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[F04 | R5 Performer | Closed] Morríghan's Descants

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Morríghan's Descants

Morríghan's Songs; Main Recording Studio

Located in the small wintery home found on floor four, just on the outskirts of Snowfrost, Morríghan's Songs forgoes the typical storefront often found throughout Aincrad. A small pathway leads around to the western side of the house, containing an entryway that leads into the basement, where the recording studios themselves are found. Above the entranceway sits a small sign, coloured a soft ice blue with violet lettering, announcing the shop's name to the world.

Upon entering, an attendee can find an open recording studio, soft grey wood flooring leading to large windows that face southward - allowing the daylight in to light up the area. A large grand piano sits in a far corner, and various instruments can be found strewn about the shop - placed carefully in a haphazardous way. Depending on the hour of day, the bustle of movement, the combination of instrumental and vocals - or pure vocals - or the silence of an empty studio can greet the newcomer. 

Hidden away in a back room, is the smaller stage designed for live performances. Providing room for nearly thirty people comfortably, the stage area also contains a smaller bar area that provides basic edibles and drinks, while containing a minor setup for amateur performers. 

Morríghan's Songs; Live Performance Stage

Standard Pricing
Item Quality Col Cost
(In Stock)
Material Cost
(In Stock)
Col Cost
(Custom Order)
Material Cost
(Custom Order)
Uncommon 350 1 700 2
Rare 400 1 800 2
Perfect 600 1 1,200 3

Demonic Custom Orders require a Demonic Shard, as well as Perfect Custom Order cost. Please Note Masterpiece Custom Orders may take longer to fill. Average order time is 1-4 days, depending on success.
Payment required upon item retrieval.

Custom Order Template
Order Form Current Order Queue
Item Name: [Insert Desired Name Here]
Item Type: [Insert Desired Item Type Here]
Tier: [Select Desired Tier]
Quality: [Uncommon/Rare/Perfect/Demonic]
Enhancements: [Insert Desired Enhancements Here]
Description: [Insert Additional Desired Description Here]

Please note that standard descriptions are used, unless specific desires are requested.
No Pending Orders

Current Stock:

Debuff Songs

Support Songs

When ordering, please include the ID Number for reference on purchase.

Custom Orders
None Outstanding








Edited by Nari-Lanreth
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It felt weird, stepping into the recording studio for the first time. For so long, her work had been at the heat of the forge – the hammer ringing out against the steel and metals she had worked with to create her final pieces. Now, she would rely upon her voice in order to complete her work – something she was still coming to terms with.

“Well, Yuki, it looks like you get a private showing today. Don’t judge me too hard, alright?” She gave the fox a sly grin, before turning to the crystals laid out on the table before her, hoping that she would be able to make good on her success today.


Date: 2022-04-06
[0/39 EXP] Rank 1 - Music PrimoAble to craft Tier 1 equipment. 2 crafts per day. 
Crafting Buffs
Extended Workshop [+1 Daily Crafting Attempts; +2 EXP per crafting attempt]
Dragon's Breath {14} [Crafter's Respite; Resets your daily crafting/identification attempts. Cannot use more than one Crafter’s Respite within one calendar day.]

Crafting Tier 1 [Support Song]
ID208225 | CD: 1 | LD: 15 | Critical Fail (Lose Materials)
ID208226 | CD: 6 | LD: 16 | Salvage (Save Materials)
ID208227 | CD: 2 | LD: 15 | Fail (Lose Materials)

Crafter's Respite Consumed
Crafting Tier 1 [Support Song]
ID208228 | CD: 8 | LD: 14 | Salvage (Save Materials)
ID208229 | CD: 2 | LD: 13 | Fail (Lose Materials)
ID208230 | CD: 7 | LD: 14 | Critical Fail (Lose Materials)

Result: +21 EXP (3+3+4+4+3+4) [21/39]
Dragon's Breath {13} [Crafter's Respite; Resets your daily crafting/identification attempts. Cannot use more than one Crafter’s Respite within one calendar day.]


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Her first session in the recording studio had been…well, horrible. Horrible was the only way to describe it. She had to admit, this was nothing like her blacksmithing trade – there she had been able to at least craft something. But here…well, vocals were always a difficult skill to possess, let alone master.

Sighing to herself as she entered the small auditorium she was using to record herself, she glanced around – immediately spotting NIGHT hanging out in a corner, clearly waiting to watch her work. Flushing in embarrassment, Nari tried to ignore the girl as she went about her practice routine.


Date: 2022-04-07
[21/39 EXP] Rank 1 - Music PrimoAble to craft Tier 1 equipment. 2 crafts per day. 
Crafting Buffs
Extended Workshop [+1 Daily Crafting Attempts; +2 EXP per crafting attempt]
Dragon's Breath {13} [Crafter's Respite; Resets your daily crafting/identification attempts. Cannot use more than one Crafter’s Respite within one calendar day.]

Crafting Tier 1 [Support Song]
ID208284 | CD: 5 | LD: 13 | Fail (Lose Materials)
ID208285 | CD: 5 | LD: 2 | Fail (Lose Materials)
ID208286 | CD: 1 | LD: 16 | Fail (Lose Materials)

Crafter's Respite Consumed
Crafting Tier 1 [Support Song]
ID208287 | CD: 5 | LD: 6 | Salvage (Lose Materials)
ID208288 | CD: 6 | LD: 10 | Salvage (Lose Materials)
ID208289 | CD: 7 | LD: 8 | Salvage (Lose Materials)

Result: +21 EXP (3+3+3+4+4+4) [42/159]
Dragon's Breath {12} [Crafter's Respite; Resets your daily crafting/identification attempts. Cannot use more than one Crafter’s Respite within one calendar day.]

[42/159 EXP] Rank 2 - Secondo Artistica: Able to craft Tier 2 equipment. 4 crafts per day. 
Crafting Buffs
Extended Workshop [+1 Daily Crafting Attempts; +2 EXP per crafting attempt]

Crafting Tier 1 [Support Song]
ID208290 | CD: 11 | LD: 3 | Rare [2 Slots]
ID208291 | CD: 5 | LD: 11 | Salvage (Save Materials)

Result: +11 EXP (7+4) [53/159]

New Item:
| Rare Support Song {1}


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The morning sunshine spilled through the windows of the recording studio, drapping the entire area in a luminescent glow blue hues. Taking a deep breath and casting her gaze across the area, she hovered for a moment - enjoying the silent bliss that seemed to hover over the auditorium. The stillness in the air, unbroken save for her own presence, was almost peaceful and welcoming to Nari. For a time, she did nothing but savour it.

Realising the day was slowly passing her by, Nari set the crystals to be used in today's sessions before her, quickly preparing herself before activating the first.


Date: 2022-04-08
[53/159 EXP] Rank 2 - Secondo Artistica: Able to craft Tier 2 equipment. 4 crafts per day. 
Crafting Buffs
Extended Workshop [+1 Daily Crafting Attempts; +2 EXP per crafting attempt]
Dragon's Breath {12} [Crafter's Respite; Resets your daily crafting/identification attempts. Cannot use more than one Crafter’s Respite within one calendar day.]

Crafting Tier 2 [Debuff Song]
ID208330 | CD: 8 | LD: 13 | Uncommon [1 Slot]
ID208331 | CD: 2 | LD: 8 | Fail [Lose Materials]
ID208332 | CD: 12 | LD: 16 | Perfect [3 Slots]
ID208333 | CD: 1 | LD: 20 | Critical Fail [Lose Materials]
ID208334 | CD: 12 | LD: 1 | Perfect [3 Slots] 

Crafter's Respite Consumed
Crafting Tier 2 [Debuff Song]
ID208335 | CD: 8 | LD: 17 | Uncommon [1 Slot; Masterpiece]
ID208336 | CD: 2 | LD: 11 | Fail [Lose Materials]

ID208337 | CD: 6 | LD: 12 | Salvage [Save Materials]
ID208338 | CD: 3 | LD: 19 | Fail [Lose Materials]
ID208339 | CD: 7 | LD: 3 |  Salvage [Lose Materials]

Result: +50 EXP (5+3+10+3+10+5+3+4+3+4) [103/159]
Dragon's Breath {11} [Crafter's Respite; Resets your daily crafting/identification attempts. Cannot use more than one Crafter’s Respite within one calendar day.]

New Item:
| Perfect Debuff Song {2}
| Uncommon Debuff Song {1}
| Uncommon Debuff Song; Masterpiece {1}


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Already humming a tune that had been stuck in her head the entire morning, Nari wandered into the recording studio with a smile on her face. Although her success had been...limited, she had come to enjoy her time within the studio. It reminded her of the time she had spent back in high school, and the year after. She found her companion seated at the piano, gently struggling with a few of the keys. Smiling to herself, she crossed to the piano, catching the sudden jerk movement as NIGHT realised she wasn't alone.

“I could teach you, if you wanted...” She tossed a beaming smile towards NIGHT, watching as the other fumbled with the keys, an attempt to play something coming across as...well, Nari had to admit, amateur. Deciding to leave the girl to her muses, she made her way towards the table that she had set out for her crystals, laying them out in front of her as she considered her crafting for the day.


Date: 2022-04-08
[103/159 EXP] Rank 2 - Secondo Artistica: Able to craft Tier 2 equipment. 4 crafts per day. 
Crafting Buffs
Extended Workshop [+1 Daily Crafting Attempts; +2 EXP per crafting attempt]
Dragon's Breath {11} [Crafter's Respite; Resets your daily crafting/identification attempts. Cannot use more than one Crafter’s Respite within one calendar day.]

Crafting Tier 2 [Support Song]
ID208402 | CD: 8 | LD: 9 | Uncommon [1 Slot]
ID208403 | CD: 2 | LD: 7 | Fail [Lose Materials]

ID208404 | CD: 7 | LD: 20 | Salvage [Save Materials]
ID208405 | CD: 1 | LD: 6 | Critical Fail [Lose Materials]
ID208406 | CD: 6 | LD: 10 | Salvage [Lose Materials]

Crafter's Respite Consumed
Crafting Tier 2 [Support Song]

ID208407 | CD: 2 | LD: 15 | Fail [Lose Materials]
ID208408 | CD: 7 | LD: 13 | Salvage [Save Materials]
ID208409 | CD: 9 | LD: 3 | Uncommon [1 Slot]
ID208410 | CD: 4 | LD: 1 | Fail [Lose Materials]
ID208411 | CD: 10 | LD: 18 | Uncommon [1 Slot; Masterpiece]

Result: +39 EXP (5+3+4+3+4+3+4+5+3+5) [142/159]
Dragon's Breath {10} [Crafter's Respite; Resets your daily crafting/identification attempts. Cannot use more than one Crafter’s Respite within one calendar day.]

Uncommon Support Song [ID208402] + Uncommon Support Song [ID208409]
| Fused to create Rare Support Song [ID208412]

New Item:
| Uncommon Masterpiece Support Song {1}
| Rare Support Song {1}


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The evening sunshine shone through the large windows as Nari led NIGHT into the recording studio. The day had been eventful, if nothing else. But as they were winding down, Nari had felt the itch to return to the studio one more time - if for no other reason than to enjoy the looks her companion gave her as she worked. She'd never considered her singing to be...spectacular, by any means - yet NIGHT seemed to enjoy listening. Or, at least pretended to enjoy listening. Either way, Nari was more than content to provide the evening entertainment as it was. 

Taking a few moments to set the crystals up before her, she opened the piano and began to play a song she'd sung long ago on one of her first stages. Memories rushing back, she let the words fall out and onto the air, closing her eyes as she played and sang.


Date: 2022-04-10
[142/159 EXP] Rank 2 - Secondo Artistica: Able to craft Tier 2 equipment. 4 crafts per day. 
Crafting Buffs
Extended Workshop [+1 Daily Crafting Attempts; +2 EXP per crafting attempt]
Dragon's Breath {10} [Crafter's Respite; Resets your daily crafting/identification attempts. Cannot use more than one Crafter’s Respite within one calendar day.]

Crafting Tier 2 [Support Song]
ID208477 | CD: 12 | LD: 13 | Perfect [3 Slots]
ID208478 | CD: 2 | LD: 5 | Fail [Lose Materials]
ID208479 | CD: 4 | LD: 9 | Fail [Lose Materials]

ID208480 | CD: 1 | LD: 6 | Critical Fail [Lose Materials]
ID208481 | CD: 3 | LD: 8 | Fail [Lose Materials]

Crafter's Respite Consumed
Crafting Tier 2 [Support Song]
ID208482 | CD: 4 | LD: 18 | Fail [Lose Materials]
ID208483 | CD: 11 | LD: 12 | Rare [2 Slots]

ID208484 | CD: 8 | LD: 3 | Uncommon [1 Slot]
ID208485 | CD: 3 | LD: 5 | Fail [Lose Materials]
ID208486 | CD: 12 | LD: 15 | Perfect [3 Slots]

Result: +50 EXP (10+3+3+3+3+3+7+5+3+10) [192/639]
Dragon's Breath {9} [Crafter's Respite; Resets your daily crafting/identification attempts. Cannot use more than one Crafter’s Respite within one calendar day.]

New Item:
| Perfect Support Song {2}
| Rare Support Song {1}
| Uncommon Support Song {1}


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The morning sun had just begun to shine through the windows when Nari wandered into the recording studio. NIGHT was already lounging on the bench behind the piano, clearly waiting on her arrival. A brief smile, a finger to lips and she had turned her attention towards getting started. Shuffling onto the bench, she laid out the crystals before her, her fingers sliding across the keys before entering into the songs that she had deemed for the day.


Date: 2022-04-12
[192/639 EXP
Rank 3 - El Tercio Tocador: Able to craft Tier 3 equipment. 6 crafts per day. 
Crafting Buffs
Extended Workshop [+1 Daily Crafting Attempts; +2 EXP per crafting attempt]
Dragon's Breath {9} [Crafter's Respite; Resets your daily crafting/identification attempts. Cannot use more than one Crafter’s Respite within one calendar day.]

Crafting Tier 2 [Support Song]
ID208570 | CD: 3 | LD: 16 | Salvage [Save Materials]
ID208571 | CD: 6 | LD: 13 | Salvage [Save Materials]

ID208572 | CD: 5 | LD: 11 | Salvage [Save Materials]
ID208573 | CD: 5 | LD: 13 | Salvage [Save Materials]
ID208574 | CD: 12 | LD: 1 | Perfect [3 Slots]
ID208575 | CD: 7 | LD: 9 | Uncommon [1 Slot]
ID208576 | CD: 5 | LD: 6 | Salvage [Lose Materials]

Crafter's Respite Consumed
Crafting Tier 2 [Support Song]
ID208577 | CD: 6 | LD: 7 | Salvage [Lose Materials]
ID208578 | CD: 12 | LD: 3 | Perfect [3 Slots]

ID208579 | CD: 4 | LD: 17 | Salvage [Save Materials]
ID208580 | CD: 6 | LD: 12  | Salvage [Save Materials]
ID208581 | CD: 11 | LD: 10 | Rare [2 Slots]
ID208582 | CD: 9 | LD: 3 | Uncommon [1 Slot]
ID208583 | CD: 1 | LD: 13 | Critical Fail [Lose Materials]

Result: +72 EXP (4+4+4+4+10+5+4+4+10+4+4+7+5+3) [264/639]
Dragon's Breath {8} [Crafter's Respite; Resets your daily crafting/identification attempts. Cannot use more than one Crafter’s Respite within one calendar day.]

New Item:
| Uncommon Support Song {2}
| Rare Support Song {1}
| Perfect Support Song {2}


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As the evening began in earnest, Nari made her way into the studio once more - this time finding NIGHT attending to the keyboard, the notes ringing out against the air in a less than perfect manner. Standing at the door for a few moments, waiting for the other to notice her, she smiled at the attempt. It was clear that the other was untrained, unschool, but the desire was there.

"I could teach you, if you wanted..." The words seeming to catch the other by surprise, she leapt from the bench, leaving it behind. A few mumbled words, and Nari took the time to process the request - if it could be called that - as she settled into the piano bench itself. "Guitar? I was never great at it myself...but if you've got the desire to try, why not?"


Date: 2022-04-13
[264/639 EXP
Rank 3 - El Tercio Tocador: Able to craft Tier 3 equipment. 6 crafts per day. 
Crafting Buffs
Extended Workshop [+1 Daily Crafting Attempts; +2 EXP per crafting attempt]
Dragon's Breath {8} [Crafter's Respite; Resets your daily crafting/identification attempts. Cannot use more than one Crafter’s Respite within one calendar day.]

Crafting Tier 3 [Debuff Song]
ID208589 | CD: 10 | LD: 2 | Rare [2 Slots]
ID208590 | CD: 11 | LD: 13 | Rare [2 Slots]
ID208591 | CD: 8 | LD: 9 | Uncommon [1 Slot]
ID208592 | CD: 6 | LD: 6 | Salvage [Lose Materials]
ID208593 | CD: 7 | LD: 20 | Uncommon; Masterpiece [1 Slot]
ID208594 | CD: 10 | LD: 2 | Rare [2 Slots]
ID208595 | CD: 10 | LD: 3 | Rare [2 Slots]

Crafter's Respite Consumed
Crafting Tier 3 [Debuff Song]

ID208596 | CD: 1 | LD: 11 | Critical Failure [Lose Materials]
ID208597 | CD: 8 | LD: 3 | Uncommon [1 Slot]
ID208598 | CD: 7 | LD: 6 | Uncommon [1 Slot]
ID208599 | CD: 12 | LD: 11 | Perfect [3 Slots]
ID208600 | CD: 9 | LD: 15 | Uncommon [1 Slot]
ID208601 | CD: 7 | LD: 3 | Uncommon [1 Slot]
ID208602 | CD: 4 | LD: 14 | Salvage [Save Materials]

Result: +79 EXP (7+7+5+4+5+7+7+3+5+5+10+5+5+4) [343/639]
Dragon's Breath {7} [Crafter's Respite; Resets your daily crafting/identification attempts. Cannot use more than one Crafter’s Respite within one calendar day.]

Rare T3 Debuff Song [ID208589] + Rare T3 Debuff Song [ID208590] | Fused to create: Perfect T3 Debuff Song [ID208603]
Rare T3 Debuff Song [ID208594] + Rare T3 Debuff Song [ID208595] | Fused to create: Perfect T3 Debuff Song [ID208604]
Uncommon T3 Debuff Song [ID208597] + Uncommon T3 Debuff Song [ID208598] | Fused to create: Rare T3 Debuff Song [ID208605]
Uncommon T3 Debuff Song [ID208591] + Uncommon T3 Debuff Song [ID208601] | Fused to create: Rare T3 Debuff Song [ID208606]
Uncommon; Masterpiece T3 Debuff Song [ID208593] + Uncommon; Masterpiece T3 Debuff Song [ID208600] | Fused to create: Rare; Masterpiece T3 Debuff Song [ID208607] Ignore roll 208607; incorrect.
Rare T3 Debuff Song [ID208605] + Rare T3 Debuff Song [ID208606] | Fused to create: Perfect T3 Debuff Song [ID208608]

New Item:
| Uncommon T3 Debuff Song {1}
| Perfect T3 Debuff Song {3}
| Rare; Masterpiece T3 Debuff Song {1} 


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The studio had been silent for the past few minutes, Nari waiting patiently as NIGHT fiddled with the strap on the guitar, the cords, and just about everything else that would halt her from actually attempting to play the instrument. Leaning against the piano, she smiled - more to herself than to her companion. "If you're ready, I'll start on the melody and keys?" 

The question, more rhetorical than anything else, was followed by Nari swinging around and onto the bench behind the piano, her fingers splaying out naturally before her humming began. The fingers, following some unseen sign within herself, began to play the chords aloud, eyes closing as she focused on the music. She knew there was nothing that NIGHT was likely to add - but she'd also learnt long ago that sometimes the best first lesson was to realise how little you actually knew.


Date: 2022-04-13
[343/639 EXP
Rank 3 - El Tercio Tocador: Able to craft Tier 3 equipment. 6 crafts per day. 
Crafting Buffs
Extended Workshop [+1 Daily Crafting Attempts; +2 EXP per crafting attempt]
Dragon's Breath {7} [Crafter's Respite; Resets your daily crafting/identification attempts. Cannot use more than one Crafter’s Respite within one calendar day.]

Crafting Tier 3 [Debuff Song]
ID208615 | CD: 7 | LD: 20 | Uncommon; Masterpiece [1 Slot]
ID208616 | CD: 11 | LD: 1 | Rare [2 Slots]

ID208617 | CD: 1 | LD: 15 | Critical Failure [Lose Materials]
ID208618 | CD: 1 | LD: 16 | Critical Failure [Lose Materials]
ID208619 | CD: 1 | LD: 11 | Critical Failure [Lose Materials]
ID208620 | CD: 1 | LD: 20 | Critical Failure [Lose Materials]
ID208621 | CD: 10 | LD: 11 | Rare [2 Slots]

Crafter's Respite Consumed
Crafting Tier 3 [Debuff Song]
ID208622 | CD: 4 | LD: 1 | Salvage [Lose Materials]
ID208623 | CD: 10 | LD: 8 | Rare [2 Slots]

ID208624 | CD: 4 | LD: 5 | Salvage [Lose Materials]
ID208625 | CD: 11 | LD: 12 | Rare [2 Slots]
ID208626 | CD: 5 | LD: 17 | Salvage [Save Materials]
ID208627 | CD: 11 | LD: 19 | Rare; Masterpiece [2 Slots]
ID208628 | CD: 11 | LD: 4 | Rare [2 Slots]

Result: +71 EXP (5+7+3+3+3+3+7+4+7+4+7+4+7+7) [414/639]
Dragon's Breath {6} [Crafter's Respite; Resets your daily crafting/identification attempts. Cannot use more than one Crafter’s Respite within one calendar day.]

Rare T3 Debuff Song [ID208616] + Rare T3 Debuff Song [ID208621] | Fused: Perfect T3 Debuff Song [ID208629]
Rare T3 Debuff Song [ID208623] + Rare T3 Debuff Song [ID208625] | Fused: Perfect T3 Debuff Song [ID208630]

New Item:

| Uncommon; Masterpiece T3 Debuff Song [ID208615]
| Rare T3 Debuff Song [ID208628]
| Rare; Masterpiece T3 Debuff Song [ID208627]
| Perfect T3 Debuff Song [ID208629; 208630]


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The sound of the chords strumming pulled Nari's attention as she reached for the door handle into the studio. Pausing to listen, she could hear the rising tempo of the song that was being practiced, before the wrong sequence was pulled and the sound of frustrated cursing rang out. Smiling to herself as she remembered her own struggles when she'd begun, she pulled open the door and walked into the studio - catching NIGHT midway through restarting her attempt.

"Don't mind me, I'm just going to set up in the stage room today." A quick smile to appease the other, and she moved on to the smaller room, closing the door behind her to leave both in peace. Sighing, she pulled out the gem stones that she was going to use today, laying them out before her. A quick vocal warm-up, and she began her work for the day.


Date: 2022-04-16
[414/639 EXP
Rank 3 - El Tercio Tocador: Able to craft Tier 3 equipment. 6 crafts per day. 
Crafting Buffs
Extended Workshop [+1 Daily Crafting Attempts; +2 EXP per crafting attempt]
Dragon's Breath {6} [Crafter's Respite; Resets your daily crafting/identification attempts. Cannot use more than one Crafter’s Respite within one calendar day.]

Crafting Tier 3 [Support Song]
ID208714 | CD: 9 | LD: 1 | Uncommon [1 Slot]
ID208715 | CD: 5 | LD: 3 | Salvage [Lose Materials]

ID208716 | CD: 7 | LD: 7 | Uncommon [1 Slot]
ID208717 | CD: 12 | LD: 18 | Perfect; Masterpiece [3 Slots]
ID208718 | CD: 3 | LD: 11 | Salvage [Save Materials]
ID208719 | CD: 4 | LD: 12 | Salvage [Save Materials]
ID208720 | CD: 5 | LD: 20 | Salvage [Save Materials]

Crafter's Respite Consumed
Crafting Tier 3 [Support Song]
ID208721 | CD: 2 | LD: 15 | Fail [Lose Materials]
ID208722 | CD: 4 | LD: 12 | Salvage [Save Materials]
ID208723 | CD: 2 | LD: 18 | Fail [Lose Materials]
ID208724 | CD: 10 | LD: 10 | Rare [2 Slots]
ID208725 | CD: 5 | LD: 11 | Salvage [Save Materials]
ID208726 | CD: 8 | LD: 5 | Uncommon [1 Slot]
ID208727 | CD: 5 | LD: 3 | Salvage [Lose Materials]

Result: +66 EXP (5+4+5+10+4+4+4+3+4+3+7+4+5+4) [480/639]
Dragon's Breath {5} [Crafter's Respite; Resets your daily crafting/identification attempts. Cannot use more than one Crafter’s Respite within one calendar day.]

Uncommon Support Song [ID208714] + Uncommon Support Song [ID208716] | Fused: Rare Support Song [ID208728]
Rare Support Song [ID208724] + Rare Support Song [ID208728] | Fused: Perfect Support Song [ID208729]

New Item:
| T3 Uncommon Support Song [ID208726]
| T3 Perfect Support Song 
| T3 Perfect; Masterpiece Support Song [ID208717]


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The morning light shone through the large windows of the studio. For the first time in a while, Nari found herself alone in the recording area - NIGHT having disappeared to deal with some personal concerns, and Onóra off working on some orders she had recently received. For a few moments Nari simply enjoyed the silence, letting it wash over her. Stirring after some time, she laid out her crystals, opening up the piano and beginning the tune she required for the day.


Date: 2022-04-17
[480/639 EXP
Rank 3 - El Tercio Tocador: Able to craft Tier 3 equipment. 6 crafts per day. 
Crafting Buffs
Extended Workshop [+1 Daily Crafting Attempts; +2 EXP per crafting attempt]
Dragon's Breath {5} [Crafter's Respite; Resets your daily crafting/identification attempts. Cannot use more than one Crafter’s Respite within one calendar day.]

Crafting Tier 3 [Support Song]
ID208744 | CD: 1 | LD: 18 | Critical Fail [Lose Materials]
ID208745 | CD: 12 | LD: 15 | Perfect [3 Slots]

ID208746 | CD: 11 | LD: 1 | Rare [2 Slots]
ID208747 | CD: 10 | LD: 10 | Rare [2 Slots]
ID208748 | CD: 12 | LD: 6 | Perfect [3 Slots]
ID208749 | CD: 4 | LD: 11 | Salvage [Save Materials]
ID208750 | CD: 2 | LD: 6 | Fail [Lose Materials]

Crafter's Respite Consumed
Crafting Tier 3 [Support Song]
ID208751 | CD: 4 | LD: 14 | Salvage [Save Materials]
ID208752 | CD: 10 | LD: 8 | Rare [2 Slots]

ID208753 | CD: 8 | LD: 9 | Uncommon [1 Slot]
ID208754 | CD: 1 | LD: 2 | Critical Fail [Lose Materials]
ID208755 | CD: 9 | LD: 11 | Uncommon [1 Slot]
ID208756 | CD: 1 | LD: 14 | Critical Fail [Lose Materials]
ID208757 | CD: 8 | LD: 15 | Uncommon [1 Slot]

Result: +76 EXP (3+10+7+7+10+4+3+4+7+5+3+5+3+5) [556/639]
Dragon's Breath {4} [Crafter's Respite; Resets your daily crafting/identification attempts. Cannot use more than one Crafter’s Respite within one calendar day.]

Uncommon Support Song [ID208753] + Uncommon Support Song [ID208755] | Fused: Rare Support Song [ID208764]
Rare Support Song [ID208746] + Rare Support Song [ID208747] | Fused: Perfect Support Song [ID208765]
Rare Support Song [ID208752] + Rare Support Song [ID208764] | Fused: Perfect Support Song [ID208769] (Note: Dice Roller states 208765 in error]

New Item:
| T3 Perfect Support Song [ID208745, 208748, 208765, 208769]
| T3 Uncommon Support Song [ID208757]


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A small chime as she entered the recording studio. Pulling up the notification, her eyes glanced over it briefly before she closed it with a smile. Turning to her work, she laid out the crystals she'd be using for the day before opening up the piano. Her fingers hesitated over the keys as she took in the sunlight filtering through the large windows, taking a respite to enjoy the silence before falling into her songs for the day. 


Date: 2022-04-21
[556/639 EXP
Rank 3 - El Tercio Tocador: Able to craft Tier 3 equipment. 6 crafts per day. 
Crafting Buffs
Extended Workshop [+1 Daily Crafting Attempts; +2 EXP per crafting attempt]
Dragon's Breath {4} [Crafter's Respite; Resets your daily crafting/identification attempts. Cannot use more than one Crafter’s Respite within one calendar day.]

Crafting Tier 3 [Support Song]
ID208843 | CD: 3 | LD: 1 | Salvage [Lose Materials]
ID208844 | CD: 4 | LD: 8 | Salvage [Lose Materials]
ID208845 | CD: 5 | LD: 9 | Salvage [Lose Materials]
ID208846 | CD: 7 | LD: 15 | Uncommon [1 Slot]
ID208847 | CD: 4 | LD: 2 | Salvage [Lose Materials]
ID208848 | CD: 6 | LD: 14 | Salvage [Save Materials]
ID208849 | CD: 5 | LD: 16 | Salvage [Salvage Materials]

Crafter's Respite Consumed
Crafting Tier 3 [Support Song]
ID208850 | CD: 10 | LD: 10 | Rare [2 Slots]
ID208851 | CD: 12 | LD: 4 | Perfect [3 Slots]
ID208852 | CD: 4 | LD: 7 | Salvage [Lose Materials]
ID208853 | CD: 7 | LD: 17 | Uncommon; Masterpiece [1 Slot]
ID208854 | CD: 8 | LD: 11 | Uncommon [1 Slot]
ID208855 | CD: 12 | LD: 17 | Perfect; Masterpiece [3 Slots]
ID208856 | CD: 2 | LD: 11 | Fail [Lose Materials]

Result: +73 EXP (4+4+4+5+4+4+4+7+10+4+5+5+10+3) [629/639]
Dragon's Breath {3} [Crafter's Respite; Resets your daily crafting/identification attempts. Cannot use more than one Crafter’s Respite within one calendar day.]

Uncommon Support Song [ID208846] + Uncommon Support Song [ID208854] | Fused: Rare Support Song [ID208857]
Rare Support Song [ID208850] + Rare Support Song [ID208857] | Fused: Perfect Support Song [ID208858]

New Item:

| T3 Perfect Support Song [ID208851, 208858]
| T3 Perfect; Masterpiece Support Song [ID208855]
| T3 Uncommon; Masterpiece Support Song [ID208853]


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The echoes of the guitar strum seemed to hum along the walls of the recording studio. Nari grinned at NIGHT, a look of pride upon her face. "Not so hard, is it? Now that you've got a few chords down, sooner than later we'll be able to get you playing an actual song! And then you'll be performing up right next to me, right?" 

Pulling the crystals for the day out, she laid them out along the top edge of the piano. Testing a few keys to make sure the tune was correct, she fell into her daily routine - or semi-daily routine, at least. She realised as she played that she'd missed a few opportunities to attend to the studio like she'd wanted to - but that was life, especially in a death game.


Date: 2022-04-23
[629/639 EXP
Rank 3 - El Tercio Tocador: Able to craft Tier 3 equipment. 6 crafts per day. 
Crafting Buffs
Extended Workshop [+1 Daily Crafting Attempts; +2 EXP per crafting attempt]
Dragon's Breath {3} [Crafter's Respite; Resets your daily crafting/identification attempts. Cannot use more than one Crafter’s Respite within one calendar day.]

Crafting Tier 3 [Debuff Song]
ID208903 | CD: 10 | LD: 10 | Rare [2 Slots]
ID208904 | CD: 9 | LD: 20 | Uncommon [Materpiece; 1 Slot]
ID208905 | CD: 10 | LD: 5 | Rare [2 Slots]
ID208906 | CD: 6 | LD: 17 | Salvage [Save Materials]
ID208907 | CD: 5 | LD: 8 | Salvage [Lose Materials]
ID208908 | CD: 8 | LD: 20 | Uncommon [Masterpiece; 1 Slot]
ID208909 | CD: 6 | LD: 18 | Salvage [Save Materials]

Crafter's Respite Consumed
Crafting Tier 3 [Debuff Song]
ID208910 | CD: 3 | LD: 20 | Salvage [Save Materials]
ID208911 | CD: 9 | LD: 13 | Uncommon [1 Slot]
ID208912 | CD: 5 | LD: 5 | Salvage [Lost Materials]
ID208913 | CD: 12 | LD: 18 | Perfect [Masterpiece; 3 Slots]
ID208914 | CD: 9 | LD: 10 | Uncommon [1 Slot]
ID208915 | CD: 11 | LD: 18 | Rare [Masterpiece; 2 Slots]
ID208916 | CD: 2 | LD: 6 | Failure [Lose Materials]

Result: +74 EXP (7+5+7+4+4+5+4+4+5+4+10+5+7+3) [703/2259]
Dragon's Breath {2} [Crafter's Respite; Resets your daily crafting/identification attempts. Cannot use more than one Crafter’s Respite within one calendar day.]

Uncommon [Masterpiece] Debuff Song [ID208904] + Uncommon [Masterpiece] Debuff Song [ID208908] | Fused: Rare [Masterpiece] Debuff Song [ID208917]
Rare [Masterpiece] Debuff Song [ID208915] + Rare [Masterpiece] Debuff Song [ID208917] | Fused: Perfect [Masterpiece] Debuff Song [ID208918]
Uncommon Debuff Song [ID208911] + Uncommon Debuff Song [ID208914] | Fused: Rare Debuff Song [ID208919]
Rare Debuff Song [ID208905] + Rare Debuff Song [ID208919] | Fused: Perfect Debuff Song [ID208920]

New Item:

| T3 Perfect [Masterpiece] Debuff Song [ID208913, 208918]
| T3 Perfect Debuff Song [ID208920]


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The music humming in her ears still, Nari smiled as she glanced about her recording studio. It wasn't anything like the forge that she had begun her professional career within Aincrad inside, but the studio had a warm, welcoming feel to it that the forge had never presented - here she could work hard, but never break a true sweat. There was no slamming of steel upon steel to form shapes of weapons, armour and assorted other battle garments. But here should could present something else - a melody of tunes, lyrics and assorted keys that could make or break a fight, in a supportive way.

Setting out her crystals once more, she settled into the piano - pausing to relish the moment before beginning her work for the day.


Date: 2022-04-24
[703/2259 EXP] Rank 4 - El Quarto Instructor: Able to craft Tier 4 equipment. 8 crafts per day. 
Crafting Buffs
Extended Workshop [+1 Daily Crafting Attempts; +2 EXP per crafting attempt]
Dragon's Breath {3} [Crafter's Respite; Resets your daily crafting/identification attempts. Cannot use more than one Crafter’s Respite within one calendar day.]

Crafting Tier 4 [Debuff Song]
208934 | CD: 5 | LD: 5 | Salvage [Lose Materials]
208935 | CD: 3 | LD: 8 | Salvage [Lose Materials]
208936 | CD: 10 | LD: 4 | Rare [2 Slots]
208937 | CD: 5 | LD: 10 | Salvage [Lose Materials]
208938 | CD: 10 | LD: 9 | Rare [2 Slots]
208939 | CD: 3 | LD: 15 | Salvage [Save Materials] 
208940 | CD: 12 | LD: 7 | Perfect [3 Slots]
208941 | CD: 11 | LD: 5 | Rare [2 Slots]
208942 | CD: 9 | LD: 1 | Rare [2 Slots]

Result: +54 EXP (4+4+7+4+7+4+10+7+7) [757/2259]

Rare Debuff Song [ID208936] + Rare Debuff Song [ID208938] | Fused: Perfect Debuff Song [ID208944]
Rare Debuff Song [ID208941] + Rare Debuff Song [ID208942] | Fused: Perfect Debuff Song [ID208945]

New Item:
| T3 Perfect Debuff Song [ID208940, 208944, 208945]


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The sounds of strumming guitar strings dragged her towards the recording studio, somewhat still offkey - yet improving nonetheless each day. She paused just outside the door, listening as the instrument was tested and tried, the success varying slightly with each attempt. Smiling to herself, she hummed along softly, closing her eyes as she placed the song in her memory. As the air fell silent again, Nari decided her time outside the studio itself was over, and pushed through the door with a smile on her face.

"Improving every day, from the sounds of it!" She grinned at NIGHT as she made her way across to the piano, taking a seat before placing her crystals for the day.


Date: 2022-04-26
[757/2259 EXP] Rank 4 - El Quarto Instructor: Able to craft Tier 4 equipment. 8 crafts per day. 
Crafting Buffs
Extended Workshop [+1 Daily Crafting Attempts; +2 EXP per crafting attempt]
Dragon's Breath {3} [Crafter's Respite; Resets your daily crafting/identification attempts. Cannot use more than one Crafter’s Respite within one calendar day.]

Crafting Tier 4 [Support Song]
208969 | CD: 7 | LD: 1 | Uncommon [1 Slot]
208970 | CD: 4 | LD: 20 | Salvage [Save Materials]
208971 | CD: 2 | LD: 5 | Fail [Lose Materials]
208972 | CD: 9 | LD: 13 | Rare [2 Slots]
208973 | CD: 2 | LD: 18 | Fail [Lose Materials]
208974 | CD: 3 | LD: 7 | Salvage [Lose Materials]
208975 | CD: 12 | LD: 8 | Perfect [3 Slots]
208976 | CD: 4 | LD: 16 | Salvage [Save Materials]
208977 | CD: 11 | LD: 18 | Rare [Masterpiece; 2 Slots]

Crafter's Respite Consumed
Crafting Tier 4 [Support Song]
208978 | CD: 2 | LD: 7 | Fail [Lose Materials]
208979 | CD: 6 | LD: 12 | Uncommon [1 Slot]
208980 | CD: 11 | LD: 6 | Rare [2 Slots]
208981 | CD: 4 | LD: 13 | Salvage [Save Materials]
208982 | CD: 3 | LD: 10 | Salvage [Lose Materials]
208983 | CD: 5 | LD: 5 | Salvage [Lose Materials]
208984 | CD: 6 | LD: 8 | Uncommon [1 Slot]
208985 | CD: 7 | LD: 1 | Uncommon [1 Slot]
208986 | CD: 10 | LD: 17 | Rare [Masterpiece; 2 Slots]

Result: +89 EXP (5+4+3+5+3+4+10+4+7+3+5+7+4+4+4+5+5+7) [846/2259]

Dragon's Breath {2} [Crafter's Respite; Resets your daily crafting/identification attempts. Cannot use more than one Crafter’s Respite within one calendar day.]

Uncommon Support Song [ID208969] + Uncommon Support Song [ID208985] | Fused: Rare Support Song [ID208987]
Uncommon Support Song [ID208979] + Uncommon Support Song [ID208984] | Fused: Rare Support Song [ID208988]
Rare Masterpiece Support Song [ID208977] + Rare Masterpiece Support Song [ID208986] | Fused: Perfect Masterpiece Support Song [ID208989]
Rare Support Song [ID208987] + Rare Support Song [ID208988] | Fused: Perfect Support Song [ID208990]
Rare Support Song [ID208979] + Rare Support Song [ID208980] | Fused: Perfect Support Song [ID208993]

New Item:
| T4 Perfect Support Song [ID208975, 208990, 208993]
| T4 Perfect [Masterpiece] Support Song [ID208989]


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The day had been busy - she'd spent most of it chasing around a dragonling, among other events. The one thing she had been happy about, was being able to spend the time with NIGHT. But as the day had come towards its end, NIGHT had excused herself, leaving Nari with nothing more to do but attend to the recording studio. 

Settling into the piano, she laid out her crystals in preparation before placing her fingers upon the keys. The soft notes rang out, as her voice quickly picked up the melody - the once silent studio suddenly lively with noise.


Date: 2022-04-28
[846/2259 EXP] Rank 4 - El Quarto Instructor: Able to craft Tier 4 equipment. 8 crafts per day. 
Crafting Buffs
Extended Workshop [+1 Daily Crafting Attempts; +2 EXP per crafting attempt]
Dragon's Breath {2} [Crafter's Respite; Resets your daily crafting/identification attempts. Cannot use more than one Crafter’s Respite within one calendar day.]

Crafting Tier 4 [Support Song]
208999 | CD: 10 | LD: 13 | Rare [2 Slots]
209000 | CD: 6 | LD: 17 | Uncommon [Masterpiece; 1 Slot]
209001 | CD: 6 | LD: 17 | Uncommon [Masterpiece; 1 Slot]
209002 | CD: 7 | LD: 8 | Uncommon [1 Slot]
209003 | CD: 3 | LD: 17 | Salvage [Save Materials]
209004 | CD: 12 | LD: 12 | Perfect [3 Slots]
209005 | CD: 5 | LD: 20 | Salvage [Save Materials]
209006 | CD: 11 | LD: 3 | Rare [2 Slots]
209007 | CD: 1 | LD: 8 | Critical Failure [Lose Materials]

Crafter's Respite Consumed
Crafting Tier 4 [Support Song]

209008 | CD: 8 | LD: 19 | Uncommon [Masterpiece; 1 Slot]
209009 | CD: 9 | LD: 5 | Rare [2 Slots]
209010 | CD: 4 | LD: 8 | Salvage [Lose Materials]
209011 | CD: 9 | LD: 17 | Rare [Masterpiece; 2 Slots]
209012 | CD: 1 | LD: 11 | Critical Failure [Lose Materials]
209013 | CD: 8 | LD: 3 | Uncommon [1 Slot]
209014 | CD: 7 | LD: 4 | Uncommon [1 Slot]
209015 | CD: 5 | LD: 6 | Salvage [Lose Materials]
209016 | CD: 11 | LD: 15 | Rare [Masterpiece; 2 Slots]

Result: +97 EXP (7+5+5+5+4+10+4+7+3+5+7+4+7+3+5+5+4+7) [943/2259]

Dragon's Breath {1} [Crafter's Respite; Resets your daily crafting/identification attempts. Cannot use more than one Crafter’s Respite within one calendar day.]

Uncommon Masterpiece Support Song [ID209000] + Uncommon Masterpiece Support Song [ID20901] | Fused: Rare Masterpiece Support Song [ID209017]

Uncommon Support Song [ID20902] + Uncommon Support Song [ID209013] | Fused: Rare Support Song [ID209018]
Rare Masterpiece Support Song [ID209011] + Rare Masterpiece Support Song [ID209016] | Fused: Perfect Masterpiece Support Song [ID209019]
Rare Support Song [ID208999] + Rare Support Song [ID209006] | Fused: Perfect Support Song [ID209020]
Rare Support Song [ID209009] + Rare Support Song [ID209018] | Fused: Perfect Support Song [ID209021]

New Item:
| T4 Perfect Support Song [ID209004, 209020, 209021]
| T4 Perfect [Masterpiece] Support Song [ID209019]
| T4 Uncommon [Masterpiece] Support Song [ID209008]
| T4 Rare [Masterpiece] Support Song [ID209017]
| T4 Uncommon Support Song [ID209014]


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The feast had gone on far longer than Nari had expected, and she'd returned late into the night. The morning had been almost as rough - she'd forgotten to turn off the alarm clock, and had been rudely awoken at her normal early time, something that she was now cursing. 

With nothing more to be done about it, however, she'd found herself drawn to the recording studio, interested in testing out the metronome and seeing what affect it had on her crafting skills. She assumed it would be similar to the hammer she'd once had - but curiosity was curisosity, and it had to be saited.


Date: 2022-04-29
[943/2259 EXP] Rank 4 - El Quarto Instructor: Able to craft Tier 4 equipment. 8 crafts per day. 
Crafting Buffs
Extended Workshop [+1 Daily Crafting Attempts; +2 EXP per crafting attempt]

Apollo’s Metronome [Crafting Tool; +1 CD when crafting in one’s workshop.]
Dragon's Breath {1} [Crafter's Respite; Resets your daily crafting/identification attempts. Cannot use more than one Crafter’s Respite within one calendar day.]

Crafting Tier 4 [Debuff Song]
209026 | CD: 8+1=9 | LD: 18 | Rare [Masterpiece; 2 Slots]
209027| CD: 4+1=5 | LD: 19 | Salvage [Save Materials]
209028 | CD: 6+1=7 | LD: 11 | Uncommon [1 Slot]
209029 | CD: 9+1=10 | LD: 14 | Rare [Masterpiece; 2 Slots]
209030 | CD: 2+1=3 | LD: 3 | Salvage [Lose Materials]
209031 | CD: 6+1=7 | LD: 19 | Uncommon [Masterpiece; 1 Slot]
209032 | CD: 9+1=10 | LD: 17 | Rare [Masterpiece; 2 Slots]
209033 | CD: 6+1=7 | LD: 18 | Uncommon [Masterpiece; 1 Slot]
209034 | CD: 3+1=4 | LD: 19 | Salvage [Save Materials]


Result: +48 EXP (7+4+5+7+4+5+7+5+4) [991/2259]

Uncommon [Masterpiece; Debuff Song; ID209031] + Uncommon [Masterpiece; Debuff Song; ID209033] | Fused: Rare [Masterpiece; Debuff Song; ID209035]**208 written by accident on roller for 209031/209033
Rare [Masterpiece; Debuff Song; ID209026] + Rare [Masterpiece; Debuff Song; ID209029] | Fused: Perfect [Masterpiece; Debuff Song; ID209036]
Rare [Masterpiece; Debuff Song; ID209032] + Rare [Masterpiece; Debuff Song; ID209035] | Fused: Perfect [Masterpiece; Debuff Song; ID209037]

New Item:
| T4 Uncommon Debuff Song [ID209028]
| T4 Perfect [Masterpiece] Debuff Song [ID209036, 209037]


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The song had been stuck in her mind the entire day, but as she sat in front of the piano, she found her mind empty. Devoid of any tune, and somehow denying her the basic urges to begin the work that need be completed. 

Sighing heavily, she laid out the crystals along the piano top once more, before tapping a few of the keys in an attempt to get the motivation she needed. "Never going to get anything done if I just sit here..."

Another heavy sigh, before she decided that this would be one of the days where natural born motivation simply wouldn't do - instead, she'd need to force it. 


Date: 2022-05-01
[991/2259 EXP] Rank 4 - El Quarto Instructor: Able to craft Tier 4 equipment. 8 crafts per day. 
Crafting Buffs
Extended Workshop [+1 Daily Crafting Attempts; +2 EXP per crafting attempt]

Apollo’s Metronome [Crafting Tool; +1 CD when crafting in one’s workshop.]
Dragon's Breath {1} [Crafter's Respite; Resets your daily crafting/identification attempts. Cannot use more than one Crafter’s Respite within one calendar day.]

Crafting Tier 4 [Debuff Song]
209056 | CD: 11+1=12 | LD: 4 | Perfect [3 Slots]
209057 | CD: 6+1=7 | LD: 7 | Uncommon [1 Slot]
209058 | CD: 4+1=5 | LD: 4 | Salvage [Lose Materials]
209059 | CD: 8+1=9 | LD: 9 | Rare [2 Slots]
209060 | CD: 8+1=9 | LD: 14 | Rare [Masterpiece; 2 Slots]
209061 | CD: 11+1=12 | LD: 3 | Perfect [3 Slots]
209062 | CD: 9+1=10 | LD: 6 | Rare [2 Slots]
209063 | CD: 12+1=13 | LD: 9 | Perfect [3 Slots]
209064 | CD: 6+1=7 | LD: 3 | Uncommon [1 Slot]

Result: +65 EXP (10+5+4+7+7+10+7+10+5) [1056/2259]

Uncommon Debuff Song [ID209057] + Uncommon Debuff Song [ID209064] | Fused: Rare Debuff Song [ID209065]
Rare Debuff Song [ID209059] + Rare Debuff Song [ID209062] | Fused: Perfect Debuff Song [ID209066]

New Item:
| Rare [Masterpiece] Debuff Song [ID209060]
| Rare Debuff Song [ID209065]
| Perfect Debuff Song [ID209056, 209061, 209063, 209066]


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  • 1 month later...

Teddy entered the winter wonderland. Having not been here before, he was certainly not prepared for the cold. It was more biting than what he was used to back in Texas, still he was on a mission. It wasn't long before he found the store that he learned about from an information board. He entered the store wearing a button up and jeans, nothing fancy. 

The store was something he had not experienced in a long time. An honest to god record store, he took a second to look around before approaching the counter. “Whell hey there missy! Ah got a bit of a shopping list if Ah could have a moment of your time!” He handed over the list, collecting a number of the merchandise. Once the necessary things were in hand, and not without some fighting with the menu, Theodore raises a hand to the shop keep and begins to leave, leaving a tip as he walked out the door. “Ah hope the day finds you whell, and adventure is yours to seize!”




Eleanór a Rún x3 Support Song [HP Recovery] | Perfect | 208990, 208993, 209020

Sí do Mhaimeo Í Support Song [Monster's Fortune] | Uncommon | 209014

Eleanór a Rún | Support Song [HP Recovery] | Perfect [Masterpiece; Mass] |  208989


Spending - 5 mats (For Purchase) + 500 col (Tip)

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Nari gave a slight bow as the elderly man entered the shop - his gait speaking of one of age, likely whom was used to having some sort of support as he moved. She gave a smile, and a small wave before greeting the man.

"Welcome! It's so nice to see some new individuals! I'm Nari, the shop owner, it's a pleasure to meet you. I have a bit of selection, but if you need any help please feel free to let me know!"

Once the man had completed his purchasees, Nari headed back into the recording studio - it had been some time, but she figured it was about time to renew the stock that had just been depleted. Opening the piano, she settled in behind the keys, before beginning her work.


Date: 2022-06-10
[1056/2259 EXP] Rank 4 - El Quarto Instructor: Able to craft Tier 4 equipment. 8 crafts per day. 
Crafting Buffs
Extended Workshop [+1 Daily Crafting Attempts; +2 EXP per crafting attempt]

Apollo’s Metronome [Crafting Tool; +1 CD when crafting in one’s workshop.]
Dragon's Breath {1} [Crafter's Respite; Resets your daily crafting/identification attempts. Cannot use more than one Crafter’s Respite within one calendar day.]

Crafting Tier 4 [Support Song]
209469 | CD: 8+1=9 | LD: 7 | Uncommon [1 Slot]
209470 | CD: 5+1=6 | LD: 20 | Uncommon [Masterpiece; 1 Slot]
209471 | CD: 1+1=2 | LD: 17 | Fail [Lose Materials]
209472 | CD: 12+1=13 | LD: 1 | Perfect [3 Slots]
209473 | CD: 12+1=13 | LD: 15 | Perfect [Masterpiece; 2 Slots]
209474 | CD: 2+1=3 | LD: 18 | Salvage [Save Materials]
209475 | CD: 6+1=7 | LD: 1 | Uncommon [1 Slot]
209476 | CD: 7+1=8 | LD: 2 | Uncommon [1 Slot]
209477 | CD: 8+1=9 | LD: 3 | Rare [2 Slots] 

Result: +54 EXP (5+5+3+10+10+4+5+5+7) [1110/2259]


New Item:
| Uncommon Support Song [ID209469, 209475, 209476]
| Uncommon Masterpiece Support Song [ID209470]
| Rare Support Song [ID209477]
| Perfect Support Song [ID209472]
| Perfect Masterpiece Support Song [ID209473]


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