worry guys. Stay behind me and nothing bad will happen. This is the kind of thing that I've been training for!" Her grin was wide. Likely she wasn't the best player suited for taking around here but everyone was needed to do their part, even if it meant that Yuki died protecting someone else, that is what she would do.

See a familiar face, Yuki pulled her over and gave her a smile. "Oi, you're Shield's buddy aren't ya? Where is that wall of steel and thorns?" Shye quietly shook her head in response. "I have no idea. He never gave us a message to meet up here, maybe he's running late."

"Well, he'd better get here soon. The higher level players are going to need a reliable tank to stand behind. We have to over estimate this enemy entirely, if we don't they might get the better of even this giant group of people."

The clouds rolled in carefully, darkening the bright blue sky of floor one.  A sense dread fell over even Yuki as the three dark figures marched their direction. Collecting her spear and shield from their hammerspace, Yuki took a battle ready position in front of her allies. And the dread faded the moment she saw her enemies. A goblin, a boar and a fish. Really? She wouldn't under-estimate any of them, because she knows that looks can be deceiving bit really? Whatever, kill them and go home.

The paladin's lovely spear came in right after Mari's on the boar. The gap in damage between the two was massive but this was no time to be complaining about how much damage she did. It would have helped more if she had actually hit her target. [censored], perhaps she should have came more buffed. How could she let her enthusiast for going home make her forget about something so important?

As the attacks came through the paladin looked around at everyone's health points. Her eyes widened widened in horror: Did literally everyone just lose half of the maximum health points?!?! What kind of meta gaming bullshit was that?! How was she supposed to do her job like this?!?!  Her silent foot falls moved her back to her team slowly, the concern on her face was broadcasted to her entire group. All she could muster to say at the moment was: "This is bad..."


Yuki misses vs Swine Jesus

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From on high, the gods descended. Three hulking figures -- one green, one turquoise, and one gigantic grey furry. Each was prime and poised under the heaven's majestic light, the picturesque statures of absolute perfection. One of them even had the audacity to flex their incredible form, in poses that would dare pierce the hearts of the unconfident and marking those who were smart to make haste and flee. As the bovine boss sung in an angelic choir of its own, their divine king leaned back in his rest, enjoying their hold of mercy over the fleeing townsfolk, found tripping over themselves like ants scurrying away from a disrupted meal.

In the distance, NIGHT could've sworn she heard a faint melody. A song of the victorious. The theme of champions.

[ ♫ ]

And that song... was not for the players of Aincrad.

A quick moment for NIGHT to register their new reality. Yuki, her ever trustworthy companion had already made quick work of gathering allies to their party. Two names slotted underneath their leader's own at the corner of her screen: Arabelle and Crowzeph, and before NIGHT could object to the former's involvement she reassured herself that now was not the time to be intimidated by suits and formality. If the hour of reckoning demanded that her fiercest of companions come fight side to side, then the warrior should let that be it. Acceptance, before she moved on.

One look to the chaos below her informed the knight of her right opinion. She certainly hoped her party members weren't having much trouble with the rabble downstairs. As she raced from one rooftop to another, charging over to the site where their celestial overlords had landed, she'd noted a few debuffs had come under markings of their health bars, along with the first few stabs at one of the figures -- the boss' health gauges were staggering down slowly. No matter. NIGHT gritted her teeth. She would pick up the slack.

[Let's make our own music.]

In her arc towards the numens, her ferocity had already willed her blade to speak her fury. In a glow of dark, hazy energy did Jack's Executioner ripple with caustic bubble particles and emanate a searing vanta, drenching the sword in a pitch void. She'd estimated her distance between the eternals and herself -- closer, closer still...

Had she taken one more step away from the building top, she would've crashed and burned. A split second's feeling of her feet leaving the ground let the player instincts kick in and thrust her forth into the air as she'd kicked off the ledge. In the light, two orbs of purple glimmered with determination, surfaces reflecting the shining bodies that stood unfazed by the insects around them. But her sword was quick to settle the score on its master's behalf.

One swing of her blade, the spine deciding to unleash the most devastating, deafening cry that NIGHT had ever conjured upon her enemies. This attack was a war song -- one of the people that was forcing itself to be heard, because it must be heard for their escape; the single ripple of everlasting darkness breaking the air with a deafening crack, one that might've shattered glass and rumbled the field beneath and around her with just its vibration alone. A thick shock wave was forged in the instant, pitched with viscosity and violence, and was sent barreling straight into the direction of her most hated enemies, their one true foe as a whole.

It must've tunneled through the sky at mach speed. When it crashed, they'd burned with the taste of the night's steel. And soon, their health bars were shrinking with five additional sigils of debilitation underneath them, as the knight landed safely in a roll right by their feet.

This was only her first strike.


ID: 152716 | BD: 15 (10, +5)
<<Calamity Disaster>> vs Gob-Gob, The Immortal Slayer.
25 + 2 = 27 DMG | 27 * 12 = 324 DMG | DoT Damage: (36+72+36+24) * 2 = 336 DMG

ID: 152718 | BD: 15 (10, +5)
<<Calamity Disaster>> vs Rain Minion #12.
25 + 2 = 27 DMG | 27 * 12 = 324 DMG | DoT Damage: (36+72+36+24) * 2 = 336 DMG

ID: 152717 | BD: 6 (6, +5 -5)
<<Calamity Disaster>> vs Swine Jesus, Slayer of Axioses.
25 * 12 = 300 DMG

Gob-Gob, The Immortal Slayer | HP: -324-336 | BURNED (72) [1/2] | BLIGHTED (144) [1/2] | BLEEDING (72) [1/2] | POISONED: (48) [1/3] | PARALYZED | INCARCERATION | MISPERCEPTION
Rain Minion #12 | HP: -324-336 | BURNED (72) [1/2] | BLIGHTED (144) [1/2] | BLEEDING (72) [1/2] | POISONED: (48) [1/3] | PARALYZED | INCARCERATION | MISPERCEPTION
Swine Jesus, Slayer of Axioses | HP: -300 | EVA: 5 | INCARCERATION | MISPERCEPTION

EN Cost: (12+2+2+2) - 3 - 1 = 14

[2, 2, 1] NIGHT | HP: 600/600 | EN: 88/102 (-14) | DMG: 25 | MIT: 81 | ACC: 5 | EVA: 4 | BRN: 36 | BLIGHT: 72 | BLD: 36 | TXC VNM: 24 | PRLZ: 1 | LD: 6 | Stealth Detection: 3

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Here came the most invalid player of the fight, wielding absolutely nothing but a few crystals she'd taken from an empty shop. Some might've called it daylight robbery. Bistro called it 'Why're you so worried about it? The world is on fire, for pete's sake'.

When she stepped onto the teleporter, the system was wishing it could handle her request. Instead of dropping her into the crowd of people, it'd decided to tag her into a much emptier spot in town, one where the players were still waning, but present.

How disorienting, she cursed, before noticing and looking up towards the targeted figures in abject horror. Out of all of the doomsday materiel she could've come up with, this was not the sight she'd expected to find. Her face was contorted, plastered with a myriad of emotions... until she snapped back to reality, looking for a player of better repute and strength to tend to her calls.

That group should do. Mari was a well known figure, but she'd taken off towards the boss in the speed of light. What about that kindly gentlemen over there instead? With a holler, she'd shouted over to them.


When she'd finally caught their attention, Bistro tossed a crystal over to them, before popping one more in her hands. "Use that for me real quick, if you're not in a rush!"

Hopefully, this would satisfy one of her clientele's calls.


Bistro joins the fight! I'm so sorry. She was never meant to be here, actually.
Bistro is Tier 1.

Post Action
Bistro uses [T1] Le Gibet (1) on [Swine Jesus] this round, applying a -2 EVA effect.
As a free action, Bistro passes @Crozeph a [T2] Le Gibet (1) | MASS.

BISTRO | HP: 100/100 | EN: 10/10 |  DMG: 1 | LD: 5

>> Equipment

  1. [T1E2] Golden Earring | Trinket | Expertise
  2. [T1E0] Casual Clothes
  3. [T1E3] Bien S'en Tirer | Jewelry | Loot Die III
    "A collection of beads, feathers and a sewn cloth charm hooked onto a leather strap. It’s colorful, yet clutterfully serene at the same time."

>> Skills

  1. Searching | Passive | RANK 2/5 (1, +1)
  2. - - -

>> Battle-Ready Inventory

  1. Le Gibet (1) | [ref] | [T1] Lullaby II | -2 EVA to 1 enemy in battle.
  2. Le Gibet (2) | [ref] | [T2] Lullaby II | MASS | -2 EVA to up to 4 enemies in battle. (-1)
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There was one thing Vigilon would never expect in this game...for stuff that only happens in the weirdest dreams to become reality. Heck, one would think this was a weird dream simply by what happened.

All the smiles of idle chatter faded as the clouds and fog rolled in. Vigilon felt a sinister air... "They're coming." He realized. "Everyone, form groups now!" He called out in suggestion, not knowing what was coming. The lightning crashed down, sending an electric tingle to what may have been everyone involved. A blinding light came from a sudden hole in the clouds, and the silhouettes of three could be seen. What were the players up against? When the figures began coming into view, there was chaos. Almost everyone fled the scene, leaving only a few handfuls of trampled and surprised players to see their enemy...

Who the heck were these freaks?

The monster headed muscle bois all took action upon landing. The goblin-headed one would flex menacingly, which shouldn't have been a problem, but Vigilon felt himself getting squeezed in a hostile manner...why? He looked to his HP- Wait, was it just halved?! "What the-" And to add insult to injury, the boar-headed one would let loose an ear-deafening squeal that caused Vigilon to hold his hands over his ears. when he looked back to his HP- Wait, was it just capped??? The last one would simply sit on a throne that had suddenly materialized.

Clearly, the game had stopped playing nice and was pulling out its trollface.

"Kayaba, at this point you're probably the gosh darn devil's right hand...and I thought Candy Crush was the game to achieve the most evil..." Well, it was now or never. This could easily just be an issue that everyone starts with, the rest proceeding like normal...whatever normal was for a situation like this, anyway. "Welp, whether we're dreaming or not, we can't just stand around doing nothing. We've got Teleport Crystals, so I think we can fight...let's find some teammates, and strike at the boss!"

Vigilon decided to pick at random. The pink haired one in heavy armor might be able to help. "Hey!" He called out. "We'll help out and stand by you!" He declared as he rushed to the player's side.

He would look to the bosses. "I'll try dealing with the pig man first." He readied his fists, and rushed for the enemy. His timing was precise and quick, but his enemy was swift as well. He ended up missing, and stumbling onto the ground. "That went well..." He muttered sarcastically.

@Krysta @Zajcica


ID# 152724 BD: 6+3-5=4(Miss)


Vigilon: HP 755/755 378/378EN 76/78, 17 DMG | 18 MIT | 3 ACC | 3 EVA | Immolation: 20 | 3 REC | PAR(9-10) | BLD: 24(9-10) | Antioxidant

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Things had gone from cold and collected to an instant burst of primal energy. The clouds lay a primordial set of titans from the heavens with a gust of wind in a vacuum, a feral screech creating an echo outward. A quick danced view to his HP bar watched the total cut in two before an affirmation dropped its size to match the new number. "I see." Raidou whispered but was still unsure of the effect, It would require more evidence before he confirmed his suspicion but from the words spoken by those around him, it seems it was a halfing debilitation and strangely it overtook the countermeasures taken. Now was not the time for conjecture or hesitation, for if this were to continue without intervention it would surely draw into the lethal territory. A red fume begins to build upon Raidou's back, adjusting his glasses with mirrored reflection a pulse of hatred punches outward. 

With these troublesome three, the game had ended with no second in transition. This was not the time for pause against such an overwhelming force.


Raidou casts Howl! 4 Hatred on all enemies

Raidou: 553/553 | EN: 86/94 | DMG: 4 | ACC: 2 | MIT: 84 | EVA: 5 | PRLZ: 1 | VAMP OFF: 110 | THNS: 20 | BH: 55 | Antidote: 3/3 | Antioxidant


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Waiting in the sidelines the girl was primed for action, but couldn't help but have her face twist in disapproval at the arrival of what they were waiting to show. A grotesque mass of muscle and disproportionate bodies. "What the f***." Setsuna whispered out in an uncharacteristic fashion, normally an emotionless slate could not help but produce the words. It would not matter, however, for she would cut them down all the same. Actions had been taken toward the pig head one and with a quick glance to her right. "Kasumi!" Setsuna barked out, and a nod back "Right!". They broke free from cover, Setsuna while breaking forward picking up speed to the cardinals aid begins to unsheath her blade. A glimmer of blue tears free a primed art in a wide bright blue arc. It connects but the creatures hide is so damn meaty that the blade rubs against it like nothing more than a butter knife on rough stone. "Ugh." she exclaims as it was unexpected that such rippled man muscles could be so durable.

ID# 152725 results: Battle: 2+5-3=4, Missed!

Setsuna is T1

Setsuna: 370/370 | EN: 32/34 | DMG: 15 | EVA: 5 | ACC: 5 | Antidote: 3/3 | Antioxidant | THRNS: 10


Setsuna, Creature of the Mist:

Level: 17

HP: 370/370

EN: 34/34

Damage: 15

Evasion: 5

Accuracy: 5


Weapon: Demon's Gaze (T1/Perfect/Katana) +3 Base Damage

Armor: Cold Fabric Kunoichi Wear (T1/Perfect/LA) +3 Evasion

Misc: Kunoichi Wrapping's (T1/Perfect/Trinket) +3 Accuracy


1H Curved Sword: Rank 1

Katana: Rank 4

Disguise [Extra]: +1 Evasion until next turn, 3 turn cool down

Battle Ready Inventory:

1*Teleport Crystal



Setsuna Consumed

Immolation (T1/10 Unmitigated 6-8) [4/13]

Antidote 3 (Shiina/Shye/Basuke/Crozeph take remaining) Negates up to 3 turns of a DoT [8/34]

Field Ration (T1/+30 Max HP) [4/13]

<<Tom> Set [T1 +2 Protein Feast] [6/6] [1/6] [0/6] [0/6]

Four Course Meal: Egg Plant w/ Pancetta Set [T1 Antioxidant Feast] [6/6] [2/6] [0/6] [0/6]

<<A Bottle of Cooking Oil>> Set [T1 +2 EVA Feast] [6/6] [3/6] [0/6]

2*Four Course Meal: Omelette Set [T1 +2 ACC Feast] [4/6] [0/6]

Titan's Strength [6/22]


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In tow with Setsuna's speed a trail of pink overtaking her feet with the rapid footfalls, a mirrored pair rushing toward the rather strange looking monstrosities. Setsuna hits but the blade doesn't cut through the peach skin of the creature struck. A leap and twirl drag her heel in an airborne roundhouse in a trail of energy. It appeared that despite the effectiveness of the swipe it produced at least enough give in the toughened musle for her heel to dig deeper, striking in tandem in a one two punch with the other member of O&I. "Fall back." Kasumi shouts to Setsuna hoping to not overextend for two long and be in striking distance with this imposing titan decided to make a rebuttal. "Right, wait out the skill stasis." the silver haired girl agreed as they both leap back and slide out of sight to avoid a possible counterattack from the god king known as Swine Jesus, following up on the decreed anthem of the raven haired girls blast.


ID# 152726 results:

Battle: 7+5-3=9, Hit vs Swine Jesus (Acupuncture: 9*15) dealing 135 damage!

Swine Jesus, Slayer of Axioses | HP: -870 | EVA: 5 | INCARCERATION | MISPERCEPTION | LULLABY


Kasumi is T1

Kasumi: 370/370 | EN: 24/34 | DMG: 15 | EVA: 5 | ACC: 5 | Antidote: 3/3 | Antioxidant | THRNS: 10



Kasumi, The Blossom:

Level: 17

HP: 340/340

EN: 34/34


Weapon: Master White Hand Wraps (T1/Perfect/Hand-Wrap) +3 Damage

Armor: White Red-Trimmed Gee (T1/Perfect/Light Armor) +3 Eva

Misc: Mugen Tenshin Decree (T1/Perfect/Clothing) +3 Acc

Damage: 10

Evasion: 3

Accuracy: +3

Loot Dice: +3



Martial Arts Rank 4 (+6 Base Damage)

Concentration [Extra]: +1 Accuracy on next attack, 3 turn cool down


Battle Ready:

1*Teleport Crystal



Kasumi Consumed

Immolation (T1/10 Unmitigated 6-8) [5/13]

Antidote 3 (Shiina/Shye/Basuke/Crozeph take remaining) Negates up to 3 turns of a DoT [9/34]

Field Ration (T1/+30 Max HP) [5/13]

<<Tom> Set [T1 +2 Protein Feast] [6/6] [2/6] [0/6] [0/6]

Four Course Meal: Egg Plant w/ Pancetta Set [T1 Antioxidant Feast] [6/6] [3/6] [0/6] [0/6]

<<A Bottle of Cooking Oil>> Set [T1 +2 EVA Feast] [6/6] [4/6] [0/6]

2*Four Course Meal: Omelette Set [T1 +2 ACC Feast] [5/6] [0/6]

Titan's Strength [7/22]


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"What the..." Cordelia's jaw went unhinged as she stared at the bosses. This is what they were supposed to be fighting? Unnaturally masculine... things. What even were they? Did Kayaba just take the heads of the things he found on Google when he keyboard smashed and throw them on top of WBA fighters?

"I-I... I- uh." She held up a finger, as if to say something but then she quickly lowered it. What was she supposed to say? 'Har-har, nice one Kayaba. You really pulled all of our legs, didn't cha'?'? She held up a hand to her head and blinked slowly, as if unsure she was going crazy or not, because there was no way that someone like Kayaba, a literal genius, would do this, right? Right? Right? 

Cordelia sighed.

If only. If only. Judging by the equally as shocked faces on the other players, it was safe to say that she was in fact, not going crazy- but maybe someone was... that someone being Kayaba. 

She slowly walked up to a familiar carrot-head. "I'm not sure if I should feel confused, sick, or intrigued, Mari," she whispered, turning to look at the trio again. "... maybe all three." Heck, she wasn't even sure if she should take this seriously or not. It didn't seem like something she should take seriously, but when taking what they had already done in the last minute, it might be the former. She had never ever even heard of a boss that could affect the HP gauges of so many players on such a widespread level before. It was scarily intimidating, but she couldn't really take it earnestly when the mob who did it looked like something straight out of a cheap Bollywood movie. 

She pursed her lips, unsheathing her sword from its scabbard. The girl wasn't sure if she even wanted her sword to touch those things. "Oh gosh, I'm going to have to clean you really well after this," she muttered to her katana, grimacing at the half-man, half-boar monster one last time before she pushed herself forwards. 

Cordelia propelled herself into the air, her eyes set on abnormal figure on Swine Jesus. She prepared a San Ge, ready to chop up this sucker into itty bitty pieces- however, the universe, again, had other plans for her. In the blink of an eye, the boar disappeared right before her blade was about to pierce it. "Holy crap-" she bit out, landing on the ground with a soft thud. Cordelia retreated back to the crowd of players, still not sure if she fully wrapped her head around this whole thing. "That thing is probably faster than anything I've ever seen," she mumbled, scratching the back of her head with furrowed brows. 

Just how were they supposed to beat this thing?

ID: 152727
BD: 5, Miss

@NIGHT[2, 2, 1] NIGHT | HP: 600/600 | EN: 88/102 | DMG: 25 | MIT: 81 | ACC: 5 | EVA: 4 | BRN: 36 | BLIGHT: 72 | BLD: 36 | TXC VNM: 24 | PRLZ: 1 | LD: 6 | Stealth Detection: 3
@PinballHP1280/1280 640/640 | EN: 128/128 | DMG: 15 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 3 | BRN: 36 | BLIGHT: 36 | BLD: 36 | TXC VNM: 27 | BH: 64
@Mari: [0, 0, 1] HP1565/1565 783/783 | EN: 124/140 | DMG: 24 | MIT: 88 | ACC: 6 | EVA: 5 | BRN: 24 | BLD: 48 | THNS: 45 | BH: 72 | Burn DoT: -50%
@OscarHP1365/1365 683/683 | EN: 120/120 | DMG: 26 | MIT: 106 | ACC: 4 | EVA: 2 | FLN: 12 | BRN: 36 (8-10) | VAMP DEF: 68 | REC: 6 | BH: 68 | PRLZ IMMUNITY
@MacradonHP1985/1985 993/993 | EN: 189 | DMG: 26 | MIT: 107 | ACC: 4 | EVA: 1 | PSN: 24 | REC: 6 | FRT: 36(21)???? | FRZ: 6???? | VAMP OFF: 189 | BH: 99 | SAFEGUARD
@BahrHP1250/1250 625/625 | EN: 122/122 | DMG: 20 | MIT: 106 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 2 | HM: 6 | LM: 1 | BH: 62 | DoT Resist: 25%+5% (1st proc)
@LessaHP1045/1045 523/523 | EN: 50/50 | DMG: 22 | MIT: 116 | ACC: 3 | THNS: 54 | HM: 3 | DoT Resist: 20% (1st proc)
@Ariel - The Crowned LionHP1490/1490 745/745 | EN: 146/146 | DMG: 24 | MIT: 64 | ACC: 7 | EVA: 1 | KEEN: 1 | FLN: 4 | REC: 1 | BH: 44 | HB: 48 | LD: 5
@Cordelia: [0, 0, 0] HP1140/1140 570/570 | EN: 111/112 | DMG: 19 | MIT: 25 | ACC: 5 | EVA: 3 | PARA VNM [DF]: 1 | HLY: 12 | ABS. ACC | PHASE -1

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A new tyranny was among the guesses, and a new tyranny it was.

The cowards fled upon the threat's arrival, leaving the brave and the confused to face their new enemies. Krysta, for one, was definitely confused. They were towering, muscular kings, but with the heads of a goblin, a boar, and- a Rain Minion?!?!? How was that even possible?? "Never could I have anticipated adversaries like these..." They appeared to be like those monsters of...greek mythology, was it? Where it had the body of a human, but the head of a beast or animal, except in this case, it was...what was the word, Modernized? The bosses quickly took action. After a threatening display of power, Krysta would find that her Maximum HP had been halved. What kind of nightmare was this? Never one she'd ever had, this one was far too strange to be a dream, or even reality, for that matter! Vigilon decided that whether the two were dreaming or not, they couldn't just stand there, and Krysta had to agree. She would draw her weapon, Nightshade. She remembered the weapon from when she first saw it, in the hands of Kytras, her inner shadows... Time to bring it to a humiliating yet historical battle.

She would stay by Vigilon, and rush to the side of another player as he had done, offering his assistance as he did so. Krysta would do the same. "Together, we stand united against these amalgamated atrocities!" Vigilon volunteered to battle the boar-headed boss, so Krysta would turn her eyes to the other two bosses...perhaps striking the immediate threats would be ideal. She would take her usual justified battle stance as she prepared to attack the goblin-headed atrocity. She would strike with Over Radiation, dealing what little damage she could.

@Vigilon @Zajcica

ID# 152729 BD: 4+3=7(hit)

Over Radiation: 15x14=210 DMG against Gob-Gob


[1-0-0]Krysta: HP 615/615 308/308EN 39/54, | 15 DMG | 54 MIT | 3 ACC | 2 EVA | Thorns: 36 | Immolation: 20 | REC: 2 | PAR(9-10) | BLD: 24(9-10) | Antioxidant


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Popping his neck for a moment, Griswold slams his bucket helmet over his head and bolts it in place. Slamming his mallet against the front of his shield, he looked on to the massive beasts of hulking frames. Muscles like these made even him feel like a noodle. A violent burn of orange bled upon his walled metal on his left arm before he stampedes into the mass beside Night as the girl's retreat. A hearty bash of his shield before a sideward hammer blow finds some ribs, but he cannot help but get the sense it wasn't doing much. Hopefully, the stagger would work, but he was not overly optimistic about the fact. "Where do you work out?" Griswold asked now feeling a bit small by comparison to this large almost Egyptian looking figurine. Lifting his shield and taking a couple of steps back as to create a more adamant defense, he awaited a counter.

ID# 152728 results:

Battle: 8+2-3=7, Hit! vs. Swine Jesus (Power Strike 8*2) dealing 16 damage and applying Stunned!

Swine Jesus, Slayer of Axioses | HP: -886 | EVA: 5 | INCARCERATION | MISPERCEPTION | LULLABY | STUNNED!


Griswold is T1

Griswold 330/330 | EN: 25/30 | DMG: 8 | MIT: 39 | ACC: 2 | THNS: 28 | Antidote: 3/3 | Antioxidant


Griswold, The Forgemaster

Level: 15

HP: 300/300

EN: 30/30

Damage: 5

Mitigation: 39

Evasion: 0 or less

Thorns: 18 Unmitigated Damage vs Successful attacks on Enemy BD: 6-8

Paralyze [Shield] (9-10)


Weapon: Horadric Malus [Warhammer] (T1/Perfect) +3 Damage

Armor: Cobalt Rattlecage - Juggernaut [T1/Perfect/Heavy Armor] (Mitigation 3 [+27 Mitigation])

Misc: Plated Foundation - Impact [T1/Perfect/Shield] (Thorns 2 {18}, Paralyze 1 {9-10})



Warhammer Rank 1

Block Rank 3 [+12 Mitigation]

Concentration [Extra]: +1 Accuracy on Next Attack, 3 turn cool down



Battle Ready Inv:

1*Teleport Crystal


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Freyd stood watching the locals break and flee for cover after pig-dude did his thing.  His expression remained dispassionate and unchanging.  He felt drained, just like everyone else.  He'd have counted himself among them, less than a week ago.

It didn't matter. 

It had taken him far too long to work up the nerve to pick up a sword.  He wasn't about to go cowering back in the shadows now.  His gear was untested, and amounted to the very first things he'd found to fill his item slots.  Only Forgiven Disobedience was remarkable, and he still wasn't sure who had sent it his way.  The black cassock he wore made him look like some sort of priest striding inexorably towards doom.

It didn't matter. 

Picking up speed against the fleeing tide, he summoned the white blade to his waiting hands, strides lengthening as he made his way into the fray.  There were heroes all around, most of whom he didn't know or could not recognize.  They were magnificent and glorious, in a league unto themselves and wielding mighty implements of death.  It occurred to him that he might die.

It didn't matter. 

Freyd had finally found the courage to conquer fear and stand for something greater: the lives of those around him, the mantle of a warrior where once there stood a coward, and the knowledge that he had given his all when it might matter the most.

That, was all that mattered.


ID152730 BD 5 +2 ACC -5 EVA = never in a million years, trigger REC 1

EN 17/18


Edited by Freyd - The Whisper in Shadows
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ID# 152731: || BD: 8+1+3-(5-2) || CD: 7 || LD: 12 || MD: 3 || <<Hellish Twice vs. Swine Jesus>>
ID# 152732: || BD: 8+1+3 || CD: 2 || LD: 10 || MD: 1 || <<Hellish Twice vs Gob-Gob>>
ID# 152733: || BD: 7+1+3 || CD: 4 || LD: 19 || MD: 2 || <<Hellish Twice vs Rain Minion>>

Beginning Turn Stats
HP: 430/430 215/215 | EN: 38/38 | DMG: 8 | MIT: 45 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 2 | BLD: 12 (8-10) | THNS: 19 | RGN: 10 | Antioxidant

  • <<Concentration>> Activates!
  • <<[4x8, AoE] Hellish Twice>> vs. <<Swine Jesus, Slayer of Axioses>>
    (BD 12 - 3 EVA = 9 HIT)

    32 DAMAGE to <<Swine Jesus, Slayer of Axioses>>

    <<BLEED>> Applied!
  • <<[4x8, AoE] Hellish Twice>> vs. <<Gob-Gob, The Immortal Slayer>>
    (BD 12 = HIT)
    32 DAMAGE to <<Gob-Gob, The Immortal Slayer>>

    <<BLEED>> Applied!
  • <<[4x8, AoE] Hellish Twice>> vs. <<Rain Minion 12>>
    (BD 11 = HIT)

    32 DAMAGE to <<Rain Minion 12>>
  • <<Rested>> Activates! (1/2)
    [- 9 EN]


  • 32 DMG, -12 BLD (1/2) to <<Swine Jesus, Slayer of Axioses>>
    [+1 HATE]
  • 32 DMG, -12 BLD (1/2) to <<Gob-Gob, The Immortal Slayer>>
    [+1 HATE]
  • 32 DMG to <<Rain Minion 12>>
    [+1 HATE]
  • -9 EN from Snow
  • <<Concentration>> on Cooldown (0/3)

@SnowHP: 430/430 215/215 | EN: 29/38 | DMG: 8 | MIT: 45 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 2 | BLD: 12 (8-10) | THNS: 19 | RGN: 10 | Antioxidant

Metal rang out against the stones of the streets with each of Snow's hurried steps. Through each alley she wove. Players and NPCs alike closed shutters, doors, and urged children indoors. Through windows, the blonde felt worried eyes burning holes into her back. The pressure of Yggdra's words bore down her her back with every step until the valkyrie emerged to the fields outside the Town of Beginnings.

Hundreds of players gathered in a messy assembly of varied emotions. Worry, bravery, courage, fear, and arrogance stood most common above the rest. Snow, herself, felt out of place. Her ties to the other players of this world only began whereas small groups and strong bonds surrounded the others. The girl sheepishly stripped the spear from her back and ventured deeper into the collection of faces.

"Tank-lady! What's everyone doing here?" Something familiar in the sea of uncertainty called out to her. A real weight on her back shattered her perceived metaphorical burden.

"A-assassin?! What are you doing here?!" A deep worry gripped Snow's chest. "There is supposed to be a big fight today!"

Now, the reality of the stakes came to the forefront of her mind. The lives of those she cared about would be put at risk. This time, she had the power to do something. The well of doubt within her drained and dried as the embers of her determination caught blaze. Snow's back straightened, shoulders squared, and her spear firmly planted its butt into the soft, rich soil of the plains.

"You stay close to me..." Her cerulean gaze caught glimpse of Ariel. Again, the two seemed to travel together. "Stay close to me or Ariel. I don't want you getting too hurt."

The winds crept up and pulled the blonde's attention to a darkening horizon. Snow worked her shoulders to help Assassin off her back and on her feet. Clouds rolled in like the prophetic Wild Hunt in the Elder Eddas and Sagas. Within seconds, a breeze became a hurricane gale. Snow raised her arm to protect her eyes from sticks and small stones that took flight. Thunder and lightning cracked, boomed, and roared across the sky.

It's coming...

The air stilled. Hairs all over her body stood on end in the eerie silence. Blinding light slammed into the ground. The concussive blast of raw energy beating away rock and earth forced the girl back several steps, nearly rooting her on her rear. Ears rining, eyes burning, Snow turned to see the shapes of three massive enemies begin to emerge. Towering, menacing, and... 

... the fu--?!

Oddly misshapen faces warped atop muscular human bodies stood before a crowd of bewildered players. Faint screams of a few rang out. The cowards broke for the safety of the city walls immediately. As they scrambled arm over foot past her, mumbling of "Boartusai", "Gob-Gob", and "Anything but them" fluttered into Snow's ears. She, on the other hand, looked upon them in disbelief.

Is this what the front lines fight? How can anyone take this seriously...?

The thoughts inside her head seemed ripe for the picking. The strangely disfigured man with a green head and pointed ears twisted its face into a menacing roar. Its arms tensed together and curled inward. Abs, traps, pecks, triceps, biceps, and the whole slew of its muscles rippled. The moment it struck a pose, a blast of pressure emanated from it and the green bar in the corner of Snow's peripherals dropped into the yellow. The seer weight of whatever it did tried to force her to a knee, but she clung to Sif's Needle for much needed support.

"Oh god," she muttered. Fear of imminent death fluttered in her chest.

In sequence, the other monstrosity with the face of an infant boar opened its maw in a pitched song. The tones threatened to tear Snow's eardrums. As she winced, the empty portion of her health bar filled with a muted red. The yellow turned green, and the symbol "HP" appeared beside her currently active buffs in red.

"This is bad." Snow's breathing became erratic. She forced herself to a firm stance and took several panicked breaths. A small sense of calm helped to compose the girl.

Okay, okay. You're not alone. There's plenty of people here, Alyssa. Do your part. You have to do your part.

"I'm going in," she said for @Assassin to hear. "I'm going to do my part."

If the small girl replied, Snow failed to hear her. The blonde's senses narrowed in the heat of the moment. Instincts told her to flee, but her courage and memories of Daire kept her grip firm and stride strong. She rushed past players who still recovered from the attacks. A blaze of blue steel, wisps of blonde, and flutter of white fabric like an armored angel. As she close the gap, several others had already taken action. The blur of orange caught her attention as though the spirit of her late friend had joined her. As Snow grew close, she recognized the blur as @Mari.

Snow wasn't alone.

She felt more strength well up inside. Knowing her friends were here stripped away some of the alienation. She watched as Mari's bizarre dagger-spear plunged into the large swine hybrid. That would also be her first target. Snow sped into the fray. The pull of cardinal thrummed loudly as Sif's Needle charged with blue light. The valkyrie leapt into the air and let the system assist carry her into the fight. Just as Mari pulled away from her final blow, an arc of blue cut across the monster's chest. Red polygons poured forth like blood. 

The pull of Cardinal carried her lithe frame further still as the spear lacerated the bulging quads of Gob-Gob's legs. Again, a mist of red spattered into the air from the wound carved by her weapon, but the second arc of her attack had yet to complete. Snow's body twisted like a rag being rung. Her body shot across and up to the steps leading to a mighty golden throne. There, the blade of Sif's Needle bit and dragged across eight small mounds of abdominal muscle.

The hue of blue faded from her weapon. Her body fell and legs buckled as she tried to catch herself on the descent. Her body slammed into what felt like a boulder and she winced at the impact. Numbness set in but as she opened her eyes, the head of a fish looked down upon her. A rush of panic set in. Snow's eyes scrambled about, and she quickly learned that her grandiose attack landed her in the lap of <<Rain Minion 12>>. 

This was NOT the place to be right now...

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Dazia's intended hiding spot became obscured by the thick fog that surrounded the players. When she tried making her way through, she only hit a wall. She would continue to grope and stumble until she found herself among the gathered players again. Trap or no, she herself was trapped. So much for scouting out the situation.

Lightning split the cloud-coated sky, and as a blinding light shone down, she suddenly found herself being pushed and shoved against by the masses of idiots who tried to flee. Eventually, they all disappeared in the fog. Dazia got up, and looked around her. She saw the few who remained, but she also saw three figures coming into view, taking action almost immediately, reducing and fixing the players' HP, including her own. The bosses were in full view now, and Dazia, in all of her shock, blurted out her innate thoughts aloud, at a tone almost anyone could hear.

"WHAT THE F***?!??!?"

Both insult and injury had been done at the same time that the bosses arrived. That was an absolute first. Nothing, no plans, no simulated scenarios, no "what if"s, could ever have predicted this. Quickly, she reached for her Teleport Crystal...but there was nothing there. She had given it to Yinangi.

It was at this moment she knew, she fudged up.

No time to just stand there anymore, she was either going to survive this battle, die as a hero, or die as a coward. Point was, she would have to fight whether she liked it or not. She would head right into the crowd, eventually just randomly going near a player, a black haired one with red eyes. "No turning back now, is there...guess we either die as heroes or as cowards, and I don't feel like being a coward..." She remarked to herself, despite that the other player could clearly hear what she said.



With that, she would turn her gaze over to the bosses. She saw the one with the head of a Rain Minion, which shouldn't have been possible, sitting on a throne that came out of nowhere. She drew her weapon, ready to face it. "Time to wipe that smug look off its damn face." She decided. She quickly darted through the distance between her and the boss, then she leaped towards it to give it a Penetrate to its face. Whether or not the attack would impact the boss, that remained unknown as of yet, but Dazia didn't care.


ID# 152738 BD: 7+4=11(hit)

Penetrate: 10x8=80 DMG to Rain Minion 12

[0-0-1]Dazia: HP430/430 215/215EN 32/40, | 10 DMG | 24 MIT | 4 ACC | 4 EVA | 10 Immolation | Antioxidants

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Raidou still glowing ushers Simmone to his side, "Keep her energy up. She hits hard, I've seen it myself." A stare to the girl dropping a massive wave of debilitations outward in one feral sweep to a song. "If that's the plan, So be it. Been meaning to try this on for size." A bit of gold light builds upon her fingertips and with a snap of them, a burst of entangled lines fire free with a wink. "Let's keep you moving, can't let blows like that stop." as it twines around NIGHT for a moment before enveloping into her chest. After its cast, she brandishes her rapier and moves to @Krysta's side. "Nice choice in weapon my dear, mind if I cut in?" as a hue of purple energy begins to build upon her weapon, sizing up the opponents with the intention to follow Krysta's lead given she'd have a fair idea on how to approach it.

Simmone casts Hyperactive on @NIGHT! +3 EN regen for 3 turns

Simmone: 185/185 | EN: 24/34 | DMG: 8 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 3 | BLD: 12 | REC: 2 | THNS: 10 | Antidote: 3/3 | Antioxidant

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Playtime was over, or rather was just about to begin depending on your perspectives. To Gaius this was what he lived for, pulling his glaive out and twirling it around for a moment. "Alright look at this crowd. I bet you can take a hit, Let's rumble!" A burst of gathering wind takes hold as <<Disguise>> procs building the speed at which his weapon was spinning. A quick lunge strikes heavily thick skin, to most, they would be discouraged. "Would you look at that, I am going to enjoy this aren't I!?" Gaius grins for this adversary was going to be a good one, capable of withstanding his strikes. A quick pole vault backward Gaius keeps his weapon moving, gaining more and more momentum on the weapon as the glow grows, the wind generated from the gemini skill being consumed by the weapon as it turns in a blurred wheel of steel.

ID# 152739 results: Battle: 2-3=0, Craft: 11 [+1 EN] Missed!

Disguise Activated +1 Eva

Heavy Momentum Activates +2 Base Damage

Light Momentum Activates +2 Accuracy

Gaius: 175/175 | EN: 31/32 | DMG: 15 | REC: 1 | HM: 2 | LM: 2 | THNS: 10 | Antidote: 3/3 | Antioxidant

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The battle was underway and the sudden reduction of HP pools causes dismay in most, but Shiina doesn't pay it any exclusivity. After dropping the performance crystals on Shye she scatters into the pack. There were so many vibrant colors and noises it was like watching a Michael Bay movie. "Neat!" Shiina looked on before her sight caught something that pulled her attention fully from the flashy firework show. A super huge seat to which one of the huge dudes of man pecks were sitting upon. As she snuck past, like a panther you could swear with each step a musical tone was heard. The last few a fast sprint, she ascends the steps and after some struggle, she gets up there. Now within the lap of a beast that could easily consume her, she waves and looks Rain Minion 12 in the face "Hi hi, nice chair dude. GUYS LOOK AT ME, IM FANCY!" waving to them as well, out of her armor drops one of the performance crystals she was supposed to use. "Whoops." as it hits the ground and activates, sending a shockwave of energy outward like a ripple of water. "My bad." she smiles and looks to the god upon its throne before @Snowis catapulted next to her. "Hi there, comfy ain't it."

Shiina casts Hypnosis 2 (Mass) -2 Accuracy on up to 6 targets on the three big dudes

Shiina: 195/195 | EN: 36/36 | DMG: 1 | MIT: 27 | REC: 2 | EVA: 3 | LD: 3 | THNS: 10 | Antidote: 3/3 | Antioxidant

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