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[PP-F1] <<Feeding the Enemy>> (Jace13, Megumi)

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She pushed the dirt off her making sure she was okay as she went in for another hit.


[1-5] Miss/ Dodge

[6-8] Hit, -1 Hp to wolf

[9-10] Critical, -2 Hp to wolf

Wolf Hp = 1/5

Megumi Hp = 6/9

Result = 1

She missed as the wolf hit a critical on Megumi. Megumi was raging mad now her eyes narrowed at the pushy wolf figure.

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Jace ran and was ready to finish this wolf he jumped up and got ready to finish this wolf with the skill vertical square. He jumped slicing a square with a four hit combo and hit the wolf killing it. Well done with mine he said.

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She then tried to finish off her own wolf after she had seen the Jace was done with his wolf.


[1-5] Miss/ Dodge

[6-8] Hit, -1 Hp to wolf

[9-10] Critical, -2 Hp to wolf

Wolf Hp = 0/5

Megumi Hp = 6/9

Result = 7

Before the large wolf could hit, she hit for one damage point as the wolf them demolished into thousands of tiny crystals "HOORAY!" She shouted and then smiled as she hit-fived Jace.

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Good job he said as he high -fived her. Now let's go get that falcon he said. Then a victory thing popped up from the HUD. Lets see how much col I earned today. ( loot die x 5). Only 10? Jeez. Must have been weak. He looked at Megumi's.

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"I've only earned 5..." She said as she looked at her hub, as she xed out she saw the falcon from above, she then put the bone on the ground, as the falcon circled around it... she had caught her first familiar! she had named it <> and smiled at the name as she accepted the familiar, and it started to come closer to her, grabbing onto her finger. "Soon enough I've got to get some gloves..." She said as she smiled and waved good-bye to Jace13...


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