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"I managed to defeat the quest's boss, get the necklace back and also defeat two monsters of my own level. That's great progress.", he nodded to himself, entering the town and beginning to head on over to the teleporter. He'd gotten a real work out for all his worth in the same time most people took to alegedly just finish the quest, at least based on the NPCs he'd asked. It was a tough one, but it was still rather easy for him. Maybe that was because the craftsman he'd trusted to get his gear from did a stellar job, or it could be because he was too fast and efficient at adapting to this sytem.

Whatever the case, he stepped on to the teleporter to head back on the second floor. He had to ask around if anybody knew how to get energy back faster. Not physical energy, but rather the stat. He was certain that if the game had ways to assist you in combat, it had to include ways that could help you out of it, in order to prepare better, too. With that hunch in his mind, he shouted as he stepped onto the teleporter before disappearing from the floor. "Floor two: Urbus!"



  • 1820 Col, 1 Rare Trinket, 1 Perfect Weapon10 T1 Material
  • 4 SP (2 Quest, 1 Page, 1 Event)
  • <<Hoya of Minos>> Vanity Jewel
Edited by ChaseR
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