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[F??|R10 Cook|PK] shop | open.

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AMBITION | Cast Iron Skillet | [>>] | +1XP/craft
HARD WORKING | Extended Workshop: Cook | +2XP/craft, +1 Attempt
LUCRATIVE | ATP Guild Bonus | +2XP/craft, +5LD on salvage, [R9] +1 Attempt, [R10] +2 Attempt
> Total Crafting Attempts: 14

Tier 3 Dessert
ID: 178263 | CD: 12 | LD: 20 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 4
ID: 178264 | CD: 9 | LD: 18 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 3
ID: 178265 | CD: 6 | LD: 7 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 178266 | CD: 9 | LD: 20 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 4
ID: 178267 | CD: 5 | LD: 1 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 178268 | CD: 6 | LD: 2 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 178269 | CD: 4 | LD: 3 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 178271 | CD: 2 | LD: 6 (1+5) | Salvage (Fail)
ID: 178272 | CD: 1 | LD: 3 | Fail
ID: 178273 | CD: 1 | LD: 9 | Fail
ID: 178274 | CD: 12 | LD: 3 | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 178275 | CD: 6 | LD: 19 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 4
ID: 178276 | CD: 11 | LD: 17 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 3

+118XP (53, +13+26+26), -13 Tier 3 Materials, Uncommon Dessert (8), Rare Dessert (7), Perfect Dessert (8)

!! Disclaimer: Discarding Roll ID #178277. Reason: Exceeded daily crafting attempts.

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AMBITION | Cast Iron Skillet | [>>] | +1XP/craft
HARD WORKING | Extended Workshop: Cook | +2XP/craft, +1 Attempt
LUCRATIVE | ATP Guild Bonus | +2XP/craft, +5LD on salvage, [R9] +1 Attempt, [R10] +2 Attempt
> Total Crafting Attempts: 14

Tier 3 Dessert
ID: 178374 | CD: 7 | LD: 13 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 178375 | CD: 4 | LD: 19 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 4
ID: 178376 | CD: 3 | LD: 13 (8+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 178377 | CD: 8 | LD: 2 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 178378 | CD: 8 | LD: 7 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 178379 | CD: 12 | LD: 19 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 4
ID: 178380 | CD: 6 | LD: 2 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 178381 | CD: 7 | LD: 20 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 4
ID: 178382 | CD: 2 | LD: 12 (7+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 178383 | CD: 5 | LD: 10 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 2
ID: 178384 | CD: 3 | LD: 7 (2+5) | Salvage (Fail)
ID: 178385 | CD: 3 | LD: 24 (19+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 178386 | CD: 4 | LD: 6 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 178387 | CD: 7 | LD: 3 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 178388 | CD: 6 | LD: 14 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 2

+131XP (56, +15+30+30), -12 Tier 3 Materials, Uncommon Dessert (10), Rare Dessert (9), Perfect Dessert (4)

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AMBITION | Cast Iron Skillet | [>>] | +1XP/craft
HARD WORKING | Extended Workshop: Cook | +2XP/craft, +1 Attempt
LUCRATIVE | ATP Guild Bonus | +2XP/craft, +5LD on salvage, [R9] +1 Attempt, [R10] +2 Attempt
> Total Crafting Attempts: 14

Tier 3 Dessert
ID: 178445 | CD: 7 | LD: 7 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 178446 | CD: 3 | LD: 14 (9+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 178447 | CD: 5 | LD: 16 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 3
ID: 178448 | CD: 4 | LD: 6 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 178449 | CD: 7 | LD: 15 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 178450 | CD: 8 | LD: 9 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 178451 | CD: 4 | LD: 11 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 2
ID: 178452 | CD: 7 | LD: 16 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 3
ID: 178453 | CD: 10 | LD: 1 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 178454 | CD: 8 | LD: 2 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 178455 | CD: 7 | LD: 19 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 4
ID: 178456 | CD: 4 | LD: 14 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 2
ID: 178457 | CD: 4 | LD: 1 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 178458 | CD: 3 | LD: 7 (2+5) | Salvage (Fail)

+124XP (54, +14+28+28), -13 Tier 3 Materials, Uncommon Dessert (9), Rare Dessert (13)

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"No way," Lessa muttered through a broad, face-splitting grin. "I can't believe I actually found it." 

Rumors of a moving shop had surfaced on numerous occasions, but Lessa had never had any luck tracking the location down. It appeared her luck was changing, as she shoved back the thick, prickly branches of a bush, and stepped forward. The pop-up kitchen looked about how she had expected - a cookfire, surrounded by a scattering of different cooking devices and utensils. It was so quaint! While she was here, she might as well make a purchase.

"Uh, hey," Lessa called out. "I'm sorry to disturb you, but I was curious if I could pick up a few supplies?"


Crème Brûlée x 2 ([176310-1] | [176310-2]) - 600 col
Smores x2 ([175590-1] | [175595-1]) - 600 col

Total: 1,200 col


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The popping and cracking of a fire drew her here, only a select few making her aware of its existence through travels and hearsay alone. A boy spun a wheel that held a carcass of some long-dead beast over the heat, drawing a darker brown shade upon it and with it a smell. "I'll be taking some of that." She spoke bluntly, pulling the coin out as she looked to his defined price points. Into a linen bag was the rattle of the col, and an underhand toss would find it to the chef. She had what she desired: A key to quick and accessible power.

Berry Crumb Bars
Tart crumbled and held knitted together by jam and cut pieces of berries. Chewy, crumbly, complex. Mild.

Col Sent: 500

Edited by Celeste
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  • 2 months later...

A visit back to the place she had found before, being the only body here to claim what the guy had in store. The male didn't seem to be bothered by the lack of customers in the slightest. A notion the Celeste could really get behind, doing what he wanted despite whatever the response of the world to it may have been. Collecting a large birth of what she'd reaped by accident alone, she ushers them to Daemien and makes a large exchange. To support his efforts, she'd be back after not too long. And perhaps next time, she may just clean him out completely.

Leaving Request: T1/Perfect/Meal - Mitigation 3

Crème Brûlée | ACCURACY II | 5*T1 materials
[173486] | [173491] | [172786-1] | [172786-2] | [173474-1]

Smores | EVASION II | 5*T1 materials
[173966] | [173974] | [173976] | [173978] | [173979]

Berry Crumb Bars | LOOT DIE III | 500col | 4*T1 materials
[173669] | [173973]

Mousse | PROSPERITY III | 6*T1 materials
[175578] | [175581] | [175586]

Breakfast Fry | PROTEIN II | 10*T1 materials
[174592] | [174596] | [174597] | [174580-1] | [174587-1]

Grand Total:
30*T1 Materials Sent

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  • 3 weeks later...

A cart, a cook, and a place no one expects it would be... in a grassland. Plini wasn't sure if it was a joke or he's simply losing it with his stay in Aincrad growing longer. "I might as well try what this guy have" he thought. Plini walked towards the cook, his hand touching the foxtails around him. It was easy to approach but somehow he finds it hard what to say.

"Um, how do you keep the fire going while cooking?" he asked "nevermind, it was a silly question." Plini looked at what the cook has to offer and soon enough he found what he needed "ok I'll be buying..."

Crème Brûlée    ACC II   x 1 [300 col] | [176141-1] 
Smores          EVA II   x 1 [300 col] | [175587-2]
Berry Crumb     LD II    x 1 [300 col] | [178067-1]

Total                         900 col

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Stepping out from Plini's shadow, a second figure emerged and silently started scouring the available goods.  This one had definitely been here before and found the store without struggle.  The visit was an errand, nothing more, and meant to refill cupboards grown bare since his last appearance.  Hands and body veiled in black, the ghost-like figure said nothing as it surveyed the available goods, and was otherwise left alone while it prepared its purchases.  The list was long.  His sword was hungry, and sated only by risk undertaken in Aincrad's darker and least hospitable corners.  Preparation was inevitably required, and this vendor's goods had previously proven sufficient.  They would again.

Freyd purchases:


Crème Brûlée | ACCURACY II | 20*1 material = 20 T1 mats
Lightly heated custard coated with crystalized sugar coating its surface. Mild.

[173474-2] | [173477-1] | [173484-1] |[175018] | [175021] | [175025] | [175029] | [175030] | [175031] | [175021-1] | [175030-1] | [176120] | [176125] | [176133] | [176134] | [176136] | [176138] | [176139] | [176141] |

Smores | EVASION II | 20*1 material = 20 T1 mats
A light, toasty treat made out of crackers and marshmallows. Chewy, crumbly, complex. Mild.

[173981] | [172801-1] | [172801-2] | [173966-1] | [173966-2] | [173976-1] | [173976-2] | [173979-1] | [173979-2] | [173981-1] | [173981-2] | [175193] | [175202] | [175203] | [175208] | [175193-1] | [175202-1] | [175208-1] | [175208-2] | [175577]

Berry Crumb Bars | LOOT DIE III | 30*500col  = 15,000 col
Tart crumbled and held knitted together by jam and cut pieces of berries. Chewy, crumbly, complex. Mild.

[172788-1] | [172798-1] | [175198] | [175204] | [175336] | [175337] | [175344] | [175346] | [175352] | [175204-1] | [175344-1] | [175344-2] | [175352-1] | [175352-2] | [175889] | [175893] | [175898] | [175900] | [175909] | [175910] | [175911] | [175912] | [175893-1] | [175898-1] | [175900-1] | [175893-2] | [175912-1] | [175912-2] | [177880] | [177889]

Mousse | PROSPERITY III | 12*500col = 6,000 col
A glass cup filled to the brim with soft, creamy paste. Comes in various flavours and topped with tiny treats. Mild.

[175588] | [175598] | [176126] | [176128] | [176129] | [176309] | [176316] | [176319] | [176320] | [176322] | [176325] | [175578-1]

Breakfast Fry | PROTEIN II | 20*500col = 10,000 col
A crunchy, luxurious treat that comes in a variety of flavours. Mild.

[174587-2] | [174589-1] | [174596-1] | [174597-1] | [174597-1] | [177703] | [177704] | [177707] | [177708] | [177714] | [177718] | [177723] | [177727] | [177728] | [177703-1] | [177704-1] | [177714-1] | [177723-1] | [178113] | [178115]

 Mini Cheesecake | TIER 3 MITIGATION III | 20*3 materials = 60 T3 mats
A tiny round of cheese cake topped with various fruits for flavour. But it's still mild.

[177647] | [177648] | [177649] | [177653] | [177655] | [177658] | [177667] | [177668] | [177670] | [177673] | [177653-1] | [177655-1] | [177658-1] | [177667-1] | [177668-1] | [177670-1] | [177673-1] | [178263] | [178263-1] | [178263-2]

Total Costs:

40*T1 Mats
60*T3 Mats
31,000 col


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She had been exploring the third floor today, and she stumbled across this interesting kitchen that she hadn't seen before. She was curious as to why it was in the fields, but that seemed to get the owner some business, so if it worked for them, then so be it. She looked over the meals that he had on display, and a single one caught her eye instantly, the Berry Crumb Bars. She picked one of them up after laying down the col to buy it. "I'm going to go ahead and take this. Thank you, and I hope things continue to go well for your kitchen here." Sure, that sounded like her, mainly because she wasn't around someone she knew. Either way, she took the snack with her, and was off to explore some more.


Berry Crumb Bars | LOOT DIE III | 500col | 2 materials | In stock: 17
Tart crumbled and held knitted together by jam and cut pieces of berries. Chewy, crumbly, complex. Mild.

500 col sent to Daemien


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Laying out a pile of mats and coin, ushering them one after another to Damien still tending his campfire. A savory smell lingered from the pot, giving him every low tier object she had been able to find to reimburse his ability to work. The rest she'd just have to make up with coin. After a short exchange with him, little words spoken but a few points and gestures she had quite the pile of buffs in her inventory. This would give her quite a few days worth of pow wows in spider hell, and she couldn't be more pleased.

Breakfast Fry | PROTEIN II | [178113-1] | [178115-1] (4*T1 Materials)
Crème Brûlée | ACCURACY II | [176305] | [176307] (2*T1 Materials)
Berry Crumb Bars | LOOT DIE III | [177995] | [178000] | [178001] (2*T1 Materials/1000*Col)
Smores | EVASION II | [175580] (1*T1 Materials)
Mousse | PROSPERITY III | [175598-1] | [175598-2] | [176126-1] (1500*Col)

9*T1 Materials

Edited by Celeste
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AMBITION | Cast Iron Skillet | [>>] | +1XP/craft
HARD WORKING | Extended Workshop: Cook | +2XP/craft, +1 Attempt
LUCRATIVE | ATP Guild Bonus | +2XP/craft, +5LD on salvage, [R10] +2 Attempt
> Total Crafting Attempts: 14

Tier 4 Dessert

ID: 188417 | CD: 8 | LD: 4 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 188418 | CD: 3 | LD: 11 (6+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 188419 | CD: 10 | LD: 12 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 188420 | CD: 10 | LD: 12 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 188421 | CD: 11 | LD: 12 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 2
ID: 188422 | CD: 3 | LD: 11 (6+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 188423 | CD: 8 | LD: 20 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 4
ID: 188424 | CD: 6 | LD: 15 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 2
ID: 188425 | CD: 12 | LD: 11 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 2
ID: 188426 | CD: 10 | LD: 1 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 188427 | CD: 8 | LD: 15 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 188428 | CD: 4 | LD: 3 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 188429 | CD: 9 | LD: 1 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 188430 | CD: 4 | LD: 12 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 2

Result: +134XP (64, +14+28+28), -12 Materials, Uncommon Dessert (5), Rare Dessert (13), Perfect Dessert (4)

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AMBITION | Cast Iron Skillet | [>>] | +1XP/craft
HARD WORKING | Extended Workshop: Cook | +2XP/craft, +1 Attempt
LUCRATIVE | ATP Guild Bonus | +2XP/craft, +5LD on salvage, [R10] +2 Attempt
> Total Crafting Attempts: 14

Tier 4 Dessert

ID: 188468 | CD: 5 | LD: 10 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 2
ID: 188467 | CD: 5 | LD: 1 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 188466 | CD: 7 | LD: 19 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 4
ID: 188465 | CD: 6 | LD: 4 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 188464 | CD: 6 | LD: 16 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 3
ID: 188463 | CD: 7 | LD: 7 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 188462 | CD: 12 | LD: 12 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 2
ID: 188461 | CD: 10 | LD: 13 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 188460 | CD: 1 | LD: 9 | Fail
ID: 188459 | CD: 10 | LD: 11 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 188458 | CD: 1 | LD: 7 | Fail
ID: 188457 | CD: 3 | LD: 20 (15+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 188456 | CD: 1 | LD: 3 | Fail
ID: 188455 | CD: 1 | LD: 20 | Fail

Result: +116XP (46, +14+28+28), -13 Materials, Uncommon Dessert (7), Rare Dessert (9), Perfect Dessert (2)

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AMBITION | Cast Iron Skillet | [>>] | +1XP/craft
HARD WORKING | Extended Workshop: Cook | +2XP/craft, +1 Attempt
LUCRATIVE | ATP Guild Bonus | +2XP/craft, +5LD on salvage, [R10] +2 Attempt
> Total Crafting Attempts: 14

Tier 4 Dessert

ID: 188704 | CD: 12 | LD: 4 | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 188703 | CD: 7 | LD: 4 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 188702 | CD: 10 | LD: 6 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 188701 | CD: 1 | LD: 8 | Fail
ID: 188700 | CD: 10 | LD: 9 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 188699 | CD: 9 | LD: 4 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 188698 | CD: 6 | LD: 12 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 2
ID: 188697 | CD: 10 | LD: 15 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 188696 | CD: 5 | LD: 17 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 3
ID: 188695 | CD: 6 | LD: 6 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 188694 | CD: 5 | LD: 9 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 188693 | CD: 12 | LD: 13 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 2
ID: 188692 | CD: 8 | LD: 12 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 188691 | CD: 8 | LD: 4 | Success! (Rare)

Result: +134XP (64, +14+28+28), -14 Materials, Uncommon Dessert (7), Rare Dessert (9), Perfect Dessert (3)

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AMBITION | Cast Iron Skillet | [>>] | +1XP/craft
HARD WORKING | Extended Workshop: Cook | +2XP/craft, +1 Attempt
LUCRATIVE | ATP Guild Bonus | +2XP/craft, +5LD on salvage, [R10] +2 Attempt
> Crafter's Respite | Dragon's Breath | Extracting (52) from here: [link]
> Total Crafting Attempts: 14 x 2 = 28

CRAFTER'S RESPITE | Dragon's Breath | Resets daily crafting attempts. | 52 - 1 = 51

Tier 4 Meals

ID: 188923 | CD: 5 | LD: 14 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 2
ID: 188922 | CD: 1 | LD: 18 | Fail
ID: 188921 | CD: 5 | LD: 20 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 4
ID: 188920 | CD: 4 | LD: 19 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 4
ID: 188919 | CD: 3 | LD: 21 (16+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 188918 | CD: 9 | LD: 14 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 188917 | CD: 8 | LD: 5 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 188916 | CD: 9 | LD: 10 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 188915 | CD: 9 | LD: 11 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 188914 | CD: 10 | LD: 2 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 188913 | CD: 10 | LD: 10 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 188912 | CD: 11 | LD: 12 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 2
ID: 188911 | CD: 6 | LD: 12 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 2
ID: 188910 | CD: 6 | LD: 11 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 2

ID: 188909 | CD: 4 | LD: 4 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 188908 | CD: 8 | LD: 4 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 188907 | CD: 5 | LD: 13 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 2
ID: 188906 | CD: 10 | LD: 6 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 188905 | CD: 10 | LD: 6 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 188904 | CD: 7 | LD: 7 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 188903 | CD: 3 | LD: 23 (18+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 188902 | CD: 2 | LD: 10 (5+5) | Salvage (Fail)
ID: 188901 | CD: 7 | LD: 4 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 188900 | CD: 10 | LD: 20 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 4
ID: 188899 | CD: 10 | LD: 2 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 188898 | CD: 9 | LD: 11 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 188897 | CD: 4 | LD: 10 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 2
ID: 188896 | CD: 2 | LD: 18 (13+5) | Salvage (Success)

Result: +251XP (111, +28+56+56), -25 Materials, Uncommon Meal (19), Rare Meal (22), Perfect Meal (2)

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AMBITION | Cast Iron Skillet | [>>] | +1XP/craft
HARD WORKING | Extended Workshop: Cook | +2XP/craft, +1 Attempt
LUCRATIVE | ATP Guild Bonus | +2XP/craft, +5LD on salvage, [R10] +2 Attempt
> Crafter's Respite | Dragon's Breath | Extracting (52) from here: [link]
> Total Crafting Attempts: 14 x 2 = 28

CRAFTER'S RESPITE | Dragon's Breath | Resets daily crafting attempts. | 51 - 1 = 50

Tier 1 Desserts

ID: 189118 | CD: 10 | LD: 4 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 189117 | CD: 8 | LD: 10 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 189116 | CD: 11 | LD: 3 | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 189115 | CD: 1 | LD: 6 | Fail
ID: 189114 | CD: 7 | LD: 13 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 189113 | CD: 5 | LD: 6 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 189112 | CD: 10 | LD: 12 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 189111 | CD: 6 | LD: 12 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 2
ID: 189110 | CD: 1 | LD: 7 | Fail
ID: 189109 | CD: 8 | LD: 10 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 189108 | CD: 7 | LD: 11 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 189107 | CD: 11 | LD: 9 | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 189106 | CD: 8 | LD: 6 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 189105 | CD: 7 | LD: 16 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 3

ID: 189104 | CD: 7 | LD: 4 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 189103 | CD: 12 | LD: 3 | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 189102 | CD: 10 | LD: 11 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 189101 | CD: 8 | LD: 1 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 189100 | CD: 9 | LD: 4 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 189099 | CD: 1 | LD: 12 | Fail
ID: 189098 | CD: 11 | LD: 18 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 3
ID: 189097 | CD: 6 | LD: 8 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 189096 | CD: 7 | LD: 8 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 189095 | CD: 4 | LD: 10 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 2
ID: 189094 | CD: 12 | LD: 15 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 2
ID: 189093 | CD: 11 | LD: 9 | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 189092 | CD: 10 | LD: 4 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 189091 | CD: 8 | LD: 4 | Success! (Rare)

Result: +278XP (138, +28+56+56), -28 Materials, Uncommon Dessert (6), Rare Dessert (23), Perfect Dessert (9)

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"I'd heard it moved around," Lessa whispered to no one in particular, "but I guess I didn't realize it actually did." Awestruck, Lessa studied the tidy campsite. Though it looked just the same as the last time she had visited, it was constructed in an entirely different location. A smile bloomed across her lips, and with an appreciative sigh, she said, "That's so cool."

As quietly as possible, the swordswoman approached the center of the site. "Hi there," she called out in greeting, though she suspected she would receive no answer. "I'm here for a few more items. I hope that's alright. Thank you so much for your help!"

Lessa purchases the following:


Berry Crumb Bars | LOOT DIE III

  • [15/11/20] | ( 4) | [178000-1] [177880-1] [177880-2] [177889-1]

2,000 col sent to Daemien.


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AMBITION | Cast Iron Skillet | [>>] | +1XP/craft
HARD WORKING | Extended Workshop: Cook | +2XP/craft, +1 Attempt
LUCRATIVE | ATP Guild Bonus | +2XP/craft, +5LD on salvage, [R10] +2 Attempt
> Crafter's Respite | Dragon's Breath | Extracting (52) from here: [link]
> Total Crafting Attempts: 14 x 2 = 28

CRAFTER'S RESPITE | Dragon's Breath | Resets daily crafting attempts. | 50 - 1 = 49

Tier 1 Desserts

ID: 189267 | CD: 2 | LD: 15 (10+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 189266 | CD: 2 | LD: 10 (5+5) | Salvage (Fail)
ID: 189265 | CD: 5 | LD: 12 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 2
ID: 189264 | CD: 7 | LD: 17 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 3
ID: 189263 | CD: 8 | LD: 7 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 189262 | CD: 5 | LD: 5 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 189261 | CD: 5 | LD: 4 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 189260 | CD: 3 | LD: 24 (19+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 189259 | CD: 12 | LD: 18 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 3
ID: 189258 | CD: 8 | LD: 11 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 189257 | CD: 12 | LD: 12 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 2
ID: 189256 | CD: 2 | LD: 10 (5+5) | Salvage (Fail)
ID: 189255 | CD: 4 | LD: 9 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 189254 | CD: 8 | LD: 5 | Success! (Rare)

ID: 189253 | CD: 9 | LD: 10 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 189252 | CD: 5 | LD: 7 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 189251 | CD: 1 | LD: 9 | Fail
ID: 189250 | CD: 2 | LD: 7 (2+5) | Salvage (Fail)
ID: 189249 | CD: 12 | LD: 9 | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 189248 | CD: 3 | LD: 24 (19+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 189247 | CD: 12 | LD: 14 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 2
ID: 189246 | CD: 1 | LD: 15 | Fail
ID: 189245 | CD: 2 | LD: 20 (15+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 189244 | CD: 2 | LD: 6 (1+5) | Salvage (Fail)
ID: 189243 | CD: 2 | LD: 9 (4+5) | Salvage (Fail)
ID: 189242 | CD: 10 | LD: 9 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 189241 | CD: 2 | LD: 25 (20+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 189240 | CD: 6 | LD: 19 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 4

Result: +242XP (102, +28+56+56), -23 Materials, Uncommon Dessert (10), Rare Dessert (10), Perfect Dessert (8)

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AMBITION | Cast Iron Skillet | [>>] | +1XP/craft
HARD WORKING | Extended Workshop: Cook | +2XP/craft, +1 Attempt
LUCRATIVE | ATP Guild Bonus | +2XP/craft, +5LD on salvage, [R10] +2 Attempt
> Crafter's Respite | Dragon's Breath | Extracting (52) from here: [link]
> Total Crafting Attempts: 14 x 2 = 28

CRAFTER'S RESPITE | Dragon's Breath | Resets daily crafting attempts. | 49 - 1 = 48

Tier 1 Dessert

ID: 189635 | CD: 7 | LD: 9 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 189634 | CD: 2 | LD: 19 (14+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 189633 | CD: 10 | LD: 5 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 189632 | CD: 11 | LD: 17 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 3
ID: 189631 | CD: 9 | LD: 15 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 189630 | CD: 1 | LD: 9 | Fail
ID: 189629 | CD: 8 | LD: 10 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 189628 | CD: 5 | LD: 10 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 2
ID: 189627 | CD: 12 | LD: 18 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 3
ID: 189626 | CD: 10 | LD: 18 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 3
ID: 189625 | CD: 11 | LD: 20 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 4
ID: 189624 | CD: 12 | LD: 3 | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 189623 | CD: 2 | LD: 12 (7+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 189622 | CD: 12 | LD: 11 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 2

ID: 189621 | CD: 12 | LD: 3 | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 189620 | CD: 5 | LD: 11 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 2
ID: 189619 | CD: 12 | LD: 3 | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 189618 | CD: 3 | LD: 23 (18+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 189617 | CD: 8 | LD: 15 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 189616 | CD: 10 | LD: 13 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 189615 | CD: 4 | LD: 12 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 2
ID: 189614 | CD: 11 | LD: 18 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 3
ID: 189613 | CD: 10 | LD: 9 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 189612 | CD: 3 | LD: 10 (5+5) | Salvage (Fail)
ID: 189611 | CD: 9 | LD: 3 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 189610 | CD: 10 | LD: 9 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 189609 | CD: 2 | LD: 6 (1+5) | Salvage (Fail)
ID: 189608 | CD: 5 | LD: 4 | Success! (Uncommon)

Result: +193XP (137, +56), -25 Materials, Uncommon Dessert (7), Rare Dessert (16), Perfect Dessert (18)

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AMBITION | Cast Iron Skillet | [>>] | +1XP/craft
HARD WORKING | Extended Workshop: Cook | +2XP/craft, +1 Attempt
LUCRATIVE | ATP Guild Bonus | +2XP/craft, +5LD on salvage, [R10] +2 Attempt
> Crafter's Respite | Dragon's Breath | Extracting (52) from here: [link]
> Total Crafting Attempts: 14 x 2 = 28

CRAFTER'S RESPITE | Dragon's Breath | Resets daily crafting attempts. | 48 - 1 = 47

Tier 1 Dessert

ID: 189755 | CD: 1 | LD: 13 | Fail
ID: 189754 | CD: 5 | LD: 5 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 189753 | CD: 2 | LD: 13 (8+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 189752 | CD: 5 | LD: 11 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 2
ID: 189751 | CD: 6 | LD: 15 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 2
ID: 189750 | CD: 6 | LD: 4 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 189749 | CD: 1 | LD: 20 | Fail
ID: 189748 | CD: 11 | LD: 7 | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 189747 | CD: 11 | LD: 17 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 3
ID: 189746 | CD: 2 | LD: 25 (20+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 189745 | CD: 8 | LD: 13 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 189744 | CD: 3 | LD: 20 (15+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 189743 | CD: 1 | LD: 6 | Fail
ID: 189742 | CD: 8 | LD: 10 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2

ID: 189741 | CD: 11 | LD: 14 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 2
ID: 189740 | CD: 1 | LD: 1 | Fail
ID: 189739 | CD: 8 | LD: 19 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 4
ID: 189738 | CD: 10 | LD: 10 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 2
ID: 189737 | CD: 4 | LD: 19 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 4
ID: 189736 | CD: 12 | LD: 19 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 4
ID: 189735 | CD: 11 | LD: 12 | Success! (Perfect) | Yield: 2
ID: 189734 | CD: 5 | LD: 20 | Success! (Uncommon) | Yield: 4
ID: 189733 | CD: 7 | LD: 18 | Success! (Rare) | Yield: 3
ID: 189732 | CD: 5 | LD: 3 | Success! (Uncommon)
ID: 189731 | CD: 7 | LD: 3 | Success! (Rare)
ID: 189730 | CD: 3 | LD: 23 (18+5) | Salvage (Success)
ID: 189729 | CD: 11 | LD: 8 | Success! (Perfect)
ID: 189728 | CD: 2 | LD: 14 (9+5) | Salvage (Success)

Result: +253XP (113, +28+56+56), -23 Materials, Uncommon Dessert (15), Rare Dessert (14), Perfect Dessert (13)

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It was... a campfire.

Just a campfire. Not a giant to-do like Bahr had become so accustomed to with next door neighbor's shop. But as he and Oscar weren't seeing eye to eye at the moment, Bahr saw it fit to search for his meals elsewhere. It just so happened that he found just such a place, albeit on accident, off the beaten path and hidden away in a busty thicket. It was the smoke that had made him curious, the smell that had beckoned him closer, and finally the revealed arrangement beyond the row of bushes that left him gaping in awe that the surprisingly mobile business the young man had set up for himself.

And while Bahr was impressed with the operation, he was more impressed with the food.

"Uh... Hey. I'd like to buy some food, if that's alright." He paused, sheepishly forwarded some cash, then added, "... this is a shop, right?"



(1) Crème Brûlée | ACCURACY II | 300 col
Smores | EVASION II | 300 col
Yaki Hatahata | MITIGATION III | 1500 col (T4)
Beef Stew | OVERHEALTH III | 1000 col
Berry Crumb Bars | LOOT DIE III | 500 col
(5) Chocolate Truffles | VITALITY II | 3750 col (T4)

7350 col sent to Daemien.


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