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Mature and non PG-13 Posts

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It would seem some users like to post some mature thinking stories and subjects. For example gore, blood, intense, lewd, and otherwise shocking fictional writings to further expand on their character and universe. Obviously this type of content won't be viewable or accessible publicly but rather locked in a password protected section where those who've accepted the terms and policy of said locked section may use it for their purpose.

Should a section exist?

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well, i think the nature of whats actually happening in the RP would naturally result in said descriptive words in today's culture XD. However, we need to keep a PG-13 thing about the forums because not everyone is of the "age" where there parents would like to see F-bombs all over the place...

PG-13 now days in the film industry have at most a hand full of cursing. In a forum sense, maybe 1-3 per post.

However, some of us can't hold back so maybe create an adult version of the floors for those of age? If not, then just have people use a censor like F*** and let people fill in there own blanks :P

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When I discussed this with shark and zero in the gm forum I think we just need to set boundaries. Kissing, snuggling should be fine. Swearing we can filter ourselves and like Crim said let others fill in the blanks. Beyond that we should just block most things. What do others think?

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Agreed. SAO never had separate servers for those under age or over the age. I think that something should be put in the user agreement that profanity shouldn't be used due to the appreciation for others, or something like that. If I'm out ruled the a separate section should be created but all in all I think 1 should be fine as long as everyone shows some courtesy to other players.

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I think that a user agreement should be made whereby if a person agrees to view and use profane/ illicit words then he could view all sections. If a person disagrees then he will be allowed to view only some contents. So basically, we should make a separate section for PG-13, as many users could be underage. In SAO, I don't think I really saw anyone underage, I mean under the age of 13.

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  Crim said:
However, some of us can't hold back so maybe create an adult version of the floors for those of age? If not, then just have people use a censor like F*** and let people fill in there own blanks :P

Yes +1

  Kay said:
Swearing we can filter ourselves and like Crim said let others fill in the blanks. Beyond that we should just block most things.

No +1

  Shark said:
If I'm out ruled the a separate section should be created but all in all I think 1 should be fine as long as everyone shows some courtesy to other players.

Yes +1, No +1

  skr975 said:
So basically, we should make a separate section for PG-13, as many users could be underage.

Yes +1

  Zero said:
I have to be honest when I say that many of my characters use profanity and lewd like behavior -points at Siren- so I would agree that a separate section should be made.

Yes +1

Yes = 4

No = 2

So far everyone's in favor of this, any objections?

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I'd like to say something. That is, if I may. Delete this post otherwise.

So, most people can fill in the blanks anyways. For example, I've been able to understand what curses are being said behind the censors at 7.

The section should also be locked, not tagged.

Most people never bother looking for tags of any sort, so they wouldn't realize it.

I've said what I wanted, so, yeah.

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Kids should know that for a Website for Anime which is generally watched by 14+ that there is infact, Going to be some cuss words and inappropriate content. It's not like it maters anyways, 9 year olds can watch Scary movie 5 so i's not immensely different

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  • 1 month later...
  Ren said:

I'm curious what do you have in mind.

Well, seeing as the site could be held accountable if there was any hint of a minor in a sexual situation (since most-if not all servers tend to frown upon such a thing and tend to take harsh punishments toward forums with such content) there should be a strict process through which a player interested in playing such content needs to go through. We all know that systems can be fool, but perhaps badges could be created and those forums could be hidden from younger users sights if need be (like others have already mentioned).

A specific site I am a member of has a strict application process for the adult forums. That could be an answer? Perhaps a bit tedious, seeing as the Admins would need to make sure that those who they are giving access are actually able to proof that they have the necessary age requirements to join such a thing?

Or it could be made fade to black? Not necessarily descriptive, but players can try to flirt and tease, while keeping the tone light and still marking said threads as Mature or PG 13. If a thread where to break such a rule, immediately it gets close and taken down?

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  Atenea said:
so sorry for doing a necro on it!

No worries, no time like the present.

  Atenea said:
But, has this section been created?

Before my currently reply, no it was never setup.

  Atenea said:
How would one apply for it after it is done?

By asking for the password to a locked section.

  Ren said:
I'm curious what do you have in mind.


  Atenea said:
Well, seeing as the site could be held accountable if there was any hint of a minor in a sexual situation

It obviously won't be accessible by guest viewers who don't have an account, and it wouldn't be accessible by those with an account who don't know what the password is.

  Atenea said:
there should be a strict process through which a player interested in playing such content needs to go through.

I don't think anyone has the time or resource to do this, not to mention the creepy factor of learning the privacy details of an individual such as A/S/L, demographics, personal private information like names and addresses. I think it should be lax and clear to the point. Much like a fire alarm, this is a fire alarm, you pull it when there's a fire, that is all, *walks away*. There shouldn't be a screening process such as name, age, location, experiencing using a fire alarm, list two people references, notarize this document, seal in a sealed envelope, take it and process and file it under who gives a flying!

  Atenea said:
We all know that systems can be fool

And they will.

  Atenea said:
A specific site I am a member of has a strict application process for the adult forums. That could be an answer? Perhaps a bit tedious, seeing as the Admins would need to make sure that those who they are giving access are actually able to proof that they have the necessary age requirements to join such a thing?

Pretty much I feel it will be a ask and receive basis, and by accepting this password you acknowledge our terms for allowing you said section and thereby agree you feel you are of age (no age stated or required) and that the site will not be held liable for what words, actions, or intent that goes on behind this non-public section that is only available to those who also agreed to these terms. And that you also agree to never share or public state what the password is and violations will have your password taken away and removed permanently from said section. By having and using said password is proof of your own consent to the terms.

  Atenea said:
Or it could be made fade to black? Not necessarily descriptive, but players can try to flirt and tease, while keeping the tone light and still marking said threads as Mature or PG 13. If a thread where to break such a rule, immediately it gets close and taken down?

Ain't nobody got time fer dat!

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