NIGHT 0 Posted August 20, 2023 Author #61 Share Posted August 20, 2023 :: PLAY . HOUSE // THE SHOP is located on the fringes of Taft, fronting a large townhouse that seems to be devoid of residents. Yet, the shop appears to be manned near constantly, even when it is reported to not be open for business. The sounds of its performer are vastly different from most other workshops, as heard by others from the ______________ outside. They are modern and synthetic rather than fantastical, ill suited for the setting. But that, too, may be part of its draw. It is a young boy in his teens who lives there. He sits behind a basic counter towards the back of the store, blocking two doors — one bedroom, one recording studio. Crystals ______ are displayed as samples on wall indents, acting as shelves alongside the shop's confines. By the entrance, a small collection vanity crystals sit in an open crate. They're prototypes, free for the taking — but they're not great. Once in a while, however, the PLAY . HOUSE seems to easily get a winner. -> B U Y L I S T E N x1.25 E X I T Link to post Share on other sites
NIGHT 0 Posted November 15, 2023 Author #62 Share Posted November 15, 2023 | NIGHT | Lv. 154 >> P. 120, Lv. 34 | Status: (ง •̀_•́)ง Notes: sheet found [here]. Spoiler NIGHT | HP: 220/220 | EN: 59/59 | DMG: 11 | ACC: 4 | EVA: 3 | MIT: 30 | BH: 12 | HB: 9 | VAMP-D: 24 | FLN: 4 | PARA-V | AA | FS | SUSHI | P.SOUL | FL-AURA: 4 DMG equipped oblivion. FLN II, AA, PARA-V pretense. VAMP-D II, HB II silver crescent necklace. ACC II, EVA II battle-ready inventory Healing Crystal (2) | +15% HP. Blessed Ankh | Recover 10% HP for 3 turns. Focus Stone | + AA and ACC for 3 turns, ignoring caps. trainers. EVA III, MIT I (6) oathkeeper. HLY II (4), PHASE, AA skills Spoiler mod count: 5/7 STRAIGHT SWORD | RANK 3 focus, stamina, precision shift: aoe CLOTH ARMOR | RANK 3 athletics, nimble COMBAT MASTERY: DMG | RANK 3/3 SEARCHING | RANK 3 BATTLE HEALING | RANK 3 emergency recovery ENERGIST QUICK CHANGE CHARGE FIGHTING SPIRIT HOWL focused howl SCOUTING FAMILIAR EXTENDED MOD LIMIT extra SURVIVAL CONCENTRATION HIDING untraceable, vanish, surprise attack-t FIRST AID R3 purify buffs Spoiler Dragon's Heart | OVERHEALTH II Assorted Sushi Plate | DOTE I Number 6 & 7 | ACC I, EVA I Spaghetti & Meatballs | DMG (1), MIT (10) Trial By Fire | FLAME AURA II Phoenix Soul | REVIVE Large Soda | EN (16) sword arts Spoiler en cost matches multiplier unless stated otherwise. shift underlined. ST | x8 -> x11 AOE | x7 TECH-A | x8 | STUN | 9EN TECH-D | x8 | SHATTER TECH-F | x8 | AOE STUN TECH-G | x8 | BURN misc. Spoiler housing Dimensional Backpack, Item Stash | +2 Battle-Ready Inventory Slots. Well Rested | -1 EN for the first three expenditures of each combat. Relaxed | +(5 * Tier) HP per out-of-combat post. Full energy restoration occurs after two turns out of combat. Squeaky Clean | -25% DoT damage taken from the first DoT applied to this player in a thread. Skylight: Searching | +1 Expertise to declared utility skill. Cooldown of 30 days to reassign. Multipurpose | +1 LD/Prosperity/Stealth/Detection to one post per thread. Can be applied after a roll. Filling | +1 T1 slot to a food consumed by this player in a thread. Can exceed Cook enhancement caps. Col Deposit | +5% col from loot-minimum mobs, +10% col from treasure chests. foraging | r2 | xp: 69/150 Greenhouse | +2 G.EXP, +1 CD&LD to gathering attempts. Familiar: Profession | +2 G.EXP Demeter's Cornucopia | +1 CD to gathering attempts. according to this copy paste system, the text is automatically justified. why is that? i find that quite strange, and frankly i am worried about my copy paste abilities. i don't know if that's a good thing or not. i will be writing out this extremely long paragraph to see if i feel okay about it. by the way, this program is so nice and lightweight and also it has a really neat word counter. it's also incredibly minimalist. the way i read my text makes me feel happy on this one small program. i wish it could be in more people's hands. Link to post Share on other sites
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