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[PP|F3]<<Treant Rivalries>>A Request

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After some quiet contemplation, Ruler decided that the job she had set out for herself was much too large for a single person to handle. She wanted to this all on her own, but without someone's assistance, it could take months to find him. The best thing she could do was ask her guildmaster, the man in the red robe, Raidou, for help. If anyone knew someone who might know something about her missing friend, it would be him. He certainly seemed like the sort of man to have a lot of good connections and information.

Standing around in the hall of the guild, she waited for Raidou to come by. Sending him a message seemed way too informal for the situation. It would be much better to speak with the man in person. When he passed by, she would speak up and wave him down. "H-Hey, Guildmaster Raidou. You probably don't know me very well, at least yet, but I have to ask you a few things if you have a moment."



Name: Ruler
Level: 17
HP: 340/340
EN: 34/34

Damage: 8
Mitigation: 18
Evasion: 1
Accuracy: 3

Equipped Gear:
Weapon: Royal Claymore[THSS/Rare/T1] DMG II
Armor: Maiden's Garb[Light Armor/Perfect/T1] MIT II; EVA I
Misc: Maiden's Forgiveness[Trinket/Perfect/T1] ACC III

Two-Handed Straight Sword [Rank 3]
Fightning Spirit [Obtained]

Extra Skills:


Battle Ready Inventory:
Starter Healing Potions(50hp)*3
Ice Cream Mochi - LD III*2
Special OH(50hp)*1
Rare Healing Potions(40hp)*5

Housing Buffs:

Guild Hall Buffs:
Lucrative: Reduce LD needed for Salvage by 5 (10+ for Alchemist crystals, 6+ for everything else). +2 EXP per craft. Rank 9 crafters receive +1 crafting attempt per day. Rank 10 crafters receive +2 crafting attempts per day.
Col Deposit: +5% bonus col from last-hit monster kills and +10% bonus col from treasure chests.

Scents of the Wild:

Wedding Ring:


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A pause met with reluctance. A vague memory as the girl still looked so similar to Ariel it was jarring. The morning's yield was adequate and Operations was already doing its best to deal with the Sundered Spire. Time was a currency that could not be squandered, and the girl seemed different from the first projections although he could not place why. "Follow me in." The nomad corrects his frames and ushers to the second floor, dropping linen sacks in light tan to the shelving of the guild vault. A matter that used to be a secret. "Raidou is more than enough, I am no one's master but a guide. Your voice carries just as much volume as mine, know that it will be heard all the same." A truth, for he could not stand the burden of being addressed as such. "What is it that you would like to know?"

Raidou | HP:1490/1490 | EN:146/146 | DMG:18 | MIT:106 | EVA:4 | ACC:3 | BH:74


Raidou, The Red Wanderer
Level: 73
HP: 1490/1490
EN: 146/146

Damage: 18
Mitigation: 106
Evasion: 4
Accuracy: 3

Equipped Gear:
Weapon: Auric Sol - Corona [T3/Perfect/2HSS]: Damage 3
Armor: Tactician's Gaze - Ogma [T1/Perfect/Trinket]: +3 Accuracy
Misc: Red Wanderer's Robe [T1/Perfect/L.A] +3 Evasion

Gatherer [Obtained]
Two Handed Straight Sword [Rank 5]
Extended Mod Limit R3 [Obtained]
Parry [Obtained]
Howl [Obtained]
Battle Healing [Rank 5]
Fighting Spirit [Obtained]
Light Armor [Rank 5]
Searching [Rank 5]
Charge [Rank 3]

Extra Skills:
Familiar Mastery: Protector

Vengeful Riposte
Focused Howl
Finesse Rank 3
Sprint and Acrobatics
Emergency Recovery

Battle Ready Inventory:
Teleport Crystal*1
Mass Heal Crystal*5
Pillar Fragment [Unique/Nightvision Mod]
Round of Beef (T3/Rare/Snack): Vitality 2*3

Housing Buffs:
Hard Working: +2 EXP per crafting attempt and +1 crafting attempt per day
Filling: Increase the effectiveness of a single food item consumed in a thread by +1 T1 slot.
Relaxed: Increases out of combat HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.
Col Stash: +5% bonus col from monster kills and treasure chests

Guild Hall Buffs:
Lucrative: Reduce LD needed for Salvage by 5 (10+ for Alchemist crystals, 6+ for everything else). +2 EXP per craft. Rank 9 crafters receive +1 crafting attempt per day. Rank 10 crafters receive +2 crafting attempts per day.
Col Deposit: +5% bonus col from last-hit monster kills and +10% bonus col from treasure chests.

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"I disagree, but I will not argue." Ruler says, following the man up the stairs watching him place the sacks of items within the vault. This must be a struggling job for him. The blonde cleared her throat and spoke with a much better tone. "Yes, of course. This is a private matter, so I hope I can trust you with a slight bit of secrecy. You see, I initially joined this guild because I was looking to make new friends. However, that was not entirely true. I came here to get stronger for a purpose. There is a certain person that I am looking for, a boy that goes by the name screen name 'Azure'. When the game first started their NerveGears were forced off their heads. They died right in front of me. I recently took a trip to the Memorial on the first floor and his name was not there. If you or any of your contacts know or have seen anyone with this name, I need that information, please."

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Removing the glasses from his face as he'd listen intently, a small bit of abnormality but the game was full of oddities that were hard to explain. He was no stranger to the monument, once a night he checks its surface and recalls no 'Azure' being on its front. "Personal affairs I understand, I would do you this service but fewer eyes aware to look beget a lesser vision at which to see." he comments in his select form of wisdom, beginning to extract himself from the vault. He'd begin to head down as Ruler spoke, keeping pace as the hall was empty for all but them at least in prospect. Replacing the lenses back he'd continue: "Info brokers do not deal in names of players, as for there is but one buyer in comparison to quest info and the like. Save one type: For your sake, I hope it is not the case, this player you seek should his name be known by info brokers is an ill omen. Only those with life with a price tag hold a name of any worth selling." Hidden came to mind, the very reason he was scrubbing her name through force. 

Vanity Tag: @Hidden

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The model of royalty followed her guildmaster down the hall of their shared space. It seemed that every sentence he spoke was woven with nothing but riddle. Though she could see where he was getting at. If they were to speak with info brokers about Connor's alias, it could only mean that his name held a price to it. If they knew of Azure, they would know him as a player killer.

"I understand. I am willing to see this through to the end. I must know what happened to my best friend. I want to believe that somehow he survived the NerveGear being removed from his head. Or by some weird glitch with the name here it wasn't recorded on the wall." Alicia knew that she was only digging herself further into a hole she wouldn't be able to escape from, but she needed to see it through, no matter if that hole became her grave.

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The girl seemed adamant in her devices, a prospect he could respect. "It will be a tough journey, the most I can offer you is another set of eyes. Should you wish to divulge this information to the others you will increase your odds. But I will leave that choice to you, as it is not my place to make that call." Raidou spoke softly as he moved down the stairs and prepped for the next leg of his journey, upon the table littered with papers. It was strange, although it was a loosely cluttered pile he did notice that the lot of them had been shifted and moved seemingly all out of place. He began to clump them back together and get some routine back to what was labeled by floor. "I believe you, that you will see this through. Gain the strength to make that odyssey, become a finality so that when that moment comes you will be undeniable."

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  • 2 weeks later...

"For now, I was wishing to keep this matter private. If I could ask that of you for now, at least keeping my name out of it, then I would be most grateful. Even if the only thing that I find at the end of this journey is a rotting corpse, I want that closure. I need it." Now that the matter was settled, she needed to get out and do the quest she had her eyes set on. If she wanted to continue her search, she needed to get stronger so she could go to more places and fight off anything that gets in her way. As she was about to turn to leave, she realized she wasn't bringing anyone along. Though he probably already has done the quest it wouldn't hurt to offer him the chance to come along.

"I understand if you are busy currently, but if you would like to get away from your duties for an hour or so, would you like to join me on a quest?"

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"I will leave it to you to decide, it is your choice to make." Raidou withdrew and played with his lenses. It was not his place to make that call for he was a third party in it. Looking through the littered sheets of parchment with earnest eyes, they were making excellent strides. Drawing a few words to one of the pieces, an addition that had yet to be placed. He'd respond: "I am just about complete, I will aid you." Raidou remarked removing and swapping the lenses on his eyes to a pair designed for combat than for hunting. Pressing them up his nose casts a glowing sphere to dart along the wall, candlelight reflected in a quick jump. "Whichever you'd like, you're worth the investment." he spoke in honesty which should be readily apparent. Collecting himself and the supplies for the trip should he need them, unsure where the destination would be every contingency had been prepared.

Raidou activates Vengeful Riposte

Raidou | HP:1490/1490 | EN:140/146 | DMG:18 | MIT:106 | EVA:4 | ACC:3 | BH:74 | VENGEFUL

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Ruler opened her menu and scrolled through the active gear, taking a moment to equip the light armor that one of her guildmates had made special for her. Anyone who looks upon her would easily mistake the gear for being lighter than it actually looked. It was a ruse to keep herself well protected and light on her feet. The glowing claymore soon joined in her hand. The symbol of status known to most as the "Sword in the Stone". It was the sword Arthur had drawn, Caliburn.

"I already had one in mind on the third floor. I was looking through some of the guild's archives in the library. It has quite the amazing collection I must say. The quests that have been logged there will help me in the future for sure. I want to be prepared as possible for anything, so I need to collect information on every quest before hand. It has been invaluable so far." She assumed that Raidou was the one who amassed the collection of knowledge provided. He seemed like that sort of man: Calculated and more of a threat than he looked to be on the surface.

"The quest I was looking at was Treant, or Elvish, Rivalries. I have no strong opinion on which one that we do, so if you do, we can do whichever you prefer."

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Once she seemed to be prepared, Raidou joined her the same. "Interesting model, wonder if that makes me ouroboros in this sense." Raidou quipped unsure of which alter it was formed under. "Perhaps the elves, should be easier to track and to decipher. I have a hard time believing men came before the woods although it matters little. Both are simply manifests of the same coin." The nomad responds before removing a sheet from the table, drawing one hearty line through it and dropping it back. "I am glad the information has proven useful, it was precisely what it was meant to do. Being convinced enough to peer through it yourself offers leagues to your motives." He speaks as he reaches for the door and is met by the light of the morning. "Shall we get started." as he breaches the threshold into floor 22, for a journey a step first taken.

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Ruler follows suit behind her guild leader as he heads out into the wilds of the twenty-second floor. This floor's forest was beautifully unmatched to any other floor she had seen. It was nice to see the guild's base was here.

"The elves are fine by me. I wholeheartedly agree that they are likely treading sacred grounds for the treants." The blonde mentioned, shouldering her weapon and letting it slip back into the sheathe on her back as the two headed into town. "Though I am sure that this quest would be trivial for someone of my level, I simply enjoy the company of others. Makes the experience so much better, plus it helps them level up as well with the small amount of experience that they gain while helping." She explained as they passed through the safe zone barrier. When they got to the teleporter, Ruler would stand up on it and say: "Floor 3." Whisking her away to her destination.

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Raidou would smile for but a moment at the thought, that offer of aid to those she saw as her peers. "Trivial but fruitful all the same, I understand the sentiment." as she hoped to the pad and took the helm. Taking his own step up onto the platform, taking an earnest look at the city of coral still recuperating itself from the night before. The fisherman saw barking orders to one another in regards to avoiding the now massive hole on the lake. "We are coming for you." Raidou mutters before he shouts "Floor 3, Delilah" and with a flash of blue it transitions to the high fields of familiar scents. His shop was once this floor, the smells were what he was used to. The memory tasted sweet on the tongue, as his first glance was to the forest of wavering mist. It appeared to have sustained some sort of damage, in the process of regenerating.

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Delilah was still just as beautiful as she remembered it. A quiet little forest town that seemed so far from the troubles of everything. Including the war between the elves and the treants that was apparently uncontrollable to the point that they needed to clean one of them up. It wasn't the best job in her opinion, but she would still get it done.

Waiting for Raidou to teleport behind her she nodded to the man when he made it to the floor and offered him a smile. "I have no idea how you fight, I am just now realizing. What role do you fulfill and what should I do. You are the veteran in this case so I would like a bit of guidance. I normally prefer to fill a bruiser role, tanking when needed and dealing some damage to help everyone else. I hope to be able to tank well enough for the front lines down the line."

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The town was ripe with activity, drawn apart through the streets were an innumerable amount of people all writhing about with crates carried. "I fight in a fashion similar to what you just described. Damage when needed but mainly tanking. If you share the sentiment then you'd be within the division I lead if you so chose." Raidou offered her an answer to her inquiry as his footfalls made for the board. The quest accepted to a flickering screen, it would not be long now before the girl was just that much stronger, a number for her desire and the strength to see things through. She had a goal and the determination to bring about an end. More than suitable to lead a group and hold the line, he was eager to monitor her growth. With a tinge of flare that leaps down the cobblework, his lenses are righted upon his brow. It was unfortunate the elves would not sense them coming.

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"I have heard of the divisions of your guilds. I always found it somewhat weird that you have subsections within a guild like that, but in retrospect, I see how it works. If that is where you need me, I will glad stand by your side and learn what I need to help this nightmare end. I simply want to help people on my way to fulfilling my own goals." Ruler explains as they continue through the forest. It shouldn't be hard to find the elvish camp with the assistance of the quest marker.

"We must be getting close enough now." Ruler said drawing her sword from her back with her left hand and readying it for a fight. The elves jumped from the bushes pretty much on queue.

"Turn back now. You don't want to mess with our commander. He's the strongest of our tribe." One of them said, taking a slight slash towards Ruler, followed up by the rest of her attacks. She wasn't able to move out of the way of the blows, but it didn't matter if they couldn't breach their armor.

"Then if we destroy him, no one will be able to stand to the Treant's? Good to know. Thanks."



Ruler | HP: 337/340 -(3) | EN: 32/34 -(2) | DMG: 8 | MIT: 18 | EVA: 1 | ACC: 3
Raidou | HP:1490/1490 | EN:146/146 | DMG:18 | MIT:106 | EVA:4 | ACC:3 | BH:74

Elvish Soldier 1 | 65/65 | 15 DMG | 30 MIT
Elvish Soldier 2 | 65/65 | 15 DMG | 30 MIT
Elvish Soldier 3 | 65/65 | 15 DMG | 30 MIT
Elvish Soldier 4 | 65/65 | 15 DMG | 30 MIT


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Walking shoulder to shoulder with Ruler "It has its uses, helps keep things organized. But don't let it discourage you, its a formality to know what each member is capable of. Even the Captains are nothing more than aged eyes to offer guidance." Spoken as they breached the elven village to the outcry of alarms, seemingly unfazed were the two players. A rushing advance of four entity that made a choice, and struck out against Ruler. He'd look to her bar, notice her stability, and smile in just a slight grin. "I good deduction, now I know what we are looking for. You betray your leader by being so forthright and have outstayed your worth." Raidou chuckled and that grin widens. Ripping his weapon out as he pivots, one earth shattering impact overtakes the sounds of horns leaving a scar upon the earth as bolts of energy jump from his blade. Spinning it upward, FTK was still dormant within it.

Tempest x8, (8-3+8=13 EN)

ID# 172513 results: Battle: 5+3=8, Hit vs. Elvish Soldier 1 dealing 144-30=114 DMG, Killing it
ID# 172514 results: Battle: 7+3=10, Hit vs. Elvish Soldier 2 dealing 144-30=114 DMG, Killing it
ID# 172515 results: Battle: 5+3=8, Hit vs. Elvish Soldier 3 dealing 144-30=114 DMG, Killing it
ID# 172516 results: Battle: 5+3=8, Hit vs. Elvish Soldier 4 dealing 144-30=114 DMG, Killing it

Ruler | HP: 337/340 | EN: 32/34 | DMG: 8 | MIT: 18 | EVA: 1 | ACC: 3
Raidou | HP:1490/1490 | EN:133/146 | DMG:18 | MIT:106 | EVA:4 | ACC:3 | BH:74

Elvish Soldier 1 | 65/65 | 15 DMG | 30 MIT
Elvish Soldier 2 | 65/65 | 15 DMG | 30 MIT
Elvish Soldier 3 | 65/65 | 15 DMG | 30 MIT
Elvish Soldier 4 | 65/65 | 15 DMG | 30 MIT

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Ruler gripped the blade in her left hand tightly, ready to follow up with an attack of her own in case anything survived: Nothing did. Raidou's weapon seemed to have been touched by Zeus or something. She wondered if the blade given to her by Freyd would be powerful like that. With that in her mind, she'd have to actually get her familiar so that she can use it in the first place.

"Well done. Let's continue then." Ruler says, walked towards the gate of the encampment and slashing her blade with her single hand. The gate doors collapsed into two pieces each. On the other side were some of the remaining elves in the camp that weren't scattering to form against them.

Ruler dashed forward, slammed her elbow into the commander before he could say a word and knocked him to the ground. The minions lashed out to her, dealing basically no damage. "Easily done."



Ruler | HP: 336/340 | EN: 22/34 | DMG: 8 | MIT: 18 | EVA: 1 | ACC: 3
Raidou | HP:1490/1490 | EN:133/146 | DMG:18 | MIT:106 | EVA:4 | ACC:3 | BH:74

Elvish Soldier 5 | 65/65 | 15 DMG | 30 MIT
Elvish Soldier 6 | 65/65 | 15 DMG | 30 MIT
Elvish Commander | 99/100 -(8*6)-55 = 1 | 20 DMG | 55 MIT | [STUN]


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Intrigued by this new insight with an untamed force riddling through his blade, tapped but not focused. "Cute sense of resistance, a wast of time and effort. Best lay down and accept what is to come." Raidou muttered softly as the yellowish hue claimed his blade. As a torrential wind, he tore through the field and reduced all to fragmented red. Grinding to a halt, his feet sliding beneath him as three carcass fall and shatter with limbs and shields cleaved in two. "Still have more to learn." Raidou remarked as the power had faded as quickly as it had appeared. One journey left still to take at least, as he turns to Ruler "Now for the head, whoever wears the crown must fall to prove a point." the nomad remarked with a fiddle of his lenses. Pivoting on his heel, a flutter of his red cloak as he ascends long drawn stone steps.

Calamity Disaster (9-3+8=17 EN)

ID# 172520 results: Battle: 8+3=11, Hit vs. Elvish Soldier 5 dealing 216-30=186 DMG, Killing it
ID# 172521 results: Battle: 6+3=9, Hit vs. Elvish Soldier 6 dealing 216-30=186 DMG, Killing it
ID# 172522 results: Battle: 7+3=10, Hit vs. Elvish Commander dealing 216-55=161 DMG, Killing it

Ruler | HP: 337/340 | EN: 27/34 | DMG: 8 | MIT: 18 | EVA: 1 | ACC: 3
Raidou | HP:1490/1490 | EN:117/146 | DMG:18 | MIT:106 | EVA:4 | ACC:3 | BH:74

Elvish Soldier 5 | 65/65 | 15 DMG | 30 MIT
Elvish Soldier 6 | 65/65 | 15 DMG | 30 MIT
Elvish Commander | 99/100 | 20 DMG | 55 MIT | [STUN]

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Alicia grinned at Raidou as he made the comment about finishing the elvish king here to stop any resistance in it's tracks. With the commander dead, that would relieve the Treants of attacks, but if they eliminated the king, then this war would just end right here and now.

"The weight of a crown is heavy, but this king has taken his rule too far. Elvish soil or treant soil tastes all the same to dead men." The blonde led the charge towards the king, slashing through any resistance on their way there. Finally they approached the king, who intended to meet them as well as they intended to meet him. Ruler had no words while the king simply spouted some drivel about why their crusade is justified. She didn't care.

When his speech was done, he charged the blonde. She simply turned his blade and knocked it from his hands with little effort sending the blade to the soil. A spinning slash sent the king to the floor. "I could not have finished the quest on my own obviously. Thank you for joining me. I would be honored to join your faction of the Firm Anima guild, if you will have me."



Ruler | HP: 336/340 | EN: 19/34 | DMG: 8 | MIT: 18 | EVA: 1 | ACC: 3
Raidou | HP:1490/1490 | EN:117/146 | DMG:18 | MIT:106 | EVA:4 | ACC:3 | BH:74

Elvish King | 149/150 -(1) | 25 DMG | 75 MIT | [STUN]


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"I could not have placed it better myself, a land divided and a tombstone lays no differently." Raidou commented in agreement, looking into the chamber as Ruler bought his attention. He began a monologue to which neither player seemed interested in the insistent chattering. "I disagree, you hold yourself well. A level is just a number..." Raidou spoke as he overhand heaved the blade through the blabbering fool, causing him to take to a silence. "If I was not here, I get the sense that you would have found a solution all your own. If you'll pardon me for a second." Raidou seems to fold reality as he appears clutching his weapons handle still implanted in the hierarchy's chest and with a tear upward before a horizontal swipe. A golden ring rolls across the floor before rattling to a halt. "I cannot begin to fathom what you will become, but I see the options. All thats left is which road you choose to walk. Welcome aboard."

ID# 172525 results: Battle: 8+4=12, Hit! dealing 234-75=159 DMG, Killing it!

Ruler | HP: 336/340 | EN: 19/34 | DMG: 8 | MIT: 18 | EVA: 1 | ACC: 3
Raidou | HP:1490/1490 | EN:108/146 | DMG:18 | MIT:106 | EVA:4 | ACC:3 | BH:74

Elvish King | 149/150 | 25 DMG | 75 MIT | [STUN]

Quest Complete:
4*SP (1 Thread Closure, 1 Event Bonus, 2 Quest Reward)
200*Col (Thread Closure)
Woodland Armor [3/3] 
4*SP (1 Thread Closure, 1 Event Bonus, 2 Quest Reward)
200*Col (Thread Closure)

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