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The Winter Fox [Nari-Lanreth]

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Shop Post: Recovering Plates
Transaction Date: 2022.02.15
Cost of Transaction: 1 material
Crafter's Profession: Blacksmith
Crafter's Rank: 5
Item Name: Recovering Plates
Item Tier: T3
Item Type: Heavy Armour [Plate]
Item Rarity:  Uncommon
Item Enhancements: Recovery [1 Slot] 
Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: ID203700
Item Description: Crafted as a collection of heavy plates that are interlocked along the chest piece to ensure fluid movement and large pauldrons on the shoulders, the metal carries a dark yellow colour, a curled white fox on the left breast. 


Shop Post: Momentum's Recovery
Transaction Date: 2022.02.15
Cost of Transaction: 1 material
Crafter's Profession: Blacksmith
Crafter's Rank: 5
Item Name: Momentum's Recovery
Item Tier: T3
Item Type: Heavy Armour [Plate] 
Item Rarity:  Uncommon
Item Enhancements: Heavy Momentum [1 Slot] 
Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: ID203702
Item Description: A set of solid plate along the chest, this armour has smaller pauldrons that lead into bulky greaves along the arms - allowing the momentum of a strike to gain more weight as it follows through. Crafted of a dark blue colour, a curled white fox is emblazoned on the left breast piece. 


Shop Post: Night Fox Protector
Transaction Date: 2022.02.15
Cost of Transaction: 1 material
Crafter's Profession: Blacksmith
Crafter's Rank: 5
Item Name: Night Fox Protector
Item Tier: T3
Item Type: Heavy Armour [Plate] 
Item Rarity:  Perfect
Item Enhancements: Mitigation [3 Slots] 
Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: ID203701
Item Description: Differing from most chest pieces, this one conforms to the waist and chest of a specific user, providing a comfortable fit, with mid-sized pauldrons to protect the shoulders. Crafted in a dark violet colouring, the edges outlined in a lighter violet, the curled white fox is emblazoned on the left breast piece. 
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1 hour ago, Nari-Lanreth said:
Shop Post: Recovering Plates
Transaction Date: 2022.02.15
Cost of Transaction: 1 material
Crafter's Profession: Blacksmith
Crafter's Rank: 5
Item Name: Recovering Plates
Item Tier: T3
Item Type: Heavy Armour [Plate]
Item Rarity:  Uncommon
Item Enhancements: Recovery [1 Slot] 
Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: ID203700
Item Description: Crafted as a collection of heavy plates that are interlocked along the chest piece to ensure fluid movement and large pauldrons on the shoulders, the metal carries a dark yellow colour, a curled white fox on the left breast. 


Shop Post: Momentum's Recovery
Transaction Date: 2022.02.15
Cost of Transaction: 1 material
Crafter's Profession: Blacksmith
Crafter's Rank: 5
Item Name: Momentum's Recovery
Item Tier: T3
Item Type: Heavy Armour [Plate] 
Item Rarity:  Uncommon
Item Enhancements: Heavy Momentum [1 Slot] 
Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: ID203702
Item Description: A set of solid plate along the chest, this armour has smaller pauldrons that lead into bulky greaves along the arms - allowing the momentum of a strike to gain more weight as it follows through. Crafted of a dark blue colour, a curled white fox is emblazoned on the left breast piece. 


Shop Post: Night Fox Protector
Transaction Date: 2022.02.15
Cost of Transaction: 1 material
Crafter's Profession: Blacksmith
Crafter's Rank: 5
Item Name: Night Fox Protector
Item Tier: T3
Item Type: Heavy Armour [Plate] 
Item Rarity:  Perfect
Item Enhancements: Mitigation [3 Slots] 
Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: ID203701
Item Description: Differing from most chest pieces, this one conforms to the waist and chest of a specific user, providing a comfortable fit, with mid-sized pauldrons to protect the shoulders. Crafted in a dark violet colouring, the edges outlined in a lighter violet, the curled white fox is emblazoned on the left breast piece. 



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Shop Post: Curved Edge
Transaction Date: 2022.02.16
Cost of Transaction: 1 material
Crafter's Profession: Blacksmith
Crafter's Rank: 6
Item Name: Curved Edge
Item Tier: T2
Item Type: One-Handed Curved Sword [Scimitar]
Item Rarity:  Uncommon
Item Enhancements: Damage [1 Slot] 
Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: ID203728
Item Description: Carrying a strong curve along its edge, this blade resembles a scimitar of East-Asian proportions. The blade itself is coloured dark blue, curving down to a guard of dark gold that appears circular in shape. Beneath the guard lies a hilt with a slight backwards curl to it, wrapped in dark red leathers. Above the hilt a curled white fox stands out against the dark blue blade.


Shop Post: Tempest
Transaction Date: 2022.02.16
Cost of Transaction: 1 material
Crafter's Profession: Blacksmith
Crafter's Rank: 6
Item Name: Tempest
Item Tier: T2
Item Type: One-Handed Curved Sword [Cutlass]
Item Rarity:  Perfect
Item Enhancements: Bleed[1 Slot]; Damage [2 Slots]
Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: ID203725/Fusion
Item Description: A simple silver cutlass with a full guard to block the users hands from attacks, a brown wooden handle to hold onto. There is seemingly nothing special about this curved blade, that is until you hear it slice through the air, where normally there would be a simple whoosh as the air is displaced by the blade, there are the soft moans of the damned lost at sea, as they call out for freedom.
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7 hours ago, Nari-Lanreth said:
Shop Post: Curved Edge
Transaction Date: 2022.02.16
Cost of Transaction: 1 material
Crafter's Profession: Blacksmith
Crafter's Rank: 6
Item Name: Curved Edge
Item Tier: T2
Item Type: One-Handed Curved Sword [Scimitar]
Item Rarity:  Uncommon
Item Enhancements: Damage [1 Slot] 
Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: ID203728
Item Description: Carrying a strong curve along its edge, this blade resembles a scimitar of East-Asian proportions. The blade itself is coloured dark blue, curving down to a guard of dark gold that appears circular in shape. Beneath the guard lies a hilt with a slight backwards curl to it, wrapped in dark red leathers. Above the hilt a curled white fox stands out against the dark blue blade.


Shop Post: Tempest
Transaction Date: 2022.02.16
Cost of Transaction: 1 material
Crafter's Profession: Blacksmith
Crafter's Rank: 6
Item Name: Tempest
Item Tier: T2
Item Type: One-Handed Curved Sword [Cutlass]
Item Rarity:  Perfect
Item Enhancements: Bleed[1 Slot]; Damage [2 Slots]
Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: ID203725/Fusion
Item Description: A simple silver cutlass with a full guard to block the users hands from attacks, a brown wooden handle to hold onto. There is seemingly nothing special about this curved blade, that is until you hear it slice through the air, where normally there would be a simple whoosh as the air is displaced by the blade, there are the soft moans of the damned lost at sea, as they call out for freedom.


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Shop Post: Dark Fox Tail
Transaction Date: 2022.02.17
Cost of Transaction: 1 material
Crafter's Profession: Blacksmith
Crafter's Rank: 6
Item Name: Dark Fox Tail
Item Tier: T4
Item Type: Polearm [One-Handed Glaive] 
Item Rarity:  Perfect
Item Enhancements: Bleed [1 Slot], Accuracy [2 Slots] 
Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: ID203785/Fusion
Item Description: Standing at 150cm in length from pommel to blade tip, the glaive was crafted with a shaft of intertwining sky blue and dark violet polished wood. The blade, a mere 7cm in width and 45cm in length is a thin dark red colouring. Where the shaft connects with the blade is a metal seating, circular in design and black in colour. Twin tassels hang from the seating, intertwining sky blue and dark violet colours dancing as they move. Upon both sides of the blade, just above where it connects with the shaft, is a small curled white fox. 
Edited by Nari-Lanreth
Clarification of weapon type.
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2 hours ago, Nari-Lanreth said:
Shop Post: Dark Fox Tail
Transaction Date: 2022.02.17
Cost of Transaction: 1 material
Crafter's Profession: Blacksmith
Crafter's Rank: 6
Item Name: Dark Fox Tail
Item Tier: T4
Item Type: Polearm [One-Handed Glaive] 
Item Rarity:  Perfect
Item Enhancements: Bleed [1 Slot], Accuracy [2 Slots] 
Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: ID203785/Fusion
Item Description: Standing at 150cm in length from pommel to blade tip, the glaive was crafted with a shaft of intertwining sky blue and dark violet polished wood. The blade, a mere 7cm in width and 45cm in length is a thin dark red colouring. Where the shaft connects with the blade is a metal seating, circular in design and black in colour. Twin tassels hang from the seating, intertwining sky blue and dark violet colours dancing as they move. Upon both sides of the blade, just above where it connects with the shaft, is a small curled white fox. 


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Shop Post: Jängairi
Transaction Date: 2022.02.18
Cost of Transaction: 1 material
Crafter's Profession: Blacksmith
Crafter's Rank: 6
Item Name: Jängairi
Item Tier: T4
Item Type: Heavy Armour [Plate] 
Item Rarity:  Uncommon
Item Enhancements: Regen [1 Slot]
Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: ID203798
Item Description: Designed as a thinner plate of chest armour, this piece contains no overlarged pauldrons, instead sloping straight down into arm guards that end at the wrists. A soft green colour, similar to that of summer grass, a curled white fox sits on the left breast plate. 


Shop Post: Kyltøri
Transaction Date: 2022.02.18
Cost of Transaction: 1 material
Crafter's Profession: Blacksmith
Crafter's Rank: 6
Item Name: Kyltøri
Item Tier: T4
Item Type: Heavy Armour [Plate] 
Item Rarity:  Uncommon
Item Enhancements: Recovery [1 Slot]
Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: ID203799
Item Description: Heavier in appearance compared to its twin, the Jängairi, this plate armour contains two slightly arching pauldrons stand up against the otherwise flat piece, providing some balance of extra protection towards the neck. A soft orange colour tints the metallic surface, and a curled white fox stands out on the left breast plate. 


Shop Post: Dark Fox's Vengeance
Transaction Date: 2022.02.18
Cost of Transaction: 1 material
Crafter's Profession: Blacksmith
Crafter's Rank: 6
Item Name: Dark Fox's Vengeance
Item Tier: T4
Item Type: Heavy Armour [Plate] 
Item Rarity:  Perfect
Item Enhancements: Recovery [1 Slot], Thorns [2 Slots] 
Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: ID203801
Item Description: Forged to be shapely, this piece appears thinner than most pieces of heavy armour - leaving what appear to be openings towards the neckline, and the sides of the torso. Smaller shoulders leave limited protection towards the neck, but allow for greater movement. Coloured a dark violet, the edges of the piece outlined in a dark forest colour, and upon the front's center stands a white fox, slightly cured with fangs barred. 


Shop Post: Dark Fox's Retribution
Transaction Date: 2022.02.18
Cost of Transaction: 1 material
Crafter's Profession: Blacksmith
Crafter's Rank: 6
Item Name: Dark Fox's Retribution
Item Tier: T4
Item Type: Shield [Celtic Shield] 
Item Rarity:  Perfect
Item Enhancements: Recovery [1 Slot], Thorns [2 Slots] 
Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: ID203802/4/6 (Fusion) 
Item Description: Similar to a wall shield, this piece stands nearly 137cm tall, and nearly 76 cm wide - easily covering the form of a shorter individual. Tapered on the sides, the shield seems to bend inwards slightly on its edges, a perfect opening for an outwardly weapon to be levelled through. The top and bottom edges slightly bend inwards, giving the impression of a less than straight appearance. Coloured in a dark violet, with edges of dark forest green, a white fox, slightly cured with fangs barred is emblazoned on its center, appearing as if ready to strike. 
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5 hours ago, Nari-Lanreth said:
Shop Post: Jängairi
Transaction Date: 2022.02.18
Cost of Transaction: 1 material
Crafter's Profession: Blacksmith
Crafter's Rank: 6
Item Name: Jängairi
Item Tier: T4
Item Type: Heavy Armour [Plate] 
Item Rarity:  Uncommon
Item Enhancements: Regen [1 Slot]
Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: ID203798
Item Description: Designed as a thinner plate of chest armour, this piece contains no overlarged pauldrons, instead sloping straight down into arm guards that end at the wrists. A soft green colour, similar to that of summer grass, a curled white fox sits on the left breast plate. 


Shop Post: Kyltøri
Transaction Date: 2022.02.18
Cost of Transaction: 1 material
Crafter's Profession: Blacksmith
Crafter's Rank: 6
Item Name: Kyltøri
Item Tier: T4
Item Type: Heavy Armour [Plate] 
Item Rarity:  Uncommon
Item Enhancements: Recovery [1 Slot]
Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: ID203799
Item Description: Heavier in appearance compared to its twin, the Jängairi, this plate armour contains two slightly arching pauldrons stand up against the otherwise flat piece, providing some balance of extra protection towards the neck. A soft orange colour tints the metallic surface, and a curled white fox stands out on the left breast plate. 


Shop Post: Dark Fox's Vengeance
Transaction Date: 2022.02.18
Cost of Transaction: 1 material
Crafter's Profession: Blacksmith
Crafter's Rank: 6
Item Name: Dark Fox's Vengeance
Item Tier: T4
Item Type: Heavy Armour [Plate] 
Item Rarity:  Perfect
Item Enhancements: Recovery [1 Slot], Thorns [2 Slots] 
Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: ID203801
Item Description: Forged to be shapely, this piece appears thinner than most pieces of heavy armour - leaving what appear to be openings towards the neckline, and the sides of the torso. Smaller shoulders leave limited protection towards the neck, but allow for greater movement. Coloured a dark violet, the edges of the piece outlined in a dark forest colour, and upon the front's center stands a white fox, slightly cured with fangs barred. 


Shop Post: Dark Fox's Retribution
Transaction Date: 2022.02.18
Cost of Transaction: 1 material
Crafter's Profession: Blacksmith
Crafter's Rank: 6
Item Name: Dark Fox's Retribution
Item Tier: T4
Item Type: Shield [Celtic Shield] 
Item Rarity:  Perfect
Item Enhancements: Recovery [1 Slot], Thorns [2 Slots] 
Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: ID203802/4/6 (Fusion) 
Item Description: Similar to a wall shield, this piece stands nearly 137cm tall, and nearly 76 cm wide - easily covering the form of a shorter individual. Tapered on the sides, the shield seems to bend inwards slightly on its edges, a perfect opening for an outwardly weapon to be levelled through. The top and bottom edges slightly bend inwards, giving the impression of a less than straight appearance. Coloured in a dark violet, with edges of dark forest green, a white fox, slightly cured with fangs barred is emblazoned on its center, appearing as if ready to strike. 


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Shop Post: Dark Fox's Reckoning
Transaction Date: 2022.02.19
Cost of Transaction: 1 material
Crafter's Profession: Blacksmith
Crafter's Rank: 6
Item Name: Dark Fox's Reckoning
Item Tier: T4
Item Type: Heavy Armour [Plate]
Item Rarity:  Perfect
Item Enhancements: Recovery [1 Slot], Heavy Momentum [1 Slot], Taunt [1 Slot]
Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: ID203835
Item Description: Forged to be shapely, this piece appears thinner than most pieces of heavy armour - leaving what appear to be openings towards the neckline, and the sides of the torso. Smaller shoulders leave limited protection towards the neck, but allow for greater movement. Coloured a dark violet, the edges of the piece outlined in a shifting soft silver, orange and red colour. Upon the chest's centre stands a white fox, slightly cured with fangs barred, black eyes staring out as if at the individual in front of the piece. 


Shop Post: Lùnji
Transaction Date: 2022.02.19
Cost of Transaction: 1 material
Crafter's Profession: Blacksmith
Crafter's Rank: 6
Item Name: Lùnji
Item Tier: T4
Item Type: Light Armour [Scale Mail]
Item Rarity:  Uncommon
Item Enhancements: Mitigation [1 Slot]
Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: ID203866 
Item Description: Layered scale plates of metal covering the entirety of this piece, the chest and back shimmer in a dark black colour, while the plates of the arms appear to be a dark forest green colour. Small openings, allowing for manoeuvrability sit at the inner elbows, armpits and neckline. A curled white fox sits upon the left breast plates, beady eyes staring outwards.


Shop Post: Dúchathail
Transaction Date: 2022.02.19
Cost of Transaction: 1 material
Crafter's Profession: Blacksmith
Crafter's Rank: 6
Item Name: Dúchathail
Item Tier: T4
Item Type: Shield [Kite Shield]
Item Rarity:  Uncommon
Item Enhancements: Thorns [1 Slot]
Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: ID203868
Item Description: Tear-drop in shape, this kite shield tapers to a hard point along its bottom, the top edges rounded inwards, allowing a viewing point for the individual behind the shield, with a slight outward angle to deflect weaponry upwards. Ice blue in colour, the outer edges are pure white, and a small curled white fox with black beady eyes sits in the lower edges of the shield.


Shop Post: Ailóra Uí Niagáin
Transaction Date: 2022.02.19
Cost of Transaction: 1 material
Crafter's Profession: Blacksmith
Crafter's Rank: 6
Item Name: Ailóra Uí Niagáin
Item Tier: T4
Item Type: One-Handed Battle Axe
Item Rarity:  Rare
Item Enhancements: Damage [2 Slots]
Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: ID203870
Item Description: Designed with a shorter shaft, this battle axe was crafted with the intent of being handled as an single handed weapon, the curved axe-head making up only ten percent of its form. The blade, bright pink in colour, stands out against the dark redwood of the shaft. On the inner left side of the blade, sits a small curled white fox.
Edited by Nari-Lanreth
Wrong Rarity.
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23 hours ago, Nari-Lanreth said:
Shop Post: Dark Fox's Reckoning
Transaction Date: 2022.02.19
Cost of Transaction: 1 material
Crafter's Profession: Blacksmith
Crafter's Rank: 6
Item Name: Dark Fox's Reckoning
Item Tier: T4
Item Type: Heavy Armour [Plate]
Item Rarity:  Perfect
Item Enhancements: Recovery [1 Slot], Heavy Momentum [1 Slot], Taunt [1 Slot]
Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: ID203835
Item Description: Forged to be shapely, this piece appears thinner than most pieces of heavy armour - leaving what appear to be openings towards the neckline, and the sides of the torso. Smaller shoulders leave limited protection towards the neck, but allow for greater movement. Coloured a dark violet, the edges of the piece outlined in a shifting soft silver, orange and red colour. Upon the chest's centre stands a white fox, slightly cured with fangs barred, black eyes staring out as if at the individual in front of the piece. 


Shop Post: Lùnji
Transaction Date: 2022.02.19
Cost of Transaction: 1 material
Crafter's Profession: Blacksmith
Crafter's Rank: 6
Item Name: Lùnji
Item Tier: T4
Item Type: Light Armour [Scale Mail]
Item Rarity:  Uncommon
Item Enhancements: Mitigation [1 Slot]
Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: ID203866 
Item Description: Layered scale plates of metal covering the entirety of this piece, the chest and back shimmer in a dark black colour, while the plates of the arms appear to be a dark forest green colour. Small openings, allowing for manoeuvrability sit at the inner elbows, armpits and neckline. A curled white fox sits upon the left breast plates, beady eyes staring outwards.


Shop Post: Dúchathail
Transaction Date: 2022.02.19
Cost of Transaction: 1 material
Crafter's Profession: Blacksmith
Crafter's Rank: 6
Item Name: Dúchathail
Item Tier: T4
Item Type: Shield [Kite Shield]
Item Rarity:  Uncommon
Item Enhancements: Thorns [1 Slot]
Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: ID203868
Item Description: Tear-drop in shape, this kite shield tapers to a hard point along its bottom, the top edges rounded inwards, allowing a viewing point for the individual behind the shield, with a slight outward angle to deflect weaponry upwards. Ice blue in colour, the outer edges are pure white, and a small curled white fox with black beady eyes sits in the lower edges of the shield.


Shop Post: Ailóra Uí Niagáin
Transaction Date: 2022.02.19
Cost of Transaction: 1 material
Crafter's Profession: Blacksmith
Crafter's Rank: 6
Item Name: Ailóra Uí Niagáin
Item Tier: T4
Item Type: One-Handed Battle Axe
Item Rarity:  Rare
Item Enhancements: Damage [2 Slots]
Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: ID203870
Item Description: Designed with a shorter shaft, this battle axe was crafted with the intent of being handled as an single handed weapon, the curved axe-head making up only ten percent of its form. The blade, bright pink in colour, stands out against the dark redwood of the shaft. On the inner left side of the blade, sits a small curled white fox.


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Shop Post: Eínuí Fáin
Transaction Date: 2022.02.26
Cost of Transaction: 1 material
Crafter's Profession: Blacksmith
Crafter's Rank: 6
Item Name: Eínuí Fáin
Item Tier: T4
Item Type: One-Handed Battle Axe
Item Rarity:  Rare
Item Enhancements: Damage [1 Slot]; Paralyze [1 Slot]
Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: ID204231/204232 [Fusion]
Item Description: Placed upon a mid-length shaft of shining gold and green, the blade almost squared off similar to a hatchet head. The blade itself glimmers with a sparkling green colour, as if covered in some sort of coating. A small curled white fox emblazed on both sides of the blade, next to the shaft, barely stands out against the colour of the blade.


Shop Post: Mární Ní
Transaction Date: 2022.02.26
Cost of Transaction: 1 material
Crafter's Profession: Blacksmith
Crafter's Rank: 6
Item Name: Mární Ní
Item Tier: T4
Item Type: One-Handed Straight Sword
Item Rarity:  Perfect
Item Enhancements: Damage [2 Slots]; Bleed [1 Slot]
Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: ID204236
Item Description: A thin bladed rapier, the shorter blade stands at nearly 125 cm in length, and is coloured a dark red, with a thin membrane of dark pink running down its centre. The hilt and guard are a simple black colouring, with the guard carrying a circular shape. Barely visible on either side the blade, just above the guard, is a tiny curled white fox.


Shop Post: Länn Síonnäch Gheímhrídh
Transaction Date: 2022.02.26
Cost of Transaction: 1 material
Crafter's Profession: Blacksmith
Crafter's Rank: 6
Item Name: Länn Síonnäch Gheímhrídh
Item Tier: T4
Item Type: One-Handed Assault Spear
Item Rarity:  Demonic
Item Enhancements: Accuracy[2 Slots]; Paralyze[2 Slots]
Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: ID204228/204229/204230
Item Description: Standing at nearly 120 cm in length from tip to tip, this short spear contains a metallic-appearing shaft of shifting dark and light violet, twirling in a mesmerising pattern. The blade - connected by a metal collar of a blackness similar to a void - glints with an ice blue colouring, a shift of light violet visible in the surface at the right angle. Twin wrapped lengths of cord - a combination of ice blue and dark violet - hang from the metal collar, intertwining in a mesmerising pattern when in movement. Both sides of the blade, just above the collar, contain a curled white fox, the dark black eyes staring outwards.
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5 hours ago, Nari-Lanreth said:
Shop Post: Eínuí Fáin
Transaction Date: 2022.02.26
Cost of Transaction: 1 material
Crafter's Profession: Blacksmith
Crafter's Rank: 6
Item Name: Eínuí Fáin
Item Tier: T4
Item Type: One-Handed Battle Axe
Item Rarity:  Rare
Item Enhancements: Damage [1 Slot]; Paralyze [1 Slot]
Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: ID204231/204232 [Fusion]
Item Description: Placed upon a mid-length shaft of shining gold and green, the blade almost squared off similar to a hatchet head. The blade itself glimmers with a sparkling green colour, as if covered in some sort of coating. A small curled white fox emblazed on both sides of the blade, next to the shaft, barely stands out against the colour of the blade.


Shop Post: Mární Ní
Transaction Date: 2022.02.26
Cost of Transaction: 1 material
Crafter's Profession: Blacksmith
Crafter's Rank: 6
Item Name: Mární Ní
Item Tier: T4
Item Type: One-Handed Straight Sword
Item Rarity:  Perfect
Item Enhancements: Damage [2 Slots]; Bleed [1 Slot]
Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: ID204236
Item Description: A thin bladed rapier, the shorter blade stands at nearly 125 cm in length, and is coloured a dark red, with a thin membrane of dark pink running down its centre. The hilt and guard are a simple black colouring, with the guard carrying a circular shape. Barely visible on either side the blade, just above the guard, is a tiny curled white fox.


Shop Post: Länn Síonnäch Gheímhrídh
Transaction Date: 2022.02.26
Cost of Transaction: 1 material
Crafter's Profession: Blacksmith
Crafter's Rank: 6
Item Name: Länn Síonnäch Gheímhrídh
Item Tier: T4
Item Type: One-Handed Assault Spear
Item Rarity:  Demonic
Item Enhancements: Accuracy[2 Slots]; Paralyze[2 Slots]
Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: ID204228/204229/204230
Item Description: Standing at nearly 120 cm in length from tip to tip, this short spear contains a metallic-appearing shaft of shifting dark and light violet, twirling in a mesmerising pattern. The blade - connected by a metal collar of a blackness similar to a void - glints with an ice blue colouring, a shift of light violet visible in the surface at the right angle. Twin wrapped lengths of cord - a combination of ice blue and dark violet - hang from the metal collar, intertwining in a mesmerising pattern when in movement. Both sides of the blade, just above the collar, contain a curled white fox, the dark black eyes staring outwards.


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Shop Post: Frozen Dress
Transaction Date: 2022.02.26
Cost of Transaction: 1 material
Crafter's Profession: Blacksmith
Crafter's Rank: 6
Item Name: Frozen Dress
Item Tier: T4
Item Type: Heavy Armour [Chestplate]
Item Rarity:  Perfect
Item Enhancements: Mitigation [2 Slots]; Thorns [1 Slot]
Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: ID204285/204287/204288 [Fusion]
Item Description: Sleek and slender, this chestpiece is designed to allow full movement, while taking a beating and keeping the wearer safe from harm. Reinforced, the plate armour is a dazzling combination of light and dark pinks, with a small curled white fox on the left breastplate. 
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16 hours ago, Nari-Lanreth said:
Shop Post: Frozen Dress
Transaction Date: 2022.02.26
Cost of Transaction: 1 material
Crafter's Profession: Blacksmith
Crafter's Rank: 6
Item Name: Frozen Dress
Item Tier: T4
Item Type: Heavy Armour [Chestplate]
Item Rarity:  Perfect
Item Enhancements: Mitigation [2 Slots]; Thorns [1 Slot]
Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: ID204285/204287/204288 [Fusion]
Item Description: Sleek and slender, this chestpiece is designed to allow full movement, while taking a beating and keeping the wearer safe from harm. Reinforced, the plate armour is a dazzling combination of light and dark pinks, with a small curled white fox on the left breastplate. 


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Shop Post: Díchú
Transaction Date: 2022.02.28
Cost of Transaction: 1 material
Crafter's Profession: Blacksmith
Crafter's Rank: 7
Item Name: Díchú
Item Tier: T1
Item Type: Dagger
Item Rarity:  Uncommon
Item Enhancements: Accuracy [1 Slot]
Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: ID204395
Item Description: A small curved blade, the tip ends in a jagged point - barely longer than most individuals palms. The blade itself glimmers with a golden hue, a silver leather wrapping covers the small hilt, ending in a green pommel. Where the blade meets the hilt, a small curled fox stares out at the world.


Shop Post: Céitinn
Transaction Date: 2022.02.28
Cost of Transaction: 1 material
Crafter's Profession: Blacksmith
Crafter's Rank: 7
Item Name: Céitinn
Item Tier: T1
Item Type: Dagger
Item Rarity:  Rare
Item Enhancements: Accuracy [1 Slot]; Damage [1 Slot]
Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: ID204396
Item Description: A straight bladed dagger, the blade of this piece carries a dark emerald core, the edges shimmering in a silver tone. The hilt is covered in a sky blue leather wrapping, and a small curled fox appears on the blade's sides, just above where it meets the hilt.


Shop Post: Obsidian Stylet
Transaction Date: 2022.02.28
Cost of Transaction: 1 material
Crafter's Profession: Blacksmith
Crafter's Rank: 7
Item Name: Obsidian Stylet
Item Tier: T1
Item Type: Dagger
Item Rarity:  Perfect
Item Enhancements: Damage [3 Slots]
Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: ID204397
Item Description: As dark as the void itself. Its handle has been fashioned into three tear-shaped bulbs of obsidian stacked on top of each other, and its stout dark metal hilt is capped on each side by tiny spheres of volcanic glass. The stylet's characteristic blade is thin at the base and twists to a point at the summit.
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5 minutes ago, Nari-Lanreth said:
Shop Post: Díchú
Transaction Date: 2022.02.28
Cost of Transaction: 1 material
Crafter's Profession: Blacksmith
Crafter's Rank: 7
Item Name: Díchú
Item Tier: T1
Item Type: Dagger
Item Rarity:  Uncommon
Item Enhancements: Accuracy [1 Slot]
Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: ID204395
Item Description: A small curved blade, the tip ends in a jagged point - barely longer than most individuals palms. The blade itself glimmers with a golden hue, a silver leather wrapping covers the small hilt, ending in a green pommel. Where the blade meets the hilt, a small curled fox stares out at the world.


Shop Post: Céitinn
Transaction Date: 2022.02.28
Cost of Transaction: 1 material
Crafter's Profession: Blacksmith
Crafter's Rank: 7
Item Name: Céitinn
Item Tier: T1
Item Type: Dagger
Item Rarity:  Rare
Item Enhancements: Accuracy [1 Slot]; Damage [1 Slot]
Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: ID204396
Item Description: A straight bladed dagger, the blade of this piece carries a dark emerald core, the edges shimmering in a silver tone. The hilt is covered in a sky blue leather wrapping, and a small curled fox appears on the blade's sides, just above where it meets the hilt.


Shop Post: Obsidian Stylet
Transaction Date: 2022.02.28
Cost of Transaction: 1 material
Crafter's Profession: Blacksmith
Crafter's Rank: 7
Item Name: Obsidian Stylet
Item Tier: T1
Item Type: Dagger
Item Rarity:  Perfect
Item Enhancements: Damage [3 Slots]
Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: ID204397
Item Description: As dark as the void itself. Its handle has been fashioned into three tear-shaped bulbs of obsidian stacked on top of each other, and its stout dark metal hilt is capped on each side by tiny spheres of volcanic glass. The stylet's characteristic blade is thin at the base and twists to a point at the summit.


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Shop Post: Roaring Talon
Transaction Date: 2022.02.29
Cost of Transaction: 1 material
Crafter's Profession: Blacksmith
Crafter's Rank: 7
Item Name: Roaring Talon
Item Tier: T4
Item Type: Two-Handed Katana
Item Rarity:  Perfect
Item Enhancements: Accuracy [1 Slot], Bleed [2 Slots] 
Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: ID204419
Item Description: A black, simple blade with a serrated edge to invoke bleeding on whatever it touches.


Shop Post: Rending Claw
Transaction Date: 2022.02.29
Cost of Transaction: 1 material
Crafter's Profession: Blacksmith
Crafter's Rank: 7
Item Name: Rending Claw
Item Tier: T4
Item Type: Heavy Armour [Gauntlet] 
Item Rarity:  Perfect
Item Enhancements: Heavy Momentum [1 Slot], Mitigation [2 Slots] 
Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: ID204421
Item Description: A simple gauntlet to afford a better grip on one's blade while fending off enemies attacks.


Shop Post: Núlerían
Transaction Date: 2022.02.29
Cost of Transaction: 1 material
Crafter's Profession: Blacksmith
Crafter's Rank: 7
Item Name: Núlerían
Item Tier: T4
Item Type: Heavy Armour [Helmet] 
Item Rarity:  Uncommom
Item Enhancements: Taunt [1 Slot] 
Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: ID204420
Item Description: A small, open faced helm, this piece is coloured red and black in a twirling pattern. Upon the rise, just above the opening for the face, sits a small curled white fox, it's face and beady black eyes appearing to leer out at the world in defiance. 
Edited by Nari-Lanreth
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On 3/1/2022 at 10:02 AM, Nari-Lanreth said:
Shop Post: Roaring Talon
Transaction Date: 2022.02.29
Cost of Transaction: 1 material
Crafter's Profession: Blacksmith
Crafter's Rank: 7
Item Name: Roaring Talon
Item Tier: T4
Item Type: Two-Handed Katana
Item Rarity:  Perfect
Item Enhancements: Accuracy [1 Slot], Bleed [2 Slots] 
Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: ID204419
Item Description: A black, simple blade with a serrated edge to invoke bleeding on whatever it touches.


Shop Post: Rending Claw
Transaction Date: 2022.02.29
Cost of Transaction: 1 material
Crafter's Profession: Blacksmith
Crafter's Rank: 7
Item Name: Rending Claw
Item Tier: T4
Item Type: Heavy Armour [Gauntlet] 
Item Rarity:  Perfect
Item Enhancements: Heavy Momentum [1 Slot], Mitigation [2 Slots] 
Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: ID204421
Item Description: A simple gauntlet to afford a better grip on one's blade while fending off enemies attacks.


Shop Post: Núlerían
Transaction Date: 2022.02.29
Cost of Transaction: 1 material
Crafter's Profession: Blacksmith
Crafter's Rank: 7
Item Name: Núlerían
Item Tier: T4
Item Type: Heavy Armour [Helmet] 
Item Rarity:  Uncommom
Item Enhancements: Taunt [1 Slot] 
Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: ID204420
Item Description: A small, open faced helm, this piece is coloured red and black in a twirling pattern. Upon the rise, just above the opening for the face, sits a small curled white fox, it's face and beady black eyes appearing to leer out at the world in defiance. 

All Approved!

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