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[PP-F1] Cooking Conundrum [Earning a Living: Cook] (Valentine)

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Aquan quickly accepted the Friend request and began reading over the information. There was a lot of game info and player info about the owner and the leaders of the guild, information that he would not know until he actually joined and began communicating with others in the guild. He hesitated for a moment, unsure if he would fit in well with the guild. He hit accept anyways, knowing that in the long run the guild would help him out greatly with getting better in the game.

The pair arrived in town and Aquarian made a b-line for the kitchen. He quickly got through the beginning narration of cooking, but he was getting a bit nervous. His first crafting attempt did not make much of anything, and failed before it was completed. He sighed and began crafting another item. Luckily, this one came out better. It was a medium sized Blueberry and Raspberry smoothie. He beamed at Valentine and picked up the item and put it in his inventory. "Thank you Valentine! his is going to help a lot. I'll see you around? I will be requesting your help at a later date." He nodded and left the restaurant, now equipped with a shop.

ID: 177402 CD: 2
ID: 177403 CD: 9 [Uncommon Snack: +1 Loot Dice]

Mats: 5/5

Crafted Item: 1/1


3 SP (2 From Thread, 1 From Quest)
Cook Profession
Uncommon Snack: +1 Loot Dice
Standard Cook Shop
8 Tier 1 Crafting Materials (3 From Gathering, 5 From Quest)
200 Col

2 SP
200 Col

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