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[SP-F04] <<Essence of Steel>> Upgrades are Harmless

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Back again, when will this habit stop...

Standing just outside the Snowfrost settlement, a boy in his mid-twenties, wearing a samurai garb. Black haori, oak-colored yukata, white socks, cheap-looking sandals, and a katana that matches the theme of the floor. He raised his hands as he scratched his head and revealed a bracelet with runic inscriptions but its design and quality was more of a Babylonian era accessory "this is getting old, I've told myself that I'd only enter this place when I'm visiting Mari and now I'm back for another quest" he thought as he began to make his way back inside the settlement. The gentle fall of the snow and its peaceful look was common now for him. The hustle and bustle of the few remaining people who visits the floor didn't go unnoticed to the player. "I'll try to do this the fastest way. That is the only way for me to get out of this place and go somewhere where I can at least put up with some decent looking monsters" he thought.

After asking around on where his target could be, Crozeph told himself to get out of the settlement as soon as possible. Time is of the essence and he can't just toy around with his time like last time. "Now that I remember it, I still have to finish my identifications for Ariel but for now I need to do this first" he walked out of the settlement and beside him, a man in his forties walked or rather thread on the snow like someone who lived their entire life doing it "how are you son?" he asked him. There was a slight rasp in his voice as if he needed some medicine for sore throats but Crozeph keeps it to himself and replied "I'm doing fine" he said. The man gave a smile and went on his way. Crozeph looked at him and went on his way also after a few minutes "I've got to at least up my evasion so I can never get caught in its attack, I've never fought one so I'd have to consider doing it" he told himself. 

The quest begins, will this end as planned or will I mess it up?


 Crozeph [Level 32]
  | HP: 640/640 | EN: 64/64
  | ACC: 2 | DMG: 12 | EVA: 1 | MIT: 44
  | FREEZE +1 | RECOVERY +2 | 


** Rank 2 Merchant - The Night's Watch
** WARNING: Mitigation cannot fall below 0!
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  • Lamina De Skadi [T2 Rare]
    -- Freeze +1 
    Natural critical attack rolls of 9-10 (1 slot) or natural successful attack rolls of 8-10 (2 slots) remove the enemy’s action on their next turn. Frozen opponents lose any evasion properties. Striking a frozen enemy before the effect ends will end Freeze and deal an extra (12 * Tier) unmitigatable damage. [Must hit to activate the status condition.]
    -- ACC +1
    A katana with a black hilt and an azure blade like a clear,  blue, lake water. The name translates into "Blade of Skadi" a goddess who also represented hunting and winter, signifying its use as for hunting or attacking foes by freezing them. When equipped, the user 's breath will be like one who is breathing in a cold place and the freeze effect is seen as some kind of water splashing that freezes upon contact with the target.
  • Cloak of the Oath
    -- MIT +2 

    -- EVA +1
    -- A
     black haori who belonged to a vice-president of the Shinsengumi. Enables the wearer to withstand attacks and also evade it.
  • Caster's Mystic Code
    -- Recovery +2

    -- ACC +1
    A platinum band for the wrist with runic inscriptions worn by a Babylonian king who had access to magecraft. This item gives a boost on accuracy and ability to restore energy to cast more spells just like how the previous owner wanted it to work, it glows a vibrant blue when it activates through the lettering.

[Battle-Ready Inventory]

  • x1 T2 Perfect Fiery Dragon Roll [MIT]
  • x1 T2 Rare Udon Bowl +2 ACC
  • X1 T2 Rare Mochi +2 LD
  • X1 T2 Rare Ramen Bowl +2 EVA 


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Mod Count: 1/5

  1. Katana | Passive | RANK 5/5
    Finesse R3
  2. Light Armor | Passive | RANK 2/5 
  3. Battle Healing | Passive | RANK 2/5
  4. Curved Sword | Passive | RANK 1/5
  5. First-Aid | Active | RANK 2/5
  6. Extended Weight Limit | Passive | RANK 0


  • Survival | Passive 
  • Meditation | Active I +10 EN
  • Familiar Mastery: Fighter | Passive | RANK 2/3

Misc. Buffs

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  •  Relaxed | Passive | House buff
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Somewhere in the edge of a snow-covered forest, gazing at the wastelands from afar...

He sat quietly, holding a bowl of food, he wasn't sure what to eat to prepare aside from the evasion buff that he needs. The gently falling snow turned into a cold gust of wind carrying as many snow as it can to where he is. The rock where he sat might be cold but not as cold as it would be if he had less equipped clothes. Crozeph ate slowly, enjoying the flavor of the food. He had been holding on to it for a while and he wanted to at least buy some again before taking the quest but it seems that his impulse got the better of him and decided to go with what he has for now. 

What stood before him was a wasteland, it was still far but as he can see it was obviously not a nice place to be stranded. No signs of trees, a lot of jagged edges from the rocks, and he even suspected that some spot of it might be a pit with water or some kind of quicksand but in the snow. He gazed at it with his quest in mind, how fast can he kill it? will he be able to finish the monster in two turns? less information was painful but he needed something from it. Crozeph pulled out another bowl from his inventory and continued to eat, soon he'll resume his journey but for now he must fill himself with everything he needed, good thing he had good food with him.

  • consumed rare udon bowl +2 ACC
  • consumed rare ramen bowl +2 EVA
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So quiet but not that quiet...

Continuing the exploration of the wasteland, Crozeph was already annoyed. What was simply a quest to obtain something from a monster turned into some kind of a castaway scenario, or at least that's what he thinks. His hands are inside the sleeves of his yukata, it would be best to keep himself warm while traveling. Sooner or later he'll be encountering mobs that spawn in the area, that wouldn't spell trouble much for him but it's better to be ready than to scramble grabbing his katana out of its saya.

A slope then appeared before him as he walked, it would be a nice location for skiing if it weren't for the jagged edges of the rocks vaguely visible. Should he go down here? maybe there's a less dangerous path somewhere. It doesn't matter if he wastes a few hours just to get down, he only needs to arrive at his destination to find an item or kill for that item. Crozeph looked around and saw only a less steep way, probably safer. He slowly walked again, minding the uneven surfaces as he did so. Every step felt like he would slip and slide or worse, fall somewhere and die. It would be a pathetic death and so he did his best to traverse down as safely as he can. 

It took hours but he's down already and for some reason, the snow was thinner in the area. Patches of brown soil was seen everywhere, it looked like he reached a place with even footing and less snow. He resumed his travel but it didn't last and he came to an abrupt stop when he saw an old man with some kind of thick coat made of wolf pelt sitting on one of the few boulders lying around. He turned his head and looked at Crozeph "boy! it seems our paths have been connected, are you looking for something or hunting some monster" he asked. It was the man he saw earlier as he left Snowfrost "it might not be safe here" he told the old man. The reply was an amused laugh "I may not look like it but I'm a player too, though not as hardcore as you, just a man gathering some materials" he said.

Maybe a conversation is enough to warm myself a bit... 

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The old man took out a cup with coffee in it, a sip as he sat and looked at Crozeph "looking for that item that upgrades the quality of your equipment?" he asked him. Crozeph nodded and was amazed by how prepared the old man is "you'll get there soon, the monster is a fickle thing but once you see a skull, you're right on the target" he said as he took another sip. Crozeph paced his breathing. Normally he would feel a shiver and try to breathe fast with his warm breath but he had to learn how to adapt to the floor psychologically. The old man chuckled as he saw Crozeph trying to be calm in the cold weather "I would share my drink but you but I only bring what's enough for me." Crozeph waved a hand "I'm fine gramps, I've had a warm meal before I went here" he replied. The old man raised a brow and smiled.

"a lover? someone preparing meals for you or you bought it?"

"I bought it, I would prefer having her prepare it for me but I was in a hurry."

"She's a lover then?"

"A friend, a close one."

"Ah, teens and their confusing labels for each other, how old are you?"

"I'm twenty-two"

Perhaps it was the age that made the man a bit concerned "have you any plans to settle down? how about this friend? you seem to light up at the mention of her" he said as he finished his cup. It was none of his business and Crozeph felt it was too personal but the question reminded him of his father "never had a plan but life seems to have one for me" he said as he smiled at the old man. He stood up from the boulder and fixed his coat "a piece of advice for you young man, solitude is a choice, perhaps people see it as a scapegoat but a lot of us doesn't want to be alone. Life didn't have a plan for us, rather, deep inside you don't want to be alone..." he turned around and wave a hand at Crozeph "your life decisions only pushed you to be alone I guess" he said before walking away. Crozeph waved his hand also and continued in a different direction, a skull is a sign that he's near and that was a huge help for him.

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Should I?

Crozeph was standing near a place with a skull, it must've been what the old man told him earlier. He thought it would take a few more hours but it seems luck is on his side today. The place seemed wider than expected, the occasional gust of the wind carrying snow with it was also part of the expectations. Crozeph took a look around to see if there was anything amiss. It would be bad if he didn't do a quick survey of the area and some bloody monster pops out and impales him from the back. 

He looked around squinting his eyes, no signs of anything dangerous, he didn't have any searching skill but he wanted to make sure. He circled around the area, his hand on the hilt of his katana just in case a mob appears, he had his buffs on and it would be much easier to hit something with it taking effect. "So cold..." he uttered as the wind blew gently, the low altitude location seemed to lessen the strength of it but the snow was still falling. A weather he kept on seeing with all these quests being overlooked by him. 

Walking back to the location where he found the skull, he thought how easier it would be if Yuki was with him but then it would be too troublesome with how easy this quest was for him, he didn't want her to feel as if he wasn't impressed by her build. Maybe in a quest with a greater challenge, it would work but for now, he has to "clean up these quests that are still available in the area. He stood before the skull again eyeing it as if he was still suspicious of it. It took him a few minutes standing still like an idiot or waiting for a bird to drop poo on his head just to make sure there aren't any danger lying around. He pulled his katana slowly out of the sheath and took a step back. His azure eyes gleam as he was about to launch a strike but...

They appeared, just like I suspected...

The loud clang of steel crashed just before him as he jumped back. Two humanoid beings stood between him and the skull, their eyes were blue like his but it looked dilated, skins were like ice and wore tattered coats and leather armor "amazons?" he thought as he looked at them. They both held halberds and spun it with a speed that Crozeph finds it hard to believe a halberd can be used with that kind of speed. They weren't as buff as the ones when he took on Byakko, slender bodies but soulless. He sighed and took a stance, first fight, better make it right.

  • Wight Spearwoman A: HP: 400 I DMG: 100 I MIT: 25 I ACC: 0 I EVA: 0 I 
  • Wight Spearwoman B: HP: 400 I DMG: 100 I MIT: 25 I ACC: 0 I EVA: 0 I
  • Spear Blitz: if one of the two rolls a critical, they both attack at the same time dealing 20 unmitigated damage each
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  • Crozeph dealt 12 base x 15 San Ge = 180 - 25 MIT = 155 damage to Wight Spearwoman A I BD: 2 + 4 ACC = 6 success
  • Wight Spearman A attacks but misses!
  • Wight Spearman B attacks and activates Spear Blitz I dealt 100 - 44 MIT = 56 damage to Crozeph I MD: 9 critical
  • Crozeph received 80 additional damage from Spear Blitz [20 DMG per spearwoman]


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The two halberds began twirling at such speed that Crozeph felt the need to jump back. They were synchronized as if they have the same mind which is possible considering they are programs. Crozeph took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, there's no way he can dodge the spinning spears. The reach was enough to kite him even with his buffed up evasion.

Then it began...

 Crozeph moved as soon as the distance between them got short enough for a spear to attack him. He launched multiple slices at the first spearwoman and sliced at her arms and shoulder hoping to incapacitate her. The first spearwoman launched a counter-attack but Crozpeh was able to avoid it, the second however managed to land a clean blow to Crozeph with a twirl of her spear. He winced, one landed an attack. It was expected but he wasn't expecting it this early, too early when none of them has seen a set of his moves yet. The second spearwoman made a screeching sound and the two began to move in the opposite direction and moving like a mirror, they struck Crozeph on both sides. The katana can only do much on blocking and Crozeph felt the heavy blow.

He rolled back, keeping his breathing calm as he just received a twin attack "too cramped, no way I can create distance by just using my footwork" he though. The two began to move their spears again as if they are showing off to him. A troublesome battle but not that dangerous for him... yet.

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  • Crozeph dealt 12 base x 15 San Ge = 180 damage - 25 MIT = 155 to Wight Spearwoman A I BD: 2 + 4 ACC = 6 success
  • Wight Spearwoman A attacks but misses!
  • Wight Spearwoman B dealt 100 + 2 critical = 102 - 44 MIT = 58 damage to Crozeph
  • Crozeph received 80 additional damage from Spear Blitz [20 DMG per spearwoman]
  • Crozeph gained 12 health [Battle Healing] 544 + 12 = 556/640
  • CD: 11 [recovery] activated +4 EN


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The two spear wielders moved again, Crozeph didn't like it. A two on one is already a disadvantage and they don't just have teamwork, they're basically using mirror moves on Crozeph. The halberd spun fast that Crozeph tried to move with all the speed he's got. "Let's even the fight first," he thought as he began to dodge the attack of the first spearwoman. Crozeph launched a counter-attack and landed multiple slashes on its body. His bracelet began to glow as soon as his sword art finished dealing damage but the barrage of attacks from the halberds spinning is not yet over. Once again Crozeph was caught by their attacks that moved so identical. Heavy blows and cuts appeared on his shoulders and his side as he tried to dodge but failed to do so.

He made a good distance to avoid taking another chunk of damage from both, surely as long as one can land a blow on him he's in danger. Crozeph did all he can to keep his breathing steady. He must not lose his cool with such coordinated attacks "maybe I should try to stun one of them" he thought as he returned his katana back in its sheath. Slowly it's turning into a dangerous situation and Crozeph is not liking every second of it.

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  • Crozeph attacks but misses! I BD: 1 critical fail
  • Wight Spearwoman A attacks but misses!
  • Wight Spearwoman B dealt 100 + 1 critical = 101 - 44 MIT = 57 damage to Crozeph I MD: 9 critical
  • Crozeph received additional 40 damage from Spear Blitz [20 DMG per spearwoman]
  • Crozeph gained 12 health [Battle healing] I 458 + 12 = 470/640


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Crozeph dashed around the area, making his way towards the second spearwoman. If he could land a stun it would give him an advantage in dealing with them both. Crozeph reached the second spearwoman and draw his sword quickly. The first spearwoman, however, stepped in and manage to use her halberd to slightly. Crozeph bit his lip "the spear blitz" he thought.

Soon enough they moved in unison again, like mirrors reflecting each other's moves. Crozeph blocked both with the hilt and tip if katana. It was a crude guard though as the force of two halberds rendered his defense useless. Crozeph flinched and moved back as far as he can. the halberds continued to rain down attacks on him. "Even as mobs women can be a trouble to deal with," he thought as he deflected the next attacks to prevent taking further damage from them. This felt different from when fighting grunts and more of like fighting elite guards, Crozeph saw his HP dropping fast, he needs to make use of his wits on how to deal with the attacks.

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  • Crozeph dealt 12 base + 2 critical x 15 San Ge = 210 - 25 MIT = 185 damage to Wight Spearwoman A I BD: 10 critical success
  • Wight Spearwoman A is dead I LD: 5 CD: 6 = 1,200 col I 800 bonus col I x2 T1 materials I no loot
  • Wight Spearwoman B attacks but misses I MD: 7 - 3 EVA = 4 fail
  • Crozeph gained 12 health I 373 + 12 = 385/640


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Three moved at the same time as soon as the two wights saw Crozeph move. Such a disadvantage, if he doesn't put a stop to them hitting him with their halberd at the same moment he'd be dead a couple more hits. He moved his sword and made it seem like he's going for the second spearwoman, movements are flashing inside his head on how he would change the situation should it go awry. The first spearwoman made a wide swing of her halberd, an overhead one which Crozeph dodged easily. The second spearwoman however wasn't able to dodge the wide swing. It was bait, he moved between them and made one believe that he wasn't paying attention which they took.

The first spearwoman felt the blade slice through her as she was left wide open by that swing. Second pass and she shattered into fragments leaving nothing to aid the second spearwoman who is now screeching loudly. She failed to attack as soon as she was caught on the friendly fire. Crozeph shifted to a stance, now it's a one on one, his common advantage.

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  • ID: 153926
  • BD: 5 + 4 ACC = 9 success I MD: 10 critical success
  • Crozeph gained 12 health [Battle Healing] 385 + 12 = 397/640
  • Crozeph dealt 12 base x 15 San Ge = 180 - 25 MIT = 155 damage to Wight Spearwoman B
  • Wight Spearwoman B dealt 100 + 2 critical = 102 = 44 MIT = 58 damage to Crozeph
  • Crozeph takes 20 additional damage from Spear Blitz [20 DMG per spearwoman]


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A wave of anger crashed into the remaining spearwoman, Crozeph knew because her halberd is glowing blue. "Spear blitz even though she's the only one remaining" he took a step back and tried to gauge the distance needed not to get hit. The clash started, loud clang emanated as the halberd struck the katana. Crozeph hated it, if it was in real life his weapon would be chipped or worse broken because of the powerful swings. Add to that the damage he keeps on receiving even though he's blocking the attacks. "It still grazes me and the damage is no joke," he thought.

Crozeph realized that he won't be making progress with this crude blocks that he's doing. He shifted the movement of his katana and deflected one swing causing the spearman to get carried away by the momentum of her halberd. Crozeph took the chance and attacked her with a sword art. glowing red cuts appeared on her body from shoulder to waist and with the downward vertical slash, she was pushed back. It was a lucky decision he made and hopefully, there won't be a next time of her spear blitz.

  • LD: 19 I CD: 12
  • received: x2 T1 materials I 800 bonus col I 2,400 col I 3,200 col I T1 Perfect weapon
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  • ID: 153928
  • BD: 9 critical I MD: 10 critical
  • Crozeph gained 12 health [Battle Healing] 319 + 12 = 331/ 640
  • CD: 7 recovery activated I +4 EN
  • Crozeph dealt 12 base + 1 critical x 15 San Ge = 170 damage to Wight Spearwoman B
  • Wight Spearwoman dealt 100 + 2 critical = 102 - 44 MIT = 58
  • Crozeph received 20 additional damage from spear blitz [20 per spearwoman]


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A violent clash, that's what it looks like right now. The remaining spearwoman proved to be skillful than the first and it shows. Wide to vertical swing from her halberd rained on Crozeph who responded with precise swings and occasional dodges from her attacks, it was a little chaotic. Crozeph was already tired of trying to figure out how to dodge the spear blitz skill she kept on using at him. It was less dangerous now with one spearwoman, if it had been earlier then he would've died already.

Sounds of clanging steel, cracking ice, and blade cutting through the air and flesh emanated in the area. Both of them kept on receiving attacks from each other but the difference is the spearwoman already has low health. Crozeph still have a hefty amount to survive around three blows from her halberd, it was something that was forgotten, the resilience of one's constitution and it looked like Crozeph had the better skills for it.

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  • ID: 153976
  • BD: 5 + 4 = 9 success I MD: 2 fail
  • Crozeph gained 12 health [Battle Healing] 253 + 12 = 265/640
  • CD: 7 [Recovery] proc +4 EN
  • Crozeph dealt 12 base x 11 Iai = 165 - 25 MIT = 140 damage to Wight Spearwoman B


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The desperation, cold winds, despair of losing her partner or twin, whichever is relevant for her was enough to make her lose composure. She stood up and twirled her halberd. It was really impressive for Crozeph, the weapon looked really heavy for him, and the woman with a toned yet slender figure wields it like it was just some kind of thin stick. The attacks that he even suffered earlier with both of them hitting at the same time adds more to his impressed reactions, however, the fight ends now. Crozeph placed his katana back at its scabbard and took a deep breath, exhaling slowly to maintain his finesse on using skills.

The spearwoman moved, her halberd spinning like multiple orbits around her "a defensive yet offensive move, nice" he thought but his skill right now was designed to kill in one strike or rather finish it in one fight. She screeched but it was short-lived, her vision began to tilt all of a sudden. The only thing she saw was Crozeph drawing his sword. Her vision kept on rolling and soon enough she shattered into fragments of data.

ID: 155525

  • 1,200 col I 800 bonus col I x2 T1 materials I T1 perfect weapon I 1,600 col
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  • Crozeph gained 40 HP [Survival + Relaxed buff] 305/640

Crozeph sat down slowly using his katana to control his fall, he saw the fragments of the last spearwoman be carried by the wind. Apparently, he used Iai to chop off her head, and fortunately, he managed to slip fast the orbit like spin she made with her spear. It was a good move but Crozeph wanted it to end, if it didn't kill her it would surely stun her which leaves another chance for Crozeph to finish her off. 

Crozeph pulled his katana out of the ground and slid it back to his scabbard, a good fight and despite the continuous hits they made at him he still got lucky and was able to make it out alive. He wasn't sure however if they were guardians of the skull he saw earlier, it looked more like they found an opponent to flank or show off their skills. He sighed, what would happen if he still had that god awful build back then. He felt thankful again for Yuki and Night helping him get a new weapon and that certain guild who helped him with items and equipment. "Now let me just rest for a while" he thought as he began to make his way on a spot where no one can ambush him.

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  • Crozeph gained 40 HP [Survival + Relaxed Buff] 345/640

The place with a skull was a few meters away from Crozeph, he could save his strength for later as he watches his regeneration kick up his health points considerably. He sat quietly that the wind was louder than him, He looked at where he would smack his blade and summon another ungodly creature to fight. Would it be strong? he sure wasn't planning to get his ass kicked again like what the twin spearwoman did to him. He didn't like the idea of getting sandwiched anywhere, it felt terrible. He tried to imagine all the things that are put between two bread and how it was all crushed by it. 

That would be more of a macabre scene if it was a human. In his whole existence, he hasn't met or saw an accident of getting crushed in between. While there are times of getting to see it on the news, he still hasn't seen one personally and he didn't want to. He sighed, why was he thinking weird things. Maybe it's the cold weather that is getting inside his head messing with his thoughts, or his thoughts were already stupid, to begin with. "I should think of something else" he told himself as he remained seated.

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  • Crozeph gained 40 HP [Survival + Relaxed Buff] 385/640

Think of some happy thoughts...

Should he attack now? that would be risky with how his health is pretty much low because of the two spearwoman. He wanted to deal with it as fast as he can but sometimes it's just not worth it. "I wonder where I can get some materials or unidentified items" he uttered. He sat alone, the wind blowing gently and the freezing weather getting to him even though he doesn't really feel it much. "Sometimes I hate how my brain deceives me" he rubbed his shoulder as he remained seated on the boulder.

Crozeph tried to think of some happy thought but the first thing he could remember is a bakery with cats as workers. Weird but it made him smile just a little, imagining a cat kneading the dough or selling it was already funny enough. "It will also keep rats out of the storages and..." his thought indeed shifted into a much more weirder idea "...a mascot, if I ever manage to put one we'll be needing a mascot," he said as he nods his head approving if it "first I need to find cats who can make bread, do those even exist.?"

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  • Crozeph gained 40 HP [Survival + Relaxed buff] 385 + 40 = 425 HP

Now it was time to face the monster that hides beneath a skull. He wasn't sure if it was a good idea to tackle the monster now but better late than never. The more time he wastes in this wasteland the more his level will never go up. He only wanted to gain an item for his katana so what's the harm of taking on some powerful monster. If Yuki was here the battle would probably go smoother than what he planned. The thing is he just can't bug her all the time and while he was doing his best to get stronger, he knew when a battle is too much for him and he won't hesitate to call on her help.

The skull was in front of him, just a smack and it would be done for. A monster would appear and he'll kill it, he gets the reward then he goes back to Yuki's house. He raised his katana and slammed it hard on the skull. It shattered but soon enough a monster emerged and stirred up the wind and snow around it. Crozeph jumped back and guarded himself from any surprise attacks, now he can get on the real quest and he intends to finish it quick.

  • Crozeph: HP: 425/640 I EN:64/64 I DMG: 12 I MIT: 44 I ACC: 2(+2) I EVA: 1(+2) I +1 Freeze I +2 Recovery
  • Frost Beast HP: 250 I DMG: 160 I EVA: 0 I ACC : 0 I MIT: 0 
  • [Partial Phase]: <<Frost Beast>>'s attacks always deal a minimum of 24 DMG instead of a minimum of 1 DMG when calculating Mitigation. 
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  • 155216
  • BD: 4 + 4 ACC = 8 success I MD: 4 - 3 EVA = 1 fail
  • Crozeph dealt 12 x 15 San Ge = 180 damage to Frost Beast


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The beast attempted to land an attack at Crozeph as if it was disturbed in its slumber, well the way Crozeph just slammed his katana was sure to enrage anyone. Crozeph saw through the attack and made a quick pivot of his body to dodge the attack. As soon as he's out of the range of attack he began to attack the Frost beast while keeping himself out of its attack. Crozeph quite a huge amount of damage to the Frost Beast and was quite confident about it.

"Looks like I just have to make one more careful strike and I'm done here," he said to himself. The beast began to inch forward, trying to land another blow on Crozeph who was standing and waiting, his stance already similar to Iaijutsu. "Just one more and we're done" he uttered as he kept his hand on the hilt of his katana.

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  • ID: 155251
  • BD: 6 + 4 ACC = 10 success I MD: 5 - 3 EVA = 2 fail
  • Crozeph dealt 12 base x 11 Iai = 132 damage to Frost Beast
  • CD: 6 [Recovery] proc +4 EN


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Crozeph didn't waste another second when the Frost Beast raised its arm to attack. Grabbing the hilt of his katana, Crozeph drew his sword in one quick motion back to it's sheath. Fast enough that the beast never had a chance to guard itself from it, that was one of the rare moments he actually manage his Iai to hit. the two stood frozen for a moment, his eyes locked on the Frost Beast thinking if it would attempt to attack him again.

The Frost Beast shattered in front of Crozeph, it seems the Iai he aimed straight to its face hit the beast really good that it was killed already. A few seconds after shattering, an item dropped as loot from the Frost Beast. Crozeph picked it up and placed the loot inside his inventory. His job was done now all he needs is to get back to safety before he gets jumped by mobs again.

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Crozeph walked away from the area, having obtained what he needed, he was about to head back home. The way back was less boring than before, probably because the reward made it much more fulfilling to him. He didn't want to venture out alone inside floor four anymore. The wind blew at him as if it's trying to wake him up, he wasn't even sleeping. Maybe he could try to eat something before leaving, or he could leave and ask Yuki for something to eat.

So many options as he thought and he walked out of the wasteland. What were the words he wanted to say? he wasn't even sure if he had someone to talk to right now. He was alone when in truth he can never be alone. He had a choice but for now, he kept on choosing to be alone, must be a bad habit that he can't shake off easily. Does it matter? he can already see the settlement "better make my way there faster" he told himself, sifting through the snow.

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Crozeph reached the settlement and quickly made his way into a tavern and bought some food. The place had a warmer feel than outside and it's not just because it is snowing outside. He made his way into the table at the corner and ate some bread while drinking ale. It was just a light dinner, he had just ordered a roasted duck from the keeper and plans to move out as soon as it was prepared. There were times that the coldness of the floor was nothing to him and then there are times that it was everything to him. Confused with his own self, Crozeph could only try to piece things together but never understand how he did it.

"Such trivial feelings, after I get that roasted duck I'll..." a voice of a woman called him and told him how much it would be. Crozeph paid the amount and placed the food inside his inventory and so, it was time to leave the tavern. He walked and made his way outside, somewhere around the floor by the lake a house stood and it was already getting late. Perhaps he could walk a little faster and reach that house. It was a visit to someone, a person who was part of his past inside Aincrad and still is a part of his life today. Things were different now and with all these confusing feelings he has, he's gonna need a talk with her.

Thread summary

1 SP [completed page] + 1 SP [quest] + 1 Sp [ bonus] = 3 SP

Quest reward: Essence of Steel

400 col [Thread completion]


  • 2,000 col I x2 T1 materials

ID: 155525

  • 1,200 col I 800 bonus col I x2 T1 materials I T1 perfect weapon I 1,600 col


Edited by Crozeph
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