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Username: Justice
Real name: Justice Carlisle
Age: 17-19
Gender: Male
Height: 5’9”


Growing up, it could be said Justice had it easy. He had a loving mother and step father, tons of siblings who cared about him, despite their incessant picking on him. He had a good house, good grades and a group of friends he always stuck around. Of course he wasn’t without struggle. When he was young, his step mother was less than kind to put it lightly, and at about 10 his dad passed. In the blink of an eye he lost about half of his siblings as some had gone with his step mother, and some had cut ties completely. Still though, his siblings made him happy, they kept pushing through just like he did.

His friends helped him a lot through his tougher times. They made him break out of his shell, keep a smile on his face. He felt at home with them, despite the growing rift between him and the newest member of their group. It was tough sometimes, seeing them do things without him, but he understood that he didn’t have to be included in everything. What made up for his time being excluded was his girlfriend. A girl he had known all his life as their parents were friends. Justice would spend almost every day at her house and watch movies all day long.

They were happy.

That is, until Justice’s group introduced a new friend. One who made it a point to belittle the boy every chance he could get. The rift between his group and him grew so quickly the boy tried so hard to grasp on what little bit he could. He bought games, he played as much as he could. He cut off healthy relationships with new friends to create more time, he just felt them slipping away. After a while Justice was a friend of theirs in name only, watching them have fun while he sat at their lunch table and played on his phone. The cold reality setting in.

He had lost them, the one group of people who truly made him happy. Yeah he still had his family, but what could he do? His girlfriend had run off with the new guy that drove the kid out, and they all left him in the dust. The last thing his friends ever said to him was something about a new game coming out, Sword art online. In a desperate attempt to try and rekindle what he once had, Justice bought the game. But he had missed the beta, and with no friends and a lackluster job, he waited. He hardly spoke to anyone, watching the counter tick down.

The day the game released, Justice called off work, plugged in the game and got on, hoping to see his old friends. Little did he know they had already gotten on and moved out, they knew where he wanted to meet them, but no one showed up. It was painful, so the kid went on his way to the tavern, found an empty seat and sat down. “Maybe they’ll show up. Maybe they’ll say hi. Maybe…” he racked his brain, trying to figure out a scenario where they would return to him.

They never did. 


  1. Quick Thinker- Having spent so much time playing video games, Justice has honed his intuition to the point that he can go through a situation without so much as a moment’s hesitation. He doesn’t have much to lose, so when he makes his decision he acts immediately, consequences can sort themselves out. Might not always be the best solution, but one is better than none.
  2. Passive- Due to his friends leaving him, Justice has very little in the way of a spine. He’ll stand up for certain things, but outside of that he won’t be confrontational at all. If you’re wrong, he’ll let you figure it out, he won’t belittle you or anything like that, because in his mind it’s not his business.
  3. Loyal- If Justice does manage to make a friend, he will stop at nothing to keep that friend. Going out of his way to help them, standing up for them even when they’re wrong, anything it takes. Self sacrifice in the interest of preserving a relationship he’s so scared to lose.


  1. Loner- A fear of losing his friends again has driven Justice to keep people at arms length. He can’t get hurt if he doesn’t let anyone in, right? Not the healthiest of attitudes but it keeps him sane, even in this world that punishes those who strike out alone.
  2. Insecure- Not knowing why he wasn’t good enough for his friends has put Justice in a very bad place. A boy who once had a stride so powerful no one could make him turn has been reduced to a kid who doesn’t move forward unless he’s sure he can make his way to the top. The only issue being, he’s almost never sure.
  3. Untrusting- The boy takes almost everything he hears or sees with a grain of salt. If not even his closest friends would stick around, why should another person who doesn’t know him? They shouldn’t, and that’s why the kid has such a hard time opening up to those he has just met. It’s not that he has something to lose, it’s that he’s lost everything.


  • Dagger Rank 1

Inventory: [col: 2500 | 10 Materials]

New Character Bundle: DPS

  • Lament | T1 Rare Dagger | 2x DMG | A chopper style blade, very tactical in design, wrapped in brown leather. Usually strapped across his back parallel with his belt.


  • 3x Starter Healing Potions (+50 HP)

Roleplay Log:

  • [TAG] Thread Name | <<Quest Title>> | STATUS
  • [TAG] Thread Name | <<Quest Title>> | STATUS
  • [TAG] Thread Name | <<Quest Title>> | STATUS
Edited by Justice
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