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[PP-F5] The Rude Sandstorm <<Traveler>>

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Empty vials
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thick blanket

Plini stood by the gate of Fortaleza and a rucksack of supplies behind him, he crossed out all the items he had from the list and looked at the sand dunes from afar. The weather was forgiving today though it would still irritate those who aren't used to humid areas. Behind him is the settlement's lively inhabitants, one could say the scenery was straight out of an Arabian Nights story. "The people sure are busy here" he thought as he double checked the contents of the rucksack again.

He could also feel the confused or mocking look of players who sees him carrying a sling bag and a rucksack. It has always been a weird thing for them but for Plini he was simply stubborn to give up some minor habits. "Ok so I have everything I need for this travel, I just need to find a cargo and then I can go back to Shirogane's warehouse, prove to them and boss Crozeph that I can survive a Nature's Treasure quest" he has been trying to gain levels by doing quests just so he can join Crozeph on an expeditions. A generous offer and add to that the willingness of the merchant to wait for him to get stronger and now he can do it here too, completing the quests will give him a nice boost when he enters harsh environment or so it says. "Find the cargo, get back safely, and give it back to the quest giver."


  Plini [Lvl. 8] "I'd spend my solitude with you."  541188758_Pliniicon.png.c075da143be9932ee62020881d4179c8.png     
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  • [none]

Plini | HP: 160/160 | EN: 16/16 | DMG: 3 | MIT: 9 | ACC: 0 | EVA: 3 | LD: 2 | Savvy: 2


  • Destrezas
    [vanity weapon]
  • Aegirian Polymer jacket
    EVA I | Savvy II
  • Caenis Fist
    MIT I | Regen II
  • Siesta Shirt [AUS]
    LD I | EVA II

battle-ready inventory

  • //


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One-Handed Curved Sword [R2]
Searching [R1]



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  • 2 weeks later...

<<[v2.6] The Traveler>>

Huh. So it wasn't just her out on a mission today, it seemed. Talk about arbiters coming out to play.

Some lowlife wanted their goods returned to them, having lost some crates in the desert. And the great heavens above had deigned it fortuitous that the emperor take it for the day, out of all the other pleas, appeals and requests sent her way. The thought that some serfs couldn't even bring themselves to venture out into some field for a measly few hours was repulsive. Even with Nian's training, she'd still found the reflex to have wanted to gag.

Heavy metal on her arms would only serve to slow her pace down. And the jacket she'd most commonly sport was replaced with a long cloak instead, almost like a cape or a robe, its length dragging across the dusty surface of Fortazela's stone tiled floors. "Commoner Plini," she began, her greeting to the man as she approached him, his eyes set on the horizon for the trek ahead. "Pray tell. What task brings you to the desolate wastes of the fifth?"

 [[ N I A N ]] 
NIAN | HP: 60/60 | EN: 6/6 | DMG: 4 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 1 | MIT: 18 | REGEN: 5 | BLEED8+: 12 | PRLYZ


  • Heaven's Decree
    • +2 ACC
    • +1 EVA
  • Roosevelt
    • + 12 BLEED [8+]
    • + PARALYZE
  • Fur-Hooded Down Jacket
    • + 18 MIT
    • + 5 REGEN


  • Cold Brew Coffee (5) | HP RECOVERY III | [link]


  • Martial Arts (1/5)


  • -


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  • 6 months later...


Plini tied a knot to secure his roll of rope and slid it in the bag, He wasn't familiar with the voice but there can only be one person who calls him or maybe anyone a commoner.

"Empress Nian" he replied.

"Nothing much my liege, I did take one quest about a missing cargo. Kinda weird, a cargo should be big enough and easy to find" he then scratched his head trying to find a logical reason for a quest "if I lived here long enough I should be knowing the way around here and if I know the way around here even in the desolate sight of floor 5-" he returned his look on the dunes ahead "a cargo should be easy enough that it doesn't need the help of us players."

"Well I'm not gonna let a quest reward slip out out of my hand. I should be asking the same thing, what brings you here? surely the scorching heat would irritate you."

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