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[F27 - PP] A Return to Ronbaru

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Nari tucked her spear in against herself, the shield dropping as her arm fell from its battle ready position. A sheepish look on her face, she mumbled her apology. “Sorry…I should’ve been…more useful there…I don’t know what happened I don’t usually have these sorts of issues…”

She took a few steps before stopping, turning back to face NIGHT she let her smile split her face as her eyes filled with a wicked sparkle. “So…you don’t like getting wet, then?”

She giggled to herself before continuing down the tunnel, seeing a light blue shine in the distance – a large opening that seemed to lead out of the tunnel itself. She slowed as she came closer, her eyes passing over the opening and looking for any signs of danger. Beyond, she found a large open cavern, the ceiling several metres above her head, and several metres across she could see another archway leading deeper into the dungeon’s tunnels.

“Well, this looks like the perfect place for an ambush, don’t you think?” Her eyes cast over the six pillars that stood in a circle towards the centre of the cavern, small outcroppings of boulders providing hiding places for any creatures, or players, that may be lurking in the shadows. She wasn’t a fan of walking into unfamiliar territory – and after her last performance, she was more cautious in her approach. Spear in hand, angled slightly forwards and ready to intercept anything that might jump out at her, she let her eyes wander back and forth, watching for any movement. Calling back over her shoulder, she heard her words echo, the tone somewhat distant as she tried to focus on spotting any dangers. “At least I know how to get you out of your clothes now…”

Nari-Lanreth | Lv. 32 | P. 10 | HP: 740/740 | EN: 75/86 | DMG: 8 | MIT: 147 | ACC: 1 | REC: 8 | EVA: 0 | LD: 0 | STH: -5 | THORNS [72 DMG] | FROSTBITE [30 DMG]

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"it's fine." though she couldn't remember when yuki had done the same. most tanks preferred to make use of a skill called howl, and her paladin had been of the same manner. night couldn't expect the same reliability when it came to weapon skills. part of the reason her evasion came as contingency, after all.

a towel draped over her hair, night rubbing the cloth across her scalp in a haphazard manner. her demeanor came to alert once nari had barked that innuendo, and night felt a creeping blaze at the tip of her ears.


"really." though the player should've known her friend better for that, by now. her breath was staggered as she lumbered after her leader, fighting for a comment she wasn't sure how to complete. "that coming from you is..."

her voice only echoed through the dark tunnel. and night opted to keep that resounding volume down to a minimum, so she busied herself with drying as she followed after nari's steps.

in their new room, she could at least give cardinal some benefit of the doubt -- there was rarely a design of locations this intricate when she was adventuring back in the day. especially upon random generation. perhaps new assets got added in, or the algorithm was updated. night wouldn't know, being on one side of the screen than the other end.

“Well, this looks like the perfect place for an ambush, don’t you think?”

potentially. it looked more like an arena more so than an ambush location. and yet she shuffled forward, drifting closer to her companion just in case her guess had been inaccurate.

“At least I know how to get you out of your clothes now…”

and that got her thinking harder.

the towel drifted from her hands to the air, vanishing in a couple of sparkles out of night's will. and quiet steps took her into the periphery of her companion's personal space. all this talk about the bedroom, dancing around the idea...

(really, what gave nari the right to be such a tease?)

narrowed eyes still affixed to searching the perimeter of the room, and night leaned into the woman's ear. "if you wanted me with benefits in the first place," she clarified with a whisper, "you could've just said so."

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The shriek echoed around the cavern as Nari jumped a good half metre into the air, her weapon whipping around and bouncing off a nearby stone as she fell forward, her leap of fear throwing off her balance and taking her to the ground. Her heart was beating faster than she thought it had any right to, and as she looked up, she NIGHT standing above her. She could’ve sworn there was a mischievous twinkle in the girl’s eyes, and Nari felt herself flush – both at realising what had been said, and her own reaction to the whole situation.

Not funny. So not funny…okay, maybe a little funny.” She dusted herself off, pushing herself to her feet with the help of the spear. She made a show of adjusting her armour, taking her time as she tried to think up a return remark. “Wait. Benefits?”

Her movements stopped with her right hand slightly pulling down her chest piece, the left midair as if she were reaching to grab something from within. Her face held a look of confusion as she tried to make semblance of the words she’d heard – her brain not registering anything. Her mouth opened, closed, then opened again as she stumbled over her words.

“I-wait what? Like friends with benefits? Wait no.Her words began to rush faster as her face reddened – almost glowing in the lightly lit cavern. “Wait – wait no, that’s not. What made you think…? Not funny.

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her guard... had been down completely, hadn't it?

that was what night realized when she saw nari jump out of shock. and for what good the woman could dish -- if she couldn't take it back --

-- that was funny. night couldn't help but hide her surprise behind a smirk.

"oh no," she droned, arms folded and watching the tank pick herself off the ground. night might've helped if it didn't seem as though nari's spear was doing more work that she could've offered. "an ambush from completely behind you. as though you hadn't called it just seconds before." a half-hearted chuckle, almost evil, as she watched her friend stew over what had been said. "cat got your tongue?"

was something off?

“I-wait what? Like friends with benefits? Wait no.

wait, no. well -- conceptually, jokingly, yes but -- wait, no.

"i didn't mean it seriously," night shot back, just as quickly as nari had considered the words in earnest. and what calm composure she'd maintained flickered out like a flame extinguished in that moment. she second-guessed herself. "and it wasn't an offer."

"Not funny.

"don't think about it," she added. her eyes were plastered to their environment, now, if they hadn't been upon nari's burning face to begin with. was panic setting in for both of them? "but you know, for someone who's so keen on hitting on another, you'd think..."

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Silence hung between the two for about three seconds before Nari burst out laughing. She had to hold herself upright with the spear as the laughter took over her, tears forming in her eyes. A few seconds later, she had her giggles under control enough to be able to speak, the words coming out haltingly between further bursts of giggles.

“I’m…sorry. I’m not…not laughing at you. It’s just…It’s just that you’re right. You’re completely right.” Another string of giggles and a few incoherent words, before she managed to get herself under control again. “Alright, point one to NIGHT. You win that round…but I’ll get you back for this!”

A smile still plastered on her face, she glanced around them, trying to figure out where to go. She could see tunnel archways in the distance – three besides the one they had entered through, and although she saw that each led away into darkness, none seemed to have any sort of distinct marker denoting which should be taken.

“Alright Miss Benefits, which direction should we take?” She forced the smile wider as she waited for NIGHT’s response, determined to let the girl take the lead in the hopes that she could return the favour sooner, rather than later.

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and she'd almost let out a sigh knowing that tension was defused. for a moment, night wondered if she was going to be judged critically for making an off-handed joke.

watching nari have fun, she couldn't help but smile.

“Alright, point one to NIGHT. You win that round…but I’ll get you back for this!”

"what're we even competing for?" a query to no one, but night asked it just the same. laced with mischief, almost like a challenge to her companion.

she wasn't so sure what 'get you back for this' would entail, however.

“Alright Miss Benefits, which direction should we take?” 

"don't call me that."

three entrances leading further into the dungeon. it used to be that there were a second batch of enemies much tougher than the standard dungeon rabble, but perhaps this had changed in the latest update? night considered the archways equally. cardinal might've proven them an illusion of choice.

so it wouldn't matter which one she'd picked, the player decided.

"up front," night said, taking point as she strode past nari with a casual wave. "and if you're so concerned about getting ambushed, then you can watch my back for me too. please and thank you."

down a dark tunnel they were likely to go, although to what new room the dungeon would provide was a question even night didn't have an answer to. perhaps it was there that there would be the enemies she'd expected.

only time would tell.

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Nari smiled slightly as NIGHT took the bait, falling into a modicum of humorous banter as she made her way towards the centre tunnel. Nari, falling in behind the girl, cocked her head before responding to the commentary, her voice dripping with a tone that spoke of the joke behind the words.

“With a back like that, why wouldn’t I watch it?” She was just about to add to her commentary when something clattered behind her. Turning, she found herself face to face with what appeared to be large, stone golems – two of them standing side by side, having awoken from the boulders that had lined the pathway they had been walking along. “Uhm…NIGHT…I found the ambush.”

Sliding her left foot back, she brought her shield up, eyeing the two stone creatures and deciding that she would test her luck again. Whipping the spear out in an arc, she brought it from left to right, attempting to slash both with a single strike.

The creatures leaned backwards, her blade barely missing them both as Nari pulled her spear back, frustration rising within her at her complete lack of success. She was determined not to let NIGHT steal all the glory. ‘I won’t be a useless piece dragged along, I’m here to earn my place.’

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--and she swore she'd heard a number of strange things in her life, but never one like that. shock struck her quicker than embarrassment. night looked over her shoulder, half perplexed yet intrigued. "do... do you have a back fetish or something?"

she found the shadow of the opponents she was half expecting to see, backlit from the light in the previous room down their tunnel. in an enclosed space, any player would've called the sight unfair.

instead, nari just lashed towards them. night let herself follow through, blade sinking into darkness with only the trace of an orange bleeding through the void.

it basked in the joy of being used once more.

a cacophony of sounds ushered forth once the blade was swung, striking true against the torso of a would-be humanoid stone golem, half formed. it shambled, rock formations almost falling from having been newly stacked together, the elemental barely having time to react to the strike. likewise, its counterpart wasn't spared from the jolt of electricity that sprung forth from her executioner.

if night let out a sigh, it was in realizing that she wasn't going to be drenched once again.

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The flash of NIGHT slipped by Nari’s guard, slashing out at the two rock golems before Nari could even react. A single trace of orange hung on the air as the girl’s attack lashed out against their enemies, tearing into them. Nari could see their health bars drain as NIGHT’s attack did more damage than Nari could ever dream of doing, and she felt herself grumble as she realised she needed to do something to get back into this fight.

‘I’m not going down as useless. No way, not if I want to make my way to the frontlines – I need to prove myself. Here. Now. No more games.’ Steadying herself, she brought her spear up and level, before sliding forward, the movement one she had practiced many times before. The blade sliced into the first of the creatures, tearing a line across its side, but missing the second entirely – causing another curse within Nari’s mind as she managed to draw the attention of only one of the things.

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so her guesses were right. it was easier to tell now moreso than before, but even at the height of her potency she wasn't destroying them as she was so used to doing before.

night only wondered how much mitigation these constructs had on either of them. it was with a whisper that her blade's venom had all but been wasted upon the weakened golem, whom with a swing tried to strike her, only to hit the cavern walls instead.

likewise, it didn't seem as though nari was managing well, either. not on the front of defending, but on the offensive--

"have you looked into howl yet?" breaking tenets, night turned to her companion once she'd landed on her feet. the other opponent seemed stuck in pause; a mark to nari's contributions, even if it didn't seem like a lot. and the red meter of the one that tried to strike her told night all she needed to do was bide her time. "you could put your lips to use in combat, if you're bent on being witty all the time."

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Nari let her eyes shift towards NIGHT as the girl spoke, her face void of any emotion while she held her combative stance – the shield raise, with the spear levelled across the top left corner, settled into the dip in the shield’s otherwise rectangular design. For a single heartbeat she seemed not to notice the worlds, her eyes empty of any recognition, before a sudden light filled them.

“Howl…? Oh…uhm, yeah.” Her eyes shifted back to the two golems, considering her options. She hadn’t had much luck with striking both at once, and she decided that it was time to simply do what she did best. Leaning forwards slightly, she rebalanced herself in preparation for her strike. “Let’s end this first, then talk.”

She thrust forwards with the spear, watching as the soft violet light of the sword art surrounded the tip and left a shimmer of light dancing on the air behind it. She slid her foot forwards, following through with her stance and bringing the shield up and off to the side slightly, watching the other creature for any sign that it would attempt to take advantage of the opening she was creating for herself – giving way to allow her strike the most power it could possibly have.

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enough to stop the golem in its place. and night hesitated, knowing the blow connected with the elemental as she'd seen it.

yet the health bar wasn't flinching. on instinct, she threw another strike at it, weaker still, as though to test its mettle. it broke apart on contact, just as what could've been a fist modelled from stone was raised in a wind up. night just made sure it was less than the punch it could've been.


and the other construct had broken under her executioner's sentencing, too.

"so, as i said." night turned to her friend once her blade had left her hand and she dusted off her work from her palms. "howl, for that big mouth of yours. at least you wouldn't have to struggle to get hate, if you're lunging to try and strike something -- either that or fighting spirit, so you can gain enmity on them just by being close by."

the light played on her eyes as night tilted her head, colours dancing in those windows. "not that you needed it to steal someone's attention. --also, not that it would work on me, of course."

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Nari’s eyes narrowed as she let the spear fall back into the crook of her elbow, shifting her weight onto her left leg and placing her right on her hip – the shield covering a good portion of her as it leaned with her arm. She stuck her tongue out at NIGHT for a moment, before remembering who she was talking to, and instead plastering a smile on her face.

“The fact that you had to clarify makes me wonder…” She glanced at the spot the golems had been just moments ago, and her playful smile disappeared. “You may be right though…I need something more to draw attention to myself. Howl, or maybe fighting spirit, might be worth considering. I’ve been far too focused on weapon skills and defensive skills…it’s time to look at something more…attention grabbing.”

The grin reappeared as her eyes glinted towards NIGHT again, the wicked look in her eyes returning as she continued. “Besides, anything that brings more attention to me would be welcome. Although…I don’t think I’d need it to attract your attention.”

Giggling, mostly to herself, she’ll head for the tunnel they had originally been aiming for, waving a hand above her as she went. “You coming?”

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“The fact that you had to clarify makes me wonder…”

she bristled with the folding of her arms. her gaze followed nari's to the fading lights upon the ground.

it made sense, given her companion had reportedly been working in solitude. mostly so, anyway. solitude in the scenario where she had been with others, but night wasn't invited to. and it almost made her wonder what sort of players nari was hanging out with, given her lack of catering to party play. a strange setup for a tank.

her gaze met the other woman's for a moment, and night regretted it soon after. she lowered her head, eyes narrowed, lips pulled in a thin line.

had she been that easy to read? she paused to grasp for comment. "if i had a shot for every time you'd said attention," the player observed, watching her leader take off before following along, assuming her position when offered. "i don't know," night shot back, amusement written in her gait than her expression, "are you?"

they entered the next hall. and it was more mountainous than it had been before. a cool blue lighting flooded the room where the glows had been warm, earthy before. crystals protruded from every other outcrop of rock, though in different colours as opposed to a regional monochrome. various pillars that reached for the ceiling appeared stable, some even reaching out horizontally once they'd found connection to the roof, like the barebones of trees repurposed for an intricate environment.

night closed her eyes, humming, before taking further steps into the room.

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Focused on the tunnel ahead, and the new room it led to, Nari missed most of what was said by her companion. She felt herself come short as she took in the crystals along the walls, her eyes looking around – not in wonder, but in search. She wasn’t going to let something catch her by surprise again, now she would hunt whatever awaited them.

“Do you think whatever we have to face next is going to be in here?” The words were out of her mouth before she had time to take into consideration that they’d only just entered the room – that NIGHT would have the same amount of information that she herself had. She felt the spear roll into her hand, naturally dropping from the crook in her elbow, as she caught sight of something waiting for them in the centre of the room itself. “Well, that answers that, then.”

She pointed with the spear tip into the room, holding it for a moment before beginning her approach. She knew that this time, the fight would be harder – the previous entities had been only the preparation to face whatever would be awaiting them here.

As she came closer, the creature suddenly reared upwards, a gust of wind slamming into Nari and forcing her to bring her shield up to cover herself. The winds seemed to carry a roar, as it hounded her ears. Unable to get a breath out to call towards her companion, she did the only thing that came naturally – rushing forwards and lashing out with her spear, attempting to stun the creature before it could even begin to assault them in earnest.

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an air elemental. how befitting.

night's eyes were to her companion before they even had a chance to communicate their concerns to one another.

her attention had been stolen by the organization of her inventory. a crystal summoned in her hand, she hadn't noticed the boss' appearance once she'd started searching for the right consumable to use. and from the rage of the storm, she could barely get a word out to her friend after she'd realized it too late.

the player's eyes burned. the wind stung. and though she was certain they were going to make it out just fine, she needed to make her friend understand something important.

if only the noise would let her say it.

her lips motioned a phrase, but she wasn't sure if nari could read them. wasn't sure if she was being paid attention to; just the way she preferred things -- but not now.

what remained of the player in the chaos was a crystal on the ground, song played from the metal frame it was encased in. and night hoped, in keeping close to nari despite the whirlwind, she'd understand that the player herself hadn't left her behind.

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Focused on the air elemental before her, Nari cursed the wind slamming against her. She tried calling out to NIGHT, but even she could tell her voice was lost on the winds around them. Gritting her teeth, she knew that she would have to focus on drawing all its attention towards her – which meant that she needed to strike it, repeatedly. ‘If I can just land a single strike…that would be a good start.’

She forced her feet to slide forwards, using her shield as a block from the gusts that continued to bombard her. She knew that this would be a challenge – but she hadn’t expected the challenge to include getting near the damned thing. Step by step she forced herself within reach of it again, her spear balanced against the top corner of the shield. She forced her eyes above the shield’s top edge, eyeing the creature and seeing it turn its attention towards her again. Smiling, she lashed out with the spear, the violet trail behind it signifying the sword art activating.

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too much bluster all in one location. and it definitely wasn't from the two women in the room. what gives?

night wasn't sure what striking air would feel like, but she felt her blade connect with something that recognized as tangible. for a moment, that chaos stopped, and the dying of that wind felt welcome for the player stepping back into reality. so too did her weapon's ichor find something gratifying to hold onto -- a core, like a marble, at the center of the airy monstrosity's form. a second crystal clattered to the floor at her re-entrance.

not that the boss was giving either of them too much care.

the woman wasn't sure how long her luck against the foe would last, either. she let herself bounce backwards, jack at the ready -- and hoped that she could land an accurate strike the next time her edge swung.

that health bar, though depleting, was not looking pretty. night didn't want to know the bite on the dungeon enemies if she could help it otherwise.

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NIGHT seemed to shift in from nowhere, her blade landed a blow on something within the chaos of wind that made up their opponent’s body. Nari sighed a breath of relief as the wind seemed to calm for a moment – likely in reaction to the health bar sliding slightly. It wasn’t a ton – far more than Nari could do, that was true – but it was something, a start. A sudden wonder popped into Nari’s mind as she realised that NIGHT had managed to draw the attention of the creature towards itself – something that she didn’t like the sound of.

Taking advantage of the deadened air, she rushed forwards, letting her shield drop slightly as she thrust her spear forward with extra force – hoping to disable at least a part of the creature’s tough defences. She watched as the spear ignited – the tip glowing the typical light violet as she activated the Shatter skill, praying within her mind that it finally connected with the creature.

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likewise. her executioner didn't like the thought of its wielder getting struck, either. though the wind had made it likely for night to have been thrown off balance in her flow, something in the air seemed to have faltered -- was it an effect of her bile keeping the elemental frustrated as it was volatile? that mistake was all she needed to sink her edge deeper into its core, ooze seeping out once again, before diving backwards once she felt that she'd gambled with its downtime enough.

and though night was concerned, she wasn't as much so about her own safety as she was with how her companion was coping. heavy armor seemed to get the best of most, and she'd seen how precise one had to be with the use of polearms. dexterity over strength in aincrad. she wondered if it mirrored life poorly in this regard, but kept true to its systems, in fear of the elemental striking back.

she'd need to rely on it to dodge.

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