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[F01|R5 Appraiser] the scarlet line. | [closed]

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| 04/03/22

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| 05/03/22

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| 06/03/22

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Eyeing the shop, Nari will wander in, calling out as she goes. “Uhm…hello? I was sent to pick up an item…a…uh…spear? I think? A friend told me to come here to collect it. NIGHT. The friend. Said to come here. NIGHT said to come here.”

Taking a breath, she’ll start fresh, realising she had been rambling inconsistently. “My friend NIGHT said to come to this shop to pick up a spear? I hope I’m in the right place…”

Looking around again, she’ll eye up the shop. It did look like the place NIGHT had described, and the sign out front had matched the one described.

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| 07/03/22

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| 08/03/22

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| 09/03/22
| note: oh. the id's i used from #3 onwards were rare armors -- my mistake! third appraisal rolls on each have been discarded.

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| 12/03/22

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  • 2 weeks later...

a new haul from a new day.

and night never got the memo how understaffed the shop seemed to be. which was strange, because last she was told, there were multiple hands involved in running the store. where was iris, if she wasn't a known adventurer by trade, and neither left a listing for running out on an errand?

it only sank in for the player that the rationale of having that velvet barrier was meant to communicate unavailability. either of the shop or the staff, in general, at all times.

she set the package of items on the table. wrote a note from the supplies on the desk. left like a phantom, leaving only a notification to bistro for clarity.

when she realized her folly, it was in the bath, half-complaining to herself at home. and then she threw her head into the water, bubbles rising to the surface as she screamed.

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| 24/03/22

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| 25/03/22

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| 26/03/22

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| 27/03/22

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so aside from the star-catching, the sights upon which an item and their hidden potential were revealed, there was also... this. the planning. iris had been wondering when she would be able to get to it.

it was at jean's inspection that some items seemed to fit well together. masa commented poorly on the duplication of items -- a feat that the appraiser hadn't meant to perform, not really; but could the system blame her if it decided to pride itself on giving her the opportunity to flaunt as she did? jackets lain over each other, two broadswords of light and dark leaning against the wall, and a polearm that seemed to speak as though it was yearning for a specific user. there were many others, of course, but these seemed like immediate casualties.

with a swipe of her finger, iris was quick to send them off.

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night might've been slain on arrival, had the shock been too much for her.

when bistro had a grand idea on processes, she would never have thought it would amount to... this. there was a lot to take in, from the blueprints and sketches iris handed her along with the equipment package, and then the sheer number of items that were involved in the transfer. she felt like she was holding her own weight in gold, hauling the stash away.

and all the broker had to return to her was:

bistro: winning. (y)

all iris and night both could do was trade bows before the latter pattered off.

picking up items (above).

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one more bulk of objects directed iris' way. this collection should've been sent off first, night realized, but as time went on and things slipped her mind, so too did this stash of equipment.

whatever. it was fine. she was only human to have erred in her delivery. but as she set the items into the trade window with jean, she couldn't help but wonder how strange it was to feel against parting with the loot in general. players didn't need an attachment to items that made little benefit to them, did they...?

at the sight of her wry expression, she could've sworn the other player hesitate evaluating the trade. and night perked up, to dissuade further thought into her demeanor. once the trade was accepted, she shuffled out the store faster than as necessary, eating the rest of her feelings quietly, whole.

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| 01/04/22

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It had been some time since she had visited this specific shop. The last time she had come, she was sent to pick something up – informed by one close to her that the shop was holding something of value. It seemed weird, this time, to be dropping things off, instead.

Bringing up her menu, she quickly deposited a number of items on the counter, before glancing around to see if anyone was there. When she was met only with silence, she called out to the room instead. “Uhm…hi...? Just, uhm…dropping off some things here that you can…well, evaluate and then do whatever you want with, I guess? Don’t worry about trying to give anything back, it’s all yours!”

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| 02/04/22

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she stared at the foreign characters, hoping to gleam something of cardinal's processes from them. she couldn't. and night looked over her menus after inspecting the items for pick up; iris, uncharacteristically and daintily, was sweeping her shop, and with masa and jean in the back. so, certainly; they may not have given the items a second thought.

but the adventurer would. with a tired exhale, she accepted the items from trade, the sigh her only complaint, before starting to shuffle out.

"oh, watch for that corner."

one of the women pointed it out to her. night stopped, backed away from it, before ascending the stairs baffled again.

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