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0b17d7717eed051d578cea63f56c6c57c5aeb700.pnj 若以色见我 以音声求我
是人行邪道 不 不能见如来
一切有为法 如梦幻泡影
如露亦如电 应作如是观
非空非有 亦空亦有
不生法相 无所住
非空非有 亦空亦有
不生法相 无所住

Ch'ang Yue Hua  /  常月華
|   21 > 23 YRS OLD.  SHE/HER.  5'1".   |

Out of our sight, you dreamed a beautiful dream.


The younger of a pair of twins. Sick for as long as she could remember; dying as of five months before the world's first FullDive MMO, Sword Art Online, hit the shelves. Ch'ang Yue Hua unknowingly spent her last days in reality aimless, drifting from distraction to distraction between treatments and increasingly long spates of time wherein her condition worsened to near unmanageable. She tried her utmost to be kind and patient with her grieving family, with the exception of her twin sister, whom she hadn't spoken to in years.

She was just passing the time.

On the day Sword Art Online's servers opened, Yue Hua had felt unwell. She argued, uncharacteristically, with her caretakers to let her seize perhaps one of the last moments of excitement she would ever get. She sank not an hour later into FullDive and felt herself at peace as the sense blockers washed away all perception of reality.

The door closed behind her. She did not know if she wanted to come back.


Dearest sister. Beloved daughter.



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[+ / - Fey]
An outlier. A sympathizer. Unconventional and unwilling to change. Your attitude towards her is defined by your attitude towards things you do not understand. She may from time to time come to call herself a part of one group but there will always remain an unbreachable line before her. Stars are meant to be admired from a distance, are they not?

[+ Open-minded / - Sentimental]
In her head, she fashions herself as some kind of passing witness. In her travels, she has grown to excel in the outward facing side of it. She is remarkably easy to get along with. She is kind, considerate, a good listener, and stoic, and harsher personalities would sooner be blunted by her strange lack of judgment than be answered back in turn. In her own emotional self, she fares less gracefully. She is quick to form attachments despite her efforts otherwise and she passively allows them to strain at her, uncomplaining, like threads.

[+ / - Content]
A lotus-eater. Sword Art Online is her paradise, her island. Though she is naturally curious about this world, she is unconcerned about everyone's progress up the tower. She is perfectly happy with the way that things are and she rarely does anything she doesn't want. She lives a prolonged blue spring and summer, passing most of her days in play and relaxation. When the time moves past its due and nothing but an endless stretch of questions awaits her, what else is there for a lost one to choose but to step off the edge and set things back as they were?



 | part ? 

  • Pollux reaches the day of her death.
    • !! Castor goes rogue. Orion chases her.

 | past

 | present

 | part 1 

  • Pollux awakens from a years-long coma to find that all of her progress has been set back to zero.
  • Pollux meets and transacts with Sibyl.
  • Endeavoring to rebuild her vanity effects, Pollux picks up the [Foraging] profession. Participants include Corvo.

 | part 2 

  • Pollux earns the fixation of a strange but handsome young man named Dexter.
  • Pollux joins [The Trackers Alliance].
  • Pollux formally introduces herself at [The Trackers Alliance]'s first meeting and tries her hand at its bounty board. Participants include Morningstar, Wulfrin, Firefly, Bistro, Siren.
  • Pollux helps Firefly find and tame a cat.
  • The guild meets up to celebrate [Diwali]. Everyone takes turns playing board games. Pollux wins a bag of [Laddu] and goes on a sightseeing trip with her new companions.
    • !! Sibyl tries to do Pollux a favor and accidentally gives her twenty levels too many. With little fanfare, Pollux reaches Tier 3.

 | part 3 

  • Pollux transfers her workshop to [The Trackers Alliance]'s guild territory.
  • Pollux experiences the famed Shark Bait Training Program. Participants include Wulfrin, Freyd, Xena.



GUILD Morningstar, Wulfrin, Firefly, Bistro, Siren

ACQUAINTANCES Dexter, Corvo, Freyd, Xena



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WRITTEN BY: ara (@_.chemtrails). [directory.]
FACE CLAIM: shu from arknights.
| alternate claim: lumine from genshin impact.


the chinese text in the header translates to:

one who sees me by outward appearance and seeks me in sound,
treads the heterodox path and cannot perceive the tathagata.
all sentient beings are like a dream, an illusion, a bubble and a shadow,
like dew and lightning, one should see it as it is.
not empty, not existent, but also empty and existent.
there is no dharma, no abiding.
not empty, not existent, but also empty and existent.
there is no dharma, no abiding.

the chinese text in the stat block translates to:

tired of your faded love stirring up my mind,
i came by like a surprise after getting lost in light.
i never fantasized about you truly loving me,
crazy memories and fantasies can all go away now.

formatting rules:

  • past tense, proper case.
  • text color: #999900.
  • abbreviation: HUA.


  • i refer to her as 'hua' ooc. i am only referring to her as 'pollux' now to keep things consistent.
  • regarding claims: shu is her default and i also imagine she has the same voice; lumine is her appearance in reality/without the vanity effects.
  • pollux was born and raised in beijing, china. the following are the meanings of the characters in her real name:
    • ch'ang (常) --- lasting forever.
    • yue (月) --- moon.
    • hua (華) --- flower.
  • pollux was receiving treatment in japan for her condition around the time sword art online was released. pollux's nervegear and copy of sword art online was given to her by her twin sister.
  • she is bisexual and polyamorous.
  • she is a pisces. she also believes in astrology.


  • pollux oscillates between speaking in a somewhat archaic/old english tone and speaking in a more modern fashion. this is because she can't entirely settle into one or the other, having a chunk of her english learning attributed to communicating with sword art online's npcs.
  • pollux likes games of all kinds even if she isn't really the best at them. currently she is attempting to hunt down board games to place in the guild hall's recreation room.



"I have always been curious about what was going through Kayaba's head when he made all this. Creation reflects creator. If this game's world was so beautiful anyway, why choose to lock us in? T'would have been praised to high heavens back in reality, rather than reviled both inside and out. If we dig deep enough, there might be -- something."

- Pollux on the game. Cute Little Kitty Cats, #10.



希空 — 09/13/2024 1:48 AM
backpedaling [...] because i remembered this girl i made when i was still insane over chilumi.
not sure if i talked about her? i just made her to sit on the lumine fc.
but am i reallyyyy going to do another f/m ship with myself.

  • [somnambulism] updates after every completed pollux thread.




                                          full body ref. this official art for a more static pose.

- - -


                                                                                             ms. pollux as a bean.



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HP: 575/575 | EN: 89/89 | DMG: 19 | ACC: 5 | AA | KEEN: 2 | EVA: 4 | BH: 5% | LD: 1


  • Silver Sword | STRAIGHT SWORD T3E4, AA, ACC III
    Exorcist's silver for the vanquishment of monsters. The sword is one-handed, deep blue in color with white edges and triangular gold detailing beneath the crossguard. It strikes true and pure regardless of the troubles of the souls that may come to wield it.
  • Seafoam | TRINKET T1E3, EVA III
    A small glass bottle filled with sea water, miniature sea shells, and prop organisms.
  • The Second Star | TRINKET T1E2, KEEN II
    A minimalistic set of pearl-colored hairpins; four-pointed star tassels optional.

USED 140  |  UNUSED 0

  • Straight Sword V [ADDONS: Stamina, Precision, Ferocity; SHIFT: TECH Specialist]
  • Unhindered
  • Combat Mastery: Damage III
  • Battle Healing [MODS: Emergency Recovery]
  • Energist
  • Charge
  • Quick Change
  • [EXTRA 1]: Assault Mode




  • Dull Blade
    It's worn from use. But the swordswoman favors it anyway. It was her first blade.
  • Glasses
    A glasses frame lacking lenses.
  • Mountains and Rivers

    A bell-shaped spread of yellow-green and dark-blue mithril plates.


  • (1) Teleport Crystal
    Use a post action to activate a teleport crystal. Teleports the player to the town or designated teleportation area they specify.
  • (3) Starter Healing Potions
    Heals 50 HP.
  • (1) Spyglass (x2)
    Use to reduce the number of posts required to search for a dungeon, familiar or field bosses by 5 posts. Effect lasts for one thread.
  • (5) Laddu
    Jai looks at you with a wry, yet genuine smile. He hands you some sweets, made from sugar, nuts and beans, hoping the deity of new beginnings and good luck smiles upon you in fate’s stead.


  • (1) Devaloka Fragment
    Allows its user to skip the searching portion of the <<Feeding your Enemy>> quest. If the player fails to tame the creature, they will have to find it again by the searching rules in the quest. Can also be used to change a familiar’s appearance to a form of itself based on illusory light. Single-use item.
  • (3) Swan Feather
    Name Tag Consumable.
  • (3) Lotus Stickers
    +3 LD to foraging or +2 CD to fishing per thread. Untradable.
  • (1) Festive Lassi
    +1 CD for one thread or a day's worth of crafts/appraisals.
  • (1) Terra Firma Scale | (T3/Unique/Consumable/Single-Use)
    +18 Mitigation. This item can stack with other sources and its effect lasts for one thread.



Unlocked Amenity:

Diwali Diya
Upon thread closing, this player obtains an additional +3 * Loot Minimum Mob HP col for every 5 authored posts.


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