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[PP-F1] Gettin my feet planted(Rolland & Grim)

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As Rolland exits the "Town of Beginnings, he goes intothe fields to become stronger. As he wanders into the fields he begins to fight, he looks around to see what there is to fight. He sees a Boar all alone, and he draws out his Zweihänder, and charges at the boar missing and landing on his face, this makes the boar turn and rear at Rolland and chargs at him. Rolland puts his greatsword up in hoping it will protect him.

Rollands HP: 8/8

Boars HP: 5/5

-on combat roll-

1-6: Rolland misses

7-8: Rolland hits causing 1 point of damage

9: Rolland causes 2 points of damage

10: Rolland huits causing 3 points of damage

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Grim was walking around the first floor, he wanted a relaxing day, so he decided to go to "The Tree of Friendship", but as soon as he walks out of the gates he sees a young man with snow white hair, "Angel?" Grim dashes toward the ypung man, and sees the boy fall down as he missed the boar, Grim draws out his falchion and uses his <> skill to jump into the air and in front of the boar, blocking it and kicking it back, "You ok there kid?" "Gonna need you to stand up." Grim says as the white haired boy stands up, and backs away from him.

Grim raises a brow at the boy, "You can either

A.) Fight with me and we can discuss this later, or

B.) You can run away, I won't stop you either way."

Grim activates his <> sword skill, and dashes at the boar, his sword glowing a brilliant red color, as he lands a critical hit, causing 3 points of damage, he makes the boar go flying, "Switch, now!" Grim calls out to the new player.

[10+2=12: Hit/critical]

[3 points plus 1 from blade]

[Paralyze (2 turns)]

<> success; cool down 2 turns

Rollands HP: 8/8

Grims HP: 27/27

Boars HP: 1/5 (Paralyzed 2 turns)

-on combat roll-

1-5: Grim misses

6-8: Grim hits causing 1 point of damage

9: Grim caues 2 points of Damage

10: Grim hits causing 3 points of damage

[OOC-Equiped gear]


+1 Damage, Paralyze 2 turns/posts(Nat. Crit. 9-10)


+2 Accuracy

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When Rolland was about to be hit by the Boar, a mysterious figure appeared before him, as Rolland saw that this player was helping him, he got up and pointed his Zweihänder at him, and started to back away, but as he did, the player said he had two choics, he could fight with him or run, either way this new player wasn't intentions weren't on hurtiing Rolland, or at least they weren't "Uh..o..okay then." Rolland ran next to the the player, and saw that he was much strionger than him, so Rolland charged at the boar and misses again, as he sinks his Zweihänder into the ground, and then activated his <> skill to jump back behind the unknown player, "I...I can't do it."

Rollands HP: 8/8

??? HP: 27/27

Boars HP: 1/5 (Paralyze 2 turns/posts)

-on combat roll-

1-6: Rolland misses

7-8: Rolland hits causing 1 point of damage

9: Rolland hits causing 2 points of damage

10: Rolland hits causing 3 points of damage

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Grim sighed as he opens his HUD, and goes to his equipment and equips his <>, the blade replacing the one he has, as he walks to the player, even though he pointed that Zweihänder at him, Grim knew that he was scared, he placed his hand on the boys shoulder, "Gather your thoughts ok, you can't fight with a clouded mind." Grim then rushed at the boar, his newly obtained blade sliding through the air as he lands a hit on the boar, the sound of his Scimitar striking the boar, was a high pitch humming sound, as Grim smiled, "Thanks Seld, buddy." Grim turned to the player, "Well that was fun, so what now?" As Grim sheathes his weapon, and slowly walks to the player who raised his blade to him.

[7+2- Hit]

Rollands HP: 8/8

Grims HP: 27/27

Boars HP: 0/5 Dead

-on combat roll-

1-6: Grim misses

7-8: Grim hits causing 1 point of damage

9: Grim cuaes 2 points of damage

10: Grim hits causing 3 points of damage

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Rolland, still scared out of his mind, Rolland raised his Zweihänder at him, as he doen't know what to do, "Wha...why did you help me?" He askes as the player walks to him and places his hand in the Zweihänder, ans lowers it, Rolland confused as he didn't bother to swipe his sword away with his own.

[OOC-I know new rules, thanks for informing me Grim.]

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Grim sighs as he looks at the player, he take shis hand and places it at the blades tip, and lowers the blade, then hears him aske him why'd he help him. Grim responded, "Simple, I can't let people die, or get hurt, I couldn't stand it, if I watch a person die in front of me and I idn't do anything to help them." He says as the kid jumps aback from this reponse and the kid pulls his Zweihänder back and sheathes it.

[OOC- No problem, Im here to help at any time.]

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  • 2 weeks later...

Rolland, alittle confused, this player was heling him because he couldn't let someone die, this was something out of a song he wrote, "Blistering Hero", this almost seemed improbable to him. As he jumps back abit and sheathes his Zweihänder, he looks back at the player, and tilts his head, "Ev.. even if im a halfer, you still want to help me?" He says as the guy smiled and nodded, as Rolland felt some kind of connection to him, as if this guy knew his pain. "So, uhh what now, I mean, I still need exp. and I need to get new gear to get stronger, but im soo tired of this all, can we.. go back to town... and get a drink?"

Rolland said trying to get out of working again, as the player gave him a stern look, and crossed his arms, Rolland then knew this was a no look, and the player pointed to the lake, as he then saw him turn and tell him to follow, Rolland reluctant to follow.

[OOC- Do we have to go?]

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Grim had a stern look on his face as the kid, asked him to ditch on training, as Grim sighed and crossed his arms he shook his head and pointed toward the lake, seeing the disapointment on his face, Grim then turned around and walked towards the lake, "Come on, we have more monsters to kill, you'll get the hang of it, soon enough." As he walked to the lake and saw <>. Grim had a "Well this is great." Look on his face, as he didn't like the pressence of them at all, he saw 2 of them as Grim stopped thie kid, "Hey uhh kid whats your name, because calling you hey or kid is not my style, listen you need to stay back abit, but not too far away."

As Grim drew his blade and dashes at the <>, seeing Rolland was drawing his Zweihänder, out and walking toward the <>, but doing as he was asked and keeping his distance. As Grim reaches the frog faced beasts, they hiss and screached at him as they came at him.

[OOC-Yes we do, you need to get stronger, do this and I'll get you a new Great Sword.]

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Rolland followed this guy who he knew nothing about, but the bone mask, and ungodly looking blade made Rolland look up info on him, as he looked through it, he found a match. The player information tab had this as the registered info.

User name: Grim

Title: <>

Description: A tall lean man, with waist long jet black hair that is kept in a pony tail or in a losse braid held my a crimson or golden ribbon, and has pale colour skin. He has a black coat that reaches to his calfs, and wears a bone mask that changes his eyes to a hellish orange colour. As well as weilding a single weapon, a Scimitar called <>. This person likes to help lower level players, and is in the guild called The Ebon Vanguard, he is married to a woman named Yureka.

Rolland saw this info and freaked, "Wha...what's a high level guy like him doing on a floor like one?" Rolland thought to himself as he looks up and sees Grim hold his hand up and tell Rolland to keep his distance, as that there were enemies up ahead, Rolland jumped back and drew his Zweihänder out and heard Grim ask him his name as he said, "My.. my name is Rolland, Grim." As he saw him rushe after what looked like fish man, "Uhh... eww, can't believe those things exsist here, well too late now, best do as Grim says and keep my distance." As Rolland follows him and they confront the fish men, they hissed and screached as they came at both them.

[OOC- Guddie Guddie, well im going to bed, see ya later...maybe.]

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  • 2 weeks later...

As I attack the Gillmen with my <>, I hope that I land a hit on at least one of them. As my blade sings in the air, as the Gillmen jump back, as the other one leaned back to escape my blade. "Blasted monster." I say as I then jump back to get some ditance. I look at Rolland, "Hows does he know my name, Im going to ask him after this." I ponder as I then see him walk next to me, "Ok Rolland, Im goin to let you attack, you need to be careful now."

[3+2=5; Miss]

Rollands HP: 8/8

Grims HP: 41/41

Gillman: 5/5

Gillman: 5/5

-on combat roll-

1-6: Grim misses

7-8: Grim hits causing 1 point of damage

9: Grim causing 2 points of damage

10: Grim hits causing 3 points of damage

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As I saw Grim miss, I was shocked, "He missed, oh boy." I then heard him say I could attack, as I was reluctant, to do so, I quickly take my Zweihänder, and charge at the Gillmen. And swing at it, as it hits and the Gillman takes damage. I then look up at Grim who was firm and ready to fight. As he was looking at me in a weird way,


Rollands HP: 9/9

Grims HP: 41/41

Gillman: 4/5

Gillman: 5/5

-on combat roll-

[1] Epic Fail roll = auto fail, nothing can make this maneuver succeed

[2-5] Fail roll = combat maneuver fails

[6-8] Successful roll = combat maneuver succeeds

[9] Critical roll = 1 damage, +1 damage (2 damage in total)

[10] Hyper critcal roll = 1 damage, +2 damage (3 damage in total)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I look at Rolland saw his hit but he was about to get surrounded, "Run now, go to town and hide, my pal will Pm you and tell you he's on his way." Grim says as he lures the monsters away from Rolland, running towards the deeper parts of the floor, he goes into the forests, and uses the trees to hide.

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Rolland sees the point in all this, as he runs as he was told, and goes into town, as he looks over his shoulder he sees Grim throw up his thumb and disapears into the forest as I sit in the town plaza, not knowing what to do or anything, as I await for the PM from Grims friend or him to show up again. I pull my hood up and just fall to my side and go into lala land until things change for me.

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As Grim ran through the forest, he was in the tree tops, his advantage area, as he pulls up his message icon, he sends a PM to a pal of his ato meet him on floor 1. He then sends one to Rolland, as he said to go on without him because he was going elsewhere. He clicks send and heads back to the fields, and goes to the port gate and leaves the floor, "Teleport floor 4." He says as he goes in a flash of whit light.

[Grim leaves the topic.]

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